The Complete THE KING OF FIGHTERS Story Explained - KOF 94 To KOF XV Lore

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the King of Fighters snk's biggest franchise known for not only its great gameplay but amazing and intricate lore in this video I'm going to take you through the entire story and lore of the King of Fighters franchise from the very first game in 1994 up to the King of Fighters 15 gathering this information verifying it and making it accessible took me months to compile with that said I would be very grateful if you show your support by leaving a like on this video doing so not only helps this video reach more viewers but also helps the channel entirely now without further Ado sit back and enjoy the ultimate complete story and lore of the King of Fighters the beginning of the story of the King of Fighters did not start with the first game set in 1994 the story of the franchise begins 1,800 years into the past a deity known as oroi sees itself as the spirit of the earth and could no longer tolerate human civilization's expansion at the expense of nature so it decides to destroy the human race once and for all the demon sometimes seen as an eight-headed snake gathered a large following in the form of a clan the eight strongest Warriors of this clan are known as the Haku Orosi decided to use the powers of nature to wipe Humanity from existence the hesu and the human race waged countless Wars until the leaders of three Japanese Clans the kusanagi yasakani and diata defeated the demon with three mystical Treasures the kusanagi sword The asak Jewel and the yata mirror the oroshi was defeated but not vanquished as the spirit of the Earth the demon could never be fully killed so the three Clans decided to use their three mystical Treasures to seal Orosi in a suspended State the second major event in the King of Fighters story takes us to 660 years before the events of the King of Fighters 94 centuries after being defeated and sealed the Seal of oroi has started weakening the then leaders of the three sacred Clans the kusanagi yasakani and yata decided to move the seal to a hidden location wanting to this rupt their Unity One of the hesu killed the yasakani leader's wife and blamed it on the kusanagi clan angered by his loss yasakani made a blood paack with oroshi to gain the necessary power for Revenge the yasakani would then changed their family name to Yagami and as a side effect to the oroshi blood now flowing in their veins the once Crimson flames of the yasakani changed to a purple one fast forward to 1994 Fighters around the world received a mysterious invitation calling them to form a team of three members and enter the new King of Fighters tournament while the tournament itself is not new as it was already been held in previous occasions this will Mark the first iteration to Feature A Team format the invitations were received by many great warriors like the Bogard Brothers the kugan master and disciples mercenaries sport Sportsmen and even pop Idols one of the teams invited consists of a newly formed friendship of three Fighters Kio kusanagi descendant of the kusanagi clan as well as two other members which he recently met and fought in a Japanese Martial Arts Tournament The Eccentric benimaru Nik kaido and the Judo Master Goro diamon the three formed the Japan team and would go on to reach the finals of the new kof tournament the three Fighters were involed ided by the mysterious organizer secretary to join him on board of his massive ship the black Noah when arrived Kio was surprised to find his father SAU kusanagi the current head of the kusanagi clan and family badly injured and defeated turns out SAU felt something odd about the tournament organizer and decided to take on the mysterious character known as zugal Bernstein Ral revealed himself to the Japan team and explained his true goal behind organizing the tournament to capture the best fighters and turn them into Bronze Statues to add them to his collection after a difficult fight Kio and his teammates defeated [Music] ugal and willing to accept defeat the madman attempted to blow up his ship along with the hero team while the Japan team escaped rugal was presumed dead and so was kio's father a year will go by and as Kio returns from a training Journey he receives along with benim Mar onoro a new invitation from matur rugal secretary after first attacking and testing their skills the letter had the same mysterious R seal on it Kio benimar onoro wondered whether this means that rugal is still alive all the teams from the previous tournament received their invitations for the new King of Fighters 95 including the American sports team but not for long as they were attacked by three other fighters who would defeat them and steal their kof invitation the attackers were Billy Khan AG Kisaragi and Yori Yagami the current hair to the Yagami Clan formerly known as the yasakani Yori wanted a chance to enter the tournament and kill kiok kusanagi as the two families have been at each other's throat since the Orochi incident 660 years ago the Kingo Fighters 95 has started and once again the Japan team would reach the finals after defeating yagami's rival team as Kio benim Maru and Goro were waiting to be crowned as the victors and mysterious gas filled their chamber and they all fell unconscious once awake the hero team were surprised to see none other than rugal Bernstein alive and well revealing that he has been pulling the strings throughout the entire ire tournament with the help of his new secretary Vice Kio enraged vows to defeat rugal once and for all but before he could attack an unexpected fighter comes to ral's help it was kio's father SAU kusanagi who was presumed dead after the events of the King of Fighters 94 it was revealed that Vice had Brainwashed the kusanagi leader and is now up to Kio to stop his own father thanks to kio's strength SAU Was Defeated and was free of gal invites brainwashing it was time for the final battle of the King of Fighters 95 as Kio Benny Maru and Goro took on a more powerful rugat with the ladder tapping into the Orosi power given to him years ago the battle was fierce but Kiyoko sanagi was able to once again defeat the villain trying to tap into more of the oroi power ral's body could not handle the immense energy causing in his body to disintegrate few months later kiok kusanagi who now sees himself as an invincible fighter would be approached by a mysterious figure who would challenge the kusan Gare to a fight this man was so powerful that the hero team leader would not land a single blow against him [Music] badly injured Kio would then be rushed to the hospital feeling humiliated Kio kusanagi decides to take his training more seriously vowing to extract his revenge on this mysterious fo few more months after this incident the King of Fighters 96 was announced but this time with a Twist the event has now exploded in popularity and this new tournament would be hosted on an international level K and his friends would form the hero team once again and many teams from previous tournaments are making a comeback some in a similar fashion like the fellow Fury or Kim's team While others with unexpected changes like the iari team with their leader hyen leaving his place for his adopted daughter Leona the biggest surprise of the participating teams however was without a doubt the Yagami team consisting of Yori Yagami and ral's previous secretaries Vice and mature these two mysterious women track the Yori prior to the tournament and persuaded the yagam miare to join their team as they will help him get the fight against Kio that he always wanted once again the tournament ran its course with the teams fighting spectacular battles the hero team made of K benim marong Goro would reach the finals once again and are now greeted by a mysterious woman shizuru kagura who revealed herself as the organizer of this year's tournament as well as the guardian of the after a brief fight testing the skills of the hero team kagura revealed that her true goal was to lure out the kusanagi anagami hars to unite and fight the real threat The Awakening of oroi but before she could explain any further the man who previously defeated Kio and sent him to the hospital made his entrance and destroys the stadium where the finals were held he also happened to be the same man who killed shisu's twin sister Maki years ago his name is Genet and he reveals himself as the leader of the hesu the powerful warriors of the oroi clan he also reveals that mature and vice were working under him all this time and were keeping an eye on Yori aami since he is a descendant of the yasakani and thus the oroshi blood runs in his veins seeing an opportunity to finally end all the three hairs of the Clans that defeated his demon Master 18800 years ago Genet at attacks the trio but is ultimately defeated by Kio with the help of Yori in shizuru humiliated Genet took his own [Music] life understanding what lies ahead shizuru asks Kio and Yori to put their differences aside and join her as their ancestors once did and be ready to fight and prevent the resurrection of horoi however both konori rejected the idea of working together and went their separate ways shortly after that aori loses himself to the mysterious rage and seemingly kills both Vice and [Music] mature the stadium destruction incident was officially reported as a terrorist attack despite all that the king of FS 96 tournament was deemed a massive media and Commercial Success and big corporations were now racing to sponsor the next iteration of the now famous kof tournament which led to the eventual announcement of the King of Fighters 97 as expected many teams from the previous tournaments made their return while some are joining for Glory or fame others are hoping for answers such as the iari Warriors as Leona Hyer has been suffering from unexplained headaches and hallucinations along with the returning teams new ones were also making their debut like the new women Fighters team with now shizuru kagura joining M King as she felt that the Awakening of Orosi is at hand and hopes to convince Kori to join her in her battle to save the world another new team that joined the event for the first time is one made of newcomers yashir ranak Kaz Chris and shery this new team was not originally invited to the King of Fighters 97 the trio known as CYS on a popular music band while they were getting ready to perform in a show the club owner canceled their appearance at the last minute in favor of booking another Music Show featuring Yori aami furious at the man with the red hair as yashiro calls him they decided to steal an invitation from the American sports team and entered the tournament in order to have the Revenge speaking of hiori the Yagami ha has also been suffering from headaches and huc ation similar to Leona he was also being haunted by Vice inmature whom he previously slayed at the end of the previous tournament mocking him for being unable to have his revenge on K all these events made eori decide to enter the tournament as a single entry contestant and on the subject of single entry contestants another unknown wouldbe fighter decides to join the foray having watched The King of Fighters 96 on television and realizing that his schoolmate k kusanagi is a famed fighter and Champion the young shingo yabuki decides to become a pupil of kusanagi despite the latter refusing Having learned kio's moves by watching him every day shingo also enters the King of Fighters 97 the King of Fighters 97 has started and again countless exciting battles took place with many of them receiving worldwide media coverage during the tournament however the annex expected has happened the new faces team made of yashiro Chris and shery suddenly remembered their true nature they are part of the hesu specifically the four Heavenly Kings along with the now deceased genets once their past memories regained they used the tournament to draw in half power from all the fighters in order to finally awaken the long dormant aoi around the same time Kio finally confronts hiori and what would seem to be the fight of their lives but all of a sudden Yori entered his rage state known as the riot of the [Music] blood similarly Leona also finds herself in the same uncontrolled rage as it turns out she also has the blood of Ori as her true father gel was a reformed hesu as for Yori having awakened from the riot of the blood decides to accept shisu's call to team up with her and K and formed the sacred Treasures team to stop Piro Chris and shery from Reviving oroi The Sacred Treasures team took on the three Heavenly Kings yashu shery and Chris who revealed their plan to sacrifice kio's girlfriend Yuki in order to revive the dormant deity [Music] an intense fight between the two teams took [Music] place the power generated by the unprecedented battle helped oroi awaken from his Slumber but it was not enough for the demon to have a physical form seeing that there is no other choice yashiro and Sheri sacrific themselves in order to transfer their energy to who would be used as the vessel of oro's return the demon that terrorized the world 18800 years ago is now back but history repeats itself and the battle and like anything seen before took place as the three descendants of the kusanagi yasakani and yata join forces and defeat the demon just as their ancestors once did oroshi sensing his defeat awakens the riot of the blood in Yori hoping that he will turn on Kon [Music] shizuru but instead Yori Yagami was able to control his his rage and directs it towards OS as Yagami jumps on the demon and grabs him by the neck Kio suddenly gets a vision as he hears the voices of many of the yasakani clan members explaining the history behind the Yagami and the connection to oroi Kio then uses the opportunity created by Yori and gives oroshi a final death blow as shizuru uses her yata powers to reeal oroi [Music] an explosion took place as the three Warriors lose Consciousness oroshi is finally defeated but upon waking up chizuru finds aori yet there was no sign of Kio the King of Fighters 97 final battle was an event that which the world has never seen the likes before as kyok kusanagi Yori Yagami in chizuru kagura pairs to the ancient three Japanese Clans fought and defeated oroi but unknown to everyone this massive battle was been observed by a shadowy organization the cartel known as nests after the battle with Orosi the three Heroes lost Consciousness and nest's team used the opportunity to kidnap Kio for unknown reasons upon waking up both Yori and chizuru were surprised to not find Kio nearby they weeks and months would go by and the world has no idea where kiok kusanagi is the massive kingle Fighters 97 battle and Fallout was thought to be enough to have the competition canceled but the world was surprised to see new invitations sent to Fighters around the world calling them to a new tournament the King of Fighters 99 this new tournament would change the competition's format each team will now consist of four Fighters instead of three while the battles themselves are still three versus three the fourth character is dubbed a striker and can be summoned at any time during the match to help in the fight but in a limited number of times benim maruni kaido kusanagi's closest friend received an invitation to be part of a special team made of him as well as the self- declared kyuk sanagi pupil shingo abuki the two other Fighters were new to the scene Kash and Maxima both benim Maru and shingo were confused about the identity of these two new Fighters as they have never heard their names and are unknown in the world of martial arts Hayer the leader of the eati Warriors has also received an invitation but decides to not participate instead he orders his mercenaries Leona Ral and Clark to join the competition to investigate this year's event as for the fourth member hayen recruits a new mercenary to the squad the young military member Sally who goes by the name whip as she is an expert in using and controlling a whip as a weapon many fighters join the competition to prove their strength including the fal Fury team the art of fighting team and the Korea team other teams are coming to hopefully find answers like the cycle soldiers team where its longtime member C kenu mysteriously lost his powers only for them to reappear in another person the young child known as B who also joins the team for this iteration of the King of Fighters as for aori kio's disappearance haunted him and he decided to do his own investigation which made him aware of the nest cartel as he saved kio's gerland Yuki from being abducted by the evil organization Yori would spend months hunting down Nest bases looking for his arch enemy k the King of Fighters tournament has begun fighters from around the world were taken on each other in the new for team format Hayer who was monitoring the suspicious tournament confirmed from the satellite A mysterious image of many individuals looking very similar to kyok kusanagi all exitting suspicious crafts all over the world the King of Fighters 99 ran his course and the new hero team made of Benny Maru shingo kadash and Maxima has won the event the winning team was then transported to an underground facility to meet the organizer of this year's event he reveals himself as criid and he surprisingly looked like Kash to benimaru and shingo's surprise Cris it thanks Kash and Maxima for their hard work revealing they were agents of nests all along the goal of this tournament was to gather Fighters data and use them to activate and number of clones that were created from kio's DNA after Nest kidnapped him following the Battle of oroi chiseled also reveals that kashh is another clone made from kris's own DNA created using the same technology as the Kio clones and revealed that shocked Kash to his core to finalize the mission chid orders Kash and Maxima to collect what he calls the trigger data a data that would Grant the Clones the ability to kill people the Killer Instinct kadashian Maxima stood still unknown to all of them kyok kusanagi has recently woke up in one of the nest lab in the same underground facility looking for answers an exhausted Kio started making his way towards the area where a massive battle is about to begin Kash and Maxima furious at the revelation of how controlled and manipulated their lives were decided to ignore Chris's order and joined benimaru and shingo in an attempt to stop the Clones activation after a grand battle kadash defeats krisel upon his defeat a mysterious voice tells chrisit that he had failed and is no longer needed NES then remotely destroys the base after retrieving the battle data severely wounding crisl it in the process as the base starts collapsing kiok kusanagi made his way to the Battleground and for a few seconds is reunited with benim Maru shingo Kon kadash exchanged stairs both Fighters knew they are connected to each other as K's DNA was infused with kash's one to create the ultimate Nest fire benim Maro and shingo safely made it outside the base but Kio was nowhere to be seen as the hero decides to go his separate way to find who is behind the next cartel and Destroy them the evil organization tried to dispose of Kadesh and Maxima but were unsuccessful the xn Fighters then decide it is time to take control of their lives to rebel and destroy the cartel themselves making their way through the debris The iari Warriors were looking for survivors inside the destroyed Nest base whip will then find her way into the area where the last battle took place and found kelid badly injured he calls whip his sister and asked her why she left the cartel years ago whip asked him whether he can recall his father's face to which chrisit says he cannot whip tells chrisit that he was kash's clone and not the opposite and that she is not his sister moments later cisit presumably dies months would go by and the net organization remains silent and in the shadows Hider trying to figure out the cartel's next move was instructed by his friend and Commander link to bring down Kash and Maxima as the two have been responsible for what was believed to be terrorist attacks the truth was that these attacks were solely on secret Nest basis as the two Warriors are on a mission to bring the organization down a new kof was announced link wanted to learn more about K Das and Maxima so he instructed two of his secret agents Vanessa and Seth to form two teams and enter the tournament first Vanessa would approach the famous Lucha lib Ramon to join her and team up with the two fugitives kadash and Maxima as for Seth his mission was to investigate the secretive Hoku Clan and its mysterious missing leader Ron Seth finds Lynn another member of the hizoku who also searches for his missing leader the two along with his old friend benimaru and shingo form the new benim Maru team as usual many teams return and the King of Fighters 2000 has started with the new K Dash gam making it to the finals but before they could find the truth about this year's event K Dash was attacked by a mysterious young Warrior Kola Diamond Kula was a product of Nas and her code name was anti K Dash she was built as the opposite of K Dash and can control ice to prevent a similar scenario like kash's betrayal Kula was always accompanied and monitored by an Android candy as well as two of nest's top agents foxy and Diana despite her strength Kola could not defeat Kash and was forced to retreat around the same time link and his associates betray Hyer and revealed his true intention of powering up the space station weapon known as the zoc cannon link then orders to have the King of Fighters Victors the hero team brought to him it turned out that the real link was murdered a while ago and was replaced by the supposed Nest high ranking officer zto however Z's real plan was to destroy Nest using his space based weapon and create a new world order where he is the only ruler in order to power up the dangerous weapon zero used kof to harness the energy of the fighters through the nest generators which allowed him to operate the zeroc cannon for the first time and in an instant wipes out an entire city of the map Zero's next step is to power the generator once more using the energy from his next battle against the hero team then use it to destroy nest and the world with it the final battle between zero and the new hero team has begun Kash and his teammates were able to subdue zero but before they could end the match zero attempts to use the cannon once more yet the weapon malfunctioned as it turned out that Nest agents foxy and Diana have changed the control of the weapon and aimed it at zero [Music] himself hyen taking advantage of the moment removes the weapon remote control from Zero's hand [Music] simultaneously Kola along with Candi went to orbit and destroyed the space [Music] weapon the explosion sent the young Nest operative falling through space only to be protected by her Android Ally Candi calling Kula her friend candi's robot body does not survive the fall but this act changes something in Kola forever as the zeroc Canon debris fell down to earth Vanessa and Ramon safely make it out of the base while whip from the iari Warriors finds the Dian zero who reveals to her that she is also a product of nests a clone herself furious at the reveal whip shoots zero end in the life of the double agent Nest operative as for K Dash the X Nest fighter had a vision a lost memory taken from him years ago of a little girl whom he called his sister after snapping out of the Daydream Kash and Maxima find themselves in front of whip Kash realizes that she looks exactly like the grown-up version of the little girl he saw in his vision as the satellite debris kept falling Kash Maxima and whip decide to join forces and take down nass together both Kay and whip knowing deep down that they are related almost a year would go by the incident which saw an entire city wiped off the globe with the use of the zeroc cannon was reported to be the result of an artificial satellite Crashing Down to Earth while many people were hoping for the tournament cancellation somehow the event exponentially grew in popularity again which led to the King of Fighters 2001 to be announced and with that came the unexpected announcement that an official team from nas is entering the tournament marking the first time the shadowy organization is officially stepping into the light the tournament kept the four members team set in but this time each team can decide how many fighters and how many Strikers it can have per match the trio of K Dash maximan whip will enter the latest tournament along with Lynn as for the nest team it was made of the cartel's latest creations k49 and anhel as well as Foxy and Kula the two agents responsible for destroying this zeroc cannon in the previous year n goal behind the new tournament is to gather all their enemies in one place and finally destroy them once and for all k49 was the 99,999 clone of Kio and was made to be the perfect weapon for the organization yet he was emotionally unstable and quickly to lose his temper he also does not trust foxy and Kola and prefers to work only with anhel with whom he gets long Kula on the other hand has been questioning her existence ever since the incident that caused candi's destruction she also feels some sort of bond to kadash that she cannot explain even though she knew she was born to destroy him another surprised return to the tournament is kiok kusanagi the hero has been on a mission since he escaped from nest's grasp to destroy the organization he teams up with benim Maru Goro Dion and shingo to form the Japan team one once again as for aori he was approached by Seth to join his team with Vanessa and Ramon while he first refused he quickly changed his mind and accepted once he heard that Kio is going to be at the event the tournament began Fighters all the new duked it out on the international level many matches brought Unforgettable moments the new hero team of Kash Maxima Whip and Lynn won the competition and were invited on board of a blimp as part of the ceremony however the blimp was in fact a spaceship in Disguise that started ascending to space taking the winners to the real base of the nest cartel inside the spaceship a similar yet different figure made its entrance it's zetto the real zetto revealing the nest double agents that was defeated in the previous tournament was a mer clone the new zto challenges the winning team to a match he was accompanied aned by his genetically engineered black pet lion gugan chrisit who was presumed dead at the end of the King of Fighters 99 and Ron the hoko leader that Lynn has been searching for the hero team managed to defeat zto and his teammates moments before the ship docked at the nest basing orbit zero urges the hero team to go forward before his ship gets destroyed killing zero chid gugan and apparently Ron at the same time and with no reason foxy and koua were attacked from behind by k49 in unhel in tandem with another massive reveal that is about to take place back in the nest's main base kadash and his teammates are now face to face with the leader of the cartel the man named Nest but not for long as it turns out Nest was murdered a long time ago by his son ignis without the cartel knowing ignis was using a virtual image pretending that his father is still the one calling the shots proclaiming himself a god ignis shocked the winning team by revealing that he was the one behind their creation and memory manipulation before he challenges them to their final fight ignis decided to restore their memories as he wanted to find them at full power a fierce battle took place and like anything kadash in his teammates have ever seen but with the combined might of the heroes ignis Was Defeated unable to accept his loss he declares himself a devil and one that will destroy as many lives as possible ignis launches the space station hurling towards [Music] Earth Kula seeing the base Fallen rushes down towards the Descent Zone luckily and presumably thanks to Ron who was still alive the station was diverted towards the water the hero survived the fall koua who jumped under water was saved by kadash a new Bond was formed between these two x Nest agents standing ashore looking at the Impact Zone Kash Maxima and whip decide to join forces with a now reformed kouan foxy and a new saga for these Warriors is about to begin as Nest is finally destroyed as for k49 and unhel they decided to leave their nest lives behind and would not be heard from for a very long time somewhere not far from the tournament venue Kio and aori are finally about to have the battle they both longed for but who would win the answer to that question still goes an answer Orochi G's will terrorized the e for a long time until his plans were stopped by the three sacred Treasures 1,800 years ago however the being known as oroi is only one of many deities that are regarded as the world's Wills in fact some ancient Scrolls even talk about as many as 10 Wills or Gods each with a different power and each with dedicated followers one of these beans was terrorized in europe, 1600 years before the event of the first King of Fighters game those who follow this deity are known as those from the distant land the deity and leader of this clan is called psyche and he can control the flow of time unlike oroi who tolerated human existence psyche has no need nor patience for humans and wants them [Music] exterminated yet this destructive plan was challenged by a French Noble family the blandor who made it their mission to protect the innocent and destroy those from the distant land but as the war waged between the noble family the evil Clan all of a sudden those from the distant land along with their leader psyche mysteriously vanished without a trace the plantor continued to fight those who still follow the path of psyche for generations and centuries is to come back to the present it now has been 2 years since nest's destruction and the new King of Fighters tournament has been announced as usual many fighters and teams would receive an invitation the organizer of the new King of Fighters 2003 event is yet again shrouded in mystery one of the fighters who received an invitation is a young excentric looking young man with silver hair and green fire powers known as Ash crimson Ash would meet with two other Fighters Shen Wu and Dulan and ask them to join his team and enter the King of Fighters 2003 shenu was a famous street boxer from shangai who was nicknamed as the God of War within the Triads for his sheer strength he always wanted to participate in the famed King of Fighters tournament and accept the offer du LA on the other hand is a hizoku clan member and also happens to be the son of the Clan's missing leader Ron duon is hoping to find clues about his missing father who made an appearance in the previous tournament chizuru kagura the guardian of the oroi seal has been getting visions of her deceased sister Maki feeling something is not right chisu requests both Kio and Yori to form the sacred Treasures team and once again enter the new tournament while both of them initially refused they end up agreeing and entered the contest despite their rivalry the aario Warriors have also been invited and while they do enter the contest the trio along with hyr have been busy tracking a mysterious Airship that has been Crossing World borders and noticed the king of fathers 2003 tournament has started with both old and new Fighters fighting to their hearts content this year's tournament is no longer allowing the four team system instead each team is now again made of three members but a new mechanic called the quick shift has been introduced this new rule allows characters to tag in and out at any time during the battle switching Fighters within the same round the new team made of Ash duon and shenu made it to the finals and to their surprise the organizer behind this new tournament is none other than chizuru kagura who was acting unlike herself chizuru uses her powers to transport the team to where the autoi seal is located she then uses the power of the yata mirror to create a living illusion of her deceased sister Maki not too far from the tournament venue the iar Warriors infiltrated The Mysterious flying ship once inside they meet Rose and adelheid who reveal themselves to be the children of rugal Bernstein the reason behind them flying over the tournament venue using their Sky Fortress called the sky NOA remained unclear adhy the eldest of the siblings takes on the iari Warriors but loses and unlike his father adelheid showed honor and humility accept in his defeat and will prove in the future to be an important Ally to hyr and the heroes as for chizuru and the newly created Maki the two sisters were defeated by Ash and his team then suddenly shisu loes Consciousness and Maki disappears a massive figure emerges mukai along with another character ban who seemed to have been controlling chizuru like a puppet all along mukai reveals that he is a member of those from the distant land and their motive is to break the seal of oroi and awaken the evil deity to feed the demons energy to their Master Ash and his team take on mokai and were able to get the upper hand in the battle yet mukai seemed unscathed laughing in the face of Ash and his team and promising them that this is only the beginning mukai Retreats along with ban the hero team are then transported away from the seal shenwu not caring about the whole ordeal decides to part way and hoping to team up again in the future duon senses the presence of Ron nearby and leaves abruptly which leaves Ash Crimson who de decides to go back to the oroi seal to achieve his mysterious plan at the oroi seal K and Yori were checking on the wounded chizuru then all of a sudden chizuru kagura is attacked from behind it was Ash Crimson revealing that his plan all along was to steal these sacred Treasures for unknown reasons and he starts with shizuru as he extracts the essence of the yata mirror from the wounded Guardian before konori could get to him Ash disappears in the shadows leaving a number of unanswered questions now that shizuru has lost her powers the oroi seal is once again broken months would go by and as the seasons change a new King of Fighters tournament is announced one of the new participants this year is Elizabeth plantor The Last Descendant of the plantor noble family which have been protecting Europe from those of the distant land for centuries the reason for her involvement is that she heard about Ash Crimson latest troubles and wants to know the reason behind his actions it turns out that Ash and Elizabeth grew up together in her family's mension she took Ash in when they were both young and considered him her younger brother and part of the family as he grew up Ash has also been taught the family ways and lifelong mission of fighting those from the distant land yet it all changed when an accidental fire burned down the family Mansion killing most of the modernday blunto family members leaving only Elizabeth with her adopted brother Ash alive but suddenly few months ago Ash disappeared without leaving a trace and would only surface at the previous the King of Fighters 2003 tournament Elizabeth joins Benny marun kaido and duon who also want to know more about Ash and his hidden agenda and speaking of Ash the mysterious fighter teams up with the shangai powerful Street Fighter Shen Wu once more as well as the enigmatic oswal this middle-aged slender poker plane fighter is betting all his odds to find a mysterious drug known as the dragon pills which could save his life from an incurable disease knowing that those from the distant land are probably involved in this year's tournament and still not understanding their final game a broken shizuru kagura is unable to enter this new King of Fighters tournament she requests shingo to ask Kori to team up again in order to find the truth the two arch nemeses agree and also accept to add shingo to their team after the latter beg them to join the King of Fighters 11 is about to start new Fighters join the foray and new teams are formed like the new Southtown team of Terry Bogard Kim capan and duck king or the anti kyokugen karate after a few fights and as the new hero team of Ash Shen and Oswald were advancing in the tournament the event venue was destroyed and the ash team found themselves in front of a new threat Shion armed with a spear the mystery fighter appears to be a member of those from the distant land it was revealed that he follows the orders of another member named magaki the hero team took on Shion and was able to defeat him neeling defeated Shion is surprised that after this long battle oroi has yet to awake then before finishing his sentence suddenly a rift opens behind him like a door breaking time and space as a hand grabs Shion sucking him into the void it was makaki who was unhappy with shion's performance stepping out of the dimensional Rift mangi reveals that he will sacrifice the hero team in order to awaken Oro whose energy will then be fed to their own Master mangi turns into his real form and a difficult battle begins while it seems that makaki is undefeatable the combined might of Ash Shen and Oswald was enough to win the fight makaki still standing on his feet is surprised that Orosi has yet to awake realizing that their fight energy is not enough and that something else is missing to fully awaken the de magaki opens a dimensional Rift once again but right before he steps in a spear Shion spear flies from the rift and goes through magaki killing him in the process it seems Shion has betrayed his master Ash crimson's real mission is about to begin but first he reveals to Oswald that the crime Lord who owns the medicine the dragon built will only give it away if his number one enemy is defeated and it's so happens that his enemy is none other than Shen Wu having played both his teammates ash leaves both Shen and oswal as they fight each other to the death not far from the destroyed venue the energy released by the Broken oroi seals awakens the riot of the blood within Yori suddenly the Asaka hair attacks both shingo and K unexpectedly as Crimson uses the opportunity and sneaks behind Yori as attacking him and stealing the second sacred treasure the yasakani Jewel from within aori as Ash absorbs the yak Powers Elizabeth along with benim Maru and Duan arrive at the scene but we're unable to see what is happening due to the dust from the battle The plantor Last Descendant asks Ash for answers showing his Yagami powers to them Ash asks Elizabeth to stop schooling him as he is no longer the person she wants wants know Ash then promises that kiok kusanagi is his next Target and uses the yat mirror's power to teleport away from the area tournament wise the benimaru team was declared the winners of the king of others 11 as they were supposed to fight Ash's team which disbanded before the official fight those from the distant land are expected to make their next move soon and what better opportunity than the announcement of a new King of Fighters tournament one unlike any other previous event in terms of scale Fighters and teams around the world received their invitation signed with an R seal the organizer of this last event is Rose Bernstein daughter of rugal Bernstein and sister to adelheid Rose acting unlike herself made the preparations without even Consulting her brother which the latter found suspicious kiuk kusanagi feeling humiliated from his defeat against sori traveled the world to get ready for his next fight during his travels he was ambushed by two members of those from the distant land shroom and rimolo who tested his skills before handing him an invitation for the new event Kio would then team up with his old teammates benimaru and Goro Dion and formed the Japan team once again Yori Yagami now without his yasakani powers is visited by Two fighters whom he previously killed Vice and mature the two Haku are somehow looking alive and are interested in stopping those from the distant Land from siphoning the oroi power to their master so they asked Yori to join them for this new King of Fighters in order to help each other as Yori is betting on finding Ash within the King of Fighters tournament and killing him as for Elizabeth she teams up with Ash's previous teammates Duan and shin Wu both feeling tricked and used by Ash want to find him and know the reason for his betrayal Rose's odd behavior prompted adelai to contact hydr and explain the situation the iari leader then tasks his mercenaries Raph Clark and Leona to investigate this new event while he orders his Fleet to be ready and in striking position from the tournament Stadium Ash on the other hand has been working on his own agenda joining those from the distant land to help them achieve their goal their leader psyche and his followers are actually visitors from the ancient times when they were pressured by the blandor family hundreds of years ago siki used his powers to escape from that era and into the current one his plan is to get the oroi power then go back and wipe the plant torch and Humanity with it in order to do that psyche had one of his followers Bon take control of fro and have her organized the tournament the King of Fighters 13 began with the fighters battling it out in a worldwide event with unprecedented scale simultaneously hyen special unit of Seth Vanessa Blue Mary and Ramon were investiga the stadium and found an odd device underneath this structure as it turns out this device was placed by those from the distant land to gather the energy from the fighters to awake the still dormant oroi as the excitement of the tournament reached its Climax and Elizabeth's team reached the finals psyche used his power and stopped time all the remaining members from those from the distant land appeared in the stadium as well as a massive door emerged behind them the door is pik's way of traveling between eras and uses both the siphon energy as well as time spheres to operate mukai feeling shame for his defeat in the King of Fighters 2003 asked psyche to let him has his revenge but psyche having no patience for failures kills mokai and absorbs his energy showing his true [Music] form as the heroes battle psyche the time door starts closing the demon realizes that Shum and rimolo have betrayed him and have removed some of the time spheres needed to operate the door as they realized that psyche is planning to sacrifice their lives to achieve his goal Ash uses the opportunity and Strikes psyche from behind absorbing his Essence but psyche's Spirit was too strong and takes over Ash's body a final fight between a psyche controlled Ash and the heroes including Elizabeth took place while psyche had the upper hand Ash was able to take control of his body and stopped psyche who is revealed to be Ash's ancestor from going through the door before it forever closes with the time door now shut psyche no longer exist in the past and since Ash is his descendant he could not have existed either now that psyche has been raised Elizabeth Stood Still and in shock Ash her childhood friend and adoptive brother reveals to her that this was his plan all along it turns out Ash never abandoned the blandor mission and this was his way of taking things in his own hands and defeating those from the distant Land once and for all slowly Ash started fading away as his existence is wiped out from reality and from everyone's memory both aori and kagura regained their powers back hyen and his Fleet remember there was A Spacetime disturbance but have no recollection of neither Ash nor those from the distant land yet Elizabeth is the only one that feels something or someone is [Music] missing our world has never been what it seems to be our plane of existence is only one of many some call them worlds others Dimensions these planes of existence that can occupy the same SpaceTime are separate from each other making it impossible for beings of one dimension to travel to the other but while the exact nature of our reality is truly unknown one thing is clear there exists a powerful entity that has been watching our world for eons trying to find a way to reach the inv visible barriers that separate the dimensions in order to reshape and restart our reality while humans have kept busy with their day-to-day life only recognizing what they can see with their own eyes a select group of people have known about the true nature of our reality and have passed this knowledge from generation to generation one of these secret groups resided in a village in the outskirts of Africa where the inhabitants not only know about this mysterious being but have worshiped it as the God of destruction and rebirth their prophecies which have been passed from generation to the next for tell a time when this powerful entity will breach to our universe in order to restart the world this massive event is said to be precluded by many signs one of them is the appearance of the Amplified specters and The Crucible of souls the ified specters seen by many as ghosts are visual manifestations of physical events that are happening in the different parallel universes while these specters or Illusions might seem erratic there are select few who have the power to control the specters these few human beings who can be seen as conduits between Realms are also sometimes referred to as the Amplified specters the beings are believed to be The Crucible of souls that connects all universes and convergence of all possibilities in the Multiverse the Amplified specters are not meant for our plane of existence but it has been told that a massive disturbance in SpaceTime can lead to the appearance of both the Specter and their conduits events such as the sacrifice of Ash Crimson which for a limited time broke the fabric of SpaceTime the knowledge of The Crucible of Souls and the Amplified specters remained very controlled between one generation to the other in recent times only one person who dedicated her life to understanding this Ultimate Reality truly understood the importance and weight of the prophecies and how the power of the Amplified specters could even revive the Dead The Hermit was known as Dolores unfortunately due to a freak and unexplained accident Dolores met her demise buried under the sand in her own home rumors would continue to spread about individuals born with strange abilities or surrounded by unexplained events one such person was born in a remote Mountain Village in China while Overjoyed with their newborn the parents of the boy named chune would witness bizarre occurrences when shune would cry or have a tantrum this would cause Furniture to fall down on its own walls to crack and the Earth would Shake even animals would became distressed in shun's presence what was initially happen is turned into worry and sadness as the parents did not know what is truly happening to their child the village kids around shun's age would fear the toddler and refus to play with him while feeling lost the couple were visited by The Man known as Tong furu Tong is a master of the deadly martial arts of hakku seen who previously trained many strong Fighters like Terry and Andy Bogard as well as their father before them and the Crim Lord of Southtown geize Howard feeling the immense power that young shune had within him Tong who has heard stories about the boy asked the parents to allow him to raise the child in order to help him control his powers in order to not interfere with the long and hard training and what is needed to control this mysterious power the couple agreed to master Tong's request to not interfere with the child's upbringing and to hide their existence from him thus shune would be told that he was abandoned and that his parents are unknown years would go by during which Master Tong would add another student mate tenun who also shows incredible power that requires him to sleep the majority of his days M tenun and shune quickly became close friends and Rivals while shune seemed to respond well to master Tong's teachings he remained unable to control his powers which surprisingly have a personality of their own these powers of unknown Origins will often calls shune and Whisper to him asking him to lose control and destroy everything in order to help him focus and control these destructive urges Tang furu gave shune bans to wrap around his arm arms and headphones to use for blocking out these ominous Whispers it had been now years since the last King of Fighters tournament which and known to everyone ended with Ash Crimson erasing himself from existence and from everyone's memory but it seems that the tournament is too popular to not make a comeback soon enough a self-proclaimed original King of Fighters champion Antonov decides to host a new edition of the king of figh matters Antonov would use the resources of his company to make this new iteration very special invitations were then sent to Fighters around the world to be part of the event's combat many old and new Warriors are set to show their skills on the world stage once again Antonov would then sponsor his own official team the Russian CEO first sought an underground fighting legend that had incredible electrifying powers known as selie poap POA the young girl was one of nast's secret experiments that was free from the evil organization's control after it collapsed the second fighter is a master of the Sichuan Opera dancing who then became a known Street Fighter in order to earn her living and that of her family meon the third member was a mysterious hooded man who approached Antonov to be in his team the mysterious figure is known as kukri in his past and motives were shrouded in mystery one of the invited Fighters for this new King of Fighters is none other than Tang furu himself seeing that the tournament could be the perfect place to test his students years of practice the hakku sein master forms a team with shune and M tenun and officially enters the competition as team China hoping that having chune meet with other fighters who struggled to contain their hidden Powers would help him control his among the fighters invited was of course the ex King of Fighters champion Kio kasagi while initially uninterested in participating kio's father saishu informed his son that he has been having an ominous feeling that something or someone is trying to interfere with the Orosi seal once again which led SAU to ask Kio to team up with his old friends and team members Benny marun kaido and Goro diamond and enter the competition anticipating that whoever is responsible for this negative energy would surely use the next k for their own plans saishu also informed Kio that he had received a request from Master Tang furu for Kio to test chun's abilities himself the SK benim Maru and Goro once again joined forces to enter the new King of Fighters tournament as team Japan on the other side of town Yori aami who now has recovered his missing Powers after the king of wats 13 is visited by none other than the mysterious Haku members Vice and mature having previously been killed by Yori himself these two andad women came to inform Yori that a convergence of the Dead drawn by life is at hand without explaining their cryptic warning the two devilish women handed Yori an invitation to the new Kingo Fighters tournament While most Fighters formed their team into enter the tournament for their personal reasons or seeking Glory Hyer the leader of the mercenary group known as The iari Warriors ordered his Squad to enter the event in order to monitor the activity around the new tournament as recent anomalies in SpaceTime have been reported around the world coupled with the rise in activity of Remnant cells of the defunct n organization Heen felt that the new King of Fighters could be the perfect opportunity of an evil entity to use for their devious go goals and thus Leona Raph and Clark embarked on a journey to participate in kof once more the SpaceTime anomalies were not only detected by hyen and his Advanced military technology the spirit of nature the maiden known as nakoruru once sacrificed her own life to protect the world felt the disturbance and the emergence of an evil entity whom she calls WAMU could be at hand nakuru defied space and time to to keep a close look on the [Music] [Applause] tournament and thus the Kingo Fighters tournament took place Warriors from all over the world faced each other as the world enjoyed the return of the global 3 versus 3 competition the young shune and his team fought many battles which made the young fighter understand his powers even more and made him more confident that he indeed can eventually control them his team would eventually lose to kio's Japan team before reaching the finals speaking of finals it was team Japan who reached the Grand Final to fight against Antonov for the belt and title of the new King of Fighters champion [Music] [Applause] but as usual a massive event took place the strange SpaceTime anomalies witnessed by many have all converged and led to the appearance of a strange being in this SK causing the destruction of the tournament venue this entity modin words verse seemed to have a direct connection to shun's mysterious Powers as shune felt that he started losing control of his all the fighters were stumped about the appearance of this mysterious being with the exception of one fighter who seems to know exactly what is happening kukri watching from the signs in anticipation of what verse houses within its fiery being nakuru the nature Maiden appeared before the heroes and explained the grave danger this entity poses and that it needs to be stopped shune along with the other Heroes battled this mysterious be an upon it defeat the entity called verse exploded releasing waves of energy around the globe it's seemed that the mystery of verse ended before fully starting making many fighters question what disappearance even mean but those who know about this foretold event like kukri knew that verse Was A Spacetime anomaly that somehow engulfed The Souls of many deceased Warriors the energy it released when exploded were actually The Souls of these long gone Warriors which now will be resurrected shune and the heroes were andure of what exactly happened but soon enough reports of some previously deceased Warriors reappearing started making the rounds immediately hyen and his Squad started locating who these warriors were kukri on the other hand hoped that one of the resurrected Fighters is his master Dolores it turned out kukis studied Ender and was adopted by Dolores when he was a young child when his sand powers manifested for the first time he he lost control and almost was buried under them bores then sacrificed her own life saving kukri from under the sand ever since kukri lost his innocence and lived a bitter life blaming himself for the death of his adoptive mother when noticing the SpaceTime anomalies and realizing the verse prophecy is taking shape he hoped that verse will also have the soul of his master Dolores after verse explosion Ki followed the whereabouts of one of these fleeting Souls hoping it would be dolores's however upon arrival to the resurrection site he did not find his master but an unexpected fighter Ash Crimson realizing who the unconscious kid is kukri decided to contact Elizabeth blank torch who since Asha raising himself from existence have felt that something is missing and was looking for the answer Ash Crimson was not the only resurrected Warrior that was identified both K and Yori received a message from chizuru kagura informing them that Orochi has also been resurrected the three Fighters met in Europe where they found the spirit of a resurrected Orochi struggling to stay in a physical form as it does not have a proper body to truly resurrect determined to stop a second coming of oroi the three sacred Treasures once again used their combined powers to successfully seal oroi the experience of his very first King of Fighters gave the young shune the confidence in dealing and hopefully one day controlling his own powers scene Fighters like Leona or Yori who dealt with their own demons made shune feel feel that he is not alone in his struggles while he did not win the tournament and he did not fully understand the origin of his powers both he M tenun and Tang furu realized that whatever verse was is only the beginning of what is to come following the fight with verse chun's nightmares grew out of control an eerie voice would often calls him in his dreams ordering him to destroy the world not long after Tang furu would receive an invitation to a new tournament now sponsored by the mysterious Anastasia as antonov's been fired from his company and had fled to form his own wrestling organization gwa Tang furu then surprised his students by revealing that he is not participating and that he asked Kio kusanagi to join shune and May tenun and form a new team the hakuu sein master then ordered his students to head to Japan and get ready for this next tournament after arriving to Japan shune and M tenkun were greeted by Benny Maroni kaido revealed to them that he will be their teammate as Kio is busy investigating something ominous along with chizuru kagura and Yagami following the verse incident few months ago many previously dead Fighters have returned among the resurrected Warriors was the hermit Dolores kook's adoptive mother but instead of finding kukri Dolores first task after she was brought back was to find hyr Dolores understood that the fact that she is now alive is a sign that the prophecies she was taught are all coming true Dolores explained to hyr the urgency of the matter at hand and asked him to help her find a special girl one that has control over her Amplified Spectrum seeing that a King of Fighters tournament has been announced heyen asked Dolores to join him for this event as they both expected that the tournament coupled with shun's participation will probably trigger the return of the entity scene in the last tournament both hyen and thees head to South America specifically to an orphanage in Chile a young girl Isla has shown her Mastery of an amplified Spectre since a young age Isla has lived in the orphanage and grew up to distrust and hate adults who prend to know her wellbe better than her over time Isla has built a special relation relationship with the Amplified spectrum and unlike shune she seems to have a mutual understanding with this entity whom she calls Amanda when asked by hyr and Dolores to join their team for the next King of Fighters Isla quickly agreed after learning that shune is participating as well during the events of the King of Fighters 14 Isla watched chune on TV and felt hatred towards him he who has similar powers to her and seemed to have embraced his surrounding world and has friends around him helping him overcome his hardships Isla along with hyr and Dolores formed the rival team in the other corner of the world Ash now alive again was asked by Elizabeth to join her for the tournament the reasons for entering the event is to force Ash to fix what he SED due to his sacrifice she knew verse was just the beginning of the anomalies and felt that the tournament will be the place for more to be revealed Ash and Betty are joined by kri who at the time did not know Dolores has been revived though he quickly learned the truth when a special broadcast was announcing the new teams for the King of Fighters 15 furious at his former Master kukri is looking forward to the new event in order to confront his adoptive mother besides Ash and Dolores many other Fighters were brought back to life these include four members of the hesu yashiro Chris and shery the three three Warriors that perished during the events of the King of Fighters 97 when resurrected Orosi as well as their leader Genet genin was previously defeated at the end of the King of Fighters 96 and took his own life while initially not understanding how they were revived the Orosi team along with genets are hellbent on using this opportunity to revive oroi yashiro Chris and shery also entered the tournament more teams from around the world have officially joined the event some includ traditional formations like the Fatal Fury team with Terry Andy and Joe and others bending together for the first time like the superh heroin team of aena Yuri and Mai this new tournament also happens to be the first one since the King of Fighters 97 where single entries were permitted many fighters received single invitations to join the event like shingo yabuki Kim capan duon Hino and the Mysterious NJ n the Saudi crime fighter who uses her special Abaya that is originally a Jin to fight evil her unknown Master ordered her to investigate the SpaceTime anomalies and to find the resurrected Dolores right before the start of the King of Fighters 15 as the teams are getting ready to enter the the tournament venue shune along with mate tanun were stopped by Isla who verbally attacked shune and called him a loser for relying on adults to guide him chune was surprised to see Isla having the same Powers but was more puzzled about the animosity this young girl had against him the kingle fighters 15 tournament has begun as the world watches in anticipation the high level of all the teams as they battled for the title of grand Champions many individuals were waiting to seize the wi opportunity presented by This Global event in order to push their own agendas here in the tournament Dolores while inspecting the venue confirmed to hyr that the tournament is the perfect channel for heated Clash of fiery Wills that should provide enough energy for verse to rematerialize once again Dolores then explained that through the teachings passed down from ancient times the bean is actually called ravers she then went on to explained that the bean was never meant to visit this world but Ash crimson's incident caused a distortion in the SpaceTime Between Worlds allowing the creature to appear bores made it clear that she believed those with the powers of Amplified specters like shune and Isla if they work together can seal the entity something Isla did not appreciate and promised to defeat shune then destroy reverse herself but Dolores explained that reverse cannot be destroyed and the only way is to return the bean to its home World following more exciting matches the hero team of shune B tenkun and Benny Maru reached the finals against the rival team the match that Isla was looking forward to was finally at hand shune and Isla battled and so did their Amplified Spectrum in the end it was team hero that won the King of Fighters 15 tournament but right before this celebration Isla seemed to be unable to control her powers it seems that something unseen is interfering with Amanda and in a matter of seconds Our Heroes found themselves in a similar but different location where no other human is present as if they were sucked to a parallel dimension Isla overwhelmed by her powers lost Consciousness and went deep into her past memories shune also felt the place's incredible power interfering with his but with the support of his teammates was able to not lose control lores then explained to the heroes that both Islan and shune are Amplified specters and bearer of powers that reson with rever both the fighters act as mediums to amplify emotions that are used by The Entity because Isla excelled at absorbing people's intense emotions and amplifying them her spirit and that of Amanda intertwined with verses allowing The Entity to materialize once again bringing the heroes into a parallel dimension defea in Reverse is the only way to free Isla shune and the other Heroes would then take on the mysterious reverse after an intense battle reverse Was Defeated and Isla regained Consciousness once again but before they Heroes could celebrate Dolores felt the coming of the mother goddess of Truth and restoration otomar Raga the same entity that was worshiped by dolores's ancestors for centuries feeling the immense power of otomar Raga bores shocked the heroes by revealing that the only way of sealing otomar Raga within her original rest in place out of this world is the co-annihilation between otar Raga and in an amplified Spectre which means either shune or Isla will need to sacrifice their lives in order to save the world refusing to believe the legend shune Isla and the rest of the fighters took on the powerful entity an intense and scary battle took place the power of the Amplified specters combined with the sheer will and strength of the fighters was enough to defeat otar Raga her defeat opened the doorway to a void known as the complete nothingness anything that goes through the void is nullified including time and space but before the entity disappeared into the place of no return otar Raga grabbed Isla and tried taking her to the other dimension with her in an instant shuni jumped for Isla's risu and while initially unable to hold on to Isla both their spectors reached to each other and pulled Isla out of the vortex that took otar Raga back to her resting [Music] place with otara defeat Beed the heroes were transported back to their original Dimension it seems the world is saved but this encounter may have brought more questions than answers shune on the other hand was finally able to control his powers and for the first time in years was able to remove the headphones that were used to help him control the Spectre the whole event made Isla realize that shune is not her enemy and she saw the error in her ways of thinking and how in reality she was jealous of shune who had friends and people protecting him unlike her who with the exception of Amanda grew up alone with no love or compassion from the outside world following the events of the King of Fighters 15 the hero team went back to China where Master Tang furu after congratulating the team for their achievement decided to reveal the truth about shun's parents and how they are still alive sh who wants to see his parents decided to First travel with M tenun alone to face the world a decision welcomed by Tong [Music] furu as for Isla hyen proposed that she join his iari unit but the graffiti fighter decided against the idea and wanted to go and see shune one more time before returning home her teammate Dolores has finally been reunited with kukri who blamed her for everything before for the two reconciled and decided to go back to their Hometown thear Warriors continued to locate the resurrected Warriors and it seems that gel Leona's father could be one of these revived Fighters Leona Ralph and Clark decided to go and locate a man that seems to match gel's description the sacred treasure team made of Kio shizuru and Yori were finally able to confirm that the Seal of oroi is now safe after 's defeat energy that interfered with the seal is no longer felt by kagura now konori can finally have the last battle they have been longing for but whether the Sao foshi is truly safe remains to be seen resurrected heshu yashiro Chris and shery on with their leader ginet are still hellbent on Reviving The deity and they feel that now is the perfect time to do so several hours after the defeat of reverse and otara all the graphity anomalies have stabilized one after the other sitting in his desk hither decided to think of the shocking truth he learned from Dolores it seems that reverse appears at the end of the world to collect the souls of Warriors for a greater deity otar Raga the powerful emotions in souls are converted to pure energy to open a gate to another dimension forar Raga to enter and erase that world before for restoring it to a new one but it seems the reason why rever and otar Raga were awakened in the first place is something no one expected it seemed that this world is part of a Multiverse where worlds diverged on the crossroads of choice the Retro Casualty that took place when Ash erased himself and thus causing the past of his ancestors psyche to disappear was a branching point for another Universe whether the threat of otara and de such as her are no longer present remains to be seen and whether this was the end or maybe just the beginning of theing with a Multiverse full of possibilities is a question that we do not know the answer yet I hope you guys enjoyed this video don't forget to like And subscribe check the history of the King of Fighters the history of fatal Fury as well as other SNK Flor and documentaries 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Channel: NeoGeoNow
Views: 9,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The King of Fighters, KOF, KOF Lore, KOF Story, King of Fighters 94, King of Fighters XV, KOF 94 to XV, Fighting Games, Game Lore, Video Game Story, SNK, KOF Characters, KOF History, KOF Timeline, KOF Explained, Gaming, Esports, KOF Analysis, King of Fighters Franchise, KOF Series, KOF XV Lore, KOF Complete Story, KOF Full Lore, KOF Saga, KOF Evolution, KOF Fans, KOF Plot, KOF Villains, KOF Heroes
Id: Fuzp6h2kiZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 48sec (5208 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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