Fatal Frame inspired haunted house! - Onryo [1]

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hey everyone welcome to unveil a game that I am super behind on it came out so long ago very fatal frame inspired game and by Chile's art and Chile's art we all know is very good at making games we all love our at least I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say we love the convenience store oke idea was another one they did eat a Nucky tunnel they're all so good I love them all so I'm super excited to see what their take is gonna be on fatal frame I waited when it just came out I wanted to wait a little bit oh sorry I really shook the camera there when it just came out I wanted to wait a little bit because they had some comments asking for a safe system and they ever said they were gonna implement one so right now it has a safe system which for me at least is a good improvement I wouldn't want to try and go through an hour-long game without any checkpoints so that's good to hear but then all the throat stuff happened and I got so behind on everything but here we are super late they already announced the new game coming by the end of May so like next week so might do another chile's art soon but for now audio let's see let's go excited I hope I hope it's good I tend to get really picky when it's like fatal frame like elements recently I've been sensing an evil power emitting in the city city of Agra I soon received a letter from an unknown source it was a job offer for an exorcism the envelope contained two papers one was a map of a place another a letter I want you to resolve the dark phenomena happening around the city you know what I'm talking about didn't do you think it's strange that case the cases of child abuse a child abuse child abuse and kidnaps are somehow concentrated in this peninsula the house on the map is probably the cost get rid of it I wanted to pass on it I thought I was all over the I was over all this I know the house I saw it on new seven years ago but why now I knew I had to act if I don't people are going to suffer the consequences of my inaction rule good introduction I like it let's see ok w SE e escape tab shift to run queue item drop okay looking good it's a boot no it's all dis a boot looks like we're not very sorry what I'll sub it if I yeah where are the subs wasn't that supposed to have subs hmm okay I think you just they just said something like so this is the house this is reminds me of my the house I lived in in Japan restroom key very typical like little getup thing so you take off your shoes you put them in this cabinet and then you put on some slippers so you don't bring your filthy shoes in the house which is a very good system a cranks lot drawer nothing in it though sake damn this is a really good look in game oh we're closed I feel like they really like oh well ghost hands huh someone was crawling there Oh God oh is that their health oh [ __ ] I'm blocking it film type seven yes oh god see if they can get them in the red yes I definitely got him where'd her at that time am I just not doing something great [ __ ] you maybe that's the only time you really hurt them [Music] you gonna be rid we got him so that meter on the left is something else it's not their health I thought it was their hills but I gotcha she'll Co done something salt where am I gonna use this okay that was a little bit weird so I guess I need to just wait you only hurt them if you take a picture in the attack which by fatal frame standards you want to do that anyway because you do more damage so I have been trained for this oh sorry sorry I didn't close the door to jars they closed on their own can I leave okay so I have a little thing I guess I'm guessing I can only hold one item at a time I don't know what I need this for Oh living room it looks great for someone starving for fatal frame new fatal frame contents I am very happy right now hmm not high beeps my cats here that's a lot of drawers with nothing in it okay there's something in here my talisman so now I drop the salt doesn't look like it do oh right I just have a shield on I don't know what it is I wonder when I'm gonna get attacked again Oh what's this I do something here hmm not really I don't like all the doors Auto closing after it well it's kind of creepy it's like the ghosts are like Jesus don't leave all the doors open god this house is big it just keeps going did I find the bathroom nope at last we have twin daughters such beautiful faces as expected they have similar faces that eyes looked just like his he and my parents were happy as well he wouldn't stop thanking me for creating these two treasures I couldn't be happier there's nothing more pleasing than this I named them Motoko and how to call okay is he talking about dolls or people stick my hands in sure anything okey cool so I have oh that's how it works cool okay so if we find a locked door now I got a key I'm assuming I'll use it automatically oh I like this another crank restroom key don't I have that isn't that this how do I use items [Music] clean key this is dark okay so the blue circle doesn't baking soda required for what oh is that hair damn oh okay baking soda I don't know if the game is telling me to clean the key or that I have a clean key maybe I should just do this so baking soda okay I went full circle then but I haven't been in these rooms this room is calming me down oh I feel safer oh it says it there yeah yeah I'll save cool so a meter is going back up don't hurt that's my health meter then okay I put myself up top I'll be at least blocking a bit less of my own health bar if that's my health bar his overtime continued even after the child-rearing began he said he saw the children on rows and in motivation and said he'd do better than ever before taking care of two children is much harder than I expected while watching one the other would start to cry the two rarely slept around the same time my parents and parents-in-law parents in-law would could never come over I called my mother every day wait doesn't he help you more she said but I can't possibly ask him to do more after coming back from a hard day at work yeah I would think okay that is really cool implementing a safe system like that they really like listen to their to the people playing the games I think okay this is definitely new I haven't been on this side yet what's this need to put three things here is that baking soda I don't know what I've gotten yeah it is baking soda we're gonna fix this table mm-hmm let's read this note shortly after I got pregnant he started to come back home late he said that he began working overtime every day he says he needs more money than ever before since we have a child now what a lovely husband so I decided to do my best even if I'm pregnant and couldn't move so much I smiled every morning so that I wouldn't bother him of course I did all the housework and everything hey I'm just trying my best here what's really good okay do something with that table but don't know what yet let's go back to where it said baking soda okay now that I have the bed this key okay what do you usually use baking soda for actually use the phone is it to clean something usually to bake something baking soda you can tell like I bake a lot a lot of things I don't think there's anything in here otherwise I would say so someone in there that wasn't smart nothing here Oh creepy okay Oh a ladder okay I think I've reached a point where my inventory is full it's so creepy that everything closes on its own after well it's probably just programming but it's so creepy was there anything I couldn't reach no no they have a ladder all those doors closing cuz they left them open okay right how I'll save again I don't understand how does housework I must have gotten turned around halfway through okay so I haven't been here either what [Music] oh no oh no that's a bad idea hello doll oh god that sounds like a ghost [Music] yes I just saved anyway so perfect I think it's time to fight I'm excited whoa this whole thing is upstairs what storage key to is that this oh no this is storage key one Oh so it's it will say restroom key if I need it god no to eight unforgivable I can feel the anger taking over me the girls who do not know anything are smiling innocently he laughs that he loves like a gentle dad with the same eyes like the first time I met him the kids would love him back with the same eyes like their father bodies were full of scars the to frighten everytime I talk I do not like that what so we heat the dad looks like he loves them kids loved them back but their bodies are full of scars triggers me to do more to them I can't I won't hold myself back anymore I know he saw them the scars are bruises as expected he wouldn't even do a thing he needs to keep his position at work wait is the mom doing it sorry I got a message I had to check is the mom abusing the kids Oh cat inventory full I think we can put this wall thing on the kitchen right or the room connected to the kitchen starts you - there was like one thing on the wall and we could interact with cut this place is [ __ ] huge wait can I get back down like this oh I need crank I see so it does connect there must be crank up here then there's another floor how [ __ ] big is this house I look like another Safeway oh that's creepy oh that's creepy oh I don't like this up oh is it - that's too okay so they make a sound when they're about to attack so I just have to walk through wait for that sound and then snap a shot if I can't see it okay I think I'm about to die [Music] [ __ ] to be quicker to ghosts though that's unlucky move oh [ __ ] so about me I wish I could just get them when they're not attacking whoo yeah [ __ ] you too got you I got you oh you're pretty you're pretty though you gonna attack I think I got him I don't see the crawling one anymore I must have neat talisman oh we have a talisman I think I got them okay I'm in business now I have an open spot cool okay I need to go back to the safe spot though unless there's another one around here oh yes oh this is some for that chain all the way in the beginning who got excuse me excuse me cap not ready for that little ghost sees I can handle but not that oh god oh god no no no no no no no no no no no nope nope nope I'm not doing that No okay Oh God oh good Oh God I want to go down don't remember where I came from breathe my children turned to already they started to say no to everything it's hard to deal with one now think about two barely had space to be thinking about anything else no matter how many times I tell them something they won't listen first I was trying my best to say to myself that every mother has to deal with this but it's just hard not to get help from anyone I have to raise them and well after raise them well they don't listen to what I say even the little things I ask I couldn't hold my rage today what have I done the next thing I noticed i smacked one on the cheek surprisingly to to desperately held their tears looked at me like i'm no longer their mother the moment i wanted to hug them and apologized he started to do what i told them to do a few minutes ago my guilt started to fade away slowly and i would physically punish them when they wouldn't listen that was note5 oh I don't want to fight this thing whatever it is Oh God big gun oh my god they're straight up smacking me oh this is about why today I don't have anything today oh my god [Music] landed Oh mi possessed okay big dudes I could not remember where the way down was yeah I love to dread out it was super fun but the combat system was frustrating there's a ghost here [Music] come on so I'm not really sure what it does with my health because I seem to be doing well but it still takes off a little bit when I take the picture I think like this is fine just being right in front of them or on them even think I got them and it doesn't really recover so you can only you can only fight a couple of people before you're just drained of your health I think okay so where did I where's the hole I came out of so there's basically no going back down until I find the crank [ __ ] okay so we need to get better at this I wonder if we can photograph the big dude to get him off our backs and we need the crank basically if we want to do anything so there is no hatch we can go down we did read this yeah so they're just a big guy patrolling with the hallways I'm gonna gonna probably try and take a picture next time I see them need a restroom key again oh god yeah I can't I can't Oh God taking his picture didn't do anything so does that mean there's a couple enemies you just have to run away from like that dude as long as that huge [ __ ] dude doesn't show up oh that dude it is oh I'm healing Oh found this at the perfect time I found the safe room oh they do yeah [ __ ] yes yes I will say yes I will say it I will say that the [ __ ] safe [ __ ] yeah I'm all better now okay so since this is a safe room maybe I should dump this since I don't know what to do with that and now it's like in a good place that's easy to find okay so the attic is where the safe room is that's a big [ __ ] dude what am I supposed to do against him just run he's just coming by and whoops my ass that's it no this is where I fought last time but now they're not here yeah so I got the yes bolt cutters still need a crank though we need the crank to be able to access downstairs again okay so maybe now we can check that one weird room dude yeah he's gone now crank we got the crank guys thought of my husband cheating on me never left my head since when he said he had work was it all a lie I mean everything lines up if he's having an affair the phone calls the overtime everything seeming seem suspicious every time and I would always get the notion that he's hiding something I wonder why I didn't notice it until now oh I thought oh I thought about divorce but I am a housewife even if I was released from him I wouldn't have the finances to raise the kids I'm feeling the feeling of intense hatred soon overtook the sadness god what a horrible situation to be in especially the kids okay so back here it's the safer let's save again we are so in business we have a crank and we have the bolt cutters and we have the frame and so there's so much stuff we can do downstairs I need to start drinking tea oh okay how is my inventory full but can I pick this up no okay let's go use the crank there were these staircases down somewhere wasn't this a crank thing no I guess not or maybe it's on the other side of those doors okay we just need to find the stairs going down then we're good around here somewhere yes take that there was another staircase here somewhere hmm but I'm so confused about the layout of this house two dudes down there oh look there he goes I am so happy I played this after the safe system was implemented I would not want to play this they safe now I definitely did I would not want to play this and having to restart the whole game every time like it's a it's not impossible I'm sure you can get don't want to walk this direction where the dude was don't think there was anything here trying to find the kitchen here okay so I'm wondering if the frame goes here yeah oh my god that was instance dress who knew the rustling of leaves would be that stressful so what does it dis do do I just have to fix this room maybe do we need like legs for the table I can't I can't couch so I guess we'll figure that out later I also don't know what this is seems like plate holders or something for like fancy plates right okay now I just need to find that one room we had our very first fight in because that is where the chained up thing was we have the bolt cutters this is the same safe room I'm so confused about the layout of this house I wish I had a map honestly I don't write no oh god [ __ ] you dude why are they both here okay at least now I know if he smacks me on the head I can still just run to the safe room and then he'll go away very happy knowing that we can do this one [ __ ] [ __ ] we didn't get me I need to just keep going go back to the safe room reset oh there's a crank here as well house is so [ __ ] big oh they're trying to get me my infinite stamina baby and a very good opening door skill very consistent hell yeah I get [ __ ] yeah what are you gonna do now [ __ ] he's just gonna keep walking I am gonna go the other way see if we can use the crank on this one thing we passed I don't want to run into them again okay that's not no one this is very slow it's an extra safe room the red doors that would be cool let's get an extra escape route who made this who built this house Oh God Oh heart attack Jesus Christ dude [ __ ] off seriously you're not allowed in here Oh stress rustle dude can't come in here right hi I was once saved by the family that used to live here it was when I went to the toilet with my dad one day at an amusement park by the time I got out of the toilet he was gone I cried a lot because it was nighttime then a couple of twin girls came and asked are you okay my mother came soon after and told me that everything will be just fine they brought me to a place where my parents could parents could find me I was still afraid because I didn't know anyone around me started crying again they told me that they would stay with me until my parents found me it was very kind of them parents came a few hours later and I was really happy they helped me and that's why I want to help them this time without being said could you lend me a hand I lost seven gotcha Pond capsules Oh while I was exploring the house I need them back to restore my energy to save the family if you find them bring them to me okay so seven got to home we found two so far okay we ran by the other crank thing I think and this yeah this is a chain room see what's in here really this isn't what it's for huh I really thought oh it's a wooden though hmm I thought that would be it well there's still one more space we can oh this is the other crank thing so we need to do that from upstairs just gonna follow him nope he's just gonna come back he's making such weird sounds and the leafy dude is here no dude you're not allowed in here now's our chance they're both over there so I can go all the way to the other side of the house and do that last crank business prepare to run [Music] oh there's a whole cave attached to the house I thought I was just in some Oh what the [ __ ] I thought it was like in a yes in just some garden like some inner yard or something what's this I can't wash my hands here sure is that good you wanna wash the key maybe guess not whoo-hoo-hoo this is exciting hmm Oh goddamn is this a shortcut maybe or just another way you can get upstairs connect upstairs and downstairs it looks like I can get oh wow this is so cool looks like I can get in here but I need maybe something here I don't know something I can interact with what a mysterious area okay so now I'm running out of things to do I still haven't used the storage key that I have only had my blood blood-borne shiny coins just drop a coin being like this room is done don't go in here restroom key oh here hey yes so now these connect before oh I can't open this oh I won't be able to get back up oh maybe if I bring the ladder that I dumped note six macho Martin Oh match on Hatton my children won't come when I call they're too cute and I can't help but smile I've never called my mother since the incident incidents I was starting to feel confident that even a person can take care of two children no problem today's a picnic with four of my family members for the first time in a while my husband managed to get the job done good afternoon and was at that moment there was a sound that breaks the silent and with his phone he gets on the phone in a panic it's just a call from a co-worker he said I could hear his love whispers from afar don't call me right now he said I told you I was going out with my family he shouted I wonder it was if it was one of his juniors I believed him as far as I heard but before he ended the call he I swear his lip said I love you well I knew I shouldn't jump to conclusions just by reading his lips [ __ ] okay so we want that rock down there I need the ladder Gary's oh no that's the big dude okay I need to save again thank you be careful though with the big guy if he smacks me on the head then I will be probably dead I don't know if they follow me in here though this might be a safe point in itself I don't remember which room which way the safe room is can I do something with this what if I need to like burn the hair or something oh yeah the baking soda what are we doing with that ah yes healing me please because it did say any baking soda at some point for maybe that was don't know I used it or did I not pick it up I think I did did I use it to clean the key without really realizing okay that's safe ooh I have been recording for an hour I need to rest my voice I don't want to overdo it on my week off from streaming so let's call it here I don't know how much longer the game is could be super short it could be just like ten minutes could be also another whole hour so I'm gonna call it a day will do will do a part two this is gonna be a part one will do a part two and try to finish it I think it's very doable since there's a safe system very happy with that and the auto heal as well seems like a very good thing to implement next time next episode we're gonna start off try and get the ladder which should be right here so that should be easy and then see if we can take it down that pit and see if we can maybe get whatever is on the bottom of it maybe that'll work if not there's still a bunch of rooms I think on the second floor that I didn't really explore properly give me all the advice you can if you already have seen this game if there's some good tips you have for me they're very welcome and then I'll pick it up again tomorrow probably so thank you so much for watching and I will see you hopefully in part two [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 159,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, survival horror, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, onryo, japanese horror, indie horror, steam
Id: 5Ok5pDxX8Y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 54sec (2874 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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