JUST ALREADY STILL YET - English Grammar Lesson (+ Free PDF & Quiz)

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[Music] hello lovely students and welcome back to english with lucy i just can't believe it's already time for another grammar lesson are you still watching me are you not bored of me yet did you notice that i just whoops used already just still and yet in those sentences those words are the topic of today's lesson because they are words that learners of english usually struggle with but once you learn them they're easy to use we have a complete lesson today it also comes with a free pdf with a quiz that you can use to test your understanding if you'd like to download the free pdf just click on the link in the description box you enter your name and your email address you sign up to my mailing list and the pdf will arrive instantaneously in your inbox every week after that you will automatically receive all of my free lesson pdfs and quizzes along with all of my news course offers and updates it's a free service you can unsubscribe at any time all right let's get started with the lesson so you're likely familiar with adverbs these are words that add extra details to verbs they describe verbs words like slowly quietly quickly an example i slowly walked through the park or the little girl sat quietly in her room now the four adverbs that i'm going to discuss with you today are a little different they are adverbs of time meaning they generally describe when something happens there are a few exceptions and don't worry we will go through those as well to understand them visually take a look at this timeline we can see the past now and the future already and just are used to talk about actions in the past that are finished they're not ongoing they're finished completed done yet is used to talk about things that are planned to happen in the future and still is the tricky one it can have different meanings depending on the usage these adverbs of time are mostly used with the present perfect have done i have done this is because they're used to describe actions that are related to the present in terms of their timing i'm going to give you a couple of examples to demonstrate the timing now with just we have i've just finished my homework i've just finished my homework i finished my homework a short while ago with already i've already watched that movie i've already watched that movie i watched that movie sometime in the past so just is a short while ago and already sometime in the past it could be a few days ago it could be a few months ago we don't know but what we do know is that it happened longer ago than just i've just watched that movie i very recently watched it i've already watched that movie a bit further back in time let's take a look at yet i haven't been to the supermarket yet i haven't been to the supermarket yet this means that it's planned but not done you've planned something but you haven't done it yet see perfect place to use that word and still i still haven't called my teacher i still haven't called my teacher in this context it also means that it's planned but not done this meaning is very similar to the third example the previous example the difference is that this implies the still here implies that this action should have already been completed but you still haven't done it yet the still here focuses a little bit more on that you should have already performed that action but you still haven't maybe you've been procrastinating maybe you downloaded candy crush i did that once i know that's a very old game i was ridiculous anyway moving on so we've got the basic outline let's dive a little deeper and look at them as individuals already already has three basic usages first usage it's used to describe something that happened in the near past as we discussed before you don't need to wash up i've already done it i'm very recently washed up the action likely happened several minutes ago second usage we use it to describe an action that happened longer ago i don't want to travel to spain i've already been there that is the biggest lie i've ever said i always want to travel to spain in this sentence the meaning of already could be months or years in the past it's much further in the past than the first example the third use of already and this is an important one is to express the idea that something happened quicker than expected the test started 10 minutes ago but she's already finished it that is way quicker than i expected maybe the test was meant to be 30 or 60 minutes long but the student finished it in 10 minutes this action took place sooner than expected i can't believe you finished it already let's have a quick test to check your understanding i'm going to show you two sentences and i want you to think about the meaning of already in that sentence whether it's the first usage the near past the second usage longer ago or the third usage quicker than expected first one i don't want to see that concert i've already seen them live i don't want to see that concert i've already seen them live one two or three near past longer ago or quicker than expected if you chose number two then you are correct number two it's 11am and he's already eating his lunch it's 11am and he's already eating his lunch i can relate hard with this sentence i can really relate with this sentence whenever i have a packed lunch i just can't stop thinking about it until i'm finally eating it which usage one two or three if you chose three then you are inc joking you're correct did that make you jump yeah he's eating his lunch sooner than expected but he knows his body clock so he can do what he wants let's move on to the next word just just has a very similar meaning to already as we have already discussed a short while ago but it expresses that something happened much more recently i've just finished dinner now it's time for dessert i finished dinner moments ago and now i'm ready for dessert however just can talk about something that happened a little longer ago it could be used to describe something that happened recently for example william has just come back from america william could have come back several days ago rather than moments ago but this is still considered recent i've also got three more usages of the word just they all have a similar general meaning in that they express a strong feeling towards something an example that's just what i wanted to say that's exactly or precisely what i wanted to say so just here is used to express a precise or exact meaning that's just what he thought that's exactly precisely what he thought another example she is just an amazing singer she is just an amazing singer it's like saying simply she is simply an amazing singer so just here is used to show a strong feeling about something i strongly feel that she is an amazing singer what about this just finish the task as quickly as you can just finish the task as quickly as you can just here is used to express impatience when giving orders just do it do it now so those were all about having a strong feeling towards something we now have two more meanings these are used very frequently if i phone my husband and he's at work and he says what do you need i might say i just wanted to tell you that i love you i just wanted to tell you that i love you we use just here to reduce the force of a statement and almost to suggest that it's not important oh it's not important i just wanted to tell you that i love you another example can i just borrow your phone for one minute can i just borrow your phone that's all i want it's not much please can i borrow your phone and lastly we can use it to mean simply or only i'm just a student so i can't afford it i'm simply or only a student so i can't afford it okay so we have those seven usages let's test you once again to check your understanding what is just being used for in this sentence you should call tom he is just the man for the job i might have given it away with my hand you should call tom he's just the man for the job it's the third one to express a precise or exact meaning he is the exact man for the job and the next sentence i don't want to hear any excuses just be quiet i don't want to hear any excuses just be quiet which meaning is it it's usage number five to express impatience when giving orders so we've already spoken about already and just but we still haven't spoken about still or yet so let's move on to these last two i mentioned earlier that still can be a little bit tricky this is because it can have various applications let's take a look we can use it to describe something that is going to happen in the near future in this case it's used in a negative context i've been waiting for 20 minutes but he still hasn't arrived still is often used with continuous grammar describing an action that is continuing and hasn't finished yet he is still washing his car he is continuing to do so he hasn't finished yet this can imply that somebody is taking longer than they should or something is taking longer than it should he's still cleaning his car he's still out there he loves that car the last use of still is to talk about habits in particular habits that have not changed even if they maybe should have changed an example he's 35 but he still lives with his mum obviously it's absolutely fine to live with your mum when you're 35 whatever works for you i mean the housing price is now moving on however there is that implication that it's not normal to do that it's a habit that should have been broken according to society another example do you still go to that nightclub oh we stopped going ages ago it's implying oh you still do that oh we stopped that ages ago it doesn't always have to be negative do you still work for google for example do you still work for google yes cool so there's still for you it's used to describe something that's going to happen in the near future or likely to happen in the near future an action in progress that still hasn't finished or to talk about a habit that hasn't changed sometimes with an implication that it should have changed i hope that's clear for you if you want to test your understanding even more there is a quiz in the pdf finally let's talk about yet this adverb of time has a couple of meanings but the most common one is to express that something's going to happen soon have you finished your homework yet i expect you to finish it soon but i don't know if you've completed the task or not comparing this to already have you already finished your homework it implies a little bit more that i'm shocked that you've done it so soon have you already finished your homework if i say have you finished your homework yet there's no strong implication that you've done the homework quicker or slower than expected have you still not finished your homework that implies that your homework is being completed at a much slower rate than expected there is another meaning of yet and it's similar to the meaning of nonetheless nonetheless what a great great word to say nevertheless was always a favorite of my students nonetheless means despite what has been said or done it's similar to but nonetheless he's retired yet he still continues to work he's retired nevertheless or nonetheless he still continues to work right that is it for today's grammar lesson now it's time to check your understanding by completing the quiz in the pdf if you want to download that just click on the link in the description box and it'll arrive straight in your inbox don't forget to check out nordvpn go to nordvpn.com lucy for a two-year plan plus an additional month free with a huge discount don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media i've got my instagram i've got my website where i've got a fantastic pronunciation tool where you can click on phonemes and hear me pronounce said phonemes it's it's great i love it if you'd like to improve your listening and vocabulary skills then you can visit my personal channel where we vlog our lives here in the english countryside and every single vlog is fully subtitled so you can use it for vocabulary acquisition or listening practice i will see you soon for another lesson [Music] [Music] um right
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 466,594
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Id: 5OqD-89xZpw
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Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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