The Convenience Store | 夜勤事件 (All endings)

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everyone welcome to the convenience store yakking chicken is the Japanese title that comes with it which is kind of like the night shift incidents I would say so very excited I think it's gonna be sort of similar to the puppet combo night shift one with scare the absolute share me but this time with more of a Chile's art kind of twist I'm sure so I'm very excited to check it out so let's let's start our night shift [Music] okay you got it cute cute chile's art chilla JLo Ayla so this is oh my room doesn't look that good wait there's a house okay oh oh that opens wait then ye just to interact okay Oh psych wait what if I can go there why does this open but let's check it out I open everything oh hi - then don't what they call night when I you know really you're just going to work aren't you chi Chi dental the Japanese word I always forget always so where do you keep your flashlights I don't see it but that door doesn't open I don't know why but Chi Chi dental is like the word for me that I'm always just like need to eat something change and grab a flashlight okay eat something and change that was food on the table right do you want to have potato chips for dinner No something in the fridge yes how do I eat it shove it in my face I guess I'll heat it how do I change any clothes in here my employee clothes I see my foot ready yet how long does it take Oh eat Bentall yeah I know exactly what it tastes like they're not bad but I think I just ate too many of them and then you kinda you know how you get super fed up with something cuz you just ate too much of it oh yes I like this looks awesome feel like he's using less look at that I can run oh that's so cool holy [ __ ] so many buildings this looks [ __ ] amazing I love the look of this should I go down here god I have amazing garlic breath oh I guess I can't go down here the stairs fell um cuz I he went in head Greek food so I stuffed my face with tzatziki but I didn't realize that it was it was that garlicky so where is this convenience store that I work it oh this one goes there I'm on my way let's do it god I would be terrified though walking through a creepy neighborhood like this all alone now I understand why you need a flashlight Wow I really feel like he went above and beyond for this one just the amount of buildings and everything looks so good I really I mean s8 every time but I really like the pace of Chile's arts games the pace of which they make them I'm just assuming I'm just going this way they're really good concepts they're always kind of creepy okk idea I think is still my favorite scared to crap out of me I guess this is my stop look at that shining beacon in the darkness someone sitting there what a person that's the person oh you're creepy I know what really happened here I was called to warn you all by the name I cannot speak of the day of judgement will come what kind of campaign Oh summer campaign must be all kinds of summer deals hey dude I'm here Oh God you made it no God you made it oh good you made it mm-hmm no it's just that I recently heard someone had fell off the bridge you just crossed there was an old lady that said she saw a man walking down the street with his legs completely bent the other way what the [ __ ] that's a lot of cigarettes behind you scary stuff if only just was a true story huh huh huh sorry so are we working together or should I like come behind the counter well let me check her out first it isn't rectum interacting points everywhere she looks plain looks like some are expired do you want to take him out guess I'll do that when my shift actually starts this is amazing look at all the packaging hahaha she'll explain Thank You Joyce I'll give it a try let's say yeah thank you movie also submit huh Thank You Joyce indeed that's all the chips got so many details potato chips she cheeky my oh so this is a a tuna mayonnaise flavor Oh naughty so that's um see the the green little seaweed stuff I think Oh naughty like sprinkles boom it [ __ ] what's that I keep forgetting one thing there it's like a sour thing sour plum I forgot Oh sushi o is just salt Oh naughty again she Tiki my oh this is amazing there's so many details you can see humbug oh those sunchoke adore so it's kind of like the hamburger like your dad used to make the brand is called like your dad used to make mom-and-pop kind of feeling meat sauce we can get some beer get some tea carrot juice been drinking only that recently highly recommended this is a grape juice though this is a melon soda melon juice I mean it's Enochian it's got dated Aki arigato gozaimasu panda thank you for always keeping the toilet clean yes exactly I'll be convincing even though we're the ones cleaning probably magazines it just says magazine magazine I rarely buy magazines but I do by Austin Lee magazines I think actually I should do all of this once my shift starts because I think I'm now just like I'm so interested looking everywhere but I should do that sorry his face what are you waiting for punch in let me do that where's the machine I've never in my life punched in I think somewhere I think some foods are expired by the time you start your shift can you take them off the shelves for me your manager will do sir you CCTV sure oh that's cool oh he just left and as a car coming Oh was he doing always coming to the store I should had I know died how do I get out of here I can't right-click but oh there you go [Music] coming hi welcome to Chili's except my colleague leaving okay I think it's so I still have my flashlight on so I'm like welcome how can I help you bye see you later oh right snakes Shella there must be an actual brand that looks like a legit Brent so what's he doing he browsing what do you got Oh a bento and a drink damn dude race you gotta be ready to serve I'm here well he looks sneaky hi can I help you do you want anything oh my god I scanned his like the barcode on his phone like he was a member or something is he leaving I want to see god this is so dynamic there's so much going on I don't like moths what's up ghost gotta sign was it is that please come again okay there were some foods that were expired my closest that we found over here on the right piece where do you want to put it sir garbage bin somewhere not here put it here nope where do you want to throw this away is the question I would cite somewhere do usually is like a garbage bin is it car they buy it didn't stop here I don't know if I can put it in these there's usually something like out back but up here we go there we go I remember one time had a convenient to buy an onigiri I think and and it can be tracked by you know honey Kitty and it turned out it was expired and do it's like I can't let you buy that [ __ ] man I said the only one I really wanted it it's almost like I don't care let me eat this but its policy it's a beer okay we're back I kind of took the unconventional way to the trash bins but trash bins the same thing trash cans well these shelves looked okay shelf looks fine looks like some are expired okay you won't take them spacey music man oh Jesus I guess so I think it's so caught up and working here that I forgot that I'm playing a horror game and just like yeah let's just do our chores okay let's go back in what we have here gettin order s no-show doki oh yeah isn't that like a doc who is poison Doku aqui i think this is like an extermination thing maybe for rats or something look are they there might be more expired food but i got an achievement for it so all potato chips never expire so that's probably fine oh [Music] delivery hello sir kind of late for a delivery man at this time huh recently incorporated the system exclusively for convenience stores that are open late at night looks like this package is directly shipped to the store oh and the name matches your tank I think this is for you yeah sure I'll take it Thanks I thought I was my dog who's gonna sign my said [Music] what did he give me wait we're going home I think I figured it was like one shift wait is that you can see the convenience store from here ah let's close this door no my house is kind of creepy you know so there's a tape in here what is it I didn't think I would survive that night shift honestly guess there's gonna be multiple night shifts wait isn't that at the convenience store that tape wait that was it that's a weird tape I can't watch it again either what did I put in the microwave nothing you want to eat the chips do you want to leave that's my flashlight there again so what do you want to do today I can leave Oh first night Daichi yeah oh [ __ ] getting creepy now trying to close my front door without me inside you don't leave your door open anything kick it in raccoons toki it's a lot darker today so wait am i gonna try and find that spot from the video is that what what we're doing well we seem to tape behind the convenience store right god I would be terrified of just walking in someone's garden like this and likewise can you imagine being in your house and you look outside and suddenly someone's like in your garden the only place we saw any tape was behind the convenience store so I guess we can check there it's a lot darker today is it goes we're out late at night now shoulda brought myself a drink what are we gonna find this is so cool though I would be so terrified to actually walk through a Japanese neighborhood like this with just a flashlight hell no just a bridge where the lady saw someone walking around broken bones I'm gonna check behind the convening I think I need to go around the left though but yeah the creepy dude is not here now it's a car here ah it's that weird van from before is that rust or blood see that must be rust oh and there's another car here hello well she's Akane she's Akane of course it s you of course it does you must know it's just like be quiet because it's nighttime I don't know how to get past here though I can't crouch or anything does it rap hmm having a feast oh another rat I don't think there's any way around that no I wish you could see the videotape again [Music] still gonna be like you're not supposed to be here it's not your shift yet hey hey I heard you reported that the doors would open on their own well we got a guy to check the sensor and it seems like the wirings were loose he thought it was some sort of poltergeist I see those on TV all the time but they're all scripted ghosts aren't real after all would you please punch in I guess it's just it's my time to work huh nature's leaving immediately well bye [Music] I'm gonna check again I can move like that oh and zoom that's what I'm doing oh there's an old person coming don't know how to get out of here like is it just after a certain time please let me leave well she's almost here it doesn't say exit anywhere either I didn't make it to the doors didn't they close oh I guess they were open huh she's going to the back had I exit this I won't like talk to her just as a and D and zoom and when I did the tutorial I only said exit trying all the buttons so space bar tap caps shift a left mouse click of course I'm an idiot never mind grandma what are you doing gonna go have a pee oh she sure is that's a happy face she's so excited to pee well good luck with that do you think there's a new chore for me I completely missed that about the doors opening under and I thought it was just kind of like a bug in the game I saw some rest behind the store someone must have left the garbage bin open first person to see this note has to get rid of the rodents okay should we wait for that lady to come out though [Music] that's not a great parking job dude you in a rush you want something hey I'm in a hurry could you please fetch me five cans of beer and a pack of pack of cigars pack of cigarettes pack a beer why am I getting this for him yeah okay you're soul food do you all want beer and he wanted cigarettes [Music] I guess he wanted he wants five beers you see why is he like me do that so much faster he just grabs it himself yeah okay I'll just keep doing this then that grannies still in the bathroom for [Music] what if I just don't do it I guess nothing happens no wonder he would get angry or something five one more I [Music] wonder if he's annoyed with me because I grab everything one by one you happy good now scan sir yes sir Thanks what dr. Scott as I must say that's all by you will not be missed where's it going Oh bye oh she back you did it she's not moving though huh where's kingka you know where Kinkos thought I heard his voice this was my daughter's house what did you do how dare you oh my god it's just senile she too old to be walking around their own [Music] what'd you do with the bathroom she actually left it she left it pretty cleanly can't complain that's all she did she came to use the bathroom and then she just peace out mother goes good as I mozzie okay I should close the back door it's unprofessional oh I have to get take care of the rats Can I grab some 0/6 what is it what what am i holding yeah it's a rat thing Oh six rats oh no poor rats let's just let's just pretend I'm just scaring them away not actually killing them I was a customer you should go back I hope they don't mind me carrying this I'm here I was is the thing malfunctioning again [ __ ] so we're hiring didn't know that stuffable shoot hmm no age restrictions or salary limitations you get oh you get 950 an hour so it's like almost ten bucks a few work the night shift I guess and 1300 oh wow 1300 yen if you work at night shifts so you get more for the night shifts that's a lot of money that's gonna be broken I'm just gonna go back to the rats customers we'll just have to wait while I'll deal with this are there rats here [Music] there's that side got-damn now I'm gonna keep thinking that there's actually people inside the store [Music] to Moretz one can't really see it though you think Darrell here or also here no probably just here just got a click a lot I'll find him eventually are you in here [Music] Aires one didn't even see him in the darkness so [ __ ] dark baby baby baby now come back to like 25 customers in the store are all being like what the [ __ ] where were you I wanted to [ __ ] pay [Music] you're thinking that posters like a really tall person sticking out over the counters you're being annoying what if I standing between them bit me in the face you dare oh then oh don't uh Pisa Mon yes my favorite happy so often Nicola and a piece of Hmong nikuman is like the standards like meat bun steamed bun but Pisa on that's where it said that's a the same kind of bun but with pizza sauce and cheese and in the inside it's [ __ ] great so nice especially in winter when you're [ __ ] freezing go to the story you just grab one of those warm buns oh well I took care of the rats maybe we can see something huh [Music] there's a kid there see that that's why the doors are going insane who is that [Music] can you scram ghost kids you're messing with the doors should I check again nope is he gone I didn't switch to this one today well you ran off now there's a car coming well that was weird where's the car is he coming [Music] what's event oh hi dude don't mind me I was just curious yeah he come it's not the same delivery guy from yesterday good to see you again oh yes the crewneck iloko kirtan echo is like black cat that's a delivery company in Japan oh you know the unstoppable trend on ordering everything online anyway seems to be a package that needs to be picked up here okay oh you need a package from me oh there is you go by my local scars I must say [Music] well I think that does it that's my night he leaving bye see you later [Music] the George Michael you're done [Music] we had a reflection that would be cool if you could see the kid in the reflection sometimes so what do I do now took care of the rats Oh [Music] second night so that was my first night what was the night before that then they're pretty cool night do you wanna just go what's this umbrella Oh cuz it's raining excuse me once they leave package this is another video let's see it what is it okay forbidden to go further than that it's like a banner I wonder if I need to find these locations it might be like a quick hint it might be like oh I'm already carrying my umbrella it might be like a thing again where we need to wear this multiple endings you know my flashlight on that's cool I love that I'm actually carrying the umbrella might be a thing of like we need to find the locations and if we don't find all the locations in the video then we get the bad ending you know I'm sure I'll be able to find that banner a forbidden entrance tink forbidden to go any further as is awesome I like how much different it is with the rain yeah let me see if we can find that don't come in near sign I'll try and be a little bit more thorough this well I walked around town for a couple of minutes but I couldn't find anything that looked like it so I'm just for now gonna go back here dude isn't here did I take too long oh I see oh Jesus dude you are hiding in the locker you're despicable you're a despicable human being you got me good yeah yeah stop please I won't do it again okay that's good my turn to work some products were missing on the shelf and it always keep the Shelf sold that's our motto so please restock okay you got a dude oh you got a bro bye you really scared me [ __ ] oh I'll restock I think it's good to just go with the flow for the first place er as well just like I can't find it I'm not gonna look it up I'm just gonna go with it for now bye so what needs restocking something in the other site chips potato chips let's do it oh here hahaha one empty someone really wanted some uma chips really wanted some Mumbai chips at one point had some Vento's to help what why am I locked in here know what dudes I need to work can I look through a little bit what was that there open again duh [ __ ] excuse me I need to restock oh there now who the [ __ ] locked me in there oh hi dude oh you are you wearing what are you wearing a towel under hid Hamid uh hi something wrong with the air conditioning oh god you're here to fix it your boss seemed desperate and keeping the food fresh I hate to be working this late but he pays me well you know don't mind me I'll just quickly check the outside units and head right out sure dude do you have a pinkie sticking out his pinkies were sneaking out I guess well he does dad I'll just keep restocking the food I think that was one more thing I could grab the freezer food if calls that who I can already feel the cold okay I think that's it for restock although let me check again let me check back see it does anything else I can grab no beers no I think that's it it's raining inside did you see that it kind of fixed it so that was still raining it's raining when you're like standing here ish know where he is go check in on him I don't have my umbrella Oh where is he checking oh the back oh god yeah there is anything No he's like I'll talk to inside oh he's a car you're just passing through no customer it's a lady huh it's good to be back inside hello let me get behind the counter how can I help you ma'am welcome to Chili's yeah where'd you go mother getting cold maybe shoot I'll grab a hoodie or something I was you just gonna leave immediately without telling me anything yes it's fine she goes to the bathroom but no dishes i restocked for you do you like it who's she come what are you buying a croissant some chips and something I'll find out later I'm curious hey you're the only one working here can't believe this I'm kind of a manager puts a girl on a bait nightshift alone I see you have no choice well at the very least I'll give you my protection charm now be careful oh thank you yeah of course I'll take it [Music] bye oh my luck oh she's gonna sign my say I thought I boss now what did she buy what were those cans it was red something there she has some some red things she stacked up I wonder what she bought oh this cat food I love her she was a great person now what's that interactable outside here her ranch did he forget it hmm let's blew their what's that icky wait what slots is there anything locked around here anything behind the Oh someone in the bathroom no are you freaking out little guy maybe oh no [ __ ] oh no stop I don't need to pee ghosts I got stuck Oh someone made a mess cat food tissues and stuff what's this key though someone in here - [ __ ] seriously though what's this key for what's locked okay I use this key on holy [ __ ] that was Oh something just crawled away back back there okay I guess I can the maybe this key goes in the whatever is back there that's open now so what was that it's like really tall those seem like talismans yeah protective charms well what did I do with the key now I dropped it on the floor I'm so curious what that key is for though but I haven't found anything that's locked just like I have a look not for any of this is it yeah sure her talisman on it the bicycle no it's just a tiny house I don't see anything else man I want to use that key well I guess I can go back to trying to find out where it goes next how it works except my manager or close behind me rats tapes oh [ __ ] for the Deaf number no what maybe I'm safe is it but the talismans on the door [Music] I have the charm to [Applause] now you see looking at me dude oh yeah yes I do we just go home after this well you got to be [ __ ] insane to go back to work now you just just got out of town flee or hide here I got another one oh it's the house that's it but I didn't get any of the other locations what a nightmare was it all a dream Hill now you're [ __ ] let's go see let's see if he's standing behind the counter no he's not do you think he's just dead behind the shop well he didn't scare me the same from the lockers oh no I didn't expect it to change like that oh my god I've poster every time that's locked just left to go around unless it doesn't let me get getting out of the store anymore oh no I'm trapped doomed to serve noodles for all eternity and peas Emma shits should have gone around hello it's a demon taking a poop we're out of cigarettes Oh No just I'll have all the cigarettes in the world so what are we gonna do how am I gonna get out of here that still locks do you think the manager left us a note I wish check that that was a card site no note I can't even punch in can use the cameras though through the cameras look fine oh there's the kid he's going out back no he changed his mind there he go there is on the left he's just going through the aisles yeah he's going in circles is he looking at a certain TV how can I turn on specific oh you should turn on the ones he's looking at so I think this row he was looking like hereis I'll try that one I can't turn that one off well that sucks then dad do it wrong oh I see yeah I did do it wrong okay so let's try it again that one no chime yet they did it wrong when I turned on the TV for you why you upset so big so big I'm gonna wake up at home again oh [ __ ] back to normal [Music] well this is back to normal Oh [Music] fourth night the death night of course for is the bed number [ __ ] I didn't I still haven't gone to that other place send it off to someone else oh my gosh not this time dog I want to see what's on it yes let's see it what is it huh Oh No is that the kid on the bed third side that's cool it's at the end I'm in bed can move who does that I can't move [Music] something coming up the edge of the bed ha ha ha gross yep Oh ending - ah there we go so I guess sending to tape someone else's ending one I wish I had a save mechanic because I have to go through everything again ah man I want to see it also what the I want to know what those tape locations mean oh they have a patreon now awesome she loves art they're great honestly they do a great work I really like their works thank you movie cover um and label hey I I do really like it I had some good moments but it didn't scare me as much as the other the night shift one did that that feels it feels kind of like the same game this one does a lot more if you like this one doesn't more gameplay wise which is really good but the other one there scared the [ __ ] out of me this one what makes a chrism huh cute this one I'm just no no I do like it but I'm not as invested in it as as the other chile's art ones you're just supporting yeah they have a patreon if you like if you really like their stuff then yeah you can consider going to their patreon I am already like buying the games as they come out so I feel like that's my way of supporting them as well hmm one of my thoughts on it I kind of want to see the other endings let me read up a little bit on how to get them ok so actually you get three choices at the end then I'd only saw two but there's a bin to the site that you can throw it in as well so there's just a choice at the end very end of the game you get three options and that's how you get your endings they don't actually show anything so I don't think I'll go I'll play it again all the way because it took me an hour and a half it'll probably take me like 40 minutes to an hour to play through it knowing what you don't need to do but I've looked at the ending sound is just text so I'll just read what the other endings say and that's gonna be it so if you choose to send the tape to someone else this is what it reads I was sickened by the whole situation I sealed the VHS tape carefully and decided to send it off to the sender fortunately the sender's address was on the box when I was done preparing to send it off I felt my tense shoulders relax too much had happened in a short span my mind couldn't keep up I knew I had to rest but I couldn't fall asleep everything about the store terrified me inevitably I had to sit down on a chair and clear up my head what did I see was everything I witnessed even real although I was scared I knew I had to know the truth I wanted to know what had happened and why well maybe so I turned to the internet about the store I found a few old articles and forums talking about the location of where the building was made one comment on a strange forum stood out to me it said there seemed to have been gruesome killings at the property search for the same users comments 2009 there was a case for a man who was the mainstay of the family committed a murder suicide I determined to investigate the incident further Hey September 14th the man killed his child with a kitchen knife while his wife was off through grocery shopping to a local supermarket the English isn't perfect when the wife came back it said that she was killed in an extreme way he then hung himself on the same day they say that the woman was pregnant at the time of her death the woman was killed with several nails punctured onto her along with her child in her stomach I wanted to know I wanted to throw up from the obscene images but I knew I had to continue there was a guy that replied to the comment and said that he worked at the same place as him according to him the man was often harassed by his boss at work and he had complained to several colleagues on the day of the incident it is said that he had an emotionless face imagining what the family had gone through depression and hatred occupied my head it was very painful with tears in my eyes I closed the internet gently and called the manager to talk about everything I had experienced during the night shift and what I had discovered however the calls were never picked up it was the same over and over again then I received a phone call from mr. Josue a franchise leader who I had never met I had a bad feeling about it then with a shivering voice he said the managers did I couldn't breathe so it wasn't a dream when I asked about the place where it was found mr. Jose I said that there was an old storage behind the convenience store and he was found there after the day of his death I dropped my phone so that's where we saw him as well give me a beanie I quit my part-time job with a broken feeling after quitting I would avoid going near the convenience store whenever I could because every time I passed in front of the store I would always feel a sharp stare towards me and I wouldn't be able to help I wouldn't be able to help but the try and pass as quickly as possible so as not to look at the building a day later to store it close down the reason seems to be due to poor management but further details were not publicized at that point I didn't have the means or the courage to examine it anymore after a while the memories of the convenience store started to haze down a bit it started to get hazy one day as I passed by to now Klaus closed down store I heard a child's voice there I saw the woman so the really tall creature is the the woman that was pregnant and that got killed I wonder so that was the one of the endings let me see if I can get a good thing for the other one if you throw it away uh-uh that was a lot of drool baby Jesus okay and then if you throw the tape in the bin then you get the same ending that I got just except for you you don't see yourself on the TV you just start with the scene where after you go to bed and then it's like oh I can't move and then the thing comes up from the bed behind the bed so definitely not worth replaying the whole game for and in my case I liked it more in stigmatized property I think that was the name of the game also Chile's art where we had to find the shrines to pray at and then we were protected enough to be able to leave I thought that was a lot like that's a lot more engaging to play through because it's like you do something else you get extra protection and then you survive the encounter cuz here it's just like it's just a choice at the end like do you throw the tape away or do you keep it basically what this one got right most of all was the atmosphere it was really good and like different kind of chores and stuff really really awesome I liked it I hope you guys liked it too thank you so much if you're not familiar with Chile's are definitely look at the videos i linked after this video they're also Chile's art definitely worth it if not I also have a playlist for Japanese themed short indie horrors and just indie [ __ ] in general there's playlist for that so if you're interested in that definitely look those up and that'll be it leave a like if you enjoyed it and see you the next video thanks so much
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 221,629
Rating: 4.9451513 out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, survival horror, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, the convenience store, yakin jiken, chilla's art, all endings, three endings
Id: D3WmnoRB7UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 47sec (4007 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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