Speedrunning Naruto

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hello and welcome back to the amagi today we're trying something new speedrunning naruto that means hitting every major plot point as quickly and efficiently as possible i don't want to spend too much time on this intro because we're supposed to be going fast let's get right to it three two one go prologue land of waves twelve years ago there was once an evil monster known as the nine-tailed demon fox one night that attacked the village of conan and killed many innocent people that night none of the ninja of konahawk could stop it so the village leader the fourth hokage casted jutsu on the nine tails that sealed it into a newborn boy and cost the fourth or his life 12 years after the nighttails attack at the ninja academy naruto uzumaki's reputation as a delinquent and a troublemaker had earned him much infamy among the teachers and students iriku umino and to a lesser extent the third hokage were the only two positive influences on him despite this naruto continued to fail the graduation exam which required students to demonstrate how much they had learned by performing the clone technique while naruto was decently skilled most of the basic techniques taught at the academy for some reason he had never been able to perform this one correctly causing him to fail the final exam for graduation mizuki another academy examiner used naruto's depression after his most recent failure to trick naruto in stealing skrull's seals a collection of forbidden techniques housed within the hokage study that could be dangerous in the wrong hands claiming that naruto could be automatically passed by simply learning a technique from the scroll and performing it successfully not want to pass up such an opportunity naruto immediately did so using his sexy technique to distract the third hokage long enough to escape with the scroll once he had fled to the neighboring woods naruto began his efforts in learning a technique from the scroll the first of which happened to be the multiple shadow clone technique something he wasn't happy about given his former failures with the ordinary clone technique as search parties were sent to define naruto naruton retrieved the scroll erica got to him first and found him to have been training the entire time ignorant of what he had done naruto simply repeated the irika what mizuki told him earlier causing irrika to realize that mizu was just trying to use naruto to help him steal a scroll and later steal for himself just as erica realized this music he showed up to attack them both after he injured erika who would push naruto out of the way of an attack musically tried to get naruto to give him the scroll while eric would try to give miss naruto to keep it their argument led to mizuki to tell nars that the truth everyone would be keeping from him that he was the container of the nine-tailed demon fox startled naruto ran off leaving iraq and music to fight each other naruto to watch my distance eventually learning what music was after as well as the true level of irrika's devotion in naruto just before mizuki could kill irika nara to attack mizuki threatening to kill him if he should ever touch his sensei again confident in his superiority basically claimed that he could beat naruto with one attack only for the exact opposite to happen using his newly learned multiple shadow coin technique naruto beat mizuki to a bloody pulp impressed that naruto could master such a difficult technique erica let nara to graduate ironically fulfilling mizuki's original promise upon graduating naruto was required to have his picture taken for identification purposes rather than having a standard picture naruto decided to paint his face and point at the camera in a menacing way when he third hook he learned of this he told naruto to retake the picture to express his disagreement on this matter naruto used his sexy technique in an attempt to convince the third otherwise meanwhile a young boy was watching the discussion and he used the opportunity to attempt an attack on the hokage only to fall flat upon his face his sensei ebisu pursued the boy into the room and caught glimpse of naruto whom he recognized the container of the demon fox the boy accused naruto of setting a trap for him and naruto responded by grabbing hold of the boy ebisu ordered naruto to let the boy go and forming naruto that the boy is none other than the third okay's grandson the boy certain that naruto fearing the hokage's wrath will do no harm to him taunted naruto who whacked the boy in the head due to his lack of fear towards the boy's relatives abusive ran to the boy's side informing him that if he wanted to be hokage someday he should avoid people like naruto later on naruto found the boy to be following him at the same time doing a bad job of disguising himself the boy his cover blown introduced himself as konohamaru and expresses desire to be taught the sexy technique due to his prior success at defeating the third hokage in the hopes that using it will make him a hokage naruto agreed and took on omaro on as his disciple to learn the technique naruto tried to improve konohamaru's transformation technique by showing him naked women via pornographic magazines and taking him to women's bath houses eventually they arrived in the woods for the refinement of the technique where konohamaru explained that people the village didn't recognize him by his name and instead referred to him only as the hokage's grandson which he grew tired of because of this he hoped to become the hokage himself so that people would finally recognize him properly soon after ebisu arrived to take on homaru home lecturing all the while at that moment konamara performed a perfect sexy technique which only caused episode electric on hamaru further since he is not weak to such derogative techniques perplexed by the techniques apparent failure naruto used his harem technique which succeeded in putting ebbs out of commission konohamaru questioned why he was unable to defeat ebisu by himself and naruto replied that becoming hokage required a great deal of work for which there were no shortcuts konohamaru announced their student-teacher relationship on the ground they were both rivals for the title of hokage naruto made the observation that since he was an actual ninja he would be one step ahead of konohamaru but that he would look forward to the day that they meet in battle in order to officially obtain the rank of guinea academy students must be organized into groups of three to undergo a field evaluation administered by jonine who would be their squad leaders if they pass on the day of organization naruto made sure to have a good breakfast and headed off the academy where the groups were to be decided upon arriving there naruto showed off his forehead protector to the other students who thought he had failed with naruto's delight sakuraharano started to approach him however his glue was quickly stifled when sakura pushed him out of the way so that she might sit next to sasuke uchiha which would anger all the other girls in the room naruto jealous sakura's affection for sasuke leaped out of the desk where they were sitting so that he could look sasuke in the eye to the disgust of naruto sasuke and every girl in the room naruto was bumped by another student and accidentally kissed sasuke earning him a beating from sakura as naruto recovered erica arrived to announce three main teams and as he started listing the members of team seven naruto was pleased and soccer was sad to learn the two be on the same team as the third member was revealed soccer was pleased and naruto was sad to learn that sasuke was that member who happened to dislike being teamed with the both of them as erica announced their remaining teams hinata hugo kiba inazuka and shino abarami were revealed to compose team eight shikimaranara choji akamichi and ino yamanaka were revealed to kimbos team 10. later sakura went off to look for sasuke ignoring naruto would want to have lunch with her angered that soccer had yet again picked sasuke over himself naruto formulated a plan to be with sakura upon finding sasuke alone in a room naruto leaped inside were an unseen fight ensued as things settled down sasuke was shown to be the only one leaving later on sasuke approached sakura who expressed her feelings for him and her distaste for naruto as the two were about to kiss sasuke who was revealed to be a transformed naruto suffered a violent stomach ache and ran off to the nearest bathroom while naruto dealt with this mysterious case of diarrhea the real soundscape wrote sakura when she expressed her jealousy of naruto for having new parents dumbo to do sasuke stated that those parents grew up lonely and sakura made him sick sasuke left the crushed soccer by herself and she began to consider treating naruto better as naruto finally exited the bathroom he ran into sasuke and it seemed as though revenge on sasuke's part was imminent elsewhere the third goal gets to kakashi team seven's reluctant tony leader on a tour of naruto's home and the latter noted that the milk naruto seemed to have had for breakfast was expired causing him to frequently head for the bathroom soon afterwards the members of team seven after a long wait finally met there joni and sensei who used the meeting as an opportunity for them to get to know one another akashi went first and said he didn't feel like telling him anything about himself naruto proclaimed that he wanted to become hokage one day and that he loved ramen sakura implied that she loved sasuke and stated that she had naruto lastly sasuke asserted that he hated a lot of things didn't like anything and that he would someday kill a certain man that wronged him long ago kakashi ended the meeting by telling the others to be at the training grounds the next day with their ninja gear and advise them at that breakfast the next day akashi arrived at the training ground last four hours later than they planned akashi then explained how the evaluation would work it'd be a survival battle in which the aim was to get each of the prospective students to take one of the two bells from kakashi it would be a survival battle in which the aim was for each of the prospective students to take one of the two bells from kakashi anyone who didn't get a bell before noon would receive no lunch which as the others realized was why he told them not to breakfast he then explained that because there were only two bells at least one person would fail and return to the academy he did however allow the others to use shuriken if they would like and inform them that they would fail if they attempted the mission with anything less than the intent to kill him naruto laughed at the suggestion saying that kakashi had no talent karachi rebutted this stating that class clowns were often the weakest link and then they didn't normally pose a threat causing naruto to attack kakasha before the tests officially begun kakashi easily countered the attack and noted that he was starting to like the team dude naruto's attack having the intent to kill he then set off team seven to begin the test as the test got underway sasuke and sakura applied stealth methods staying hidden from kakashi naruto however decided that attacking kash would work just as well and called them out as naruto charged kakashi the latter pulled out a book make up paradise causing naruto to hesitate slightly though kakashi assured him that the book wouldn't prevent it from defending against naruto naruto began a series of attacks each of which was dodged by kakashi eventually kakashi ended up behind naruto and used his 1 000 years of death to send naruto into the nearby lake naruto recovered and attack akash with a number of shadow clones whose quantity impressed sasuke and sakura kashi evaded all the clone's attacks with body replacement technique leaving them to fight amongst themselves believing one of them is kakashi upon realizing this naruto dismissed his clones and then noticed a bell lying under a nearby tree when he went to pick it up however he was trapped in a snare set by kakashi leaving the young ninja dangling upside down kakashi retrieved the bell and lectured naruto about falling for obvious traps at that moment sasuke leaving kakashi to be distracted attack akash with barrage of shuriken and kunai apparently killing kakashi this too was revealed to be a trap as the attack kashi turned into a log a result of another body replacement technique sasuke his location revealed went off to find a new hiding spot while soccer went looking for sasuke as she searched for him she was tricked by kakashi's genjutsu demonic illusion hell viewing technique and as she recovered sasuke fell prey to kakashi's earth released double suicide decapitation technique naruto using kakashi's absence to his advantage released himself from the snare and attempted to eat the lunches that kakashi left behind however kakashi caught him in the act and tied naruto to a wooden post nude eventually rolled around and all three students had failed to get a bell after their failure kikashi berated them for the lack of teamwork he explained to them that the purpose of the exam was to work together and not to act independently as they had all done he said that he would give them all a second chance after lunch and allowed sakura and sauce to eat however he ordered that naruto because of his tempted all the food himself should be barred from eating it all and that anyone who gave him food would fail automatically after he left sakura and sasuke realized that they'd need naruto in top shape if they were to retrieve the bells and decided to defy kasha by feeding him hikashi who had been watching appeared before the genie in a puff of smoke a furious lick upon his face at this moment the third hokage elsewhere revealed to irika that kakashi had never passed a team of academy students and that although the failure percentage was astounding the reasons behind it were perfectly just back at the training grounds naruto sakura and sasuke claimed that they were a team and that therefore if one of them failed then they all failed quickly changing his attitude kakashi informed that they had passed reciting the exact message he was trying to get across as his reason in the ninja world those who don't follow the rules are scum but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum while getting we're normally assigned derank missions naruto insisted on doing something more exciting and the third hokage agreed to send them on a c-rag mission to escort to zuna a master bridge builder back to the land of waves during their mission the team was attacked by two chuni and enemies at a level that wasn't supposed to be encountered on a sea reich mission naruto surprised by the tuning's appearance panicked and was struck by one of the chunny's poisonous metal gauntlets sasuke in naruto's absence dealt with the attackers quite efficiently and rubbed in it by one upping naruto and calling him a scaredy cat once the attacker has been restrained naruto bled out the poison he'd received by stabbing his one of the kunai swearing upon the pain in his hand to never freeze up and leave his friends defend for themselves ever again akashi his suspicions raised by the attack asked azuna for the truth with the circumstances of the mission mizzou explained that the land of waves would be taken over by a shipping magnet called gato who effectively bankrupted all the people in the country and then the only way to revitalize the economy was by building a bridge the mainland that could render moot gato's shipping monopoly however gato did not want that to happen and use shinobi gangs to assert his control team seven's actual mission was to support and protect the bridge building efforts that had been thwarted thus far upon arrival at the land of waves and all the way to zuni's home naruto bent on out doing sasuke threw a kunai at a bush surprisingly the ninja and putting them on guard once it was clear that it was nothing sakura yelled at him for his apparent mistake but naruto threw another kunai in a bush in the other direction sakura hit him on the head this time though naruto swore he had sent something as it turned out he had sensed a snow rabbit which was now scared out of its mind with the kunai only in instruments head naruto apologized to it and sympathized profusely with the rabbit picking it up and hugging it to an extreme while the others dismissed these antics as naruto's usual idiocy kakashi noticed something strange about this rabbit its fur was white snow rabbits are only white during winter meaning this rabbit had been raised indoors and therefore belong to somebody nearby kikashi suddenly told everyone to duck as a giant sword spun past and nearly killing them all the sword embedded itself in a tree and zaba's of emoji the missing name from kirigakuri jumped onto its handle intent on killing to zuna kakashi recognizes abza as a formidable opponent reel is sharing saying that he will need to use it zabaza honored by kakashi's willingness to go all out for their battle stated that he would consider a testament to his own skill if you were to kill kakashi zaba is the end of the conversation with his hiding miss technique summoning a thick veil of miss from the nearby lake in order to hide himself from the sharingan kashi ordered himself to protect azuna though zabaza asserted that such protection was useless instantly appearing at the center of their formation azabas that was about to make an attack of the sword kakashi raised towards him and stabbed zabza in the stomach with his kunai just before his stroke could fall water poured out of zaba's body and it collapsed into a puddle as the real zob is appeared behind kakashi revealing zabazad to use his water clone technique to full kakashi zap is a proceeded to slice kakashi in half but kakashi's body too dissolved into water surprising zabaza as he realized that kakashi's shouting gun must have copied his watercolor technique and zob is a charge towards him kashi appeared behind zaba mocking it by saying that it was over to everyone's surprise a second zabza appeared behind kakashi and grabbed him and the first sabazo reverted to a pool of water kakashi attempted to break free of sabbas's grass but was instead thrown into the nearby lake as he emerged zaba trapped him with his water prison technique leaving naruto sasuke and sakura to defend against another of zaba's clone kakashi told the guinea to run but naruto remembered the oath that he had made to himself and entered the fight so they could say kakashi keep tezuna alive naruto created a number of shadow clones that proceeded to completely surround zaba's water clone zaba's clone swung his sword and the shadow clones scattered and disappeared forcing the only remaining naruto to reach into his backpack and full out a fuma shuriken which he gave to sasuke sasuke is sending naruto's plan hurled the fuma shuriken at zabaza who easily grabbed from the air to his surprise a second shuriken was hiding in the shadow of the first duda sasuke's shadow shuriken technique and zabaz was forced to leap over it to avoid being damaged once pasad the second shuriken turned into naruto who transformed himself naruto threw a kunai in zabaza who unable to dodge it while maintaining the water prison technique was forced to release kakashi with his prison in order to avoid the attack with kakashi freeze zabaza was forced to commence their battle and the two use multiple water release techniques against each other due to his sharing kakashi was able to take the upper hand and defeat zabazo zaba's own attack just as kakashi was about to make the final blow a masked ninja later revealed to be named haku appeared to kill zabza by impaling zaba's necklace with senbon after revealing himself to be a hunter nin sent to kill zabza he disappeared was obvious body akashi momentarily satisfied with his chain of events decided that it was time to continue escorting to zuna home only to collapse due to chakra exhaustion seconds later as a result of overuse of his sharingan kakashi is later seen bedridden with a crutch as a result of his battle kakashi was taking it to zunu's home for recovery and as he rested he made the observation that zabas's apparent death was odd when the hunter didn't kill their target they usually destroyed on the spot on the other hand the ninja who they met had taken zaba's body elsewhere instead of operating immediately this coupled with the fact that zabazad had been killed with senbon weapons that were rarely fatal and also useful knocking people out led koshi to believe that zabzo was still alive then he'd be back to finish to zuma's assassination elsewhere zabaza was revived by haku and although he would need time to recover he promised to crush kakashi in the next met with zaba's return i like the outcome kakashi took team 7 to nearby woods for chakra training and told them that the training would require them to learn to climb trees without using their hands naruto made the observation that this is impossible but kashi and crutches manages to climb a tree with ease and explain that the way they do it was focusing chakra in the souls of the feet the three gunning all made an attempt naruto now using enough chakra took only one step before falling back into the ground sasuke was able to make it a good distance off the trunk though he'd damaged it as a result of using too much chakra and sakura having perfect control of her chakra made it to high branch on her first attempt finishing her training for the boys however the training continues and naruto still unable to make a far of the tree asked soccer for advice sakura complied and cake made the observation that naruto was finally getting a good grasp on teamwork soccer was left in charge of protecting to zuna while naruto and sasuke continue their training as naruto began to catch up to sasuke sasuke casually asked to know what advice sakura had given naruto but naruto determined to beat sasuke refused to give it away during dinner one night sakura asked about a torn picture that inari tazuna's grandson had been looking at juzon explains that the man in the missing portion of the picture was kaiza inari's father who minari had idolized and thought of as his biological parent though kaiser had adopted him one day years prior a flooded threatened to destroy the village and kaize had single-handedly managed to close the floodgates earning him the title of hero amongst the villagers once gotzo came to the country however kaiser's heroic deeds angered gatso and therefore gatzo had him executed in front of the villagers including inari from that day fourth the villager's lost house inaudible was crushed is believing the possible existence of a hero naruto determined to prove to inari that there was such thing as a hero rushed off to continue his training as naruto arrested in the woods one day he encountered haku though he was unaware of haku's identity and thought of him to just be a pretty girl the two discussed their dreams naruto wished to become the kage of his village while haku wanted to protect the person most precious to him explaining that when he was protecting a precious person one's strength reached its maximum naruto agreed to the statement remembering all the people who protected him with that haku left but not before confusing naruto to no end by asserting that he was a boy training for naruto and sasuke continued and eventually the two were able to climb the very tops of their trees though naruto was exhausted as a result seeing naruto in this condition a tearful inaudible claim that naruto was wasting his time and that gato would still defeat him now to reply that he will win and sarcastically congratulated inari for always crying calling him a brat as inaudible he's helped karachi explained to you how naruto had also grown up without a father that he had no mother and therefore had a sad life kakashi also mentioned that despite these conditions he'd never seen naruto cry and theorize that naruto one day grew tired of crying over himself this explanation and the suggestion that naruto was the only person present who knew what inaro was going through touched inari the next morning kakashi sasuke and soccer escorted susan to work at the bridge leaving naruto and to rest unraveling the bridge however they found azuna's workers to have been attacked the area quickly becoming covered with a veil of mist after a quick defeat of zaba's water clones the hands of sasuke sabza and a masked haku reveal themselves confirming kikachi's suspicions back at tezuna's house two of gato's thugs were have to kidnap inari's mother inari inspired by naruto's story attempted to save his mother by himself as he was just about to be cut down by thugs naruto appeared and defeated the two single-handedly naruto congratulated inari for finally standing up for himself and left to join the rest of his team back at the bridge sasuke battled with haku and zabazo was surprised to find that sasuke could keep up with haku's speed haku also noticing sasuke's capabilities decided to use his trump card demonic mirroring ice crystals which trapped sasuke in a cage of ice hawker proceeded to pummel sasuke with wave after wave of senbon barrages which were made effectively undodgeable as a result of haku's technique eventually naruto arrived and managed a sneak attack on hanku just as zabzo was about to attack naruto haku asked to be the one to fight him to which zabaza agreed sasuke began to formulate a plan thinking that it'd be easier to defeat haku with naruto attacking from the outside to his dismay naruto entered the cage of isis sasuke was doing and he too became a prisoner paku's technique naruto and sasuke both attempted to destroy the ice mirrors but were unsuccessful this turn of events led kakashi to believe that haku was using a kekke genkai and that naruto and sasuke no chance of winning because of this he once again revealed his sharingan expressing his desire to finish the battle quickly zabaza explained that he learned how to defeat the shah gun and disappeared into the mist as kakashi instructed soccer to guard to zuna zaba is a struck revealing to kakashi that zabazo is now attacking with his eyes closed making the sharing guns ocular genjutsu useless zabaza explaining that his specialty is killing people based on purely sound attempted to finish off to zunu but kakashi made himself into a human shield of the last second heavily injured kakashi resorted to using an attack that he himself had created meanwhile the fight between haku and naruto and sasuke continued with the two genius having sustained heavy wounds sasuke however was starting to dodge shaku's attacks haku noticing this attempted to attack an exhausted naruto instead but sasuke managed to pull nars out of the way a shocked haku noticed sasuke's eyes it was revealed that as a member of the uchiha clan sasuke had finally awoken his own gekka genkai the sharingan which allowed him to see haku's movements with ease haku fearing for his success at winning the battle goes for a finishing blow upon naruto but sasuke rushes naruto's side to stop the attack of his own body when naruto woke up he found a severely wounded sasuke standing over him when naruto asked sasuke why he had saved him he replied that it was merely instinct and fell into naruto's arms after admitting that he had promised not to die before killing his brother sasuke fell unconscious and haku asked naruto whether it was the first time he'd win his death naruto enraged by the apparent loss of sasuke began to emit a visible chakra and hakun noted that it was pure evil as the chakra poured out naruto's wounds began to heal and he acquired claws fangs and slated pupils zabaza and kakashi both sent his new chakra and each initially wondered whether it belonged to the other joni but zabaza noted that the chakra was far too powerful to belong to kakashi and kakashi was able to recognize it as that of the nine-tailed fox kakashi worried about the steel keeping the nine-tailed fox with the naruto break soon decided to pull out all the stops and drew a scroll smeared his blood on it and told zabazza that they should now in the battle a transformed naruto began to attack haku who attempted to counter the barrage of needles which were easily repelled by naruto's roar haku attempted a physical attack but naruto was able to dodge it and grab a now fleeing haku in an instant after releasing a large amount of chakra nara took haku a defining punch in the face setting him flying through a nearby mirror and destroying all the other mirrors as a result once haku's body came to a stop he rose and naruto charged at him so he gave the finishing blow as he did so haku's mask began to crack and break away revealing the face of the boy who narrows about in the woods mere inches from haku's face naruto stopped his attack and returned to his normal form haku questioned why naruto spared him only to receive a weak punch to the face haku explained that with his defeat had come his uselessness to zabaza and that because he could no longer protect zabza his most precious person he should die naruto didn't understand the reason for wanting death but haka began to plead for it nonetheless with the bloodstained scroll kakashi summoned a number of dogs to find and restrain zabaza explaining that he had allowed zabzo to injure him so we could acquire zaba's ascent kakashi proclaimed that he would finally be the end of zabaza with that kakashi gathered chakra in his hand and readied his lightning cutter for use on zabaza meanwhile haku had finally managed to persuade naruto to kill him using sasuke's apparent death as a reason for revenge naruto prepared a kunai and charged at haku hoping that death make haku's dreams come true but at the last moment haku stopped the attack he apologized saying he couldn't die yet and disappeared kakashi charged towards zabazza while at the same time a number of mirrors begin to surround zabaza as protection as lightning kind of made contact with flesh needle struck the bloody scroll and the dogs holding zaba's in place disappeared hikashi's surprise he impaled haku who would use the last of his strength to grab hold of kakashi elsewhere inari was going door to door and attempt to rally support for taking down gato and his men the villagers not wanting to fight back anymore refused which inaudible they do protect those that he loved as crying wouldn't save anyone once he got home hinari's mother pleaded for not to go but he nary insisted that azkai is the son he must as he left the house inari was startled to find many shadowy figures surrounding his door naruto confused by hawk's disappearance rushed towards the figures he could see in the now fading mist upon his arrival he found the gruesome scene of haku's death and zaba preparing to make good use of the opportunity haku had given him azabaza was about to finish the swing of his sword kakashi jumped out of the way taking haku's body with him after removing his hand from haku's body and laying the body down kakashi ordered naruto to stay out of the fight sakura now noticing naruto asked where sasuke was when naruto looked away and didn't reply she guessed it what had happened and quickly escorted tazuna to sasuke's body where she broke the shinobi rules and cried zabaza meanwhile was unable to touch kakashi and every attempt to strike him down he was now thrown backwards with one such perry one of zaba's arms was made useless and with another attack by kakashi the other arm was put out of commission as zabz's defenseless system was made apparent gato and his forces arrived to take the assassination of tezuna into their own hands as zabza and kakashi decided that they no longer ever reason to fight each other gato noticed haku's body and defiled it as vengeance for an injury hawkwood earlier given him this coupled with zaba's indifference infuriated naruto leading him to decide that zabaza was still his enemy naruto explained how haku had felt about zabza and how haku would have done anything within his power to serve zabaza as naruto cried ohaku had died as a tool and then never achieved his dreams i was broke into tears admitting to pete to naruto as he began to reflect on the pureness of haku's heart and the devotion that hank would help towards him sabaza tore away the cloth covering his mouth and bored a kunai from naruto catching the kunai in his mouth zaba's a charge through gato's forces slaying anyone who got in his way while even being stabbed many times upon reaching gato zabaza proclaimed that he would not be able to go to the same resting place as haku and that he would be taking gato with him to hell with that zabaza ended gato's life using the last of his energy he thanked aku for everything and apologized falling to the ground with exhaustion as zaba's life began to fade sasuke awakened overjoying soccer at the no end after asking soccer to release him sasuke asked of haku's fate learning that he died sasuke realized that haku would never meant to kill him or naruto sakura called to naruto the sasuke was all right and naruto was overwhelmed with the good news gato's men meanwhile were now without a paycheck and decided to loot the town as their payment for coming as naruto and kakashi both exhausted try to figure out what to do and arrow fell to the ground in front of the opposing forces everyone's attention was drawn to its source inari and the entirety of the town's population would come to start protecting themselves to contribute to the already intimidating forces naruto and kakashi use what little chakra they have left to create what appears to be a large number of shadow clones causing the mercenary fleet of the boat that they used to get to the bridge kakashi approached zabaza who asked to see haku one last time kakashi complied and laid zaba's broken body alongside haku's as snow began to fall zabza asked haku whether he was crying and asserted that just as haku had always been by his side in life he was now by hank's side and death with his last breath he expressed his desire to go to the same afterlife as haku if he only could gosh he remarked that sabaza would be able to be with haku in death as they would go to the afterlife together haku and zabzo were buried side by side and naruto having witnessed the fate of the shinobi decided to live his life his own way not letting others tell him how the bridge was completed and team seven prepared to leave as they bade farewell to zuna and his family naruto told narrator that it was okay to cry inari saying that he didn't want to said the same thing to naruto who also said that he didn't want to as naruto walked away both broke into tears causing soccer to call them both idiots as they all disappeared in the distance tazuna proclaimed that the bridge would be called the great naruto bridge to signify the strength of naruto gabinari who in turn spread to the whole town tuning exams teams have returned to konono to continue with their lives as regular genie one day whilst playing with konohamaru uranus naruto met three genning from tsunagakura gara konkoro tamari and learned that they rained konohan to participate in the tuning selection exams meanwhile kakashi osman and kur and i all volunteered their teams to the exam as well naruto was thrilled with the possibility of becoming a chunin the first part of the exam proctored by ibk moreno was written but it was not a test of knowledge as much as a test of information gathering and willpower the first nine questions were supposed to be obtained by cheating where the geniune must use any techniques to find out the correct answer of being caught naruto who did not realize this went into a dramatic state in which he felt that he would cause his entire team be eliminated as he did not know the answer any of the questions sasuke realized that he too did not know the answers but immediately activated a shotgun to copy someone else's answers sakura as a testament to her incredible intellect answered all the questions quickly a feat that the examiner later said could not be accomplished again in level the last question was a do or die question if one didn't answer one's entire team failed to tune in exams but if one answered incorrectly one would reign again forever naruto showed that he was on a quitter when he exclaimed that he didn't care if he said again in forever and that even if he came to pass he would still become hokage the genny who chose to answer the first question i'll pass the first part of the tuning exams including naruto who didn't answer a single question on the written part of the exam the second part of the exam talked about uncommodorashi was a survival exam in the 44th training ground also known as the force of death during this part naruto found himself in a desperate situation against rochimaru and ass ranked missing in from guanajuato so powerfully the third hague later mentioned there was nobody in khan they could fight him equally it turned out that urochimara used to be one of the third hokage's pupils also known as the saneen naruto and sasuke's reaction to the situation where a complete reverse of what happened in the land of waves mission sasuke was frozen with fear while naruto fought unfearlessly at one point stopping rojimar's huge sum and snake in its tracks on his own with the help of some demon fox chalk red and muttering to sasuke in a moment of glorious retribution that marked another milestone of the rivalry you're not hurt are you scaredy cat naruto eventually snapped sasuke out of his panic however rochimari used the five-element seal on naruto disrupting the flow of the demon fox's chakra as well as naruto's own however orochimaru was too much for sasuke as well in the end originally put a cursed seal of heaven onto sasuke's neck saying that sasuke would eventually come to him for the power he needed to kill his brother hitachi chiha orochimaru then left sending his three genie and team dosu from otogary to go after sasuke meanwhile anka was informed of the corpses of three gunning from kusakaku she recognized one of them as shiorei she found out that someone must have killed the genie and used their faces to disguise themselves after the exams she suspected that the shiite who took the exams was actually archimaru she ran off to confront heroichimaru only to have her cursing the heaven reactivated by him orochimaru warned her not to stop the exams while both naruto and sasuke were unconscious from the fight against rojimaru sakura had to take care of them it was there that sakura's personality reached a turning point as kim tsuji of team dose who trapped her by roughly holding her by her hair soccer realized how pathetic her behavior was always blindly praising and criticizing others when she was the one who hadn't proved it all she reflected on herself thinking of how she was always telling naruto that she was better than him when he was one who'd been consistently improving and telling sasuke she loved him when she couldn't even muster up enough strength to protect him as a teammate before she symbolically freed herself by cutting off her long hair with the kunai which she initially kept long because it had been rumored that sasuke like girls long hair she also decided to fight against the other ghanian and resolve to no longer be dependent on her teammates at this point team town arrived on the scene rockleigh fought the other ninja and used the front lotus handosu who was saved by zaku but admitted that the lotus still almost killed him rockley is then defeated by dosu team 10 fights the oto ninja to save sakura but ultimately fails the rest between nine arrives at the scene though su kanu leader of team dosu mentioned that edgy could see through them but before an educated attack and awaken sasuke intervened the cursed seal on sasuke head by now started to take effect and in a state of insanity and murderous intent sasuke defeated zaku ubumi of team dosu going as far as to dislocate his shoulders for no other reason to cause him pain before he could do any more damage anyone else however sakura hugged sasuke crying and big him to stop allowing sasuke to regain control of the seal dose who left with his teammates wondering why rochimaru had sent him to kill sasuke if he had known that sasuke would have the current seal team seven still managed to make it past the second stage by defeating team obero of amigakudai with a little help from kabuto yakushi a fellow ninja from konoha seven teams managed to pass which was more than twice as many as had been expected to cut down the prevailing genius from the second exam a preliminary round was staged before the third and final stage of the tuning exams the 21 people or 20 after copper two withdrew were to be matched up with each other in a fight that lasted until somebody gave in or was unable to continue fighting the proctor of the third exam hyatt gekko did reserve the right to step in and stop the fight when he felt that there was a clear winner sakura at first attempted to tell the examiners of the cursed steel that aochie married placed on sasuke was seriously debilitating him but sasuke stopped her and told her to demand her business at that point naruto stepped in to stand up for sakura but was swiftly silenced by sasuke who acknowledged naruto by declaring that he was one of the people he wanted to fight later on naruto returned the sentiment the first matchup was sasuke jihad against a member of kabuto's team yoda akaro before the fight started kakashi warned sasuke that if his curse still got out of control he would have to intervene and stop the match to control the seal this sparred saskatchewan using any technique as the seal responds to the closest chakra the match started with yoda stealing sasuke's tracker with his track absorption the match seemed hopeless for sasuke until he heard naruto's taunts next room was rock lee which gave sasuke an idea he used the lion combo a partial copy of rocky's front lotus which had been captured by sasuke's sharingan yoda was knocked unconscious and sasuke advanced the next round after the fight goshido sasuke whale that sealed the cursed seal up next were zakua boomi and shino abrame of konaga korea's team eight zaku apparently only had one functional arm but he but he could win regardless elsewhere the cursio was sealed by kakashi but then arochimara showed up for sasuke asserting that all the ghani and he currently had his command were disposable as kakashi rated his lightning cutter chino committed a multitude of insects to attack soccer from behind leaving the one amzaku unable to defend himself as a unidirectional technique zaku then revealed that he used both arms but it was too late the insects had blocked the tubes and zaku's arms building up the chakra he's trying to use and making the arms explode thus ending the fight hirochimamura left saying that sasuke would be his someday the match would misumi surugi against conqueror of sunigara's threesome siblings began misami quickly used soft physique modification to restrain kankar and threatened to snap his neck until it was revealed that the kankara misumi was fighting was just a puppet the real conqueror was disguised controlling the puppy with the puppy technique he used the puppet karasu to crush misimi's bones defeating him the fourth match sakura over his ino of konohakoda's team 10 was particularly meaningful as the two arrivals the match dragged down for a very long time since they seem to be caught on par until ino tried to possess sakura's body to force it to forfeit the match however sakura's will expel eno from her mind exhausted and out of chakra they both went for a final attack hitting each other at the exact same time and rendering each other unconscious hayate declared that neither of them would move on to the next round the fifth match was ten-ten of quahog code's team guy against mario if sooner okay his sense siblings the match is over quickly as all the projectile weapons used by 1010 were completely countered by with the wind release techniques used by tamari who won without taking as much as single scratch rockley jumped down to avenge mario's treatment of 10 10 but mike guys stopped what would have turned into a fight the sixth match sugar marinara of konohakura's team 10 against kinsuchi was next mashikumara aware that he was at its advantage since kid had seen him use his shadow invitation technique in the force of death about showing her own fighting style kittens started by dodging the shadow imitation technique of throwing simbon with and without bells using strings turning the bells from unexpected positions to develop chigmar's attention attacking behind shigamar however managed to join his shadow with its using the shadows of the strings that she was holding with kitten matching chickamar's movements each joey shuriken and flung them at each other when it came time for them to die she come out ducks successfully but kian having previously retreated banged her head against the wall and knocked herself out which turned out to be the true goal of chickamar's battle strategy shikumaru emerged as the winner naruto still impaired by the five elements seal was matched up with keeba of konohanku koda's team eight in the seventh match the fight went poorly for narcotics at first especially after cuba's nin ken akamaru joined the fight and transformed into kiba with the human beast con technique narrative comeback by transforming in a layered fashion into akimaru and then kiba so that would keep attack naruto the second transformation as kiba gave way to the first as akamaru leading kiba to attack akimaru still affected by a beast human clone he would then focus on attacking intensively to keep north counter attacking until naruto accidentally broke wind which stunned kiba whose sense of snow was magnified a thousand times at the time naruto then beat cube by using shadow clones to perform a new technique the naruto uzmaki combo the eighth match brought a family rivalry to the forefront as hinata and nenji of the hugo clan battled kiba being born away on a stretcher urged hinata to forfeit at first neji assaulted hinata psychologically using her fears he convinced that she had no possibility of winning however after being expired by naruto's courage hinata decided to fight and prove that she would be brave as well they both fought using the hugo gentle fifth style and the biaku got a kekai genkai which kashi has started to surpass the sharing on while they initially seemed to the observers to be equally matched negi managed to interrupt his chocolate on her arms saving her ability to use gentle fist hinata still tried to go on and it was only the exam proctor's intervention that stopped ninja from killing her he not his bravery still managed to inspire naruto as he vowed to battle and win against nedji in the third exam the ninth match pitted lee against gara of sunoga's sand siblings at first none of rock lee's taijutsu attacks managed to penetrate or circumvent garage shield of sand until lee removed the weights he was running around his legs the boost of speed was such that gara-san couldn't follow these movements and garu was hit for the first time his life however garrow was revealed to be using armor of sand to keep these attacks from working on him realizing that his normal attacks were not going to work lee then used his front lotus angara but in the end it was revealed that he had been a sand clone having no other way to end the match and with guy's permission lee opened five of the inner chakra gates the result being lee's strength was multiplied eventually for a short time but also severely injured him he then proceeded to continuously beat gar with his rivers lotus however asgara fell to the ground he dispersed his sandboard as a cushion to break his fall gara then used his sand binding coffin to crush rock lee's left arm and leg my guy jumped down to prevent guard from killing lee and regretted having taught lee how to open the inner gates after learning from medical ninja that lee could no longer be an injured due to his intense injuries garrow won the match the last match was choji akimichi of kona hakoda's team 10 vs dosa kanuta choji was reluctant to battle instead wanted to forfeit but tried after being promised food by a sensei ahmed saratobi if he won choji entered the battle with prior knowledge of dose's sound-based attacks and quickly used human bullet tank to plug his ears from the other ninja attacks however dosu overcame this by transmitting his sound through the water and showed his body thus defeating him after the preliminary ends and drawing lots to determine the first round matchups in the tournament there was a one-month period in which the remaining gang could prepare themselves various dignitaries were also invited to watch them in matches during this month naruto met jorah another sanity for the first time drya agreed to be a sensei and was one who taught him the most advanced techniques he learned during that time under jiraya naruto improved his shock control by practicing walking on water learned to call upon the demon fox's energy at will after jurai used the five elements on seal to cancel logimo's five element seal and how to use the summoning technique to call the giant toad gamabunta to his aid but was so exhausted after completing his training that gonboots are carried into the hospital also during the month of training dosu who was trying to sneak up on and kill gara was ripped to shreds by him hayate was murdered by baki the jonathan of the sand siblings after he overheard baki talking with kabuto their plans to invade konoha gara also attempted to assassinate lee in the hospital on the day before the finals but was stopped by naruto chickamaru gara revealed his past which led to naruto realizing that they'd similar histories of prejudice before guys stepped in and forced guard to leave due to the fact that hyatt gekko was murdered during the one month break gen mashira nui became the new proctor for the final exam the first match was naruto against neji naruto's fight with neji in the first match of the final is a very dramatic one during that fight negi lectured naruto as he had done with hinata during the preliminaries telling naruto that failures remained failures and that this could not change naruto eventually won the battle through a combination from the demon fox's powers field within him and sheer belief in victory in the process he changed nj's outlook on life and inspired him to create his own fate thus forming another important bond naruto was able to make naji understand that destiny could be changed and they became very good friends from that point on the second match which featured sasuke versus gara was moved to be the last as sasuke had an arrival yet normally he would have been disqualified on the spot but his match had been highly anticipated in fact some of the crowd commented that they mostly came to see him fight forcing the third hockey to give in to kazakh's request post by match the third match which featured chino versus conqueror was given to shino on default since conqueror forfeited to keep his security secret before the invasion was launched the fourth match was to mario vs shikimaru as both tamara and chikumaru were excellent strategists but shigeru was better although it appeared throughout the match at chicago was using pointless attacks he was actually five steps ahead and managed to skillfully manipulate tomorrow into a position where he could attack him behind using the tunnel which naruto had dug during his match of naji to stealthily extended shadow intation technique this took control over tamar's body and forced her to imitate everyone of chickamar's movements although shikomaru could have won he quit instead saying that he's too low on chakra his real reason for quitting however seems to be because he's incredibly lazy and saw an appointed winning which would have only led to having to fight in further matches he also didn't want her girl gar versus sasuke came around again this is the battle the crowd have been looking forward to sasuke arrives right in time and the match is about to begin sasuke demonstrated that his speed had vastly increased to the point where the sand guarding gara could not keep up sasuke also demonstrated chidori a technique that he'd learned from kakashi and kakashi's only original technique to injure gara before the match could finish however a smoke bomb was set off in the khalga's box kawato who was actually working for ochimaru used genjutsu to put almost everyone in the crowd to sleep and the kona hawk crush commenced konoha crush with the invasion of konahat's start soon another ninja porn to konoha using giant snakes top of the village's predictive wall as this goes on the fourth kasich holds a kunai to the third hook is knack holding a hostage and allowing them both to get to the roof of their sitting area without confrontation as onboard members try to come to the third rescue the kazukaki's minions are actually four violet flames formation preventing anyone from getting in or out as the kazakh begins to mock the third for getting so old they've been going so far as to call him sensei the third realize that the kazakh is actually orochimaru in disguise who sheds his disguise so that he can face his former master face to face the third hokage knowing that herochimaru's come to kill him removes zokay outfit reeling his fighting gear underneath roche mara comments on the third game prepared for the battle and the two stare each other down when one of the tiles on the roof cracks they begin their battle the third starts by sending hundreds of shuriken to rochimaru who blocks them by summoning three coffins to shield himself third recognizing the coffins deduces what rochimaru is trying to do and attempts to top the coffin summonings however only two coffins open and the reanimated corpses of the first and second hokage step out the two deceased hokages greet the third and comment on the impressiveness of rochemary being able to summon them in response the third states that he regrets having to see the two against his opponents and tells him to prepare for defeat harojimar prepares the two hookahs for battle removing the effects that death has had in their bodies and raised their personality angered by rochimaru's use of his former teachers the third attacks the group those efforts are neutralizing he's thrown back and restrained by the first hokage's ability to summon trees realizing he's outnumbered the third summons enma to help him in battle who transforms into a large staff to give the third weapon with enema in hand the third tries to attack rochimaru though he's repelled by the other two akages using this failure as an opportunity the third plane's explosive tags and the two hokage is taking away each of their legs the legs however regenerate showing the third the conventional attacks are useless out of options the third prepares to use the only juts that will work though rochimaru first decides to show him something removing the mask he had been wearing orochimar reveals his true face that of a young woman whose body orochimar had stolen and begun to occupy recognizing this as a rochimar's success and finally achieving a path to immortality the search for which he had been expelled from konoha 4 the third begins to understand why orochimar had come to konoha to take the body of sasuke ochiha determined not to let this happen it directed his mistake of allowing rochimar to escape years earlier the third creates two shadow clones all the thirds prepared to use dead demon consuming seal a technique that the third claims orochimaru despite his extensive knowledge has never seen before as the demon called forth by the seal only able to be seen by the third readies itself the third is forced to endure the other two hokage's blows weakening his old body even more as soon as the seal is ready for use the third shadow clones each grab hold of a hokage and the demon plunges hands in each momentarily we're getting their senses the hokages all apologize to each other the first and second of the trouble they've caused the third and the third to the fade he sends them to the demon pulls the souls of the first and second from their body and steals them within the bodies of the third shadow clones causing the clones to disappear and pop smoke no longer inhabited the first and second bodies dissolve revealing themselves to be in actuality the bodies of zaku abumi and kinsuchi to getting urichimaru to enter to the tuning exams and now sacrifice for his means angered by richmore's careless use of his subordinates the third grabs edma and exchanges blows with the rochimara and his kusunagi sword throwing the kusanagi and emma's aside the third grabs onto himara and the demon of the seo plunges his hand into rochimaru says saying that his soul is being removed from his body original calls his kusanagi to him stabbing the third in the back this chain of events forces the third to halt the removal of our soul the latter of which questions why he didn't block the attack third explains that in exchange for using the ceiling technique the user is sentenced to death as was demonstrated by its use by the fourth hokage of the demon fox he was earlier due to the large amount of his soul that has been removed orochimaru is now able to see the demon in the seal just in time to witness the consumption of the hokage soul affected by it once eaten by the demon the souls are trapped in its belly forever to spend eternity in a constant battle of hate with one another this revelation brings fear to achimer's eyes who tries to ensure the third dies before he can be given that same future as the okay battle goes on the joni in the audience that managed to repel out kabuto's genjutsu begin to confront the invading ninja determined to protect the audience from straight attacks meanwhile baku informs congruent to mario to take guard elsewhere his injury making him useless for the plane invasion sasuke confused about what's going on falls three wanted to finish this fight with kara kakashi watches sasuke go off unable to leave his current duty protection he does however notice that sakura 2 has managed to shake the kenjutsu and tells her to wake naruto and shikomaru they can follow sasuke she does so though she finds that shikomaru was also unaffected by the genjutsu choosing to pretend that he had been so he could avoid being drawn in battle to help in their pursuit of sasuke kashi summons paku to guide them and the fourth set off as the group leaves the stadium he manages the forest pakun senses that they're being followed by nyan oto ninja to act as a distraction by the other some time shigemaru stays behind to slow down the ninja after altering a surroundings of the impression the group on a different direction shikumar lies and wait for the following invaders once they catch up and take notice of the apparent change in course shikamaru traps the group of the shadow imitation technique shikumar notices however that he's only managed to catch eight of nine indicating that one ninja had been following behind to protect the others running along chakra and therefore running at a time where he can restrain the ninja with she can throw shuriken at the group so we can find out the location of the ninth the shuriken are all stopped by the free ninja's needles and shigemaru tries to extend a shout out to the ninja location but he doesn't have enough shadows to work with after keeping the eight at bay for a while longer shigeru's chakra runs out and he's forced to release the group freed the group encourages the ninth ninja to be the one to kill their captive and in response a ninja appears behind shikamaru the ninja however catches everyone by surprise as it's revealed to be awesome sarah toby with the ninth ninja in tow in a flash osmo takes out the other eight until shigebar to take a rest sasuke eventually manages to catch up with gara konkaro and tomorrow as conqueror prepares to fight sasuke in hopes of giving to mary and gara time to escape shino aburam arrives to fight conqueror in sasuke's stead wanting to have the fight he'd been denied during the finals as sasuke goes off to continue his pursuit of gara conqueror unveils his puppet karasu and sheena reads his bugs for battle conqueror uses karasu's new arsenal of weapons to try and poison shino though she knows bugs allowed to make a number of otherwise impossible evasions as conqueror continues to direct karasu shino is able to navigate his bugs in secret to conqueror's location which consumes chakra and prevent him from moving with kangkoro no longer able to move chino collapses karasu's one successful strike finally taking effect as konkoro when shino's fight draws to a close sasuke again managed to catch up with gara who having sent sasuke's arrival swipes to mario out of the way as ghara's contemplations of killing sasuke increase his transformation begins with the sanforming new monster's arm with the arm gara is given increased speed and strength forcing sasuke to begin his assault with another chidori a technique he's only capable using twice a day as guard charges at sasuke sasuke and leaves his jutsu slicing guard's arm and two though the technique is successful in injuring gar it does nothing but increase his desire to fight causing him to sprout a tail of the same nature as the arm asgara charges again his speed once again increased sasuke is forced to use judor a third time pushing him to his limits and forcing him to activate the cursed seal given to him by rochimaru the sasuke's attack once again slices guard's arm in two sasukes is used for the curse mark drains the remaining energy and causes him to collapse asgara makes the finishing blow naruto arrives and kicks kara away as sakura and paku and start to tend to sasuke naruto attempts to figure out who gara is his face now partially transformed as well upon learning that the beast is gara and remembering guar is about to kill to prove his existence naruto yells to run away garr however has already made his move and charges at the down sasuke sakura her willingness to help others strengthen during the tuning exams shield sasuke prepares to attack gary if necessary due to looking sakura's eyes gar is unable to bring himself to harm her instead using his arm to pin her to a nearby tree save sakura naruto charges zegara although only managed to get himself swatted aside to help him in his battle naruto attempts to summon kamabunta although is only able to summon gamakichi a considerably smaller toad that does nothing but taunt naruto unimpressed by naruto was attempted to summon gary gives the battle of stipulation using his sand to keep sakura pinned to the tree gara causes the sand to slowly form a tighter hole than her forcing her to defeat before sakura suffocates with new incentive battle made gara hurls san shuriken at naruto who grabs gamakichi to shield from the attack this onslaught allows garage to find another chance to further his transformation now having two beastly arms and his face being that of his final transformation his attack's ineffective against his new form naruto decides that to save soccer at sasuke he will battle with his life and pulls out all the stops for the battle after creating a number of shadow clones naruto uses the clones to launch himself at gara though gara swats massage once again naruto managed to plant an explosive kunai under gara's tail something that just so happens to be gar's weak spot before nara took concluded with surrounding trees sasuke catches him tells him to save soccer and run naruto remember the time that sasuke was his life to save him says that he'll be the one to fight gara since the two are much alike repeating his promise to protect those precious to him naruto taps into the demon fox's chakra enabling him to create 1999 shadow clones with his army of shadow clones naruto uses uzumaki naruto's a 2000 combo sending wave after a wave of attacks at gara and pushing guard to his limits of endurable damage not wanting to lose gara completes his transformation destroying all of naruto's shatter clones and transforming into a tanooki that stands many times higher than the tallest tree determined to make naruto pay for forcing him into his final form gar begins to encase naratona's sand biting coffin before the compacting effects of the sand can begin naruto again taps into power the demon fox and again attempts the summoning technique finally successful gara's coffin expands and bursts with naruto writing upon gamma but his head ready for battle gamabunta having yet to find naruto worthy of commanding him is reluctant to help fight for naruto gamakichi revealed to begum buddha's son encourages the giant toad to accept naruto due to nato's earlier protection of him from gara upon learning that naruto helped his son and that gara had picked on a member of the gamma family gamabunta decides to help naruto on cheats his equally giant sword charging agara gombooza puts all of his might into his sword swing though he's barely successfully cutting gara's arm off impressed with naruto's display of abilities gar emerges from the santanuki's forehead and puts himself to sleep awakening the personality of the one-tailed chukaku sealed the gara now freed from the restraints imposed upon it by gara's consciousness shugaku is able to use its more devastating abilities each of which gamabuta is unable to counter completely because toads lack natural weapons such as fangs or claws gumbutta asks naruto to help him transform into something more capable of close combat choosing the first animal that comes to mind naruto transforms gambuta into a giant fox allowing the ladder to bite and tara chukaku with gamabuta locked in combat with shukaku naruto leaves from kambuta's head to that of shukaku punching gara and waking him up forcing chicago back into submission with gara awake again his first priority becomes protecting himself from naruto as garage sand tries again to encase naruto and now untransformed kamabuntu uses his tongue to shield naruto naruto determined to now defeat gara and save soccer who's running out of time taps into the demon fox's powerful more attack with chakra radiating from him naruto breaks free of garage shackles and charges at garo managed to use his sand to restrain naruto's hands and legs using the only weapon he has left naruto puts all of his energy into a headbutt naruto's last desperate attack being right on the mark gara's strength is sapped and the giant tanuki disintegrates gabaluta worn out by battle returns homo gamakichi the not before complimenting naruto's outstanding fighting abilities as the two ganning fall through the air each managed to land on neighboring treetops and each prepares for what will be their last exchange of blows once each is ready the two leap at one another their destiny is about to be decided by the stadium the genuine corner observed the field of victory at the bodies of otto and soon a ninja strewn across the arena the battle between the third hokkaido and orochimaru has over the past hour not changed as each is still locked in place the kusanagi in the third's back and the soul partially removed from orochimar's body the third wise as he is has used his time to come to the conclusion that he no longer has a strength needed to completely remove rochimar's soul and decides to instead make this roche mars last battle having the demon of the seal turn its attention towards mars arms the third prepares to complete the only seal he can now make hoping to break the third will to go on orochimar reminds his former master of the casualties kono has suffered at the hands of his invasion saying that konoha will crumble dishearten that urochuma would so quickly forget the abilities of konoha's ninja the third reminds the former student to be going on ninjas desire to protect their village all throughout the village battles between kanawha's elite and the invading forces rage on and despite the overwhelming forces united against them the fighting few of the village utterly defeat the enemy determined to prove his point and finally prove to rochimar that power does not lie within the knowledge of techniques the third seals orochimaru's arms taking away his ability forever more of using jutsu as hirochimura's arms fall useless to his sides the third bids his final farewells and unison with naruto's defeat of gara naruto angara fall to the earth and the third okay falls over dead with the grin on his face enraged that even in death the old man could manage to smile orochimaru calls for assistance and enma now free honors his old friend by removing the blade from his back before disappearing as rochimar's subordinates gathered their leader in fleet the journey to the stadium confront the only two remaining invaders with kakachi's encouragement kabuto removes his own buddhist skies and whispers to baku that they should retreat as the two disappear other battles conclude tamara picks up a defeated conqueror sakura is freeman gara sand and naruto approaches they defeated gara fearing that naruto means to do more haram gara beckens him to stay away upon getting close enough instead of harming garand displays pity stating that he too knows the pain of being alone naruto however was able to find people to nurture his pain and bring him hope and states that nagara ever tries to hurt these people who have brought him happiness he will again before stick action gara in disbelief realizes that naruto's strength comes not from his desire to help himself but to help those who are dear to him which begins to change gar's outlook on life sasuke gathers up naruto extremely impressed and jealous of naruto's display of strength likewise to mario and concor where chief beaten gara who for the first time ever apologizes to them as the last of the invading otto and soon and ninth flee the village the elite of konoha gather upon the resting spot of their hokage's body during the hokage funeral a few days later the ninja of konoha vowed to remember sacrifice forever search for tsunade after they failed invasion of kona hakokura the ninja of sununu gakurei looked for their now missing fourth kazukage after finding the kazuki's body and the body of his assistants in the neighboring desert the people who sooner realize that orochimaru the man who originally proposed the invasion of the village killed and impersonated the kazakh to give the impression of support for the invasion this revelation coupled with soon as devastating losses at the hands of konoha ninja forces the village to surrender unconditionally which konghan accepts kohakakurei through having managed to repel the invading forces was also heavily affected by the invasion as well losing many of its ninja forces and its third hokage because the village is now without a leader the village elders approached darya one of their quake's former pupils and asked him to become the fifth hokkaido gay girard declines the offer saying that another one of the third's people will be better suited for the job tsunade because tsunade's whereabouts are unknown jaraya offers to help go find her with the stipulation to be allowed to bring naruto's maki the others agree and after dry is promise of teaching manujutsu so does naruto and the two head out to find tsunade meanwhile two outsiders have entered the village and got the attention of awesome asari toby and koran yuhi once confronted about their presence konoha the two reveal themselves be kishigaki a renegade ninja from kittygakurei and hitachiojiha the men who single-handedly murdered the entire jihad clan because the two were wanted criminals asuma and kronai tried to apprehend them through battle but quickly found themselves outclassed by their enemies just as the two konahan ninja are about to be defeated kakashi hadak arrives and save them both his trying on making it easier for him to battle kisame so itachi asked kisame to step down to let him personally take on kakashi despite kakashi's unformidable abilities and advanced proficiency with the sharing gun hitachi quickly proves to be the superior ninja displaying his far greater speed and superior shark got abilities and kakashi is only barely able to block his attacks realizing that hitachi is only using a fraction of his abilities although he still praises kakashi being so skilled with the showing on despite not being at the hot blood the moment hitachi activates the monkey kyo sharingan kashi immediately instructs asuma and kerna to close their eyes so as to avoid falling prey to itachi's ultimate technique because kakashi has a showing god he believes he will be able to withstand itachi's jutsu only be swiftly proven wrong as hitachi sukiyomi quickly overpowers kakashi sharongan and renders him helpless with the little strength he has kakashi asks why the two have come to konoha which itachi replies that they're after the fourth hokkaido's legacy naruto uzumaki remembering what draya dola earlier kikashi recognized their reason as their organization akatsuki's goal to gain the power of the night tell demon fox sealed with the naruto because of kikashi's knowledge of their organization and its motives itachi instructs kusumei to kill kakashi assam and kurenai before kiesman can land a fatal blow however my guy appears and repels kisame with guys arrival kokashi collapses exhaust from itachi's previous attack hitachi recognizing gaia is a threat as well as the fact that reinforcements are on their way leaves ukisome wanting to avoid starting a war taking kakashi away to rest guy asma and kuru and i decide that it'd be best if sasuke uchiha itachi's brother didn't know that hitachi had returned when sasuke arrives to find out what had put kakashi in the cities in the truth of hitachi's return in the search for natural slips out when aoba accidentally spills the truth sasuke having an everlasting desire to kill his brother due to the latter's murder of their entire family and also wanted to protect naruto runs off in search of naruto meanwhile dry and naruto arrive at a nearby town's hotel with a rest for the night drya being a pervert through and through notices an attractive woman that's showing interest in him so that he can get acquainted with the woman joriah sends an art up to their room as naruto sits on his bed cursing doraya someone knocks the door thinking it's an already rejected dry and naruto opens the door finding instead kisame and hitachi perplexed by itachi's showing on and the two's knowledge of the demon fox within him naruto leaves the safety of the room to find out what's going on as kisame ready to use his sword to cut off naruto's leg thereby making it easier to carry sasuke arrives vowing to kill hitachi to act on his promise sasuke prepares chidori and lunges at hitachi before sasuke can land a blow he thought she grabs and crushes his arm sending the attack in her nearby wall to help sasuke naruto taps into the demon fox's chakra ready to summon a toe to help in battle kisame's sword however absorbs naruto's chakra preventing him from using any jutsu as kisemet again prepares to cut off naruto's leg a toad appears to block the attack with jurai appearing behind naruto scolding hitachi and kisame for not doing proper research on him durai explains that he's much better at getting women there getting him though naruto dismisses that that's a bad excuse for his pervertedness realizing that he taught you put the girl under a genjutsu to drown away jaraya learns for certain that the two really are after naruto as draya proclaims that he'll kill the two sasuke rises repeating that he'll be the one to kill hitachi having no interest in their brotherly quarrel itachi kicks sasuke aside and proceeds to beat him into submission once sasuke is unable to fight back astounded by how much he's still at class by his older brother itachi uses tsukiomi to show sasuke the murder of their parents while also mocking him for lacking the hate needed to be strong enough as naruto makes to help sasuke and kiesema makes it stop naruto jaraya encases the area in a layer of a sticky substance preventing anyone from moving knowing that they cannot win hitachi and kisaway flee though not before juraya attempts to further ensnare them with his jutsu surprised that they are successful in escaping jiraya finds that a black flame was used to destroy his normally impenetrable technique with hitachi and kismegon naruto checks up on sasuke whose mind has been broken by his own brother at that moment guy arrives in kickstart in the face having mistaken him for an enemy after guy apologizes he informs drive that kakashi is in the same state as sasuke and that nothing can be done to help him recover as guy takes sasuke back to konada rest jaraya realizes that only sunadik and alkokashi and sasuke strengthening his resolve to find her because ikatsuki will henceforth be after naruto jaraya decides to start teaching art to the technique that is supposedly stronger than sasuke's chidori the resengan the jutsu that took the fourth hokage three years to master as the pair goes from place to place in search of sanade naruto rapidly progresses through the resent god's leaning steps coming up with a number of shortcuts along the way justin naruto gets to the final stage of learning the jutsu jiraya learns of tsunata's location and the two go to meet her meanwhile orochimaru is suffering from his last encounter with the third hokage his arms unable to perform jutsu and constantly bringing in pain at the same time knowing that his assistant kabuto yakuchi's medicine will do nothing to help him orochimar concludes the only person who can restore his arms is tsunade knowing where tsunade is currently located he incapable to find her elsewhere tsunade an avid and very unlucky gambler hits a winning streak indicating to her that something bad is about to happen and as such she tries to flee the city her assistant shizunay asks tsunade if they can go and see the local landmarks first which tsunami reluctantly agrees as susana admires an ancient castle with tsunade repeatedly asking her to hurry up the castle collapses and from the rebel emerges orochimaru and kabuto riding a giant snake unhappy to see her old teammate sonata refuses to heal herochimaru deducing what his ailment is from his appearance alone after kabuto states that only sonata can upper rochimaru so i inquires how he got the injury recognized it as being far above an average wound nonchalantly orochimero explains that it was nothing more than his own carelessness when he was killing the theory hokage the revelation of which shocks shizune and tsunade noting the expressions on the two's faces orochimaru comments that all people die and reminds me of two deceased loved ones this observation enrages shizuna who attempts to strike a rochimaru though kabuto blocks the attack after calming shizune down and casually scolding urochimar for what he said sonata punches the wall next to her roosing it to gravel and vows to kill him if he ever says it again after repeating a refusal to help herochimaru sonata prepares to fight them in the event they won't leave just as she's about to attack herochimara offers to revive her dead brother and love her if she helps him stopping sunati before she can act finally considering the offer zunadi asks what rochimara will do if his arms are healed to which he replies he will destroy konoha elsewhere juray and naruto have arrived in the city and the two visit tsunai's last known location when they hear reports of a giant snake destroying a castle jiraiya recognizes this is one of rochimaru's acts and as such rushes to the castle shizunay meanwhile is infuriated by irochimar's proposal of destroying konahan and tries to persuade sonar and helping her kill the weakened rochimaru although sunadi refuses orochimaru sheds some of his own blood to make sure she keeps her word though when sonata suffers from a fear of blood with tsunade forced into submission by the sight of blood archimara gives her a week to consider his offer and he and kabuto disappear when jiraiya and narayan arrive at the scene tsunami and she's in everybody left deciding to give up on the search for the day juraya takes naruto to a local bar for dinner where he surprisingly finds sonata and she's night already having theirs as naruto eats his dinner drya astunate what urochimara wanted from her to which she replies nothing quickly changing the subject to what joriah wants from her as he tells her that konoha needs her to be the next mokage naruto begins choking his food with surprise and tsunata and shizuna uses the confirmation that erochemia really had killed ethereum kage tsunade declines the position saying that only a fool becomes hokage and goes on to ridicule the password snotty's words anger naruto spring him into attempting to strike her though jaray holds him back impressed that naruto was looking at challengers and only offers to fight him going so far as to say she'll only use one finger after the two step outside naruto charges the tsunade with the kunai in hand though sonata is able to take it from him use it to remove his forehead protector and launch him backwards with the promised single finger tsunade expecting her to pass out from her attack asks why being hokage is such a sensitive subject for naruto which he replies that becoming hokage is his dream as he says so sonata sees naruto her dead brother and lover both of whom would want to be hokage and both of them look similar to naruto while sonata is momentarily off balance naruto uses the opportunity to use his still to be mastered with sengon on tsunade recognizing the technique and the danger it imposes so now he slams her finger to the ground creating a large fissure that naruto falls into forcing the resengan into the ground noticing that naruto's version of the jutsu is dramatically weaker than what it was capable of doing tsunade proposes a bet with naruto if you can master a sengon in a week she'll give him her grandfather the first quagga's necklace something she claims that could buy three mountains if he can't she gets all the money in his wallet naruto accepts the offer and goes off to the hotel with shiznite while tsunada and girard shout out for drinks during the discussion jurai reveals that he's aware that tsunade has some sort of deal with herochimaru though he doesn't know what it is he goes on to say however that if sunata helps heroichimar with whatever it is that he wants he will kill her as a trader of konoha looking to change the subject snowden asks why jurai brought naruto with him to which she replies that naruto looks remarkably similar to sonata's dead brother nawaki meanwhile at the hotel she's an explains in art to the history of sonar's necklace and has sunata had given it to each her brother and her lover dan in turn in the hopes that it would help them achieve their goals of becoming hokage soon after receiving the necklace however each of them died a bloody death giving sonata a fear of blood and leading many to believe that the next was cursed after hearing the story naruto leaves to finish his training determined to prove that when he wins the necklace he really will become a hokage but the next week naruto trains and each day he puts larger and larger dents into the trees he's training with indicating their zen god is getting more powerful all the while tsunade watches him in the background remembering her dead loved ones and constellating the offeromara gave her on the final day naruto doesn't return home at his usual time and she's going to go see what happened to him after finding the tree to be broken and nara to pass out on the ground she's only taken home to rest at the same time jiraiya and tsunami meet again for drinks and discuss naruto's progress while dry is not looking snotty substitute powder into his drink and after drinking it he passes out sonata returns to hotel and see if naruto's perfected the jutsu and only finds him in bed causing to realize what a ridiculous bet it was that she had made she's in that meanwhile pleads personality not to go through withomar's deal willing to kill herself in order to stop her sonata knocks she's an eye unconscious and leaves tomato rojimaru as rochimaru and kabuto head towards the meeting place regimara comments that it may be easy to persuade tsunade to heal his arms if she's and they weren't around and so kabuto heads up to kill her naruto meanwhile wakes jesuit up having found her on the floor realizing what happened she's in a rushes to the window to go after tsunade but a weakened jarius tops her before she can leave cursing tsunade for dragging his drink dry explains that the drug makes difficult for him to move and he can't control chakra very well kabuto watches the conversation in the background and knowing that he can't take on cheese and a jaraya and to his surprise naruto by himself leaves to report to hirochimaru jaraya notices kapito's departure and asks what deals tonight i made with arochimaru along the way to the meeting spot season explains the offer and jiraya realized that he may need to kill tsunade sonata and orochimaru meanwhile meet at the sight of their last conversation and tonight agrees to heal heroichimar's arms if he promises to leave kaha alone orochimaru agrees to the stipulation and tsunami approaches him preparing her healing jutsu before she can make contact with urochimaru kabuto appears and throws a kunai between them forcing them to separate orochimaru realizing what kabuto has done asks why after coming so far tonight he was betraying him kabuton notes that because both he and tsunade are medic nin he could notice a subtle amount of killing intent within ajutsu orochimaru laments tsunade's decision even saying that he really had intended to stay away from konoha sonata dismisses this as allah yet says she's been willing to believe it if it meant she could see her loved once again because of naruto however the dreams of nawaki and dan returned to her and thus she couldn't bring herself to turn a blind eye to rochemar's goals of effectively destroying the hopes they had had with that snotty attempts to attack rojimaru though because of his timely dodge her attack misses creating a large crater where he had been as rojimar appears to fight sonata he comments that he never battled her before although kabuto quickly questions this observation since he would actually be the one who will fight her as kabuto informs heroichimaru of jurai's presence they lead sonata away not wanting to fight in the city in case doria shows up after retreating to an empty field kabato and tsunami begin their fight because kabuto isn't very good at taijutsu so not a specialty he resorts to using his mystical palm technique to give his attacks an extra boost in strength although sonata is initially able to avoid many of his attacks her old age causes her to tie quickly allowing kabuto to catch her off guard and strike because the nature of his mystical palm technique kabuto is able to sever some of sonata's muscles upon contact preventing her from moving using this to his advantage kabuto punches her in the chest which also allows him to sever some of her respiratory muscles making it difficult for her to breathe thinking they should be enough to force nada into submission competitor begins to gloat as a success sonate her large breast having weakened kabuto's attack uses his cockiness to her advantage by striking him in the neck forcing him to the ground as he attempts to get up kabuto discovers that tsuna's attack disrupted the electric currents of his nervous system causing his hand to move when he tries to stand up with kabuto unable to move so now he heals her injuries as she does so kabuto begins to compensate for sinai's last attack learning what actions lead to what outcomes after regaining the ability to move 80 of his body kabuto gets up surprising tsunade due to his rapid ability to adapt just as kabuto is about to attack a steel healing sonata naruto jaraya and shiznite appear before him blocking the way sonari is unappreciative of the group's arrival and pushes doria to the ground so she can charge a kabuto before she can commence an attack on kappa to however kapitos slits his wrists covering sanada with blood and causing her to become paralyzed of fear with tsunada incapacitated kabuto punches her away leaving shizune to catch tsunade and take her aside to recover naruto meanwhile tries to understand by kabuto a person had befriended during the tuning exams and had believed to be a ninja of konoha is fighting against tsunade with an otaku forehead protector on to help naruto out kapito explains he was a spy for rochimaru who entered the tuning exams to gather information on sasuke ochiha the person he claims is far more talented than naruto enraged by kabuto's treachery naruto creates a number of shadow clones to help him attack kabuto from the side of his inner hand as an article closes in however kabuto uses the blood seeping from his wrist to blind the narutos allowing him to easily defeat them all she's an a using kabuto's distraction to her advantage launches a poisonous needle at kabuto although kapito is able to block it in time by having needle deflect off his forehead protector returning to rochimar's side gobble to takes a pill to stop his bleeding as he does so jurai hands out assignments he will fight a roche maru shi's and they will fight kabuto naruto protects sunare while she recovers with that jiraiya and kabuto with orochimar's assistance perform the summoning technique allowing kabuto to summon two giant snakes while jarya is still in his drug condition can only manage to summon gamakichi as orochimura ridicules jarya for failing to summon anything formidable his attention is brought to naruto who is giving his own attempt at a summon just as rochimura considers whether he should have killed naruto when they first met due to how formidable the power of the demon fox could be naruto summons gamotatsu causing herochimaru's worries to vanish orochimaru and kabuto charge their respective opponents each riding about a different snake jaraya uses a swamp at the underworld on rochimaru though in his drug state he's only able to submerge the snake in a shallow swamp no longer able to use a snake orochimaru charges at darya lengthening his necks we can get close enough to bite the others in response draya creates a defense by extending the hair on its head and turning it into spikes creating a stalemate between the two she's the night meanwhile battles the kabuto but kabuto was able to evade her attacks and burrow beneath her allowing him to sever the muscles in her ankles and causing her to collapse at the same time naruto deals a couple of snakes escaping from its mouth only briefly enough for it to fall upon his leg pinning him in place as tsunada regains her senses she finds shizune and naruto lying on the ground defeated remembering the deaths of nawaki and dan she attempts to defend herself against the approaching kabuto though he easily starts to beat her into submission just as he's about to give her a finishing blow naruto appears in front of tsunade blocking kabuto's punch with his forehead protector surprised by naruto's sudden intervention kapita was left momentarily stunned using this to his advantage naruto tries to use the recent gun on kabato because the slow sweeping motion that are to puts in the attack kapito is easily able to avoid it as naruto lays in the ground to his lack of speed kabutons about detailing how talentless he is and how helpless his dreams are as he does so sonar sees these insults as applying to milwaukee and dan and remembers her earlier words of a similar meaning to naruto as naratora butts these claims here mine tsunami of the bet they had and how she will need to give him her necklace and then proceeds to create a shadow clone as kabuto charges towards naruto with a kunai in tow so now he begs naruto runs we can accomplish his dreams but naruto simply stands his ground in doing so naruto allows kabuto to attack him although he blocks the worst of it by catching the kunai with his hand as naruto grabs a hold of kabuto's hand he begins to create a sangon with his free hand and uses a shadow clone for assistance in his creation once completed naruto forces the sphere into kabuto's stomach the latter unable to avoid it with only enough time to clutch naruto's chest kabuto is hurled back by the attack and into a rock as the dust settles kabuto emerges with a deep wound in his gut though it immediately begins to heal as a result of the chakra he gathered in his abdomen just before the attack although the exterior damage is almost completely healed kabuto collapses from the internal injuries caused by naruto's attack his chakra reserves too low to fully heal kabuto's last attempt at defeating naruto however proves to be effective as naruto passes out as tsunade rushes to his side to investigate she finds that kabato weaken naruto's heart muscles giving him an erratic heartbeat tsunade desperately tries to heal him an attempt to not only save naruto but also in an attempt to save milwaukee and dan's dream as she does so the demon fox within naruto notices the fading life force of its host and contributes its power in an attempt to save naruto and in turn itself as tsunata continues her healing effort a tired naruto comes to and grabs her necklace claiming it is his after he slips into a tired sleeve so now he puts her necklace around his neck hoping just once more that its weary will someday become hokage orochimaru having just witnessed naruto's potential worries about what may happen if naruto ever falls into the hand of the akatsuki and decides to kill narato in his weakened state after throwing jared to the ground orochimaru lunges at naruts with his kusanagi sword sticking out of his mouth dunare realizing rochimar's intended target leaps in front of naruto as a human shield allowing the story to impale her through the heart as a ruchimaru tells senator that he hadn't intended to kill her so that he replies that she won't let anything happen in naruto as urochimira removes his sword from the blood trembling tsunada he questions why she would save naruto to which she replies that she's protecting kanha but protect naruto the future hokage as aruchimara ridicules the title for its holder's willingness to sacrifice their lives through the prosperity of konoha sonata states that she too will sacrifice her life for the same reason disappointed that tsunade would waste her life in such a way orochimaru slashes her across the chest and she henceforth the fifth hokage after first order of business sonata activates the seal on her forehead to completely regenerate the wounds induced by rochimaru realizing that tsunadi is now back in top shape orochimaru retreats to kabato for assistance in unison orochimaru sonar and jurai use the summoning technique summoning manda katsu and gamabunta respectively as gamabunta expresses excitement in finally getting the chance to kill manda mano represents hirochimar for having any human sacrifices ready for him after jireiah and tsunade denounce arochimara as their comrade and give him promises of death the final battle begins katsu starts the fight by spitting supper for asset at manda the latter of which quickly evades the attack using katsu's vulnerability between attacks to his advantage mondo wraps himself around katsuyu and prayers to bite the giant slug before he can do so however gambuta forces his story to mount his jaws saving katsu from the snakebite still having katsu in his clutches manda tightens the hold of her in attempt to suffocate her but she breaks apart into a number of smaller slugs in order to escape the attack as she regenerates mata throws gambuta around allowing the toad to with the help of dry and golf mata in an enormous cloud of fire when smoke clears manda's shed skin is all that can be found the real snake in the process of burrowing underneath kamabunta although gambuta is able to catch mauna's tail mata is able to get behind the giant toad and prepares to bite the ladder before he can do so however tsunade appears the gum boot to sword and toe and forces it through manda's mouth to keep it shut orochimaru hoping to even the playing field extends his tongue towards sonata and attempt to break her neck but tsunada uses the tongue to wear advantage by using it to bring orochimaru to her after connecting her fist with rochimaru's jaw tsunare allows the defeated orochimar to crash to the ground manda discussed it with rochimara for losing promises that if he could open his mouth he'd eat him and disappears after promising to do so next time they meet as mata departs orochimura frees his tongue from tsunade's grasp and returns to kabuto's side where he says there's still one way to get his arms back the mask covering the face of the body he had stolen peeling away with a promise to destroy konoha orochimaru disappears with kabuto after returning to the city and naruto's recovery juraya sonata shizune and naruto have lunch at the same bar they met at only a week earlier after learning that tsunade had taken the title of fifth hokage naruto begins to find her inadequate for the position listing all the ways that the third hokage was better than her angered by his words snotty tells naruto to step outside of the two can fight where sonata once again says she'll only need one finger as naruto charges at her she once again removes his forehead protector and prepares his striker for one finger fearing the outcome of the strike naruto closes his eyes to his surprise however so now he kisses his forehead rather than hitting him telling him to become a good man after naruto agrees the group heads back to konoha upon their return naruto heard that the village of konoha must continue their missions as normal erica explained naruto over a bowl of ramen of course they must not show other villages that they were currently weak they must do as many missions as they had done before orochimar's invasion even though their strength had been cut in half snotty was well known as a great medical nin so she healed sasuke and kakashi of their ailments received during the fight with itachi she visited lee who was badly injured from his fight with gar in the tuning exam preliminary round after persistent nagging for many characters and told him that he should give up being a ninja there were fragments of bone in his spine and the one operation that could be done and could only be done by her had a 50 chance of either curing or killing him naruto and konohamaru walking down the street when they overheard she's not talking to sanade they heard the fifth okay state her concern and her motivation to help lee this convinced konohamaru that tsunadi really was a good replacement for his grandfather just minutes before sonata was inaugurated as the fifth okay in front of the villagers shizune stumbled upon an open book on tsunade's desk it showed a series of mathematical equations surrounded by a chart of a body 50 was written and crossed out followed by an arrow pointing to a circle which contained 58 percent and she's a naked only smile sasuke recovery mission naruto's influence on sasuke though profound was powerless to prevent sasuke from leaving his village and friends to receive training from rochimaru sasuke's decision to leave was the result of a chain of events that rekindles hatred for his brother and his desire to avenge his clan to do so he must claim a great amount of power which began the center of his entire life humiliated by hitachi's declaration that he was disappointingly weak and aware of the fact that naruto might be superior sasuke challenged naruto to a fight after naruto returned to konoha they engaged in a heated duel on the rooftop of the hospital where naruto told sasuke that he had never considered himself inferior to sasuke kakashi left him to stop the fight when naruto and sasuke are about to use their sengon and story on each other reflecting both their attacks into adjacent water towers while sasuke's fedora made a larger dent in the front of the watertown the narutos were sending on sasuke was shocked to fight at the back of naruto's water tank and completely blown up with the power of his resengan sasuke realized that he might have lost the fight and received major injuries if kakashi hadn't stopped the fight this only made sasuke even angry that naruto is getting stronger with the day and could actually be able to defeat him in battle ever since the tuning exams the fight against gar of the sand waterfall sasuke had felt the naruto improving immensely naruto only wanted recognition from sasuke recognition that he'd really got stronger however sasuke would never recognize naruto because by doing so he would also have to admit that he was weaker than him despite a lecture from kakashi with the pointlessness of revenge the appearance of rochimaru's sound four with an offer of greater powers and yet another humiliating pumbling tipped sasuke over the edge sasuke went to leave the village that night but was disrupted by sakura who then tried to commit him to leave konoha during this conversation and crying and desperate sock work investor love to sasuke and begging might leave the village but he rejected her once she realized he was going to leave by the way she offered to go with him to enact his revenge which she refused after a long resort sasuke threatened to scream and let the village guards of sasuke left and finally having hit a nerf sausage move from several feet and a sakura to directly behind her in a flash of speed he sincerely thanks her for everything she has done from thus far before knocking her unconscious and laying around a nearby then leaving the village a five-man squad was gathered by shigimaru including himself kiba naruto choji and nanji naruto also recommends shino however she was on a special mission with his father at the time sakura arrives just before they're leaving and explains while crying that she failed atop sasuke and asks naruto who she believes to be the only one capable of doing so to do it as a once in a lifetime request naruto makes a lifetime promise to her to bring sasuke back to the village they easily caught up to the sound four who were escorting sasuke to rajumaru strategies were not used rather the team split up the same happening on the part of the sound four they dropped people one by one and choji ended up fighting zero by himself using two of these secret pills of the akimiji clan choji was able to increase his chakra enough to keep from being defeated in the end he had to consume the red pepper pill which increases chakra 100 fold but left him in extremely critical condition usually resulting in death taking the pin slim down his body as the excess calories were converted into butterfly wings of chakra after getting his revenge on jirobo for eating the last chip and calling him fat choji put all of his chakra and power into his fist and killed jirobo for insulting his best friend shikamaru next neji ended up fighting kitamaru kiramaru had trouble at short range since then she'd be okay on a gentle physical powerful penetrate kirimaru ended up fighting from long range the battle was locked in his stalemate until kiemara discovered a weakness of the yakugan it has a blind spot behind neji's first the rakic vertebrae knowing that he would be hitting the area negi intentionally allowed kiramar to hit him with a powerful arrow to which kiramar had to fix a chakra string to ensure accuracy however nedji used the chakra string to use his gentle fist to damage kitamar's internal organs nedji then caught up with kitamaru uses eight trigrams to close kikimaru's tanketsu chakra points kitamaru died shortly after neji was left in a critical state after the fight shikamaru was matched up with taiyua while akiba and akamaru with sakon and ukon kiba and akimaru did an amazing tag team on socom but sakon split ukon right before kiba and akumar could lay a devastating blow sakon and ukon activated their cursed seals to level 2 which made them far too powerful kiba akama to cope with meanwhile shigemaru despite all his prowess performing strategies typically couldn't kill tv because of a sheer force he managed to use a shadow imitation technique in her three summons but she quickly dispelled the both then he caught her in a shadow imitation technique then hit shadow neck binding technique while at the same time akamaru got injured and kiba refusing to leave him without akumar to the combination attacks however kiba and akumar were forced to retreat kiba was forced to stab himself in order to escape and shikamaru for the first time couldn't come up with any ideas to defeat toya and was forced to keep his shadow neck binding technique on her finally shikomaru and kiwi were ready to accept their deaths however before the finishing strikes could be executed the sand ninja arrived to help right before shikamaru and kibbu were about to die they were aided by tamari and conqueror respectively who'd been ordered to help the konja ninja conquerors puppets were unaffected by sakura and ukon's ability to defuse the cells when sakon arrived he attempted to do the same thing he had almost done with kiba but conqueror turned out to be his new puppet kurodari to injure sakon forced him to fuse back and ukan to take over konkoro then trapped soccer on an ukon inside his puppet kurarari kankara then used karasu to stab them through holes in kurodi and use karasu and kuroda due to a devastating and deadly combo black secret technique machine one shot thus killing the brothers meanwhile since toyu used stand to attack damari's wind was a natural enemy damar used her sickle weasel technique which blew away tayuya and cut her food in half shikumara uses time to tell to mario what to use strategies after a while toyo fixed her flute and was ready to kill shibaman tamari but tamara used her sony technique and used summoning beheading dance and was able to kill toya by destroying an entire tract of forest in which these sliced debris crushed the ladder last kimimuro who was stronger than all the sound for combined came to aid the escort mission at first he was faced with naruto but even naruto's massive amounts of shadow clones proved to be no match for kimimaru whose taijutsu skills were more than a match for naruto's superior numbers naruto even used the nine-tailed demon fox's chakra but was still losing during the fight sasuke emerged from the coffin which caused naruto to return to normal and begin wondering why sasuke's with the sound four naruto began urging sasuke to return home with him stating how everyone was worried about sasuke unfortunately sasuke who had fallen deeper into darkness responded by cackling madly before fleeing with naruto calling sasuke's name kimimuro attempted to kill naruto but was stopped by rock lee allowing naruto to chase after sasuke while lee fought kimimaro both lee and kimimaro were taijutsu experts but since lee had only recently recovered from his surgery he was not in top shape lee drank some saki that he thought was medicine and became intoxicated and began fighting with the drunken fist style with this added unpredictability lee gained an upper hand against gumoro however he clearly had no idea what he was doing who he was fighting and why he felt so drunk after a while kimimura was forced to do his dance with the camellia but rock lee then appeared to be virtually invincible and laid a devastating blow to kimimaro seeing that there's no chance of him defeating lien in his present state kimimura uses cursed seal level 1 and overpoweredly manifesting his horrific ability to manipulate all his bones at will not only this but lee began to sober up lee would have been killed if gara had not arrived in time and used his sand to protect him for obvious reasons kimimura was at a disadvantage since gary was capable of blocking all physical attacks and kimimura could only use physical attacks however like the sound 4 kimimura was able to get pascaro's defense and offense by sheer force kimimuro's bones were so tough they simply forced their way through gara's sand even sand waterfall funeral and other crushing forces couldn't bring him down as he created a film of bone beneath his skin to protect himself kimimura would have defeated and killed garrow with his last attack but before kimimura could finish gara his terminal illness ended his life naruto caught up with sasuke and began battling sasuke's cursed steel of heaven which had been powered up by a pill given to him with a sound four this is why he was in the coffin gave sasuke inhuman strength which he used to reduce naruto to almost ragdoll levels meanwhile sasuke recalled his experience of itachi and his parents up to the point of the uchiha clan downfall it was in these moments of the mangekyo sharingan and how he thought she obtained it by killing his best friend shisui uchiha was revealed it was also revealed that hitachi had encouraged sasuke to gain the mangakyo sharingan which he claimed to be the only way to exact revenge and hitachi by any means necessary and this became sasuke's motivation for killing naruto who claimed to be his best friend back in konohan kakashi haruke brought to speed on the situation summoned his nin ken including paku to track down naruto and sasuke meanwhile naruto and sasuke unleash the rasengan and chidori respectively causing each other to fly backwards activating his cursed seal sasuke uses enhanced speed and strength to overcome naruto and strike him with the digidory naruto managed to block the attack but sasuke is still intentionally naruto tried to strangle naruto only to have himself thrown aside by a nine tails powered opponent with his enhanced abilities naruto is able to easily overwhelm sasuke all the while trying to reason with him only to have sasuke ultimately reject his efforts despite this sasuke finally admitted that they were fighting his equals in this moment sasuke's sharingan finally matured enabling him to predict naruto's movements and once again turn the tables upset by naruto's persistence sasuke knocked him unconscious with peregrine falcon drop the nine tails probably to save itself gave naruto even more of its chakra creating for the first time naruto's one-tailed transformation complete with the demon fox cloak that surrounds him with one arm of the cloak naruto unleashed powerful short and long-range attacks which sasuke even the sharon gun was unable to keep up with feeling he had no choice sasuke increased his curse seal of heaven to level two once again evening the playing field both sasuke and naruto realized the cost of their respective abilities at that point but both decided they had no other choice sasuke revealed the location their fight was the valley of the end and determining the battle forced the use of the third dory naruto created using one hand and the demon fox cloak's chakra as a shell the demon fox were sengon sasuke's chidori after a moment warped into the flapping chidori the two ninjas collided their attacks sasuke planning to punch an arch on the heart deliberately missed and targeted the gut instead while naruto referring to one of sasuke's insults scratched his forehead protector a black dome of energy formed around them which eventually dissipated ruling the two ninjas as their current forums and then as the younger selves who held hands and spell at each other when the dust settled sasuke was revealed to be victorious sasuke pondered whether or not to kill unconscious naruto but decided to leave in the end kakashi took naruto back to konoha at the same time sasuke decided to gain the power to kill hitachi in his own way through rochimaru as he walked off to otagokure it was then revealed that akatsuki member zetsu had been watching the fight the whole time as kakashi took naruto back to konja several medical and appeared updated on the situation and took care of naruto and sasuke which kakashi deemed unnecessary for obvious reasons in both cases nedji and choji both underwent intense medical treatment both were successfully healed thanks to the narclan's medical tome tsunade's medical prowess and shizune and a team of medical men kieba and akamaru were also here to their moderate injuries under the care of hannah inazuka his elder sister shikamaru with only his finger injured decided to end his ninja career as he put his team's life in danger and the mission failed regardless but shikaku convinced him to persevere sasuke was shown walking with orochimaru kabato in one of ochimar's layers shikumaru paid naruto a visit in his room while sakura decided to visit naruto and sasuke only to be severely disappointed by naruto's failure to bring sasuke back as she overheard naruto and shigemaru's conversation naruto however declared his intent to keep to the original promise to which sakura gratefully responded after her visit to naruto sakura realizing how useless she had been in keeping sasuke and konoha requested for sunada to take her on as her apprentice to which tsunata consented naruto's next visitor was jarya who revealed that rochimaru had already taken a body before sasuke arrived so he'd wait another three years take another body and tried to give his naruto to give up on sasuke based on his similar experience to the rochimaru naruto however refused to quit his efforts jiraya who figured it pointless changed naruto's mind decided to train naruto for two and a half years to prepare naruto fakatsuki which naruto readily accepted akatsuki convenes and decides to hasten their plans and the anime narrator was forced to remain in kona for a few months before setting out with jaraya and the manga he left as soon as he got out of the hospital sakura also asked to become tsunadi's apprentice at the time of narcos departure and the manga well in the anime it was after a miss monarch on jaray that happened shortly after sasuke's departure land of rice fields investigation mission after recovering from his battle against sasuke nagato joins sakura in another attempt to save sasuke from ochimaru before crossing gohan's border jaray appears he saves them from becoming labeled missingnan after leaving the village of the authorization by allowing them to join him on a mission to gather information on sasuke and ochimaru their journey takes him to the land of rice fields the land of the oto gakurei after a couple comedic failures to gather info due to dry as perverted antics naruto and sakura meet a young kunoichi named sesame of the fuma clan she really desire to find her cousin arashi who along with the majority of their clan went missing after facing through members the fuma clan and managing to escape them drya returned to the info that he gathered from the remnants of the booming clan that saw through tomorrow's lies draya explained that rochimaru was gathering as many supporters as he could from various clans simply to gain access to the secret technique after facing the three members again and defeating them sasami led naruto and his team to mar's current hideout and set the base and their knowledge where to go the team took different paths eventually naruto found sakura in a long corridor facing off against kabuto naruto was able to hit kakato with his recent gun but unfortunately fell prey to a devastating technique that attacked his heart after being saved by sakura and sasemay it was discovered that the kappa 2 was actually another fuuma clan member kagero in disguise soon after they found arashi who became the victim of an unstable technique of rochimaru that merged him with two fellow clan members and drove him insane naruto along with sasuke and sakura were able to destroy his mind as rochimar's height began to fall apart arashi revealed that sasuke was safe for now but arochomira is doing everything in his power to make sasuke a perfect host for the near future after being sure that the fuma clan were free from rochimar's control naruto and his team returned to konoha mizuki tracking mission ready to begin his three-year training with jiraya naruto is furious to learn that jaraya was ordered by sunada to go gather information instead for a while after drya managed to sneak away from naruto he decided to talk directly to tsunada naruto who was spying on tsuna's hokage meetings discovered that music had not only escaped from prison but had a connection to rochimaru seeing this as another chance to find sasuke naruto went off to look for mizuki and met up with irika eventually naruto found mizuki and was horrified at how much stronger mizuki looked now irika had naruto to fight against the legendary stupid brothers while erica faced off against mizuki after being completely overpowered by the two brothers in san ross's strength naruto was saved by team 10 who took over the battle scenario to get aid euruka along the way naruto meant mizuki's former lover tsubaki with her help naruto and erica found music his hideout where it was discovered that mizuki was given instructions for his special performance enhancing drug meanwhile team 10 is almost defeated since the two brothers do powerful but tsuna comes to their aid and convinces them that music he tricked them and that they should head back to the prison after consuming the drug mizuki became a behemoth of his former self and completely overpowered naruto and erica after discovering that mizuki's speed was rapidly declining for pointing more chakra it was raw power naruto and irika were able to defeat mizuki with a well-timed maneuver that ended with rasengan after mizuki was interrogated it was discovered that he unfortunately had no knowledge of a rochimar's whereabouts kodosuki family removal mission with drya still gone and no idea of when he would return naruto decided to train any way he could in the village while training in the woods he came across three weak and injured men from the village of katabami goldmine naruto brought them back to koroha after they recovered and explained to sonata that they came to gonna have for help in reading the village of a terrible gang sonata decided to assign naruto on the mission with team guy to keep him preoccupied from his obsessions of finding either sasuke or jaraya before leaving naruto learned from lee who was told by guy that the leader of the gang is raigo korozuki a former member of the seven ninja swordsmen of the mist naruto saw this as another chance to find sasuke as ryga might know where kisema and itachi are and might lead them to sasuke before arriving at the village the team stopped at a small restaurant that lee knew well from his early days training a guy there they met an old acquaintance please sancho an elderly lady whose best meal was an energizing and nutritious curry known as the curry of life sancho revealed that her son karashi left the restaurant a while ago after getting a wrong understanding of being strong the team that went to the village and were horrified to discover that not only were the villages so traumatized by the gang they refused to be rescued but also that ryga had a psychotic joy for funerals and would regularly bury people alive after defeating raga's minions and discovering one of them was karashi then naruto and the others were confronted by rega in addition to raga's highly powerful lighting jutsu naruto and his team found themselves at an even bigger disadvantage from a powerful game due to even naji's biakrogan was powerless against soon it was discovered that rega's unique genjutsu and much of his power was actually coming from a young boy he was carrying on his back the boy was named ron maru and possessed a unique dojutsu after separating the two narrator was able to launch him off a cliff with a resengan and defeat him afterwards naruto and the team retrieved ramaru they learned that the boy had been with raga for years by choice because the two of them had an understanding of each other raga gave romaro a reason to live and feel useful this made naruto remember haku who shared a similar relationship with zabaza and ultimately refused to let romaro go back down the same path as haku did and offered him another path later while the team was helping sancho make shelter for her shop against the storm ramara had garashi bring into raga's burial romaro was able to tell despite raga's fatal wounds from naruto reggae was still barely alive renmaro without hesitation transferred almost all of his energy into reggae to save him infuriated by the sight of his seemingly dan renmaru ryga took his rage out on naruto on his team while no longer having ramar's ice ate him in battle ryga instead gathered natural energy from a lightning storm of power and enhanced his lighting release technique after ramaru was saved and recovered by tenta and he began to understand what naruto is talking about at night trying to find value in life besides killing others remember how sancho and karashi revive the unconscious naruto negi and lee with the curry of life renmaro then tried to convince regular to stop the meaningless battle but regal only viewed this as betrayal after seeing that renmar had made up his mind and naruto managed to overpower him reagan decided to give himself a funeral by electrocuting himself to death after the mission was completed with romaro not being an apprentice sancho naruto and his team returned to the village gosun cookie capture mission one word that a notorious thief known as gosum kugi of the land of stone was making his way towards the land of fire reached konoha tsunami assigned naruto kiba and yanara captured the man along their way they met a bounty hunter by the name of sazanami who was also after golson coogie after quickly dispatching naruto and his friends sazanami managed to find ghosts kooky but was quickly defeated he was saved by konohashinobi it was later when treating the man's wounds that naruto and his team found the man was actually another wanted man by the name of tokichi okichi explained that he was framed for murdering a family that goesnoki actually killed deciding to help tokii clear his name they worked together to track them gozukui again gosungoogie and takichi himself were captured by another bounty hunter and handed over to the authorities the bounty hunter was an honorable man and helped clear tokichi's name for naruto and the others this meant they failed their mission as someone else captured ghost in cookie curse warrior extermination mission while eating ramen after doing his daily training and preparation for dry's return narrows him a young man named chichima he's told about the troubles going on in the land of birds and wishes to help he then joins najin 1010 and solving the mystery of the cursed warrior's ghost upon arriving the land of birds they meet one of the daimyo's advisors moso who explains the situation after searching the kingdom at night naruto and his team find the ghost and face off against it only to find that not only was the armor empty but according to nedji's biakra god had no living presence cole may believed later that it was one of moso's devices the following day mozo explains that it's believed that the whole situation is a scheme set up by the daimyo's head strategist komei to take over the linda birds they go to meet the daimyo sagi who turns out to be a young teen and childhood friend of chishima however since becoming daimyo and losing his twin sister toki he has become quite cold to all his duties as daniel after saving him from an attempted assassination it's discovered that the weapons are owned by kombe soldiers naruto negi and 10-10 began spying on komei who later goes to the site where the curse worry was seen the previous night this time upon fighting naruto and his team face a much more formidable opponent using high level ninjutsu techniques while defeating him the enemy commits suicide by melting himself in acid then later komei is arrested for conspiracy while they're all told the mission is over both naruto and edgy have their doubts about it naruto goes back to the site to investigate discovers a chain of underground tunnels unfortunately naruto takes a path that leads inside the daimy's palace and is arrested later in a prison cell naruto is confronted by a cursed warrior who tempts to kill him naruto manages to defeat him and discovers that it's really soggy in disguise sagi explains that he made the disguise to find out who killed his father and sister before the fight could continue an injured tishman appears and reveals that mozo is behind the deaths of soggy's family naruto then impersonates the cursed warrior and saves comey from his execution he then meets up with neji ten-ten and the newly arrived kakashi they then go to confront moso unfortunately sagi goes ahead out of his desire for revenge upon catching up asagi it's discovered that sagi is actually the twin sister toki impersonating her dead brother it's also discovered that mozo is actually a ninja named hoki of the whitar ninja who planned to take over the line of birds hoki kidnaps toki and naruto and chichima go after him while kakashi and jin ten-ten deal with the watari ninja naruto was initially overwhelmed by hokie's county deceptions and various improved jutsu but is saved by the spirit of sagi who tells naruto he has to save toki from her anger after a battle of clones between the two naruto defeatoki later naruto and his team watches toki takes up a role officially as daimyo and thanksgiving for saving her kindness buried gold excavation mission noticing that lately naruto hinata and kiba had had a rather low success rate their ninja mission sonata decided to give them one final chance to succeed or be sent back to the academy to restart their training the mission was to retrieve a hidden treasure initially naruto and cuba kept getting into arguments about which way to go which resulted in them taking different directions each time kiba emerging in the one correct along the way he not injured her ankle forcing keeper to go on alone while naruto says hinata after kiba left naruto and hinata were attacked and captured by mysterious ninja naruto later awoke to discover that he and his friends were replicated by the captors their captors revealed themselves to be of the kedaween clan a clan with a special transformation technique that copies a person beyond just looking at the target their plan is to infiltrate konoha and destroy from the inside their enemies attempt to crush naruto on his team in a cave in cuba and naruto managed to free hinata who then uses their gentle fist to repel all the rocks later naruto and his team escape the cave and go after the kadawin clan too naruto's fury his double goes all around the village building up a huge bill from various restaurants and even eats all of naruto's safe food at home after finding the doubles it's discovered that they can't replicate the original's physical prowess and are easily able to capture them later it's revealed from scenario that she actually hired the clan to test naruto and the others on how well they could actually handle such a situation stargard mission while having a snack with sakura naruto learns that nedji lee and tenten were sent on a mission to aid hoshigaku to protect their precious chocolate mining star which was actually a meteorite from thebes suspected that heroichimaru might be behind these attempted thefts naruto consunaried out into the team after naruto and the team around the base of shigakari they met a young hoshigani named sumaru who escorted them safely through the deadly gases surrounding the village they were then introduced to the acting leader or hoshikage of the village akahoshi who explained the situation it was revealed that the special star enhances the chakra whoever trains under it long enough and enables them to manipulate their raw chocolate in very unique ways forming ninjutsu known as the mysterious peacock method later the star was stolen by a mass ninja who possessed the same star-enhanced techniques as the hoshigakere only more powerful and refined while naruto began making friends with several of the hoshi genin he learned that sumeru lost his parents when he was young and dreams of becoming kange of his village later after sumaru was kidnapped by ako hoshi disguised as the mass ninja it was discovered that the real reason why the star was so coveted by other villages was because they're dangerous to using it as very few in history have survived the star training the force releasing an enhancement of chakra generally proves too unnatural for most people to adapt to causing the body to give out and die before it can properly synchronize with the chakra and even if a person does complete the training there is still a chance the person will eventually be killed by the enhanced chakra although the third hoshiki who died recently stopped the training aka hoshi resumed it soon afterwards which the hoshi ninja had been willing to go through for the village's prosperity later narada found himself up against the mass ninja again while akahoshi attacked with the attempt of killing the mass ninja and knocked naruto the mass ninja into the poisonous cavern fortunately the mass ninja saved them both naruto then discovered that one of the mass ninja was a hoshi joni named natsuhi who was sumeru's mother and one of the few people to ever successfully complete the star training she explained that 10 years ago despite nazi he and her husband who sometime later died convinced the 3rd hoshigaki to stop the star training in exchange for faking their death and watching over the village mufar after hearing a dangerous star really was naruto was determined to help nazi stop akahoshi who was deliberately using the hoshigakure for his own selfish goals upon facing off with aka hoshi he revealed to have killed the third hoshike so he could take over the village and resume the star training and willingly sacrifice anyone as long as the village got glory after sumo appeared ako hoshi used him as a hostage to force natsuki to give him the star despite naruto's anger at akohoshi naji reminded naruto that technically aka hoshi is not a villain to the hoshigakure as they all wish to make their village strong as well and as such the konohan ninja cannot do anything against the village leader without repercussions later nazi he attempted to retrieve the star once again despite her failing health but was killed by akahoshi it wasn't until one of the hoshigan showed the villagers the damage that star training did to his body and the truth of the third hoshikage's death were revealed when the villagers finally turned against sakahoshi determined to regain the controls by any means akushi embedded the star into his being to gain a tremendous power increase with the help of a final technique left behind by natsuhi naruto was able to defeat okahoshi and destroy the star using the resengan later the infected hoshi ninja were taken to konoha for treatment from senate and are cured naruto is glad to see that despite losing the star hoshikakere is still determined to become recognized as the next creation of village third great beast arc while going through a standard check-up with tsuna in order to learn that lee's recovery from his injuries during the tuning exams was still questionable later naruto and tenten went to check on lee just in time to see him practice a match against a young prodigy named yagura tonight with the 10-10 guys amazement not only was yaga able to push lee back in taijusu combat but was also able to use an advanced hijacker technique to nearly break lee's ankle later when naruto and tentative were worrying about lee's well-being negi convinced him to have faith in lee as negi had learned stating bluntly that lee is the potential surpass and he prodigy despite his shortcomings because of his dedication later when guy went on a mission with yagura it was discovered that the boy who was with guy was actually an imposter so now i quickly sent nenji tentenarto to go after guy sonata decided not to tell lee in fear that he would follow them despite his ankle injury upon catching up with guy it was discovered it was already captured by a ninja team of brothers who wielded a unique puppet technique that controlled wooden training dummies and were on a mission of revenge against guy for the father's death while naruto and the team managed to fight back the dummies lee surprisingly showed up and rushed to ay to sensei as naruto and the team again to tire guy and lee managed to defeat the brother's dummy fortress and break the technique afterwards guy revealed to everyone the story behind his battle with the brother's father making the brothers realize their father didn't have contempt for guy but respect this meant their desire for revenge was pointless yakumokorama rescue mission while continuing his solo training naruto came across a young girl painting a portrait of konoha while watching her do so she strangely drew a bolt of lightning striking the village to naruto's shock the village suddenly did get struck by the lightning causing the ninja academy to be engulfed in flames while following the grill to figure things out naruto was stopped by two medical den and an on-board who drugged and took her somewhere naruto soon returned to the village to learn that recently kuru and i gave a preposition to sensei of teammate not wanting his friends to be sad naruto went to find kurnai and try to reason with her after failing to make kerner change her mind naruto went to talk to sunada instead of doing so he bumped into sakura who revealed that karani quit because of a new development from an old student of hers named yakumokorama a student with an unheard of natural aptitude for genjutsu deciding to investigate further naruto to find yakima at her family's mansion and disguise himself as kuru and i to gain access inside he found several pictures of various horrors including the image of kurunya being stabbed in the heart seeing this picture somehow caused naruto to become suddenly struck by an overwhelming fear as if he himself being stabbed in a vision of a demonic looking yakimo after being discovered naruto was drugged and knocked out while unconscious inaudible later it was discovered that yakuma came from a noble clan of konoha that was once infamous for its high altitude and strong usage of a genjutsu but lost much of their reputation ever since yakuma's parents the head of the kurama clan died it was also real that the chroma planted a very very powerful kakagenkai but without proper guidance was deemed too dangerous naruto then joined in a mission to protect yakuma with my guy sakura and team 8 as yakima was being targeted by members of krama clan including yaakov's uncle naruto and his team managed to find yakima who was protected by kuronai in time to save them from the karama clan after sakura treated kuranai yakimo yakima revealed to naruto that she was put under current eyes care back then because of a special order from the third hokage dude yakuma's weak body but strong and unstable power she also revealed that she overheard the third hokage talking to kuranai about the karama clan's power being a threat to the village that had to be dealt with tanart those even greater shock yakima's parents were killed in a horrible fire that yakimo suspected was the third hokage doing then upon return to the village the team found it in ruins with no signs of life while searching for others naruto was found by ankai he explained in naruto that the destroyed village was actually a giant genjutsu caused by yakima ankai also explained that he and the kurama clan were after yakima because they feared her powers were becoming too unstable and dangerous for the village's safety he explained that yakuma's kakai genkai allowed her to cast ganju that stimulate the mind so much that it can cause actual damage even in the point of death the problem is without proper care and training the kekkai genkai's power can turn against the user by creating a second highly dangerous personality known as ido because of this the third okay and kirin i realized there was no choice but to destroy yakuma's power before the second mine took over willing to sacrifice himself unkind knocked naruto out to block a census making the genji to powerless and helping naruto to escape doing so unfortunately left ankai terribly wounded naruto and team a quickly went after krona yakimo only to be caught in another of the genjutsu despite kuruna's pleas for nothing to naruto began telling yakuma the truth about her powers doing so caused her to finally remember how her parents died which caused her inner demon to finally break free while naruto had a heated struggle against it kuru and i pleaded with yakimo to help as she was the only one who could stop it while scared and unsure of herself yakimo was convinced by kure and i that this was still her power and could learn to make this power a great tool if she overcame the darkness yakimo managed to destroy the monster and saved naruto finally purging herself out of the darkness afterwards it was learned that all this time yakimo still cared for kuranhai as a mother figure with granada's finally mission for the three o'clock they finally completed kurr and i felt she could now resume her role as leader of team eight while naruto was happy for his friends the adventure reminded him that he still had to worry about his inner demon and save sasuke from his darkness manma memory search mission while searching for a special bamboo ingredient for his next roman meal naruto came across a young man floating in the river quickly he took him to the village hospital it was then he discovered that the young man had no memory of who he was there were no clues to who he was beyond an ocarina the boy was carrying later the following night lightning struck the hospital causing him to burst into flames the young man who was still being cared for in the hospital quickly acted by saving an infant with the aid of a strange technique performed with his ocarina to thank him tsuna decided to let the boy stay in the village for the time being as long as he stayed with naruto naruto then decided to name amenma a name he came up with from the bamboo he found as time went on madman showed himself to be very considerate and giving as he began doing all kinds of chores around the village without even being asked while cleaning up the hokage monument an unknown man attacked naruto at first naruto was forced on the defense until menma played another melody on his ocarina which somehow gave naruto a tremendous surge of chakra to overwhelm the man this forced the man to retreat and naruto to wonder who medma really was after thanksginary about the incident tsunade theorized menma might be from the land of rice fields that was known for music-based techniques after begging her naruto and mamma were allowed to go along with meji and ten-ten they were sent along and tsunade feared mamma might be affiliated with rochimaru as one of his subordinates tayuya used a similar technique style on their journey they came across a small village in ruins the sight of the destruction seemed to horrify mamma for some reason soon after naruto and the others were attacked by the villagers despite their unexplained hostility the villagers stopped attacking after learning they were from kona before the team left the village one of the villagers approached them and begged for their help she explained that because the gold mine at the foot of the village it had been subjected to a terrible attack by rogue ninja from otogare costing the village countless lives thanks to menmas insisting it was decided to stand up the village naruto and menma then began making a wall in aid to protect the village from the next attack eventually the rest of the village was inspired to help them make the wall while still working on the wall the men who attacked naruto and memo earlier attacked again in the scuffle memo was soon injured while saving the village leader while treating his wound it was shockingly discovered a tattoo on remnant that revealed he was actually a member of the missing name despite the village's anger towards him they were talked into helping menma soon after the rogue ninja attacked again led by the men from earlier after managing to fight back their enemies menma who seemed to regain his memories revealed that he knew the gang leader sheen's backup plan to blow up a large dam to flood the entire village then my asean arts had bring him to the mines we planted several explosive tags there to counter sheen's plan along the way menma revealed he was indeed a member of that gang he explained that he was taken in by them when he was young and never realized how evil they were until they attacked the village menma explained that shortly after being taken to konoha he pretended to have an amnesia to live a peaceful life even for a short while and to get help from konoha and stopping his clan's horrible actions against a small village sooner got a support mission akashi is shown investigating the takomi village his ninja dogs found the village was deserted and the body of their founder was taken from its grave meanwhile sakura shikimaru and naruto discussed the status report from tamari saying that she and her brothers are going to be involved with the village's new shinobi training program in tsunagakuri the three siblings were shown leading a combat training class one of the students a shy quiet girl named monsory was reluctant to use something that could hurt someone else so gara taught her how to use defensive weapon the johyo they became friends afterward reach konoha the gara and his team needed help against a group of ninja called the four celestial symbols man from the tokyo village kidnapped matsuri in order to join the rest of kona 11 10 10 under shikomaru's command to help naruto was particularly glad he could finally pay back gar for helping them during sasuke's defection quickly shikamaru formulated a strategy to best handle the situation that nara to pair up with leave her main offense of assistance the two arrived in time to save gara from suico an opponent with chakra absorbing armor after being struck with a water release water dragon bullet technique after gaura recovered with help from sakura's medical ninjutsu he took over for narasu and lead to finish up suico afterwards gar went on ahead he stopped just before going into the canyon and was shown to be worried about matsuri naruto followed soon after naruto arrived in time to see gara facing off against the leader of the four celestial symbols man hoki now armed with all the unique weapons of his allies unfortunately gag was still too exhausted to properly fight back naruto quickly went to help gara after hokey shouted his anger towards the five great shinobi countries for overlooking his village's greatness as weapons makers and vowing to destroy them he dropped gara in a giant iron sphere which began absorbing the chakra of shikaku the one-tailed demon in sadgara doing so slowly began to make gara transform into shugaku hoki then used that chakra and himself as a sacrifice to perform a resurrection technique with the intent of reviving the takumi village founder seimei quickly after recovering sammy reconfigured the weapons of hokia's armor for himself sami then began siphoning off chukaku's chakra making nara to repeatedly try to break gara free eventually gara's transformation process proved too great for the prison to handle while same was looking forward to facing shukaku gar was able to spread shukaku and revert to normal amazing naruto and everyone who appeared while everyone didn't understand why gary couldn't take advantage of shirkaku's power conqueror explained that gar was determined to rely on his own power from now gaara then used his remaining chakra to turn some of the canyon around him into sand and crushed seimei finally ending the battle and saving matsuri as everyone rushed to help gara who fainted shortly afterwards konkoro noted to naruto how he'd finally found somebody he could relate to later while naruto was recovering the village darya showed up after explaining how he had spent the past few months gathering information about the akatsuki he told naruto he was finally ready to train him for the next two years gara tamari konkaro and matsuri left for tsunagakure after recovering and having one last bowl of ramen with erika naruto finally set up with uriah to begin his training vowing to become strong enough to free sasuke from orochimaru when he returned and there we have it we have just speed ran naruto we got all the major plot points from naruto's discovery that he was a demon indeed to fighting with the sunning out in the middle of a field to all sorts of wonderful filler did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe the bell to be notified about our latest videos meanwhile a young boy was watching the discussion he used the opportunity to attempt oh my goodness gracious he does however notice that sakura two has managed to shake the genji they're
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 665,906
Rating: 4.9447651 out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Speedrun, Speed Run, Speedrunning, Naruto Uzumaki, Nine Tails, Kakashi, Seventh Hokage, Konoha, Minato, Kushina, Sasuke, Orochimaru, kurama, Hagoromo, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Rin, Obito, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Team 7, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Mahiru, Anbu, Hinata
Id: WXpqlLwCyoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 6sec (5346 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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