The Authority of the Believer

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this program is brought to you by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world just think about it this thing we get we get 500 million Christians walking in their authority man that'll change that curve you know flatten that curve so that I mean if every head of state and every head of nation will have to know this is God they'll have to know you who else can do this but God God's gonna get the glory out of this Satan thinks oh he's just kind of enjoying it right now he better enjoy white hands because it's far as I'm concerned it ends today it ends today grace life 20/20 featuring creflo dollar Taffi dollar Michael Smith Gregory Dickau and Andrew Wommack changing experience don't miss it we've been every one of them don't miss it join us as we bring you race light 2020 to register now text Greece life two five one five five five or visit us at Chris low Dollar ministries dot org [Music] [Music] if you have your Bibles this morning go with me to the book of Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 now I want to start off with this some of you are very familiar with this if as we taught on Authority in times past when a room in your home goes dark you don't call the electric company and ask them to to come and turn the lights off you turn them off yourself or you turn them on yourself if your room goes dark and because you see not to switch off you you get up turn the switch on the electric company is responsible for supplying you with the power if you don't believe me turn the don't pay your bill let them turn your power off and you can hit the switch all day long and you won't get any power The Electric Company is responsible for supplying the power but it's up to you to turn the switch on it's up to you to turn the switch the electric company Georgia Power supplies the power but we had to come and turn the switch on we have power in the dome this morning but somebody had to come and turn the switch on now that's so important just think about that so I believe that the number one reason for unanswered prayer is that people are asking God to do something that he has given us the power and the authority to do for ourselves the number one reason for unanswered prayer is that we continue to ask God for the power and the authority to do something when he's already giving it to us for us to do it ourselves so asking God to do things that he told us to do isn't going to bring answered prayer to our to our to our prayers but we're asking him to do something that he told us to do now you remember me saying this God will never answer a prayer where you ask him to do something that he's already done but also God will never answer a prayer to do something that he told you to do and so you can pray about all of the trouble in the world right now and you wonder well it doesn't seem like God's answered my prayer well he didn't tell you to pray about certain things certain things he gave you the authority to do so we're trying to get God to do something that he told us to do so asking God to do things he told us to do isn't going to bring answers to our prayers now we really we don't really understand the authority that God has given us as believers the average Christian approaches God as if they have no power as if they have no authority and that that's got to change that's got to change there's certain things that will not change on this planet if we don't walk in our authority now look at this in Matthew chapter 10 verse 1 he says and when he had called unto him his twelve disciples he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease all right now let's just leave that up for a moment the first thing I want you to realize is that our fight is not against flesh and blood our fight is against principalities powers wicked spirits in heavenly places rulers of the darkness we are fighting a spiritual fight that if you're not born again you don't know how to fight you can't depend on the unsaved world to handle the issues on the earth because if they're not born again they have not yet been issued the authority to use the power you see it's God's power but he's authorized us and given us permission to use that power so it's important for you to understand this we are this is a spiritual battle this is a spiritual fight we are we are not fighting you know just the physical virus of Corona or the lack or the loss of jobs we're not fighting that we're fighting this in the spiritual realm we're fighting the fear we're fighting the spiritual forces that are behind this coronavirus we know how to engage in a spiritual fight so the first thing you got to realize is that as a Christian I am NOT powerless as a Christian notice what he says in verse 1 and when he had called unto his twelve disciples he gave them power power was given even to the disciples and they were not even born again he gave them power they were but they they believed in him they followed him they were committed to him and Jesus gave them power well those of you who are born again the Bible says and you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you the day you got born again the Holy Spirit came in your life and power came into your life so you have power you have power say out loud say I have power say it again I have power so important that you recognize that you have power and you realize that you have power and you receive I have power so you're not powerless if you are born again Christian the Holy Spirit is on the inside of you you have power what is power it's the ability to get the job done it's the ability to obtain the victory it's the ability to win the war you have the ability and the power to get the job done so if anything's gonna change in this weird season where this kind of a different kind of normal for people if anything's gonna change it's gonna be because we Christian people will stop being afraid recognize we have power and they recognize we have authority to execute that power amen so look what Jesus said here he says he gave them power against unclean spirits huh they're unclean spirits they're spirits that are behind sickness and disease and and and spirits that are behind war and spirits that are behind viruses and infections and spirits that are behind pandemics and epidemics and I'm saying to you Church you have been given power to fight against and when you have been given power over these spirits you have power over this epidemic this pandemic you have power over the coronavirus wake up you have power praise God and here Jesus gave them power against unclean spirits to do what to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease you have power praise God so I want you to get that you have power say it again I have power all right now move on down move on down to verse seven and eight now now watch this Jesus is still speaking he says and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely you have received and freely you give ladies and gentlemen that's awesome because the most of the stuff in this list I talked to people about and they don't think they can do it they say well that was Jesus I don't have that kind of power when Jesus says I gave you power you have this kind of power power to do what heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out Devils freely you have received freely give you have that kind of a power you have that kind of authority Jesus supplied the power and in this passage of Scripture and the disciples made use of the power the power has been supplied it's time for us to use it I say it's time for us to you and and and that's that's the call today that's the sermon today it's time for us to use God's power hallelujah praise the Lord now I know there's some of you where I just don't know about that brother dollar I'm telling you right now if anything's gonna change it's because we are on our face it's because we are declaring we are using our power we are speaking with the authorization that has been given to us by heaven and when we do that you're gonna see some things change we've got to commit we got to use the power we got we got to stop talking to God about the problem and start talking to the problem about what God has already provided the end and the solution for the problem we got to start talking to the problem Korona in the name of Jesus that's the problem you stopped right now I bind you right now I bind that spirits but that's behind you right now uh-huh yeah that's when things will start happening just think about it this thing we get we get 500 million Christians walking in their authority man that'll change that curve you know flatten that curve so that I mean if every head of the state and every head of nation will have to know this is God they'll have to know you who else can do this but God God's gonna get the glory out of this Satan thinks oh he's just kind of enjoying it right now he better enjoy it why cans because as far as I'm concerned it ends today it ends today look at Luke chapter 10 and verse 19 I'm gonna read it out of the King James and then the New Living Translation Luke chapter 10 verse 19 verse out of the King James now listen this is gonna be this is we're gonna see clarity who really believes in who don't ya I'm not talkin denomination I'm talking to word of God that if you believe the Word of God and if you believe what he has said concerning us that we have been given power and that we have a right to command we have a right to use his power to command things on this earth you know prayer you have the authority to pray but you know what prayer does when we do pray it gives heaven consent to get involved it gives heaven consent to get involved we're not going to God begging and praying like some little weakling we're going to God and we're saying heaven you have a consent that's what he meant whatever I behind on the earth it's already bound in heaven heaven now has consent whatever I loose on the earth is already loosed in heaven heaven has consent so therefore I loose a healing over this earth I loose a paralyzing effect against the coronavirus you're paralyzed right now I bind you in Jesus name man I tell you that's powerful and when we can start talking like that instead of a bunch of little scared folks Oh Lord Jesus this is stay back stay back I'm not I'm not you know against that but dear God you hadn't even you haven't even released your authority praise God and you're opening your life up to fear and opening your house up to fear because she won't you won't recognize who you are now I listen I already know I I got some religious folks you just think that I've lost my mind well I have I lost my mind and I got his mind now praise God I know I know I'm not walking through this time with my mind I'm gonna have the mind of Christ and pay attention to what he has said about this thing amen I'm telling you that listen the world they don't have an answer they're searching every day coming up with everything they can they think is right but we do we have an answer and it's time for us to do it it ain't it won't be the first time the church pulled the world out of it it's time for us to get it done it's time for I'm calling for every born-again Christian who knows the power of prayer and their authority to get on it right now and in Jesus name see this thing come to a close now look at Luke chapter 10 verse 19 he says behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and you've got power over all of the power of the enemy oh and nothing shall by any means hurt you how's you gonna ignore that look at this in the end NLT you can't ignore this man these are these are this is the Word of God that we stand on that we stand upon look what he says in verse 19 he says look I have given you authority say out loud I have Authority said again I have Authority he says look I have given you Authority the right to command I've given you authority over all the power of the enemy so whatever the enemy is doing in the earth I have authority over all his power and he says and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them and nothing will injure you nothing will injure you I tell you there's there's no way I'm gonna spend another day walking like I'm powerless I have authority I have authority over all of the power of the enemy you say that out loud witness say I have authority over all of the power of the enemy now most Christians are starting from a position of power Lyn its power powerlessness they're saying things like Lord we are nothing we can do nothing we're just we're just waiting on you God God stretch forth your hand and heal Oh God you know they're pleading with God and and they're begging with God to release his power which is completely contrary to Jesus's command in Matthew chapter 10 verse 7 na heal the sick raise the dead cast out the devil glory be to God and I'm telling you in the name of Jesus he said command he didn't say go and plead and beg Oh God or a boho God we just a few your little humble service just asking you to stop by here just a little while we know you're busy but we need you to come come come now Jesus has already come and he's giving you the right to command praise God well O Lord if you just stop by stop by my house garden and get rid of this virus and stop by my house and get rid of this sickness huh he's not your errand boy he has given you the authority to stop by that house if you don't do it ya ain't gonna get done Matthew 10 seven and eight says heal the sick raise the dead he didn't tell us to pray and ask God to do it for us he told us to do these things now and I'm telling you right now you speak to that coronavirus now we are not doing it on our own that's what I'm trying to get you to see that when you do this you're not doing it on your own because it's God's power that's working the miracle it's God's power that's binding the virus but we are the responsibility or we have the responsibility for taking action his power but we have the responsibility to take action look at John I'm thinking to this John 15 and 4 glory be to God I've gotten excited and Lord Jesus we have the power I mean this thing hit me yesterday morning as I wait a minute I got the power look at John 15 verse 5 let's go let's go to verse 4 let's read verse 4 and 5 he says abide in me take up residence in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself a branch cannot bear fruit by itself there's got to be a root in order for the branch of an apple tree to bring forth apples he said he said except it about in the vine no more can you accept you abide in me so I know it's not you but it's it's where you abide it's where you take up residence praise God now look at verse five he said I'm divine you are the branches he that abideth in me and I to him the one that that same will bring forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing now that that really brings some things to - to a focus here I am abiding in him are you abiding in him he is abiding in me is he abiding in you he says now if that's the case if you have this relationship that's happening I've been talking about this for a while and if you're in it because you want God and you know him and he knows you and you're abiding in him and he's abiding in you he says that's got to happen because she can't do anything without me and there are still people around the world that are trying to be like God without God there's still people around the world that are trying to get things done you know on their their own ability and he says just you're the branch you can't do it without me and we're still trying to go do it out it you see the self-help books can't help you right now the inspirational talks are not gonna be able to help you right now they'll make you feel better for a little bit but if you want to get real results it comes out of a relationship that you have with God because without him you can do nothing and I make this confession I can't do nothing without him I need him every second every minute I need him every hour I need him every day I gotta have him I will never sit in any place and declare that I can do this without God no I need him I can't do nothing without him that's the key it's that intimate relationship with God that guarantees you the power to bring forth the fruit and I'm telling you in the name of Jesus man I tell you God we need you Lord we can't do nothing without you we don't need you just because of what's going on in our world today we do but Lord we needed you before Korona hit hallelujah I need you every day and so because we know we a personal intimate relationship with God and we know we can't do anything without him then you should have the confidence that when you release your authority on the thing it shall surely come to pass it shall be done on my own I can't heal nothing on my own I can't heal nothing one of the same things true with you on your own you can't heal nothing you might think you can't but you can't and there's so many people that try they they don't have a relationship with God and they're so busy trying to build an image and and and that they have an image with no power they have an image with no results power is the ability to get results and and and I want results in my life when I lay hands on the sick they recover when I can't start Devils the devil goes glory to God and when I speak to mountains the mountain moves praise God that's that's what you got to get on the inside of you that confidence has got to be built up I know for a fact that on my own I can't heal nothing but now here's what I thought about I'm never on my own I'm never on my own on my own I can't do nothing but I'm never on my own look at Hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 in the Amplified Bible Hebrews 13:5 and amplified bible I'm never I'm never on my own I give God the praise I'm never on my own when when when tragedy strikes somewhere I'm never on my own when when engines go off I'm never on my own when when I'm in a car crash I'm never on my own I'm never on my own when a virus and break loose I'm never on my own I'm not on my own hallelujah look what he says he says let your character or moral disposition be free from the love of money including greed and avarice and lust and cravings for earthly possessions now watch this part and be satisfied with your present circumstances and with what you have for he God Himself has said I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support I will not I will not I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down nor relax my hold on you assuredly not Wow he confirmed that in Joshua one in five I think God's committed to you gods committed to you he's committed to your safety he's committed to your deliverance he's committed to to never leave you nor forsake you so you're not gonna be alone you're not gonna be alone and I'm telling you right now you're not alone you're not alone you may feel like it but you're not alone God is there and since he's there you develop that relationship with him release your authority and watch things change fear is not from God the world offers plenty of opportunities to live in fear but Christians must learn to completely cast out the emotion of fear today's offer victory over fear is available for a love gift of twenty five US dollars or more this 5 message series will provide you with the tools to help you respond in faith to what Jesus has already done fear can't even touch you every time you think of it or hear a report it's just the Holy Ghost arrives up on the inside of you and you'll remind yourself of who I am I'm the redeemed of the Lord I said it and it is so I'm not I'm not moved by the reports I'm moved by the Word of God I'm moved by the Spirit of God I'm moved by the Holy Ghost I'm moved by the power of God as an added bonus we have combined today's offer with creflo dollar's life-changing book overcoming fear this combo is available to you for a love gift of thirty five US dollars or more order this series to activate your faith and cast out fear today five teachers of grace five days of fellowship and worship a lifetime of victory the grace 20:20 featuring creflo dollar taffy dollar Michael Smith Gregory Dickau and Andrew Wommack grace message is just the message today they are rightly dividing the word of truth join us as we bring you the race light 2020 July 6th through the 10th this will be another amazing event and seats will go fast to register now text Grace Life two five one five five five or visit us at Creflo Dollar ministries org we will see you soon we cannot say enough how much we appreciate those of you who support this broadcast know that your contributions do not go unnoticed understand also that when you sow financial seeds into Creflo Dollar ministries you actually assist us in ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of millions around the world you helped us build schools drip irrigation systems and homes for pastors you also help us provide supplies for children and the elderly we thank you we continue to pray for the dead whether it's through our main campus or fellowship churches our international offices or mission trips every day creflo dollar global missions makes a mark that cannot be erased to learn more about the work of creflo dollar global missions log on to Creflo Dollar ministries org today your generosity allows us to make a difference in the lives of people all over the world through creflo dollar global missions we are providing food clothing crucial supplies and the Word of God to people in the most remote regions of the world because of You Creflo Dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day thank you partners and Friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message in to millions of homes all across the globe [Music] you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 21,524
Rating: 4.9294438 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: Vq2ihNA6yCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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