The Story of Blazblue - Fighting Game Retrospectives

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blaze blue is a series made up of fast-paced combat incredibly Unique Mechanics tons of single player content and instantly memorable art style and a fan base that truly does love every nook and cranny of it and will support the game for years to come but that's what we covered in part one of this retrospective yes folks this is part two of the blaze blue retrospective and you might be thinking well if you covered all that in part one what's left to talk about in part two [Music] oh right that we might want to just go ahead and play that intro because this is gonna be a long one [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello folks and welcome to part two of the blaze blue retrospective in case you missed part one you can find the cardboard popping up right now go ahead and check it out but I will warn you this isn't going to be like any other multi-part fighting game retrospective we've ever done normally when we have to divide a retrospective up it's because we're covering everything in chronological order and there's just too much to fit into one video but not here in part one we already covered all the games their development their mechanics their reception we covered pretty much everything although I should address two issues with that first video right here at the top number one at the end of the video I mentioned that the future of blaze blue is up in the air right now after the game's Creator Mori P left dark systemworks uh spoiler if you haven't watched that first video yet and while we still don't know what Arc systems has planned for this game's future I did imply that the new roguelike game that was in development might currently be in some trouble because we haven't heard anything about that game ever since Maury P left the company but since that very first video went up some brand new footage of the game was revealed letting us know that yes it is indeed still coming out so hey that's actually some good news we still don't know if Arc systems is going to give them another fighting game anytime in the future but they are at least still willing to let other companies make smaller titles around it so it looks like for now the franchise will get to continue on in some way shape or form and the other big correction I have to make for part one and this one I am truly embarrassed about I called the x-plays games light novels they are not light novels they are visual novels folks I wish I could say this was the first time I got those two things mixed up but it isn't and it's not going to be the last for some reason I always think white novels are games and visual novels are books with pictures in them I don't even know how that got in my head it's just been that way for years so yes I have to apologize I should not have said that X Blaze lost memories was a bad light novel I should have said that was a bad visual novel just the worst visual novel I've ever played truly a horrible horrible visual novel there hope that cleared everything up glad I got that off my chest do not play sex Place lost memories oh as I was saying normally we cover everything about these games in chronological order but in part one of the bloody blue retrospective we left out a very important part the story and that's because the story of blaze blue is its own separate Beast blaze blue story is incredibly important to the series being larger than any other fighting game story and for many people it's the main draw of the game so I have to cover it unfortunately the story of blaze blue is more blue than a hot air balloon and more complicated than Reading gravity's Rainbow backwards so I realized early on when working on this retrospective that if I tried to talk about that while covering the gameplay and the development and everything else it would make the video a jumbled mess it would be like if you were on a road trip and every couple of miles you had to keep stopping at the nearest library to study for a physics exam it would just break the entire flow of the video and would make it way too hard to keep all that information in your head at once so instead I decided to split the story discussion off into its own video and that's what we're doing today and I know some people might think I'm exaggerating about the story being complicated so before we begin I just want to make it clear no I am not blaze blue story isn't just the longest in any fighting game it's also one of the most incomprehensive stories in any game period and that doesn't mean it's bad no not at all this story certainly isn't bad but it is complicated and before we start delving into it I feel we need to address why that is I saw so many people after part one the retrospective say they want to check out these games and that's great but I know some of y'all probably went into these story modes and thought what the heck is going on so I feel we should actually address what makes this story so complicated to help you all understand it but if you do just want to skip ahead to when we actually begin talking about the story proper go ahead and jump to the Tom coach shown below okay for starters the story of all blaze blue games takes place over the course of a few weeks but there is a massive boatload of backstory to this world going back hundreds and hundreds of years and you need to know this backstory to understand anything that's going on problem is they don't explain to you most of the backstory until after the parts of the story where you need to know the backstory secondly blazeblue loves its made-up nouns and verbs there are so many names and places and special items and magical abilities all of which have their own unique names there are as we said in part one side modes that explain to you what many of these terms are but yeah you remember that metaphor I made it earlier about going on a road trip where you had to keep stopping to study for an exam that's kind of what this is it's hard to keep all in your brain when you have to sit through a giant chunk of Story Only to then unlock the side content that explains to you what part of what you just played means and that's if they decide to explain you this information in the game itself because there is so much important information that is locked behind mangas light novels visual novels phone games heck I'm pretty sure that roguelike I mentioned is going to end up having some kind of important information that changes everything that we knew about this entire story and will poorly age this video the moment it comes out so if you want to get into blazeblue and you play the core main fighting games and you just play those games and you sit through every single part of that game and study every single bit of information that it gives you you're still not gonna know what chunk of this story is about and lastly and quite possibly the biggest roadblock to understand the story of blaze blue is that nothing in blaze blue can ever just be one thing over the course of making these videos some big blaze blue fans contacted me and that this story had several rewrites but as I worked my way through the games I never really noticed any clear rewrites there was only one or two instances I noticed where a character said something different from what we had seen in a previous game but then it hit me oh that's not the kind of rewrites this game has no the kind of rewrites that this game has are things like hey remember that thing that happened in the last game remember how we said it happened because of a well it also happen because of B and C and D which were all happening at the exact same time as a and also because of E and F which happened years before the game began in part one I said blazeblue felt like that story that you came up with in your head in middle school but instead of writing it down you just kept adding on to it more and more as time went on and yeah it turns out that's exactly what happened now I know some of y'all are wondering why I wanted to talk about the complexities of this story before going into it and that's because I wanted to make something clear today I'm going to explain to you the story of blaze blue but I'm not going to cover the entire story of blaze blue yes when I announced that I was going to be doing this retrospective I had several fans contacting me saying make sure to talk about this manga make sure to talk about this book heck I even had one person contacting me saying I need to make sure to cover the backstories of Persona 4 under night and birth and Ruby because blaze blue had a crossover with them which no when I do the street fighter retrospective later this year I'm not going to stop when I get to Street Fighter cross Tekken to explain the entire history of the Mishima family blood Feud I really hope that person was joking about that but yes I had many people telling me that I had to make sure to cover all the mangas in addition to the games and believe me guys I get it they do each contain bits of information that are important and I know that you're all very passionate about this series and you want to make sure that I cover all of it I totally understand that but do you know who else contacted me when I announced I was going to be doing this retrospective people who had never gotten into blaze blue because they found the lore and the story to be too intimidating yeah I had several people telling me that they were excited for the retrospective because they always wanted to know what blaze blue was about but it was just too much for them to tackle on their own and that's who I'm making this video for today today I want to make a video that takes the massive insane story of blaze blue and condenses it down into something that still captures all the important parts includes all the Vital Information but also makes it manageable and understandable for anyone whether that be a long time player a brand new fan or just someone on the outside who's always been curious so in other words I will not be covering any of the side content unless it is absolutely necessary to the main plot if something happens in the story because of a b c d e and f but you only need to know about a then I'm only going to cover a if something has a special name that special name only makes understand it more confusing I'm going to leave it out and this is the one that is really going to hurt some people but while I'm going to make sure to mention as many playable characters as I can if that character is not important to the overall plot and I hate telling you guys this but there are a lot of characters that are not important to the overall plot then I'm not going to cover them that much and let me just say every single character in this series has their own plotline they have their own backstory they have their own goals they have their own mission it's one of the things that makes these characters so good but if I tried to cover all of them in this video it would just become even more of a mess than it already is so we're just going to stick to the plot points that matter to the overall story also as I said this game loves to explain backstories long after you need to know them I will not be doing that I will be explaining the events of this story in the order that I feel makes them the most comprehensive but okay I know that was a lot and I apologize for the delay but well let's just say I know if I didn't explain all of that then there would be a ton of people saying you forgot to mention this in the comments guys trust me there is totally a chance that I'm going to end up for getting to mention something that is very important but odds are if I don't bring something up in today's video it's not because I forgot it it's because I'm choosing to leave it out to keep this story simplified and accessible after all the point of this video today is not to be the blaze blue Wiki book on tapes it's to try and summarize the story in a way that everyone can understand plus these are good games and I would like people to check them out so I want to summarize this in a way that will make it seem interesting to people but will still leave you with some stuff to find on your own when you go and play them but that's it I think I've laid out everything that I need to set up before we begin so now we can finally start the story of blazeblue our tale begins in a world between realities a dimension known as the boundary the boundary is a space that connects all realities together because yes there are alternate realities in these games and that will come up much later on the boundary is filled with a substance known as Seether Seether is essentially magical radiation it's a substance that exists all around us and in small doses it's completely harmless but thick doses of Seether can be incredibly toxic and harmful to normal humans and at the very center of the boundary is the most concentrated form of Caesar known as the Azure and Seether does have magical properties that could Grant someone magical powers but Azure is in a whole other league Azure is essentially the power to control reality itself it gives you god-like powers to reshape all of creation and the Azure is controlled by a giant machine called the matarasu unit also known as the master internet and the master unit is essentially robot God it's the bean that uses the azure's reality shaping powers to control the course of the universe but the master unit has two guards a shield that can block absolutely anything called the tsukuyomi unit and the Susan no o unit a suit of armor that can destroy anything and not just destroy it erases its targets from existence without creating paradoxes yeah it is the ultimate erase button if something goes wrong with the master yoon's creation Susan o can wipe the problem out without having to worry about wrecking the rest of reality so the master unit is firmly guard at the center of all realities by the Ultimate Sword and the ultimate Shield Total Defense and offense but something went wrong due to the magical properties of Seether slowly susano grew a soul it gained a mind of its own and susanullo looked around and said you know I kind of got a raw deal here I'm just forced to be be the masteryard slave for all of eternity I just have to stand here in the infinite nothingness waiting for robot God to tell me what to destroy I didn't ask for this I was made to destroy things and I feel like the master unit is holding me back so you know what I'm out of here I quit and so the Susan oh you attempted to escape the boundary and in the process of this the soul inside the armor split apart from it becoming its own separate creature known as Yuki terami after Jeremy escaped a whole bunch of stuff happened that I will get to way later in this video but eventually two scientists by the name of Aurelius Clover and chuichiro ayatsuki discovered a cauldron which is essentially a Gateway into the boundary Jeremy found these scientists and formed an alliance with them promising to give them information on the boundary why does teremy do this because he wants the two of them to build something for him a prime field device a prime field device is a humanoid-like robot that is capable of exploring the boundary and teramin needs them to create him a very specific type of prime field device known as a kusanagi a sword that can kill a God yeah even after freeing himself from the master unit termeade just can't let things go he won't be happy until he's killed robot God also Tammy might just have been a spirit but he was able to solidify his Spirit into a body that he could walk around in but he knew that you know what maybe just maybe something could end up happening to this Spirit body of his so he wanted backup a fake body that he could then slide his soul into in case something happened to him so all he asked really is to make such a body for him relia's compliant and create an artificial body but that body had a mind of its own why would he create a backup body for someone and then give that backup body its own mind because it would create drama and tension in the story later on okay there actually is a reason why but real talk it's just so they can create drama in the story later on this artificial body was known as Cosmic fall and he awakened in the magical city of ishana oh yeah magic is a thing in this universe then there's whole magical societies for Sorcerers to live and study in Cosmo finds himself in the ishana magical Academy where relius is a teacher and he has no knowledge of his origin or his actual purpose he believes himself to be just another regular Stone and he thinks he just has Amnesia now Cosmo is a kind kid and he ends up making Fringe with some of the other stoons including [ __ ] glassfield a very soft-spoken and gentle Bookworm who has borderline romantic feelings for cosma and kanoi mercury a far more aggressive and hardened scar now kanoi Mercury was her real name but later on she would join the 10 sages the leading Sorcerers of ishana and after that she would only be referred to by her rank nine now we'll get back to Cosmo and his schoolyard Chums in a bit but for now let's return to terramy and The two scientists he was stringing along it was now December 31st 2099 and relia sanchuichiro had finished their Prime field device and sent it into the cauldron to explore the boundary unfortunately the prime field devised in were work and something else would emerge from The Cauldron a Titanic monster made up of swirling Darkness fangs Claws and overflowing with Seether crawled out of the cauldron and started on a path of Destruction this was the black beast and it would be a recurring threat throughout the entire Series so make sure to remember it now it ripped tami's Spirit body apart trap shuichuro underground and relius was sucked into The Cauldron falling into the boundary the black beast would begin tearing across Japan wiping out anyone and everything in its path the rest of the world saw what a threat this was and fearing what would happen if the creature continued Beyond Japan Unleashed a wave of nuclear strikes on the creature the blast destroyed Japan but left the black beast untouched this is because the black beast is a creature that exists outside of Reason what does that mean well think of reason as anything real anything defined by the law of nature so if you exist outside of reason then the only things that can really affect you are things that exist outside of the natural world in other words Magic speaking of magic let's go ahead and check back in on that magical School in Cosmo yes Jeremy's body had been destroyed leaving him a Wandering Spirit barely able to hold on to this world so that meant he needed that spare body that really has had prepared for him but Cosmo because he had a mind of his own wasn't really in a position for Tammy to take him over so Tammy began appearing to cosma almost like a ghost haunting him whispering in his ear tempting him tormenting him over time he drove Cosmo mad and forced him to betray his friends and now that his mind had been broken Jeremy was able to merge with cosma making this his new body however Turi didn't have much time to take his new buy for a test drive as a werewolf named valkenheim captures him and brings him back to his master a vampire Aristocrat named clavis Alucard clevis was working behind the scenes to try and do something about the black beast and he believed that shuichiro might have the key to defeating it and so clavis hires jubei a powerful fighter who is a member of a clan of cat biscan oh yeah there's also animal people in this world so for those of you keeping track at home this world has magic vampires werewolves and Animal Human hybrids and also nuclear weapons so half High fantasy half real world I guess juve's clan of beeskin were all wiped out by the black beast and now jubei was all that was left Juve ends up running into Trinity Nine and Nine sister Celica and they're able to locate the lab that shoeidro had been working in after being trapped underground should we draw by this point had passed away but before he died he completed the Ultimate Weapon to destroy the black beast kushinata's linchpin a giant device that could neutralize Seether which is what the Blacklist body was made of here's the problem though in order to use kushina's linchpin a power source would be needed that power source Celica Mercury nine sister and shuichiro's own daughter yes shuidro was nine in celica's father and he was let's just say not the best and then again as we will see later on the bad father rating system in blazeblue is kind of a sliding scale now why did they need Celica it's because Celica was born with something called The Power of order and this was essentially a universal constant it was the antibodies of reality it's neither good nor bad it's something the universe imbues into a person in order to counter something that would threaten it and in this case that threat was Seether so Celica had been born with the power to neutralize Seether just being near her made any traces of Seether vanish unfortunately there were limits to her power so there was no way that she could Wipe Out the black beast by herself but if she sacrificed herself and put her soul into the linchpin then it would wipe out all Seether across the world including the black bees however nine wasn't willing to let her sister sacrifice herself and neither was someone else Celica had been traveling with another character a mysterious Warrior called blood Edge zelica had found him injured and helped heal him back and now upon hearing that Celica was going to sacrifice herself blooded stepped in and stopped her he said that he would face the black beast by himself and he would buy everyone one year during that year they would have to work to find some kind of a way to stop the black beast that didn't sacrifice Celica nine promised to uphold this deal and blood Edge left his red coat and sword with Celica before walking into the black beast dying but in the process causing the Beast to go to sleep for a whole year why did this cause the Beast to go to sleep we'll get back to that later so nine now had one year to figure out how to beat the black beast and upon realizing that only magic could defeat it but there weren't nearly enough Sorcerers around the fight it she developed a way for normal humans to weaponize Magic she created devices called grimoires and these machines were capable of funneling Seether into them to create an artificial form of magic called ours magus I'm going to repeat that because this is one of the biggest parts of blaze blue and it's pretty much what this entire world would run on from this point forward Seether is absorbed into grimoires to create ARS Magus an artificial form of magic and just like Regular Magic the variety of spells and abilities that can be created by ours Magus re mints and ours Magus made specifically for combat is referred to as RS armagus but in order to keep this simplified I'm just going to refer to all ours Magus as simply RS Magus but the most powerful form of RS megas took on the shape of 11 weapons known as the nox Nick Taurus now near as I can tell the noxnik tourists don't need grammars to function they sort of just exist as solidified ARS Megas in the shape of weapons so you might be wondering how they can do this well it's because unlike other RS megas which are created by grimars the Noxxic Taurus are created by Souls lots and lots of Souls so yeah big Power bigger cost so humans now had a way to fight against the black beast in ours Magus but they still needed someone to lead them and so a team came together nine [ __ ] and jubei were joined by valkenheim but they still needed more power and nine knew where they could get it terramy might have destroyed their friend cosuma but he was incredibly strong and nine knew they would need that strength so nine cast a spell on Tammy to control his mind keeping him from rebelling and forcing him to work alongside them so that made five Mighty Warriors but they still weren't enough even with the armies of man wielding ARS Magus and these five Fighters leading the charge the black beast was just too strong that's when the final Warrior appeared a mysterious armored man named hakuman he joined these other Warriors and they became known as the six Heroes and after a long battle known as the dark war the black beast was finally destroyed however that didn't mean that Humanity had been saved remember how he said that the black beast was full of Seether and that Seether in large doses is poisonous to humans yeah well when the black bees died it released all that cedar across the plant making almost the entire Earth uninhabitable and so humans fled to mountaintops where the cedar couldn't reach and they built hierarchical cities which are essentially cities that are stacked on top of each other but the horizons either wasn't the only problem left over from the war there was still the matter of Yuki terami yes he had been under nine spelled during the war but eventually he managed to break free and he won Revenge he killed Trinity glassfield and threw nine into a cauldron in order to stop him hakoman sacrificed himself by grabbing Jeremy and jumping into the boundary with him so out of the six Heroes the only two left were falconhein who had gone back to working for the a la carte family and jubei who had to give the bad news to Celica who had gone on to become a nun and open up her own church now after everything that had happened after the war after the black beast after the Seether after having to move to the top of mountains in brand new societies as you can imagine the world had changed greatly governments all across the planet had pretty much collapsed so a brand new ruling power rose up a military force calling itself the Novus Orvis librarium otherwise known as the nol it was formed in order to manage all the grimars that had been created during the dark war claiming they would decide who got to use them and as you can imagine they only thought that those loyal to the nol should be allowed to use them most people didn't agree with this and many started to rebel against the nolocking them and how they held onto all these grimoires by calling them the library the nol set up bases in every major city and created cauldrons in their base is in order to absorb Seether from the boundary to help power their for Mars and other tools also because they're still trying to find the Azure hint at the center of the boundary in order to gain ultimate power but we'll delve into that later for now let's move away from the nol and Spotlight some other important events that were happening during this time first up you remember relius you remember how he fell into the cauldron and got lost in the boundary well the boundary isn't just a void of magical radiation it's also a gateway to other places and other times irelia's eventually re-emerged 80 years after he fell in but after falling into the boundary he kind of went crazy I mean crazier than he already was he had always been a bit unhinged but upon falling into the boundary he ended up seeing the whole of creation he got a taste of ultimate knowledge and upon emerging and returned to the real world he now looked at humans as nothing more than meat bags with souls in them and he only had one goal to gain more knowledge and he would use whatever tools he had at his disposal including other people to make that happen a few years later jubei now wandering the world trying to destroy the inneruel's cauldrons again we'll explain why that is later ended up discovering a lab and inside of it there were three young siblings ragna Jin and their sister Saya he rescued these kids and took them back to saga's church where she would raise them and in case you're wondering how jube and Selica are still alive after all this time it's because jube is a beast kid and Beast can age slowly and selugu has human magic that's keeping her young now as I said the nol was scooping up power across the entire planet but there were those who opposed them first up was sector 7. sector 7 wasn't really a team or a single Force more of just a group of super scientists who all came together to share resources and data to try and fight back against the nol and yeah as you heard right sector 7 was made up of scientists 100 pure science no RS Mega science mixed with magic here just good old-fashioned equations and test tubes and one of the leading scientists for sector 7 was kokonoi Mercury and if that last name sounds familiar it's because she was the daughter of nine and jubei yes nine hooked up with a cat we've all made the jokes already Let's Move On Now coconut kind of despised both of her parents in fact because she despise nine so much she refused to use magic in any way and that's why she decided to dedicate herself to science so much and as a result she ended up creating several breakthroughs in her time many of which aren't entirely morally on the up and up and koganoi has a few people working under her the most notable of them being tager tagger was a mercenary whose entire Squad was wiped out while trying to capture a dangerous criminal named asriel but kokonoi was able to revive him by implanting only DNA inside of him because apparently Onis are also a thing in this universe this brought tiger back from the brink of death but now he had a reddish skin tone was as big as the house and had no memories of his past but he does know that he trusts kokonoi and her plans even if sometimes you can be the worst boss in the world to him the two other scientists working under coconut worth knowing were Lighty failing and lot Carmine known to his friends as Roy now Roy was fiercely loyal to kokonoi and YG was starting to fall in love with Roy so everyone was getting along just fine up until Roy started to become obsessed with the boundary and the giant cauldron that sector 7 was keeping in their basement he started working day and night writing down his theories on the boundary with every passing day becoming more and more unhinged kogonori and lychee tried to help him but he was too far gone and one night he snuck into the sector 7 cauldron hear it inside and came face to face with Yuki teraby yes teremy just happened to escape at the exact time that Roy was looking inside The Cauldron how did Jeremy get out of the boundary we'll explain that later Terry decided to do what he does best be a total dick and told the already unstable Roy that everything he wanted was right inside the cauldron so Rory jumped inside of it and well remember how relia's weren't mad from being inside The Cauldron yeah he was the lucky one because the overflowing Seether inside the boundary mutated Roy into a monster that would become known as Arachne who fled sector 7 and head toward the hierarchical city of kagatsuchi looking for more Cedar soyuki Jeremy and relius clover were both back and alive in the modern day well Mosley Tammy was still just a spirit that was absorbing the negative emotions of the world in order to give him enough strength to stick around he needed a new body so Aurelius got to work on one while Terry started his own plan remember Jeremy still wanted to kill the master Yoon and he needed something powerful to accomplish that and that something would require a plan with about a thousand overly complicated steps to it for starters Tammy made his way to the church where ragna Jin and Sia were being raised now in his ghostly State Tammy couldn't do much but he was able to tempt Saya whispering in her ear a bit until she agreed to come with him Tammy then handed Jen a sword but not just any sword yukianasa the legendary noxnik Taurus eye sword and remember how I said that noxnik tours are all made by Souls being merged together while the soul in control of yukianasa overpowered Jin's tiny child mind and commanded him to kill ragna Jin cut off ragna's arm killed Celica and left fragna to bleed out in the church as it firm down around him ragna was saved however by jubei who returned just in the nick of time jube replaced rogener's arm with the Azure grimoire one of the oldest and most powerful grimoires with the power to tap into the Azure Itself by the way in case anyone is still confused about this yes they are called grimmars and grammars are typically a type of book but that's just a name grammars and blaze blue can be shaped like anything and the Azure grimar is kind of an amorphous constantly shifting blob so ragna is able to take the Azure grimoire and reshape it into a fully functioning hand so in one day ragna ended up losing his arm his family and his home but at least he gained an incredibly powerful Grim arm that's gotta be good for something right problem is the Azure grammar comes with a major drawback it absorbs The Souls of anyone around him so yes ragna was able to replace his arm with his legendary grammar but if he stays around anyone for too long it'll drain their life force over the next several years Wagner was trained to fight by Juve who was strong enough to resist the soul eating affected the grimar and he would also receive continuous vague life lessons from another character who kept popping up from time to time Rachel Alucard yeah remember that Royal vampire that I mentioned earlier clavis Alucard well this is his daughter and she would continuously show up to give ragna ominous messages to try and steer him down a path why is she always so vague well part of it is because she's a snob who views everyone as being beneath her but it's also because Rachel just flat out can help ragna directly yes you see in addition to being a vampire Rachel is also known as a bystander at least that's what it's called in Japanese yeah let me go ahead and make something clear most of the terms in blaze blue are different in Japanese and in English and for all these I'm going to be using the English version of the names because well this video is in English so it's probably what most people watching it can understand but in English she is referred to as an observer which is a fine name problem is there is another thing in blaze blue called an observer and they didn't change the name in English so in English there are now two different things called observers because the lore of blaze blue wasn't complicated enough already well okay in alternators they do end up correcting this in later games and they do rename it to onlooker which is a fitting name but because it has already now had two different names and onlooker still sounds a whole lot like Observer to me I feel like if I called it onlooker it would just confuse some people those people would be me so yeah I'm just going to keep going at bystander but that's the only thing I'm going to refer to by the Japanese name in this video so what is a bystander well like the power of order it's another natural constant a law of the universe there must always be someone who is a bystander and whoever has chosen to be a bystander is given incredible powers but they aren't allowed to use them yeah you know the Watcher in Marvel Comics bystanders are just that they have long lives incredible powers and can witness everything happening in the world all at once just so long as they promised not to interfere with the world yeah they're essentially meant to be a living history book of the universe constantly recording and cataloging everything that's going on so Rachel could tell that Rogan was going to be important but she couldn't do anything to directly push him towards his Destiny she had to just sit back and occasionally give him some hints all disguise behind insults meanwhile jyn was adopted by the Kisaragi family one of the 12 ridge's most elite families in the world who form a group known as the duodesm jyn went to the nol academy where he excelled in his studies join him at this Academy were numerous other students who would go on to be very important later on including Tsubaki yayoi another child of the duodesm families who grew up being close friends with jyn but nanaya and upbeat squirrel type bee skin Carl who would end up leaving the schools shortly after joining it but I'll get back to him later and Noel Vermillion Noel is a sheepish girl who was also adopted by a duodesm family and she's got a natural affinity for using ARS Magus so much so that early in her study she was able to summon out bovarek one of the legendary noxinik tourists shaped like a pair of guns also Noel just happens to look a lot like Jin and ragna's sister Saya and hey fun drinking game take a shot every time that you hear looks a lot like Jin and ragna's sister Saya I'm just kidding please don't do that I don't want you to hurt yourself so jyn's studies were going well he was rising in the ranks everything was set out for him that is unless War were declared what's that war were declared yeah remember I said there were people out there who opposed the nol hoarding all this power and in case you couldn't tell from that list of nol Academy members they tended to hoard them specifically for the rich and Powerful so this led to a civil war in the land of ikarga as the people rose up against the nol now icaria is referred to as a hierarchical city but it's more of multiple hierarchical cities all working together the battle raged on between karga and the nol with much of the land of icarga being destroyed and Turner rubble and it all came to an end when Jin kizaragi killed the cargo leader tinjo at which point many people from ikarga were forced to leave their home and move to a small village inside the hierarchical city of kagazuchi hey that's the second time we mentioned kagetsuchi I wonder if it's going to be important in a moment now Jin kisuragi was hailed as the hero of the accarga war not that he really cared I haven't talked about character personalities much in this video because I mostly did that in part one but yeah jit is kind of a sociopath he views anyone around him as being nothing more than trash and you get the feeling that he killed tinju not because it was his mission but just because he could but nonetheless Jin still got a major promotion for ending the Civil War that was started by akarga except that it wasn't yeah this isn't revealed until way later but something I want you to keep in your mind right now the akarga Civil War was just a cover for a battle that was happening between the nol and sector seven now why did sector 7 and the nol start a war with each other and said in a country that won nothing to do with either of them well because both sides needed a whole lot of people to Die Why did they need that we'll come back to that later sorry I know that's a huge tease but trust me it would make zero sins if I explained it right now I just want you to have some context for the a cargo war and to be aware that sector 7 and the nol are both super messed up meanwhile as all this was happening Rhonda had spent several years training under jubei and now it was time for him to graduate jubay went to the burned down church and found something in there that Celica had been holding on to the sword and jacket that belonged to blood Edge and he decided to give them to ragna who adopted the name of the man who used to wield him now calling himself ragna the blood Edge jubay then explained to him why he had been destroying nol cauldrons across the world and wrong understood he had to take up this cause as well and so ragnos set out destroying cauldrons attacking nol bases and racking up a massive body count as a result Roger gained the nickname Grim Reaper and even had the highest bounty in history 90 billion Platinum dollars placed on his head but this didn't slow wrong down opponents he kept targeting cauldrons and he now found himself moving towards his next Target located in the hierarchical city of kagetsuji and that ladies and gentlemen is the backstory to blaze blue yes we are now finally at the first game I told you there was a ton of backstory and again that was with me leaving stuff out to keep it comprehensive but don't worry from here on out it's much smoother at least I hope it is I haven't actually written the rest of the script just yet for all I know everything is about to turn into an incomprehensive gibberish let's find out together shall we as we head to the events of blaze blue Calamity trigger ragna heads into kagatsuchi and makes his way towards the cauldron he runs into Arachne who is now a slimy monster obsessed with finding the Azure so ragna's mere presence draws him in Wagner defeats him but before he can kill the Beast lychee appears and begs him to stop she's been living in kagazuji for several years now working as a doctor at a small local clinic trying to track Arachne down and find a way to return him to normal meanwhile back at nol headquarters Noel now working as Jin's assistant brings him a report that says ragna the blood Edge is reported to be heading towards kagazuchi as soon as jyn hears this name something in him snaps he starts cackling like a madman and abandons his post to head to kagatsuchi in the hopes of finding his brother and killing him once and for all but upon arriving in kagazuchi all he finds is a ninja by the name of bang shishigami bang was one of the top Disciples of tinjo the leader of akarga and he even witnessed Jin killing his master right in front of his eyes bang wants nothing more than to make Jin pay but his master told him to reject hate and embrace love and Justice and to practice forgiveness and bang has carried that message with him to kagatsuchi where he watches over and protects the refugees from ikarga he's also kind of a goof and is constantly embarrassing himself but the people still love him for keeping their Spirits high and protecting them however he can so bang decides to let Jin go who continues on his way towards the cauldron knowing that ragna will be heading there as well the last character to head towards kagatsuji is Noel herself she's been tasked by the nol with bringing Jin back and she's being accompanied by Hasma the captain of the nol's intelligence Department and yes he's exactly who you think he is but let's put a pin in that for now as soon as she arrives in kagatsuchi Noel is immediately attacked by Carl you remember Carl the kid who went to the nol academy well he left the school and ended up becoming a vigilante essentially a bounty hunter who chases down people for the nol and Carl well life has not been good to Carl he's walking around with a giant mechanical doll Nirvana which is another one of the noxnik Tauruses not important what is important though is that he doesn't call this puppet Nirvana he calls it sister why is that well that's because it is his sister yeah Carl's full name is Carl Clover and he is the son Aurelius Clover and his father put his sister Ada's Soul into Nirvana Carl became a vigilante specifically to hunt down ragna because ragna is in possession of the Azure remark and since the Azure has the power to reshape reality Carl hopes he can use it to return his sister to normal he questions Noelle about ragna's whereabouts and when she doesn't answer he gets violent Noah was able to defeat him thanks to her own oxnic Taurus and Noel and Hasma head towards the cauldron as well also worth pointing out that after this battle Carl is healed up by lychee who reminds him of his sister Ada and he also meets bang who provides Carl some positive reinforcement and support something Carl has probably never experienced in his life at the nol base above the cauldron ragna and in meat and Jin is overpowered with bloodlust they battle and Ragnar comes out on top knocking gin out even though ragna knows they have unfinished business The Cauldron has to be dealt with first however as he makes his way deeper and deeper down to the building he senses an incredible power someone is watching and waiting for him and Wagner comes face to face with hakuman yes hakuman was pulled out of the boundary by kokonoi who need his power for a mission but hockerman had other plans he wanted to head towards the cauldron because he had one goal pushing him forward kill ragna the blood Edge now why would hockerman want to kill ragna ragna wasn't even born until about 80 years after he fell into the boundary he wouldn't even know who this guy was well I'll get back to that later sorry I know that's a whole lot I'll get back to it later but I promise I will return to them much for ragna and he's about to defeat him but ragna then Taps into the Azure grimoire and becomes strong enough to match hakuman but before the fight can end kokonoi locates hakuman and teleports him back to sector 7. with that ragna finally arrives at The Cauldron but he finds he's too late he was trying to make it there in time to stop The Cauldron from creating a Moro Kumo unit okay remember what a prime field device was a robot designed to explore the boundary while Moro Kumo unit is a prime field device that is designed to not just explore the boundary but also for combat ragna had already destroyed a few other ones at the previous cauldrons but now he came face to face with their newest model new 13. new 13 is obsessed with ragna in AIM very creepy way she acts like she loves him but also acts like she wants the two of them to die together yeah it's a little bit messed up oh and to make it extra disturbing for ragna she just happens to look a lot like his sister Saya the two of them fight and ragna is left Bleeding Out sliced up and close to death new impales ragna and suddenly the two of them start to merge together as they both Fall Into The Cauldron with an injured gin jumping in right behind them so yeah the hero of the game died guess this story summary was quicker than I thought okay you all see the time code you know this isn't over so what happened to ragna well remember how I said the boundary can connect different locations and different times while ragna new and Jin all get sent back 100 years to December 31st 2099 and if you're thinking that date sounds familiar it's because that's the date the black beast emerged from The Cauldron that's because ragna is the black beast yes the black beast is essentially the evolved form of the Azure grimoire once it consumes enough Souls it will turn its wielder into a black beast although there is another way to make this happen have the Azure cremar merge with a Moro Kumo unit which is why new 13 had this uncontrollable urge to join with ragna like it was her calling so Rana got sent back in time and became the black beast but what happened in the present oh not much just the end of the world yeah bear with me folks because it's about to get way crazier in space there was a satellite that housed another knocks Nick tourist called takimikazuchi and this was a giant monster with unbelievable power and the moment it woke up it fired a blast down the Earth wiping kagajsuchi from the map why did it do that I'll get back to that later while the rest of the world is okay right not quite you see the master unit for reasons that I'm sorry but again I'll get back to you later like way way later the master unit did not want any of this to happen so when takimikazuchi destroys kagatsuji the master unit just resets the timeline back to January 1st 2100. the day right after the black beast appeared and so Begins the great blaze blue time Loop yes that's right these 100 years kept repeating themselves over and over again each time with small changes but the end result always being the same Ragnar always becomes the black beast taking mikazuji always destroys kagazuchi the timeline always gets reset because of this it makes the story mode in the arcade mode this game very unique because every character has their own story mode with multiple endings and all of them are technically Canon as each of them depict different runs through the time Loop now before we go on guess what I'm finally going to start explaining some of those questions I love dangling now that we know that ragna is the black beast a few puzzle pieces start to get filled in why did Jin cut off ragna's arm when they were kids and why does he still want to kill him so badly because of his sword yes I mentioned that the yuhiana so was a noxnic taurus meaning it was a weapon with Souls inside of it and a weapon made specifically to kill the black beast so when the young Jinn was given this sword the souls inside of it overtook him and said hey is that that guy who's going to become the black beast time to do the exact thing I was made to do same thing goes for Hawkman he found the dark war against the black beast and he knew that ragna was the black beast so the moment he arrived in the present he set out to kill ragna before he transformed but how does hakuman know that ragna is the black beast well I'll explain that right now actually so I mentioned that Rachel Alucard was a bystander someone who had to keep observing the world endlessly without interference well this also means that she existed outside of our time so she didn't get reset with every single time Loop meaning she had to keep witnessing the same 100 years repeating themselves over and over again but on the 299th reset Jin jumped into the cauldron and traveled back in time as well and Rachel found him and said oh hey this is different hey Jin you want to kill ragno right well going through the boundary kind of wrecked your entire body and you can't fight anymore but my father just happens to be collecting artifacts that could possibly stop the black beast including this insanely powerful susano armor that just needs a soul inside of it to work so what do you say yes hakuman is really gin after going through the boundary and having his soul put into the Susan no o unit and because he knows what will happen to his brother that's why he's so dead set on killing him but hakuman's story when he confronts Jen you actually see him feeling far more remorseful about than Jin did when he faced ragna so I guess 100 years in the boundary really chilled him out so to recap rockner's Azure remark causes him to merge with the murokumo unit new 13. they become the black bees and get sent back in time then the Sally monster takimikazuchi destroys the city of kagatsuji and the Mastery resets the universe back to right after the black beast appeared 100 years ago eventually over the course of all these loops with minor changes happening Jin ends up going back in time as well and joins with the Susan no oh you and to become hakuman which also walks hogerman into the time Loop making him in constant that appears in every single loop as well and I'm really wishing at this point that I didn't use this clip from the good place during our King of Fighters retrospective because it fits so much better right now my brain is melting how can events happen before the ones that happened before but that raises the question what caused this time Loop to finally break that would be Noel yes after hundreds and hundreds of resets eventually the Stars aligned just right and Noel found her way to The Cauldron before ragna she came face to face with new 13 and Noel lost all control of her body speaking mechanically and engaging new 13 in combat but the moro Kumo Yoon overpowered her and she was about to kill Noel when ragna jumped in and saved her Noel had never seen ragna in person before but something about him felt familiar ragna fought knew again lost and fell into the boundaries knew all over again but this time Noel ran in and grabbed ragna pulling him back up and saving him Rachel then appears and says oh thank God it finally happened about freaking time ragna finally didn't turn to the black bees and the time Loop is finally done whoa almost there is still the little matter of the giant satellite monster that wanted to destroy kagetsuchi which would cause the master unit to rewind time again but Rachel had waited for a millennia to see ragna not turn to the black beast so she wasn't going to land all get reset again so she called upon the tsukoyomi unit yeah remember that giant impenetrable shield that guards the master unit well I guess as a bystander Rachel just has access to that thing in a break glass in case the universe is about to be destroyed case so Rachel summons out the tsukoyomi unit to guard kagatsuchi from the space blast saving the city and finally ending the time Loop so that was it they finally managed to break the loop Ragnar was saved new 13 Was Defeated and cast into the boundary everything was taken care of except for there he is yep hazuma had been there watching and waiting the entire time and guess what you're never going to believe it prepare to be shocked husband is actually Yuki terami yes Hasma was the new artificial body that relia's Clover made for Tara me and he had wormed his way into the inner well to not just manipulate events behind the scenes which again I'll get back to later but also because he knew that it could get him into this exact spot you see terami also existed outside of reason just like Rachel so whenever the time Loop began he got sent back to his old body being forced to relive everything over and over again but he was manipulating events ever slightly to try and get everything to line up just right now okay what I'm about to explain to you is the most complicated thing about blazebloom and considering that I just explained a Time Loop that's saying something you remember how he said in Japanese Rachel was referred to as a bystander but in English they translate that to an observer but I wasn't going to call her that because there was another thing in the game called Observer that was way more important yeah here we go it's time to talk about observing observing is an ability in the blazewell universe where to put it as simply as possible you can essentially pull into reality something that doesn't exist yeah buckle up folks it's about to get weird people with the power to observe in other words observers can see different possibilities and they can then observe that possibility and bring it into reality the process of doing this is called a phenomena intervention and it can be something as simple as seeing someone down the street and saying they should be standing right next to me instead and then you observe the possibility where they're next to you and then they just teleport down the street remember when hockerman was buying ragna and suddenly he teleported back to sector seven that's because kokonoi observed him being back but it can also be something as big and Grand as creating something totally new out of nothing or manipulating an entire location and everyone within it essentially it's God Powers which makes sense as it's basically what the master Yoon does to control the universe and you want to know the craziest part of this this is actually based on real theoretical science yes I do realize I just said real theoretical but I didn't know a better way of playing it about a decade ago I watched the documentary on the mini worlds theory that was about how scientists use quantum mechanics to explain multiple realities and as I was playing through these games it suddenly clicked with me oh wait this is the exact thing they're talking about it's way too complicated for someone like me to explain but essentially it involves sending out electrons to various locations meaning they did exist at different spots all at once but they would only appear wherever the scientists observed them the similar way of explaining this is Schrodinger's cat which is an old thought experiment that says that a cat is in a box with poison and you don't know if that poison has killed the cat until you open the box up and look meaning the cat is both alive and dead until you observe it and I think Mori P the creator of blazeblue knew about these theories and Bayes observing around it because as I said Schrödinger's cat is the most famous example of this and who is one of the biggest observers in blaze blue koganoi what is koganoi a cat could be a coincidence but that's a hell of a coincidence now I know that observing sounds far too overpowered but there are some drawbacks to it for starters as you can probably guess what you can and cannot observe all depends on how strong your power as an observer is so it's not like if you gain the power to observe then you can just control time and space no if you have small Observer Powers then you'll barely be able to do anything with it also once you observe something into reality then you have to keep observing it or else it will return to the way it was unless you're just a super high and mighty all-powerful Observer then you essentially have the reality stone and you can reshape the world however you want so what does this have to do with anything well as you've noticed from really is an Arachne when people fall into the boundary it can change them so when Noel leaned over the cauldron and looked in to grab ragna she stared directly into the boundary itself and this gave her the eyes of the Azure making her the successor of the Azure what the heck does that mean it means she was now an observer and a very high level Observer at that but she couldn't control it just yet and knowing this is what happened that's when hosma stepped out and said hey Noel look at me [ __ ] [Music] yes hazama's entire plan all along was to get Noel into this exact spot where she could gain the eyes of the Azure then have her use her new observation powers on him because terami was still just a spirit struggling to hold on to this world needing the body of hosmo to keep him alive and unable to access any of his powers but the moment that Noel looked at him her new eyes saw the Spirit of terrormy inside of hosma and thereby she observed his true self returning him back to his original Powers hazama then fled ready to start the next phase of his plan and that is where the first game ends yes this was all a story about breaking an endless time Loop by having Noel gain the eyes of the Azure and resurrecting tami's power and I know that sounds like an insanely complicated series of events that all had to happen for Tammy's plan to work but you have to remember this timeline Luke hundreds upon hundreds of times yes it's a crazy plan which is why it took so many tries for it to actually work also you might be looking at the title of this game wondering blaze blue Calamity trigger what's a Calamity trigger Calamity trigger was the event of Noel gained the eyes of the Azure it's called a trigger because by breaking the time Loop and by granting her the power to see all possibilities it opened up a nearly infinite number of possible realities for the future to follow and this sea of new possibilities that was formed was known as the Continuum Shift which is the title of the next game also in case anyone was wondering what the heck a blaze blue is it's just another name for the Azure grimoire yeah remember how he said everything in this game has like four or five different names there you go so that brings us to the second game but before we can begin that there's one other big nutty thing in blaze Blue's backstory that I haven't talked about yet because it would have made zero sense to you if you didn't know what observing was long ago before all the stuff with Aurelius and the black beast and the six Heroes back before any of that mankind aware of what the master unit was attempted to create their own robot God this was known as the takamagahara system which was presided over by three different AI units the takamaga horror system also had the power to observe and he used these powers to basically steer humankind controlling their Destinies however the takamagahara's observing Powers were nothing compared to the master unit so if the master unit wanted to it could overrule anything the takamaka horror system did and the togamaga horror system didn't like that so fake robot God decided it wanted to kill real robot God so they freed Yuki terami from the boundary because thanks to him having been one of the original deities from within in the boundary he was immune to phenomena interventions meaning the master unit wouldn't be able to stop him takamagahara was also the one who kept commanding takimikazuji to fire on kagetsuji because they knew it would cause the master unit to reset the universe which is what they wanted to happen again and again until they got the exact turnout they wanted so okay just to recap that the tagamagahara brought back terami to help them destroy the master unit and they kept destroying kagatsuji because they knew it would force the master unit to restart the time Loop where they would then manipulate events to try and get different results but with Noel save ragna Rachel knew the master unit wanted to keep him alive so Rachel caused the giant shield tsukoyomi to protect the city so takamagahara still didn't like these events but Tara me their little Chaos Agent down on Earth was very happy with these events because it allowed him to use Noel to gain his powers back which lets us know that even though both terami and takamagahara want the master unit destroyed they both still probably have their own plans God can you believe we're only on the second game in fact speaking of that we're awfully far into this video right now so I just wanted to say if you're still watching then thank you that means a lot to me a whole lot of work we're into this video as you can probably tell if you're still with me then I can only assume that you're enjoying the video in some way so maybe leave a like leave a comment that's the kind of stuff that lets YouTube know to promote these videos around and I awfully would appreciate it in fact tell you what everyone just go into the comments right now and just tell me how confused are you at this point Have I Lost You Do you still get it is this all just pure nonsense and you just enjoy having it on in the background some weird ASMR go ahead and let me know all that in the comments down below also going to take a quick second right now just to say if you want to support this channel even further then we do not have a patreon where you can go to get early looks at videos and you can find all that in the description down below but back to the video okay let's actually start the next story picking up right after the events of the last game Noel is tagging along with ragna but ragna tells her to get lost the two of them go their own separate ways only for Roger to get attacked by Carl he beats Carl but Nirvana stabs ragna causing him to fall down to the bottom of the hierarchical city where he lands in the Kaka Village the Kaka Clan or a group of cat-like beeskin who are all cloned from jubei during the dark war to fight against the black beast but they didn't quite turn out as good as jubes so now they all just kind of chill out here in kagatsuji Rana is saved by the protector of the Kaka Clan Tao Kaka who ragna actually met and bought food for in the last game but didn't really fit into my Story summary so I left it out but as unlikely of a pair as they are over the course of these games ragna and Tau would actually become friends as ragna enjoys Tao's company and tell things wrong is a good guy who buys her food ragno leads after he recovers and runs into a small child who also needs food what a hungry people in these games ragna buys the kid food and learns there's something strange about them this is platinum the [ __ ] and they are actually three souls in one their body contains the soul of sinna a soft-spoken young boy and Luna a foul-mouthed young girl and the two of them carry around another Knox Nick Taurus mukuren and within mukoren is the third Soul belonging to [ __ ] glassfield of the six heroes yes before being killed [ __ ] sent her soul into her noxnik tours which came into the possession of Luna and Cinna Platinum was trained by jubay to use the noxnik Taurus and you may left them with the important task of heading to kagatsuchi and finding bang shishigami speaking of bang he's been busy he meets back up with gin again after Wagner defeated him and helps him recover because even if he despises Jin bang will always help someone in need he then finds Carl and again gets a nice bonding moment with him as he helps him recover as well then Platinum finds bang and [ __ ] glassfield is able to temporarily take over platinum's body and tells bang that his true enemy isn't Jim it's the nol itself someone is working behind the scenes of the nol and they orchestrated the cargo Civil War that led to his master's death but his master's son is still alive and they can bring about the Revival of his clan and they can lead this land to a bright future but in order for that to happen bang must head back to ikarga Carl on the other hand isn't getting such good news he falls bang for a bit but then splits off to hunt down his father Aurelius he runs into YG Who again reminds him of his sister and shows that she does care about Carl and Carl for probably the first time in his entire life gets a moment to actually cry over all the horrible crap that's happened to him damn poor Carl I mean I can't like him too much because he's a puppet fighter but I do feel bad for the kid Carl then finds his father who now has his own giant puppet this is relius's own version of an oxnic Taurus called ignis fun fact ignis was also the name of Carl's mom in relia's wife well that's a weird coincidence huh yes that's exactly what you think it is really is is just the worst Australia's beats Carl and tells him that if he truly wants to save his sister then he must become like him he must come to ikarga and learn how to truly see humans as nothing more than tools for his experiments only then will his mind expand enough to learn relius's Secrets jumping back to Jen after he recovers from his injuries he finds that he can no longer use his sword for some reason it's not responding to him he even runs into ragna and challenges him again but ragna now easily stoms him down through these various battles Jin learns that he's lost his powers because the noxnik Taurus had been controlling him this entire time but now jyn was starting to get stronger he was starting to rebel against the sword yukianasa so now if he won his powers back he had to become stronger than the sword and be the one to control it this was going to be hard for Jim though because remember how Noel was sent to retrieve Jin in the last game Wilson she didn't come back now jyn is a wanted man and the rest of the nol has been ordered to kill him on site and who was leading this hunt for jyn why his old childhood friend Tsubaki yasubaki loved chin she respected him and wanted to be by his side but she was also raised thinking that the nol was always right and she shouldn't question them so when hazuma returns to the nol headquarters after the last game and tells her that she has to hunt down and kill Gina Noel she was tortured by this but she knew she had no choice and she had to agree to it now Tsubaki wasn't nearly as strong as Jenner Noel but luckily for her her family had in their possession an ancient weapon and rs armagus known as izayoi izayoi not only grants Tsubaki a huge boost to her power but it also has the ability to steal light which means that she can encase her opponents in darkness but the dumb side is that it steals the light from Tsubaki herself meaning that by you she's slowly making herself go blind also the more that she uses it the more unbalanced she begins to act however that's not because of the easy way that's because of something that I'll get to later Tsubaki ends up fighting against Noel but can't bring herself to defeat her old friend and let her go after that she ends up running into hakuman and the two of them form something of a bond with each other because in hockerman's Timeline back when he was still gin he and Tsubaki were even closer but shubaki ended up dying in that timeline and he's always cursed himself for not being able to save her however their bonding moment is cut short when hazama arrives and hazama has been busy he's been going around doing what he does best torturing and manipulating he was tempting lychee with Promises of ways to return Arachne to normal using a mysterious cloaked associate named Phantom to seal and trap Rachel and now he's showing tsubaki's Visions from another life that she could have lived one where she became Jin's assistant instead of Noel and everything was perfect it was the exact life that she always wanted causing Tsubaki to break down and curse Noel saying that all the horrible things that happened to jyn were all her fault Tsubaki goes off and she ends up fighting jyn fully giving into the dark power of the easy oil jyn has to finally step up and overcome the influence of his sword now with the life of his childhood friend on the line jyn is able to look inside of himself and on that day his heart grew three times in size okay more of like ten percent a little bit closer to five yeah June's still a total bastard but at least now that wasn't the sword making that happen that was all gin he was able to overpower the yukianasa and he was now once again in control of his powers and with these Powers he was able to stop Tsubaki so yes Jin now no longer had yukionasa commanding him to kill his brother mean Jin could now finally begin his true mission of killing his brother yeah remember how I said nothing in blaze blue could ever be because of one thing well jyn didn't just have yukionism manipulate him he also had the power of order remember that thing from like an hour ago when I said Celica had the power of order and it was just something that the Universe gave people to help balance itself and protect itself from threats well there weren't many threats larger than the black beast so Jin didn't just had the yukiyana so whispering in his ear he had also been chosen by the power of order to be the one to kill ragna that's right jyn had Kill ragna playing in Stereo his entire life both the devil and angel on his shoulders were firmly on team kill your brother now it's been a while since we checked in on kokonoi and considering it's only been about 12 hours since the last game she's been very busy a while back tager had found an destroyed cauldron another murakumo unit Lambda 11. now Lambda had a super rough life she was tortured by her creators and was haunted by the memories of her creation until eventually she was shut down and after hearing about how horrible murokumo unions are treated it might shock you to learn that Aurelius Clover was the one who invented them I know huge twist right if there's something horrible that happened in this universe and involves science it was probably really his Clover so kokonoi salvaged Lambda but Moro Kumo units need a soul to function and Lambda was basically just an empty shell at this point but luckily another morokumo Yoon had just been dumped into the boundary with a fresh Soul just sitting right there so kokonoi used her Super Signs to reach into the boundary and just took out a sliver of new 13 soul and put it in Lambda because of this Lando was mostly a Mindless obedient robot working for kokonoi but every now and again she got a brief flash of memories and feelings that she didn't understand oh also Lando 11 just happens to look a lot like ragna and Jin sister Sia but at this point if I bring up a Moro Kumo unit just go ahead and assume that also remember Makoto the squirrel girl who was fringed with Tsubaki and Noel yeah well she's actually been a double agent this whole time working for kokonoi giving her info from the nol moving over to Noel after facing off of Tsubaki she realizes she had to stop hosma so she made her way to the top of the nol base where another cauldron was waiting there hosma keeps pushing her buttons mentally torturing her until Noel eventually breaks and that's when we learn the truth about Noel her powers start fluctuating wildly her knocks Nick Taurus tries to restrain her but it can't hold her back anymore you see turns out that Noel was another Moro Kumo unit during the cargo Civil War a Moro Kumo unit called moo 12 was being developed in the city of ibukiro but its development was interrupted when the takamagahara system caused the takimikuzuchi to fire down on the city Burning It To The Ground moo 12 managed to survive though and thought that thanks to the giant sea destroying attack causing her to be born she was created with incredibly high power levels but also had Amnesia of who or what she was and so mutual was adopted into a Ridge Family given the name Noel and now Hasma had broken Noel's mind causing her to revert to her original programming he then shoves Noelle Into The Cauldron not to place her into the boundary but because cauldrons also have another function cauldron's act essentially as giant Ovens that are used for baking up Moro kumos and Noel had been taken out before she was done so ragna comes racing to stop Hasma who by the way ragna already knows is actually yukitermi and is the guy who took his sister away when he was a kid and caused jyn to burn down their home and cut off his arm so even if Noel wasn't in danger he'd still be after him but Rachel had just gotten done telling rogener that no matter what he does he can't beat hazama it would just be impossible with how he was now ragna being the anime protagonist that he is doesn't listen when someone tells him that he can't win and he charges into battle anyway only to immediately learn why he can't win I don't think so [ __ ] you're the one who's gonna eat it restriction 666 released dimensional interface force field deployed blaze blue that's quite a toy you got there kiddo I had to do that sounded like restriction 666 released deploying dimensional interface force field how did you no way time for a taste of real power boys code Sol blaze blue activate yes it turns out that Yuki Jeremy is the one who invented the blaze blue the Azure grimoire that ragna used for an arm and ragnas was the weak inferior model tammys on the other hand was the top of the line state of the art model but that wasn't the only big reveal Tammy explains that the Azure grimoire was basically a portable cauldron not just because it allowed access to the Azure inside the boundary but also because just like how cauldrons could create Moro Kumo units the Azure grimoire was designed to absorb Souls specifically to create the black beast well sort of as I said the Azure grimoire was a failed model it wasn't supposed to create the black beast much like the Azure grimmar itself the black beast was also a failed version of what Jeremy was actually aiming for a kusanagi unit yeah remember that from way back Prime field devices were robots designed to explore the boundary morokumo units were Prime fuel devices designed for combat and kusanagi units were Moro kumos designed to kill the master unit this is another reason why new 13 wanted to merge with ragna murukumo units were designed to become kusanagi units so the Azure grimmar was basically calling to her to make her whole but because the Azure primar was faulty when she and ragna merged they didn't become a kusanagi they became a black beast I know I'm repeating myself here a lot but when you get into this many crazy plot points all at once I feel like that's warranted but after all this time Tammy finally had the perfect Moro Kumo unit and he had a giant cauldron sitting up here on top of the nol base which was absorbing The Souls of everyone inside the building with these Souls it was gathering up from all the nol agents it was going to use them to turn Noel into a kusanagi this was it ragna had to stop him or all of existence was going to be destroyed ragna couldn't stop him yeah Rachel was right Roger couldn't beat Jeremy Rhino got stomped not only did Jeremy have a better Azure remark he also was in possession of oroboros another one of the noxnik Tauruses Noel then emerged from The Cauldron now fully transformed into a kusanagi and Tammy ordered her to head to the boundary and kill the master unit so yeah things were looking bad but then as Tammy moved in to deliver the killing blow to ragna in jumped Lambda 11. yeah as I said even if it was just a little bit she did have a sliver of new 13 Soul inside of her means she did care about ragna even if it was in an obsessed stalker kind of way so she jumps in and saves him sacrificing her own life to do it but as she sacrifices herself she then merges with ragna however unlike in the last game this didn't cause ragna to change into a black beast no you see kokonoi had equipped lambdo with something known as an idea engine which is a machine that kokonoi invented for the purpose of matching the power and countering a nox Nick Taurus thanks to this idea engine merging with rogner's Azure grammar ragna didn't turn to a black beast instead he wins Super Saiyan he gained a massive power up and was able to stop hosma freed Rachel from her magical prison and then dove into the boundary to find Moo 12 and he used the power of His grimoire to awaken Noel and bring her back to her senses he did end up losing his arm in the process though not the Azure grimmar arm no the other real arm yeah ragna is now 0-2 for keeping his arms from being cut off but aside from being down one arm it looks like everything worked out Noel was now in control of her body again Osama had been defeated Jin still wanting to kill ragna and was still a total a-hole but at least now he was in control of the yukionasa again everybody won right nope turns out this was all according to hosma's plans or Jeremy's plans oh God I'm going to get those two mixed up at some point later on aren't I you see even though both Tammy and the takamagahara won the master unit destroyed teremy had additional plans that didn't involve him becoming slave to another giant robot God however takamangahara had an impenetrable defense it had three supercomputers that were constantly observing itself at all times to keep anyone from being able to enter it against their will but when ragna fought moo 12 all three of the AIS turned all of their attention towards that fight and that's when terramy snuck in and implanted a computer virus into the machine that wiped out all three of the AIS leaving the giant satellite with near God level observation Powers completely unmanned Tammy then beamed down to visit the injured ragna Noel and jyn and revealed that while all this was going on he had been assembling his own Legion of Doom to help him out there was irelia's Clover the mysterious Phantom puppet that he had used in prison race who had joined him with the promises of returning right knee back to normal and Tsubaki who had been completely overtaken by the dark magic that was corrupting her mind by the way in case you're wondering how Jeremy was able to plan all this without the takamaka horror system find out about it's because remember how I said the easy Roy could steal light yeah that's the reason Tammy needed Tsubaki stealing light doesn't just mean making things dark it also means making it impossible to be seen even by a God so terminia Tsubaki to use the Iza yoy's power to block the view of even the omniscient machine God and that's when hosma could form these plans oh and in addition to the rest of this Rogues Gallery those join terami there was one other character there the emperor of the nol themselves who just happens to look a lot like ragna and Jin's sister Saya sire what the hell oh I guess we finally have a character who doesn't look like Saya they actually are Saya yes after Tammy kidnapsaya he set her up to become the leader of the nol why would he do that say it with me everyone we'll get to that later by the way this has been bugging me ever since I began these videos we keep getting told all this time that Noel and new and Lambda all look just like Saya and now we finally get to see Saya and am I the only one that doesn't see the resemblance like at all I don't know maybe it's just me so as the game ends everyone finds out that they have to leave for a cargo Ragnar Noel Jen and most of the other characters head there because that's where cyan teremir had bang heads there because he finds out that the son of his master is there Carl heads there not just to confront his father but also to rescue Miss lychee Tao tell just kind of tags along with ragna and I'm sorry talfan she's a great fun character but this is the last time I'm going to be mentioning her in this video because she doesn't really play into the plot after this point is everyone is now headed to ikarga and that leads us into the next game by the way I just want to take a moment real quick to point out I thought this video was only going to be about an hour long and we've already cleared that and we're only halfway through I'm really bad at this aren't I so yeah we might have to start going into the cliff notes version of The Cliff Notes version so blaze blue Chrono phantasma begins with everyone making their way to ikarga including kokonoi who has just been formed by the rest of sector 7 that her services will no longer be needed yeah sector 7 might not be a unified team more of just a bunch of scientists all sharing resources to fight the nol but even still they haven't been too happy with some kokonoi's actions of late however sector 7 doesn't just give you a pink slip and tell you to pack your stuff in a box and get out no if you get fired from sector seven you're not walking out of the building alive and they know that kokonoi won't go down without a fight so remember way back when I mentioned that kokonoi's right-hand man tager lost his entire Squad to a powerful villain named asriel well asriel has been imprisoned in sector 7's basement this entire time literally just chilling down there because he's so strong the only way they could restrain him was to cryogenically freeze him in near absolute zero temperatures they wake him up and asriel being a man obsessed with battle immediately wants to fight the first person he sees and considering that asriel is strong enough to break mountains in half this would be a death sentence for anyone but the scientists were smart enough to plan ahead and before waking him up they put in RS megas on asriel making it so he could only fight people that wanted to fight back Ezreal isn't too happy about this and he ends up breaking one of the guards Shoulders by giving him a Jindal pow in the back and then he sets out to find kokonohe she barely escaped with her life and she makes her way to icargo where she ends up meeting an unlikely Ally kagura mutsuki kagura is one of the strongest fighters on the planet a slovingly womanizing party animal and also the head of the inner L Royal Guard so why would the head of the nol guards want to team up with a member of sector 7. uh ex-member of sector seven because kagura and koganoi have secretly been working together to overthrow the nol why does kagrow want to overthrow the nol well because a have you seen the nol even the people that work for them know that they're messed up but more importantly because remember how bang was the number one Apprentice of Master tinjo the leader of ikarga well kagura was the number two apprentice and while bang was entrusted with tinjo's special weapon a giant male named retinjo that he carries on his back kagura was entrusted with tinjo's son homura and kagura wants to place homura in charge of the nol now as for the other Heroes Noel and Makoto joined tager as they brought to the nol headquarters in karga and joined kokonoi and kagura bang makes his way to a cargo with Carl and platinum the Trinity tagging along jyn finishes train under Juve to learn how to use the power of order a brand new character bullet is investigating what happened to her old captain from her mercenary days believing he's still alive and working for sector seven spoiler alert it's tiger if you couldn't figure that out another brand new character Amani nishki is leading a traveling theater troop through ikarga at the moment and surprisingly enough between bullet and Amani Amani is the one who will actually play into the story in a major way later on and ragna well ragna ain't doing too well sure he got the massive power up in the last game and kokonoi even replaced his missing arm with a robotic one but he's having a bit of a crisis of Faith he's finally going off to face terami and confront his sister but things aren't sitting well with him and that's leading to his Azure grimoire acting up for the time being though he can still fight pretty well as he ends up facing offici who's only say when hakuman jumps into protector and then he comes face to face with terramy who reveals another member of his League of villains new 13. yeah they reached into the boundary and fished her out and she's just as murder happy for ragna as ever back to kokonoy and kagra kokonoi says that Saya and Tammy are playing something devastating and it's going to require bunch of Seether so if they want to stop them they need to find a way to neutralize Alice either if only there was some way to get rid of all the Seether on the planet oh wait a second yes folks we're finally at that point where stuff in the prologue is starting to come back and pay off koganoi was going to find kushinara's linchpin and use it to take away Tammy and saya's Power as well as the power of anyone who uses ours Magus but hey kokonoi is a scientist who hates magic so she's okay with that also in case it wasn't clear by now if you're wondering why kokonoi is doing this and helping everyone it's because she knows that Jeremy and irelia's and sire are all just monsters and she's been working to stop them for years now I mean Kobe noi wasn't really a big fan of her mom that's why she rejected magic and embraced science but Jeremy still killed her mom koganoi is going to be pissed about that no matter what but you might be wondering how exactly are they playing on activating the linchpin I mean they needed Celica to make it work and Celica was killed years ago when the church burned down well that's when kokonoi reveals her secret weapon silica Mercury yeah it turns out that long ago right after the dark war Celica found a magic mirror that created a duplicate of celica's soul and stored it inside of it which is maybe the most convenient thing I've ever heard of in a video game hey we need this character's soul but they died years ago oh you didn't know that off-screen decades ago their soul was cloned by a magic artifact that we haven't mentioned before so yeah Celica is back and basically is a ghost from the past a Phantasm from another time a Chrono phantasma if you will that's the name of the game so it looks like our heroes have a plan but they need to hurry because now there's suddenly a brand new problem they're facing Saya has started warping space and time yeah remember the takamagahara system the floating satellite that had the power to create massive phenomena interventions well the three AI programs that we're controlling it have been deleted so Saya has moved right in and made herself at home enjoying the new perks of being able to shift reality around at her whim now she wasn't making huge changes or anything she wasn't wiping people from existence or anything like that but our heroes did find themselves looking around and suddenly asking what the did everything just jump around or did my brain just stroke off there for a second you know this is a weird episode why I'm using Futurama Clips instead of Simpson Clips so in other words they realized time was running out now from here on there's tons of character interaction stuff and hey that's all great really explores these characters but again I'm going to skip most of that because we need to move this video along but a few things of importance did happen such as bang finding relish Clover and learning from him the truth about the akarika war that wasn't started because the people of the cargo won Independence but because sector 7 and the nol waged a war with each other and both of them needed Souls now I'll get to why the nol needed Souls soon but sector 7 needed them because they were trying to create a black beast and as I said black beasts require a bunch of sacrifices in fact remember how I said takamakahara fire takimikazuji down on the village in ibukido and wiped it off the face of the Earth that's because that's where the black beast was being created and they almost succeeded so taco had to step in and bang does not take kindly to learn that his people were sacrificed just for some madman's quest for power Ragnar runs into Celica and suddenly he can't use his right arm the arm with the Azure grimmar on it because as we've established celica's mere presence neutralizes Seether ragna is then captured by kagura and taken back to inneruel's base where Rachel appears and as always gives some really vague hints about what's going on telling them a story about a girl who's reading a book and that book has a beginning and an ending but all the pages in the middle have been ripped out the story starts with a princess being kidnapped and then it ends with a hero killing a monster only to reveal that the princess was the monster and the young girl tries to rewrite the story to save the princess but the end is already written meaning it will always end like that why does she tell them this story because it's a metaphor for everything that's going to happen later kokonoi tells ragna that they'll release him from his cell but he has to stick around and to make sure that he doesn't leave she puts Celica in charge of watching over him and more importantly she tells Rogan that if he gets too far away from Celica then a bomb that she planted in his robot arm will go off this is all a lie though there is no bomb but she's worried that rogda might lose control of the Azure Remar and she knows that Celica can keep it neutralized also in case anyone is wondering ragna has no idea who Celica is because she's back to being a teenager and he only knew her as an adult and since she went on to be a nun he never actually knew her name when he was growing up he always just called her sister Jin continues his journey to ikarga and along the way he runs into hakuman during their encounter he confirms his suspicions that huckerman is him from a different timeline he asked hakuman about Chewbacca in the easyoid to try and find some hint of how to snap her out of her dark Moody emo phase Jin then arrives at the nol base and joins everyone else and the Gang now starts playing to take down Saya I want to remind everyone right now for the sake of time I'm skipping a whole lot of character bonding moments that are very nice and they flesh out these characters but there's a ton of it in here and we just don't have time for it if you pick these games up for yourself then I encourage you to check these story modes out out just to get these characters fleshed out because yeah it's some really good stuff back to the bullet points Rachel helps Noel train her new moral Kumo and observer Powers but while they're trained Noelle is attacked by arachnid why is Arachne there because irelia's Clover captured him turn him into his servant and then equipped him with an idea engine remember that thing that Lambda had that was basically the anti-noxnic tourist attack yeah now Arachne was upgraded from sludgy Foot Soldier to boss monster the Noel is rescued by kagra who smacks Arachne away kagura then meets with bang that night and the two former Disciples of tinju discuss kagura's plan to overthrow the nol and revealed tinju's son hamura to be safe and in his care they tell bang to head to a specific location and wait there with the nail that his mentor had given him and they say that when the time was right he would know what to do with it so now it was time for Our Heroes to start their plan first up they had to save Tsubaki but they also had to deal with asriel who is on a one-man Warpath across the country to find kokonoi well had a plan to kill two birds with one stone they had ragna in their possession and he had the highest bounty in the world mean a lot of people wanting to catch him and turn him in but since kagura was still the head of the nwell guards admit ragna was already in nol custody so kagura announced a fighting tournament because it was the only anime Trope this series was missing he said that whoever won this tournament could turn ragna in and get the penalty on his head this brought Tsubaki there as a member of the nol to oversee everything and it also Drew azrael's attention but more importantly this tournament had another purpose as I said Scio was now in control of the takamagahara meaning she could create massive phenomena interventions making it next to impossible to stop her she was strong enough to reshape an entire city all at once but not strong enough to reshape the entire world at least not yet so if they televise this tournament to the entire world and made sure it had as many people watching as possible then say I couldn't use her Observer powers to reshape anything going on yeah basically when you use Observer Powers you make something true that wasn't true so if you're standing around just two or three people your Observer powers can convince them that whatever you're observing into reality is real you're affecting what you're observing as well as everything around it but when the entire world is tuning in and watching something your Observer Powers won't work on it because too many people from outside your range of influence can see it and would know that you changed something so the Tournament begins and Noel Makoto and Jin face off with Tsubaki Noel uses her new eye of the Azure powers to observe the evil that is taking over tsubaki's mind causing her to transform into the embodiment of the easy oil itself at which point Jin comes in and reaches out to her Tsubaki is able to awaken inside the easy Roy and regain her senses turns out it wasn't the easy oil that was brainwashing Tsubaki remember how teremi was being forced to fight for the heroes during the dark war because nine Put a Spell on him Saya had done the exact same thing to Tsubaki but thanks to her friend she was able to break free of her control but then there's the matter of the giant muscle man that was rampaging in the stadium Ezreal jumps in and starts going for ragna and for a moment it looks like ragna is about to lose control of the Azure grammar but he's able to pull through it making his allies think that maybe he can control this power after all kagura then comes in and goes a few rounds with asriel but once he realizes the spell that asriel is under he simply refuses to fight this causes Azrael to lose all of his powers and he can no longer fight anymore and kokonoi is now able to teleport him away so things were starting to move along but before our heroes could take the fight to SAI and tear me they had to get ragna in fighting shape so Rachel takes ragna Celica and Noel to the destroyed cauldron of ibukido in other words where Noel was created it using a whole bunch of crazy magical stuff that I won't get into Rachel and Celica are able to send ragna back in time now hey remember way way back in the prologue when I mentioned that Celica a hundred years ago found an injured man named blood Edge who she healed back to life yep that was ragna ragna got sent a hundred years into the past where he lost his memories he only remembered that he was called blood Edge but he still felt something towards Celica and he knew he had to help her so he escorted Celica on her quest to find her father met her sister nine and [ __ ] and a young jubei and eventually they all found kushina's linchpin but upon finding it they learned that Celica would die if she activated it upon hearing this ragna regained all of his memories and he couldn't let Celica sacrifice herself so he told them that he had a way to stop the black beast for one year and in that year they had to find a way to stop the black bees that didn't involve killing Celica so ragna confronted the black beast was absorbed into it and it turns out that ingesting yourself isn't that good for you because it caused the Beast to shut down for an entire year and you all know what happened from there so ragna died in the past yes and also no because in the present Noel was able to use the eye of the Azure to observe ragna still being alive which brought him back now you might be thinking wait so if you're an observer then you can Resurrect The Dead well if you have God level Observer Powers then sure you can reshape all reality but nobody in our cast of characters has that level of power just yet the reason why Noelle was able to bring ragna back was because even though he spent days in the past in our time he was only gone for a second so basically she didn't really bring him back to life he just disappeared and then she observed a reality where he was still there which also explains why he still has his coat and sword with him despite handing him off to Celica in the past but when Roger came back he returned with his memories of the past and upon realizing that Celica would have to sacrifice herself he realizes he has to protect her and not just her but everyone else yeah again I'm just giving over all the character interaction stuff but over the course of this game celgan ragna started to get really close with each other and realizing that he has to protect her that's what clears up the emotional fog that's been plaguing Wagner throughout this entire game so now ragna was finally ready to fight again and he wasn't the only one you might have been thinking to yourself hey there's a group of characters who we haven't talked about in a while and you're right because as all this was happening the six Heroes were reuniting with a plan to take down terramin hockerman valgenheim jubei and platinum now with training in control all teamed up at Rachel's Manor and after [ __ ] met with Celica and got some emotional closure they all headed out using Trinity's Noxxic Taurus which enhances her alchemic abilities they separated hosma and tarami they needed to do this because if they just destroyed hosma then Jeremy would still survive in his Spirit form they had to turn tami's Spirit by into a solid form and then destroy it it looked like they succeeded however Trinity was injured as a result but in the process of all this the heroes came face to face with Phantom yet remember the magical puppet that terramy and relias were carrying around while the heroes confronted it and learned that the puppet was actually nine Tammy had fished her out of the boundary and then had relius turn her into a puppet now back to ragna he confronted kokonoi and is angry that she was actually willing to sacrifice cell how to use the linchpin at which point Rachel appears and tells them that there is actually another way to activate it yes the machine does need a soul but there's another soul out there that can sync up with the linchpin and that Soul belongs to someone who was already dead and they had stored their soul inside of an oxnic Taurus just for this exact occasion but what was the snoxic Taurus and where could they find it I mean all we know is that shaped like a giant nail and who has a Noxxic Taurus shaped like a giant oh yes when tindro entrusted the Giant nail ratindro to bang and told him that was the spirit of ikarga turns out that was literal The Nail House tindro Soul inside because they realize it might be needed for this exact occasion so ragna silica Noel head off to meet bang where kagura told him to wait and in case you're wondering right now wait so cogra told bang to take the nail to kushina's linchpin but he didn't know that the nail would work on Kushi not his linchpin the nail would be needed to make kushinas lunge pin work but they thought they also needed celica's Soul he didn't know that there was already a soul also inside the nail that would also work do you see what I mean when I say everything in blaze blue has way too many steps to it Roanoke confronts bang and after a quick scuffle they revealed that the rotundo is the key to saving the world he just has to drive it into the linchpin bang doesn't quite understand but he agrees to go along with it trusting in what his allies have told him only for them to be interrupted by raelius clover with YG backing him up so that situation gets bad quick and it isn't looking much better for the other Heroes kagura Jin hibiki kagura's assistant who's been here the entire time but I couldn't find a good spot to introduce him into the summary and hamura are confronted by Saya who quickly beats them but when she sees hamura she realizes oh you're the kid of tinjo wait so you were planning on overthrowing me and putting hamura in charge well you know what I'm feeling generous today so Saya broadcast herself to the entire world and tells them listen I'm stepping down as the head of the nol and I'm handing my position over to hamura you all think that this will be to a perfect world that's great I think you humans are just wonderful with your little goals and your dreams and whatnot so go go make your little Utopia and I'll give you my parting gift death okay time to finally explain who or more accurately what Saya is Saya is just the outer shell of this creature on the inside she is actually the god of death Hades izanami you see when they talk about freed Yuki terami they believed he could help them bring about doomsday a prophesized day in which the god of death would be able to kill the master unit now Jeremy was on board with this except for the part about having to work for the talk about a heart system but he already took care of that so in order for this to happen they would have to create a vessel that the god of death could inhabit really is clover attempted to create such a body with an early murokumo unit however it didn't work but something else surprising happened the moro Kumo unit he created had three children yes apparently Moro Kumo units can have children but the process by which it's possible is really weird and even I don't fully understand it important important thing is it happened and as you can probably guess these three children were ragna Jin and Saya and even though jubei rescued them and took them to safety Tammy found them and realized that the one in a million offspring of a Moro Kumo unit could be just what they needed so he kidnapped sire for this experiment and gave Jim the sword that he could use to burn the home down and cut his brother's arm off and kill Celica because terami didn't have a body just yet so he needed something to keep him in this world something permanent that would always be there and that thing was a grudge he stole sire to be the body for izanami and then made Jin attack ragna so that way ragna would keep Tammy in his mind 24 7. allowing Tami to keep living in this world that's right Tammy did all those horrible things to ragna so that way he could literally live rent free in his mind and so Tammy andrellius use Saya to be a vessel for izanami and then they use their own influence as well as some help from the takamagahara system manipulating things to get izanami to rise in the ranks until they became the head of the nol and in addition to that they also realized that science bio was perfect for housing this God then it must be the peak design for murokumo units so they would base all future Moro Kumo units on her which is why Noel new and Lambda all look like Saya and after Juve told ragna that the nol was making robot versions of his sister in the cauldrons that's why ragnan decided to suit up and go out and destroy all the cauldrons also because the cauldrons were going to be used for something else you see I mentioned that the nol had bases all around the world and each of these bases had cauldrons inside them and cauldrons made Moro Kumo units but as we saw when Noel got turned into move 12 in the last game these cauldrons can also absorb Souls so putting all these cauldrons around the world was all for this day when izanami would have the cauldrons activate and absorb The Souls of everyone around the world bringing all these souls to a focal point creating a large swirling mass of energy called the embryo what was the embryo going to do a whole bunch of complicated stuff that I'm not going to get into here but the important thing is it would summon the master Yoon out of the boundary and into this world where it could be killed oh and to make matters worse remember the giant monster in the satellite in space take mikizuji yeah izanami calls the satellite down crashing it into the Earth and now takimikazuchi is here and ready to start destroying anyone that tries to stop her plans so okay izanami god of death sucking up The Souls of everyone on Earth the master unit here in our reality ready to be killed Taki mikazuji down on Earth stopping anyone from getting close to izanami the only way to stop all of this was to shove the retinjo nail into the linchpin then for kokonoi to teleport the linchpin right to where izanami was problem is relius and lychee aren't letting Our Heroes anywhere near the linchpin but then the Cavalry finally arrives someone appears to help turn the tide of battle it's Carl yes bang had been a friend to Carl when no one else would and he provided Carl with support and encouragement when he needed it most acting almost as a mentor to him and now when bang needed help he arrived to oh wait no he he's actually joining the villains Yeah Carl betrays bangs trust in this ice storm really is so that way he can help teach him how to turn his sister back to normal and to protect YG who reminds him of his sister so yeah things just became even worse for the good guys but then Makoto and Bucky arrive allowing ragna Noel and seligid to head off to face izanami and the Taki mikizuchi bang Tsubaki and Makoto face off with relius Carl and lychee but they're at a standstill neither side is giving an inch and time is running out bang has to activate the linchpin now or else All Is Lost it looks truly hopeless for Our Heroes but then valkenheim jumps in to hold off relius allowing bang to jump on top of the linchpin just before kokonore teleports it away at that moment bang puts everything he has into hammering the nail directly into the linchpin and bang the guy who has largely been treated as a joke throughout this entire series ends up saving the day Master grant me the spoon let my request be met with favor Master let my spirit reach you for love and Justice Phoenix [Music] well almost this is able to stop the cauldrons from sucking up everyone's Souls but they're still the matter of the Mastery here in our reality about to be killed and the giant Kaiju that's rampaging around Noel team up and they're able to stop the Taki mikizuchi though then Rachel jumped in and once again summons the giant Shield tsukuyomi to save the master unit again I'd like to remind everyone yes there's about 10 other things going on right now that involve many other characters but we're skipping all that in order to keep this as simple as possible ragna Jin and Noel then move on to finally face izanami only for izanami to then cause the black beast to awaken inside of ragna so in the Twilight moments of this crisis ragna is overcome by the black beast and Jenna Noel have to stop him or else All Is Lost this is lining up to be the most dramatic battle in the entire franchise cut to the dramatic battle now yeah you don't actually get to see any of that fight instead we cut two after the battle where izanami has escaped no one can use ours Magus anymore because all this either is gone except of course for a handful of lucky people who apparently were just chosen by the Azure to still wield their powers translation all the characters that you can play as in the game so the world is kind of in disarray and speaking of disarray Jin was smacked around so badly by the black beast ragna that he's now bedridden and he may never wake up again and ragna well ragna wakes up in a vast Wasteland looks up and sees the giant embryo that he's anomalous crane out of all the souls still just hanging up there in the air and ragna has no memory of who he is and that is Chrono phantasma easily the biggest story so far in these games but thankfully we finally start to explain all that stuff that I've been putting off for later which means we only have one more game to go the Epic finale and things are about to get even weirder now before we get into the final game Central fiction I just just want to remind everyone that these are fighting games I know a little hard to remember that when hour two of the story recap is on the horizon but this does mean that some stuff might happen in the story that makes you think why on Earth would you do that but it's all to justify how these games can keep every character from the previous games coming back for the roster and hey the fact that these games kept every single character coming back for every single game is one of the best things about blazeblue from a fighting game perspective from a story perspective it's one of the worst things because it leads to just some really bizarre justifications for how characters can still be here or what decisions characters end up making so all right final game Central fiction here we go wrong of the blood Edge missing in without his memories Jin finally woken up but he's injured and unable to walk anymore Noel as we know I was doing okay oh no way she actually lost all her powers and she has no memory of how that happened ah yeah just a big day for taking L's isn't it Jin doesn't want to accept what's happened to him he says he still must kill ragna before he can die which causes Tsubaki who again is in love with Jin and 100 loyal to him to set out on her own quest to kill ragna but then Jin is visited by the spirit of [ __ ] glassfield yeah after her run in with Hasma and Terry in the last game and yes we do need to start referring to them as separate people now Trinity was separated from Platinum so here's the thing Platinum was a body that Trinity created to house The Souls of Luna in Cinna while keeping her own bite in the noxnik tours in order to stabilize that body but now that Trinity had been separated from her knocks Nick Taurus Luna and Cinna were fading away so Trinity offered jyn a deal she would heal his body and in exchange he would carry her soul in his sword until they were able to find platinum and reunite them training warns him though that if she does this he would only be healed temporarily and by the time the healing powers were off he would die Jun doesn't care about any of that though he just has one question if I take this deal would I be able to kill ragda and she says sure I don't see why not and he says that's all I need to hear deal so while jyn was heading out to face ragna again all the other Heroes were assembling to discuss how to stop izanami this is certainly saying up to be an exciting final showdown right well remember how izanami had gathered all those Souls together and they were just floating up their menacingly well that was all she needed for her final plan because just as the heroes had assembled again izanami used the power of the embryo to create a Time Loop yes izanami sucked everyone into the embryo and next thing you know ragna is waking up on his way to the hierarchical city of kagajsuchi he still has no memories of who he is though but everyone keeps telling him that he's supposed to go to kagajsuchi and destroy the cauldron so he just kind of goes along with it for now and so he goes to kagatsuchi he buys telkaka food he fights Arachne fights Carl it's all the greatest hits and nobody has any idea that they're stuck in a Time Loop except for jyn who remembers everything because he has the power of order in fact I'll jump ahead a bit here now and say Jin is able to find platinum and he is able to use the power of order to keep them from fading away like Marty McFly how does the power of order keep them from faying away good question yeah listen there's a lot in blaze blue that isn't properly explained and the power of order is at the top of that list it's basically a deus ex machina ability that lets people do whatever the writer needs them to do in that moment but essentially it allows him to observe them back into existence I'll just go ahead and leave it at that because observing is the end-all be-all ability in this franchise and I guess the power of order gives him that now too so everyone is living their lives from the first game again with some small changes here and there but as ragna is making his way to The Cauldron he's starting to remember his past and what he can't remember everyone is more than happy to remind him of they tell him about the cauldrons that he's destroyed about the cities that were wrecked because of this and the hundreds upon hundreds of nol soldiers that ragna killed in Cold Blood yeah this was actually kind of a shocking moment when I played through it because okay his name is rotten in the blood Edge that sounds pretty edgy and I knew he had a massive bounty on his head from destroying the cauldrons but I never really thought it that far through that's about as far as I went with it I hadn't really stopped to think about until now but yeah those cauldrons were guarded by people ragna probably sliced right through but even if I had thought of it that way I probably would have assumed that Rana had just I don't know knocked the guards out or snuck past them I mean this is our protagonist we followed him for three games now and sure he's been kind of a Gruff jerk at times okay most of the time but we always saw that when push came to shove he had a good heart to him so when the game turns to you and says oh no he's got one of the highest body counts in recorded history yeah it's kind of shocking I mean okay sure lots of video games have characters who fight off armies of bad guys and yes if you stop and think about it sure you're killing those bad guys but you never look at Nathan Drake and think oh yeah that guy is one of the biggest Mass murderers in history and that's because those games never turn to you and say you are playing a murderer those random enemies were people they had lives and your character killed them and Rondo was shocked too you can tell as the story goes on that this is hitting him hard and then when he finally reaches the cauldron and he fights new 13. he doesn't try to destroy her instead he reaches his hand out and says he wants to save her yeah remember that story that Rachel told ragna in the last game and I said it would all come back around yeah here it comes now I'll be honest with you I'm not entirely sure what it was that made ragna change his ways here maybe it was because he didn't have his memories so he didn't have a truckload of emotional damage telling him to destroy his sister's robot clones maybe it was because in the back of his mind he still had the experience of the last few days of meeting Celica and Noel and so many other people that inspired him to be a better person maybe it's because he just spent the last 24 hours with people telling him that he was a horrible person who had done horrible things and he decided he didn't want to be that person anymore whatever it was he broke the time loop on the first try and tried to help new instead of killing her would shock 9 the Phantom a whole lot yeah nine was now acting on her own probably because being inside the embryo broke whatever control rayles and Tammy had over her I'll admit it's not entirely fully explained and I'm a little bit hazy on but all that you need to know is that she's back she's in control of her body again but guess what nine had kind of gone nuts from being in the boundary for an entire century and now she was firmly on team burn everything to the ground she breaks the illusion that everyone was under in the time Loop and tells Our Heroes the reason you're here is because you've been chosen by the Azure and one of you will become the one to inherit the Azure and that means you'll get to recreate the entire world in whatever way you want so your greatest wildest dreams can all become real but if you want to do that then you have to make your way to izanami and kill her oh and one more thing doomsday is still happening yeah you guys didn't stop that the master unit is still trapped in here with all of us and every second it's here the closer it gets to dying and taking the whole universe with it so you're on the clock chop chop you better kill izanami quick however as Sushi tells everyone this another phenomenon intervention happens and everyone gets shoveled around Rhino meets up with bang and the two of them start traveling back to ikarga Noelle meets up with her old schoolmate Mai who is a great character but all of her backstory happens in a manga that doesn't really hold any importance to anything else that's going on right now so sadly I'm going to skip over her and speaking of that Celica ends up meeting up with naoto korigani now though comes from a light manga spin-off but he actually does play into the story of Ted so real quick he's essentially an alternate reality version of ragna and he's been sent into this world to try and find his friend Raquel who is his reality's version of Rachel the main reason I'm bringing him up is because as I said the master unit is dying and all reality is crumbling away but the reason izanami isn't able to speed up the destruction of the world is because of naoto since he comes from another reality he's thrown a monkey wrench into this world's destruction think of it like this if you're trying to melt a stick of butter in the microwave but then someone throws in there a sheet of tin foil it's going to cause problems izanami is trying to run program world destruction.exe but it keeps running into this one file that it can't identify so it can't progress further on his way to face izanami ragna runs into Rachel but unfortunately they also run into Azrael who was able to free himself from kokonoi's Trap when the world got sucked into the embryo things look bad especially for Rachel who is quickly losing her powers yeah you remember how I said that she has crazy Godly Powers because she was the bystander well those Powers have been leaving Rachel ever since she got sucked into this world but that's not because of the embryo or izanami or the master unit or anything else like that that's because Rachel was a bystander and part of the deal of being a bystander was that you couldn't interfere with the course of the world and I don't know if you've been paying attention but Rachel has been interfering a lot with the course of the world So eventually the universe just goes all right you've been warned Rachel you're fired you're no longer the bystander hey who was that dancer that was leading that theater troupe yeah they'd probably be fine with just sitting back and watching the world play out yep remember Amani nishki from the last game that's the new bystander so Rana is going to have to face off with asriel alone or so he thinks Adriel says he wants Roger to get stronger before fighting him and at that moment ragna is then teleported away as he is then summoned by the master unit to fight izanami although izanami is confused to see him here because only the chosen can exist within this world and only the chosen can FaZe her but ragno wasn't chosen which might be why he lost his memories when he got sucked into the embryo so ragna faces off with izanami and even though ragna had planned on killing Saya for years after everything he had gone through he decide he now wanted to save her but izanami just laughs this off and says that's not possible and then she Dives onto ragna's sword it appears she's killed herself only for another phenomenal intervention to start izanami says this is because that girl did not wish for this outcome who is that girl izanami tells ragna to look in into her eyes and upon staring into them ragna sees a woman strung up and izanami reveals that is a matarasu that is the master unit itself that is what is inside the giant robot God it's a young woman who looks exactly like Noel izanami then reveals that all of this was a trick that this promise that you'll get your greatest wish and you'll get to reshape the universe as you want if you defeat her is impossible because izanami is the drive of the master unit that would mean a lot more to you if you knew what a drive was okay time for more explaining in the game itself Drive is an ability that every single character has that's unique to them but speaking in terms of the story a drive is a power within your soul that the Azure gives shape to at least that's how the game defines it but I understand that that sounds really really vague basically if your soul is strong then the Azure can bless you with a unique power but you can also develop this drivability if you get close enough and touch the Azure then your soul will form some new power based on this exposure it's really confusing but all you need to know is basically izanami is a part of the master unit so so you can't destroy one without destroying the other and remember if you destroy the master unit you destroy the world so I guess the easiest way to explain is think of it like this izanami is the master unit's stand some of you are probably still very confused and some of you now understand it perfectly izanami was created from the master Union's anger hatred longing for their existence to end so they created a god of death and now that god of death was making it so the only way to defeat her was for the master unit to die and so another phenomena intervention happened and Ragnar was sent back in time to when he was traveling with bang a few hours earlier and he realizes once again they were stuck in a Time loop with everyone going on to fight and kill izanami but every time they tried to kill her those Fighters would experience torment they wouldn't get their greatest wish they would only see their worst nightmares and then they'd be sent back in time just like him one thing I really enjoy about blazeblue is that every single character's arcade mode is actually Canon imagined in Calamity trigger every character's story in arcade modes were part of the time Loop but this continues on in every single game in Continuum Shift you see different paths for every single character playing now in the arcade mode but that's because those are the different possibilities that Noel was observing into existence in Chrono phantasma every single character has a unique boss fight at the end of that that shows their own different path and now in Central fiction whenever each character faces off with izanami in the arcade mode that's basically their ticket being called and them going up for their turn to defeat her now you've probably got some questions for my game we all have questions we have nothing but questions at this point but there's one question in particular you probably have above all others right now who was that girl that looked like Noel inside the master unit all right blade blue has a ton of backstory there's so much that happened before the very first game and we already went over a good chunk of it but we're now going further than we ever have before to the biggest reveal of the game the thing that makes you look at this entire series completely different you ready you ready for the big reveal the thing that will change the way that you look at this game forever the thing this entire series was about here it comes get ready he's been sitting there ever since you left this morning just like he does every day world of his own shout out to the five people out there who are interested in learning the lore of blazeblue and are also familiar with what saint elsewhere is the tiny sliver of people in the overlap of that Venn diagram are currently losing their minds yes folks the entire world of blazeblue isn't the real world well it is but it wasn't the original real world it was a fake World created by the master unit after the original world was destroyed yes when Tammy originally escaped from the master unit he manipulated scientists into discovering the boundary and there they found the Looney Tunes style human-shaped hole in the wall that he left when he broke out these scientists realized this was a way for them to gain ultimate power and be like Gods so they tried to explore the boundary but quickly learned that humans couldn't survive in it so they created the prime fuel devices and they sent their first model out who from this point forward will be referred to as the original and the original made contact with the master unit and merged with it the scientists were excited because they assumed this meant that they would be the ones controlling the master unit but just like how susanoo started as an empty suit of armor and then slowly grew a soul the Azure in the boundary caused the original to also grow a soul and it didn't want to obey these scientists and be because all the prime fuel devices are linked the original's Awakening caused all the other Prime fuel devices to grow their own souls and minds and start thinking for themselves as well but don't worry these Prime fuel devices just want to be friends they wanted to work with humans and be treated as equals like living beings with rights and dignity to which the humans said it's bringing love don't let it get away break his legs yep humans being humans proceeded to fear people they did not understand and declared war on the prime field devices and so the original had to sit there in the boundary and watch as their own kind was slaughtered but the humans went a bit overboard in this war not only did they build their own fake robot God the takamaga hard who try and rival the master unit but they also want to build a greater weapon than the prime fuel devices to wipe them all out that greater weapon the black beast yes the very first black beast was created to try and take out the prime field devices and surprise surprise the humans couldn't control it it ended up rampaging across the entire world destroying every single human until the Earth was nothing more than a flaming scorched Wasteland experiencing a great sadness over all this the original used the power of the Azure to create a brand new world as if none of this had ever happened and nobody would ever know about the past except for Yuki tarami who remember is immune to phenomena interventions meaning even though the rest of the world was Rewritten around him he stuck around ready to try and destroy the world all over again and this time take the master unit with it but wait all this Universal crane dream logic goes even deeper imagine izanami was a part of the original well so were all the other morokumo units izanami was the original's response to the death and destruction she had witnessed Lambda was the embodiment of the sadness she had experienced new was okay I've been told two different things about this one I've seen people say that new was the original wanting someone to come and rescue her which is why she's so Lovestruck over ragna but then that raises some questions about why she also wants to kill ragna but then I've seen other people saying that new was The Originals longing for a family which makes her obsession with ragna even creepier ew so uh yeah I'm going to stick with that first theory that she's her longing for someone to come and rescue her because then it at least makes that moment where ragna offers to save new kind of sweet and Noel was the original belonging to be treated as a normal human being but here's the big reveal ragna yeah he is 100 a creation of the original and I don't mean like how everything in this world was created by the original no I mean ragno was specifically handmade custom ordered by the original to be the person to come and rescue her yeah he is the Valiant Knight in that story that Rachel was talking about in the last game in other words he's the character that the original created to be the center of this entire story he is the central fiction that's why every time that the takamakahara needed to reset the time Loop they would destroy kagatsuchi because even if this was a time Loop where ragna didn't become the black beast that attack would still end up killing him and that would force the original to reset the loop to try and save ragna it's also probably another reason why terramy made sure to torture ragna as a kid but not kill him if he killed him it would reset the loop but by torturing him and filling him with rage it made sure that it turned him into a dark angry Edge Lord who wanted to kill people rather than a heroic knight in shining armor that wanted to save people it'd be like if Lex Luthor wanted to mess with Superman but he knew he couldn't kill him so he just goes back in time and tells him Hey listen man ignore all that stuff that your parents are telling you about caring about other people it's all about looking out for number one kid trust me I know what I'm talking about this would also explain why when Rodney confronts izanami and said he wanted to save her either Nami threw herself on his sword because actually saving izonami and the original is what the original won it all along so if that happened then the world might actually be saved and izanami can't have that and these aren't even the only little tidbits that we can look at and go oh I think they were hinting at this being true all along if you go back to some of the early games they flat out spell this out for you you just don't understand what they're talking about just yet this world is nothing but lies lies lies lies lies lies hmm you know if I didn't know any bear I'd say Tammy was trying to tell us something so okay I promise you that is the last big massive reveal time to race towards the finish line of this story so Rodney gets sucked into a small pocket Dimension created by Hasma not terami though because remember after the event of the last game hosma and Tammy are now two separate people husband is basically the same as Terry though but he's less pissed off and he's more mischievous yeah something to point out Tammy isn't quite the same person depending on what body he's in his personality is always merged with whoever he's combined with so even though Hasma was a puppet Creator to be Jeremy's body now that they're separated they are acting slightly different from each other and they're not the only ones divided up because hazuma has kidnapped mu-12 you mean Noel no I don't moo 12 and Noel became separated in the embryo so Rhonda takes moo with him to be reconnected with Noel who is about to have a very bad day because all these people trying to challenge izanami are now being given a brand new Mission if you you really want your dreams to come true you have to kill Noel and many of them actually tried to do it yes some of the heroes who we've been following throughout these games finds out they have to kill Noel to get what they want and many of them agree to it yeah it's kind of messed up but I will say when rodner confronts bang he's like the one character who says he won't do it yeah he could have his home back his Nation could be rebuilt his master and his clan could be revived but he would never ever consider harming an innocent woman to make that happen thank shijigami treated like a joke but he's the realest dude in this entire series so ragna has to protect Noel now but he has an idea remember the Azure remark has the power to absorb Souls but was in concentration Rodney can absorb just a part of the Soul specifically a person's dreams and I don't mean the dreams that you have when you're asleep no I mean your goals the things that you want most in this world in other words the things that all these characters are fighting for so Rana goes from one character to another fighting them and then stealing away their memories of the things that they want the most making them no longer interested in fighting izanami or Noel and trying to get the Azure however he is also stealing everyone's dreams for another reason that I'll get to later that is the final I'll get to it later in this video I promise so now that ragna has snapped everyone back to their senses they all team up again and Noel and moo 12 merged back together they realize that the only way to stop izanami is to stop the phenomena interventions now the master unit was causing some of them but nine was causing the rest of them so they had to go and stop nine and Destroy her noctnick Taurus Requiem which was basically a giant God inside of a jar they go to her lab fight nine who is kicking their butts but then nine sees Celica and she freezes for a moment giving ragnan the opening he needs to defeat her however their Victory is short-lived as izanami finds them but nine uses her noxnik Taurus to freeze time around them for a few days izanami is frozen but before our heroes can get caught in this same trap Celica uses her powers to teleport everyone away and they find themselves warped back to a small Church the exact Church where Ragnar Jin and Saya all grew up now fully rebuilt here in the embryo the team takes a few days to look their wounds realizing that as soon as nine spell wears off izanami will be freed again and The World Won't have much time left before it fades away and speaking of fading away remember Celica wasn't really herself she was a clone of the original celica's soul and because of that she had basically been living on borrowed time and the amount of energy that she had to exert to get everyone away from Nine's trapped before they were frozen in place used up what little energy she had left she's able to spend a few final days with ragna and her friends and then Wishes the heroes good luck as she Fades away so with time running out ragna Jin Noel and Rachel all head back to kokonoi and kagura's headquarters there they're joined by hakuman hakuman then reveals that the reason why this timeline has gone so differently from his is because of Noel Noel didn't exist in his timeline which doesn't really make any sense because we saw the timeline where hakuman was Jin in the first game and we do see him interacting with Noel although after he interacts with her he then starts screaming out who are you so maybe the Noel that he was seen was Noel from another reality that the power of order was allowing him to see God this is all just too confusing you know what screw it we're almost done just go with it for now so basically they say Noel is a one in a million possibility because since she was created when takimikazuji attacked the lab that she was being created in it caused her to be born with incredibly High Powers this is why even at a young age he was able to summon out her knocks Nick Taurus it's why when she looked into the boundary she was granted the eye of the Azure and why out of all the moro Kumo units she's the one who was able to become a kusanagi god Slayer and it's because thanks to the power that was used to create her Noel is the moro Kumo Yoon who is most closely linked to the original and her soul is connected with hers which also means that it's connected to all the other moroccuro units so their new plan is now to go to izanami and then have Noel absorb izanami into her herself so they make their way towards izanami but because of some very convoluted magical mishaps the whole team gets split apart and ends up facing off with different threats Jin and kagra face off with asriel hakuman and Tsubaki face off with relius Rachel is kidnapped by Hasma and ragna and Noel face izanami but there's another bit of bad news that just reared its head you see the master unit had been dragged into this world but the Azure still existed inside the boundary and the Azure itself is a living thing so it decided to activate its own defense system in response to everything that was going on it called upon a robotic soldier from another reality s s is from the visual novel spin-off X Blaze and just like the mangas I'm not going to get into the whole plot of them I will say that the x-blaze games are unique because they do provide some information on the inner workings of the blaze blue Universe for example the concept of drives being something in the story rather than just a game mechanic is first explorer in x plays the embryo that izanami's building is introduced in x-blaze there's some more information on the boundary that's explored however I'll let you know right now that's all just extra credit stuff it's just there to fill in the nooks and crannies and blaisewu is a franchise that loves to put in way too many nooks and crannies so yeah check out next place if you want but it isn't necessary to understand what's going on then again I say that as somebody who still isn't entirely sure he knows what's going on so what do I know what's important for now is that s had been enlisted by the Azure to clean up this world you see the only people that should still be alive in this world right now are the chosen who are supposed to compete for the Azure but because Ragnar took away everyone's dreams to keep them from going after Noel nobody was a chosen candidate anymore so as was going to go up to these characters and erase them from existence meaning Not only was the world fading away but now the heroes themselves were all coming down with a bad case of I don't feel so good Mr Stark but ragna and Noel were able to beat izanami with Noel absorbing her into herself meaning now Noel had the memories of being Sia making Noel for all intents and purposes ragna's sister but little by little the world was still being shipped away they had to do something about the master unit unfortunately new 13 pops up and ragna has to beat her one final time but as a result of the battle the heroes were attracted and Yuki teramy pops up and takes out hakumen taramy then takes hakuman's armor and hops into it himself causing him to turn back into his original Self the Sousa no oh susanoo grabs Noel in the master Yoon and vanishes with them they realize that he must have taken them outside of the embryo into the space where their world used to exist which is when they finally address what they've all feared everything outside the embryo was gone they hadn't just been sucked into this little tiny ball of Souls and as soon as they managed to break it they'll just go back to the real world the real world was gone the world they used to know had been turned into nothingness which means they either got the master unit back and used its power to restore reality or all was lost now you might be wondering why did Jeremy take the master unit and Noel away didn't he want to kill them why didn't he just do that here and now it's because even at his most powerful in the susanillo arm Jeremy still couldn't kill the master unit but if he went back into the boundary then he could reach the true Azure and obtain enough power from it to destroy the master unit once and for all although it's revealed that's not even his true plan his true plan isn't to just destroy the master unit it's to force the master unit to create new worlds for him that he can then keep destroying he wants to force the master unit to watch him destroy her Creations over and over again until the end of time you know what I'm just going to say it I don't care much for this term he felt he seems kind of like a jerk now the reason why he took Noel with him is because the true Azure was blocked off by a gay but since Noel had the eyes of the Azure she could open it the azure's guardian s tries to stop Tara me but as Susan no oh he was far too strong for her and easily overpowered her so our heroes and by that I mean the three or four of them that were still surviving at this point had to find a way to get back into the boundary 3 which meant jumping into a cauldron they head back to the cauldron in kagatsuchi where all this began only to be greeted by hazama yes Jeremy's old suit had his own plans on how to torture these Heroes and that started with Rachel who he was holding captive he was going to throw her into the boundary and without her powers the boundary would rip her very Soul apart Hasma and ragna fight and even though ragna wins hazama still knocks Rachel Into The Cauldron it looks like this is the in for her until at the last minute naoto jumps in and saves her yeah been a while since I mentioned him but he's still been around I really dig this moan for naoto because remember he came to this reality looking for his friend Raquel and even though he didn't find her here at the very end of the game he ends up saving this reality's version of Raquel but that was it for naoto his time in this world was up and he too ends up fading away wishing the other Heroes good luck with his final moments and he's not the only one who's about to go away ragna says goodbye to Rachel and even though they'd spent their entire lives having a very aggressive relationship with each other constantly hurling insults back and forth in that moment Rachel realizes what ragna is planning to do and so the two of them dropped the attitude they dropped their bickering dropped the insults and she bids him farewell knowing that this is the last time she will ever see him oh yeah and Jin confront Tami and they're able to beat him out of the susanoo unit but the gate to the Azure has opened and ragna follows Jeremy inside where the two of them have their final battle and there just moments before Tammy can gain the power of a god ragna takes on the form of the Grim Reaper that he had become known for and he's able to strike down terramy for the final time killing him for good so the day has been saved ragna Jin Noel are all one big happy family again right well not quite there's still one problem ragna knows that their world is still broken and as long as he continues to exist then the world will still be built around him meaning that I could always keep looping again and again everyone was still trapped in a story that was written entirely around him so he has to use the master unit to erase himself from existence but Noel and jyn refuse to accept this ragna fought off Noel and uses the grimar to steal her dreams just like he did everyone else including the dreams of Saya in the original unit the dreams that were keeping everyone trapped in this continuous looping story and then he finally squares off with jyn who got the final battle with ragna that he always wanted except that now Jin was fighting to save his brother and keep him from sacrificing himself he lost though and in that final moment ragna hugged his brother and sister as they broke down crying it might same amount of character for gin to suddenly care about ragna but you have to remember his whole life he has been wanting to kill ragna because of his sword and because of the power of order but they commanded jyn to kill ragna because he was the black beast because he was a threat that had to be stopped but now ragna was going to sacrifice himself the black thieves was no longer a threat meaning that when you see Jin crying here and fighting to save his brother this is probably the first time in over a decade that jyn actually got to be himself again and actually got to show rangna how he really felt that he actually did care for him as a brother or maybe he's just sad that he didn't get to be the one to kill ragna who knows so ragno left Jin and Noel with [ __ ] who took them back to their world and she even disposed of the susano unit back into the boundary returning the thing that exposed the boundary to Mankind and kicked all this suffering off back to the darkness from whence it came Ragnar then went to the master Yoon and spoke with saya's dream that he had absorbed into his arm and told Saya that he was sorry for making her wait so long but now it was time to finally wake up so Ragnar used the master unit to erase himself from existence all traces of him ever existing were gone including from everyone's memories before he vanished he had to create a brand new world and that's when he revealed the other reason why he had been absorbing everyone's dreams he channeled all the dreams he'd been absorbing into the master unit and these dreams created the new world blazeblue was set in a world where everything was controlled the mass are you in controlled Everyone by trapping them in a Time Loop and then the events of each Loop were manipulated by the takimagahara system everyone was a prisoner to their fate and to the gods who were sculpting reality for them but here at the end Wagner creates a brand new world with no Gods to govern them just the hopes and dreams of the people all those things that the heroes wanted everything that they had dreamed of was now possible mankind could now finally shape the future that it always wanted it just had to go out there and make it happen we end our story with a look at this brand new world Noel has quit the nol and has gone back to the church where Saya grew up being joined by Lambda and now helping new 13 to recover Jin and kagra had returned the nol but now they were working underneath the brand new emperor hamura bang is joined by his clan as they all work together to rebuild a cargo it truly is a bright new world where everyone has a chance for a better tomorrow except for Carl uh yeah Carl kinda got a rough deal and it looks like they're saying him up to be the next big villain damn poor Carl but hey everyone else turned out all right and the story ends with Rachel looking over the sword of someone she doesn't remember but she says that it gives her hope and she promises that one day she'll find who this sword belongs to and that ladies and gentlemen is the story of blazeblue not including most of the mangas and spin-off games but if you just wanted to play through the fighting games that is the story that you need to know so far I've mostly just stuck to what was happening without giving my own two sins about but I will say this is a story load with unique imaginative ideas and amazing characters but I can't lie it is a beast to get through and it could easily be simplified I mean hell this was the simplified version of the story and I still could have cut some stuff out it totally could have been told in a clear more straightforward manner it definitely has the feeling that they just kept padding more onto the story without someone there to edit or tell them to cut something out and I'll admit I the biggest fan and of most of central fiction story I love how Central fiction ends but I feel like going oh hey we're just snapping The Infinity Gauntlet and rewinding everything and then you all have to race to beat the god of death sort of took the story that had been building up over the course of three games and threw a whole lot of it out I mean a lot of these characters have their own personal Journeys and that's one of the best things about the cast of this game and then here at the very end everyone is just stuck in another time Loop where they don't remember anything and then they're all just throw into a very anime version of it's a Madman mad mad world and I feel like some of that is simply because yeah it's a fighting game that uses Sprites mean they need a reason to bring everyone back and not change them around too much like when bang takes his iconic nail and shoves it into the linchpin that's huge that takes away something that he had been carrying around this entire franchise what's it going to be like for bang to not have the retinjo anymore what's it going to be like for Our Heroes now exist in a world that doesn't have ours magus oh we just started up the pocket universe and now everything is reset ah got it oh Jeremy is separated from hosmo so we don't need hazuma in the story anymore wait no a lot of people will use him in the game and he plays differently from tammys so we have to come up with some very convoluted reason to bring him back so yeah I can't lie Central fiction feels like it fell apart for me in many places however I still love these characters I think they're fun I think their character interactions are great and while this story might be dense it's partly because every single character has their own goals and Quest and that makes the meech stand out so much more than most other fighting game characters so even with the problems that I might have with this story it's a great vehicle for some amazing characters but what did you think as I said I wanted to make this not to be the complete 100 guide Wiki on tape version of blazeblue I wanted to be a summation of the story in a way that people could understand because damn did blaze blue really need a video like that and I really hope that I was able to accomplish that I hope someone out there who is always been curious about these games understands it better now and maybe someone who is intimidated again to these games because they felt that the lore was just too thick now it feels like they can finally jump in and give it a try so let me know how you felt about today's video in the comments down below you know what let's get a comment train going here everybody let me know in the comments who's your favorite blaze blue character just let me know who your favorite is and let me know why you like them in the comments down below and if you want to follow me around the web you can find me on Twitter Tumblr Instagram all at thorgy's arcade and if you did like this video then please please please please I'm asking you very nicely here just leave us a thumbs up leave a comment hit the Subscribe Button as you can tell an astronomical amount of work went into making this video so a thumbs up would let me know that you guys appreciate it also it lets YouTube know to share 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Channel: Thorgi's Arcade
Views: 332,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blazblue, Arc System Works
Id: c37s3BA4i8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 39sec (9159 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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