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what is up everybody and we are on to tier three now as you can probably see from the video title this is not going to be the entire tier three and i'm sorry about that but my reasoning for it is this we are past most of the standard theories and a lot of the stuff we're getting into now is either super like old world spiritual or crazy ideas in physics or these theories and places you've never heard of that i've got to go an explanation on so it was either gonna have to be i'll skimp out on theories not explain as much which is lame or i'll have to post the entire tier at once which could be an hour or more and it would be longer between uploads which is also lame or i break the tiers up in half so sorry that this isn't the whole thing but this will let me get them out faster we're still going to go through the same and i can explain each concept more which i think since no one else is doing this type of thing you all would probably prefer also to request that i'm following through on the original picture of the iceberg will be in the description so if you want to read along or skip ahead to anything go ahead i'm not going to do it on here because some people like to be surprised by what comes next but if you want the original picture it's down there and also people have asked me to talk louder so i am certainly going to try to keep track of all this because there's going to be more and more videos piling up especially since they're now in half at least from here on until something changes there's also going to be a playlist on my channel so if you ever get behind or anything you can just go there and make sure that you're watching them all in order i will be starting another series called a deeper dive uh probably not till this is over maybe one or two before this is over where if there is a specific concept you want to see highlighted more uh because trust me like any of these from here on out i could do an entire video on just comment below and in this new series a deeper dive i will do exactly that and go further into detail on these iceberg ideas also for some of the more controversial ones that i'm going to mention and get into as i'm doing this i've decided that on my patreon podcast that we are going to be doing a couple episodes talking of the more controversial ones that i can't mention on youtube so if you're a patron stay tuned for that let's get into it before we do that i want to say sincerely from the bottom of my heart thank you my channel is doing better now than it ever has i'm near a thousand subscribers which is absolutely insane and it's all thanks to you guys so i really do mean it thank you for watching tier three is titled as the truth agent and its definition is point of no return some of this knowledge will make you appear and act like a lunatic to normal people's eyes but it's only the beginning if you are still here you might want to study and research more following your path first up is singularity singularity has two base definitions the first is the idea of an infinite zero in an equation so in things such as a black hole density is calculated infinitely which is the reason a black hole exists however the version that i think the theory is referring to because there's more reference to this type of thing in this tier is the idea that humanity will eventually reach a point of no return with technology meaning that at some point we will either develop ourselves to such a dependence on technology or to a point that a.i will be equal to humanity and there will be no coming back from it so uh there are theories that we've already hit that singularity point or that we are very quickly about to and this relates to ideas on both sides of transhumanism who think that's a good thing and people who believe that technology has progressed too far and that we should quit while we're ahead quantum suicide and immortality is a tricky one to understand but i'm going to try to do my best to you i'm going to need to explain some ideas in quantum mechanics so bear with me i am not a physicist but i will do my best the word quantum itself refers to super super small microscopic particles i am talking pieces of atoms as they move around what's interesting about atoms and electrons and things such as is that we never know at one point where they are they're constantly moving never setting still so what that means is that we always predict where they'll be or have an idea of the estimation of where they'll be obviously this is very different from real world logic i can point at you or thing at the wall or the travis scott vinyl back there and know for sure that it is there that it is a tangible object however you can't do that with atoms what's interesting is that this doesn't just apply to one atom it applies to two atoms or three or four in clusters so there has to be a point somewhere where atoms quit being atoms that are judged quantumly and begin becoming objects that can be judged logically this goes back to the whole idea of a sand pile that if you have a heap of sand and you periodically take one grain of sand out it never quits being a heap but by that logic by the time you get down to one bit of sand that's still technically a heap unless there's some rule that changes it somewhere all this really has to do with thought experiments and theories and things such as and quantum suicide and immortality itself is one of these thought experiments if we apply quantum mechanics to real large world creations such as humans or chairs or what have you that's where we get into ideas like schrodinger's cat schrodinger's cat is the idea that if you were to take a cat and to put it in a box then inside this box there was a mechanism that had a 50 chance of killing the cat the cat would be both dead and alive until observed now remember this is all applying to quantum mechanics so if the way atoms work are we don't know how they are until we look at it at a specific moment say oh that's it then something larger like a cat would have the same rules applied to it so by schrodinger's cat logic or schrodinger's law things in the real world are not manipulated until you look at them but obviously that isn't true because things can happen without us directly looking at it the inverse to schrodinger's law is something called copenhagen's law copenhagen's law states that if something happens in our world then that is the only thing that happens that there is a series of random events that could occur that led to this specific instance occurring and that's it that's all she wrote that there's only one way it happens uh so again it kind of goes back against schrodinger's law but it is a more normal idea for us like that's essentially how things work in the real world things happen or they don't quantum suicide and immortality is a theory that kind of straddles between the two it was developed by a man named hugh everett who was from everything i found kind of a jerk for example his daughter attempted suicide and he simply glanced up from his notebook and thought nothing of the situation he was a very callous man and this is a very callous look at reality it takes the idea of schrodinger's cat that there are unknown uncertainties when it comes to how things react in the real world and we only change it by observation and applies copenhagen's law that whatever happens in our world is simply what happened and that's how the dice fell quantum suicide and immortality is very closely related to what we know as string theory or the idea that there are multiple expanding universes in every direction it says that every single one of these unknown uncertainties is played out in a different universe uh those familiar with strengths here will know what i'm talking about every decision that you could make is made in a separate branching off pathway and this goes on infinitely forever for everyone quantum suicide and immortality is applying this to the person saying that if you are a depressed individual or if you are a very lively happy individual every single change in your character will be played out across these different timelines which means there are some where you always commit suicide and this is rather dark but like i said here's the callous man or there are some where you live forever his thought process on this being if you live to be a hundred and your heart simply stops well there's a branching off universe where your heart goes a second longer and another one where it goes a second longer and on and on and on which means there are infinite universes where you commit suicide or die forever and ones where you live on forever forever in these branching pathways i really hope that wasn't boring i thought it was a really cool concept so yeah the tree swastika was discovered in germany in 1992 in which 140 larch trees were planted in the pattern of a swat sticker the significance of large trees is that they share similarities in color and design with the other trees of the area year round except for a three week window in the winter in which they become brown with their leaves and as you can see in the picture create a different pattern when planted between them in this case a swat sticker what's interesting about these trees given how tall they are is that they would have to be planted a long time ago and was even more interesting is that this isn't the only one there have been several found across germany poland france and things such as which it's believed during world war ii that nazi sympathizers or nazi commanders in certain regions would plant these as a show of good faith or loyalty to the fatherland and blah blah what have you it's interesting that these monuments or natural monuments to an empire since defeated can still appear randomly in the real world and it's scary to think of how much deeper ideas like this go than we're publicly aware of genocide denials goes to both sides as there will be public opinion that denies uh sort of publicly accepted ideas of genocide and things that have happened and there will also be governments who deny accusations towards them of their involvement in genocide and so on and so forth that goes both ways rocco's basilisk is another thought experiment that comes from an online user who went by the name of roko he developed the idea that if ai is to come to a point of singularity or to where it gets so powerful that it's smarter than us and starts to kill us it would be beneficial now to help it because after this ai becomes so super intelligent it may begin killing people who weren't part of its creation while this is already kind of a logical fallacy the whole idea of you have to do evil to prevent evil from happening to you and blah blah blah what's interesting about it is some of the more hypothetical theories that it gets into and there's so many i won't go into them but ideas that this ai may since it can manipulate time go back in time and simply stop be people from being born who wouldn't help it so everyone that's alive now is people that would only help it or that the ai itself has simply come back in time to silently watch and see what people will lead to its creation and so on and so forth it's essentially a cautionary tale about ai and while this is a more submissive answer to it like we got to help it or else um it's used in a lot of circles about the dangers of ai itself taurid is a really cool one i remember hearing about uh several years back specifically the man from torrid as it's called the story goes like this a man entered a japanese airport and was caught in exchange because his passport was weird it said that he was from a country called torrid and it had his full information date of birth all of it was correct except the country of origin the security pulled him to the side and began asking him questions about this country to which the man was confused and kept replying that he's simply from torrid as a matter of fact he pointed to it on a map saying that that map was incorrect because it's supposed to reside between germany and france he gave correct accounts of information through history like world war ii and the soviet cold war he gave numbers for them to call which all proved to be non-existent and this lasted for some time that night the security put him in a hotel so they could figure out what to do and the next day when they went to get him he was gone there was no evidence of him there was no information found and he was never seen again a lot of this relates back to the mandela effect that i mentioned in the first here there are these parallel universes that keep interacting with one another but it's interesting the idea that there is a different slightly different world from ours still at events like cold world world war two that resulted in the creation of a new country called torrid the bloop is something that personally affects me because it has to do with my worst fear ever the ocean in the early 2000s ocean researchers had several microphones placed across the pacific ocean the purpose of it to be to monitor blue whale migrations that was until out of nowhere from the location that was triangulated to be the bottom of the ocean there was a bellowing roar that was so loud it was picked up by microphones in a 3 000 mile radius direction to put that in perspective the vocal cords of whatever this thing would had to be three times the size at least of a blue whale to this day no one knows where it came from and it has been the subject of several conspiracies or monster theories about things that live beneath the ocean which is just further confirmation to me that i don't belong in the ocean rosicrucianism is closely related to an old religion that was a branch off of christianity some 800 years ago known as gnosticism or gnosticism not sure how to pronounce it it essentially follows the idea that god and the trinity is real from christianity but that there are lesser gods and each of them are mandated to do different things more specifically the idea that the lesser god that created earth is evil and mischievous and that's why there's so much sin and misery on our earth while good things come from christ in the godhead bad things come from our smaller god rossi christianism from everything that i can find uh believes this theory but applies more science into it where this applies is that almost everything i found about roasted crucianism applies to the masons the idea being that several of the founders of the freemasons subscribe to this ideology and we're not only that but we're sort of high priest in this order so the idea of digital christianity mixed with uh phenomenal science creating the freemasons stays in line with most of the theories that apply to them sinkholes are exactly what uh it's referring to sinkholes for those that don't know uh periodically especially in man-made areas giant holes in the ground can open up and i mean huge it doesn't just have to be whatever man-made items are but that's normally where it happens a lot of the theories around this go back to the idea of gods and stuff that we have over populated the earth too much and so it's cleansing itself or back to harmonic vibrations on the earth and make your own calculations from it but that's just what the theory is referring to the publius enigma dates back to pink floyd's 1994 album the division bell someone by the name of publius appeared online and began saying that there was a secret message hidden in the album the division bell and anyone that figured it out would be given great reward now while you could just chalk this up to some crazy person on boards they seem to know a whole lot about pink floyd and the album itself and when questioned about their legitimacy they said to watch the stage at the next pink floyd concert to which the lights began flashing in code the name of publius obviously this guy has connection somewhere despite this there has never been any huge secret at least from what i can find derived from the division bell album and most people believe it to be some huge sort of like paparazzi show from the agents who put together the album but everyone exclusively denies this so who is publius and what's the secret of the division though russian sleep experiments are a supposed uh experiment that was uncovered that happened in russia during world war ii and while you may be familiar with the famous creepypasta that i was before looking into it the creepypasta comes off of the supposed real world documentation the idea of this experiment was to develop a drug that would give soldiers the ability to stay awake for days at a time without side effects or crashing however according to the legend what happened during these experiments is that as the days progressed the test subjects became more and more insane to the point that they completely lost touch with humanity and became these groveling monsters that asked for pain and wanted to hurt each other and they ripped someone's throat out and yada yada goes on and on there are logs of this which you can look up and read yourself supposedly what happened there's a lot of gore and violence involved but it all relates back to the idea that whenever we sleep we stave off this inner demon that we all have inside of us and without sleep for weeks at a time we allow it to become more powerful until eventually it takes over it all relates to the overarching concept of the evil within every human esoteric knowledge is kind of broad from everything that i've found it has to do with human intentions so esoteric knowledge would be a true understanding of what it is in your brain that makes you do the things you do or behave the way that you are esotericism is mentioned a lot in things like gnosticism erosionism and other old religions that are kind of the development for a lot of conspiracies the denver airport is an interesting one which i'm sure a lot of you have heard of for one the layout of the denver airport makes absolutely no sense the way it's built with its hallways that go seemingly nowhere and terminals that are completely separate from everything else doesn't make a lot of sense on the outside however when you look at old plans that had the idea of there being a giant underground and there supposedly isn't one it comes to the theory that it is a secret bunker either by the military or some say the illuminati and things such as but the theory just doesn't stop there for one there are some really weird art pieces around the denver airport for example there is a painting of a german nazi in a gas mask with rainbows coming out of him in a giant scythe as well as a statue outside of a 32 foot tall horse that is blue with red glowing eyes people refer to as lucifer which during its construction the head fell off killing the creator to which they put the head back on and left it and on top of that there are signs all over the denver airport that says it was created by the freemasons and it's a mason establishment and blah blah and uh theories range from the idea of denver airport being the gateway to hell uh to just the idea that it's a secret military or freemason base that is kept quiet from the public archons relate back to the gnosticism which i mentioned earlier i hope i'm pronouncing that right essentially if the lesser god created our world the archons are his helpers or tormentors and it goes to the idea that mischievous or evil things that happen in the real world are the deliberate actions of these tiny demons i say tiny demons essentially it's just demons working for a different entity than the devil so you could be safe to say these are the demons of gnosticism spirit science is exactly what it says the idea that scientific concepts can be related to spiritualism and things like auras and chakras and things such as and that through application of spirit science you can unlock or understand your inner self the plane of jars is interesting in laos there are these fields that are all grouped together that hold anywhere between one to four hundred of these giant nine foot wide stone jars they've all been carved out from stone most of them have lids with them and they're just setting in these fields and no one knows where they came from the locals in the area talk of legends and say that giants used to roam this land and there's again giants being mentioned from the past years and that what they would do is they would carve out these stones and set them in these fields and that's where they'd keep their alcohol and honey and things such as and each field was a different keeping place for a different material sadly not a lot of research or insight can be done to this place because during vietnam the united states dropped more explosives on specifically the field of jars than the entirety of world war ii and that combined with all of the undetonated explosives there i mean research is very very stamped and dangerous to do so i guess we may not know more about this but i like the giants idea it's cool beacon of hate was discovered on june 2nd of 2000 in which a man in the western united states began picking up on this radio transmission that was being broadcast locally and after enhancing it he found a looping broadcast in which someone was screaming over and over about america's selling themselves to camels and pornography and religion should die and the end times is coming with a chariot and other mixes of like revelations type speak and uh general disdain for the united states so on and so forth this was looping for as far as he could tell about eight months before it disappeared to this day the fcc has better things to do there have been no information found on it no one knows who caused it or what happened and it simply remains a mystery feral children is a real world phenomenon which is quite sad in which kids who either ran away or were abducted at a young age and lived away from human contact simply became feral this is observed a lot whenever researchers go to lesser populated areas such as forest and jungles in which children have been allowed to get away from their families and been raised in the wilderness normally the child is very either scared of you interaction or violent around humans and resolves to things such as running on all fours but it can also result in some very interesting side effects such as a different form bone structure and nasal pathways that are simply just you know evidence of adaptation in humans it's interesting however that when taking away from other human contact any sort of case studies that we become animalistic anti-natalism is a more recent ideology uh natalism is the idea that having children is good and you know having a baby is good whereas anti-natalism is the opposite that and says that having a child is morally bad the idea with this theory being that if the higher-ups or illuminati or whatever have you is trying to dissolve the family unit then this idea of anti-natalism will be put out more and more across the human populace until eventually families or having children or things such as is seen as a natural bad charles ford is someone that i wish that i knew about before getting into this because he seems like an interesting individual he wrote several fiction books which had to do with different occurring phenomena such as teleportation human combustion ball lightning etc what's more interesting is ideas such as teleportation and ball lightning he's actually credited with inventing what goes furthermore is in that most interviews where he talked about these phenomena he simply said that in studying real world phenomena they are things that he observed the idea with this being that because of charles ford's writings we have highlights to some things that really do happen such as human combustion teleportation randomly ball lightning so on and so forth to the point that a term given to real world supernatural events is fordian such as giant unexplainable monsters can be called lovecraftian also everything else i found on charles 4 generally relates back to the occult with several sort of scientific occult circles claiming him as one of their founders the road to rudo was a comic book put out by the federal government for school children in the 1980s the point of this book was to teach children concepts such as scarcity and market value things such as however a man by the name of bix weir later came out with his own theory regarding comic his idea is that large governments are getting tired of banking circles owning the world through their amounts of money they loaned out and things such as it all has to get back to wall street and national banking circles and blah blah but his idea is the comic is showing a federal idea to get back to a new gold standard or the idea that after a great reset so to speak which is being talked about a lot now in the news that we could reverse our current banking circle idea and return to a second gold standard as he calls it meriological nihilism is another one of those thought concepts it's the idea that there are no things that are composed of other things they are simply the smaller things made into bigger things what i mean by that is there is no such thing as a chair there are pieces of wood and straight lines that are pointed together in chair fashion while this whole thing seems kind of pointless in that regard as you apply that more and more to people and biology and things such as uh it becomes more of an idea of this sort of nihilism when it comes to science and humanity the cackets were interesting considering i have literally never heard about this until starting review for this the kagats were a race of people in 16th and 17th century france who were horribly discriminated against and by horribly i mean that whenever entering the town they had to ring a bell like a leopard to let other people know they're around not only that but they had to walk with shoes on at all times or be arrested so that way their skin didn't touch the ground that other barefoot people had to walk on they were not allowed to farm one caget who tried to on his own land had stakes run through his feet and they had to use a specific font when riding that way people would know a caggot wrote it if they didn't as happened to one man he had his hand cut off and pinned to the church door there were several rumors that spread up about them like because they were shoes all the time people said that they had webbed feet or because they only wrote in one fought children would say that that's because they have the devil's handwriting what's really weird is no one knows where they came from they seemingly look like any other french person the ideas were they came from a defeated army during the goth period way way back but that can't be confirmed ideas are that they are people from north of the english channel who came south and were simply shamed against but that can't be confirmed so seemingly this race just pops up in france is horribly hated and then disappears it wasn't until the french revolution in which several cagets went to record offices and burned any information that they were kids and simply assimilated back into french society deep sea lab techs relates to real experiments that happened called sea lab which were carried out by the united states navy the idea was to place these science capsules in different spots around the ocean for researchers to live in and do research from the first two went off without a hitch however the third one during its setup someone went down to fix a carbon monoxide poisoning problem and died in the process so the navy shut the entire thing down the theory is that these experiments are still being carried out in secret for whatever reason and the idea that it was kept at a public eye not because someone died but because they wanted to start research on something the public shouldn't be aware of however i think the biggest travesty that come from that is that the people who went down into these faces were called aquanauts and we need to bring that back hitler escaped inside the earth he was relating back to what i've talked about in previous tiers known as agartha the idea being that the nazis at the space 221 that were supposedly looking for agartha which keep in mind would be the entire earth's inside found it made tunnels that led up to berlin and germany and whenever germany began losing the war hitler uh simply went underground into this underworld so if you were to get to the secret plane of agartha uh it would theoretically be nazis and giants so do with that information what you will illuminati blood banks is exactly what it says there are real world programs where the rich can buy the blood of the young in order to get transfusions for it to ideally make them younger and there are things like blood facials that people do and we are living in a dystopia however illuminati blood banks just says that this secret illuminati organization has near infinite supplies for these for their members so that they can always harvest the blood of the young to stay fit which i hate to admit is one of the least outlandish on this entire list sacred geometry is that the idea that there are certain shapes and patterns in geometry that relate to the construction of the real world so much so that god himself would be the geometric shape of life itself and it gets into this whole idea that certain shapes can be used to summon different things and so on and so forth the black pope prophecy comes from a supposed prediction that popped up in the 1500s specifically 1590 that was a hundred and twelve phrases to describe every pope in existence not only everyone that it came before that everyone that was coming afterwards whoever made this is often switched around with people saying it being different saints or bishops in the church this eventually leads to a final pope which it says will bring the fall of rome however this one from everything i found is pretty fake like it had all of them right up until 1590 when it was written and then after that none of them made any sense applied to different popes or whatever dnt beans is the fact that while on dmt several different individuals have these shared hallucinations of something called clockwork elves which appear as these tall silvery slender creatures that watch over them while they're high not only that but there are several shared hallucinations involving syntax of life and blah blah don't do drugs the missing children for us refers to a 700 000 acre forest in la county los angeles in which children have gone missing with no evidence found afterwards originally there was about eight kids that went missing and was later pinned on a serial killer in the area but since then he's been in jail and people have still gone missing in this forest to the point that dozens of kids simply walk into the woods and never return this can lead to tons of speculation but it all traces back to the idea of what in these woods is drawing kids in and what's making them not be found solipsism is the concept that nothing outside of your own mind can be known for example we could all be in the matrix right now and everything you see be fake we could be in alternate realities and everything that we see is an illusion blah blah blah but the only thing you can know for sure is your mind the fact that you are having thoughts right now and that you created these thoughts is the only thing that can be known for sure and it is the base theory for the famous friends i think therefore i am full is a concept that has been traced back to the early greeks and the idea that on all their maps they had this region located far to the north known as thule in which they said that's where sea monsters came from uh that's where these giants came from et cetera et cetera there's different theories about well maybe it was ireland or maybe it was norway and whatever have you but what's interesting is it's never been exactly laid down and while all of the greeks had sort of this unified idea of what the was and what was there we can't find anything that exactly matches it in our modern text so maybe it's something that uh sank below ground in a plate shift or maybe it's something that never existed who knows the glocka is german for the bell and refers to secret nazi super weapon research that occurred in world war ii theories for this include things such as the or the shrunken which is german for wonder weapon or sun rifle the ideas for this being that the germans were looking ways to concentrate radiation into these centralized waves as a form of attack or electricity itself in these sort of like long-range tasers not only that but there were records of them looking into teleportation and how to move people instantly over large distances they were looking for these giant air plug cannons that would fire a piece of air large enough to take out planes uh and it goes on but this whole glocka just relates to the idea that these germans had working models for these things and that the reason they've been kept so secretive is because after the allies won the war they wanted to use that research themselves and that's it for part one of tier three i will try to get the second part of tier three out as soon as possible uh once again just thank you guys for watching it really does mean the most special thank you to all of my subscribers and especially all of my patrons a very special thank you to my top tier patrons thank you kayla thank you peth thank you eddie thank you benjamin thank you tim thank you publius and thank you saucy link will be in the description as always i really do mean it guys thank you for watching uh it's amazing to see the growth that i've had for as small as i am i'm gonna keep doing this hopefully a deeper dive will be fun and you all will enjoy that but uh again just thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed and i will see you in the next one bye
Channel: Wendigoon
Views: 1,273,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Intel, dark web, deep web, Illuminati, conspiracy, theory, iceberg, explained, analysis, breakdown, horror, creepy, scary, spooky, comedy, funny, creator
Id: esBL7c7ieEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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