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what is up everyone and we are back with tier four pretty much nothing to update on uh the channel's doing great thank you all for that i will say that some of these are a lot more in-depth and specific than ones we've seen in the past but that's just the trend that keeps going for the entire iceberg so hopefully they just keep getting better and hopefully you all enjoy so sincerely thank you for watching tier four's title is a depth of secrets and it reads occult learnings and mysteries of lower tier that apparently seem to be innocent start to become more sinister you begin to see patterns everywhere realizing you only dip your toes in the conspiracy world very few people believe or have heard of stuff from this level first up we have the zopa tribe and the related dropa stones this one was really interesting in 1938 a chinese research team went to the himalayan mountains in search of some or deposit that had been picked up by geographers once the team got there however they found 716 graves hidden in the back of these tunnel systems that ran through the himalayan mountains what's even weirder was inside of each of these graves was a four foot tall human skeleton with an abnormally large sized skull the tombs were filled with ciphers and hieroglyphics that didn't make sense but located on each one of the grave was a circular disk that have since been termed the dropa stones each of these disks are estimated to be 12 000 years old and contain minerals such as cobalt which is very rare and normally only found on meteorites at least you know in the himalayan mountains years later research from a russian university determined that the hieroglyphics on the drop of stones read out prime numbers since this experience the chinese government has censored all information regarding it and made that section of the himalayan's no travel zone so yeah starting off with a good one lord pakelstein machine relates to the mayan king lord pakel when researchers found his coffin they noticed the odd inscriptions on the lid of the coffin that showed him laying inside of what seemed to be some sort of machinery interacting with this very diverse device for whatever reason what's especially odd is the related mayan transcriptions in the area spoke that lord pakel had the ability to control the turning of the sun things such as what's even weirder is upon further inspection of the body in the coffin it is estimated to be that of a 30 to 40 year old man lord packle was king of this mayan area for 80 years so either someone else is buried in lord packle's grave or that inscription of him controlling a machine and turning back the moon and the stars may have some worth to it monsanto is essentially your stereotypical evil conglomerate company they have been known to sue farmers for using natural pesticides and growing supplements they have been known to fund government campaigns in which the elected politician plans to cut back on restrictions regarding the environment and have even gone as far to cover up cancer research on their specific products when it's been known to you know cause cancer of course as you can imagine monsanto is at the center of a lot of conspiracies regarding big pharma and evil tech and things such as females are interesting and one of the weirdest parts i think whenever you look into this whole ancient alien idea an old hindu and sanskrit text there are these records of these giant flying palaces and they're not mentioned in any supernatural or strange sense there's simply depictions and writings of these giant floating palaces that would exist above the himalayan mountains it's so odd to me whenever you look at stuff like this how old world countries would simply just be like oh yeah flying houses those are a thing north korea utopia is exactly what it says it's the idea that north korea is actually a secretive perfect world but that western media and european media simply discredit it as order to discredit communism and lift up capitalism that's at least the main version the other version is a bit more interesting i think it's the idea that beneath north korea is a perfect utopia but in order to seem unassuming to the world around them periodically different citizens are sent to live on the surface for years at a time in order to maintain a low-key look while they live in perfection and disease-free beneath however the first version is usually the most popular as it's simply saying that our governments are censoring information as to not give us an idea that other systems of government could work better land font also known as pierre landfont was the chief architect who designed these streets for washington dc in his notes he said he used the celestial bodies in order to map out the routes for dc that's why dc has very odd street planning when it comes to diagonal cuts and things such as but as other people have pointed out these streets also line up in satanic shapes such as several pentagrams or old world geographic shapes being formed by dc streets this all relates back to the idea that he was funded by the freemasons and that the original leaders of the united states knew what he was up to and it's all illuminati satan government yeah the grand unified conspiracy theory is rather diverse depending on who you ask normally it looks something like this and it's just the idea that reptilians and big pharma and illuminati and satanism and all that interconnect with each other and it is all one conspiracy theory that we just look at certain aspects of cybersquatting time travelers is pretty funny for those who don't know cybersquatting is the practice of buying urls or usernames on websites that you know are the names of famous people or companies in the hopes that they will one day buy that domain off of you so the time traveler aspect is hilarious uh the only evidence i could find with any of this was supposedly odd names that wouldn't have made a lot of sense but i mean you could just chalk that up to people hoping to get lucky comic-con child recruitment's pretty sad just the fact that there are children every year during comic con who go missing the idea of which being they're abducted by human trafficking rings however the conspiracy goes a little deeper and says that comic con knows of this behavior but they are paid off in order to turn a blind eye or to not better tied in security to prevent this type of thing plastic surgery runaways was just vague enough that it was hard to find any information on i believe this is referring to the fact that there are plastic surgeons who will famously perform surgery on either runaways or people who have been kidnapped this wraps back into human trafficking but it adds an extra layer to it by implying that medical professionals or at least some are in on the whole scheme lifetime is a book written by lyle watson a lot of the complex in it are pretty intense uh from what little brief reading i did on it it seems to be the idea that humans are artificial or can at least summon an artificial self through their thoughts and it all has to do with introspection and the idea of looking inwards to bring out the better self so a lot of sort of eastern philosophy yogi type ideas baltic sea anomaly refers to an event that happened in 2011 in which a fishing ship that was using sonar caught this image while looking at the bottom of the baltic sea the baltic sea is as you could imagine pretty deep and the idea behind this being that it is a ufo that crashed on the planet some time ago it's still there to this day however for anyone who knows anything about sea travel it is much much harder to keep someone alive underwater than it is in space this is due to things like pressure and the deeper you go into water the harder it is to maintain which is the reason we normally just send submersibles really deep and it costs a lot of money so no one's seen it fit to investigate this yet or that's what they want you to think uh but either way as far as this moment goes uh all we know about is there's this odd shape down there planned extinction is just referring to the fact of an idea that was mentioned in previous tiers that humanity will eventually become extinct and how this might even be a good thing in order to save the planet that's the entire idea of eco triage that we have to cut off the bleeding somewhere the bleeding being us in order to save our ecosystem haunted locations world map from everything i can find there are several maps that display different haunted locations in the world so perhaps looking into each of them and researching if that's what this does means this could literally go on forever but i think it's just referring to the fact that there are documented records of haunted places around the world and that should be at least a little bit concerning artificial poisonous snow is something that occurs in mostly midwest cities from everything i could find in which snow will occasionally fall from the sky and not melt for a very extended amount of time and whenever flames is held to it it becomes black the implication in this being that the government or some other force is raining this artificial snow on us to poison us in some way however in the extra research i did on this i think this is just pollution king babylon's world control is kind of vague because there is no king babylon babylon was an empire there are kings like nebuchadnezzar ii and hammurabi and each have their own conspiracy theories if i had to guess this is specifically referring to in the book of revelations where it talks about babylon will be the downfall of the new world empires and things such as which i think this is basically referring to the idea that there will be strength rise up from the east so to speak however that's all speculation what i believe the conspiracy is referring to is just this idea in revelations and the idea that at some point there will be a leader rise up in the middle east who will dominate control of at least several world powers depopulation funds is very closely related to the planned extinction i talked about earlier when it comes to this everything i could find mostly related back to bill gates and ideas that money is being put into several ecological departments that are studying things such as and everything else i could find on it related back to the idea that they are planning to get rid of what they refer to as useless eaters which is actually a term originally coined in nazi germany uh and just refers to people who take up space in a population without contributing so if it ever got to a point where we were losing our ecosystem fast and we had to immediately correct the human population the first to go would be these useless eaters or whoever the government rules is not fit to continue basically scps based on real life is just saying one of two options that either the scp foundation is real and that all the logs have been linked by disgruntled scp agents or some real-life super natural phenomena is hidden in scp files both to keep the identity of the person who upload it safe and to warn whatever few people may read it of what's really out there i personally like the second one more since it's at least sort of plausible so yeah holotropic breath work is a practice that is found in a lot of yogi circles especially uh chinese and other eastern philosophies it's the idea that quick fast breaths for time periods up to even three hours can cause the body to sort of reset itself and be more in touch with the inner self and from this you can derive true knowledge spiritualism and whatever have you for the situation hermeneutics is about critiquing things from a sense of inner self basically everything i could find on it is just the idea that if there is a literary text or some other form of media that you're trying to understand that you have to embellish from the self in order to truly understand it and that people talking doesn't really accomplish anything without meditation almost every application i could find of this related to the bible and there are several people who have their own interpretations of the bible using hermann nuetics the sea people were interesting when i saw the title i thought this would just be referring to atlanta's fish people or whatever but it's not at all from 1200 to 900 bc there was a group of people who are only known in history as the sea people who went around the mediterranean sea uh fighting different nations famously of which was egypt around 1000 bc these people were supposed to be taller than the average person no specific mention of giants just that they were rather large and they were great fighters and plunderers and from everything i read the earliest possible version of pirates what's interesting is no one knows where they came from about every other player around the mediterranean was noted for at that time and to this day no one knows where the sea people came from or where they went and they just forever remained this kind of blip in history cryptogeography is exactly what it sounds like like how cryptozoology is the study of paranormal animals cryptogeography is the study of paranormal spaces so bermuda triangle haunted sites yada yada infrared laundry balls is the fact that laundry detergent balls that supposedly even an advertising for them mentioned that they clean clothes with an infrasonic wave actually elicit enough of the stuff to harm the individual however whenever companies say stuff like that they're just using big words to try to talk over people's head and make them think they know what they're doing because no they don't neg entropy or negative entropy is a concept that exists in thermal physics the idea is all sources of energy derive from heat in some regard they either bring heat in or let it out and any action of energy dispels heat in some way this makes sense if you think about it more however a theoretical negative entropy item would bring in heat or ambient energy in the air whenever it performs a task or does any function this would theoretically cause a sort of paradoxical loop in which something can be done without taking an energy and as a matter of fact creating more of it while also doing more so this could spiral on forever and ever and if you read theories on this in the universe so that's cool i'll be honest i could not find anything on nexus 7. there was one website called nexus 7 that had a few creepy articles on it but that was the name of the website an auto conspiracy in general nexus 7 is both the name of the android laptop or pad or tablet whatever it is and another theory for the movie blade runner that one of the characters was a nexus 7 model so anything i look up for theory or analysis goes to one of the two and i have absolutely no idea what this could be referring to unless the tablet or the character from blade runner has a conspiracy behind it uh it's come to my attention at this point that when this is all over i'll need to do a corrections video because there's a few other minor details i messed up on so if anyone can tell me in the comments what this nexus 7 thing means i will absolutely give you credit for it and i can quit trying to look up pictures of tablets so yeah sorry about that but i promise i tried the black hope curse is an interesting one in houston texas there was a family that moved into a small suburb and immediately began noticing odd things happening around their house until one day an old man showed up and told them that they had bodies in their backyard the family didn't believe him but after digging up the backyard they discovered that there was in fact two dead bodies buried side by side it turns out the neighborhood was built on top of an old slave cemetery the name of which was black hope cemetery the family re-buried the bodies and set up a memorial for them however things kept getting worse around the house at first it was subtle such as a missing pair of shoes here or a slight noise down the hallway there until eventually it became more malicious things that were being lost in the house were found on top of the graves in the backyard after doing research the mother figured out that these two were a buried slave couple and she felt that by disturbing their grave she had made them angry this led to an eventual legal battle with the neighborhood because they sold them house and didn't tell them there was bodies under it to which the judge said he would need definitive proof there were bodies under the house the mother in a rage went back home and began digging up around her yard her daughter who was helping her came across another body said she felt ill and immediately had a seizure and then died two days later in a hospital family moved out of the house the bodies were covered up and to this day it said that the black hope curse still resides in houston texas falun gong is an interesting one as it seems to be a religion that's derived from chinese philosophy that also went at odds with the chinese government although initial reports are mixed of why this rivalry started we know it got to the point that there was about 70 million falun gong members who all stood at odds with the chinese government this became a total smear campaign in which the government was blocking the word falun gong online uh throwing various members in prison it's even estimated that about 2 000 falun gong members were killed while in prison what's even more interesting is that this religion and the founders of it went on to found the epoch times which is now a pretty well-known news source that constantly talks bad about the chinese government and seeing where they came from you could kind of guess why geo-metrodynamics is sort of the theoretical geometry to theoretical physics and the idea of the natural phenomenon and the universe itself can be described and quantitated through geometry so super super next level math stuff four owned by the government is in reference to the internet browser tour also known as the onion which lets people access the dark web what's funny is this conspiracy iceberg was written in 2017 and it has since been proven without a shadow of a doubt the tour is absolutely run by the government not only was it only created to perform government ops and things such as on unlisted websites but it is also known that they monitor certain transactions on it in order to figure out where people are and what they're doing at certain upkeep cost for the tour browser is funded by certain state departments if secretly so so yeah look at this all grown up something that was on the conspiracy iceberg now making its way into headlines isn't that cute cave dweller holocaust while i couldn't find a very specific instance is in reference to the idea that there were at one point at least two different kinds of humanoid creatures one of which being us the other being troglodytes or cave dwelling creatures the idea being that at some point we hunted and killed these troglodytes either out of self-defense or just to stay at the top of the food chain this relates to several old world mythologies and stories relating to a troglodyte or cave dweller type creature but obviously non-existing in our present sense the trilateral commission is a board that was founded in 1973 by john rockefeller and yes that's the rockefeller name they meet twice a year in tokyo japan and the board is made up of united states western european japanese and canadian members who discuss kind of like the bilderberg meetings uh capitalism and other adult things i don't know what they say they do it's absolutely rough with conspiracies like reading about these people they get blamed from everything from 911 to john f kennedy even though they didn't exist yet so yeah super creepy top one percent elitist meet every year and talk about stuff also i should mention especially with that one i'm at the point in researching this stuff that whenever i type some of this in the first results are what what are you talking about you don't want to you don't want to look up that look at this picture of trump and epstein or like the first 10 search results will just be headline after headline that's like the dumbest conspiracy of the year question mark see why people don't trust the elite so yeah i can only imagine what the other six tiers are going to be like dolphin intelligence is exactly what it says the idea that dolphins are much more intelligent than they're giving credit for but in the more conspiracy side of stuff uh it is more so than even the government's letting on ideas being the tests with dolphins have shown that they have very complex thought processes even understanding of right and wrong however in order to not discredit our role as top of the food chain so to speak all media regarding them simply is like oh aren't they a smart animal when in reality we're locking up and caging things with complex emotions unconscious so you know again only good thoughts on this channel meat showers refers to the kentucky meat shower that occurred in 1876 as witnessed by many people on a farm in kentucky specifically bath county kentucky for several minutes chunks of meat anywhere from two to four inches wide range from the sky and this isn't just like a few pieces after the other this is like a shower of the stuff to the point that the entire ground was covered with it in a hundred foot radius this was 1876 so research was weird there are some people who said that it was essentially a giant cyanobacteria to others who said it was human flesh and then researchers who pulled meat from the area got everything back that it was human to deer to bear to whatever also i should mention the amount of people who ate this meat off the ground and said it was either chicken or horse was alarming himalayan zombie refers to the ideas of zombies that exist in himalayan cultures that more so follow the entire voodoo idea of zombies as a resurrected servant of the dead a lot of the mythology around them is really cool such as the fact they're not allowed to bend over as they are sort of this hardened corpse so several houses in the himalayans will have the door built lower just so these creatures can't get in they're also specifically referred to as rolling and there are five different kinds of rolling that each have their own weaknesses ranging from you have to break one of its bones do you have to hit it on a specific spot on its body and so on and so forth where a lot of the creepiness of this comes from is that himalayan tour guys will be walking with people up the mountain and travelers who have been with these tour guides will point to someone standing way off in the distance to which the tour guide will simply say that's a rolling don't look at it and just keep walking so the idea that there is these mystic zombies existing on the himalayan mountains to either do the will of their master or simply keep foreigners out is both very scary and very cool deep philosophies is just this very specific idea and the principle that whenever judging something i'd be at someone some idea or some piece of work that interacting with other people doesn't help and you have to pull everything out of yourself in order to actually understand how you feel about it and that's where true understanding comes from it's very closely related to herman neuettix which i talked about earlier next is civil war sightings uh this is pretty vague and there are a lot of paranormal events that existed throughout the civil war some of which include the nicholas cage vampire i'm not kidding on that one a pterodactyl that was shot down and the green eyed thing but what i think this is referring to is the ghost sightings that have taken place after the war well there are several of these i will stick to a few of the most notable ones that occurred at gettysburg for one little round top during the filming of the movies gettysburg extras that were in union uniforms were sitting in the woods to which then an old union soldier smelled of gunpowder and looked very rustic and dirty came up to the men began talking about how much this fight meant to him handing out ammunition and then ran away when the men got back to the shooting site that man wasn't there and no one had any record of an extra extra being there after presenting the munitions to the prop department they said this isn't theirs and this is real munitions from the civil war sachs bridge is another one in which a group of teenagers who were walking over the bridge began hearing horses running and cannon fire go off to which they got scared ran away but then decided they should go back when they went back they saw the apparitions of people on horseback jumping over the river and riding up the hill there are several reports that while at gettysburg people have heard cannon fire and the sounds of battle raging on the idea being that these people are stuck in a perpetual loop my favorite however out of all these is out of the ghostly surgery room there was a building on the gettysburg battlefield that at the time was being used as a field hospital the building is now a library a few years ago two men were taking the elevator down to the basement when the basement doors opened it was not the basement that they knew and instead it was a very old civil war era appearing room that was full with patients and doctors running around and it was the full scene to them of this entire hospital in motion both of the men freaked out and one of them rapidly press on the button to go back up and just as the doors were closed he made eye contact with a nurse who saw him for a brief second this last one's especially cool because it gets into one of my favorite theories about ghost that of being since time is an illusion there are moments in which time doesn't react correctly and two people standing in the same place interact with each other without knowing it so the idea that this nurse all the way back then saw people from the future and they made eye contact for a brief second it's just a really cool thought process when it comes to a better understanding of the world and time is sort of a construct anyway that does it for part one of tier four thank you all so much for watching like i said at the beginning of the video my channel is doing great and it's all thanks to you guys it really does mean a lot thank you to all of my patrons but a very special thank you to my top tier patrons thank you kayla thank you pef thank you eddie thank you benjamin thank you tim thank you publius and thank you saucy link for my patreon as well as the original iceberg image will be in the description as always and again from the bottom of my heart thank you for watching it really does mean a lot part 2 should be up soon as well as the first deeper dive episode in which i will be covering roko's basilisk so stay tuned for that but thank you all for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 1,038,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explained, conspiracy, theory, iceberg, analysis, breakdown, horror, scary, creepy, spooky, funny, comedy, humor, dark web, deep web, intel, secret
Id: o-H4dWAcy0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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