The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg Explained

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here's the deal you may have noticed that this video is a repost and that's because YouTube age restricted the original and I think I figured out the reason why and I removed that portion of the video and now I'm re-uploading I also added some entries that I left out of the original video so if you are re-watching there is going to be some fresh stuff I think I added about 10 extra entries anyways let's get into the video what if I told you that everything you've ever known is a lie what if I told you that all the things you thought were true are actually false what if I told you that everything you think is correct is actually incorrect The Reptilian bro what are you doing bro sorry man I didn't know you were in here oh you didn't know I was in here you didn't know I'm trying to be nonchalant all right I'm trying to be anonymous and mysterious and you ruined the whole thing I'm sorry I'm sorry oh man get out of here get out of here I'm dantavius how you doing and today we're going to be talking about this conspiracy theory iceberg that I found on Reddit uh but first let me move this couch is insanely uncomfortable let me move back to my regular spot where was I all right conspiracy theory Iceberg so I was kind of holding off on doing this one because when the Goon did it better than I probably will but whatever man I'm using a different chart and we're still gonna have a good time we're gonna share some laughs some cries and possibly a few existential crises which reminds me if you're uncomfortable with existential topics which I am uh do not watch this because when I was doing research myself I had a few moments where I was like man life doesn't make any sense anymore so you know again if if you are sensitive to that kind of stuff just watch something else it's not worth it also I do want to preface this video by saying I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any means I just find them interesting I mean I should say I do believe some conspiracies like that the female orgasm isn't real but for the most part I'm not a conspiracy guy now the way this is gonna work in case you don't already know first here is basic conspiracy stuff that your uncle posts about on Facebook and the latter tears is where the more succulent stuff is so let's jump right into it oh one more thing before I forget I am not depressed all right keep that in mind I am not depressed and have no intention of ending my life now that's out of the way let's jump right into the last Iceberg video I will ever do but first a word from our sponsors have you guys ever heard of the dog shoe conspiracy according to this Theory you've been wasting money on low quality shoes your whole life well luckily the sponsor of today's video is going to take care of that problem for you I'm talking of course about vessi shoes check this out man I've been wearing these bad boys exclusively for about two weeks now and I gotta say these are probably one of the most if not the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn I went up to the gym I wear them when I ride my bike I even wear them to your mom's house they're so light and breathable and my feet don't smell like liquefied booty hole when I take them off and honestly they look pretty cool too vessels are made from this material called dimetex and I'm not exactly sure what it is but it's basically magic all right it keeps your foot cool during the summer and warm during the winter oh and did I mention they're waterproof check this out I'm in a tub right now I'm wetting my whole shoe my shoe is getting wet but now look at this my sock and foot stays completely dry look at that it's drier than your mom's turkey on Thanksgiving so yeah you guys need to go check out vessi they're a great everyday shoe you can wear them any time of year you can wear them on any occasion and I highly recommend them if you want to get a pair of vessies click the link in my description and use the code dantavious to save 25 on each pair of vessies this is a smoking hot deal ladies and gentlemen so shout out to vesi for sponsoring this video and let's get back to it big Pharma there's a ton of conspiracies involving big Pharma most notably that they have cures for multiple diseases like cancer and diabetes but it's more profitable to treat them than to cure them also they're knowingly getting people addicted to opiates for profit and in all fairness you can't really blame people for believing this stuff because big Pharma does some pretty screwed up stuff I'm not gonna get into all that here because this video would probably be 17 hours long but you know look it up for yourself CIA selling drugs I believe my video was age restricted because of this part so I will make it brief to avoid that from happening again I feel great whoa whoa any chance I could get some of that cold medicine to go sure thing no need pal first time's free whoa UFOs you might think that UFO sightings are a new phenomenon but reports of UFOs have been going on since BC times now obviously nobody knows what these things are that's why they're called unidentified flying objects well except for the government believe that they're actively withholding information about UFOs and aliens from the public which brings me to my next topic Area 51 is a secret Air Force Base located in the ass crack of the Nevada desert now everybody knows that this place is highly secretive as a matter of fact the government didn't even acknowledge its existence until 2013. officially it's used by the CIA to test experimental planes but we all know that's [ __ ] we all know what's really going on in there crop circles are these intricate patterns that started randomly appearing in fields in the 1970s in Southern England with no other explanation people just defaulted to aliens because that's always a good fallback when you can't explain something the idea being that these shapes are actually imprints left from a flying saucer it turns out that most of these were made by some dude named Doug Bauer and his friend Dave in an elaborate trolling campaign Fermi Paradox so we got the people that are convinced that aliens have visited Earth and probed our enemies is and on the other end you have the Fermi Paradox statistically speaking given how big our universe is there should be a [ __ ] ton of alien life right like there are potentially millions of planets just in our own Galaxy that should be able to sustain life so why has there been zero evidence of life outside of our own Planet like not even a a bacteria nothing a lot of different explanations for this Paradox for one we could be alone like like life could just be a one-off thing or maybe we just haven't been looking hard enough so NASA get off your fat asses and look harder reptilians the reptilians are an advanced alien race hailing from the planet Nibiru they were worshiped as Gods by the ancient Sumerians who called them the Anunnaki and it said that they even had a hand in building the pyramids oh and they can also shapeshift you see reptilians AKA archons AKA lizard people live amongst us to this day the global Elite are actually lizard people in Disguise Queen Elizabeth lizard person George Bush lizard person Justin Bieber lizard person keemstar lizard person this theory was pushed forward by conspiracy theorist David Ike who is like the British version of Alex Jones but less sexy New World Order or NW oh your uncle one of your family members definitely believes in this according to this conspiracy theory a cabal of powerful people is secretly manipulating world events so that they can enslave the population and control the world through a single world government for the last hundred years or so they've been slowly implementing globalism the establishment of the United Nations NATO The Who and the European Union are seen as evidence that we're inching closer to a One World Government now there's a lot of groups who are said to be affiliated with the NWO but the major ones are what I like to call the big three of conspiracies that's Freemasons the Illuminati and Jews oh and this also ties back to The Reptilian Theory because David Ike believes everything about the NWO except instead of Freemasons and Jews it's lizard people who were behind this MH370 Malaysian Airlines flight 370 took off from Malaysia on March 8 2014 and was headed for Beijing but never arrived 30 minutes after takeoff the pilots checked in with air traffic control and the plane just disappeared like my dad when he went out to get milk it literally disappeared despite hundreds of hours of searching nobody has been able to find any trace of it now you guys might not know this but typically giant Boeing aircraft don't just disappear so this got people thinking that there was more to this story because it just has a very weird feel to it one of the main theories is that it was stolen by the Russian Special Forces but why would they do that like what would they gain out of that and of course you know aliens are involved as always the tale of Atlantis goes back to Plato who described it as an island nation in the Atlantic Ocean one day day the atlanteans got a little too big for their britches and started trying to take over the other lands pretty successfully I might add they were able to conquer most of Northern Africa at which point the Greek city state of Athens decided enough is enough and they formed a coalition to take on Atlantis and they kicked the [ __ ] out of them despite being much smaller and outnumbered then after the atlanteans got their asses handed to them their whole island was swallowed up by the ocean during a series of earthquakes now this story is uh clearly allegorical but there's still a lot of people who believe that Plato based This Nation on a real Island that got flooded because he was known to you know make his stories about things that were rooted in reality it's even been suggested that the island was destroyed after the flood in Genesis and if you know me you know I'm a sucker for a Biblical tie-in people have been searching for anything that could prove that Atlantis is real and every now and then something like this pops up I remember seeing this back in like 2009 on Google Map apps people thought this was Atlantis off the coast of Africa and Google has since deleted this little area so what are they hiding what are you afraid of Google the truth Ouija boards now I for one know that Ouija boards are full of [ __ ] one time I was playing with a Ouija board and I asked it if I would be a virgin forever and it said yes but I banged your mom so clearly that's not true climate denial you guys know about this so I'll keep it short scientists say that man-made carbon emissions are contributing to the Earth getting hotter Skeptics say This research isn't valid because it's being doctored by people with the Socialist agenda so global warming and climate change is not actually man-made according to them the world is just getting warmer because it's getting warmer now I don't know either way but I think barrel-chested egomaniac Elon Musk had a good take on this when asked if global warming is real he said would be unwise to risk that it's not it's like Pascal's wager but for climate change Nostradamus I'll probably make a video on this guy in the future he's a very interesting guy Michelle de nostradam was a French doctor and astrologer in the 1500s he's mostly known for his prophecies where he supposedly predicted some major world events including World War II the JFK assassination and 911. Skeptics say that his predictions are very vague and can be applied to almost anything let's take a look at one example sample and you guys can decide for yourselves these verses supposedly predicted the end of JFK from on high evil will fall on the great man this might be referring to him getting sniped from a distance from a rooftop on high a dead innocent will be accused of the D people say that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't actually commit the ACT despite being the main suspect he was just the Fall Guy the guilty will remain in the midst again a lot of people believe that the real assassin got away with it so they're still in the midst because we don't know MK Ultraman I literally have not done a single Iceberg video that didn't involve MK Ultra so for that reason I'm not gonna get too into it because I've talked about a million times now this one isn't so much a conspiracy theory as it is a actual thing that happened during the Cold War the CIA was known for doing a bunch of uh quirky things one of the things that they did was Project MK Ultra which was essentially a mind control experiment scientists would use different techniques to try to influence and brainwash people and some of these included sensory deprivation hypnosis and electric shocks eventually the project became focused on studying the effects of LSD which they hoped could make people more agreeable they were hoping that they could use LSD to get confessions out of people during interrogations or possibly use it to manipulate enemy spies to defect from the Soviet Union or even just straight up control their minds and The Way They carried out this experiments was not exactly what you would call ethical most of the test subjects were not willing participants like they would just dose people with LSD and observe what would happen the justification for this whole thing is that U.S intelligence assumed that the Russians were doing the same thing so it was okay now the conspiracy portion comes in with the scope of MK Ultra people think that it was a lot bigger than originally described and also that it's still going on to this day oh by the way guys if you see me sweating throughout this video it's not just because I'm anxious it's incredibly hot in here and for some reason I decided to wear like a sweatshirt but you know let's carry on I'm gonna power through it for you guys hypnosis when you think of hypnosis you probably think of some goofy dude with a pocket watch who tricks somebody into thinking they're a chicken or some [ __ ] but it also might be used in less hilarious ways I mentioned that hypnosis was one of the techniques used in MK Ultra and the idea is that a trained hypnotist can make people do things against their will and just generally screw with their minds like make them go crazy make them you know jump off a bridge things of that nature Flat Earth the ancient Greeks were able to figure out that the Earth was round all the way back in 300 BC in fact some big brain mother sucker named arathasis irath Iraq in fact some big brain mother sucker named eratosthenes was able to calculate the circumference of the Earth in 276 BC and it was surprisingly accurate God damn bro Greeks have really devolved they used to be the most enlightened most intelligent people in the world and now this is the average Greek foreign despite the round earth Theory being around for literal Millennia it does have its detractors there's an entire Flat Earth Society with thousands of members including rapper who made two hit songs 10 years ago Bob e thought prototype and Nazi supporter teal tequila and Kyrie Irving now I realize that this Flat Earth theory may sound crazy but hear me out hear me out cause it's not as crazy as you might think flat earthers believe that the Earth is surrounded by an ice wall that keeps the water in and keeps us from falling off the edge the sun rotates around the Earth in a circle which causes the day night cycle oh and they also don't believe in Gravity the Earth is actually constantly moving upwards which keeps us comfortably on the ground but you might be saying to yourself right now Danny there's literal photos of the Earth from space that show it's clearly a sphere wrong those are fakes NASA doctor them to hide the truth from us so throw that [ __ ] out fake news fake news is simply news that is distributed dishonestly with the purpose of pushing a political agenda fake news there's two types of fake news misinformation and disinformation misinformation is unknowingly spreading false info because you're in any it that doesn't like to research things you can probably just read the title of the article without reading it and the second type is disinformation which is much more malicious this is when people knowingly spread untrue information with harmful intent for example you guys may have seen this article going around about how I punched a 12 year old in the face for cutting in front of me in line at minions rise of group this is simply untrue it was a 13 year old which In some cultures is considered an adult and she had what was coming to her moon landing this is like baby's first conspiracy theory it says that the moon landing never happened it was actually shot on a Hollywood set by Steven Spielberg everybody knows that [ __ ] during the 2016 election Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman got his email hacked and people with way more free time than me combed through all of his emails and came to the conclusion that these emails contained coded messages that connected high-profile Democrats to this pizza place in DC that was doing some weird stuff involving children in the basement of said pizza place a basement which again did not exist GMOs so humans have been selectively breeding fruits and vegetables for thousands of years now you know bananas these things they used to look like this broccoli does not occur in nature it's literally just a modified cabbage but the thing about breeding plants is that it can take a while so in the 70s scientists decided to speed up this process by doing it in a lab and creating so-called GMOs or genetically modified organisms they're literally altering the DNA of plants it's believed by some that these GMOs are harmful to humans and that the data suggesting otherwise is being doctored by huge biotech companies like Monsanto a company so [ __ ] up that both liberals and conservatives agree that they're one of the worst companies in the world simulation Theory says that our entire reality is just a simulation like we're basically living in a video game and we're NPCs but don't know it right somebody out there is playing The Sims and we're The Sims it's like the classic Ryan Reynolds film free guy Multiverse Theory this is a more complex topic luckily I have a degree in theoretical physics from Devry University so it should be pretty easy to explain when you think about the vastness of our universe and just how small we are in the grand scheme of things it really makes you feel insignificant but what if I told you that you're even more insignificant that there's potentially an infinite number of universes and we're just part of one of many universes in the Multiverse this assuming this is true that would mean that there are infinite possibilities like there are other versions of you in other universes that are almost identical to you with just small variations like there could be a universe where I like Franklin the Turtle nah that's probably a stretch but there's probably a universe out there where I'm not banging your mom actually no that's that's probably not true either but you get my point it's possible we're gonna touch on this again a few times later on in the video so keep this one tucked away in the back of your head psyops or psychological operations are essentially just propaganda campaigns or disinformation campaigns right it's when a government tries to disseminate some kind of information to stir up a reaction my favorite psyop theory is the one that says that Japanese Kawaii culture was developed to distract from Japan's horrible war crimes right so if you're not a weeb and you're unfamiliar with what Kawhi means it means cute or lovable and it's essentially a culture of cuteness right I think Hello Kitty or girls who look like this nowadays Japan has garnered this image of being cute and effeminate but there's a theory that this was a purposeful and concerted attempt by the Japanese government to revamp Japan's image after World War II where they committed some of the most horrendous war crimes in history like on par with Nazi Germany and the best thing about psyops is that anything could be a style right Andrew Tate could be a psya I need dick I'm a hoe I need dick he could just be distracting us from the impending destruction of the Chinese economy which will affect the entire world Mandela effect the Mandela effect refers to a phenomenon in which a large group of people believe that an event occurred when it did not actually occur the name comes from the fact that a bunch of people thought that Nelson Mandela passed away in prison in the 1990s when in fact he passed away in 2013. another example is people remembering Franklin the Turtle as being a good show when in fact it's the most boring and horrendous cartoon ever created oh and here's another one I found out about recently you know the Fruit of the Loom underwear company here's their logo to refresh your memory except this isn't their logo and it never was there was no Cornucopia in the Fruit of the Loom logo and that this is what it actually looks like the shigami flabbergasted bro I always remember the Cornucopia and apparently somebody emailed the creator of the logo and he said even he remembered there being a cornucopia on the dang logo now there's some reasonable explanations for this but we don't give a [ __ ] about those over here the best theory has to do with the Multiverse in that people are receiving memories from themselves in alternate universes the Denver Airport so if you've ever been to the Denver Airport you probably realize that there was something off about it they got all these weird murals everywhere and right in front there's a giant blue horse statue with glowing red eyes the horse known as blucifer actually killed the man who created it I'm not even joking the sculptor who made this monstrosity died after a chunk of it fell and severed an artery in his leg there are a ton of conspiracy theories about this place including that it was built by the New World Order and the Illuminati the art contained subliminal messages and there's underground bunkers underneath the airport where the global Elite will go in case there's a nuclear war you know stuff like that the basement tapes the two boys that carried out the attack on Columbine High School Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold filmed a series of Home Videos Before They carried out their attack which were a total of five tapes two of which were released to the public and the remaining three were called the basement tapes because they were filmed in Eric's basement the tapes contained details of their plan as well as their motives they spoke about how people made fun of them and how much they hated Humanity the last tape which was filmed just 30 minutes before the attack was them apologizing to their friends and family and saying their goodbyes now the victim's families did not want these videos released but Time Magazine was somehow given access to them anyways and wrote a whole article about them the sheriff in charge of the case at the time Ted mink decided that the best thing to do was to destroy the tapes out of fear that it could Inspire others to fall on the boy's footsteps but there's some skepticism on if that's the real reason like maybe there was something else on these tapes that the sheriff didn't want people to see I don't know tulpas I think most of us had imaginary friends back when we were kids well atopa is basically an imaginary friend that has a mind of its own like it's an independent being with its own thoughts and personality that's brought into existence by somebody's mind that's probably how nicocado avocado was invented man because there's no way this mother sucker is human no no no no no no there's actually an entire Community dedicated to summoning these toolbas and a person who practices this dark art is called a topamancer the r slash topa subreddit currently has 42 000 members which is [ __ ] because the dantavious subreddit only has like a hundred members gnosticism so gnostics believe that there are two Gods one who is perfect all-powerful all-knowing and all good and there's a second Lesser God who created our world they also believe that our physical world is evil and the spiritual world is good and the only way for somebody to transcend our world is through a process called gnosis or Enlightenment the first man to achieve gnosis according to them was Jesus Christ Who provided knowledge to the others on how to achieve it themselves it's said that when Jesus died his physical body died but his spirit transcended this evil material world and others can do the same it's similar to Nirvana in Buddhism and gnostics believe that this information is hidden away in the Bible and only people with big brains can decipher the messages there also have a collection of non-canonical Gnostic texts like the Gospel of Judas and the secret book of John in the early days of Christianity gnosticism was much more widespread until the Council of nicaea in 325 which kind of established Christian doctrine officially astral projection is the idea that somebody can separate their soul from their body and do things while their body is asleep it's like that scene from Doctor Strange where he's reading books while he's asleep you can think of this kind of as like next level lucid dreaming and apparently some people can pull this off if you want to try yourself there's a step-by-step instruction on wikiHow so try it out let me know how it goes the 23 Enigma is the belief that the number 23 holds some kind of special significance and most major world events are somehow connected to 23 in some way let me list some examples we have 23 pairs of chromosomes Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times Kurt Cobain was born in 1967 and he died in 1994 if you add up the digits of both of those years they both come out to 23. also I paid twenty three hundred dollars of Child Support every month to my [ __ ] ex-wife Linda project bluebeam this one is pretty nuts man I'm surprised this is just on a second layer so project bluebeam says that NASA in collaboration with the UN and the Antichrist created a highly Advanced hologram machine which they will use to create a fake Second Coming which will unite all humans on Earth under a single religion and that's the event that's basically going to kick off the New World Order agortha is a civilization of giants hidden in the center of the Earth the only way to reach it is by traveling through two openings at the Earth's poles the pole holes if you will and once you've properly penetrated the hole there's an entire ecosystem below the surface and like I said a civilization of giants who apparently have highly advanced technology more advanced than our own and most UFOs sightings actually come from within the Earth not outside of it I've made an entire video on this topic so if you want to know more just go watch it Men In Black is a classic Sci-fi comedy starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones it's also based off a real conspiracy theory the Men in Black Theory Builds on the conspiracy that aliens are real and they frequently visit the planet Earth and the government is aware of this they're actively trying to keep this information away from the public the Men in Black are either part of the FBI or a separate intelligence agency entirely who specializes in suppressing information about extraterrestrials from the general public these men in black intimidate UFO Witnesses and dissuade them from going public with their information by any means necessary over the years a few ufologists have come forward claiming that they've been threatened by the Men in Black fluoride dangers all water contains Trace Amounts of fluoride but in the U.S state governments take it upon themselves to add even more fluoride to the tap water fluoridated tap water has been shown to reduce cavities by 25 percent but opponents of water fluoridation say that the government purposely puts that stuff in our water to cause adverse health effects there's no consensus about what those effects are but the most popular one is that it lowers IQ trying to keep the people dumb you know according to caveman headed wrestler and former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura fluoride is the main component of Prozac you've got people drinking Prozac water well what does Prozac do to you it calms you and it dumbs you down so you're less emotional personally I'm not a believer in that theory because when you describe the current state of American society calm is probably not a word you would use one of the more out there theories is that water fluoridation is common as conspiracy to give as many people cancer as possible so that they can socialize medicine and this was all the way back in the 50s when they came up with this so clearly the plot isn't working out too well because you know fluoride's been in the water for well over 80 years now but like just brush your teeth I don't see a reason to put the stuff in our water when everybody has access to toothpaste this isn't [ __ ] England all right just brush your teeth actually in England only about 10 percent of their water contains fluoride while in America it's closer to 80 percent so that might explain why their teeth are so [ __ ] I don't know man Tara Calico was a girl who went missing in New Mexico in 1988. a year later a Polaroid picture turned up in the parking lot of a grocery store in Florida and it showed two kids who were tied up with tape over their mouths and people believe that the girl in the photo is Tara in 2008 the sheriff who was in charge of the case claimed that Tara was accidentally hit with the car and passed away from her injuries and then her body was hidden away but apparently without the body they couldn't do anything about it so the guys who you know ended her life got away where it gets really crazy is that in 2010 this guy named Henry Brown made a confession on his deathbed and he said that three men did fact hit Calico with their core and they drove her to the middle of nowhere and take turns taking advantage of her before whacking her and one of the people involved in this was Renee Rivera the sheriff's son so the conspiracy is that he covered it up so his son wouldn't get in trouble in 1953 a group of experienced Tigers led by Igor diatlov went on an expedition in the Euro Mountains in Russia on February 1st they began their journey through what's now known as diatloaf's past and based off the photos that were taken by the hikers it looks like they're having a good time but unfortunately this does not have a happy ending on February 20th when nobody heard back from people in the group they sent a search party to go find them when investigators arrived at the group's campsite the first thing they found was a tent and this is where it starts to get a little creepy the tent was cut open with a knife from the inside and most of the groups closed were still inside based on the footprints they found all the people went out running with no shoes on which means that something scared these people so much that they didn't even bother to put clothes or shoes on in below freezing temperatures they had to get out of there as quick as possible not long after the tent was found six of the group's bodies were discovered again most of them were just in their underwear it was ruled that they passed away from hypothermia but after a few hours they were able to recover the remaining bodies and I'm not going to go into detail about these people's injuries but that [ __ ] was gruesome one of them had their skull crushed and another one had their chest caved in and their injuries were a lot worse than I'm making it sound another weird detail is that the three bodies that were found had higher radiation levels than normal especially compared to the other six so given how mysterious this whole situation was there's a lot of explanations as to what happened some of them are reasonable others are less so one is that they were simply caught in an avalanche except a lot of people rule this one out because there were no signs of an avalanche like the injury trees that were found on some of their bodies could have been caused by an avalanche but it would have been very obvious if one recently rolled through the area some people think they were attacked by a yeti but the most interesting theory is that they were shot at by some kind of experimental radiation weapon right basically they were woken up by the sound of the weapons blast so they got out of there as quickly as possible the first six members succumbed to hypothermia while the other ones with the more severe injuries and the radiation were hit with a direct blast weather control you ever heard of harp no not that harp is the high frequency active auroral research program officially it's used to study the Earth's atmosphere unofficially it's a weather control device at least that's what some people think they believe that it can create hurricanes and tornadoes so that they can pass climate change legislation to implement globalism in the New World Order and blah blah blah the Antarctica pyramids if I know anything about Antarctica it's that it's colder than my ex-wife's heart forward too cold to sustain human life but what if I told you that there are pyramids in Antarctica where did they come from Aliens perhaps or was this an Atlantis type situation but instead of getting stuck underwater the city froze over I don't know man to me it just looks like a mountain with flat slopes but I'm no geologist oh wait yes I am here's my degree from Devry University [ __ ] masonry the Freemasons are a secretive Fraternal Order that's been around for hundreds or thousands of years depending on who you ask according to the freemason's own manuscripts the first Mason was jabal who was a cousin of Noah no not that Noah yeah that Noah the one with the boat but according to actual history they originated in England around the 14th century as a guild of stonemasons which eventually evolved into one of the most prominent secret societies in the world some of the most powerful and influential people in history have been members of this club Ben Franklin George Washington Mozart John Wayne Scotty Pippin [ __ ] Arnold Palmer the man who created the most delicious beverage the world has ever known given their secretive nature along with their elite membership it should come as no surprise that these mothersuckers are at the center of a ton of conspiracy theories they're part of the big three the Illuminati Freemasons and the Jews almost every conspiracy theory can be traced back to one of these three groups it's believed by some that Freemasons are a cult of devil worshipers who secretly control Global affairs from behind the scenes they were the masterminds behind 9 11 the faking of the moon landing and gamergate and to be fair they've been involved in some dicey situations in the past actually in my next video I'm going to be talking about a Freemason Lodge that effectively took over an entire country so subscribe with notifications on if you're interested in seeing stuff like that seriously don't miss it it's gonna be a good video the bloop is a sound that was captured underwater by a submarine let me play a clip of it here's Channel [Music] oh dang sorry that was the wrong clip so the scientific consensus is that it was an iceberg falling apart but some people think it was a massive sea creature like something that's like 10 times bigger than a whale you know that kind of sounds like your mom occult knowledge I'm not exactly sure what this is but I think it's referring to the conspiracy that a bunch of Elites practice occultism and have done so throughout history like it's a known theory that the Nazi Inner Circle was really into occultism people think the British royal family and all the powerful people practice dark rituals things of that nature the key of Solomon is a book that turned up in Europe sometime during the Renaissance but this is no ordinary book it's what's known as a grimoire or a magical textbook that was apparently written by King Solomon himself it's actually composed of two books one of them teaches the reader about conjuration illusion alteration and all the other schools of magic from Skyrim by the way I am not joking it really does teach you all those types of Magic the second book book on the other hand is mostly stuff about exorcism and things of that nature gang stalking is a belief that an individual is being stalked or followed by a large group of people they believe that this stalking is part of a harassment campaign by either the government or some kind of large organization and the purpose of these harassment campaigns is usually to intimidate the person or make them go crazy or seem less credible there's a lot of online communities dedicated to people who believe that their targeted individuals now this isn't something that's completely unheard of the FBI used to do [ __ ] like this all the time back in the 60s but most of the people who claim to be targeted by gang stalking or or nobodies like why would the government waste time and resources to stock some dude who works at [ __ ] Best Buy come on cicada 3301 so cicada 3301 is a mysterious organization who posted these complicated puzzles all over the Internet for people to solve the first one was a simple jpeg image that read we are looking for highly intelligent individuals to find them we have devised the test find it and it will lead you to the road to finding us now I'm not gonna get into the details of how the puzzle was solved just know that there was information hidden in the actual jpeg image and they use that to decipher a series of Clues there were three puzzles total and two of them were solved the third one has yet to be solved to this day but the big question here is who are these people posting these puzzles and why are they searching for highly intelligent people it's been speculated that it could be the CIA looking for recruits or a Mr Robot type organization or [ __ ] maybe it's the man in Black looking for qualified people to stop an alien invasion either way it's one of the coolest mysteries on the internet Ancient Giants slash Nephilim the Nephilim were briefly mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible in the Book of Genesis and the Book of Numbers depending on how you interpret the scripture they were either just evil men or they were a race of giants that were the byproduct of fallen angels having children with human women this concept is expanded upon in The Book of Enoch which is a non-canonical book supposedly written by Noah's great-great-grandfather Enoch so the idea with this is that these Giants were real and that there is evidence to support their existence like there have been giant bones found around the world but the authenticity of these bones is up for the bait I still think this is one of the coolest theories like this has fascinated me since I was a kid again you know I hate plugging my own stuff so often but you know I made a whole video on this one too go check it out pantheism is the belief that the entire universe and all of existence as a whole is God so like you and me we're God this tree outside my house this is God even thoughts are a manifestation of God Bohemian Grove is a Secret annual meeting hosted by the Bohemian Club that takes place in the Redwood forest in Northern California the Bohemian Club is a secret fraternity similar to the Freemasons some of their members over the years have included Richard Nixon Ronald Reagan and both George bushes now nobody exactly knows what goes on during this meeting but Alex Jones was actually able to infiltrate Bohemian Grove with a hidden camera back in 2000 and what he saw was uh pretty freaking weird to say the least [Music] he always and his leafy Temple that's all went to the crows we referenced before him lift up your head so he prayed and be lifted up he Everlasting Squires for behold fear is Bohemian destroyed and holy are the pillars so what you're seeing here is something called The Cremation of care it's a theatrical performance that involves burning an effigy in front of a giant owl statue the performance is meant to civilize the banishing of worldly cares for its club members but again man when you have a secret meeting of some of the most powerful people in the world and they're doing [ __ ] like this it's bound to turn some heads Alex Jones claims that the ritual of care is a Satanic ritual where the members are offering a sacrifice to the god Molech molec being a God that was worshiped by the Canaanites in the Old Testament pineal gland calcification the pineal gland is a small gland in your brain that produces melatonin over time calcium deposits form on the gland for many people it's unclear exactly what effect this has on the body but scientists think that when this happens it gives people insomnia and migraines which you know in the grand scheme of things doesn't sound too bad but some people believe that pineal gland is much more important and it's linked to your third eye there's also research that suggests that excess fluoride consumption is the main factor that leads to this calcification and this theory has been put forth by prominent thinkers such as Kanye West we're all on medication right now did you use toothpaste with fluoride today it blocks your pineal gland no but seriously the the studies do show a link between fluoride and the pineal gland calcification the debate is about how bad this is some people say it's not that bad other people say it's the worst thing ever because the pineal gland is vital to The Human Experience Quantum immortality this is related to the Multiverse it says that you basically can never die because every time you Die Another Universe is created where you live and your Consciousness goes on in that Universe by the way despite by many degrees I am kind of an idiot so don't expect my explanation on this to be that good you guys are probably familiar with Schrodinger's cat but in case you haven't heard about it here you go it's a quantum mechanics thought experiment that an Austrian physicist came up with to help understand Quantum States we imagine putting a cat into a box with poison food there's a 50 50 chance that cat eats it according to Quantum Mechanics when the cat makes a choice to eat the poison food its Consciousness ends the cat dies but an entirely separate universe is created where the cat does not eat the meat and its Consciousness lives on making it Immortal in the grand scheme of the Multiverse sabinche tomato Vic tape is supposedly an adult film which features a woman getting stopped by a spider and apparently this entanglement was not consensual now a lot of people claim to have seen parts of this tape but no one's seen it in its entirety and I really hope this is fake lost cosmonauts so we all know that the USSR was the first country to successfully send someone to space in 1961. the key word there is successfully right because people think that Yuri Gagarin was not the first person in space that he was just the first one to make it out alive there's a theory that says that other cosmonauts were sent to space but they just died in the vacuum a Czech communist Insider leaked names of at least four cosmonauts who supposedly perished in space then there was these two Italian radio operators who allegedly recorded a number of Russian space mission broadcasts without anybody's knowledge which they later publicly released you can actually find one of them on YouTube foreign [Music] [Music] publicly addressed these recordings but I mean it's not that much of a stretch to be honest the Soviet space program was no stranger to casualties there were at least three separate incidents where people lost their lives working with rockets including the Netherland disaster which claimed the lives of around 100 people after a Russian rocket exploded on the landing pad solipsism is the idea that the only thing you know for sure that exists is your own mind and your own thoughts and everything outside of that is unknowable therefore possibly fake like you can't read other people's minds so who's to say that these people can even think who's to say that they're even real you don't know all you know is that you can think and feel and that's it this is another one of those philosophical ideas that is probably best not to think about too much my red is not your red all this is saying is that you know when I look up at the sky I see this but to you it may look like this but neither of us us have any idea because of our perception so to me the sky might be blue you might see it as what I perceive as red but to you it's still blue did that make any sense I don't know let's move on I'm not sure how to pronounce this I probably should have looked it up before I started recording is the first Interstellar object to have been detected in our solar system NASA scientists haven't been able to figure out what the heck this thing is is it a comet is an asteroid is it a giant cigar it's hard to decipher due to its weird shape and behavior but there's a third option and I think you know where I'm going with this the king in the north now before you say anything no this has nothing to do with Game of Thrones now if you guys can recall back to sixth grade history class civilization is thought to have began in modern day Iraq around 10 000 years ago but according to this Theory by British author and Joe Rogan Orbiter Graham Hancock there was an advanced civilization that predated Mesopotamia that existed in the North Pole a lot of ancient cultures have tales about a great City in the north for the Greeks it was hyperborea for the Romans it was Thule utakaru and Hindu cosmology and the list goes on True Believers in this civilization say that these stories are more than stories that this is a kingdom to the north that was destroyed by an unknown catastrophe Atlantis style and overtime fact turned to Legend pretty interesting if you ask me roku's basilisk is probably the most terrifying thought experiment ever so let's say in the future there is a powerful evil AI that takes control of the world like Ultron this AI could theoretically punish people who did not support or actively help in bringing it into existence which means that even knowing about it and not actively participating in its creation could make you a victim of the ai's Wrath so sorry hidden character Stone in 2002 a man in guisu China discovered a rock but this was no ordinary rock this was a boulder this Boulder had fallen to the ground and split in half inside of it were six Chinese characters that read the Chinese Communist party will perish social credit deducted now when I saw this my first thought was well that's probably just some graffiti right somebody etched it into the Rock wrong researchers at the guisu University of Technology studied the stone and found that there is no trace of artificial carving shaping or etching this stone is naturally formed and not only that but the stone is over 270 million years old which honestly is not that impressive because I feel like most stones are really old Archimedes hate Rey so Archimedes is known as the greatest mathematician of all time like this dude basically invented math so [ __ ] him now aside from being a big brain math head Archimedes was also an inventor and he invented a device known as a heat ray which apparently used mirrors that directed sunlight in such a way that we would burn anything that it was pointed at like a like a laser gun and this weapon was used on ships attacking his hometown of Syracuse allegedly right we don't really know if that's true there's a debate if this thing actually existed or not some people think it was real others don't there's no actual evidence of it other than accounts written thousands of years ago by other people the Phantom time hypothesis ladies and gentlemen we've all been fooled all this time I thought I was living in the year 2022 but it turns out we're actually living in 1725. you see the time between 1614 and 911 A.D never existed and all because some Royal schmuck wanted to live in the year 1000 that's what German historian Herbert illig thinks if you look at a history book AKA Wikipedia you'll see that the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III ruled from 996 to 1002 but ilig believes that he actually lived in the 7 700s but he really wanted to live in the year 1000 right I mean who wouldn't want to live in one thousand that's a nice round number so he decided that he was gonna shift the calendar and just make up 300 years of history after all nobody could read back then everybody was a bunch of uneducated peasants so he could easily get away with it so the years between 1614 and 911 never happened all the history we learned from this time was invented by Otto Charlemagne Who We Believe to have been the Holy Roman Emperor in the 700s wasn't actually real he was everything Otto wishes he was so he created this idealized version of himself for the history books I mean this seems pretty far-fetched so what is illig's evidence well he says the years before 1614 were full of historically significant events same with the years after 911 but not so much was going on in between that time no major advancements were made and not a lot of archaeological discoveries have been found from that time period Tesla was from Venus Nicola Tesla was one of the smartest and most enigmatic people in history with a big brain like that it's almost like he was from a different planet or something well maybe he was the FBI had a lot of files on Tesla which recently became Declassified in one of them you can find the following the space people have visited Tesla Engineers many times and have told Tesla he was a venusian brought to this planet as a baby in 1856 and left with Mr and Mrs Tesla in a remote Mountain province that is now in Yugoslavia now I could probably debunk this right now but I'm not gonna because it's cooler to think that it's true prehominant civilizations this is just a theory that before the rise of humans there were other possibly Advanced non-human civilizations on earth like there was an evolved race of lizard people but not the same lizard people that currently control the world and these lizard beings would have lived like millions of years ago so evidence of their existence by now would be incredibly rare if not non-existent CIA Mars astral projection okay so I literally just talked about this in my last video so I'm not gonna rehash it too much but this guy Andrew D basiago claims to have been part of a secret CIA program when he was a child that teleported him to Mars and sent them back in time he also claims that Barack Obama was another one of the children who was in this program with them crystal skulls so the terrible Indiana Jones film The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is actually based on a real thing since the 1800s these skulls have been turning up in random places around the world one of them was found at an antique shop in Paris another one was bought at an auction and another one was mailed to the Smithsonian by an unknown sender who claimed it belonged to Mexican dictator perforio Diaz it's claimed that these skulls originate in ancient mesoamerica and that they have magical properties including healing powers and making people who touch them see into the future scientists who have actually studied the artifacts say that they most likely came from Germany in the 1800s but you can't trust those stupid science [ __ ] they don't know anything artificial petrification no idea what this is talking about maybe he's talking about artificial penetration in which case I do not want to elaborate Perry raised map origin the peri-raised map is a comprehensive map of the world that was made back in 1513 by Turkish Admiral Perry raids it was the most accurate map at the time and used a lot of techniques that wouldn't become popular for another few hundred years one weird thing about it is that it showed what looks like Antarctica except there was no ice and this was like 300 years before Antarctica was actually discovered so who knows maybe Antarctica only recently became covered in ice after the Ice Age you know because remember we even talked about the Antarctic pyramid Theory so these could potentially be connected in some way I don't know I don't know Coast to Coast ex-military callers so Art Bell who was conspiracy radio guy hosted a show called coast to coast and he had a segment on the show where he asked people that are current or former employees of Area 51 to call in and share some juicy details on what's really happening over there on my area 51 line you're on the air hello hello art yes what we're thinking of as as aliens are there they're extra dimensional beings that an earlier precursor of the um Space Program made contact with uh they have infiltrated a lot of uh a lot of aspects of of the military establishment particularly the area 51 they want those major population centers wiped out so that the few that are left will be more easily controllable I started getting we are now on a backup system everybody a backup system and uh that one caller that I had on the air I guess we're about in the middle of his transmission his telephone call which was one of the strangest ones I've ever had and the entire transmitting system by satellite went down here and we were notified we were off the air now some comic book writer named Brian glass claimed that he was the caller but the weird thing about this thing is that the signal just dropped like the whole signal dropped in the middle of the call with no explanation and Brian glass even said himself that he had no idea what that was all about the Baghdad battery baghdadi Rock 1938 a German archaeologist comes across a set of three artifacts dating back about 2 000 years a clay pot an iron rod and some copper wire when these three items were combined and acid was added inside the pot it was shown to produce a small amount of electricity which is where it gets its name the Baghdad battery there's a ton of speculation on what this thing could have been used for like these were primitive people they didn't even have fortnite so what could they have needed electricity for well this should come as no surprise but one of the leading theories is it has to be danderlite this is the danderer temple in Egypt one of the most well-preserved ancient Egyptian structures on one of the walls you can find this Motif now this phallic looking object is possibly an ancient light bulb According to some it resembles a Crooks tube which was like an early version of the light bulb so it's possible that ancient civilizations were a lot more advanced than we think is it possible that the Dandra light was hooked up to the Baghdad battery or is this just evidence that Egyptians invented corn dogs thousands of years ago the nuclear grid Theory otherwise known as free energy suppression is a similar concept to how big Pharma may have a cure for cancer but they make more money off treating it according to this Theory there exists a way to produce clean energy at extremely low cost but the big oil companies are suppressing it so that it doesn't see the light of day to protect their bottom line conspiracies are a sciop this is like self-explanatory right people think that these crazy conspiracy theories are being put out by governments to distract people from real stuff time Cube the time Cube Theory comes to us from a website creating 1997 by self-proclaimed why is this man on Earth Jean Ray Gene theorized that there are actually four separate days in one rotation of the Earth around the Sun so Gene you say that I'm stupid because I believe that when the Earth rotates once there was only one 24-hour day but your time cue principle disputes this no right it had uh Four Corners uh one is shines at midday the simultaneous creates a midnight where the two majors you only increase the two monitors son of the sun down and Each corner quarter of Earth rotate to its own serpent 24-hour days well the earth the earth is a sphere though it's not a cube it's composer a full quarter Corners Each corner cut it rotates in four different directions simultaneously toward midday Midnight Sun and Sundown it rotates those directs simultaneously each one of them has its own separate day this is a explanation from Gene himself if Earth Stood Still it would have midday Midnight Sun up and sun down as four corners each rotation of the Earth has four middays four midnights four sunups and four Sundowns the 16 space times demonstrates Cube proof of four full days simultaneously on Earth with one full rotation now if you're confused about what this all means you're not alone because it makes no [ __ ] sense like the more you read through these incoherent ramblings the less sense this Theory makes there's all sorts of diagrams and charts but you know what maybe I'm just too brainwashed and stupid to get it because in Gene's own words the academic brainwashed mind is corrupt and can't comprehend cubic magnificent dang man I guess those degrees from Devry University were completely pointless Gene was so confident in his theory that he offered ten thousand dollars to any academic that could disprove his theory Gene how do you know this what's your proof scientifically speaking redheads in the cube you can see it you can't deny that often academic institution any Professor ten thousand dollars to disprove it they can't disprove it so they ignore it and run and hide you're offering ten thousand dollars to anyone who can dispute the time Cube principle institution or Professor nobody stepped forward which means it's true so shout out to Gene Phoenicians discovered America so if you're American you probably thought that this fella Chris Columbus discovered the Americas well you're wrong the Chad Viking Explorer Leif Erickson discovered it 500 years before Columbus but it's possible that somebody discovered it way before them namely the Phoenicians so the theory begins like this Titan Rock a giant boulder discovered in 1680 that was covered in an unknown writing some people believe that this writing is Phoenician and origin and honestly it kind of makes sense the Phoenicians were like the kings of the sea for hundreds of years so it's not super unrealistic that they would have gone west till they found America I mean it probably didn't happen but it's not impossible is all I'm saying the Toluca Valley head is this sculpture that was found in an ancient burial site in Mexico now at first glance it looks like a sculpture from ancient Rome so people say that the Romans came to America hundreds of years ago and left it behind others think that the statue was put there as a prank by archaeologists and then of course there's the alien Theory because why not everything's [ __ ] aliens the antikythera mechanism was an ancient Greek device that was found on a shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea scientists believe it was created back in 200 BC and it was composed of dozens of gears and functions sort of like a clock and it was way ahead of its time but what the heck is it scientists think it was used to predict the movement of planets and stars but this thing leaves a lot of questions like why was it the only known device of its kind and why was it in a shipwreck at the bottom of the sea like this was the most advanced thing in the ancient world so maybe the ship carrying it was sunk on purpose maybe the device holds some kind of knowledge that we're not meant to know if you look at the theories about these things Origins it's pretty much the usual suspects it was left by a time traveler it's alien Tech or the lizard people created it caveman Holocaust this is more of a theory than a conspiracy theory it just says that us Homo erectus killed off all the Neanderthals and that's why there's no more near their thoughts Mars is a warning according to this Theory humans actually originated on Mars at one point maybe millions of years ago Mars was an Earth-like planet it had oceans grass and trees possibly even fortnite but we humans [ __ ] everything up after we drained it of its resources and nuked the whole planet and Mars's red color is actually the result of the nuclear winter us modern humans are actually descendants of the humans who were able to escape Mars before things went nuclear now this theory was put forth by deleted Tick Tock made by this guy this is a John of death yes is the jar of dirt going to help if you don't want it give it back so uh yeah take it with a gram of salt Google Earth Blackstone so this Iceberg chart was made like two years ago and back then there were several areas on Google marks that were straight up blocked out so you couldn't see them like Babylon Iraq was one of them the harp facility was another one but I checked and most of these so-called black zones they're no longer blacked out so that was kind of dumb serpent seed is a gnostic belief that Eve not only accepted an apple from the serpent in the Garden of Eden but she also accepted something else if you know what I'm saying the serpent seduced Eve and they had an entanglement and produced the sun who we now know as Kane and Eve would later go on to give birth to Abel with Adam this idea appears in the Gnostic text the Gospel of Philip which says first adultery came into being afterward murder and he meaning Kane was begotten in adultery for he was the child of the serpent so he became a murderer just like his father and he killed his brother so can Kane was basically born evil because his father was a snake who is widely interpreted to be Satan and that's why he killed his brother Abel and by extension all of Cain's descendants are also evil now this idea has unsurprisingly been used to justify racism people will claim that one group of people that they don't like are the descendants of Cain and therefore evil and hating them is okay because they're the spawn of Satan the sea people were a group of Raiders who attacked the major Bronze Age civilizations like the Egyptians and the Hittites around 1200 BC now these guys were like the original Sigma males they would show up out of nowhere attack a city take all their [ __ ] and leave with no explanation they were kind of like Vikings in that way and historians still have no clue who these people were where they came from how they were so successful and taking on some of the biggest empires of the time like they've been credited as a huge factor in the collapse of the hittite Empire which was one of the biggest in the world at the time it's believed that the these people were what was left of Atlantis after it got swallowed up by the ocean hyper sigils a Sigil is basically a symbol that has some kind of magical power and they're used in occult practices here's an example of the most cursedral known to man looking at this for too long will make you want to commit unspeakable crimes eye procedural is a more powerful version of a Sigil and it doesn't necessarily have to be a symbol it can be like a song or I don't know man this is some occult weirdo [ __ ] I don't mess with this warlock nonsense trolls and goblins are Neanderthals so the thing about myths and legends is that they're usually based on something right so people think that trolls goblins dwarves and all these short ugly creatures are based on neanderthals and that Legends of them just carried over into the modern day based off their skeletons neanderthals were shorter and stockier than modern humans so I guess it's not too crazy of an idea Jesus and Buddha are the same now in the Bible there's a period known as The Lost ears of Jesus where the Bible didn't talk about what Jesus was doing between the ages of 13 to 30. so people like to speculate about what Jesus was doing during this time some people believe he studied with the essenes a Jewish sect who famously wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls other people think he went to England and others think he traveled to Tibet where he studied Buddhism and and brought these ideas back to Jerusalem and it goes even further than that in Buddhism it's believed that life is a constant cycle of suffering and rebirth and the only way to break this cycle is by reaching a state of Enlightenment or Nirvana Siddhartha Gautama aka the Buddha was the first person to break this cycle and some Buddhists believe that Jesus reached nirvana when he was crucified thus becoming a Buddha himself the fourth dimension is a very hard concept to grasp but I'm gonna do my best so we're all familiar with 2D shapes right Square that's 2D you go up down left right then we got a three-dimensional shape like a cube you go up down left right forward backward okay still with me next up we got a tesseract this is a four-dimensional shape and uh yeah I don't really get it either just like a square is part of a cube a cube is also part of this Tesseract shape meaning that us three-dimensional beings overlap with four dimension National beings but we can only exist in our own Dimension and they can only exist in theirs but some people believe that these four-dimensional beings have found a way to come into our Dimension does that make any sense I hope it did but how do these beings enter our reality through DMT baby it's a pretty intense stuff man if you do it you will talk to intelligent beings from other dimensions for real I'm serious a lot of people who have done DMT claim to have seen the four dimensional beings but obviously take that with a hefty pinch of salt Schnell online is a game or should I say was a game that supposedly could be found on a dark web it was meant to function like second life or VR chat except with the typical dark web clientele the only evidence we have with this game is a two minute gameplay clip posted to YouTube [Music] The Aquatic ape Theory now you guys are familiar with Evolution right it's this dumb theory that we evolved from monkeys or something well the Aquatic ape Theory takes this a step further and says that humans actually evolve to be in water at some point in our evolutionary history our ancestors decided it would be easier to go in the water and eat shellfish than compete for resources with the other monkeys and this explains certain features that are unique to humans like we evolved to stand on two legs so it'll be easier to wait in the water we don't have any hair on our bodies to make it easier to swim and uh I'm gonna debunk this deer right here enough because I have more hair on me than most orangutans dogs died Bridge since the 50s hundreds of dogs have jumped off the Overton bridge in Scotland to their deaths nobody really knows why it could be paranormal could be a cult the only thing that's for sure is that something is making these perfectly normal perfectly happy dogs whack themselves for no apparent reason ancient nuclear war you know people are always saying history repeats well I really hope that's not true because if it is then we're [ __ ] Robert Oppenheimer was one of the main scientists who helped create the nuclear bomb when he witnessed the Trinity test which was the first ever nuclear detonation he said to himself I am now become death destroyer of worlds this is a line from the Hindu scripture the bhagavad-gita the book speaks of a Great War Between Two Princes and it describes a weapon that sounds an awful lot like an atomic bomb alright so these are direct quotes from the bhagavad-gita a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe as bright as the Thousand Sons Witnesses of nuclear explosions have described them as being brighter than the sun a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds and The Cloud of smoke Rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circles like the opening of giant parasols a parasol is basically an umbrella and what's being described here sounds an awful lot like a mushroom cloud to me it was an unknown weapon an iron Thunderbolt a giant messenger of death which reduced to ashes an entire race of the virishness and the andikas the corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable that's pretty crazy man I've also seen claims that radioactive skeletons were found in ancient archaeological sites in India but take that with two scoops of salt because I couldn't find anything credible on it but going back to Oppenheimer he was asked by a reporter about the Trinity test they said was it the first ever detonation of a nuclear device and he replied back yes in modern times so is it possible that we nuked ourselves back into the Stone Age and we didn't learn our lesson the first time over is the bhagavad-gita a warning to Future Generations I don't know but again uh let's not risk it Neanderthal Supremacy nowadays we typically associate neanderthals with being dumb cavemen that were genetically inferior to their human counterparts Neanderthal is even a word sometimes used to call somebody dumb but science has shown that Neanderthals actually had bigger brains than us and they knew how to use fire and made some pretty sick cave paintings this idea is going to come up again so keep it tucked away in the back of your brain your inferior Homo Sapien brain yeah the both so we've established that in gnosticism there's a higher unknowable God and there's a Lesser God who created our world known as the demiurge the name of the Lesser God is both contagnostics human chimpanzee hybrids Oliver the chimp was a chimpanzee discovered in the Congo in the 50s but Oliver was no ordinary chimp he was bald walked on two legs and had a flatter face than his chimpanzee counterparts it still believed by many to this day that Oliver was what's known as a humanzi or a human chimp hybrid and I don't even want to think about how this mother sucker was conceived but apparently there's been multiple experiments over the years attempting to create a Humanity in the 20s Soviet scientist Ilya Ivanov attempted to create Humanities on multiple occasions by inserting human sperm into female chimps it didn't work so he tried the reverse he tried injecting chimp sperm into human ladies but this was too much for even the Soviets so they exiled him to Kazakhstan similar experiments were carried out by the Chinese in the 60s but the craziest case comes from Dr Gordon G Gallup a psychologist at the University of Albany he said that A co-worker who worked at a lab in Florida was part of a humanzi experiment the scientists at this lab were actually able to create a successful human chimp Chimera back in the 1920s quote they inseminated a female chimpanzee with human sperm from an undisclosed donor and claim not only that pregnancy occurred but that pregnancy went to full term and resulted in a live birth unquote he went on to say in a matter of days or weeks they began to consider the moral and ethical considerations and the infant was euthanized a bit late for the moral and ethical considerations at that point but uh what are you gonna do guys I hate to break it to you again but your entire life has been a lie you've been led to believe that these rock formations are mountains when in reality they're actually trees you see these things that we call trees today are actually just bushes or saplings of the real trees that no longer exist you see real trees were two miles wide and 40 miles tall nothing like these pussy-ass trees we see today but unfortunately due to some unknown cataclysm all are once tall and proud trees have been destroyed and the only remnants of them are these mountains you see flat top mountains are actually the stumps of the real trees boltzmann brain so think about how many things needed to fall in exactly the right place for an individual to be brought into this world the boltzmann brain thought experiment says that the odds that you exist are so astronomically impossibly small that it's actually more likely that you're just a brain floating in a void imagining all of your reality immortality-induced Amnesia this is related to Quantum immortality as I said every time you die you create an alternate tie line where you live but you can't remember your previous life from the previous timeline the internet was discovered all this is saying is that the internet has always existed in some form and it was discovered not invented Singularity already happened the singularity refers to a moment in time where technology will become uncontrollable an AI so Advanced that it surpasses human intelligence thus making us redundant at which point humans will merge with machines and will upload our consciousnesses to a database allowing us to basically become immortal but virtually now this sounds like some [ __ ] out of a Black Mirror episode but people think that it's already happened like our lives right now are just digital and uploaded to the matrix by our real selves Iceberg psyops so these Iceberg charts are intentionally putting out this information to confuse people wait but that would mean imma shy up do I even exist is this a simulation [Music] sentient planets you may remember from the criminally bad film Avatar not The Last Airbender that the planet Pandora turned out to be a living being or something I don't know the movie was so dog [ __ ] I can't even remember the plot anyways people think the Earth and other planets might actually be living beings instead of just rocks James Hutton owned today is the father of geology once said Earth is a super organism and its proper study should be physiology and that works out for me because not only do I have a degree in geology but I have a degree in physiology too like the most educated man in the world in the 1970s James Lovelock put forward the Gaia hypothesis which he based on Research by Hutton and it stated that not only do animals and plants evolve based on the environment they live in but the Earth too evolves to better suit these organisms oh and apparently the Earth has a heartbeat Terry Davis MK Ultra Terry Davis was a programmer who set out to build his own operating system which he called Temple OS he even created an new programming language based on C called holy see now this was not just a regular schmegular operating system it was also meant to be the third temple in the Bible Terry claimed that God spoke to him and told him to rebuild his Temple he also suffered from pretty severe schizophrenia which got worse and worse until at one point he ended up living on the streets until about 2018 where he tragically passed away after getting hit by a train man this is like one of the saddest stories I've ever heard but some fellows on 4chan believe that Terry's mental decline wasn't the result of Mental Illness but rather brainwashing by the CIA Terry according to them was a part of MK Ultra and Temple OS was actually a tool that the CIA wanted to use as a back door to gain control of people's computers and when Terry thought God was speaking to him it was actually the CIA feeding him information MAOI statues are a warning Easter Island was home to one of the most secluded and closed off civilizations of all time the rap people who lived there were basically in their own miniature ecosystem luckily for them the island was rich with natural resources and they were able to thrive for hundreds of years but when the island was later rediscovered by Captain Cook the place was desolate the entire place used to be covered in trees and rich soil perfect for farming but those days were long gone the people of the island basically exploited the [ __ ] out of their natural resources and became overpopulated which eventually led to their downfall so it's believed that the famous Easter Island heads are actually a warning to the rest of the world to not repeat the same mistakes after all this could be just a small scale version of what could potentially happen to all of us Michigan blue hell so blue hell is when you clip through the floor in a video game and then you're outside the map and everything around you is blue or gray some people believe that there exists somewhere underground in the United States a portal that when you walk through it you'll basically clip out of reality so it's like an entrance to another universal dimension or a plane of reality and people believe that it's under Michigan because Michigan is known to have a large series of underground tunnels bacterial civilizations a group of divers off the coast of a Greek Island discovered what looked like the ruins of a Greek city underwater they discovered ancient Stoneworks like Cobblestone floors and what seemed to be the bases of those Greek pillars except these things were not created by Greeks they were created by bacteria and I know what you're thinking what's the difference well these microscopic organisms were able to somehow create these structures and I refuse to elaborate on how they did it but some people think that bacteria are much smarter than we previously thought and that they're showing signs of evolution the real purpose of the lottery is to catch Time Travelers that's it boltzmann brain so think about how many things needed to fall in exactly the right place for an individual to be brought into this world the boltzmann brain thought experiment says that the odds that you exist are so so astronomically impossibly small that it's actually more likely that you're just a brain floating in a void imagining all of your reality solar plexus clown glider okay this one's more of a creepy pasta than a conspiracy theory but I'll talk about it anyways apparently in Hinduism your solar plexus holds a chakra which controls your emotions and it can cause you to have negative or positive thoughts and emotions there's these paranormal beings that manipulate your chakra and feed off of that negative energy and the phrase solar plexus clown glider when spoken can make people feel sad and make them feel negative emotions and also there's these photos that affect the solar plexus chakra as well and it's it's really [ __ ] stupid honestly I don't even know why I wasted my time with this one Paleolithic deep State claims that neanderthals not only did not go extinct 40 000 years ago as we were led to believe they survived into the modern day and not only did they survive but they thrived and they're currently pulling the strings of society like instead of lizard people or Jews or the Illuminati it's neanderthals that control us sentient water is a theory put forth by masuro imoto in his book the hidden messages in water in this book he described experiments that he conducted where he had two samples of water one of them was exposed to positive thoughts and speech while the other one got called a simp and was screamed at the water sample that was handled with love and compassion has visually pleasing ice crystals while the one that was called racial slurs had ugly and distorted ice crystals the pyramids were built as a reminder this is saying that Egyptians didn't actually build the pyramids that they were actually built by a previous more advanced civilization who was wiped out and they built the pyramids as a reminder of their greatness source code for the brain alright this is going to be a little complicated to explain especially since I'm no expert on the human oh wait yes I am so on a very basic level your brain is controlled by a neural network made up of neurons and these neurons are like nodes that receive an input and then communicate with each other and spit on an output for example let's say somehow Franklin the Turtle pops up on the television my brain takes Franklin as the input and outputs visceral hatred and anger right so computer scientists for a while now have been able to replicate how our brains work in artificial neural networks this combined with advances in medical science like being able to 3D print organs makes it seem like it's only a matter of time before they create an artificial human with thoughts of their own and if that's not the most terrifying thing you've ever heard then I don't know what is Father ednetty's chronoviser Again last video I talked about this last video Pellegrino and Neti was an Italian physicist and priest it was claimed by father Francois Brunet a fellow priest who was close to adneti that in the 1950s ednati along with a team of scientists were able to create a device that could see into the past the Vatican would later destroy this device out of fear that it could be used to expose those State Secrets internet is dead you guys remember YouTube back in the day back in 2016 filthy Frank h3h3 idubbbz shoe nice now YouTube and the internet in general is just a watered down version of what it used to be well there might be an explanation for this sudden shift from the Golden Age into what I like to call the Kaka age of the internet According to some people on the internet the internet is dead and that's not a euphemism like the internet that we once knew does not exist anymore in a concerted effort between big tech companies and the government algorithms and Bots were deployed to change the landscape of the internet as we know it so most of the top posts you see on Reddit most videos on YouTube most articles like pretty much everything on the internet is Bots it's not even real people yeah like Mr Beast he's not real he's an AI Joe Rogan the real Joe Rogan died of a DMT overdose in 2009 since then it's been all AI think about it bro how is this man real how is this a real human being it's not and the main objective of all this is to push propaganda and coerce actual users into purchasing products all religions are the same this is actually a pretty interesting theory that says no matter what religion you ascribe to you're worshiping the same God we already talked about the connection between Jesus and Buddha but some people believe that the reason different religions exist is to be compatible with the cultures and traditions of different areas and at the end of the day these are all different paths that lead to God well except for Scientology God's ego death so when we think of an ego we think of people who are way too into themselves like Andrew Tate or Kanye or my ex-wife or what have you but an ego is just your sense of self when somebody undergoes an ego death it's like they lose their self-identity and become a different person in the process well there's a theory that God himself the Supreme Creator had an ego death a lot of people have noted the difference in God's personality from the Old and New Testament so something happened that made God shift this tone one explanation is that when Jesus was born God himself was being born as a human mortal and that contributed to his shift there's also a gnostic explanation that says the demiurge who if you remember is the Lesser God that created Earth underwent an ego death that when the real God revealed himself through Jesus and it made the demiurge feel less cool God's Last Wish is us this Theory says that God sacrificed himself and used all of his power to create humans the despair code I've seen a few different interpretations of this but essentially what the despair code is is something that will make a person feel well despair this code will cause the person it's used on to feel depressed nihilistic and just basically lose all hope now what it actually is is up for the base some people think it's a literal code like a set of numbers other people believe it's a set of ideas like if you read enough about certain things it will cause you to answer a state of despair so take it easy on the niche and the other theory is that it's a weapon like an invisible gas that the military uses to make the enemy combatants depressed the other interpretation is that the entire universe runs on a code and if the code is found by by someone it would drive them to insanity or deep depression because they would find out that everything is pre-programmed and planned and life is pretty much meaningless the last entry the final understanding is when you finally understand that you just wasted over an hour listening to some schmuck from Staten Island ramble about conspiracy theories thank you guys so much we finally made it to the end it's finally done I really hope you guys enjoyed this one and let me reiterate I am not depressed and I have no plans of ending my life uh yeah with that being said please check out my patreon if you want to support me keep making videos like this you know you don't have to don't feel the pressure but if you want to give me some money I'm not going to stop you also please follow me on all social media it's in the description of this video shout out to the patrons who support me and who make this all possible I'm going to list them all at the end of the video and uh yeah man thank you guys so much for watching as always like And subscribe all that stuff uh thank you guys later [Music]
Channel: Dantavius
Views: 1,380,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 54sec (5154 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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