The Complete RESIDENT EVIL Timeline Explained!

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[Music] the Resident Evil franchise has a sprawling timeline that interweaves its complex narrative across eight Mainline games a handful of spin-offs and countless DLC expansions but how does it all tie together well largely it's pretty linear what's not so straightforward is that the ever-evolving timeline takes in everything from corporate conspiracies and human cloning to the American president's daughter and whatever the hell this thing is from the convoluted creation of the Umbrella Corporation through to the gothic horror of Resident Evil Village via the crowd-pleasing boulder punching antics of one Chris Redfield hey my name's Adam and this is the complete timeline of Resident Evil foreign [Music] chronologically speaking our story kicks off with a good chunk of backstory for Resident Evil Village the main story of which book ends this timeline right at the very end in the early 20th century the main villain of Rezi Village mother Miranda is living out her life peacefully in Eastern Europe with her daughter Eva until the Spanish Flu pandemic whips through her community in 1919 killing all and Sundry Eva's death sends Miranda into a downward spiral and she Ventures off into a cave Network Beneath The Village to seek out death ironically instead of finding a quick death she discovers a form of mold known as the mega my seat a genome which gifts her with regenerative abilities armed with this newfound power and knowledge Miranda seeks to use it to bring her daughter back to life Miranda continues to experiment with the mega my seat genome over the next couple of decades and she eventually creates the kadu parasite which will crop up again when we come back round to resonate evil Village anyway the year is now 1951 and a young British medical student has stumbled onto Miranda's research after getting lost on a hiking Expedition this young whippersnapper turns out to be one Oswald e Spencer who will prove to be very important on this timeline but I'm getting ahead of myself Spencer is impressed with Miranda's work and it inspires him to undertake his own devious Research into instigating the next level of human evolution more on that very shortly he even nabs a local symbol representing the Sigil of the four houses of the area as inspiration for his iconic logo a logo that also looks a lot like an umbrella speaking of umbrella let's chart the origins of that despicable company foreign 1962 Spencer commissioned architect George Trevor to design and build a certain mansion and research laboratory in the arclay mountains Trevor finally finishes his mad Masterpiece in 1967 and it's a labyrinth in structure full of locked doors that make no logical sense and in order to hide the mansion's terrible Secrets forever Spencer being the awful bastard that he is invites the Trevor family to stay and well they never leave Across The Swinging 60s he joins forces with University pal James Marcus an eccentric millionaire Edward Ashford on an expedition to locate a legendary African flower known as The Stairway to the sun this flower is said to contain powerful properties and this is confirmed when the trio extract the progenitor virus from it this virus has the ability to genetically alter organisms and they immediately transport it back to the USA our evil Trio then established the Umbrella Corporation as a legitimate Pharmaceuticals company as I cover for their totally illegitimate viral research and their ultimate goal of creating a race of superhumans or at least that's Spencer's ultimate goal Astrid becomes increasingly frustrated with the other two and he makes for Antarctica to set up his own research Labs which would later hold the code Veronica project Ashford never sees the code Veronica project come to fruition though as in July 1968 he's injected with a progenitor virus himself on the orders of all-around Bad Eggs Spencer and he swiftly dies he was succeeded by his son Alexander who takes control of the Antarctica umbrella lab in an effort to keep his father's work going albeit with more of a focus on cloning back in the USA Spencer and Marcus take control of umbrella facilities in the arclay mountains just outside of Raccoon City Spencer continues his research into the progenitor virus in the lab under the newly constructed Mansion while Marcus is appointed as director of the newly founded umbrella training facility Spencer's plan is to create a race of superhumans dubbed project Wesker and this nefarious plan sees umbrella kidnap a whole load of children to be loyal foot soldiers to Spencer's cause and they are all brainwashed and injected with the progenitor virus sadly most of them die except for a certain Albert Wesker who will come to be quite familiar with across this timeline meanwhile in Antarctica Alexander ashford's Code Veronica project is finally complete in 1971 Ashford creates two clones from his family a Alfred and Alexia fast forward to January 1978 yep the 70s were seemingly sparse for the resi franchise and Marcus is making a breakthrough with his research at the umbrella Training Facility by splicing the progenitor with leech DNA he creates the T virus or at least a strain that doesn't immediately kill those exposed to it it just turns them into hideously mutated creatures not sure which one of those is the better option if I'm honest his research is assisted by two students from the umbrella training facility doctors William Birkin and Albert Wesker but their work together does not last long as at the end of the school year the umbrella training facility is closed down and Burke in Wesker and the t-virus are all moved to Spencer's art play research Labs suspicious of Spencer's motives Marcus continues to stay behind with his work and experiments on anything and everything from mammals to reptiles all of which will pop up as end of level bosses in Resident Evil Zero the early 1980s are not a good time for the Ashford family remember Alexia well she's grown up to become a 10 year old child Mastermind and is promptly appointed the senior researcher at umbrella's Antarctica lab much the anoint of 21 year old wesca keep up Albert after learning about their origin as clones Alexia and her brother Alfred vowed to hunt down and capture their father which they succeed in doing in 1983 with Alexander in custody Alexi uses him as a test subject for Research into her new version of the T Virus known as the T Veronica virus surprise surprise the experiment turned him into a psychotic monster later known as Nosferatu no not that one taking the failed experiment on the chin Alexia uses the data she obtained on her father to inject herself with the tea Veronica virus while she peacefully sweeped the effects off in a cryogenic chamber for 15 years don't worry we'll come back to this mad child prodigy later on back in the arclay labs research on the virus now headed up by William Birkin has stalled umbrella have discovered that 10 of the population are naturally immune to the virus and Birkin sets himself The Morbid task of solving this unique problem his answer comes in the form of a bio-organic weapon or bow for sure known as the hunter which is born through splicing reptilian and human DNA with the t-virus birkin's research and development continues across the 80s and culminates with the start of a little project known as the tyrant okay it's late 1988 and I think it's about time we catch up with our good pal James Marcus who's slowly been going off the rails with his own brand of the t-virus research as an independent researcher Marcus makes Headway by continuing to experiment with leeches and in some extreme cases his own staff and he eventually creates his magnum opus the queen leech his old mate Oswell Spencer is having none of this though and seeks to regain control of the t-virus research by assassinating Marcus and stealing his work he sends in a team of umbrella soldiers alongside wesca and Birkin and they shoot and kill Marcus before dumping his body and his precious Queen leech at a nearby sewerage treatment I wonder if they'll crop back up in this story spoilers they do [Music] thank you the 90 sees umbrella expand their operations across the arclay mountains and into neighboring Raccoon City with Birkin making significant progress with his research creating the superior G virus in the process Spencer commissions a gigantic underground lab to be built underneath the city a job that he covers up by bribing Raccoon City police chief Brian irons Brian's fast forward to 1996 and the raccoon fast forward to 1996 and the Raccoon City Police Department instigate the inaugural special fast forward to 1996 and the Raccoon City Police Department instigate the inaugural special tactics and Rescue Services Unit All Stars for short you are a pesky animal although it's under the jurisdiction of the RPD it remains a privately funded independent Venture namely so umbrella can keep their fingers in the pie disgusting during this time Albert Wesker is assigned to Stars by umbrella and he quickly becomes the captain of the squad's Alpha Team right we have finally reached the most pivotal year in the entire Resident Evil timeline 1998 a year in which a whopping five games in the franchise take place in May 1998 there is a catastrophic outbreak of the t-virus at the Spencer Mansion labs and a handful of Cerberus zombie dogs to you and me escape into the arclay mountains and start killing unfortunate hikers in an attempt to contain the outbreak umbrella locks down the Mansion lab and the t-virus begins to spread among the poor staff still there naturally with the horrific nature of the arclay killings the stories emerging inspire a media Firestorm and the press start putting pressure on the RPD to to get the situation under control Chief irons dispatches the Stars Alpha and Bravo teams to investigate the surrounding mountains with weska overseeing the missions unbeknownst to the rest of his teams though wesk is directed from umbrella HQ is instead to gain critical information about the site's bows and destroy the Mansion before it is discovered alongside that he is ordered to gather information about the Bow's combat ability specifically in their interactions with the incoming Stars teams [Music] and so we finally reached the very first game in the Resident Evil timeline which details the Stars Bravo team's failed Mission the Bravo Team make their way out to the arclay mountains only for their helicopter to crash on Route courtesy of a little bit of sabotage from our good mate weska instead of making for the Spencer Mansion as per their original plan the team stumbled onto the wreck of a military Convoy with all the soldiers very much dead they discovered that the troop had been escorting accused murderer Billy Cohen and putting two and two together and making five assume Billy is the lad responsible for all the brutal killings they split up and rookie Stars member Rebecca Chambers quickly discovers an abandoned train the ecliptic Express now remember that I said that James Marcus and his Queen leech would make her come back into this story well boy what a comeback it is it turns out that when umbrella dumped Marcus and his leech in that sewerage facility the leech slowly ate away at Marcus's body and mind effectively absorbing his personality the end result was a reincarnated Marcus leech hybrid thing hell-bent on Revenge with umbrella this franchise is totally Bonkers but I absolutely love it with Marcus back from the dead he goes to town on the poor inhabitants of the train and by the time Rebecca Chambers stumbles onto the train they are all dead well Undead I guess having been consumed by Marcus's Army of leeches Rebecca boards the train encounters death row inmate Billy Cohen and they start to investigate the express Keen to get the train back on its journey wesca and Birkin send in a team of umbrella soldiers who succeed in getting the train underway but promptly get chomped by the leeches Rebecca and Billy managed to bring the train to a stop or be a messy one and emerge from the wreckage at the umbrella training facility Marcus or the hybrid leech thing reveals himself to Westgate and Birkin and this leads the duo to activate the facility's self-destruct function caught in the middle of all of this are poor Rebecca and Billy who navigate their way out of the facility killed the queen leech and get to safety before the place blows Sky High as they Overlook the destruction Rebecca allows the actually innocent Billy to go free and she leaves him to go and help Alpha Team at a familiar looking Mansion the game then ends with Billy giving the cheesiest thumbs up I've ever seen [Music] okay we are now with the OG Resident Evil which details the exploits of Alpha Team in their mission to investigate the arclay killings headed up by Wesker the Stars Squad includes expert Marksman Chris Redfield Jill Valentine the master of unlocking top explosives lad Barry Burton and helicopter pilot Brad Vickers the team successfully land near the Mansion but I quickly caught off guard by a pack of zombie dogs which forces them into the Spencer Mansion separated they each make their way through the illogical Maze of corridors encountering and surviving the zombified umbrella staff bows and various other mutations meanwhile wesca is pulling the strings behind the scenes he strong arms barrier into helping him set traps for the rest of the Stars team by threatening to kill his family Chris and Jill survive everything and anything that's thrown at them sharks snakes spiders bad dialogue and they meet up with Rebecca Chambers on their way to getting out of them Mansion wesca is finally revealed to be a traitor to Alpha Team and as a result he releases umbrella's Tyrant project a huge mutated man mountain in a bid to kill the remaining Stars members Chris Jill and Rebecca fight off the Tyrant and thanks to the impeccable timing of Vicar's return with the helicopter they all Escape as the Spencer Mansion self-distracts there's definitely a pattern emerging here right amidst a chaos weska manages to survive as well albeit without the critical bow samples he intended together and he leaves umbrella for good okay a couple of months have passed and we catch up with Jill Valentine during the events of Resident Evil 3 Nemesis under pressure from umbrella Stars has been disbanded and nobody believes the team about what they saw in the arclay mountains the t-virus has very much arrived in downtown Raccoon City having spread from that gigantic underground lab that somehow remained secret with the zombie population on the rise there is chaos in the streets and the RPD is quickly overwhelmed umbrella in a series of questionable decisions starts deploying bows all across Raccoon City Chief among them is the Dapper Mr X and the titular foe of resi III nemesis Nemesis is given the mission of hunting down former Stars members and keeping this momentum going he begins his unrelenting Chase of Jill Valentine across town the umbrella biohazard countermeasure service God that's a mouthful arrive and start evacuating anyone who's not a zombie in her attempts to escape Jill runs into ubcs team member Carlos Oliveira and the pair take the fight to Nemesis while trying to escape the ruins of the city during their fight Jill becomes infected with the t-virus leaving poor Carlos to fend for himself and find a cure for Jill will she survive we'll have to wait until later because we've got a date with a blonde hunk foreign concurrently with Resident Evil 3 is the campaign to Resident Evil 2 which sees new cop on the Block Leon Kennedy and Chris redfield's sister Claire appear for the first time in the franchise Leon arrives in Raccoon City for his first day on the job in the middle of the zombie apocalypse after encountering Claire Redfield who's searching for her brother Chris at an out of town gas station the pair make their way into the Heart of the City before getting separated during a car accident Leon eventually makes his way to the RPD which is completely overrun with zombies after navigating the station's bizarre lock and key setup it is an old Museum after all Leon finds himself down in the cells where he runs into the mysterious Ada Wong Ada's mission is to swipe a vial of the g-virus and Leon agrees to go along with it the naive heartthrob as they're investigating the pair are attacked by Mr X and they escape into the sewers where they encounter Annette Birkin wife of umbrella scientist William Annette inches Ada and informs Leon that he's working with a mercenary who wants to sell the virus on the black market Leon the fool that he is descends into birkin's lab anyway swipes the g-virus and returns to Ada who immediately holds him up at gunpoint for it Annette pops up one last time shoots Ada and in the ensuing chaos the g-virus and Ada fall into the abyss as Leon tries to escape the lab Mr X makes one last Encore before being dispatched by a handy rocket launcher that is thrown to him by Ada who has miraculously survived her fall meanwhile Claire encounters a young girl Sherry daughter of William Birkin and they managed to escape a giant creature by taking refuge in the RPD car park where they meet morally bankrupt police chief Brian irons Brian's Brian kidnaps Sherry and locks her in a neighboring abandoned orphanage as Claire mounts a rescue mission a tyrant drops in on irons infecting him with a parasite irons dyes and Sherry flees while Claire manages to escape into the sewers only to bump into Sherry's mum Annette who reveals that the creature chasing her daughter is in fact her mutated father turns out our will had plans to sell his geovirus creation to the US military a plan that didn't go down too well with umbrella who promptly sent in a team to kill him to save himself Birkin injected himself with the g-virus turning the good doctor into a repulsive monster in the ensuing Carnage he destroyed a bunch of t-virus stores which led to the Raccoon City outbreak when Claire and Annette find Sherry they discover that she's already been infected by her father and the pair hatch a plan to find a cure from within birkin's labs Claire succeeds in finding an antidote and in the chaos of getting back to kyosheri a net is killed by her husband naturally the whole facility enacts the now contractually obliged self-destruct function and Claire and Sherry escape to an evacuation train where they meet back up with Leon Birkin has one more crack at killing them fails and is then caught in the fires of the exploding labs [Music] wrap up that Cliffhanger from earlier Carlos being the absolute lad that he is scavenges a cure for Jill because by this stage they're just lying around the waist of raccoon city and she recovers from her infection the pair make their way through a series of underground umbrella labs in an attempt to escape the city before it's nuked from the air it's the only way to be sure on Route they're ambushed by good old Nemesis one last time and Jill fires the killing blow with the biggest of big guns after defeating Nemesis and overpowering one of Carlos's corrupt Squad mates the pair ride off into the sunset and raccoon city is reduced to ashes behind them [Music] all right three months have passed since the devastation in Raccoon City and Claire Redfield is still searching for her brother Chris her search takes her to an umbrella facility in Paris where she is eventually caught in a sequence heavily riffing on John Woo umbrella locked her up in an isolated prison in the Southern Ocean known as Rockford Island and lo and behold there is an outbreak of the t-virus on the island and Claire soon gets set free soon after she encounters the world's most irritating Canadian a floppy-haired lad called Steve Burnside and the pair team up to escape the island in their way stands Alfred Ashford one of the Clones created by Umbrella co-founder Alexander Ashford and well he's gone a bit insane his time alone and apart from his twin sister Alexia has led him to cultivate a split personality and he switches frequently between the identities of himself and Alexia Claire and Steve soon break free from Rockford Island only for Alfred to divert their plane to the nearby umbrella facility in Antarctica using the systems autopilot override Crash Landing in Antarctica the pair finally defeat Alfred who uses his final spark of life to awaken his sister Alexia from her cryosleep she's not the only Ashford in Antarctica though turns out Papa Alexander Ashford the other Nosferatu is still around and he's hungry for Revenge as Claire squares off against the Hideous remains of Alexander Alexia takes control of the situation and catches our heroic Duo as they attempt to escape meanwhile back on Rockville Island Chris has turned up searching for his sister in his search of the island he bumps into none other than Dr Albert Wesker who has gone Rogue from umbrella since the Spencer Mansion incident and is there to retrieve a sample of the tea Veronica virus with their goals both in Antarctica the pair separately make haste for the umbrella base once there Chris saves Claire poor Steve becomes infected and dies Alexia is finally defeated and that sneaky bastard Wesker makes off with Steve's tea Veronica virus riddled body all while umbrella's Antarctica base yup you guessed it self-destructs thank you next up on our timeline is the we like gun spin-off Resident Evil Darkseid Chronicles which largely regales the events of Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica but it does have one story mission that is unique and takes our timeline a little bit further and that's Operation Javier four years after the disastrous events in Raccoon City Leon Kennedy and special ops member Jack krauser are dispatched to South America to apprehend cartel leader Javier Hidalgo who has apparently infected his daughter Manuela with the Veronica virus Leon and krauser encounter and secure Manuela before proceeding to hidalgo's complex there they defeat Javier who has fused himself with the Veronica virus to become some kind of giant killer plant and they escape with Manuela via helicopter during the fight Krauser's arm is wounded and becomes infected and as a result he's discharged from the US Army this leads him down a darker path as he contacts rezzy big bad Albert Wesker to join his team [Music] Umbrella Chronicles is next on our timeline and it largely re-treads grounds from Resident Evil 0 1 and 3. but he does have a unique Story Mission called umbrella's end and I'm guessing you can figure out what that entails the year is 2003. Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine are investigating umbrella's last known stronghold a facility in Russia which is developing a new bio weapon known as the Talos project Chris and Jill being the experts that they are infiltrate the facility and destroy the Talos but wait who's that on the horizon it's only bloody Wesker again here to take his final revenge on umbrella weska flings his coat into the camera like an absolute Nutter it must be freezing out there and he tears his way into the compound he encounters Sergey Vladimir a high-ranking umbrella leader who has been working closely with Lord Spencer to keep umbrella going in the wake of the Raccoon City outbreaks Sergey is no match for Wesker though who quickly dispatches him and steals umbrella's deepest darkest Secrets which he then makes public as a result umbrella loses its long-standing legal battle with the US government a dispute that's been going on since 1998 and umbrella declares bankruptcy as a result nothing more exciting than Court proceedings to bring an evil monster creating incorporation to its knees a lads with [Music] umbrella a thing of the past Resident Evil 4 kicks off a new era for the franchise Rizzi IV is a largely self-contained chapter in the franchise taking the series away from its zombified roots the year is 2004 and Leon Kennedy is dispatched to rescue the American president's daughter Ashley from a mysterious cult and deepest darkest Spain he arrives at a creepy rural Farmstead populated by a group of hostile villagers who have pledged their allegiance to the cult of Los illuminaros The Villages are effectively being controlled by a parasite known as Las plagas with the cult leader Osmond Sadler calling the shots Leon after surviving chainsaws Giants and a mutated salamander finally tracks down Ashley to a nearby church and the pair later escaped to a castle which doesn't look menacing in the slightest jokes it's under the control of creepy man-child Ramon Salazar another of Sadler's henchmen when Leon and actually get separated amidst the Castle's deadly traps Leon encounters an old acquaintance the lady in the red dress Ada Wong long time no see the lady Leon battles his way out of the castle killing a mutated Salazar and makes his way to find Ashley at an offshore island facility old acquaintances are like London buses it seems as Leon then bumps into his former special ops buddy Jack krauser krauser then reveals that he and Ada are both working for Wesker to secure the last Plagueis parasite and Leon being The Good Egg boy that he is defeats him Leon then confronts Sadler himself killing him Atop The Island's research facility with a good old-fashioned rocket launcher to the face courtesy again of ADA Ada then holds Leon up at gunpoint again and she makes off with a sample of the last Plagueis virus meanwhile Leon and Ashley escaped the island self-destruct sequence on jet skis Resident Evil 4 what game [Music] Resident Evil Revelations takes place smack bang between rezzies 4 and 5 and introduces the bioterrorism security assessment Alliance into the mix or bsaa for fans of acronyms in the wake of a bioterrorism attack that destroys the city of Terror grigia bsaa agents Jill Valentine and Parker Luciani are dispatched to the last known location of their missing team members Chris Redfield who's now got massive arms and Jessica sherawat the last known location turns out to be the queen Zenobia Cruiser which is drifting in the Mediterranean Sea seemingly abandoned while there Jill and Parker are ambushed by an organization called veltro the folks responsible for the previous buyer attacks and they are imprisoned the bsaa makes contact with Chris why didn't they do that in the first place and sends him and Jessica in to rescue Jill and Parker and they make for the Zenobia Chris and Jill eventually reunite because that's what everyone really wants and foil a plot to contaminate the sea with a virus known as the T Abyss at some point they're just going to run out of names for these viruses oh right time for something a little different and by different I mean mostly the same but now it's a film the first of a Trilogy of CG animated movies Resident Evil degeneration C Series Star Wars Leon S Kennedy and Claire Redfield foil another raccoon city-like bioterrorism plot but this time it's on a wider scale across the whole us it kind of feels like you're watching a 90 minute long and unskippable cutscene when all you want to do is explore a bit and shoot some zombies in the face a year or so later we get the Mad conspiracy Shenanigans of the Netflix series Resident Evil infinite Darkness after a civil war in the fictional nation of pen amstan a war in which the U.S sent in a special operations unit known as The Mad Dogs Leon and Claire come back together to untangle a potential cover-up alluding to the use of bioweapons long story short there is a cover-up within the White House no less which Claire manages to well uncover while the blonde curtains himself gallivants on a globetrotting adventure to China and back to stop a tyrant-esque super soldier which he naturally does because he's Leon S Kennedy and the S stands for stop using bioweapons [Music] fast forward and our Dream Team Chris and Jill have finally Tracked Down the last remaining co-founding member of umbrella Lord Oswell e Spencer Jill the master of unlocking uses a lock pick to break into Spencer's residence and the duo make their way through the Mansion until they encounter not Spencer but Wesker having arrived ahead of them wesca brutally murders Spencer by just punching him right through the chest it's just devastating weska then squares off against Chris and Jill and as the battle comes to its conclusion Jill rugby tackles wesca out of a window and they both plummet down a cliff did they survive of course they did weska cryogenically freezes Jill in preparation four [Music] foreign yeah we're heading to Africa for Resident Evil 5 which takes place nearly three years later the game follows Chris Redfield and bsaa partner Sheva Alamar as they investigate an outbreak on the last Plagueis parasite in an African Town Chris and Sheva stop an illegal arms deal and as a result stumble onto evidence that Jill is still alive driven to find his old partner Chris continues the investigation and the pair find themselves in the cave that started this whole mad franchise off in the first place yeah they ReDiscover the origins of the t-virus this Stairway To The Sunflower and uncover a conspiracy involving the bsaa's parent company trisel who have been sneakily continuing on with umbrella's research Chris and Shiva eventually catch up to jail Valentine sporting a new blonde haircut and wrestle her in order to remove a mind-control device that is attached to her chest to absolutely no one's surprise Wesker reveals himself with another well-destroying clan this time it's firing missile files containing a virus known as uraboris all around the world our Trio chase wesca down and eventually Corner him in an active volcano because by this point why the [ __ ] not Chris and Sheva take the fight to Wesker and in Chris's case some poor innocent defenseless Boulders that probably had friends and family that cared for them and they eventually kill Wesker once and for all by firing yep you guessed it ladies and gentlemen it's the crowd favorite resi's big bad killer an RPG right into his smug face next up on this timeline is Resident Evil Revelations 2 a game whose story was heavily inspired by Czech author Franz Kafka a fact that I literally just found out while writing this timeline to make my job even more complicated Revelations 2 takes place across two different timelines the first sees Claire Redfield and Moira Burton daughter of Ginger Legend Barry being kidnapped and imprisoned on shush foreign stop knee an Island by a mysterious woman known as the Overseer in a weird kafka-esque experiment of sorts the prisoners are fitted with bracelets that track Their Fear levels get too afraid and you turn into a monster ooh symbolism the second timeline however sees Barry arrive on the island in an attempt to rescue his daughter a whopping six months later the story then unfolds over four episodes each of them named after a Kafka short story and follows Claire and moira's attempts to escape and Barry's Rescue Mission Barry encounters a little girl known as Natalya who reveals that the overseer is in fact Alex Wesker contrary to popular belief not assisted to Albert Wesker but another child that has survived umbrella's heinous project Wesker two whiskers the quartet finally managed to escape the island if you got the good ending that is and defeat Alex with oh boy is that yeah it is it's back the most classic of Resident Evil madman murdering weapons the rocket launcher before we get into The Madness of Resident Evil 6 we've got another jaunt back into the CG film Trilogy with the middle entry Resident Evil damnation damnation is a considerable improvement over its predecessor and sees Leon S Kennedy catapulted back into the story this time around Leon Ventures to Eastern Europe to investigate rumors that bows are being used in a local Civil War obviously they are and he spends the run time trying to clean up the mess with occasional help and hindrance from the lady in red herself Ada Wong [Music] oh my God where do I even start with Resident Evil 6. foreign like a greatest hits of the franchise Resident Evil 6 features a bloated monster of a storyline with not one not two not even bloody three but four different campaigns and seven major characters the story kicks off on Christmas Eve 2012 with Jake Mueller the son of the late Albert weska hang on when did he get busy yeah weska [ __ ] being taken into custody by a grown-up Sherry Birkin who is now a bsaa agent Muller is the key to creating a vaccine to the new sea virus but birkin's mission to extract him from the fictional country of Adonia is put on hold when they are hunted down by a new bio weapon called ustenack which is like Nemesis on steroids to add insult to injury during the attack they are abducted by an imposter calling herself Ada Wong meanwhile bsaa agents Chris Redfield and Pierce nivans are in the same neighborhood to keep the local infected population under control they soon come under attack from a new organization calling itself Neo umbrella supposedly led by Ada Wong and their whole Squad is wiped out by the Sea virus fast forward six months and the American president is about to air umbrella's dirty laundry from the 1998 Raccoon City outbreaks but there's another bioterrorism attack and the president is infected forcing our old friend Leon Kennedy to kill him Leon uncovers that the National Security adviser Derek Simmons was behind the attack and he tracks down Simmons to a Neo umbrella lab in langshayang China with his partner Helena Harper Chris and piers are then dispatched to Lang shayang to hunt down Ada and they come into contact with Leon and Helena who informed them that the aided that they are hunting is in fact a clone following their running with Chris Leon and Helena finally confront and defeat a mutated Simmons Leon then dispatches Chris and Piers to an oil rig to rescue Jake and Sherry and prevent another large-scale bioterrorism attack this time courtesy of a bio weapon called chaos this kitchen approach to storytelling all dovetails into a messy conclusion that sees Pierce inject himself with the sea virus to defeat chaos Sherry and Jake then killed the Behemoth Houston Act and the real Ada destroys the lab where her clone was created that was a lot and I didn't even mention the fact that the logo looks like a giraffe being sucked off by a unfortunately the film Trilogy closer Resident Evil Vendetta also throws everything in the kitchen sink into its overstuffed narrative too Vendetta brings Chris and Leon back together again but also throws Rebecca Chambers back into the mix yeah remember her last time we saw her on the timeline was all the way back in the original rezzy like 20 or so minutes ago anyway this Trio of bioterrorism busting badasses get embroiled in yet another attempt to unleash a new virus on the unsuspecting citizens of the world but this time it's a virus with a new name the a virus because well that letter wasn't yet taken long story short the trio succeed and along the way there's fan favorites all over the shop a new Tyrant a launcher of the grenade variety and of course lots and lots of virus riddled zombies [Music] right after the Bonkers pass of the last couple of entries it's time to take things back to basics with the swampland horror of Resident Evil 7. the year is 2014 and all hell is about to break loose for the baker family after encountering an abandoned tanker in the Louisiana bio Jack Baker finds a little girl and brings her back to the family home all appears normal until the girl wakes up and causes the Bakers to go well fast forward three years to the summer of 2017 for the main plot of Resident Evil 7 which sees poor Ethan Winters encounter the Charming Baker family while he searches for his missing wife Mia as Ethan endures the delightful Hospitality of the Bakers welcome to the family song he soon discovers that his wife and the family have been infected with a mold-like fungus that turns them super aggressive he escapes the hellish residence with help from the baker's daughter Zoe defeating Jack and Margarita along the way Ethan eventually discovers that his wife Mia was working as an operative for an organization that developed the little girl known as Evelyn into a bioweapon Evelyn escapes and well you know the rest of the story Ethan finally encounters Evelyn face to Giant face eventually killing her before being rescued by none other than Boulder murderer Chris Redfield the pair escaping a helicopter with Mia if you chose to cure her and they fly off into the sunrise wait is that an umbrella logo on the side of that helicopter well sort of in the wake of umbrella's messy end another company known as Blue Umbrella emerged From the Ashes with the primary goal to clean up the mess of the original Corporation in the wake of the baker residence outbreak Chris Redfield assists blue umbrella in capturing Lucas the last remaining Baker before he reveals the secrets of Evelyn's infection to nefarious nerdy Wells game over [Music] and so we reached the final destination of this madcap roller coaster of a franchise Resident Evil Village or Resident Evil 8 age if you're being pedantic three and a half years have passed since the Carnage of Rezi 7 and Ethan Amir Winters are living a relatively normal life with their newborn daughter rose that is until our pal Chris Redfield and his Hound wolf Squad storm the Winter's resonance and kidnap hapless Ethan and baby Rose Ethan and his daughter are taken out of town but before they can reach their destination their truck is ambushed the little Nipper Rose is kidnapped by someone else and Ethan is Left for Dead gosh this lad just can't catch a break any he awakens to this new Nightmare and Ventures into a nearby Village to search for Rose The Village in question is like something out of a universal monster movie complete with actual werewolves roaming the street and a Dracula alike Countess lording over a giant spooky Castle after the former nearly eviscerates poor Ethan he's imprisoned by the latter a giant lady vampire known as lady dimitrisk having been tipped off by a mysterious Merchant known simply as the Duke Ethan discovers that Rosemary has been killed oh God and her body parts scattered across the village in four different flasks damn that's dark the four different flasks have been entrusted to four different Lords or in a massive callback to the very beginning of this video four of mother Miranda's kadu parasite experiments one by one Ethan systematically dispatches these monstrosities starting with the aforementioned tall vampire lady dimitrisk before offing puppet possessor Donna benevento giant Fishman Salvatore Moreau and finally Magneto on steroids Carl Heisenberg after dispatching Heisenberg Ethan discovers that Chris is in the neighborhood and he tracks him down to have a good in for shooting his wife Chris explains that the mayor he shot was actually mother Miranda in Disguise and that she's pulling the strings on this whole damn puppet show this surreal nightmare comes to her head when Ethan confronts Miranda only to die for his troubles don't worry we haven't seen the back or face either to be honest of this lad just yet having witnessed Ethan's death Chris assembles his Wolfhound Squad and they Venture deep under the village where they discover the truth behind mother Miranda and her experiments with the mega my seat Chris has planned to deal with this truth blow the [ __ ] out of it he plants a charge and vacates the premises cut to Ethan who isn't dead well actually he is but let me explain you see Ethan has been dead since pretty much the very beginning of Rezi 7. after his encounter with Jack Baker the reason that he's still alive is because he was infected by the very mole that he was trying to destroy in that game and its powers of Revival have been keeping him breathing ever since her that's why he can just put his hand back on when it's chopped off earlier in the game the revived Ethan once again takes the fight to Miranda who's halfway through trying to revive her daughter Eva with Ethan's timely intervention she actually revives baby Rose and with his mission complete Ethan kills Miranda and stays behind to make sure Chris's bomb destroys the mega my seat and as the mega my seat blows Sky High Chris Jets off into the Horizon with rose and a rescued Mia too having found her held prisoner in the dungeons of the castle [Music] before we close out this timeline there's one last little epilogue that wraps up the Winter Story with a nice neat little bow and that's the story DLC expansion Shadows of Rose it's 16 years since the events of village and baby Rose is all grown up and has sadly lived a life of being bullied for her unique powers a result of her time with Miranda and the mega Micey wishing to be rid of her powers she's given an opportunity to shed them by her friend a lad simply named K his proposition is for Rose to enter the consciousness of A Shard of the mega mice and recover a purifying Crystal to help remove her abilities instead of running for the hills at that clearly mad idea Rose Dives on in and finds herself in a warped version of the Dimitris Castle trying to survive from a dark version of The Merchant from the main village campaign as she Dives deeper through the various levels of the mega mice Rose is aided by a disembodied voice calling himself Michael his golden words guide Rose Part the merchant a horde of killer dolls and finally Evelyn the big bad from Resident Evil 7. Rose eventually nabs the purifying Crystal but in the process comes face to face with Mother Miranda who reveals that K was an illusion and the whole setup was a plot to use rose as a vessel to revive her daughter either Michael also reveals himself to be Ethan's Consciousness and this lovely family reunion is promptly ruined by Miranda baying for blood Ethan and Rose eventually overpower Miranda when Rose decides to keep her powers and with Miranda dispatched once again Rose finds herself back home in her own reality and the game ends with rose at her father's graveside being drafted back into the machinations of some shadowy organization and as they drive off into the distance a mysterious figure is seen approaching their car who is he well I guess we'll have to wait and see where this mad franchise goes next for the answer to that and that friends is the Resident Evil timeline in a hideous he idiot nutshell I hope you enjoyed this one if you did please make sure to check out some of my other timelines including Dead Space Metroid and Uncharted thanks a lot for watching guys I'll see you next time
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 1,100,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resident evil timeline, resident evil chronology, resident evil timeline explained, resident evil story explained, resident evil explained, chris redfield, leon s kennedy, jill valentine, albert wesker, resident evil, resident evil village, gaming timelines, timeline explained, resident evil lore, resident evil history, history of resident evil, sony santa monica, ps5, resident evil ps5, resident evil 4 remake, resident evil 3
Id: FHq3k1wk4p8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 43sec (2743 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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