The Instagram Model that "Cured" Cancer (And Made Millions)

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the health and wellness industry is worth over 4.5 trillion dollars that's more than the GDP of Mexico Canada and Australia combined there's a lot of money to go around so it should come as no surprise that the industry is full of scumbags who prey on people's anxieties from Gwyneth Paltrow to the liver King there's no shortage of grifters and degenerates peddling snake oil to unsuspecting consumers they sell you courses that don't teach you anything supplements that don't fix anything and nfts that aren't worth anything there's very little that these people won't do for a quick Buck but never in a million years that I think somebody with fake cancer for money and fame well that is until recently Bill Gibson is a mother a businesswoman and she's also living with brain cancer but the 25 year old has turned her cancer diagnosis into a positive believe it or not five years ago I was diagnosed with terminal cancer she was diagnosed with terminal cancer a few years ago after trying the traditional treatment methods she turned to Whole Foods to heal herself instead for a person living with brain cancer might I add you look incredibly healthy Mel Gibson is someone who became famous in Australia because she claimed to have beaten terminal brain cancer using natural remedies and nutrition it's all a lie a great big lie she doesn't have cancer never did police have visited the Melbourne home of Bill Gibson after Revelations that her claim she had cancer which she used to create a wellness Empire may have been false you believed her you know you thought that her story had been checked out the 27 year old duped thousands of followers into buying her Wellness app and cookbook Mel Gibson is not a victim she is a fraud a fraud fraud a fraud what up am I right well what are you gonna do hey guys listen uh I owe four hundred thousand dollars to the IRS so thank you to raycon for sponsoring this video ladies and gentlemen if you know me you know I'm a guy who likes to listen to good music and I've been using raycons almost every day for the past few months bumping my favorite Tunes like this one [Music] stupidity yes yes yes I use them when I'm cooking I use them when I'm working I even use them when I'm coming back home from your mom's house the gel tips are so comfortable and fit perfectly in my ear these bad boys will not budge okay trust me I got punched in the head like 42 times by a jealous husband and the earbuds didn't move at all plus now they got the noise isolation mode that's cool so you can block out the noise of your parents fighting in the next room and they offer eight hours of play time with a 32 hour battery life not to mention the Price Is Right ladies and gentlemen Bob Barker would be proud because raycons are like half the price of other premium audio Brands so if you want to get a pair of raycons for yourself click the link in the description of this video or go to dantavious to get 15 off your purchase that's by dantavius for 15 off every sale of raycon gets me one step closer to paying off my massive debt to the IRS us so thank you to raycon for sponsoring this video and let's get back into it our story starts in the mythical land of Australia Belle Gibson was born on October 8th 1991. she grew up with a disabled mother and an autistic brother and from a young age she was forced to take care of both her mom and her brother and by age 12 she had already moved out of the house at 16 she dropped out of high school and started working odd jobs to make ends meet fast forward to 2009 Belle was working at a call center when she began experiencing memory loss dizziness difficulty walking and vision problems yeah I'm legally blind but when she told her doctor about her symptoms he kind of blew her off he figured she was just another broad being dramatic so he prescribed her some Prozac and sent her home but it turns out she wasn't being dramatic at all just a week after visiting the doctor Bell passed out on the toilet at work and woke up in the ICU and that's when she got the worst news of her life she was told that she just had a stroke and even worse she had inoperable brain cancer and even worse she only had four months to live but hey at least she still had that Prozac Bell tried chemotherapy and radiation but it wasn't working in fact it made the cancer even worse two months into her treatment Bell lost Consciousness again this time in the middle of a park very embarrassing at this point she decided she was done listening to health professionals and she was going to treat herself the old-fashioned way so she started researching alternative medicines but the Clock Was ticking at this point she only had like two months left to live but after a few sleepless nights she came across something called Gerson Therapy now I had actually never heard of this but the guy who invented it claims that it can cure cancer it involves taking a lot of vitamins drinking at least 13 glasses of juice per day cutting out meat Dairy sugar gluten and everything else that's delicious and finally doing up to five coffee enemas per day and if you don't know what a coffee enema is it is a clip just to give you some context fill a bucket with coffee a hose attached to the bottom delivers the liquid to the lower intestine put the nozzle into your rectum pull it up in the air as they raise the bucket 32 ounces of coffee fills their colon when the timer goes off yeah you want to make just a quick transition from floor to toilet seat as quickly as possible it's going to come flying out of there like like a torrent her doctor said she was insane to try this and after seeing that clip I have to agree but she proved them wrong again and again not only did she live past the four-month deadline but her cancer was actually shrinking her alternative medicine approach was working Against All Odds and after being told by multiple doctors she couldn't have children two years after Her diagnosis Bell miraculously gave birth to a healthy baby boy but unfortunately she named him Brandon either way as the kids say this was a common Bell W Bell was basically proving everything we knew about medicine wrong so it would be self fish not to share that with the entire world so in 2012 she created an Instagram account to document her journey of healing cancer her bio said it all game changer with brain cancer plus a food Obsession now keep in mind that Instagram was still relatively new at this point okay it wasn't like the Instagram of today that's just full of hoes with Photoshop pictures trying to plug their only fans it was a more wholesome place and her Instagram was basically a white woman's dream acai bowls quinoa avocado toast and of course plenty of selfies it was like inspiration porn here's this beautiful radiant young woman who was suffering from terminal brain cancer and she's still living her best life meanwhile here you are in bed at 10 am after drinking a whole bottle of wine on a Wednesday night not doing [ __ ] with your life pathetic Belle's inspirational story was really resonating with Housewives all over the world within a few short months she was able to rack up over 200 000 followers which was a huge deal back then nowadays your [ __ ] grandma probably has more than that but Belle was one of the first true Wellness influencers on the gram she said in an interview that the reason for her massive growth was because of her authenticity I think too many people on social media overly edit themselves right from the start I was very open and treated Instagram as my personal space I really think it was that authenticity that people were attracted to now obviously this quote is incredibly ironic either way Belle realized that she had a cult-like following and decided to use that to her advantage in early 2013 she started developing her very own smartphone app called the whole Pantry according to the app's description the whole pantry is the new go-to place filled with continually updating library of resources empowering information lifestyle guides and simple yet beautiful nourishing recipes man it sounds too good to be true and believe it or not this app was developed in like seven months which would usually not even be close to an time to develop an app but it was surprisingly good in fact it was so good that I got 200 000 downloads in its first month alone and it was voted best food and drink app of 2013. the app was so successful that it started getting attention from Silicon Valley just a few weeks after launching Bell got an email from Apple you know Apple the company that releases the same phone every year but we still buy it anyways well Apple wanted to fly Bell out to California to work on a top secret project and a week later Bell was in a boardroom at Apple headquarters meeting with some corporate bigwigs and the meeting could not have gone better the executives were absolutely Blown Away by her inspiring story and her bubbly personality they loved her so much that they offered her a deal right on the spot Apple wanted Belle's whole Pantry app to be one of the default apps that came pre-installed on the Apple watch which was set to release the next year this was huge this was like a multi multi-multi-million dollar deal and apple weren't aren't the only ones offering her deals penguin Random House publishing reached out to Belle to ask if she was interested in doing a book deal and of course she was the book also titled the whole Pantry was released on January 1st 2014 and it was doing crazy numbers right out the gate selling out everywhere in Australia Belle basically had the perfect life at this point she had a successful book a deal with one of the biggest tech companies in the world and best of all it seems like her cancer had pretty much been cured or so she thought during her son's fourth birthday Belle lost Consciousness and had multiple seizures in the span of a few hours but refused to go to the emergency room for some reason the next day she posted about it on Facebook I have seizures often as a result of my brain cancer but nothing ever this long or intense extremely grateful for my friends and family who were there to support me through this and my team who are looking for new answers but the answers she got were not good her doctor told her that she had more cancer in her than a 4chan message board that spread from her brain to multiple other organs on July 29 2014 she made this now Infamous post on Instagram with frustration and ache in my heart my beautiful game-changing Community it hurts me to find Space tonight to let you know with love and strength that I've been diagnosed with the third and fourth cancer one is secondary and the other is primary I have cancer in my blood spleen brain uterus and liver I am hurting at this point it was safe to say the coffee enemas were no longer working but hey at least she now had a massive support network and thousands of messages of love and encouragement flooded this post but it also raised a lot of questions Belle's story just wasn't adding up to some people first of all it's extremely rare for brain cancers to spread to other parts of the body also if she was riddled with cancer her immune system would be [ __ ] and she was flying all over the world to Exotic locations like Ethiopia Bali and Ohio with no issues and then there's the simple fact that she just didn't look like somebody that was dying of cancer all right I'm not saying every cancer patient has to look like [ __ ] Caillou but apparently this disease was spreading to every corner of her body and she still looked like the picture of Health kind of hard to believe that carrot juice and yoga was doing all that and lastly nobody really knew anything about her it's almost like this woman didn't exist prior to 2012 no hospital records no social media no pieces in her name nothing she was like a ghost the only info people had about her was whatever she gave in interviews because of all these unanswered questions a lot of rumors started swirling around that Bell was exaggerating her Illness but nobody wanted to be that schmuck that accused a single mother with brain cancer that she was faking it so for the most part the rumors stayed underground but then people started to look into Belle's so-called philanthropy and things were not as they seemed you see Belle couldn't go more than two seconds without talking about how much money she was giving away on the third page of her book she wrote a large part of everything the company earns is now donated to Charities and organizations that support Global health and well-being protect the environment and provide education to those who otherwise would not have the opportunity she also said in an interview that she donated at least three hundred thousand dollars to cancer Charities so these two journalists did a huge investigation into Bell and they contacted every charity that she claimed to have donated to and every single one one of them said the same thing Belle Gibson never heard of her this [ __ ] was lying about donating money to cancer Charities and keep in mind she was making hundreds of thousands of dollars at this point if not millions and this was just the tip of the iceberg because if she was lying about donating money to charity what else was she lying about well it turns out everything after the story broke about her false philanthropy it was like a damn had just burst Belle's friends started turning on her one by one news outlets all over Australia were all of a sudden getting tips from people in Belle's Inner Circle who said they were skeptical about the severity of her cancer according to the Sydney Daily Herald a group of Belle's friends staged an intervention for her and questioned her about her illness I asked her when she got her diagnosis she said she didn't know I asked her who gave her her diagnosis she said Dr Phil I asked if Dr Phil had a last name and she didn't know he disappeared I asked her where she saw Dr Phil and she said he came and picked her up from her house bro is this broad serious Dr Phil really you're ugly you are disgusting I'm gonna kill you give me two hundred dollars around this same time a video was leaked of her getting media coaching from her publisher they told her in an interview that she needed to quote get her story straight I think that you really need to get your stories straight about the charities yeah I think they're going to go there with that it's hard conversation yeah like it's there's so many different elements to it you know then I have to start being a scientist start talking to science about biology and electronics and frequency and yeah that was not a good look in less than a week public sentiment went from She's an angel who can do no wrong too this [ __ ] might actually be the most evil person on the planet and once the hate train got rolling it kept picking up more and more steam her ex-classmates and co-workers started calling into newspapers saying that Bell was always a pathological liar one of her closest friends told a newspaper quote Gibson would present an all-natural Persona online and then do things like eat McDonald's drink alcohol and take diet pills even her own mother exposed her remember at the beginning of this video how I said Belle cared for her disabled mother and autistic brother from a young age well it turns out that was complete horseshit this is what her mom told Australian women's weekly what a load of rubbish her brother is not autistic and she's barely done a minute's housework in her life I've practically worked myself into an early grave to give that girl everything she wanted in life she also went on to say I've never seen her cry in her life I'm not even sure she's capable of empathy and you know you [ __ ] up when your own mom comes out against you and the lies didn't even stop there Belle lied about her birthday for some reason she publicly claimed to be born in 1988 but her mom provided a birth certificate which clearly showed she was born in 1991. this brought lies more than my ex-wife I didn't even think that was possible as things continue to spiral bell went into full damage control mode she started putting out statements replying to people on Facebook and even putting her Instagram on private but all these things just made her look like even more of a putz then on May 18 2015 Bell sat down for an interview with Australian women's weekly the same newspaper that interviewed her mom in the interview they were pressing her on a lot of claims that she's made over the years and at one point they straight up asked her do you or have you ever had cancer and she said quote no none of it is true but hold on guys it wasn't her fault okay you see for years Bell was being manipulated by a doctor who Gaslight her into believing she had a brain tumor when in fact she was perfectly fine so this whole time she wasn't really lying she was just the victim of a psychopathic physician or at least that was her story now obviously not a lot of people bought this because let's be honest it sounds like some Mickey Mouse [ __ ] but despite making herself look like a complete [ __ ] Belle thought it would be a good idea to do another interview this time was 60 Minutes Australia this was her last chance to salvage what little reputation she had left right he claimed also in your book that you underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy for two months true or false at the time true or false true because at the time I believed I was having radiotherapy so false yeah this clip kind of sets the mood for the whole interview it went absolutely terribly for her the woman who interviewed her ate her up like a plate of spaghetti every word Bell spoke only dug her into a deeper and deeper hole you know you go on Instagram in 2013 I have been healing a severe and malignant brain cancer for the past few years with natural medicine Gerson Therapy and Foods it's working for me it is and if any of you didn't have brain cancer no I didn't no but when I was writing that I thought that I did and I was feeling well yes but even then you misrepresented what you thought was your truth which is all a big lie anyway I'm really sorry at one point the interviewer really pressed her on the doctor that convinced her she was sick she says in 2009 she met a man called Mark Johns who told her he was an immunologist and neurologist though no record of him exists so he comes to your home and he does some tests on you he does how do what sort of tests a machine with lights on the front and that machine was apparently German technology there's a two pads two metal pads one that goes below the chair and one that goes behind your back and then that measures what I believe or remember to be frequencies and what were the results he said to me that I had a stage four brain tumor and that I had approximately four months to live oh and it didn't stop there they completely debunked her claim that she thought she had a brain tumor it was actually 2011 and a neurologist in a 40-minute face-to-face consultation tells bill her brain scans are normal that 40-minute consultation with the neurologist proves that even if Belle thought at one time she had a brain tumor she definitely knew in 2011 that she didn't that's two years before she sold her sob story to the world her appearance on 60 Minutes was basically the final nail in the coffin she walked out of that building wishing she actually did have cancer that's how bad it was in the days following the interview her book would be taken out of circulation Apple cut ties with her her app was removed from the App Store completely and she rightfully became the most hated woman in the world and we gotta remember not only did she scam people out of some money I mean plenty of other influences do that too but the difference between Bell Gibson and somebody like let's say Logan Paul is that she has blood on her hands she is directly and indirectly responsible for people's deaths think about how many people with cancer decided to not do conventional treatment because they read Belle's book and thought Oh She cured her cancer by eating cranberries think about how many of those people passed away from something they could have cured with just traditional chemo or radiation oh and that's not even to mention that she was also an outspoken anti-vaxxer who blamed her fake cancer on the HPV vaccine she deserves to be behind bars unfortunately though that didn't happen but she did face some repercussions in 2017 an Australian federal court ordered Bell to pay over five hundred thousand dollars in fines for making false claims about her so-called charitable donations Bell of course claimed that she didn't have that kind of money despite spending over ninety thousand dollars in the course of two years on clothes cosmetics and vacations with the Australian government don't [ __ ] around and in 2019 they raided her home and tried to recoup some of that money now you're probably wondering what is Belle up to today is she still scamming people well I'll give you guys a couple of guesses let me know in the comments which one you think it is did she a marry a rich old dude and move to California B convert to Islam C change her name and go off grid completely or D start and only fans if you answered B you are correct Bell apparently converted to Islam and became an honorary member of the Ethiopian Muslim Community in Australia but she's got a lot of work to do if she wants to bring that Halal to Haram ratio up [Music] foreign
Channel: Dantavius
Views: 741,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantavius, Belle Gibson, Influencer scam, influencers, instagram, instagram influencer, australia, fake cancer, faked cancer, fraud, The Instagram Model Who Cured Her Cancer (And Made Millions)
Id: 7klzv8iy2lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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