The Complete, Unhinged Lore of the Dead or Alive Games

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all right so picture this I'm two videos into this ninja Guiden retrospective SL commentary SL analysis strand type video fresh off of Ninja giden 2 going into three I'm playing this [ __ ] and I get to the first Aion Mission she's in this game just like the last two and apparently she gets a whole lot more screen time here I'm checking out this cut scene where she's chilling in the salon naked no clothes on dodged out and I start thinking to myself who who even is aione anyways I know she's from DOA team ninjas fighting game IP but truth be told I'm not a fighting game guy and I never really bothered to check this series out despite being such a fan of ninag Guiden so being naturally curious I decided to do a little bit of research into DOA and needless to say a little bit of research ended up being much much more than what I had bargained [Music] for [Music] me [Music] a give [Music] me [Music] Dead or Alive is a 3D fighting game series developed by team ninja and most importantly team Ninja's former executive producer and Avid sunglasses Enthusiast tomonobu igaki if you're coming off of the Ninja giden 2 video you already know who this guy is and if not let's just say he's got quite a history with the company to avoid reach writing old ground in my last video I already talked about his later years in the whole debacle with techmo so if you're not in the know the top R has he covered I felt the need to make this video for a few reasons mostly because this game's lore is [ __ ] insane but also to bridge my last ninja giden video into my eventual Ninja giden 3 video since canonically a majority of do away takes place in between those two and Ry is kind of a big deal in these games essentially plot events unfold in this series that make their way into Ninja giden 3 in some way shape or form trust me DOA story goes beyond the surface level of volleyball and Shameless objectification of women there is some well and true crazy [ __ ] that goes on in this series and if you ever wondered why ninja guidance narrative was so weak it's probably because all of the Creative Energy went towards this series instead there is a ton of [ __ ] to cover throughout this series and I weop of brain alert painstakingly combed through all six Mainline Dead or Alive games to stitch this series narrative into one cohesive story in order to understand just what igaki and Company were cooking in the studio alongside their action game classic now as a disclaimer this won't be like the rest of the Ninja guy retrospective video videos this is just covering story details so don't expect me to comment on the gameplay visuals Hippity Hoopla [ __ ] like that cuz I'm really only concerned about how all of this relates back to our boy in Black Ryu Hayabusa I covered as much as one man could humanly cover in the span of several months also you guys don't have to so without any further Interruption I present to you the complete unhinged timeline of the Dead or Alive games before we get into the meat of this [ __ ] I've got to establish some background context that precedes the first DOA tournament allow me to introduce the two parties that shape the story moving forward the mug intention ninja Clan and the Dead or Alive tournament executive committee or doek for short starting first and foremost with the former the mugan tension Clan is an isolated clan of ninja native to the mountains of Japan and acts as its own Sovereign entity separate from modern society the clan is structured into two sects the tenen Monon sect acting as the ruling but still largely warrior class and the hajin man sect acting as the elite warrior class both are individually governed by a Master Shinobi figurehead which oversees all and any lower ranking ninja the clan has existed for 16 whole Generations which brings me to the First characters in the story budai the current head of the tenen man sect and his two sons Ryo and shedan the mugan tension Clan operates under a hereditary monarchy and both rido and shedan happen to possess the potential to succeed budha as his Heir but with rido being the eldest of the two he had dibs on the family Legacy despite this both sons were trained in the Arts of the Clan's exclusive tenin monelle nutu and in their early years were shown to be equally as prodigious as time went on however shedan eventually began to surpass rido in every aspect which pissed the eldest son off considering he was working just as hard to reach the title of Master and to please his father this resentment eventually boiled into rage and this rage became deep-seated evil beginning to grow within R's heart as the two grew into adulthood sheeton remained unflinching in the Clan's traditional ways but ryo's fighting style became increasingly more unhinged to the point where he was just straight up maming and mortally wounding his sparring partners in training budai took notice of this and in a decision to ensure the safety of the mugan tension Clan's future chose shedan to succeed him as the 17th leader of the clan instead of rido this causes Ryo to go ape [ __ ] pushed over the edge and full of piss and vinegar he Exiles himself from the clan and began his ambition to become the strongest ninja in the world meanwhile as a right of passage for becoming leader sheeton learns and Masters the torn Sky blast technique a Nino attack known only by the masters of the Tangen Manon sect this powerful ability allows the user to manipulate their spiritual energy into a single point in their hands and is relased at least as Lightning towards their target this might seem weird to mention but the move has significance in future events years after acceding to the position of Master ninja of the muin tensions tension Monon sect shedan settles down with a nice young lady named aame and they eventually have two children hayate and 5 years later Kumi pretty normal stuff nothing too crazy however in the same time span rido has been out training around the world and has perfected a technique that allows him to mimic and straight up steal moves from whoever he's fighting once mastered he traveled the globe and did this [ __ ] for years amassing insane levels of strength and skill in the process a year or so after Kumi was born rido briefly returns to the mujan tension Village in secret to do a little trolling he ends up awarding ayam his sister-in-law and the child that is conceived as a result of this act is none other than ayane since she was an RW baby ayan's mother gave her up and was instead taken in by leader of the Clan's hajin man sect genra as a result of the less than fortunate circumstances aan was unaware of her true Origins as a child and actually ended up being very good friends with Kumi and hayate despite being treated as a cursed Outcast Child by the rest of the clan and oblivious to the fact that they're even related but as things tend to go with family drama it was ultimately revealed by aami that the two were related all along which brought Kumi and ayan's friendship to a grinding halt ayane was justifiably super pissed at her treatment by the clan despite being the heir to the Clan's half sister and also grew to hold a personal grunge against Kumi following an entire childhood of seeing her be pampered and respected by everyone in the clan while she was treated like some kind of devil child freak rat creature this Revelation not only shaped ayan's bitter callous personality moving forward but also her conviction to become a powerful Shinobi stronger than any other in the clan and devoted herself to the hajin man sect on the other hand being Children of the tenin man sect's master in air to the mugan tension Legacy hiot and Kumi had comparatively pretty normal childhoods with hiot still remaining on good terms with hayane after her falling out with Kumi a young hayate would even go on to befriend a fellow young Shinobi who was also heir to his own ninja bloodline that young Shinobi being none other than the dragon ninja and these two weren't just slightly acquainted with each other nah these guys were homies like on some ride or die type [ __ ] also for a lot of you this is probably your first time seeing Ryu without a mask get ju just get used to it I know it's weird a few few years go by and hayate now 22 is old enough to claim his Birthright as the 18th Master of the tenen Manon sect and personally Masters the torn Sky blast technique as his tradition however all was not well Ryo was once again a foot and he was brewing a plan most malicious you see Ryo never learned the torn Sky blast technique since his brother was appointed as Master instead of him and across the last 22 or so years of Exile had never mastered any kind of technique that could rival it in his conviction to become the ultimate ninja Rao returned to the mugan tension Village for the second time knowing that hayate was next in line as head of the clan and that he would have already mastered the torn Sky blast so one stormy night rido arrives at the Village to once again cause problems on purpose he has come for his Birthright aane jumps into the fry almost out of instinct despite training nearly her entire life for this moment rido effortlessly solos her with absolutely zero diff and hi launches into action only to lose his absolute [ __ ] after rido calls him a [ __ ] for letting a woman do all the heavy lifting for him instead of facing his opponent outright hiot seeing that he's very very rapidly running out of options and losing his temperament decides to whip it out his Trump card the torn Sky blast technique despite ayan's please not to in his last ditch effort to defeat him haay inadvertently gives Roo just what he wants and the two have a [ __ ] beam Clash unfortunately R's power level far surpassed hitin so he ends up jobbing goes flying into a nearby tree and gets folded like a [ __ ] omelet paralyzed ing him and leaving the tenen manon's air in a comos near dead vegetative state having fulfilled his daily evil [ __ ] duties rido quickly escapes with his new found NPO ability and with the satisfaction of beating the [ __ ] out of his nephew Kumi would not even be made aware of this incident until it was all said and done and even then was only told by shetan that her brother was grievously injured intentionally keeping Kumi in the dark so that she could could focus on her training and become the next leader of the clan hayot is a vegetable now so he's no longer fit to do anything but have his ass wiped by his caretaker even with the rido incident gag order placed on Kumi she still expressed tremendous concern for her older brother and in between training and mastering the torn Sky blast cared for hiot in hopes that he would see some kind of meaningful recovery someday though her efforts would be in vain hi's spine was completely sh scattered was left in a com State and would probably remain this way for the rest of his life ayane partly out of spite of Kumi now heading the title of Master seeing her unfit to lead and also just generally holding a grudge against her ends up telling Kumi the truth behind that fateful day that rido had been the one who brutally maimed hayot ayane willingly reveals this to Kumi knowing full well that one this will spark a desire for revenge in her heart two will cause Kumi to Desert the clan to track down rido and three will leave the tenen Monon sect without a leader all three of these come to pass and Kumi leaves the village in secret to hunt down rido to enact her Vengeance word of Kazumi's departure rapidly Gets Out Among the clan and ayane is ordered by the hajin manx master and her adoptive father genra to find Kumi and not just stop her from leaving but straight up orders zioni to kill her in an effort to preserve the clan secrecy as her desertion had marked her as a nukenin and a major liability Aion was actually quick enough to stop Kumi in her tracks before even leaving the bridge out of the village the two battle but before she could deliver the finishing blow a helicopter swoops in just in time to scoop Kumi away from danger this is where the other party comes in Kumi was rescued by none other than doek would cauter just in time to escorter to the Martial Arts Tournament that rido is also participating in this tournament is the Dead or Alive World Combat Championship headed by the aply named Dead or Alive tournament executive committee founded by CEO Fame douglas douglas had initially established the company as an international weapons R&D Venture essentially profiting off of the war economy as the company grew Douglas's gaze instead shifted towards entertainment he began organizing International Martial Arts tournaments where Fighters can enter for a chance to win title as champion and a fat check the tournament was planned under the company's name and was created for the sole intention of entertainment no evil plot to take over the rer anything like that just fighting for the sake of fighting and for the money too if you're into that that didn't stop evil [ __ ] from Brewing though because it absolutely attracted some evil [ __ ] with Fame Douglas being a man with so much power other people within his own company desperately coveted that power namely the head of the doch development department Victor Donovan Donovan enlists the help of two undercover assassins Bayon and chrisy to do his bidding going incognito as doch employees to get close enough to Douglas in an effort to put an end to his life Bayman ends up being a contestant in the first tournament so I'll get to him more when we start discussing it but for right now we're going to focus on chrisy his partner both Bayman and Christy had a secondary assignment on top of killing Douglas and that was intercepting another Target and potential contestant for the tournament a young Shinobi from the mugan tensin clan that's right the helicopter that came in to rescue Kumi was manned by Bayon and Christie two fa doch employees with the ulterior motive of coercing Kumi to join the tournament in the first place it's here in this helicopter where Kumi learns of of R's whereabouts Christy tells her that he just so happens to be participating in the Dead or Alive tournament and that doek is pretty chill and she should like enter the tournament or something granted Christy wasn't lying to Kumi Roo is indeed participating but she still doesn't have Kazumi's best interests in mind because christe or more so Victor Donovan have even more elusive motives beyond the current scope of the story all I'll say now is that there's a good reason Christy knew of Kazumi's grudge against rido before the two even met with all that being said the stage is set and Kumi is escorted to the luxury Crews Freedom Survivor where she would then officially sign on as a contestant in the Dead or Alive tournament a few days go by and as the start of the tournament is commencing Kumi just so happens to run into ayane who also received an invitation shortly after Kumi first arrived on the cruise she plainly states that she's here to kill her as well as Ryo for crippling haot but the girl's less than friendly reunion is disrupted as in the middle of the commencement ceremony the two noticed something familiar about Douglas's bodyguard it's it it's [ __ ] rido why this guy hired a serial rapist and murderer is beyond me probably omitted that part in his resume Ayan immediately starts seeing red she attempts to murder rido right after while the two are boarding helicopter but he just kind of shrugs it off and aan is beating back like a sack of potatoes Fame tells the two that if they want to exact their revenge on rido they have to abide by the rules one of them will have to reign as Victor in the tournament and so the story of the first Dead or Alive tournament kicks off in doa1 wasting no time we start at doa1 Kumi along with 10 other contestants are pitched against one another for the title of champion each contestant has their own motives for entering and we'll take a quick rundown through each first and foremost we have our boy Ryu Hayabusa the legendary dragon ninja competing in the tournament after receiving news that his childhood friend sister had suddenly disappeared if you're coming off of the last two ninja giden videos I've made you already know a significant chunk of the event spanning ryu's adult life and that this guy just he he's no slouch canonically speaking doa1 takes place just a year after the events of Ninja giden 2 and yes the events of the doa games are canon in the ninja giden games meaning this video is integral to the greater ninja giden retrospective series I've been making for like the past 2 years now which again is really why I'm even covering this for those who may not know Ryu is not just any normal ninja he's the dragon ninja and has quite literally saved the world on two separate occasions at this point in his life his physical Feats are nothing short of borderline Supernatural and the dragon L's power is derived from the same ancestral magic as the fiends essentially demons in this game's Universe this guy is I [ __ ] you not running around with demonic blood in his veins despite these hercu Jan Feats that put most regular [ __ ] people to shame he decides to accept an invitation to the tournament so that he can not only keep an eye on Kumi to ensure her safety out of respect for hayate but also because he wants to fight Ryu wants a good challenge Ryu is participating in a Martial Arts Tournament against regular people because he wants a challenging battle keep in mind this is after he killed the [ __ ] Arch fiend you know the [ __ ] devil now admittedly I have been tiptoeing around the fact that the oa1 came out eight whole years before ninja giden was rebooted into the modern 3D era so technically speaking this Ryu is actually the one from the NES era of ninja giden but in later entries this is Recon into being the modern Ryu most of us know and love today so we're going with that regardless Ryu has has entered the ring out of consideration for Kumi which is sweet also Ryu owning an antique shop is Canon to the modern games and no one can convince me otherwise next up is doa's obligatory Bruce Lee stand in Jan Lee an impoverished orphan boy turned martial artist in his youth to cope with his lack of parents Jan Lee would watch hours upon hours of martial arts films where he picked up an interest in fighting at first he used it as a way to deal with the loss of his parents but once he mastered the art of G kundo mind you from literally just watching movies he began fighting for the simple thrill of it eventually Jan Lee had put his aptitude for fighting into a smalltime career as a bouncer at a club in his home country of China among dealing with General troublemakers and Hooligans janley once saved a young girl from being mugged by a gang of unscrupulous rap scallions but unbounce toly the girl was too a martial artist and was fully prepared to take on the thuggery by herself Jan Le stepped in and saved her with the girl being grateful but still feeling almost condescended by the whole experience she became determined to train hard enough to find and defeat him herself one day a few years later janley enters the tournament to challenge the strongest fighters in the world and his action several years earlier would come back to face him once again cu the girl he ended up saving just happens to be the next contestant on the list here we have le Fong the impulsive yet determined Prodigy of the taiquan martial arts or you might just know it as Tai Chi we already kind of covered her back story with Jan Lee and that's the only reason she's here to beat his little punk ass for saving her life next we have Bayman another character who kind of feels feels like he was included to hit the fighting game cliche quota this time being the token Russian guy Bon's Origins are ambiguous at best Bayon isn't even his real name it's just what he's called in the criminal underworld despite the Russian military being the one solely responsible for murdering his parents right before his very eyes a young Bayman aspired to rise the ranks of the KGB and establish himself as the cream of the crop of Russia's Special Forces Bayon was eventually discharged and decided to keep the momentum of a violent life chugging happily along since he picked up the professional assassin trade not long after which leads him to where we are now Bon's sole motive is to kill his Target Fame Douglas and get paid he also really likes beef stew and playing chess he's a simple man after Bayon we have Zach the self-taught mo taii boxer and funky DJ Zach is an American and as such he does it all for the money he's also a big fan of ryu's curio shop apparently he's a regular customer can you imagine being in this guy's shoes the [ __ ] dude you see all the time think about it the dude who owns your favorite shop also happens to be one of the contestants of the tournament you're attending but that's that's not all imagine signing up for this [ __ ] and getting told yeah you know that guy who makes your Subway order every week you have to fight him he's also the strongest guy in the [ __ ] world he killed a being so powerful it's Resurrection t a whole in reality he can also defy gravity unless Zach knew about ryu's inhuman Feats beforehand and if that's the case [ __ ] it bro it's your life Zach will be a Mainstay in this series trust me you will see this dude numerous times in the future the next contestant up is Tina Armstrong daughter of the greatest pro wrestler in the world bass Armstrong AKA [ __ ] Hulk Hogan and I'm not kidding look at this guy both her and bulk Bogan enter as participants but their motives for joining differ heavily Tina enters with hopes of public exposure and eventually becoming famous in Hollywood being the daughter of a prestigious pro wrestler she spent most of her life training and well the Arts of wrestling and was naturally tutored by her father bulk Bogan this is this is just what we're calling him now I don't know if it's like bass like the fish or Bas like the instrument both are kind of [ __ ] but who the [ __ ] names their child after a fish this is my son koi who I wish was dead this is my my other child crappy you see my new baby bony eared assf he's the one who actually pushed her to go on and take the world as he put it which motivated Tina to sign up up for the tournament he did this to hopefully preserve her interest in the sport of pro wrestling however Tina is far more interested in the fortune and fame of Hollywood which her father greatly disapproves of so as good fathers do bulk enters the tournament to kick his daughter's ass to prevent her from achieving her dreams of becoming a Hollywood star last but not least we have the humble bookstore owner genfu possibly the most selfless motive out of any contestant genfu fights to acquire enough money to pay for his sick granddaughter's medicine after coming down with a serious rare illness although he might seem like some old fdy duddy this [ __ ] is known as the legendary Iron Fist and is a master of the Jin Yuan sty martial arts in other words Grandpa don't [Music] play all right that's every contestant besides Kumi rido and ayani laid out now it's time for the matchups the first DOA tournament is pretty tame compared to what's coming soon not only that a majority of the details are also quite vague so I'm going to lay out the known matchups as best as I can Jan Lee does end up facing off against Leong and prevails in fighting against her this officially Sparks an ongoing rivalry between these two and Leong resolves to train even harder until next time Jan Lee later faces Zach and presumably loses seeing as these two also grew to rival each other as a result of this match it's unknown where Ryu ended up placing during the tournament he presumably made it somewhere in the finals due to later events we will inevitably discuss can't imagine he was an easy pick though gen Fu loses early on in the tournament to Kumi kind of a shame too that he made no money off of this [ __ ] he kind of needed it the most out of anyone else what is known for sure is that four contestants had made it to the finals those being Zach Jan Lee Tina and Kumi but the final match being between the last two Kumi Reigns victorious in the final match against Tina by forfeit but doesn't take the prize money that's not what she's here for so Tina ends up taking the winnings instead along with whatever earning she made by coming in second place Zach also made off with his earnings by making it in the finals with no other contestant standing in her way Kazumi's final opponent is the man himself rido and his exclusive Arena the danger zone with explosive hazards placed around the venue Kumi ends up giving rido his long overdue ass beating and successfully prevails over the man who turned her brother into a paraplegic Fame Douglas catches news of all this baffled he's quick to discredit these claims but not quick enough as he immediately gets the Lee Harvey Oswald treatment by Bayon who had carried out his duties and eliminated his Target turns out he was right righto wasn't done just yet this [ __ ] rises from the dead to give Kumi one last fight evidently doek had done some human experimentation on him to increase his strength these two end up [ __ ] beam clashing just like with hiot and it almost seems like it's going to end the same way that is until Kumi receives a kiz worth of help from an unknown benefactor our boy Ryu just dropped in from the shadows and it's just enough to give Kazumi's wave attack a last push to finish off Ryo for good it's finally over the entire Arena starts [ __ ] exploding the whole venue is descended into chaos and at some point during the f gentic disarray Kumi somehow ends up getting kidnapped by doch this is where DOA story starts to go from semi-normal plot about ninjas and revenge to some real [ __ ] up crazy [ __ ] this is also the bridging point between do1 and DOA 2 where the main character role is shifted from Kumi who to be honest really wasn't all too interesting to begin with to you already know our [ __ ] Ryu Hayabusa the dragon ninja Ryu notices Kazumi's inexplicably missing and informs Ayan that she's been kidnapped and also if you didn't notice Troy Baker's voicing ryu's English dub now get used to it for like ever he's it's going to be like this is ninja guy in 3 okay thanks all we know going into the next game is that Fame Douglas is dead rido is dead and Kumi has has been captured by doch for unknown possibly dubious reasons so with that being said I I don't really have a good segue for this check this out if you thought the story of DOA was a little underwhelming so far look no further this is where things kick into high gear team ninja realized that a grounded story is just too [ __ ] boring for a game like this so get ready for an Unholy combination of both sci-fi and fantasy in the next stage of Kazumi's Journey speaking of which how is she doing detected in the central core of the you're going to die you don't get away oh Kumi has been captured by doch for the purpose of human experimentation more specifically for an initiative code named project Alpha before we continue this is where I need to address a pretty big error in continuity so following the first tournament doch would proceed to undergo two big projects project Alpha and project Epsilon the purpose of both to create the ultimate genetically modified Warrior now the difference between the two is that Kumi was used as a test subject for Alpha and hayate was used as the test subject for Epsilon the timeline suggests that Epsilon had preceded Alpha since hiot had been captured some time during the first tournament and after extensive modifications have been made to hi's nervous system he finally emerged from his coma which was great but it wasn't what doek was aiming for they wanted to see improvement from hiat's base abilities but quite the opposite had ended up happening hiat had awoken with all of his skills being a powerful near superhuman Warrior to begin with this was meant to be a baseline but on top of not seeing any remote Improvement in his abilities he also happened to lose all of his memories in the process he's gone from paraplegic to amnesiac this this guy can't catch a [ __ ] break with Epsilon being a total failure and haay not really posing too much of a threat with his memory loss doch basically just kind of put him on the back burner and shifted their gaze towards kassum who on top of winning the first DOA tournament by now was also considered the genetically Superior sibling for whatever reason so The Story Goes Tumi gets captured right after the end of the first game and is hurried off to Do's Top Secret Base in Germany where project Alpha is born only they weren't going to modify Kumi doch plans on [ __ ] cloning her and wouldn't you guess they were successful a little too successful there's the there's a lot of Kumi clones project Alpha ends up bearing fruit in the form of Kazumi's perfect clone cumi Alpha now here's where the continuity error comes in later games namely DOA Dimensions suggest that Kumi Alpha was the one who had captured the Kos hiot prior to project Epsilon but this doesn't really make any sense cuz if this is before hayate was even in Do's possession for Epsilon then project Alpha doesn't exist yet meaning Kumi Alpha shouldn't exist I first thought I was losing my absolute [ __ ] then briefly panicked because I feared the worst and thought team ninja took the time travel route for this game story but thankfully holy [ __ ] thank God was I wrong it's just a weird continuity error since DOA Dimensions came out several years after the second game and with it being the most recent release we have no choice but to consider a cannon so yeah I guess do kidnapped Kumi after the tournament clone Kumi and now she's on her way to kidnap hayate we also have to consider this cannon because it plays into the main plot of the oa2 while Kumi Alpha had snuck into the mugan tension Village she managed to get all the way into hayate's room undetected that is until she's caught red-handed by ayane who's still under orders to kill cumi for deserting immediately attempts to murder her now for reasons unknown perhaps as a result of Kumi Alpha literally defying creation herself as an artificial life form and lacking a soul she proceeds to retaliate by assaulting Aon psyche with visions of literal hell I am not joking this big ugly [ __ ] is botuo a tangu fiend and this vision is actually him literally escaping the fiend realm into the human world ayane is witnessing a [ __ ] demon escap Escape hell into reality being a classical representation of a Japanese tangu boto has come to wreck havoc and destruction upon Humanity why did this Vision come from Kumi Alpha of all characters there is a legitimate reason for that but for now Kumi Alpha makes off with hayate and after the [ __ ] nightmare is over genra tells ayani to get Ryu Hayabusa on the case which is a good call if anyone is qualified for a job like this it's safe to say Ryu has a pretty good track record you're up Ry is off the coast of Europe during all this and is already doing some Espionage into doch Antics GLE he's back on the freedom Survivor where the late Fame Douglas's daughter Elena Douglas announces that she will be carrying on her father's Legacy and that there will indeed be a second tournament that she will be participating in R out in the crowd Gucci down to the socks unmasked and is despite saving the world on numerous occasions still the victim of racial discrimination Ryu employs his signature dragon ninja Riz and seduces this chocolate Vixen all the way back to her cabin however right before Rio is able to administer the goods he overhears her in the shower talking to an enigmatic third party about project Alpha her ID card was also a dead giveaway that she's one of do's top scientists so Ryu ends up stealing her ID jumps out of the window and instead flies away with his side ho you might recognize this helicopter from Ninja giden 2 it's Sonia again now under the Alias of Irene louu her original name from The Classic series Ry got a card and a location for doek lab in Germany so he's on his way to rescue Kumi she's still locked up here in the whole Labs on high alert after a fire had inexplicably broken out somewhere within admidst the chaos Alpha sneaks into Kumi cell and releases her lacking self-awareness Alpha suggests that the two are sisters but they end up fighting since Alpha's Devotion to hiot is unreasonably psychotic and she's upset that the original Kumi has been hogging all of his attention kind of a weird reason to start a fight but I guess I don't expect a test tube grown Abomination to have any type of logical reasoning Kumi accepts now knowing that hiat's also been captured by doch and the only way she's getting to him is through beating the [ __ ] out of her clone the commotion draws the attention of the brown scientist lady that tried smashing Ryu not too long ago yeah she's here too her name is Lisa she's going to show up again from time to time she draws a [ __ ] gun on Kumi but before the situation could escalate for the worst our [ __ ] I vow to that I wouldn't let you die now I'm here to make good on my own burst through a nearby vent to save the day keeping his promise to hiot to keep Kumi alive at all costs breaks up the fighting and allows the two perpetrators to escape making off with hiate in the process Kumi and Ryu regroup with Sonia I I know her name's Irene but I don't here and look over data he collected while in the lab they put the pieces together and confirm that doch didn't just experiment on rido but they also discover that hi is used as a subject too and has been fully healed cumi upon hearing this news almost instantly jumps into action and says she's going to look for him Ryu hits her with the bench ofo treatment and tells her as a Shinobi facts don't care about her feelings and she should stick to a logical line of reasoning what I'm doing he also pimp slaps her in a fit of Insel rage Ryu what the hell Kumi runs off despite ryu's protests so he's left with no choice but to send aoni after her aione was here the whole time by the way she does this sort of thing a lot she manages to track Kumi down to the peak of a mountain where the two engage in a climactic duel Kumi wins but only because ayani misses the final blow with her special beam Cannon move I I I don't know what this is damn it while Kumi is out searching for her brother we can shift our Focus back to the second DOA tournament where Ryu is single-handedly handing out back-to- back ass kickings in an effort to save the contestants from bankot subo's wrath he battles the familiar faces from the last tournament until he reaches a newcomer named a wait wait I know this guy Ryu immediately recognizes that this guy is hayate kum's brother she went looking for him but he ended up somehow joining the tournament haate confesses that he doesn't know who the [ __ ] Ryu is but he's here to find out more about his past because remember thanks to Do's human experimentation hayot lost all his memories now we do actually have to discuss how hayot even got here to begin with after Lisa and Kumi Alpha escaped from doek Germany lab one of their getaway helicopters experienced a sudden engine failure and crashed somewhere Below in the woods this Chopper just so happened to be the one carrying a now awakened hiot he managed to escape Lisa and Kumi Alpha following the Carnage and ended up wandering the Wilderness for days on end until he passed out from exhaustion upon finally giving out a young martial artist just so happened to stumble upon him in the middle of her training she drags this homeless Japanese Guy back to her house and has him train alongside her under her father who just so happens to be a karate master who runs his own dojo this is how hayate figured out how to fight despite losing his memories he's so good at what he does he becomes an instructor at this guy's dojo for a brief period of time dude must have picked this [ __ ] up pretty quickly because soon after he's back in action at the DOA tournament hayot and Ryu meet and they have a brutal [ __ ] fight and I'm not just saying this for whatever reason haot is like a mini boss in doa2 and he's legit hard as [ __ ] I threw him through this clock tower like 14 times and he's completely unfaced hi take jobs and upon his defeat fragments of his memory begin to come back to him and he actually recognizes Ryu but only vaguely this reunion is cut short however hayate begins having visions of botuo himself which signals the Ryu that he should probably hurry the [ __ ] up and kill this guy already honestly it's kind of weird Ryu even waited until now to fight boto I guess he wanted to make sure everyone was out of the tournament I'm not really sure why the tournament and bankot subo's reincarnation even coincided but Ryu has arrived to face the tangu In the Flesh and their battle literally takes place across Dimensions but for Ryu this [ __ ] is literally just another Tuesday so of course bkoo gets obliterated by a barrage of [ __ ] keyi blasts and just like that the evil is once again defeated sometime later at top of the very same Mountain Ryu defeated botuo on hayate reunites with Kumi only his memories are still gone he doesn't recognize her Ryu suggests that Kumi beats the [ __ ] out of hiy in an effort to regain his memories which somehow works the the in Universe explanation is that fighting will reawaken a Shinobi soul but she probably just gave him reverse brain damage or something like that anyways the two tenmon siblings have been reunited and all is well except genra shows up remember genra ayan's adoptive father and head of the hajin man sect yeah he was behind everything he's the one who released boto into the Physical Realm and was in League with doch on everything that's [ __ ] right he's the reason why Kumi Alpha assaulted ayane with visions of bosabo when she stole hayate and all of the events that had transpired have led up to this point all in an effort to kill hayat and Ryu what's his ultimate endgame they they never tell us who the [ __ ] knows this was a very weird twist villain but it'll make a little more sense down the line sometime after Ayan was defeated by Kumi at the mountain genra got a hold of her and used his hajin man sorcery to mind control her to fight along Kumi Alpha against our two Heroes genra sorcery of eventually expires and ayane breaks free from his mind control only to fall unconscious hayot and Ryu manag to Reign Victorious only for genra and Alpha to make their escape shortly after down with one antagonist and an even worse one takes his place now this raises a lot of questions why is genra working with doek and vice versa what are they planning to do with genro how did Sonia track Ryu to this remote mountain in the middle of nowhere where oh yeah Ryu introduces hiot to Sonia in the scene and the first thing he asks is how long they've been [ __ ] sometime during this conversation ayane wakes up and Kumi runs off from the mountain leaving us with one more mystery where on Earth did Kumi run off to this time only time will tell in the next DOA tournament but before that we still have a few loose end that T sorry The Central story for doa2 has been covered but there's still a few characters that I glossed over that we've got to discuss namely the current executive patron of the Dead or Alive tournament Elena Douglas as I mentioned earlier she's Fame Douglas's daughter and another contestant in the tournament entering not only to find out why her father was killed but also her mother Maria who was killed by an assassin right in front of her knowing that these events are link to the tournament she joins seeking Revenge as well as answers despite being the ARs to doch she's largely uninvolved in the inner workings of the company just like how her father didn't know someone with Endo wanted him dead that very same person who had called the hit on Fame Douglas is now pulling the strings from the Shadows I literally haven't mentioned him since before the first tournament but Victor Donovan is still the one responsible for basically everything doch related by this point Elena hasn't even fully integrated into the corporation yet so she's completely unaware of the insane science fiction [ __ ] they're doing behind the scenes like genetic modification and cloning sometime during the Tournament Helena caught wind of project Epsilon and eventually just so happened to end up fighting hayate who literally is Project Epsilon she tried picking his amnesiac brain for details but haot didn't even know what she was talking about this would later drive her to look deeper into Do's other projects namely project Alpha she also faced aan in the tournament who for whatever reason possibly racially motivated accused her of being her mother's murderer aane instead of peacefully diffusing the situation she [ __ ] doubles down and mocks Elena saying basically so what if I did what are you going to do about it [ __ ] and just to clear any confusion aione did not kill her mother aane just loves instigating [ __ ] and causing problems Elena is defeated by ayane but leaves DET tourament with the conviction to look even further into just what is going on behind the curtain at doch I could go into the other contestants but by and large their motivations are practically identical to the first game and I'll only really mention them moving forward if they impact the greater narrative the only other new contestant I didn't talk about is Leon a Wandering mercenary who lives to ensure his Lover's last dying words he enters the tournament to guess what become the strongest man in the world how sweet this guy also never comes up in any DOA game again at least not the mainl story with the second tournament wrapped up it's time for the story to continue on in doa3 [Music] Dead or Alive 3 story is a little more ion Centric as opposed to doa2 being consumi and Ryu Centric The Narrative is slowly getting more refined bit by bit makes my job 10 times easier holy [ __ ] I had scraps to work with for the past two games so things should be getting less opaque going forward we start back at the mugan tensin village hayot and ayane report back to the tenin man sex master and hayate's father shedan genra has turned against the muj intention Clan and hayate requests that he be allowed to pursue him shedan reminds ha of his responsibility to take over his leader of the clan but hayot wants to bring his sister back into its good graces first ayane still having it out for Kumi rejects this notion and even goes as far as to string this conspiracy theory that Kumi could possibly even be in cahoots with genra himself since they're both traitors this sends hayate over the edge slapping Aion Square in the face and threatening to [ __ ] Exile her if she even so much as suggested that ever again ayane becomes so distraught over this ordeal that she literally attempts to off herself immediately afterwards because she assumes hiot no longer cares for her as his half sister and is only concerned with Kumi which is just a little dramatic but I can understand how she feels here after an entire life of ostracization hayate was one of the only people left in her clan that even considers her to be one of them and now she's gone and pissed them off something fierce before she can see it through ayan's talked down from the act by none other than her own mother ayam which was kind of weird considering the implication was that aami didn't even want her daughter due to the circumstances surrounding her conception but I guess she still has that good old motherly Instinct good for her Ayan and hay set aside their differences and head out to locate Kumi and genra which is kind of a cool parallel to the circumstances around the first tournament Kumi looking for hotan rido but I digress speaking of Kumi she's really been off the deep end since the end of the last tournament since she's still a runaway of the mugan tension Clan she has no home to return to not to mention constantly being hounded and tracked by ninja from set Clan evidently ayane isn't doing a good enough job so they're sending routine patrols after Kumi now she's been forced to go Incognito and currently is laring as a high school student in Kyoto the weeks living in squalor have not been kind of cumi she [ __ ] passed out on the side of the road with a high-grade fever and only moved once a r random passer by nudged her to see if she was even alive Kumi brushes her off at first but quickly dips the [ __ ] out of there once she sees aane who somehow tracked her down here in her peripheral aane kindly asks the young lady where Kumi ran off to but she refuses so aane being aane instead resorts to forcefully and violently beating this information out of this random innocent high schooler who just so happens to be trained in baquan because this is dead or alive we come on she also may or may not be related to fame Douglas but that's that's not important right now what is important is that while aan hadn't caught Kumi they had a good idea on where she'd end up going along with where genra may be as well that's right the third Dead or Alive tournament doch is hosting a third one and this time they are totally doing it with evil intentions genra had willingly been taken in by do for human experimentation under their now established but still secretive Mist Wing headed by Victor Donovan for their newest round of man-made Horrors Beyond human comprehension project Omega through superhuman genetic experimentation and the data gathered from the past two projects Epsilon and Alpha Omega was set to truly be a human weapon of mass destruction far surpassing anything doek had accomplished thus far genra had successfully been trans trans formed into Omega the living weapon to celebrate doch hosted the third DOA tournament to test omega's abilities against whichever lucky contestant was unlucky enough to make it to the final round with genra now Omega clearly being in League with doch Ayan and hayot set their eyes on the third tournament to track his ass down and give him a firm talking to I they make their way to the tournament grounds on the freedom Survivor once once again and happened to run into the same girl who found hayot unconscious in the woods after the incident at doch Germany lab this is homi a Japanese tolander or more formally a niik her Japanese mother immigrated to Germany and met her father who just so happened to be a karate master she catches up with hayate who she only knows as a since that was his name when he was still an amnesiac also because it's his name he signed up for the tournament with and is introduced to ayane respectfully she inquires if Ayan is Kumi because when homi found hayot in the woods all he would Mumble was his sister's name so naturally she'd be curious aane once again being aane took this as a personal affront of the highest degree and starts beating the [ __ ] snot out of this poor girl itomi manages to hold her own being highly skilled in karate and surprisingly ends the fight in as stalemate somehow being equal to aan and fighting proficiency out of respect of hitomi's powerful display hay reveals to her his true identity as a Shinobi the two ninja make their way through the third tournament hay ends up fighting Jan Lee because he's still around after he sends Leong through a [ __ ] table ayane happens to run into Kumi at one point during the tournament but instead of following through with eliminating her as is her Duty and personal conviction she lets to me off easy this time genra is a far bigger issue than a personal Vendetta so aan figures she doesn't really have time to waste on Kumi well at least when it comes to killing her Ayan does beat her ass out of spite though and hayot ends up victorious in his fight against Jan Lee so both end up continuing onwards as the end of the tournament draws near hayot and ayane argue on who should be the one to defeat genra hayot actually had this exact same argument with Ryu before the tournament started for the two fought until Ryu ended up pulling the classic on hiate in the middle of the fight realizing too late that he was fighting a log of wood at the whole time legit the oldest [ __ ] trick in the book I don't know how he fell for ayane argues that is gen's adoptive daughter it's her duty to see it through as she has a personal motivation to do so haay retorts with as the newest leader of the tonm sect to strike down this traitor wor he stands only after brutally assaulting each other do they realize hey you we we could just fight him together in the middle of the conversation in broad daylight this random drunk homeless guy walks up to Ayan and starts to fondle her haot luckily Springs right into action and begins fighting him this is one of DOA 3's new characters Brad Wong and he's looking for a rare type of liquor called genra yeah or or have I heard that one before long fights using the drunken master style which I immediately [ __ ] love in any game but it's too bad that this guy's a sexual offender following this [ __ ] up event the tournament rages on and the next fight is between haot and Helena Douglas who we've got to catch up on a little the daughter of the former doch CEO is once again a contestant in the tournament but this time around not willingly as a result of sticking her nose into place she really shouldn't have following the second tournament and her interaction with the then amnesiac hot El and I had been apprehended by Victor Donovan and the Mist branch of doch only wanting to know the truth behind her parents demise she admitted that she had no connection to doch as a company and simply wanted answers so then she's given an ultimatum she can either participate in the tournament and gain her freedom and answers or stay imprisoned and possibly killed by mist and if that wasn't bad enough she doesn't just have to participate because that would be too easy she has to [ __ ] win in order to gain emancipation with literally zero other choice Elena reluctantly enters as a contestant Donovan sends in Christy one of his signature goons from all the way back into oa1 to Shadow Elena and keep an eye on her just in case she acts up with authorization to straight up kill her if things get too out of control in an ironic Twist of Fai sometime during this tournament Alena manages to hire her own bodyguard with similar intentions she hires none other than Bayon the other one of donovans from the first tournament as not only a guardian but also to straight up assassinate Donovan in the process you might be wondering wait a minute isn't bamon one of Donovan's guys yeah well he was until he was abandoned at the last minute after eliminating Fame Douglas and was left for dead worst of all he never got paid for all of his hard work with that being said Bayon has it out for Donovan and especially Christie who personally made sure he was left behind after their work was said and done regardless of who assassinating who hiate versus Elena is a scheduled fight in the tournament so there won't be any funny business here Elena recognizes haot from their first runin and notices that his memories are back but hayate is not here for small talk he knows that she's the ays to doek and demands to know why genra is in League with them and most importantly why does her company keep [ __ ] with his clan Elena admits that she knows basically nothing and she and genra are both essentially puppets of do's will or more specifically missed after a major ass beating hayot tells her that she should probably stay as far away from anything doch related as possible and that he's off to kill genra eventually the time came for hiy and Ryu to battle one another out of both obligation for the tournament and attest each other's strength the two have a fight only someone like Ryu and hayot to inhumanly powerful Shinobi could pull off I'm honestly kind of surprised how hi can even keep up with Ryu no doubt he's a borderline superhuman Warrior but ryu's been through some completely crazy [ __ ] he has without any exaggeration quite literally been through Helen Back also everyone won't stop mentioning how Sonia and briu have clearly explored each other's bodies despite what the wiki may tell you these two have absolutely mashed piss for the grand cou gra hayot and Ryu begin gearing up for a [ __ ] beam [Music] Clash wait see but before they could even make contact ayane steps in and ruins the moment God forbid men have a little fun turns out son has been captured while the two ninja were dueling by none other than Christy one of Donovan's trusted assassins Ru waste no time saving his precious snow bunny but before the other two could join in hi notices that something is very very wrong this was but a distraction genra has arrived and he is up to no good like literally the first thing he does is teleport hayate and ayane to actual hell this happens this happens a lot in this universe genra also activates his Devil Trigger and transforms into Omega his now true form both Ayan and hayate fight the former hajiman Master to the death in a field of fire and debris in the middle of the fight when question why he even did any of this [ __ ] in the first place all genra had to say for himself is this why did you forsake the true path would be more than happy to teach you that final lesson and starts turning the tables on our two Shinobi Heroes and it really just seems like all hope is lost that is until now you die [ __ ] boy hausa strikes from the Shadows to deliver the killing blow General Hai you shall die surrounded by your own Illusions now genra is a little stronger than he anticipated so ayane and hayot begin charging their final attack which is this really [ __ ] long and drawn out mug intention brother sister Kamehameha time 10 like seriously guys Ru is barely holding on here and blast genra into a million [ __ ] pieces and that's that that's it genra has been defeated and yet another one of do's Twisted experiments has been foiled Ayan pays her final respects to her late adoptive father figure by cremating his remains and she inherits the little Rod doohickey that he was twirling around the whole time now that is some Ninja Kino that's the main storyline for doa3 covered which mainly concerned our five main ninjas now pertaining to the other contestants a lot of them are still basically the same as they always are Tina Armstrong the once aspiring Hollywood model enters the third tournament to become an actress instead and as usual her father ban also enters in a bit to stop her Lea Fang competes in hopes to still try and defeat Jan Lee who is likewise competing just for the glory in terms of characters with actual development there's three we actually do have to talk about first and foremost Zach who had joined a third time around to make even more [ __ ] money as he' walked away from the pass two tournaments with a small fortune and spend it all both times his goal this time to win enough money to bankroll a Vegas Vacation he happened to get his wish is Zach is the official winner of the third de live tournament though aane had technically won first since she killed genra the winnings went to Zach instead due to aane forfeiting she didn't care about the money at all with his Newfound wealth Zach High tailed it to Vegas where he not only multiplied his earnings by magnitudes through gambling but also bagged a bad [ __ ] in the process overall if anyone is winning in this story it's this [ __ ] guy using his now even greater Fortune Zach and his new beloved Nikki bought a a private tropical island in the southern hemisphere dubbed Zach Island Zach [ __ ] is Zach proceeded to furnish his personal Paradise with hotels and stores turning it into a well and true Resort after that he did what any normal man would do and set invitations to every single female contestant of every single previous DOA tournament saying that the fourth one would be hosted on his Island this was a lie and all those who had arrived just kind of said all right and hung out for 2 weeks this is the impetus for the now Infamous sister series of the doa games the extreme beach volleyball spin-off games or just extreme for those who may not know during its announcement and release extreme beach volleyball had garnered the ey of the public eye for I mean pretty obvious reasons the entire appeal of the game was literally just look at all these bad [ __ ] and many had questioned whether or not this blatant objectification of women was something that could be respected as a video game at all much less sold in public stores internationally truth be told the actual gameplay of extreme beach volleyball isn't anything crazy it's honestly pretty chill dare I say somewhat relaxing it's literally just the female cat of the previous games participating in leisurely matches of volleyball or pool hopping or even gambling at a virtual casino to earn Zach dollars it also featured an extensive relationship slf friendship system where the various women on the island can grow to become good friends through giftgiving and other interactions because let's be honest there's no greater cause for a lifelong friendship than a sand dollar this system despite being a nice idea for some of the only progression that exists in this game completely contradicts pre-existing rivalries established in doa's lore characters that would normally be at each other's throats IE ayane and Kumi who have been trying to [ __ ] kill each other for three games now quickly set aside their differences over a relaxing yet slightly competitive game of volleyball all this being said uh it it this game is clearly at its core not for everybody for a myriad of reasons with most being self-explanatory if you look at the gameplay on your screen I don't really know who this game is for it's certainly not my type of game although it has been it has been growing on me I I won't lie I won't lie but what I do know is that in April of 2003 Gaming magazine electronic gaming monthly had published an art iCal with the Holy Grail of cheat codes for all of the sex starved basement dwelling llies out there the almighty nude code for Dead or Alive extreme beach volleyball had been revealed in this exclusive digest for [ __ ] freaks this was in fact a falsehood no such code existed for the game and many many fans were Furious that they couldn't get a peak of that sweet sweet sixth console generation polygonal yti an understandable reaction I totally get it extreme beach volleyball was such a Smash Hit It spawned five more games just like it and I will not be talking about those anywhere else in this video unfortunately this is the last time they'll even be mentioned they aren't necessarily conducive to the greater narrative in DOA and I don't personally find them to be the enthralling Herm experience team ninjas marketing also I don't own them I'm not buying them for this video either your your boy isn't made of money igaki really is a man of many talents he can make a game like this and then immediately after turn around and create best action game running on the world's most powerful Hardware at the Xbox 360 bravo bravo I knil you don't see Kami or Hera doing [ __ ] like this anyways back to thea3 the next contestant that's seen some development is the wise martial arts master gen Fu who first joined the premier tournament to win enough money to treat his alen granddaughter first tournament clearly didn't work out second tournament was to raise money for research surrounding his granddaughter's illness this time around she's doing much better but gen food still needs a little more money to pay for her full Rehabilitation so he must fight once again at some point during the past three tournaments genfu had picked up an apprentice a young man by the name of Elliot the two had been training at the time of the third tournament and Elliot just so happened to have The Misfortune of encountering hayot and ayane who were working their way up to Omega at the time the two Duos have a friendly sparring match and after the fact genfu informs Elliot that he's got to man the [ __ ] up and take his position as Master someday Elliott being literally 16 at this time makes the point that he's still far too inexperienced to step up to the plate ayane oh of course has an issue with this because for some reason she just has an issue with everyone slaps the poor kid calls him a massive [ __ ] and that he's being a huge [ __ ] he just kind of accepts this I mean I I I I would too I mean come on and says he'll do his best to improve and hopes they cross paths again someday finally we need to talk about Elena Douglas and everything that's going on with her in covering doek conspiracy Es as I had mentioned earlier Elena competes in the third DOA tournament because she's quite literally been forced to after her fight with hayete she's confronted by Christy who was up until now masquerading as her assistant in hopes to get close enough to eventually kill her reveals her true purpose and tries to [ __ ] murder Elena being Elena's bodyguard bamon manages to stop Christy before she's able to even lay a finger on her he states that he's not just here as as a bodyguard for Elena he's also here to kill Donovan for betraying him all the way back in the first tournament the two then begin interrogating Christi on info regarding Mist but right as the questioning begins cumi Alpha shows up out of literally [ __ ] nowhere and overhearing the conversation about someone assassinating her Creator starts immediately throwing hands amidst the chaos Christy manages to escape and Ela manages to fend off Alpha for the time being once again all Elena is left with is a lead but no concrete answers on just what is mist's endgame with that out of the way that's all the important events pertaining to the third DOA tournament and believe it or not this is just the buildup for the next two [ __ ] is about to go down doa4 is something of a climax to the overarching war on doch Arc we've been dealing with since doa1 and it picks up where we left off with Helena she's fully inherited the role of doch CEO and is chilling on the freedom Survivor until she receives a FaceTime from Victor Donovan head of do's Mist division given the fact that mist has doch and by extension Elena under their thumb Donovan acrimoniously congratulates her on the big promotion and starts talking business with the new CEO he unveils his big plan project Alpha to Elena but in an innocuous manner that makes it seem like a beneficial Venture for the company Elena doesn't buy it probably because this guy literally tried to have her killed not too long ago but also because this plan generally just doesn't make sense in the name of protecting interests wanting to stop Mist in the success of project Alpha on her own terms she decides to launch yet another DOA tournament and enter as a contestant once again soon enough word gets out and we're back to The Usual Suspects hayate now leader of the tenen Monon sect and by extension the entire mugan tensin Clan decides he's had enough of doch [ __ ] and begins planning a final Clan wide assault to destroy the company for good Kumi now absolved of her nukenin status and living peacefully in the village with her brother alive and well for the first time in ages isn't all too excited to hear that hi is putting himself in huge danger with doch again and a last Stitch effort to preserve the little sense of normaly she's had in Forever tries to convince hayot to stay and just forget about doek and live a peaceful life ayane who had resolved to accompany hayot in his journey to destroy do Tech was having none of this [ __ ] and still holding a grudge against Kumi beats the [ __ ] out of her so high take can go about his way unbothered so far that's two contestants returning next up we have our boy in Black Ryu Hayabusa who is yet again being called upon by the CIA to do their bidding honestly this is just going to be the standard post ninja guide to basically anything ryu's involved in after this point is going to be CIA related long gone are the days of him fighting for his Clan's interests or to keep a friend's promise no he's on his special agent [ __ ] now anyways project Alpha is a threat to International Security and Ryu is just too good at his job to sit this one out with three powerful Shinobi assembled they begin their infiltration of dok's Monolithic Trower HQ building and by infiltrate I mean cause a metric [ __ ] ton of property damage on their way in I mean we watched you take down an Airship over the course of an entire mission in ninja Guiden black but hiate does it in a fraction of the time with like one [ __ ] Arrow here dude honestly this whole cinematic just makes me wonder why we never got a ninja Guiden game with hayate it's a playable character clearly he's on ryu's level and is just as capable of pulling off as much crazy [ __ ] as our boy in Black I guess getting his sword in Ninja giden 3 is about as close as we'll ever get anyways the three ninjas fight their way through the tournament where we see our usual subjects such as Tina bulk Bogen Jan Le and Le Fang as well as some of the fresher faces from the last tournament like homi and Elliott going down the list we have Tina who has returned to the DOA tournament for the fourth consecutive time in a row following the success of her previous two career opportunities stemming from her past participation she's now dead set on using her Thea popularity to become a rock star as you might have guessed her father is here too and yeah T's here for the reasons you already suspect he's getting real [ __ ] tired of Tina's [ __ ] and out of paternal love and Instinct enters The Fray to take her on once more and try to keep her grounded in the world of professional wrestling Jan Le's here too for no other reason than looking for a good fight wherever Jan Lee goes Le Fang just so happens to follow Elena Christy and Bayon all return as well and they straight up have a whole B plot running along the main Shinobi cats a plot where they aren't strictly participating in the tournament itself but rather fighting amongst themselves within the background it doesn't pick up much steam until a bit later into the actual tournament but to summon up Elena is here to personally shut down project Alpha and put doch to rest on her own terms Christy after failing to kill Elena in the last tournament is now utterly obsessed with seeing her assassination through by her own hands and her hands only Bayman is simply here to kill Donovan no no further inquiries I don't know why Donovan doesn't just pay Bayon the money he never got for killing Fame Douglas he probably just take it and then give up and go home or something but I guess this guy must get off to people really really wanting him dead because that makes two people specifically out for his blood this tournament then there's the newer additions like he told me joining the fourth tournament in an effort to save her father's failing Dojo which went under after he fell ill with an unknown disease the catch to this is that she's not here for the prize money she's actually here to find hayate or a since she believes he's the dojo's only hope I might remember that hi trained at that very Dojo alongside H toi as an amnesiac so with him being a prodigious martial artist with a connection to her family Dojo he's really her last hope in terms of getting it back on track doa4 sees the official tournament debut of Elliot genu his apprentice and replacement old man paid for his granddaughter's treatment so he's got no reason partake anymore Elliot on the other hand still lacks confidence in his fighting abilities mostly concerned with not being worthy of surpassing his master Elliot enters the fourth theay tournament at the ripe old age of 16 to prove his worth Brad Wong is still here nothing new with this guy he's still a stinky drunk bastard his promotional render for this game's marketing looks so out of place too this this doesn't feel like a fighting game ad it feels like they're trying to S me water or some [ __ ] we've also got Koko who by and large isn't really all too significant right now this was the same girl that found Kumi passed out on the side of the road in the last tournament when she was still on the Run for the M contention Clan we'll get to her when she's relevant right now I'm just acknowledging her existence briefly since this is her debut game lastly we have lamari posa a luchadora who we've actually already met she's Lisa Hamilton the same doch science scientist who nearly shot Kumi and escaped with Alpha back in doa2 she's competing in the tournament for reasons unknown I just kind of assume she's here as a means to keep an eye on things back onto the main plot line our main three end up getting separated Midway through and Ryu splits off from the tournament to locate hiate leaving Aion to fend off the other contestants by her Lonesome but as fate would have it we actually have a surprise contestant Kumi ended up in the fourth away tournament as well to once again bring haay back home safe she runs into Elena and questions her as to why exactly doch refuses to leave her people the [ __ ] alone for once to which Elena just calls her a big big dummy that got tricked that she doesn't understand the bigger picture Kumi retorts with a pretty good question why'd she even take the role as doch CEO if the company has done basically nothing but ruin her life Elena certainly has her reasons for doing so but the most she lets Kumi in on is that project Alpha is nearing completion and worst of all it's based on kum's genetic makeup this is no surprise project Alpha debuted with Kumi Alpha but doch wasn't exactly satisfied with the level of research that they conducted and decided they could go a little further with project Alpha than they previously thought doch or more appropriately Mist did even more experimentation on kassum Al Alpha which was Project Alpha's initial run and souped her up by sheer magnitudes Kumi Alpha's current form now called Alpha 152 is her perfect form and is now a life form of pure hate and ruin with 52's only desire being to fulfill its Creator's purpose of the total Destruction of humanity and it about to be awakened Elena does not have the time of day to be explaining all of this to Kumi who's just getting in her way of ending this on her own terms realizing she might have said a little too much Elena pulls out the Glock on Kumi but before she can pull the trigger hour [ __ ] Rua stops Elena dead in her tracks and drops some [ __ ] heat on lters he buys Kumi enough time for her to get her bearings and start fighting and so Kumi Battles Through the tail end of the tournament until she reaches the belly of the Beast the laboratory where Alpha 152 will soon be Unleashed once Kumi arrives she confronts the biomechanical monstrosity face to face ruse here too but only to say yeah kind of your fault this [ __ ] creature exists good luck by the way Pats Kumi on the back and leaves your defend for herself the ensuing fight is nothing short of chaotic 152 being conceived as the perfect Fighter by doch serves as the final boss for the majority of DOA force roster and she is not here to [ __ ] play I both appreciate and lament how she's not just Kumi but with a slightly different look or whatever 52 has her own unique move set including but not limited to Vanishing Into Thin [ __ ] air destroying half of your health bar with a single grab manifesting objects to throw her victims into and the classic Big Bang Attack it's great to see that 152 is as fearsome as she's made out to be but it's not as great when you have to beat her a little under a dozen times in a row for a video keep in mind I'm not a fighting game guy I'm just making this video because there's like two DOA references in Ninja giden 3 and I wanted to know the context for myself needless to say my thumbs are [ __ ] raw as I type this script please send help help please please help well Kumi continues to endure diabolical back shots from her evil clone let's take a short break and talk about what the rest of the cast is up to here's Zach climbing the 3,200 ft doch Tri Tower why because he felt like it he also got scared by a flock of birds and nearly fell to his death canonically Zach isn't even participating in this tournament he's just here to climb the really [ __ ] big building he's also in massive financial debt from his Island exploding did I mention that Zach Island explodes so there's that too bass is chilling by the seashore with morasa of all [ __ ] people he's gone from forging these Legendary Weapons capable of slaying reality bending beings to selling oat nut bread to pedestrians and onlookers bass catches a glimpse of his daughter Tina on live TV where she announces to the whole whole wide world how after winning the tournament she's going to become a rock star bass hears this and loses his [ __ ] mind he starts wrecking he throws muramasa's vintage TV into the sea and starts beating up this drunk homeless guy in a fit of blind rage we got hatomi out here doing um uh I I actually I don't know what the [ __ ] is going on I don't know the context of this scene the dinosaurs are never really explained or ever brought up again in the series so we're going to ignore this anyways we got hatomi out here buying cabbage at least attempting to she tries haggling for a low low price with our guy muramasa until leang shows up and legit just takes it from her clutches he must be her [ __ ] cabbage dealer or some [ __ ] because he had no qualms with leang just Ying this ship for free while homi was mid transaction on this succulent veget the two begin physically assaulting each other over this interaction and honestly Le Fang had a coming here if I was in Hitomi shoes and this evil [ __ ] had the audacity the hotsa to not only overstep my cabbage auction boundaries but to put on the most punchable [ __ ] arrogant smug glare immediately afterwards I too would roundhouse kicker directly into the nearest food cart and box of tomato and perhaps even off of the nearest balcony meanwhile Ryu and Jan Lee are engaging in Peak masculine activities an unaku contest remember how Ryu said he was leaving to help hayot yeah well he lied in reality he was just bored so now he's here ryu's actually been doing anything but finding hayate before he ended up back here in Japan Ryu was going toe-to-toe with [ __ ] master chief on Cairo station Only the Strong as well lead me to [Music] h i sh I'll be and no this is not modded this is a real character in doa4 okay I did lie a little bit it's not actually Master Chief it's Spartan 458 but still this crazy [ __ ] just best at a Spartan in hand-to-hand combat Ryu is so insulted by Jan ley's lack of gaku Elegance he starts beating the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of him afterwards he heads back out to help hiot like he promised he was just stopping by since he was in the neighborhood Elliot makes his way to the TR Tower and meets Christie who immediately begins hitting on this need I remind you 16-year-old British orphan first a murderer now a sex offender someone someone needs to stop this mad woman as soon as [ __ ] possible sometime later in this very same Arena hiot confronts Lisa Hamilton and surprisingly enough actually recognizes her as the scientist who experimented on him during project Epsilon he plainly tells her that he's here to destroy any trace of do attack and ends their convo by smugly thanking her for restoring him to Peak condition by slamming her head into the nearest live electric pole with her out of the way hi begins his final assault on Do's headquarters and with Ryu and ayan's help the ninja Trio start blowing the [ __ ] building up floor by floor while hiy seeks out the man responsible for his troubles Victor Donovan sometime during the ensuing Carnage hiot runs across Bayman who informs the Shinobi that Donovan is his Mark and his interference is totally unnecessary hiate protests that he has his own vetta against Donovan that he must see through as well but the two failed to come to him meaningful agreement on who gets to kill him so they Instead try to kill each other hiot manages to fend off the guy and the two go their separate ways hiate deeper into the depths of the TR towers and Bame into the helipad and as the edifice Burns To The Ground the former assassin finds himself with an unexpected visitor Zack somehow tanks this several hundred foot fall gets up immediately and starts fighting a trained mercenary in hand toand combat what what can he do by this point with the TR Tower slowly but surely being raised to the ground that leads us right back to Elena who had attempted to shut down Alpha 152 with the built-in fail safe but due to The Mug tension Clans Tom Foolery for the duration of the tournament had been compromised so after meeting with Lisa on the helipad sometime later she first blames all of this on her due to her involvement in Project Epsilon and subsequently all of hiat drive to destroy doch and second informs Lisa that there's no other way to stop Alpha 152 now but to set the facility to completely self-destruct leaving absolutely nothing behind as she makes her way through the frenetic upheaval currently taking place in every single Direction she unfortunately just so happens to run into the last person she needed to cross paths with that being Christy the thing is with christe is that her obsession with killing Elena runs much deeper than you think christe is the very assassin who murdered Elena's mother all those years ago and the even more [ __ ] up thing is that it was an attempt on her life Elena's mom just so happened to take the hit for her at the last second so that on top of Christy failing to kill her in doa3 makes two failed attempts on Elena's life in short Christy really really wants Elena dead to the point of obsession she's willing to wander around this Burning he hellscape just to track her down and have one more chance of assassinating her did I mention she's also hit on a minor just in case you needed any more convincing that Christy is a major villain in the series not to mention sometime earlier Bayon who was still looking for Donovan ran into Christie and it should go without saying that these two also have horrible history with each other Bayon fights with everything he's got but this poor guy's just been through so much [ __ ] today and straight up gets captured by Christy for interrogation purposes in the end Anna manages to Prevail against her mother's killer and finally has some level of closure she's been searching for since she was thrust into the role of doch CEO following her father's demise and with that Alena slowly and really edgily walks through the Blazing ruins of do's former HQ all the while hiy and aane are fighting for their [ __ ] lives against a legion of doek operatives seemingly surrounded outgunned and and out of options aane begins casting her art of the Raging Mountain God nimpo and with being historically painfully long to cast haay fends off hordes of [ __ ] with just pure style and grace again seeing this guy in action makes me pissed he was never in a ninja guiding title but regardless ayane pulls through with her nimpo blast and the two gets sent flying through the roof and land safely on the helipad ay hi are you hurt I'm fine that explosion Alpha [Music] 152 Mr hi we're out of [ __ ] nowhere Alpha 152 rises from the bowels of the facility and she is [ __ ] pissed yeah Kumi and 152 had been fighting this entire time and and as soon as it saw an opening to leave it [ __ ] took off at Mach 5 leading us to where we are now in doa4 only one of these two ends up fighting 152 here if you play as ayane she calls 152 a [ __ ] which I found kind of funny but canonically both of them do battle against her through the combined strength of the two young Master ninja project Alpha is at last finally put to rest and the entire complex becomes entirely guled in flame because it's a little too early to celebrate Ellena Douglas just hit the self-destruct switch not knowing 152 had already been struck down and so now the remaining cast Must Escape alive R's out here throwing [ __ ] key blast at innocent hovercraft Pilots alen's just kind of chilling here accepting her fate as doch CEO since she is the face of doch if she wants the company to be wiped from the face of the Earth she's got to go too Kumi and Ayan make it out just fine and one other character also makes an unexpected Escape following his capture by Christie bamon has been subject to horrific drug induced torture at the hands of mist for a good chunk of the tournament at this point I don't know exactly what they're interrogating him on but this this cut scene is genuinely [ __ ] unnerving although I can't really take it seriously since all I can think of when watching this is how much bamon looks like Doom guy anyways after Ayan had cast her n po blast the entire facility went up in Flames giving Bayon the perfect opportunity to escape as the Flames consume dok once prominent headquarters Elena morosely accepts her impending demise putting a close on the war on doch for good that is until Zach swoops in on a [ __ ] helicopter at the very last second safely rescuing Elena from The Blazing Inferno as well as an early grave and that's it the fourth Thea tournament comes to an end most of our characters get happy endings for the end of this Arc Kumi and hi return to their Village the latter having fulfilled his Vengeance against those who had wronged his clan and the former has a dream about being a mermaid or some weird [ __ ] our boy Ryu returns to his village as well and as far as the timeline is concerned for Ninja giden Ninja giden 3 takes place directly after the event of doa4 so I honestly could just end this video now and go back to making my Ninja giden 3 retrospective now that I know all the context but that's not how we do it on brain alert I mean come on I've got to see this through to the end even if it means I'm breaking continuity moving forward for DOA 5 and six I'll try my best to keep any ninja Guiden 3 related spoilers completely under the rug back to the rest of the cast though homi manages to finally acquire her beloved cabbage Brad Wong [ __ ] off to an isolated bamboo forest and begins against tripping balls Elliot returns home to gen Fu's residence where he challenges his master to a duel as a final test to prove himself worthy to well himself his experience in the tournament paid off and he actually manages to defeat the old man by the end of the fight afterwards he literally just starts training even harder this this is my [ __ ] guy right here bass after losing to his daughter in the art of his own sport enters a motorcycle race with his custommade Slaughter bike which he promptly uses to straight up murder the other contestants in the middle of the track and the most badass cut scene I've seen in any video game bass's murder spree is cut short after he catches a glimpse of a familiar face on this massive [ __ ] TV screen causing him to fly off the track right into Tina's giant LED fist speaking of Tina she went through with her word and pursued a career as a rock star and I'm not sure what black magic is is powering this guitar but this is not how you plug one in properly I'm not even sure what this doohickey even is but somehow it's powerful enough for her to broadcast the noise across this entire city Jan Lee returns to his studio apartment to play sad jazz on his tiny ass trumpet Christy returns to her side hustle as a stripper and kills this random dude with the classic Assassin's Creed wrist blade trademarked also Rachel's P for some reason always wondered what she was up to after ninja gu BL black finally we have Zach and his beloved Nikki who managed to unearth an ancient Egyptian tomb containing Untold riches though the two's Jubilation is cut short when the pharaoh's skeleton reanimates itself and is primed and ready for [ __ ] Slaughter Zach being a man of action activates his secret transformation and uh I'll just I'll just let this speak for itself [Music] the two managed to secure the bag and prepared it apart but the pharaoh's curse is not so easily defeated and are chased out by millions of angry skeletons in case you're actually worried the two make it out just fine and Zach uses his new found Fortune to fund yet another Zach Island for the exact same purpose as the last one Splendid well that's everything for doa4 doch is no more and everyone lived happily ever after is what I'd like to say but there's one pretty massive elephant in the room that I haven't addressed sure doch is gone but Do's Mis division is still very much a threat neither Bayman nor hiy even got close to Victor Donovan so he's still out here doing nefarious Deeds the Deeds in question well let let's just get into the DOA 5 already welcome first of all you've made it this far in the video so congratulations Thea is a bit of a jump from the mock five Breakneck action of ninja giden but trust me this [ __ ] is important second of all this is the second to last DOA game so we're almost through without any further Ado doa5 picks up 2 years after the fall of doch in doa4 with allena Douglas now fully at the helm of do attack completely separated from mist or so she thought turns out Alpha 15 to is still out there and she's still causing a [ __ ] ton of property damage one of the first victims we see being Bayman now a roaming mercenary after surviving the TR Tower's destruction we see him in his Squad taking a pleasant stroll through a bombed out war zone until they're attacked by an unknown cloaked figure wielding a katana wait where where have I seen this before Bayon is left as the sole survivor having been within inches of death with a big ass scar in his face to prove it knowing that there's only one company in the world capable of this Supernatural [ __ ] Bayman pays the freedom Survivor a visit to personally demand an explanation from the newly reformed doch CEO Elena Douglas she brushes off the idea that doch had any involvement in the matter and that they're a reformed company and whatever mist is up to she is not responsible for Bayman understandably pissed leaves the room immediately and Kumi enters the picture now seemingly working alongside Elena in an effort to locate Alpha and Destroy her for good only problem is that neither of them know where she is so naturally Elena calls upon haay to assist her but Kumi is none too happy saying that it's her burden to bear or whatever since she's her clone and [ __ ] and runs out the room immediately hayate feels like something is not right in fact he was surprised Kumi was even here to begin with much less this determined to take on Alpha despite wanting nothing more than to remain within the confines of the peaceful mug intention Village numerous times when doch was still a threat so her being this dead set on going after one of their pet projects doesn't make much sense and ayane who's been shadowing hayot the whole time feels that something's a miss too and sends her to silently observe Kumi just to see what's up with her haot heads back to the executive cabin only for Elena to reveal that she's cooking up yet another DOA tournament for publicity for the company and asks if he's interested haot is maybe the last [ __ ] person in the story to ask if he's interested in even more of doek Tom foery so he firmly declines undeterred by losing her first possible contestant Elena enlists the help of Zack who assisted Elena in the Reformation of doch since doa4 to spread the word on the fifth Dead or Alive tournament to the whole world not only just promoting the event but straight up traveling across the globe to literally recruit the strongest fighters on Earth personally which is some real [ __ ] dedication while Zach is busy internationally collecting DOA contestants Kumi has been all over the world too seeking answers on just where Alpha 152 may be hiding with aan shadowing her the whole way through somehow even making it to [ __ ] Antarctica what Clues could possibly even be out here Kumi notices that she's being followed but not by ayane Bayman has also been on her Trail and immediately starts asking why he's been stalking her really a better question would be why Kumi is still dressed like this all the way out here I mean even Bayman is appropriately dressed for the weather is is she just not cold whatever the case may be bayan's also looking for something that being whatever the [ __ ] killed his entire Squadron not too long ago and he figured Kumi Trail is bound to lead to an answer one way or another ayane manages to catch up to the two but only after Kumi beats the [ __ ] out of bamon and uses the Instant Transmission technique at the very last second I wonder if she's able to travel across the world in a matter of days holy [ __ ] while Kazumi's Trail has gone cold Zach has been steadily Gathering the contestants for The Fifth tournament the first one being Koko who I promise I will actually get into she's been around technically since the oa3 but she's actually important in this game her mother makako has some very important ties to doek but for now she's chilling in Japan fighting this crossover character from virtual a fighter when Zach drops in at the last second the next contestant is Tina who after the last tournament has abandoned her wrestling SL combat Ambitions for becoming a rock star while doing nothing particularly out of the ordinary she meets a waitress who just so happens to be a fan of not her but her father bass Armstrong this aspiring martial artist is Mila a new addition to the doa5 roster she's entering the tournament in hopes of someday fighting her childhood hero and so Tina offers to spar with her if she's serious about it which he agrees to also Brad Wong is here being himself himself being a drunk bastard Mila actually manages to hold her own against Tina and the two have a pretty friendly matchup that is until Brad shows up who's been waiting several hours for the drink he ordered when Mila and Tina first interacted and is not happy with that being said I guess we should talk about what Brad's been up to since doa4 Brad Wong faced Elliot back in the fourth tournament and provided him with some Sage advice when Elliot doubted his martial arts skills and ever since then has just kind of bummed off of Elliott during his journey to master the art of jingquan like literally he lives with him and presumably does not pay any [ __ ] taxes Elliott even cooks for this [ __ ] bum the only reason I can assume Elliot puts up with this [ __ ] is that despite being an unemployed alcoholic Brad is an incredibly skilled fighter who probably makes for an insanely useful sparring partner but at the same time being the resident broke [ __ ] of the household is fighting tooth and nail for the last Dumpling on the table and I mean this [ __ ] is life or death I'm not even joking Elliot gets thrown through the [ __ ] [ __ ] wall during this minor altercation this is also where the two find out about the fifth tournament and Brad suggests that Elliot joins while simultaneously breaking his ankles and his morale by juggling this singular Dumpling on the world's most balanced plate the two scuffle comes to an end after an unforeseen third party takes advantage of Brad's carelessness a [ __ ] monkey ends up stealing The Dumpling with renewed purpose Brad and Elliot begin traveling towards the turn grounds where they stop in New York bringing us back to mil and Tina where these two Duos end up fighting after the matter all four end up entering the tournament with Zach personally bringing Tina there and his Zach copter another Duo entering the tournament is homi and Lea Fang who have seemingly settled their differences following the infamous cabbage incident and are now good friends as well as training Partners don't know why they're in a circus but even that's pretty tame compared to Zach being shot out of a cannon with this DJ Lance Rock ass fit only to land head first in this huge Jack in the Box I don't I don't know what's happening this is all of the convincing Lee Fang and he toi needed apparently the two make their way to South America to begin training shortly after and this also just so happens to be where Zach has gone to recruit Jan Lee who is motivated to join only after a quick fight with the man himself and just like that all the major Fighters have been notified and or directly contacted they're all scheduled gather at the tournament grounds said grounds are being held on doch offshore oil platform dig where we meet our next new entry rig rig from dig I I I swear I'm not making this up rig is a man with no recollection of who he is or what his past was like all rig knows is that he grew up on this platform and all his co-workers call him rig so we can safely assume that doot is also guilty of child labor on top of every other workplace violation they've committed bass is here too he's retired from the wrestling scene to now commit himself to a lifetime of backbreaking manual labor I don't really know why either you'd think he'd have a fortune from being the world's most popular wrestler maybe he spent all of it on his motorcycle whatever the case may be RI calls him a [ __ ] for bringing his bike all the way out to the middle of the ocean despite their not being roads as far as the eye can see bass offended not only because rig is calling him a dumbass but also cuz he's right starts beating the [ __ ] out of him despite having no formal education of any kind RI is a master of Taekwondo and is not afraid to throw hands with anyone not even Christy who showed up on the platform sometime after Rick scuffle with bass not only does she act like she knows the guy despite him living on this platform from his whole life and probably never seeing a woman ever until now but also keeps mentioning how much he's grown implying that they somehow have met before just not to rig's knowledge she says she's here to test his strength to which rig happily obliges her with one free ass beating outside the bar all of this does raise the question though what is Christy doing here to begin with and how does she know this guy clearly m ises in the know that a new deal away tournament is taking place on this platform and they're already sinking their venomous fangs in before it even starts while the platform is being set up for the festivities Elena pays the venue a visit to inspect the facilities has a nice run in with bass has a not so nice running with Christy who really interrupts his game of pool she's also got th this this could be anything Elena ends up fighting with Christy which is understandable given that she kind of ruined her life and is determined to continue to make it worse as long as she lives a few days later the fighters begin trickling in one by one starting with kokuro who Helena warmly greets and starts chatting to her about her mom Mako this is less weird when you consider that mako's Mom is head of doek Japan Division and with Elena being CEO it's not surprising that she'd be aware of the individual Executives of the international branches but things just kind of end up getting weird again when kokuro asks about what kind of man Elena's father was you know feain Douglas now here's the thing I've been holding off on Koko and Elena are related they're actually half sisters feain Douglas being head of doch had a seemingly endless supply of hoes and as a result found himself with many and numerous side hoes one such side ho was makako Koko's mother Elena being fame's legitimate daughter was somehow privy to this and I guess any other Secrets her father might have been hiding goo on the other hand was and still is kept in the dark about her greater connection to doek as well as her deeper connection to Elena herself but seemingly does have something of an inkling due to her curiosity surrounding what kind of guy Fame Douglas really was Elena just kind of brushes it off and plays it cool says some [ __ ] like yeah he was pretty cool your dad was probably like that too you know what I mean and the two have a friendly sparring session still kind of hard to see how these two are even close to being related I mean Koko looks 100% purely Japanese at least someone like homi looks racially ambiguous it's a weird nitpick I know but I just found it weird how they look nothing alike on top of Koko not even looking like a haa on the eve of the tournament Elena returns to the freedom Survivor only to unexpectedly meet Kumi who has probably gone around the entire [ __ ] planet twice to find Project Alpha to no avail no longer willing to take any of Elena's [ __ ] she demands answers and Elena finally gives in she tells Kumi where exactly she'll find Alpha 152 only the stipulation now is that she's sending the other three ninjas there as well whether she likes it or not speaking of which we're halfway through DOA 5 and we haven't even talked about our [ __ ] boy Ryu Hayabusa yet unable to track down Kumi during her pursuit of alpha 152 hiot calls upon our boy in Black for some backup only for Ry to turn around and literally call him a failure of a ninja right to his face which coming from Ryu man I'm I'm not I'm not going to lie if I was hiot in this situation I'd probably just pull out the good old jron Maru and commit sepu right here and right now do you have any idea what this dude has done in his 23 to 25 odd years of being alive he saved the world not once but twice Avenged his clan and his people not once but twice Dove head first into Mount Fuji directly into hell killed the demon emperor of vigor killed the arch Fiend The damn devil killed his rival ninja Clan's warlord not once but once as a man and twice as a demon destroyed a cursed blade of mythical proportions killed botuo with his bare hands no Dragon Sword even required for that one overcame an ancient Slavic bloodline curse and we'll get to that I promise consistently pulls baddies wherever he steps foot is taller than hiot more muscular than hiate has a deeper voice than hiate has green eyes and can do this there's no coming back from an insult like that and hiate knows this he's [ __ ] hurt by this this is chastisement to theth degree Ryu cook this poor [ __ ] to Hellen back with just three words his pride ego shattered like a windshield during a car crash Ryu violated hiot here and so hi fighting back physically is completely understandable sure Ryu might be sharp with words but that doesn't mean [ __ ] if he can't all right hiate just got folded like clean laundry by this guy it's [ __ ] over mugan tension cells will never recover from this [ __ ] the dragon lineage just shat all over the mugan tension Legacy forever though it's not all bad after being thoroughly humbled by the legend leg AR dragon ninja Ryu offers hiot some advice he tells him not to act on his emotions and see his duty through to the end words that hiot takes the heart as you'll see shortly also I lied hi is actually taller than Ryu by several inches yeah the husa roaches aren't going to like this one Ryu begins looking into the matter of his own valtion and catches one Lisa Hamilton in the middle of a CO with one of mist's informants makako which means Koko's mom possibly knows more than she has ever let on Lisa is here to meet a client for project Alpha but ryu's stepped in to make sure none of that [ __ ] happens later on Zach manages to track Ryu down and pleads with them the ride in his Zack copter to the freedom Survivor to which Ryu politely declines I'd imagine he has something of an aversion to any kind of aircraft considering his track record Ryu does say he'd meet with her soon on his own terms undeterred Zack locates ta next who is out in a battlefield fighting Bayon the two are once again added over who gets to hunt down the identical Target they're both after just this time it's Kumi Zack interrupts their match telling them both to get in the chopper as a matter of fact ayan's already here and she's just wearing normal clothes for whatever reason I I guess they found her in the middle of a juul Osco parking lot or some [ __ ] bamon refuses to enter saying that he's sure he's a fine pilot but he just finds Zach to be creepy this could also be racially motivated but the reason doesn't matter the two start fighting and Bayon ends up as the Victor he tells Zach to let Elena know that he's got other plans and isn't interested in her scheme hiot on the other hand willingly endures an awkward helicopter ride with Zach only Zach does actually break the Silence with something of intrigue that being missed the problem is though Zach has no [ __ ] clue what mist is he's only heard about it so the whole conversation was basically [ __ ] worthless the ninja Trio meet in Elena's Executive Suite where she gives them a quick rundown on the Miss situation essentially Alpha 52's test run in doa4 was unsuccessfully a success so much so that mist had approved it for mass production to sell to National militaries worldwide cuz remember doch started as an international weapons company and had remained such until the company had reformed under ellena's leadership haot shocked to hear that he and his friends and family had been subject to human experimentation for the sake of capitalism which all I got to say is man welcome to the club buddy Ryu assures his friend that the company is in good hands now and that mist is the current threat since project Alpha is still very much alive under Donovan's leadership Elena basically says that Do's dig platform has seen some very suspect activity with new numerous misrelated Personnel being spotted red-handed on site corrupting the very ground they stand on with their putrid stink namely Lisa Hamilton she seemingly knows the most out of anybody which is why Kumi was sent there to begin with Elena suspects that there's much more to the innocuous oil rig than what meets the eye seeing as she can't really do much herself and she's got to keep International Optics in a positive light she's made arrangements for the three to slip in during the tournament undetected and do what they do Best Start wrecking meanwhile on the tournament grounds the quarterfinals have already begun the first matchup being Mr strong a mysterious masked fighter who you should totally not confuse with bass Armstrong and Tina Armstrong and man these two have pretty similar fighting styles almost makes you think they're distantly related somehow either way the mask fight makes short work of Tina and she amicably accepts defeat just happy she was able to wrestle in front of a crowd again for Old Time sake with that out of her system she reveals to the world once again that she has far greater Ambitions outside the ring because a world famous Hollywood star/ Rockstar wasn't enough Tina announces that she's running for [ __ ] governor in the next election and is officially beginning her career in politics although bass is clearly pissed at the idea I think he's just overall happy he humbled her in the ring for once up next is Elliot versus Koko who effortlessly wipes the floor with her using his Mastery over jingi Kuan so he advances to the next quarter he Tomy ends up getting match with Mila and despite having so many chapters in this game dedicated to hyping her up as the new character instantly [ __ ] jobs to the German karate Prodigy which I don't know kind of I I I expected them to do more with M's character for the tournament plot since she has so much focus in the game story she's one of the First characters were introduced to besides Bayon well not in this video because I structured it differently but in game she has quite a bit of screen time compared to some of the other contestant so I was surprised they would just job her out to homi like this but I guess I'm just nitpicking now anyways Hitomi advances and faces Elliot in the next match and Elliot must have been smoking some fat dick between rounds because he's just no mass for this type of [ __ ] heom me slaps this British twink upside the Noggin and leaves his pride in absolute shambles in addition to advancing to the finals meanwhile Jan Lee went Toe totoe with his eternal rival Lea Fang who for the fifth tournament in a row fails to even remotely be a challenge for the young Warrior and is defeated by his hand once again although it's a little hard to blame her the two had a pretty award and unwanted encounters sometime before the tournament which was what probably prevented Lea Fang from locking in and focusing on the battle but even then Jan Lee seemed to be totally unfaced so it seems to be a her problem Jan Lee advances to the semi-finals where he faces bet I mean Mr strong who seemed to have the championship in the bag when facing Tina but now hardly seems to even be an opponent for the hot blooded fighter before him Jan Lee lays the [ __ ] SmackDown down on this mysterious figure before heading to the championship finals where he'll meet homi face to face for the title of Victor prior to the final match hayate and ayane arrive on the platform and before they make their Pursuit towards Kumi hayate makes a short detour to check in on Hitomi who's just kind of chilling on this random balcony outside the tournament grounds it's always nice to see these two reunite considering how itomi is really the only reason hayot was able to get back on his feet and gradually reel back from his niia the two have a friendly Spar to get Hitomi fired up for her final match and they depart shortly after probably wasn't a great idea since all that muscle fatigue is what definitely caused atomi to get slapped around like a wet noodle by Jan Lee a shame she really should have saved her energy for this either way janley is the crown Victor of the fifth Dead or Alive tournament and wow he's not even here to celebrate cool while all this was going down C is infiltrated the lowest levels of do's offshore platform and seemingly stumbles into a massive high-tech research facility and Lisa seems to be completely unsurprised that she's here and only kicks in her survival instincts when she tries to approach 52's chamber Kumi being a woman on a mission has no time for this Tom Foolery and makes quick work of the scientist entering 52's chamber it's well yeah that's that's 152 all right and all of her weird slimy translucent Glory it also means I'm subjecting myself to yet another wonderful Alpha 152 fight once again Kumi finds herself facing the polled Menace in hand-to-hand combat and this time she's determined to put her down for good while Kazumi's got her hands full with that ayane and hay are still making their way to her only to get interrupted by Bayman who haay assumes is here for Donovan given the last time they met in similar circumstances but no Bayman too is here for Kumi so just like the fourth tournament and just like earlier instead of being like yeah let's find her together the two end up fighting ha ends up winning and Bayon literally just kind of gives up and works together anyway so that little scrap was kind of useless but whatever Kumi ends up prevailing against 152 finally destroying her evil will clone forever and jumps back to the surface conveniently enough right in front of hayate bamon and ayane with Bayon keeping his promise and letting the two ninja fulfill their sacred code hayot begins laying the [ __ ] SmackDown on his poor sister but the fight is soon brought to a grinding halt after a security helicopter allows Kumi to escape so naturally the two pursue and hi's out here blasting helicopters out of the sky Ryu was somehow on this one and take it down single-handedly leaving just the two Shinobi to their prey what ensues is one of the rare times we get to see these characters draw their weapons and get real [ __ ] violent well maybe not aane we've seen her do a lot of crazy [ __ ] before but that's besides the point hayate and aane aren't just here to apprehend Kumi they're out for blood which is shocking considering yeah ayane had it out for Kumi for a while but hayate Kumi is his full-blooded sister so it's a PR pretty big change in character to see him like this the two close Kumi into a corner leaving her wide open for the killing blow and yeah ayane and hayate [ __ ] kill Kumi In Cold Blood on the spot hayot personally delivers the final slash into his own flesh and blood the same sister that risked her life numerous times for both his safety and honor Now lies dead by his own hands the two quickly move along as if they have even more unfinished business to attend to and leave without as much as a second thought now you might be thinking okay what the [ __ ] just happened which is understandable it's a lot to take in I know just bear with me Rio arrives in her fleeting moments to hear her last words simply muttering the name of her brother for the last bit of Life leaves her body [Music] then her body flashes neon green and Ryu mentions that she was burdened with a cruel fate but nonetheless she was still alive like any other merely in the wrong place at the wrong time he also implies that Donovan is the reason everyone's gathered here instead of coming of their own valtion and just can't figure out exactly why this probably just creates even more questions than it answers but I promise things will make sense soon sort of Bayman accompanies the Tumo intention Shinobi into the belly of the Beast as a massive bulkhead unveils the entrance to mist's underwater laboratory hidden underneath Do's offshore platform the entire time Bayon only escorts the two so far and bails out a mere nine steps into the lab grounds probably real realizing these two are far more capable than he is at this point poor guy the two descend into the innermost Nader of the lab to find what [ __ ] rig as it turns out rig was with mist the whole time and it's really out of the blue it sort of implied that rig might be some kind of genetically modified freak partly influenced by this very lab on the platform considering he grew up on the oil rig and has no memory of his childhood it could also just be a farce and is simply another one of Donovan's goons either way he wants to throw down with hay and ayane and the former volunteers first hayot though extremely exhausted puts up a good fight that is until he's unexpectedly pierced by several hundred Spears of light and is completely immobilized with the blast doors to the lab closing rapidly aan is left with no choice but to bail out on our boy she quickly makes her way way to Ryu to give him the bad news but he's just kind of like damn he [ __ ] up not my problem and gives this random bird the side eye although this is no normal bird it's a hawk or a falcon the same same bird really okay big disclaimer ornithologist viewers I am making a joke I know they're different I making a joke foxs have had some significance throughout the ninja giden games in relation to the actual characters we see this very same Hawk observe Ryu after he literally died fighting dku in ninja guen black and as a result he was brought back to life yes that is the Canon implication to this scene by the way we saw Ryu turn into a hawk at the end of ninja giden Black Hawks are used as checkpoints in Ninja giden 3 to sum it up Hawks in Japanese culture are significant for a number of reasons they symbolize strength and honor and most important importantly in the context of ninja giden or DOA they're traditionally seen as guardian Spirits or just generally sacred Critters that ward off evil or otherwise negative influences the hawk serves as the guardian spirit for the Hayabusa Clan as well as a messenger this Hawk is on its way to deliver one such message back to The Mug intention village where Kumi is alive and well apparently never even having left the village to begin with moram Masa being ryu's homeboy delays the Hawks message to Kumi letting her know [ __ ] is getting really really bad at Miss slab they're going to need all the help they can get Ryu still out here one-shotting choppers with his spirit ball technique which really makes you wonder where the [ __ ] this move was in literally every ninja giden game ever would have been really useful in the military base in VOR that's that's all I'm going to say soon enough cumi well real Kumi makes her way to the platform she runs into Christy who tries the stopper but it's no use Kumi is not here to play any [ __ ] games haot has been seemingly incapacitated by what I can only describ as a [ __ ] biblical bloodline curse that manifested as piercing rays of blinding light it's anyone's guess what kind of condition the poor guy is in now Kumi tries freeing hiot to no avail only to be confronted by rig who she dispatches without any issues rig just kind of commits suicide afterwards I I don't know what this guy's end game is is Lisa walks in on Kumi attempting to free hiot and drops the bad news what's happening to hiot is the result of rig somehow reactivating project Epsilon which is for whatever reason causing lasers to shoot out of hies torso like wasn't wasn't Epsilon just some kind of genetic modification this is straight up nightmare fuel Lisa has something of a change of heart in starts working on freeing hiot from his metamorphosis suddenly the worst comes to pass the room shifts to reveal dozens of Alpha 152s and worst of All Phase 4 of project Alpha essentially Kumi Alpha's ultimate form phase 4 is52 but on steroids she or it is capable of perfectly mimicking whoever or whatever it happens to be fighting and cataloging it to switch between fighting styles whenever it requires basically it is the perfect perfect fight R is the first one to throw himself into the jaws of danger by going toe-to-toe with the biomechanical Abomination and in case you're lost on why there is now a fourth Kumi in this game story allowing me to clear the air so the Kumi we saw throughout the entire story with the blue outfit was not the real Kumi that was false Kumi a byproduct of the earliest stages of project Alpha where the most of the program produced was a one toone clone of the tenmon Ninja only with an unhealthily clingy obsession with hayate otherwise it had no remarkable abilities other than whatever Kumi herself is capable of false Kumi was one such clone however unlike the earlier models of Kumi Alpha this one didn't act out of malice she truly deep down believed she was actually Kumi yet had a strange obsession with destroying 152 whereas regular Kumi probably just didn't care at all and stayed in the mugan attention Village this explains why hayot was surprised to even see Kumi on the freedom Survivor at the start and why both him and aanii felt something was very wrong with her both on the outside and the inside she was acting out of character and something about her just didn't seem right at all eventually the two must have realized she wasn't the real Kumi at all and fully confided in murdering her when they got the chance can't have any more of missed experiments running a muuk on the surface so even if false Kumi was more or less entirely innocent she simply cannot be allowed to live and to reu sympathy for her in her dying moments it's it's kind of [ __ ] up why was false Kumi even here to begin with simply put she acted as bait for Ryu hiate and ayane and even real Kumi to come to the Mist lab and be guinea pigs for phase 4 now that the air is cleared and all loose ends are tied phase 4 has probably picked the absolute worst first fighter to demo it's a abilities on because for Ryu this is honestly just another Tuesday the guy's been through so much [ __ ] at this point I wouldn't be surprised if this is comparable to swatting a fly for him he fends off pH 4 long enough to get hiot back on his feet only ph4 was just getting started hayot and Ayan began their turn beating the [ __ ] out of Donovan's prized fighter while Kumi and Ryu stand back and watch even in a two-on-one phase 4 is still holding up and doesn't seem to be back in down anytime soon even with the T Shinobi throwing all they've got except their weapons cuz you know fighting game logic phase 4 seemen to pick up on ryu's fighting style which realistically if this thing is somehow mimicking Ryu one to one it's a world-ending apocalyptic scenario I mean it's already mastered the [ __ ] isuna drop if it gets its hands on the Dragon Sword it's over for Humanity there's there's no hope midf fight hay and Ayan drop their guard which gives phase 4 ample time to change into dark Ryu and begin charging a [ __ ] kameha Mayo wave but luckily real Ryu reacts in just enough time to cause an earth shattering beam Clash destroying the entire laboratory in the process with phase 4 dazed but still standing Kumi drops in to give it all she's got in an effort to destroy this s scientific anathema once and for all only now pH 4 has the Collective Strength of not only Kumi herself but Ryu ayane and hayate all rolled into one insane [ __ ] package it should go without saying kasumi's got quite a [ __ ] up fight in store for her regardless of the circumstances no matter what kind of odds were stacked against her Kumi beats phas 4 into a green pulp and that's that's just kind of it the game cuts to the four on the freedom Survivor with Kumi thanking everybody and Ryu just kind of autistically standing off to the side with his arms folded thinking he's so cool I mean I mean he is it's working we end off doa5 with Kumi walking off and swearing to eventually destroy Victor Donovan and by extension missed with one more DOA game to go we're almost off this Wild Ride tune in for doa6 to see the Staggering conclusion usion to our hero story that will pop your [ __ ] socks [Music] [Music] off all righty so DOA 6's campaign is honestly really [ __ ] scatterbrained and all over the place so there's going to be gaps here and there but trust me there's no shortage of crazy [ __ ] ensuing in this chapter this is the last entry in this series and I will try my damnest to make this go out with a bang we start with thch the company CEO having been hard at work planning its sixth Martial Arts Tournament however during the preparation of the venue we're in introduced to one of the new major characters for this game Marie Rose Alena's most trusted Confidant that we've apparently never met until the last entry of the series after a major ass beating from her mistress Marie is tasked with locating a mysterious fighter harboring incredible Powers as Elena suspects if Mist gets their hands on said fighter first [ __ ] is going to go south real fast Marie tracks down the young martial artist somewhere in Japan and begins befriending her in an effort to gain her trust this is hona yet another new entry in doa6 and although it might not seem like it she's got some major lore implications here in order to build some Report with honah as well as seeing her incredible powers for herself Marie decides to travel the world and do some training with her leading them to this [ __ ] dinosaurs again okay we're just going to accept this as fact dinosaurs exist in the DOA / ninja Guiden world now this is two [ __ ] stages they've done this now anyways Marie gracefully Dodges this pterodactyl something honah takes deliberate notice of and even mimics identically when the same pterodactyl swoops down a second time the two eventually run into Elliot during their training and really I I just I have no comment on honoka's outfit here this transcends any gripes regarding sexualization of female characters this fit is just so [ __ ] goofy putting the words milk in all caps under her massive [ __ ] Honkers really sells this outfit need I remind you that this is 10 years after the igaki era of Team ninja and clearly they have not lost their stride I mean come on this is I'm not even going to pretend like this isn't P character design let's be honest anyways the point is is that honah seems to pick up on different martial arts pretty quickly and has developed her own style based off of countless different fighting styles she's run into over the years we'll get back to these two later but just let that sink in for a bit like really sink in think about it might just remind you of someone moving on to the rest of the cast following the event of DOA 5 the doch Dig platform was utterly obliterated at Helena's request and so rig no longer has a home he's been living his best neat life under bass's roof in New York where he beats up random homeless people for fun to cure his boredom of not working aside from tolerating rig's refusal to stack money and move out Bess has been out here making moves and has finally reignited his daughter's love for the sport of professional wrestling with the two forming a new team on the return from retirement Tina was going to become a governor but gave up after realizing that the minimum age requirement for running is 25 and she's just shy of 24 Elliott for whatever godforsaken reason is still tolerating Brad Wong tagging along for his training which just means he has to babysit the drunk [ __ ] 24/7 I honestly do not know why these two are friends maybe Brad buys alcohol for Elliott since he's under the legal drinking age I don't know your guess is as good as mine the other Usual Suspects return as well Jan Lee liong heom me [ __ ] Koko who finally learns her connection to Alena but her mom's still lacking any major plot relevance and of course you didn't possibly think I'd forget would you the alpha of all the brute of braw the cultivator of class the Duke of domination the Emperor of eloquence the fiercest of Fighters the greatest of Glory the height of heroism the imperator of intellectualism the yl of Justice the king of knights the lord of loquaciousness the master of of morality the naysayer of news the overlord of obituaries the prince of passion the ruler of ruination the Sultan of smite the Taskmaster of trembles the xenophobe of Zog the yard master of yester year the Zar of zor asrian ism the indominous Rex the alpha of Alphas the King of Kings the Lord of lords the justi give me a break Ryu Hayabusa he's chilling in this bamboo forest not long before he's confronted by this giant bird lady asking if he's the one who would slain bangoo that big bird guy back in DOA 2 Ryu was up to that [ __ ] because he's him and the two begin fighting this is neenu she's really just here as a reference to botuo and also because she's really hot that Brick's face when he saw a [Music] g this is also some of the only screen time Ryu gets in this game story dude got shafted big time in this entry and it's honestly a little sad so enjoy it while it lasts Ryu defeats the tangu and Spares her life provided she agrees to leave this world and return to her own which she absolutely does not do Neu tangu just kind of chills in the human realm for the entire game doing random off-the-wall [ __ ] I don't really know why clearly she isn't as big a threat as the last tangu that broke through Dimensions so I I guess everyone is okay with it as far as the other three ninja are concerned that being hayate Kumi and ayane they've been busy keeping tabs on any leads on Mist hiot has been tracking down rig after their altercation on doch dig platform though upon their confrontation in New York rig lacks any recollection of the events that had transpired in fact he has no clue what hi is even talking about kumis actually retreated Into the Wilderness of Japan's mountains following the events of the oa5 in an effort to escape escape the constant and unending [ __ ] Miss seems to keep roping her into and honestly can you really blame her she's probably really sick of Victor Donovan's [ __ ] at this point and just decided going off the grid is the best choice of action even then despite isolating herself from the majority of the world she still finds herself face to face with Kumi Alpha clearly phase four survive the destruction of dig and there's not just one there's a small Army's worth of each things running around must be defective models though because our boy in Black comes into Lumia hand and warn her that mist is still up to incredibly nefarious [ __ ] and their plans are far from over on the other hand Ayan has been keeping tabs on honah and during her observations aani picked up on honoka's Uncanny ability to mirror basically any movement she sees which immediately sets off some alarms in ayan's head and after a brief fight with the young martial artist their battle confirms her suspicions hona is very clearly related to rido ayan's EST stranged murderer SL rapist SL evil father who was slain all the way back in thea1 the chief similarity being that the two both possess the ability to immaculately mimic any move they see an ability rido used for utter evil but honah honestly just seems to be really chill so it's hard to believe she's even related to someone like ayane much less rido himself regardless an ability like that falling into the hands of mist would be catastrophic and with the sixth DOA tournament just around the corner the two mug intention ninja decide it's probably a good idea to keep honah as far away from Mist as possible while Mist isn't the one running the tournament they're more than likely going to take advantage of the fighters gathered there rig's here just enjoying the show until Christy shows up and activates his Sleeper Cell agent code which literally makes him evil and turns his eyes red hayate watching over the tournament grounds notices the sudden change and pursues him and wouldn't you know his suspicions were right evil rig straight up caused hiot by his old doch pet name and psychically summons the cybernetic Warrior modeled after Waluigi this is okay it's it's actually righto I'm joking this is a prototype of mist's newest science experiment whose both physical appearance and fighting style strive to mimic none other than rido who Mist considers to be the deadliest ninja which is factually [ __ ] wrong I mean do I even really have to say who has Ryo beat in terms of strength he was literally killed by Kumi let alone comparing to the obvious winner of the who's the strongest [ __ ] in this picture competition it kind of makes you wonder why Miss never bothered to I don't know clone Ryu instead of literally anyone else in this game's Universe the dude is Unstoppable hell take [ __ ] morai or GHIN out of their graves and clone one of those guys genin for sure would be 10 times deadlier than this [ __ ] jobber anyways haay puts down cyber rido and gets the Epsilon treatment again ayan's got her hands full too as an attempt to apprehend hono goes arai leading to her capture by Mist so basically both of these Shinobi accomplished absolutely nothing which is just awesome but hey on the bright side the tournament's finally started I'll be honest it's nothing we haven't heard for six games now so I'll spare you the details Mila fights bass as was her conviction for the last game Elliot goes up against Tina and moves on to the semi-finals Jan Le of course goes up against Leong and as usual beats her senselessly although I'll throw our girl a bone here she did win against him in a street fight prior to the tournament but that doesn't really count he told me rematches with Elliot and beats him to a pulp just like she did in doa5 also NE tangus here she beats up Zach for no reason that's most of the tournament fluff out the way back to mist's Shenanigans with honah and toe mist is one step closer to their ultimate goal they aren't just making some kind of cybernetic clone of rido no they've had their fill of subpar Bargain Bin ninja clones Mist goes one step further they want to reach into the great beyond the unknown they are straight up bringing rido back from the [ __ ] grave with a brand new cybernetic makeover to accomplish this Mist requires Hon's DNA since she's his biological daughter but it appears to be insufficient also the chick with the blue hair that looks like a child that's Nico she's mist's top scientist blame all this Resurrection [ __ ] on her it's all her fault Christy mentions that there's one other that shares ryo's blood that being ayane so she gets to work on capturing the hajin man chinobi Ayan is busy enjoying her favorite pastime of verbally berading people until Maria receives a call from Honk's Obama phone and so the two take the bait right for mist's underground lab conversely hiat is paying Lisa Hamilton a visit the very scientist who basically cursed him with Epsilon is now providing him with a temporary immunity to its effects leaving him finally ready to take on Mist with everything he's got Ayan and Marie arrive at mist's doorstep funly enough this is like the first time we've seen any of their facilities with armed guards and manag to slip in with Little Resistance that is until they meet Nico who pulls a fast one on the two but not before Ayan can cover Marie's Escape giving her just enough time to find honah before it's too late after holding Nico off for long enough she fully reveals to ayani that her and honah are indeed sisters as she had suspected and leaves her shocked with this information get it cuz she shocked her she she shocked her with her finger she shocked her with the finger aye gets captured but not before sending out her messenger butterflies to her ninja buddies one reaches hiot at mist's Gates right before he kills rig for good following a brief fight given the urgency of the situation hi gives rig a stay of execution another reaches Kumi and our boy Ryu and after the ladder fends off another rido prototype unfortunately the three are a little too late with honah and Ayan both captured R's Resurrection is imminent and their only hope at stopping it is Murray Rose who's currently being held at gunpoint by Christie that is until Bayon swoops in out of [ __ ] nowhere to once again battle his old Nemesis after a while christe is just kind of like [ __ ] this [ __ ] and heads out which was a pretty good indicator to bamon that they they are far far too late it's probably a good idea to leave whether Marie agrees or not meanwhile the entire [ __ ] laboratory begins bursting into flames Sirens are blaring people are running and rido has returned to the world of the living hayot and Kumi managed to regroup but only soon enough to find Ayan and honah unconscious having already served their purpose hayot immediately goes after Nico who tries to pull the classic Epsilon trick but he's not having any of that [ __ ] she then just has a whole bunch of [ __ ] she pulls out of her sleeves like an army of phas 4 Kumi Alphas one of which steals hona so hayot has to chase after her and even mind controlling ayane to turn against her half sister that she forgave like three games ago certainly wouldn't be a DOA game without a Gumi versus ayane fight so I'm not really mad Kumi manages to defeat majane and hayate returns with Huka and toe then the for meet up with Bayman and Marie so basically everyone's okay but there's still two big problems Nico has escaped and rido has been released which is huge huge [ __ ] trouble also Ayan starts tweaking with this weird purple energy Aura our ninja Trio chases after the reborn madman and we also get the obligatory Ryu shooting down helicopter with key blast scene that's been in like the past three doa games oh yeah and Ellen is here to ECT of facilities and see just for herself what kind of [ __ ] up [ __ ] Mist has been up to the only other Soul she finds in there is Nico who happily explains that their research wasn't only to resurrect rido and study his biology but generally researching the idea of bringing people back from the dead including none other than Elena's own late mother this is never elaborated on as of recording this video God only knows where they're going with this in the7 but honestly it's pretty [ __ ] up not to mention how giddy Donovan seemed to be in this cut scene from earlier over seeing her again as if they knew each other at one point speculation aside Elena is both distraught and traumatized which is sad but on the other hand the three mugan tens and ninja have tracked down their former clansmen and rido mocks hayot with the very same insult he dished out over 3 years ago but this time hiot just rebukes with calling just he just calls him mid the game lets you choose your fighter here amongst the three my personal head Cannon is hi since ayane already had her time in the spotlighted nea3 with genra and Kumi already killed this guy back in doa1 so it's only fitting that hi is the one to take rido down especially considering how he's kind of the sole reason why any of this happened to hiate in his clan the two have a harrowing final battle honestly rido doesn't even do much except black out the screen and constantly revers Her Moves not as hard as someone like Alpha 1 52 but it's a pretty good final boss in my opinion just a little mad Ryu is nowhere to be found here but I understand he tends to steal the spotlight a lot after a deadly final battle hiate prevails against the man who once soloed him in combat and finally peace descends Upon Our mug tention crew once again though Ian is a little worse for wear and it might seem a little anticlimactic but that's it that's all the DOA lore oh minus the extreme volleyball games but hey maybe I'll talk about those someday maybe not don't take my word for it though people are still waiting for that hourlong lady DMC thirst video and i' said I'd do that someday too by the way if you're still waiting for that don't don't hold your breath please please stop you will asfixiate it's not coming for a long time and so that's all there is to it I never really expected to make a video on these games let alone a video of this caliber and length but after playing through a good chunk of Ninja giden 3 and seeing a ton of references here and there as well as just not really knowing who the [ __ ] iion was throughout ninja giden Sigma and Ninja giden 2 Beyond a vague understanding that she's from team ninjas other IP I kind of realized after doing some digging that at least as a ninja giden fan this series is absolutely worth looking at especially with all the overlap with the game in question and considering I'm doing this big [ __ ] retrospective on the ninja guid games I think I'd be missing out on not only a lot of ryu's characterization that we never see in as Mainline games but also just a ton of World building we also wouldn't otherwise see going to keep it 100 with you guys I kind of ran out of steam for this video pass Thea 4 before things started getting a little repetitive and I had already seen everything I needed to for my retrospective Series so I didn't really give a [ __ ] about the oa5 6 in the context of this greater ninja giden retrospective series and why I found it necessary to pump the brakes on the Ninja giden 3 video which is coming soon I promise in favor of this DOA one I find it genuinely both fascinating and entertaining to see Ryu interact and connect with other ninjas of his caliber people he's literally grown up with and his friends with seeing how his stoic nature is represented in a setting where he's an actual character and is expected to act like one as opposed to a stand in for the player is honestly really cool especially considering all of this [ __ ] is canon in the ninja giden games it's especially important considering how much more characterization Ryu gets in Ninja giden 3 where not only will I have much to say about that game's gameplay and level design and yada yada yada but I can actually get the chance to talk about Ryu as an actual character which I'll get into when that video rolls around don't want to spoil too much for you guys but for now that was the complete unhinge lore of the Dead or Alive games ninja G 3 is next I promise other than that thanks for [Music] [Music] watching
Channel: Brain Alert!
Views: 193,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VwrMOt8bW2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 23sec (9443 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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