Missing Children 行方不明 (Both Endings)

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to missing children yukui fume is the japanese part of the title yuku fme is japanese for missing doesn't include children can be just for any person um literally it says yukuwe is like the place you're going and fume is unknown so missing they don't know where you went i'm super excited for nuchila's art game because they're always so good and i love them all very much last one was ondyo which was different because it was more of like collecting [ __ ] and getting through a house um some of the other stuff that chile's art has done is more like just going through a location and finding a couple things but not as intensive um if that makes sense i don't think i'm making sense but if you've played the games then you kind of know there's like two types that they usually make and one is more like collect a bunch of [ __ ] and then use that one item there unlock this item and then use that item somewhere else etc and then the other games are just like you go through kind of a story and there's not that much gameplay involved um which is my which is which my preference goes to so i'm i'm thinking that this one is going to be more like that i'm hoping so we're going to see if we're going to discover it i haven't looked up anything about this game at this point anything that chiller arts make chili's art makes i'll be there to play it so that's all i need to know and we're gonna go through it let's see oh pixels hello sato it's been a while oh hey long time yamada was it yep that's my name i heard you became a bully detective what's that i can understand your decision especially after that incident i feel for you but that's why i wanted to talk to you about this i believe you can help us out this time because of what you've been through i'll explain the details in person i'll be waiting at nekonome see you there oh looks good okay tab for inventory shift to run f flashlight oh flashlight's on oh this looks [ __ ] great and kane matsia that might be just a name but they call those so it's probably a music store police station hello how do i open the door oh click hi thanks for coming sato so to put it simply three junior high school students went missing but we're suspecting that it's not a case of kidnapping one of the kids parents overheard their conversation of meeting up on the day they went missing funahashi should be able to help you out he can be quite the badmouth but don't be too harsh on him he should be talk taking a break at the back there one more thing if you want to save come talk to me anytime okay maybe it is more of a collect collect-a-thon game this time ooh horror movie doesn't look too terrible to me well i can just go to the back here oh is this funahashi hi oh hi ah oh don't talk to me so abruptly i thought my heart's gonna stop you're the detective yamada-san talked about not really a detective i mostly just help out struggling kids in schools then people started calling me bully detective well whatever it is i find it very hard to trust a woman who looks so frail to take on a mission like this sexist much anyhow yamada-san told me you know a lot more about these kind of things more than us officers have any clues hmm wow what a long meow you want to coming up no according to the missing kids friend he saw one of the girls communicating via a private online chat and that girl's mizuki so let's go to her house first if you're really willing to help us out that is whoa okay let me just check here real quick nothing okay so please contact us if you see me nay nanda saki so that's their number so i want to save oh so cool uh what does it say so carrot juice cheetah carrot juice this delicious before that's [ __ ] great oh yeah we have your coke you cook zero we have some aquarius fanta oh my god i recognize all of it all these teas this is exactly just like a japanese vending machine you got your coffees you see that little blue sticker it says tsumetai that means cold because japanese vending machines have cold and warm drinks sometimes especially in winter they have warm drinks and in summer they use they usually switch out most of them for cold drinks so i'm assuming it's probably summer so it's all cold drinks right now so it's cold coffees iced coffee you can see there uh grapefruit juice got some water got some tea now you got your aquarius i drink a lot of aquarius zero used to um when i lived in japan because it's like a good uh replenisher for like fluids when you're like when it's so hot and you're sweating all the time what's that pond it's bread oishi yakita so we deliver you freshly baked bread every day sorry i'm sniffly let's go to mizuki's house so we're doing an investigation that's pretty cool ah this looks [ __ ] great though i i don't know how he does it or how they do it i i still don't know who's that this is creepy on its own should we ring the doorbell oh hi who are you what do you want from me if you're here for mizuki she's not here so there's no point in coming inside music is gone and i can't be bothered right now can you please go away you're not even the police who do you think you are and they're gone wow okay then lady i'm just gonna snoop around your house yeah this looks so good considering they make like a game a month this is [ __ ] insane it's like softly calming music do you want to break in probably not a good idea maybe we shouldn't you know say a dead dog hey doggo he's still breathing okay i guess he's just old oh nice nice looking place though okay shall we see who this is over here oh they're playing oh they have a mask on this windmill toy is weird no matter how i swing it it never turns this isn't so fun i'm guessing we can't go in here unless there's like an interactive icon this looks great can't go upstairs either so what are we gonna do then should we look past the cup maybe ask him what he wants to do where would you like to go could you come with me i'm not good at this kind of thing please she won't talk unless it's the police fine i understand don't blame me if anything happens okay i brought the police you again oh looks like you brought an actual officer this time still no way it let you in too bad we can't help it for the time being let's go to akikos who's that one of the other kids akiko's house this is so weird oh these ever look so great though okay let's have a look this is [ __ ] awesome what's that newspaper could it be domestic abuse a death of a middle schooler in town september 14th takumi sato 12 was found dead in nagaya city iit prefecture with numerous wounds on his body police suspect his parents single mother might have been the culprit damn oh that looks cool i guess there's two ways to go i kind of want to check here first does it just lead to gzo statues it wants me to offer something i don't have anything right yeah oh there's a lot of inventory space damn oh maybe that was because one of the critiques for ondo was that four spaces was not enough four spaces of inventory so they were just like yeah here have ten i don't care can you imagine living in the woods like this hello no one's answering maybe there's someone around maybe oh uh i hope you're just gardening geez don't scare me like that i thought i was gonna strain my back what are you looking for i apologize for interrupting my name is sato i've heard akiko has gone missing and i'm trying to gather evidence may i have a look inside the house oh is akiko okay she was acting very strange lately i'm anxious now please find akiko i believe in you and of course of course take a look inside the house as much as you'd like damn so are you just gonna be walking around here are we gonna follow them to no they're just walking around can we look in the shed locked okay this is awesome nothing here yes that's weird though can you imagine being some at some grandma's house and it's just like oh yeah just go in my house and i won't be there maybe the grandma knows something let's see oh oh god she's not living in very good conditions is she jesus she likes her cup ramen though cup noodles got some bento i wonder if this is the same vento from the convenience store uh game that we did from them i can't go up the stairs should we ask for a key police dude is certainly certainly isn't any help she's so weird what is she doing i thought i was going to turn my back just met you earlier is that so i think it's because you have a face that is hard to remember by the way akiko's room was locked do you know where the key is how would i know let's see i think i saw something that looks like a key around here can't quite remember though outside well i found it what's this it just says hoda though that's weird bringing horror to life fish i'm i might be just reading that wrong if you could speak speak japanese and you're watching this say it tell me in the comments what it says help me out here go in haha what's that another key that was it got some japanese dictionaries an english japanese dictionary what's this terrible graffiti on the bag how dare they what does it say probably so they're basically writing on his back that they should kill themselves uh it's probably the key for the shed right what may i ask who's calling although faint i can hear someone singing i can't hear anything oh that was it it's getting spooky kind of wish my my hearing was a little bit better go out i don't know if it's very weird i don't know if anyone else has it but some mornings my ears they kind of like how do you explain it it's like it's like you can hear your own breathing very loudly and it kind of just messes up with everything you're hearing and if i do that like breathe in through my nose i can kind of like put it back and then i can hear everything again for a little bit but as soon as i swallow then it all just goes back to normal hell yeah oh we found a protective charm an omamori well it doesn't seem to be anything else in here though oh maybe we can offer this up at the shrine where'd the granny go wait wait did she disappear dude have you seen her weird she's gone well i'm gonna go to the shrine and offer up the omamori i wonder if that does anything i want me to offer something i can't offer this i don't have anything else guess not then maybe the grandma went inside well he sure isn't telling me so maybe have another look now that we have the charm maybe maybe we can give it to her oh hey who are you didn't see you there what's wrong do you know where your mother and father are they they're not when will they come back what's that in your hand dog food what dog food why do you have that hey why don't you come down maybe she doesn't want to talk to me anymore but she isn't too scared just kind of lifeless weird grandma where you at can't open this do you want this well i don't know what to do doesn't seem like there's anything we can pick up there might be like secret items we can pick up or something that i'm just like that don't have the interactive icon an erection icon where the [ __ ] the grammar go though can't open this okay hmm should we try to do it again where'd you like to go police station mizuki's house well maybe now that we have the charm we can go to another house and talk to someone again and show it i don't know if that would do anything though where the [ __ ] did grandma go weird she's just gone okay i say we go to mizuki's house again see if we can use the charm somewhere there where did you find this ah it worked this is mizuki's precious charm i see i guess i have no choice if it's for mizuki yes it worked okay mizuki oh what a nice room looks like mizuki had a boyfriend they look very happy her boyfriend's name is okay seems like you need a password to access it okay [Music] um what upstairs that's that youtuber isn't it comment i don't know how to read his name though so he they're saying i hope everyone can enjoy the delicious taste of kamaboko i forgot what that was and crab what's kamaboko again let me see kama steamed seasoned fish fish paste steamed seasoned fish paste no thanks i'm good oh i got a box oh god why did the door close please break up with me i regret dating say sudoku and it's embarrassing to tell everyone seichirokun doesn't have the money or the brain you can't do sports right i don't need you in my life my mom says she should break up with you and my mom says she should break up with you i should break up with you mizuki so the mom broke this oh jesus christ why are you in my room why did i tell you you can go into my room whatever come to think of it mizuki's been meeting up with her friends recently i think the last time she went out was with kana was with kanae's house was with the girl from kanai's house why don't you go there instead okay so you didn't approve of sage you know got it what do i do with this box okay nowhere else i can snoop here what was the [ __ ] crying sound creepy also this girl doesn't have a closet it's a desk and a bed what does this say no horror no game cute idol oh shiotan again so there's just a bunch of nods to like bake other youtubers okay we need a password that we don't have um let's take the box and leave seems like we have a new location to go to kanai's this is giving me serious siren vibes by the way hey yeah hey how's it going just pulling weeds this place looks like a mess i agree but this isn't even my place then who are you just a random guy hired by the guys who live by the guy who lives here keep getting complaints though i work too slow they say damn why don't you just not do it then they pay me well how much 100 yen an hour what that's not much at all that's one dollar an hour well anyway i want to get my job done fast i have something for you if you bring me something that can make my life easier oh okay like a little like sickle or something i don't really know so these posters are all like youtubers play until the end wrong house nice flowers i love the music that's softly playing in the background can we go up here oh nothing here though can i go up these stairs oh secret oh maybe this is just a house i was supposed to find no one's home that was a quick conclusion maybe we can find something around the house maybe there's another creepy grandma in the back no oh i can't pass here hmm okay so we can't go in here dude needs a sickle i hope this is capturing okay actually it looks really laggy in my obs um give me a sec let me check that okay it looks fine oh hey who are you what do you guys want kanna has gone missing do you happen to know anything about it i'm also troubled by it i have no idea well you might find something in the house please come take a look oh now we're going back again there he goes this is so different from anything we've played so far from chile's art it's weird it's good though so far it's really good that's a loud [ __ ] i was gonna say clock but now it's gone taking a drink let me know if you need anything okay uh okay i got snacks came as you just walk in and you're just like well these are mine now thanks it was suicide single mother greaves police investigation revealed that the cause of death of takami sato found in nagya city aichi prefecture on september 14th was in fact a suicide the mother who has been working hard as a single mother wept in tears okay should we go have a look upstairs anyone want snacks oh maybe the girl wants snacks in the first house locked because she got dog food maybe we should take that back to the other house and maybe then she'll give us the password for the computer in the other house let's go talk to the please do terrius um that was akikos do you want snacks i need a dog food you're holding if you'd like could you exchange it for these snacks okay thank you hey by the way i don't see your grandma around you know where she went um we don't have a grandma oh [ __ ] was it a ghost did you just hear that laughing what was that what happened well there's no one here now we got the dog food that was mizuki's house or no it was the at the house that lady talked about miski it's gonna check if there's yeah no grandma weird cool i like it okay let's go to the other house and feed the dog yeah what's mizuki's you want some dog food oh you doing better oh cute boy you gonna show me something maybe he's gonna dig something up this really does feel like siren a lot doesn't it [Music] um did i just see that right can't open it without a key [ __ ] i don't have a key we still have that box as well [ __ ] can't even take it with us why did it get so dark here that was weird everything is so weird first the grandma is a ghost then the dog gets like a baby head um what are we gonna do with that box that i have we can either try and offer it to the statue but i doubt that's it we can try and oh we should maybe save talk to the police dude oh who are you are you okay not really what happened i don't know i'm just very tired well that's 20 20 for you so tired i don't even want to look at you the thing is forgotten to buy some booze stores around here close early so if you and your police friends want me to go away please bring me a cold one thanks that face dude i'm safe do you know who this box belongs to no okay kamiyama that's just a normal box face mask oh it's face masks dude where are we gonna go maybe we should actually look around a little bit more here oh no we're not allowed to so that solves a lot of her issues is it me or did it just get darker seems extra dark now i can barely see anything but maybe it's just because we're not supposed to be snooping around here could be the game dev's way of being like there's nothing here you know okay so we have a dude here that wants a beer i don't have coins so should we okay let's start at mizuki's house let's just try and use the box on whoever or whatever we can interact with and see where it clicks [Music] so there's this kid here [Music] thanks now my family can live in peace so it was for this kid immediately oh yeah i don't get what's so good about this toy but here you go thanks so i gave him the box yeah oh ooh we're going to offer this at the jesus statue because jesus statues for lost children right or lost people in general so was that akiko does this kind of make sense hell yeah well i offered something he wants me to offer something he wants something else but i'm completely out of items now [Music] wait wasn't the dude drinking can you spare me a beer hmm do you have a fridge [Music] what look at that look at a tiny key hiding there how i had to look it up and john already played oh john already played this so i looked up what he did i got the beer where'd the duke go though oh dude you okay i don't think he's saying anything i think this is gibberish what is he saying creepy what the [ __ ] wasn't the desk here yeah [Music] they were fighting again they were yelling at each other and i can't sleep dad was mad about what mom made for dinner i thought it tastes good again i'm honestly getting tired dad was upset about mom buying a bag online why can't she reward herself once in a while i must allow one this time around dad's been drinking recently and is wasting money for god knows what then dad made some excuses about how it's not fun coming back home and how dinner tastes what's going on jesus today's my birthday and neither of my parents remember it jesus not even a single word of celebration just fighting as always i'm getting sick of it what's sickening is that they were angry because of my failing grades although it's been on the steady decline i can still pass and i'm just below average all they want is a reason to fight and complain about each other do they ever get tired of fighting don't they ever get tired of fighting i feel as if i don't have a home i started to lock myself up in my room every time one of them comes back i don't want to hear their voices anymore every night i wish my life was a little happier just a little is fine today's fight was something else i overheard something i shouldn't have they said they wouldn't be here together if i weren't born they also said that i was born before they were married before they married i'm sure that's what they said how come they never talk to me about it i feel unwanted like i shouldn't exist i don't feel right to be in this world i want to hide the key behind a piece of furniture again but i hid it inside my pillow this time just so i don't forget i'll write this down mizuki said that i should let the dog handle the hiding but why trust a dog in your pillow this is getting really exciting isn't that still there um so i'm gonna head out thanks for the beer and sorry about your daughter's pillow bye okay it's getting creepy let me see so we can go to mizuki's house for the key and the little thing little box but we also had another thing right the bear for the police station let's do that first oh lord hallelujah you're my hero here please take this i'm sure this is what you were looking for thank you so much oh there's a third one bye see you later okay now let's go to mizuki's that was great uh oops okay uh the dog my flashlight go off no it's just so dark here um here it is so what key did we get i can't see okay yes what is it what the [ __ ] did i get a piece of paper [Music] what is it is it torn off of somewhere i was sure we were gonna get something for the dude weird it's weird how all of these people are like every location is slightly creepy um well let's go to akikos and at least put the thing in place because i don't really know what else to do and i'm just hoping that something changes if we do that i'm not sure how you're supposed to like find that one key without a hint that it's like behind furniture okay well now we need the green one that the old guy has he didn't drop anything for me right no we only have this piece of paper did we see anywhere that had like a missing diary page or something someone that ripped off something trying to think of places that had something i can still interact with password view email mizuki i heard you broke up with your boyfriend are you okay i remember you would tell me how i remember you would tell me how much you love him i'm a little worried talk to me anytime i will gladly help you out i'm still recording right it's been so long uh chat in a strange chat box it says mizuki don't forget to bring it akiko i know kanai that park right don't be late i went to a park is that the info i need maybe now the cop has a new location to go to uh-huh yes took me a while i completely forgot about the computer okay this looks awesome this is really you know what i really miss death mark i know it took me so long and it was so like uh what [Music] where'd the cop go this is death i just saved so who is that i can't follow them wait are they keeping oh they're staying at a distance from me so if i go this way they'll follow me creepy oh there's someone standing on top of the playground as well oh that's so creepy okay there's nothing here that is so creepy i need the sickle for the dude though i love how they're just static that's so [ __ ] creepy [Applause] oh they're in the grass now can i come up here i can't go up the playground should i just keep going oh it's oh look at her go that's so [ __ ] creepy cop dude's gone too though maybe if i go to the park it's too late maybe now that i haven't made the third offering i'm just dead i can't really see anything she's still following me what happened to my cop buddy is he okay okay i don't see anyone ah i'm just thinking though trying to like wreck my brain as like where where did i miss that sickle oh [ __ ] oh creepy jesus [ __ ] i felt that in my arms okay i'm still alive i'm so good what is this where does this lead to this keeps going on longer than i thought think i think that's the end oh trees oh is that a person no shoes oh no shoes that means they all killed themselves they all jumped off um i've i've told you guys before for different games is that um when japanese people it's like a cultural thing when they when someone commits suicide by jumping off a bridge or something into water they leave their shoes by the edge with with their personal belongings to let their family know that what they've done and that they shouldn't look for a body basically that is disturbing so the three kids all killed themselves what should i do now this is a long dock as well oh i just had to walk to the edge a little bit oh jesus someone pushed me who pushed me though what i fainted and fell into the pond luckily funahashi rushed over and saved me from drowning oh great i couldn't save takumi and tonight i couldn't save anyone once again not even one of them what am i doing for an entire week i locked myself up and i didn't have the will to do anything why would i do such a thing i knew the reason for suicide resentment filled my heart when takami took his life i tried my best to look away from reality but to lose someone so close is just unbearable i had never thought that this kind of thing could happen so near somewhere inside i wish it was just someone else of someone else's affair the matter was too big not to take into my own hands that's why i wanted to help this time i can't repeat the same thing but i couldn't save them the emotions i had locked up since the death of takumi started to well up again takami made me who i am today death is sad but death moves us i will not be defeated now i carry the weight of three more we cannot allow for their ends to be in vain never i will not waste their death i have to stand up that is the only option left for me okay it's a pretty good ending but we never got that third wind toy yeah achievement unlocked bad ending obviously so i wonder if i can load my game now and still try and get the third thing that was great though it was very different from their usual games i would say because normally um oh supporter posters oh mine the cat oh i see so maybe they're like patrons they're patrons so because they're patrons big patrons they get like their name in the game that's cool maybe i should do that that's awesome that explains a lot thank you to all our patreon supporters right okay wait am i a patron no i don't i think i'm only on puppet combo maybe i should support them yeah i want to go back my brain is just like but where where could i have gotten that little scythe thing or whatever i need for the dude to pull his weeds because i feel like i tried everything but there must just be like a sneaky location somewhere that we haven't looked a ton of japanese supporters [Music] cool for those that are interested in supporting patreon.com so if you're interested definitely i i think i'll join them because they give me such good games every month they're awesome i would i wouldn't want them to stop doing it for financial reasons so they'll definitely get my support okay so that was the bad ending let me see where we can find the last things for the good ending and hopefully i can load my game let's see if we don't have to start over okay cool so i i've saved before the computer so let me see let me look up where the last thing that we need is oh my god so if only so this probably doesn't trigger as an interactable item until after you talk to the dude that needs this so we just haven't been back here to check i thought i had been but i guess i've only been in the main house checking [ __ ] ah okay so let's give this to the garner dude this is really seeing him like hunched like this and especially with the weapon i'm about to give him now i can live i don't have any money but here's a toy i found on the ground should come in handy trust me thank you um this dude is giving me major siren vibes if it's very they're very old playthroughs of mine so the quality isn't great and i'm also very different but if you like this kind of atmosphere and you haven't heard of siren yet i do really recommend those games they're so [ __ ] cool they're they're awful and they're cool at the same time gameplay-wise they're awful but the story and the character design sound design is amazing okay so let's take this to akikos [Music] part of me wants to redo the siren games like i've been doing redoing some of the silent hill stuff i'm kind of like oh man it would be great to do that like in a higher quality setup but at the same time it's like oh those games are rough to get through it wants me to offer more really you want more [Music] i thought that was gonna be it [Music] okay let's see it see if anything changes again because now i have the three things in place it says that it wants more offerings but yeah i think i'm good now there's no creepy kid up top there maybe we can stop them this time from dumping that would be great that would be a cool different ending it's definitely different this time the music oh i didn't see this before it's much lighter now konosaki has detention so you're not like i'm not allowed to take bicycles or your motorbikes on this path makes a lot of sense bicycles could be okay but it wouldn't exactly be nice for people who are on foot i really should go back to that japanese visual novel that i'm translating but it's so much work and it's it's a lot harder than i thought so even recording it a lot of times i'm like i don't know what this is then i just have to get to translating basically um and then afterwards after i've done the translating any editing i'm like oh but as i'm recording it it's like i have no idea sorry guys i don't know what this sentence is i don't know what this is saying so it's a little bit it feels a little bit like should i put this up on youtube because it's constantly just me going like i don't know i i usually get the gist of it but oh yeah they're still there and who the [ __ ] is that oh so they used holy [ __ ] that's dark so they tied that around their feet oh but they changed their mind they cut the ropes i'm so glad i found them who's the fourth one though with the dark raincoat that was the one who pushed me in right i took a breather and left the park after the incident i decided to keep in touch with the girls about akiko's bully situation i contacted the parents in the school seems like they have found evidence of bullying it would be nice if bullying ends entirely from there i also called 189 to report child neglect soon akiko and her sister went into temporary custody a lot of things happened so suddenly akiko often tells me everything will be all right as long as you're here with me satosan kane her parents seem to have officially divorced custody is said to be the mother i was worried about kane's feelings she looked surprisingly clear she says she still meets up with her dad often i'm happy to hear that oh i see that little mistake she looks surprisingly clear is clear is like a direct translation of the word uh of like your your mood clears up after mizuki after the incident she decided to talk to seijido again the strange letter was found to have been sent by her mother i told you and told that to say to them it seems that mizuki's mother didn't want her to go out with satyr because she felt that he's not a good match with her they decided they'd hang out once more now that the misunderstanding has been resolved now they are in the process of persuading her mother it won't be long before the mother accepts them i couldn't save my son takami then he's no longer here how many times have i told myself that but the truth is he's been there with me all along thanks to takami i was able to find these people i'm certain i have many regrets since he died however from here on i will live as if he's living inside me i looked up at the sky the same beautiful starry night as the night of the incident mom you did your best i could hear a slight voice somewhere i keep forgetting the main character is a woman that's nice that's a good ending i like that ending but yeah in japanese you can say that your mood clears up basically i mean i guess you could say in english as well but that that kind of clear was what they tried to use here in this little end credit so they were trying to say like even though everything that's going on she looked quite happy or relieved i would say i would probably go with relieved good ending achievement unlocked yay did it well that was a super fun experience that was good um definitely not like as scary or stressful as andrea was and not as scary of some of the earlier games that i've played from chile's art i honestly by this point i think i should just make a chili's art playlist i'll do that because there's like six games by now and i'll link them at the end of this video so if you're interested in more work of chile's art then definitely go to that and you'll see them all there i think currently they're also in the japanese one-off playlist because i have done a bunch of japanese themed games um but that was it i it's definitely not their strongest work story wise uh or not story-wise the story was great the graphics were [ __ ] great it looks awesome and i love those faces on the people really reminds me of cyan and it has this nice creep factor to it um but i think it's what i'm trying to say is as far as like scares it wasn't as like scary or stressful as some of their other games i definitely like these kind of games more though that you're you can't like die and lose all your progress i'm so happy that they have a save function now usually in their games as well which is really nice so if you have to like put the game down for a second you can always just pick it up you can just play in little chunks if you want it's really good um it didn't let me down it was definitely awesome chila's arts games have never let me down at this point so i'm excited to see more i'm sure they're already working on something new they they are so quick with these and they're so good i'm honestly so impressed with these indie developers i hope you guys liked it too thank you so much for watching and um yeah next still is our game i'm hoping to be a little bit more punctual on it um but we'll see it's nice to put them like in when i'm in between games as well so we'll see but i definitely will play any of the future games that are coming out i should have actually done this full screen but whatever i keep forgetting i could have put myself full screen for this but anyway that was it yuku fma missing children was awesome i'm happy i played it i hope you guys liked it too and i can't wait to see what else we're gonna play together and i'll see you guys in that video thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: Gab Smolders
Views: 91,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: girl gamer, survival horror, gameplay, playthrough, full playthrough, walkthrough, girl playing, gamer girl, girlgamergab, gg gab, japanese horror, indie horror, steam, missing children, yukue fumei, 行方不明
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 27sec (3627 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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