The COMPLETE Lore of Unturned (In Chronological Order)

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Before the world ended, history was written by the victor. Now, it is written by the survivor. The same survivor caught in the chaos of a burning city, barely paying attention to his surroundings, only focusing on the one thing that kept him alive to tell the tale. The same survivor who blocked out the memories of his fellow men being dismembered and consumed by mutants that were once human. That is to say, history is way more fuzzy post-apocalypse than it was pre-apocalypse. Dates are debated and the timeline is wonky, constantly shifting as new infected areas are discovered. Only a few of us even care about cataloging the history of this global disaster. The information in this log may be quite outdated by the time you view it, but someone has to record history, even if it's just how they see it. With that in mind, let me tell you the beginning. The beginning of it all, as we know it so far. When the universe exploded into being, matter and antimatter were generated equally and destroyed each other in a primordial crucible. From this great battle emerged an entity. While at the time there were no languages to describe it, it would come to be known as a being of pure malice incarnate. Rancor was all it knew. All it was, and it existed that way for billions of years, cursing it's mystery progenitor for the crime of existence, until one day, it crashed into the unimaginably hot magma of an infant planet. That planet would grow and evolve to become what we know as earth. Around this now dormant demigod, over the course of billions of years, an island would form, and on that island, a volcano; it's resting place. Life would evolve and human beings would soon appear on this green planet. Hundreds of thousands of years would pass until we get to around 2900 BC. At that time, bronze age tribes of Indo-Europeans lived in the region between the Baltic Sea, Eastern Steppes, and Siberia. These people soon discovered an artifact that would change the course of human history over the next few thousand years. It would come to be known as the soulcrystal. It was named this way due to its main property of being able to collect and store souls upon death, if killed nearby. They formed a small religion around this anomalous mineral, performing rituals in the night involving the harvesting of souls and whispers, perhaps whispers of the souls within the crystal itself. However, something went wrong. A terrible incident. The crystal caused horrific, eldritch mutations within all those it had under its spell of ruthless ambition. This incident caused all the tribes in the region to band together to destroy the crystal, and hide it's pieces in different locations that only one tribe would know, for they wanted to prevent anyone from reforming this crystal. The tribe who recorded this tale hid theirs in a tomb marked by the sigil of the soulcrystal, and guarded by their spirit ancestor known as Anastasia. The monsters would go on to spread to most of Europe, wreaking havoc wherever they went, birthing most of the legends of mythological monsters we know of today as mere stories. However, back then they were simply known as: The Beasts. Not much is known of the ancient, advanced civilization that once thrived on Boubyan Island. The pillars have yet to be deciphered, and the technology and it's origins remains a mystery to this day. Some thousands of years later, around 300AD, Polynesian settlers would arrive on the shores of Hawaii. After building their kingdom, they would head into the caves of the volcano Mauna Kea to discover a species of spotted mushrooms that seemed to cure all ailments, but something else was in this volcano. Something malevolent and malignant. A spirit of unfathomable rage like the eruption of a volcano. The Hawaiians sealed this spirit away in a tomb. They built a locking mechanism that spanned the entire island, a feat for a much more advanced society than is recorded, although nothing more is known of their technological level, or how it was lost. The lock was controlled by three altars. One of these was within Mauna Kea, the second in a shrine that eventually sank beneath the water, miraculously leaving the mechanism undamaged, and the third was built at a site of much significance: La Luna Kahiko, which translates to the old rulers, a burial site for Hawaiian kings. Some 4500 miles to the southeast, between 600-700AD, another group of Polynesians settled on a different island. The people would dub this island Rapa Nui, themselves becoming Rapa Nuians. It would later come to be known as Easter Island. Not only was there the king Hotu Motua, but future kings as well, such as Tu'u ko Iho, who in legend is said to have brought the moai statues to Easter Island and caused them to walk. These moai contain the dormant souls of Rapa Nuian ancestors that watch over the island and it's inhabitants, waiting until the day they need to be, quite literally, awoken. What these poor settlers didn't know, however, is that within the largest volcano on that island, an ancient evil lay buried, a demigod billions of years old, birthed at the beginning of time. This being would finally be given a name by the Rapa Nuians: Tukuturi, Flaw of Creation. It caused an unknown amount of chaos, until it was finally sealed away within the volcano, perhaps even some sort of pocket dimension, where it stirred in a restless slumber for centuries more. The seal on the flaw, as they called it, was locked with three moai heads made of crystal that contained the souls of the first three kings of Easter Island, and they were then spread across the land, only to be brought back together again if Tukuturi were to reawaken. And reawaken he would... A couple centuries would pass, and the middle ages would begin in Europe. In what would become modern day Belgium, the Beasts still caused chaos, razing villages and killing indiscriminately. But one day, a hero from an unknown land would ride in. What made this mystery knight stand out was the glowing blade on his back. This blade was forged of pure fire and magma, and was aptly named the Magma Mere. With this sword the warrior slew every beast in the land, purging the low countries of the supernatural menace. The origins of this knight are unknown, and his fate is a mystery as well, however, the clues left behind paint a grim but muddy picture. One beast did survive for sure, a humanoid demon with armor, red skin, wings, and fire breathing abilities. Within this beasts lair is not just treasure, but the Magma Mere itself, standing on a pedestal, like a trophy won after a battle. This beast, known to some as the dragon mage, would stay hidden for centuries beneath what would come to be known as Signal de Botrange. Over the years only the most fringe of conspiracy theorists and seekers of esoteric knowledge would come to know the full story of the Beasts and the Magma Mere, for it has been lost to history. All most people would ever hear of the Beasts are the legends of dragons, demons, and boogeymen. Nothing more than scary stories to tell children. Monsters like that could never exist in real life, right? Somebody has to keep a record of what actually happened, otherwise anything can become history. We didn't know, of course, it was just a few blips on the radar – could easily have been a surprise attack, and we gave them fair warning! Although in hindsight I doubt their comms used the same tech as ours. The one we recovered went down in New Mexico. The other one's lost, but I doubt there were any survivors. None of us expected it to be a fucking flying saucer! The government's trying to play it down from the public, and the official account is that we rescued them after they crashed into an unidentified object. It's not my place to reveal any of this, and we can't change the past. They way they're handling this rubs me the wrong way though. I think I'll quietly retire. Almost at that age anyway. Maybe we'll move someplace nice. On July 8th, 1947, an event occurred that would become known to many as first contact with extraterrestrial life. Two flying saucers of unknown origin appeared over the United States. Not knowing what they were, the US military fired on the aircraft. One crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico. The other landed somewhere unknown to the military, but it was in Bellevue Golf Course, Washington. The passengers of that ship went into a cryostasis in order to survive. Meanwhile, the one at Roswell was recovered and taken to the then secret air base known as Area 51. They nursed the single survivor back to health, and that alien proceeded to explain they were part of an intergalactic organization called The Polysol Federation. Their goal was to observe and protect lesser developed races until they could fend for themselves in the greater expanse. Before they were shot down, the scout ships were observing our planet and studying our resources. They determined we needed protection from space pirates, because our resources were quite valuable. For rescuing their ship, The Polysol Federation considers us allies, and we are still under their protection, as far as we're aware. Never thought I'd be on a voyage to something as far out as Hawaii, but here I am, freshly departed from San Francisco and on my way to Holokai Harbor, a quarter of a world away. The skies are clear, and all the equipment is in great shape. In 1984, a freighter owned by the Wendigo organization started sailing to Holokai Harbor in Hawaii. Some time into their journey, a storm begins to brew, and the ship is soon surrounded by a thick fog. Passengers and crew members report seeing strange iceberg like objects, even though they're supposed to be 100km away from Hawaii. The freighter would not be seen again for thirty some odd years. What makes this stranger is that Wendigo would not be founded for another few decades, for it is indeed a branch of the Coalition. The local government is definitely on to us. I just got evicted yesterday! With them snooping around our lab the boss is making plans with HQ to relocate. Right now they're thinking either Washington or BC, but a few of us are getting sent off to other facilities early to work on other projects. I'm assigned to “hallucinogenic weapons” code name “berrybush” up in Yukon, should be interesting. Apparently it's part of some work for Big-J, and they've already begun testing on wildlife. I'm not sure what to do with Spot, he's not suited to a cold climate. If the location replacement seems like a nice family I'll leave him with them. In modern times, sometime before 2016, the popular fast food chain Big-J would partner with a research company known as Scorpion-7. Big-J wanted to make their food more addicting to keep customers coming back for more, so they contracted Scorpion-7 to do just that. Scorpion-7 begins their research at their location hidden in Yukon. Meanwhile, they did miscellaneous gene splicing experiments in their location on Prince Edward Island. Now, the details are sparse, but at some point Scorpion-7 also gets a weapons development contract. A bio weapon to be more specific. This bio weapon would have no official name, and the details of how it would be used in combat are completely unknown. All that is known for sure is that it eventually led to the end of the world. Laura hasn't been to school for over a week now, and according to Mr. Green we shouldn't worry because her parents called to say they were moving to Madagascar... I don't think that's right because she would have told me, so I cycled down to their farm. Well, at least where their farm used to be. Someone in a bio-hazard suit told me the road was off limits and turned me around, but I saw construction equipment and a giant hole where the crops used to be. I hope Laura is okay... They're acting like everything's normal, but I can tell ma and pa noticed it too. I remember growing up here, my whole life, my family, my friends in Montague... but the memories don't fit right... if that makes sense. This is MY diary, but reading back I don't feel like I wrote those things. The Canadian government caught wind that something suspicious was going on with Scorpion-7. In order to combat their illicit research, they start investigating and interfering. They evict employees from their homes, so Scorpion-7 acts. They move their evicted employees to work at different locations, and the executives decide to move the PEI location entirely. To do this, they kidnap a farming family, wipe their memories, and implant false ones of them having lived on PEI their entire lives. They then demolish the old facility and build a farm there for the family to live in. They rebuild the facility in Washington State, where the farm once stood. In Washington, Scorpion-7 would continue research on the bio weapon, which included experimenting on live human subjects. My new workstation at the outpost is turning out a lot better than I expected. The staff here seem to be warming up to me already, and Dr. Stevens even invited me to play chess earlier today! This lot's experiments are a step above the boring DNA splicing down south and for the first time in months I am feeling intellectually stimulated. Still, I miss Spot and the cold up here is something else, but the move was unavoidable for obvious reasons. The shipment from HQ came in earlier than expected, more contract work for those executives at Big J. This one seems to be part of an even larger project, and I get the feeling they are splitting it up between the labs to make it harder for us to see the big picture. Not really sure what the consumer application is either, but hey, it pays the bills! At an unknown time, Scorpion-7 stumbles upon the crashed Polysol Federation ship in Bellevue Golf Course. They rescue the cryogenically frozen survivors, taking them to an undisclosed location, and they take some of the alien technology for themselves to experiment on, such as the Shadowstalker MK I rail gun. Unbeknownst to Scorpion-7, the US military was watching, and listening, and they did not like that some random company had access to such top secret information. As more contract work for Big J comes in, Scorpion-7 splits the work load of different projects between the various locations, which means the location in Washington, the one working on the bio weapon, would also be working on the food products for Big-J. This would soon turn out to be a terrible mistake. Somehow, the food got cross contaminated with this bio weapon, and when they shipped out, it sealed the worlds fate. One could argue they deserve what came next... I'm sorry, so so sorry. Our past bioweapon contracts were never used, so I didn't think twice about this one. If you're reading this, I- Intel suggests they have experienced a containment leak, so you are tasked with moving in earlier than expected. Exercise extreme caution, remember that these guys are heavily armed. If given the opportunity take any tangos captive for interrogation later. Subject: Earth. Date of death: May 22nd, 2016. Time of death: around midnight. A test subject for the bio weapon breaks out of it's containment chamber. It proceeds to tear through the unprepared researchers, and the facility is wiped out. A military squad is ordered to move in on the facility some thirty minutes later, but it's too late. The zombified researchers and mercenaries are unleashed upon Washington State. That coupled with the contamination of Big-J's products, made sure the beginning of the end was swift and unexpected. It easily could've started mini outbreaks in different parts of the world, each point of origin expanding terrifyingly fast until they all merged together into one large outbreak. We couldn't fight a war on that many fronts. The creatures this infection created would become known as the turned. A plane carrying infected passengers would land in Russia that morning. The passengers would break out and swarm the airport, causing civilians to be evacuated to Moscow, where the turned would follow. Days later, as research is being carried out in places like California, Canada becomes more and more overrun. The Canadian government, before going completely dark, orders the destruction of Confederation Bridge connecting Prince Edward Island to mainland Canada. The bridge is destroyed with tanks, and civilians were still on the bridge at the time. Those lives were lost for no reason, for despite the Canadian Armed Forces best efforts, the infection arrived at Prince Edward Island. Nothing is known of how the other provinces of Canada and states of the United States fared, but they all eventually fell to the turned. Russia managed to hold their ground for a full year, but I'll get back to them. For now, Canada and America have fallen. The spread of a new disease among the mainland United States has caught attention as it reanimates the dead according to reports. According to the US government there are at least 315,245 cases confirmed in the US, and at least 468,987 cases around the world, but the numbers keep rising. The government believes that the infection grows at a rate of 10,000 per day, and it has already caused two states to mobilize their military. Meanwhile, the discussion of if the Rio Internationals will be canceled goes on as the fear of the new infection rises. The internationals committee says “The event planned for Rio a few months from now won't be canceled,” even though the state of Rio de Janeiro is still preparing for the event. A continent away, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, all they know about this disease is what they've heard. While the paper falsely reports that the disease reanimates the dead, one cannot blame them for being confused. These are confusing times for all. Despite this, the Olympics are still planned to be held in August later that year. In order to prepare in the event that the plague does reach Brazil, the Brazilian government forms an organization known as the Zombie Prevention Department, or ZPD. This organization soon built facilities all throughout Brazil and began researching the infection, hoping to find a cure before it reaches Brazil, if it ever did. Their failure would not happen for another few months... We knew it was more than a pharmaceutical company when frigate upon frigate of armed soldiers started to arrive daily. The military tried to intervene but it was simply too late. Aegis had too much fire power. I think there's still hope though. Word around the island is that the remnants of the coastguard have set up a safe haven to the south. I'm going to begin my journey to seek it out in the morning. The dates are fuzzy, but it is around mid 2016 that the events in Hawaii take place. At the time, Hawaii had not yet suffered from the outbreak. Because of this, a research and pharmaceutical company known as Aegis heads to the island. They're there for the fabled all healing mushrooms that grow in Mauna Kea. Doctors in Hawaii have already done experiments on them, and confirmed their healing abilities. The strange thing about Aegis, however, is that armed mercenaries under their employ begin arriving at Hawaii by the ship load. This rightfully makes the locals suspicious, but they did not act fast enough. Aegis mercenaries secure the observatory on top of Mauna Kea, build a laboratory and underground bunker leading into the caves, and begin harvesting the mushrooms to refine into vaccines. The local US military sets up FOB's to keep an eye on Aegis, and what they discover was quite disturbing. In order to get test subjects, Aegis began kidnapping locals to perform vaccine tests on. The military does not act. They merely deploy more scouts to investigate further. Though the exact means are unknown, the infection reaches Hawaii and begins spreading rapidly like everywhere else before it. More than likely some of Aegis' prisoners escaped, or perhaps it was the toxic waste they left behind. As civilization on the island begins to crumble, Aegis begins ruling over the island, taking prisoners and getting into skirmishes with the local survivors. As Alika base is overrun by the turned, the military becomes spread out. Eventually, Aegis attacks the military directly by ramming their destroyer with one of their own cargo ships. The toxic chemicals on board cause the entire area to become irradiated, and reinforcements for the military would not be arriving. They retreat and regroup with the local coast guard and wait for further orders. Of course, none would come, so the Unyielding would be formed to house local survivors. Meanwhile, deep within Mauna Kea, Aegis begins discovering the ancient altars that unlock the tomb within, as well as zombies that swim within the magma. I can't believe we're rebooting this project. We've tried bombarding it with all kinds of radiation, electrifying it, blowing it up, but nothing. Still, if this is what they came here for it must be important, and they do genuinely seem to think it will work if we can crack it, but personally I'm starting to question whether maybe the extended cryosleep scrambled their brains. Russia was still holding out. Except for parts of Moscow, life continued as normal. At Keryev Quarry, one of the miners there found a fragment of the soulcrystal by accident, and put it up for sale online. Meanwhile, at the Scorpion-7 black site, where they continue to do research to hopefully find a cure or at least a way to control the turned, the Polysol Federation survivors had woken up. The aliens told them of the soulcrystal, saying they could use it to cure the infection. Scorpion-7 would eventually find and purchase the soulcrystal from Keryev and began different tests on it. However, nothing worked, and the vaccine prototypes that came from it only further mutated the turned. They developed fire proof properties, able to secrete a flammable chemical from their sweat glands. Some had their saliva glands produce acid at a PH of 1 that they could spit large distances. Some even developed a type of organic meta-material in their skin, able to use electric currents to bend the light around them and turn invisible. All the same mutations that appeared in the Beasts back in the day. The mega zombies had it worse. Some could breathe fire and shoot electricity from their chest. The black site would soon be overrun, and the fate of the alien survivors is unknown. It is also unknown how the mutations spread to parts of the world that Scorpion-7 had no contact with, but some would say it doesn't really matter. Yesterday, August 20th, an Internationals football game was interrupted in the middle of the broadcast due to a mass riot in the Maracana Stadium. According to viewers, the cause of the riot was a group of heavily violent people that began to attack their surroundings. The government issued a public statement to not head to Rio de Janeiro until the situation is resolved, and for residents to leave to near by towns. The infection soon reached Rio de Janeiro. More and more patients began showing up with flew like symptoms, festering and rotting skin, and aggressive behavior. The ZPD tried to tell the doctors that it wasn't a normal flew and they needed to lock things down, but they would not listen. Because of that, on August 20th, 2016, during an Olympics football event, the Maracana Stadium was swarmed by turned. The attendants all flooded out as the police tried to eliminate any infected, however it was no use. This was the beginning of the end for Rio. I will probably never forget what happened last night. I was just relaxing on the beach, and suddenly a big horde of red eyed zombies came out of nowhere and they were everywhere! While I was running I saw lots of those red eyed monsters getting inside the hotel, where my wife was... I feel so horrible, running like a coward. Some time passed as the number of turned slowly grew in size in Rio. At some point, a large terrorist group was formed known as the Exterminators. This well armed organization was ruthless in it's violence against not just the turned, but infected individuals, doctors, and random people who had been in contact with infected individuals, whether they actually were infected or not. They became such a large threat that the ZPD had to be escorted by military personnel. The Exterminators also had access to horde beacons, and would use them in highly populated areas to try and clear out any infected, regardless of how many civilians were still in the area. For quite a while, the Exterminators were one of the greatest threats in Rio, even able to take on the military on their own turf on October 8th of 2016. It is unknown when the Coalition was officially founded, though it is assumed to be between mid or late 2016. Their first major appearance would be in Kuwait. The infection, according to General Isaac of the Concord, a paramilitary group of survivors, was spread to Kuwait intentionally and caused the downfall of their former military base around September 2016. They set up shop on Icarus island to act as a safe zone for survivors. Soon, an aircraft carrier appeared in the distance. Amira, a member of Concord, wanted to get in contact with them, not knowing who they were at the time, but needing help. One of Concord's agents, a survivor from the mainland, would become crucial in making first contact with the Coalition. It took quite a bit of negotiating between the Concord and a local militia group, but after it was learned that a man from the militia group, Weston, and a woman from Concord, Krieger, knew each other, that survivor got the parts they needed to repair the radio and make contact. Once contacted, the Coalition ship got closer, and the name could be seen: The Liberator. The Coalition then landed on Icarus island, and Concord officially joined the Coalition as another branch. Many important members of the Coalition appear here. Admiral Isch, Major Sydney, who would soon become Captain Sydney of The Liberator, as well as members of Concord that are now in the Coalition, such as Yui “Snow” Aozora, General Isaac, Ashley, and Krieger. However, there is still quite a bit of mystery in Kuwait. Something tugs at the back of that survivors mind. What of the strange, esoteric ruins on Boubyan Island, and the phantoms that haunt them? What strange experiments lead to the giant cucumber plant at Al-Abdally? Is that giant eye in the sky real, or a mirage? A figment of our imagination? All three or none of the above? If these questions were ever answered, we do not know them. Not yet, at least, for the pillars on Boubyan Island are beginning to ignite with arcane, magical energy, one by one. Everything's on schedule for the next shuttle launch. We're the only facility still operational... Schwarzwald went dark several days ago, so it's on us to get the last few shipments to the station. The pressure's high and it's starting to affect morale. Humanity's future rests on our shoulders. Germany did manage to hold out for a while, but sometime during the 2016 Oktoberfest, the infection arrived. In order to contain an outbreak within Hamburg, possibly originating from the Big-J there, the German military blew up Rappbode Dam and flooded the city in an attempt to contain the infection. It did not work, and the German government was forced to enact a plan B. They called their remaining troops to Schwarzwald Military Base. The governments plan was to launch a space shuttle up to a secret orbiting space station. The shuttle would carry parts to build a teleporter in the station that would connect to one on the ground, which they built within Neuschwanstein Castle. Their first shuttle launch failed, crashing into the city of Cologne. When a team was sent to recover the craft, a secondary explosion occurred, leveling the entire city in nuclear fire. Before they could launch a second shuttle to try again, Schwarzwald Military Base fell to the turned. Their last hope of getting a shuttle to the space station was the Aerospace Defense Complex, the last facility still operational. In their eyes, they truly were humanity's last hope... and they failed... the defense complex was soon overrun, and the German government had fallen. However, not all was lost as they believed. Some months later, The Coalition would arrive and secure a foothold in the middle of Berlin, building a safe zone where they could protect survivors, but how long would that last... Meanwhile in France, on October 24th, 2016, the French government hired a research company called Rula to develop weapons for them. The government had seen the chaos occurring in Germany and around the world, and they wanted advanced weapons mass produced for the French military that would excel at eliminating the turned. Rula accepted the contract, and began development of these weapons in their underground facility in the southeast. On November 16th, they completed their first weapon: a flamethrower that shoots a highly pressurized napalm that could kill the fire proof turned. This was approved by the French military on December 22nd, and Rula began working on their next project. On January 2nd, Rula made headway in this new project, the development of energy weapons that are highly accurate and powerful. They name these energy weapons Focus Weapons. The French Military would never get a chance to use them... I see the mistakes we've done. None of them, except me, sees the true monster here. It isn't the ZPD, or the zombies either. The TRUE monsters here are the ones in this group. We are the true monsters. None of them see it. This group became a mess from the point in which the old leader threw two horde beacons in two innocent cities. To fix it, I must end what made the problem even worse. I must end the Zombie Exterminators once and for all. If you are reading this, I hope you understand. Unfortunately the only way I see that I can end this problem is by using the same thing that made this problem even worse, a horde beacon. The camp will fall, nobody here is innocent, I can see it. They simply don't care anymore about life, they don't care who they kill, a zombie, or a human. Do not destroy my horde beacon, and this suffering will end, once and for all. Back in Rio, the ZPD had just installed new software and gotten new technology on January 4th of 2017, so they can better research the infection. They begin research on the mutated turned, but they still need better equipment to research the virus itself. They don't understand anything about it. Eventually, the ZPD would develop the Zombie Kill Agent, or ZKA. This, however, did not work as intended. It merely killed the zombies, and if an individual was partially infected but not quite turned, it would kill their infected tissue and keep it on their bodies. The ZPD would not be around long enough to perfect this technology. They had been doing experiments on the horde beacons recovered from The Exterminators, and something went wrong. A lot of things went wrong, actually. As they were being overrun by zombies attracted by this horde beacon, they were also attacked by The Exterminators. It appears in the chaos, no one made it out alive, except for those that turned. Consequentially, with no one to monitor the generators, the entire surrounding area of the ZPD Santos Junction slowly began to get irradiated. The Exterminators, weakened by this, would finally be disbanded after a member of their group activated a horde beacon within their own base, destroying the group permanently. However, it would split apart into various splinter factions that continue to fight and vie for control of Rio, like cutting off the head of a hydra. We interrupt this program. This message has been broadcasted at the request of the President of France. This is not a test. Please standby for the following message. Civil authorities have issued a contagious disease warning for all citizens of France. The city of Paris has been overrun by highly dangerous residents swarming across the city, biting other residents, and infecting them with what is believed to be the same disease affecting other parts of the world. The French armed forces have successfully contained the threa-- IMMEDIATE UPDATE! The threat has escaped the city and is spreading across the Greater Paris Area. Civil Authorities have issued a national refuge at the Palace of Versailles and are establishing a stronghold at the city of Marseille. Head to one of those locations until further notice. On February 12th, 2017, as Rula is making more headway on their Focus Weapons project, they receive a message from an unknown party. The note states that they want the weapons, and they'll pay double what the French government is paying. Of course, Rula refuses this offer, underestimating this mysterious group. They would soon regret it, for the Rula facility was attacked later on in the month. While not part of this insurgent group's plan, as a consequence, the entire Rula facility was flooded. Nobody survived. This would just be the first in a list of disasters to occur in France. On February 23rd, 2017, a plane carrying infected passengers crash landed at Orly International Airport, releasing a horde. The military was called and actually managed to contain the situation, but unbeknownst to anyone, one of the soldiers got infected. When that soldier returned to Paris, he turned. At the same time, a SWAT standoff was occurring at the Louvre as a bandit group, perhaps the same one that attacked Rula, was attempting to rob the place. As that chaos went down, the turned soldier began infecting other people, and a chain reaction occurred that caught armed officials off guard and led to the downfall of Paris. The military set up a safe zone at the Palace of Versailles, Verdun Military Base, and in the city of Marseilles to house survivors. While the Palace is overrun on it's own, Marseilles did not just fall, it was pushed. This unnamed insurgent group built a dirty bomb, which is a bomb that uses conventional explosive to release radiation in an area and contaminate it. Working at Gare 17, they put the bomb on a train and drove it into the city, detonating it on March 4th 2017. What remained of survivors and the military fled to an island, where they remain to this day, attempting to retake the mainland of Paris. One survivor discusses this in his journal... While exact dates are fuzzy, it's before April of 2017 that Ireland began to fall. Not much is known of how the infection reached the country, but there is a Big-J here, as well as a Scorpion-7 facility with a broken containment tube. As survivors banded together to escape the chaos of the cities, they held up in different ruins across the island. This would turn out to be a terrible idea, for their trespass coupled with the negative emotional energy unleashed due to the apocalypse would awaken the ancient spirits of the dead. Places that were perhaps only slightly haunted already would swarm with poltergeists, and they would swiftly deal with the invaders. The Rock of Cashel was the most haunted, and because of this, the IFR, a nationalist group, decided to set their main base there. They knew no one would even think about invading them with a buffer of spirits protecting them. Some time later, The Coalition would arrive to help deal with the infected and the IFR. The H.S. Cale would set anchor off the shore of Belfast and send a small army to take back the city. However, the IFR managed to hold them off in a gun fight. The IFR, at their base beneath Cashel, guarded by malevolent spirits, and The Coalition, holding their position off the coast, are now at a stand still, each one biding their time until someone gets an advantage. It is around March 4th, 2017, that Vermillin begins their research on the other side of the globe. Vermillin is a Colorado based research company that had gotten permission from the Chilean government to do research on Easter Island. Their primary focus would be on the volcano's of the land. What none of them expected was that their constant drilling and destruction of the volcano's would awaken something ancient, and very angry. At the beginning of April of 2017, Terevaka wakes up, and Tukuturi along with it, violently erupting and destroying a town in it's vicinity. If that wasn't bad enough, mainland Chile closed down it's borders and went into complete lock down due to the outbreak, so Easter Island would no longer be receiving imports. However, Vermillin still received imports from time to time, and offered to supply the locals with food and supplies they receive. A month later, on March 15th, Vermillin discovered a giant chasm on the ocean floor, opened up by the volcanic activity. Their HQ in Grand Junction, Colorado, orders them to begin construction of a bunker within the chasm. While this at first confused the Vermillin employees, they soon make an amazing archaeological discovery: they find one of the ancient crystal moai buried within the sediment. We just lost contact with the rail cannon team. I fear the worst, but from their last transmission it sounds like their mission was a success – all exits are now blocked... we're trapped in here with the infection. Russia managed to hold out for a whole year, but the sheer number of turned became too much for them. Moscow was overrun and it began to spread fast. The military commandeered an old WWII battle train in order to destroy tunnels leading out of Russia to contain the infection. In a last ditch effort to destroy the turned, General Boris within Silo 22 was ordered to launch a nuclear warhead at Moscow. He refused, and when the Russian military attacks to try and launch it anyway, he sabotaged the warhead, irradiating the entirety of northern Russia. Some time passes after that, and Russia, weakened, finally decides to join The Coalition. The Russian military along with The Coalition set up a base on an oil rig to rescue survivors, while they also continue to scout out the mainland. Several nuclear submarines come to provide back up, but one of these nuclear subs had a meltdown underneath the oil rig, and it becomes irradiated. That one accident destroyed The Coalition's foothold in Russia. Weather alert – a strong thunderstorm has been detected off the southwestern coast, it's expected to make landfall on the 22nd of May, be prepared for the storm and potential ash rain. While the Coalition is still fresh on our minds, let's go back to Easter Island. On the night of May 22nd, 2017, the same day tunnels were being destroyed in Russia, a freak storm surrounds the entire island, causing waves, as well as purple and white lightning streaking across the skies, an unnatural hue for a seemingly natural event. The next day, when everything clears, locals discovered a ship appeared off the coast of Hanga Roa. The ship is rusted as if it had been there for years already. This would turn out to be the Wendigo ship that got caught in that storm in 1984. This ship would sink. It is unknown if it sunk later, or if it arrived sunken, but the Coalition crew were turned into water zombies. This new mutation allowed zombies to breathe underwater, and some could even camouflage exceptionally well. This was Easter Island's first contact with the turned, although it would be another year before it began to appear on the island itself. Vermillin would continue to build and finish their bunker within Terevaka on May 31st, 2017, unaware of this anomaly, or were they? What makes you think it is acceptable to just cancel all flights? I have places I need to be, and I know I am not alone! I don't care about your pointless refunds when you don't even give a REASON as to why all the flights have been canceled! ALL YOU BIG COMPANIES THINK YOU CAN JUST PUSH AROUND YOUR CUSTOMERS! I WILL NOT LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS. I. WANT. A. RETURN. FLIGHT. It is only on May 26th of 2017, after the fall of Russia, that President Estevao of Greece declared a nationwide state of emergency. While life carried on as normal for a while, Greece was cut off from the rest of the world, and flights to and from the country were canceled, but before Greece completely fell, two other countries did. We're no closer to locating the local rebel group's base other than that it must be near the mountain. They're evidently planning something big, though – I advise we remain on high alert and consider going on the offensive. The fall of the last bastion of civilization in Germany would not come at the hands of the turned, but of other people. When the government fell, the Coalition stepped in to fill the void, and they lasted up until around June of 2017, but there were a few people unhappy with that arrangement. They call themselves The Syndicate, a group of bandits and anarchists that think it's better with no civilization. Being against authority is one thing, but these guys just want chaos for their own greedy and selfish desires, the same desires they accuse the Coalition of having. After skirmishes here and there with the Coalition, and the Coalition preparing to go on the offensive, The Syndicate attack the compound in Berlin with a three pronged strike. A heavily armed team drove through the gates and onto the highway overlooking the area to rain down hellfire. A second team entered into the sewers of Berlin and came out to sandwich Coalition fighters. The final team posed as survivors to get inside the compound, smuggling in weapons to help in the fight. The Syndicate were victorious in the Battle of Berlin. Some Coalition managed to escape and took two prisoners with them: Pedro Riso and Terry Rickster. Needing an evac, The Liberator, now run by a Captain Sydney was called to sail all the way to the coast of Germany to pick up the survivors and lock up the prisoners on board. They then sailed to the Baltic Sea off the coast of Russia and set up a semi permanent spot there, returning a Coalition presence to the country. Pedro and Terry, however, would prove to have much more influence and connections than previously thought. ATTENTION! All patients and medicine must be transported out of Belgium immediately. Infected must be transported SEPARATELY. All Nulirane Researchers must evacuate and burn all research that they are unable to take with them. There can be no evidence of the operations of Nulirane. Brussels is being locked-down as the virus starts to spread throughout Belgium. The evacuation must be quick and precise so our operations may remain in secret and not cause any uprisings. Sometime after the fall of The Coalition in Germany, a research company called Nulirane Research took some turned from Germany to perform experiments on in the hospital at Brussels. Things did not go according to plan, and an outbreak began in Belgium. The Belgian Government declared a complete lock down in Brussels and partnered with Nulirane Research to transport infected individuals to their laboratories. After only five days, Brussels completely fell to the turned, and remaining military were evacuated. Some time after that, while the military was still active, a meteor full of green crystals crashed into the town of Ypres, causing a huge explosion and the irradiation of the town. The military quarantined the area and call Nulirane to help with containing the hazard. What Nulirane discovers in these crystals is that they seem to have some effect on the turned infection. This requires further testing, so Nulirane needs samples. While transporting a sample of the green crystal, a military convoy is attacked by a group unknown to them at the time. This was a bandit clan known as The Afzetters, or Tricksters, led by a man named Ibrahim. They steal the crystal for themselves. Another military camp sets up at a farm with one of the crystals, however they're attacked and wiped out by the farm owner, Simon, who takes the crystal for himself. However, Simon soon flees his farm, leaving the crystal behind, for he has seen the dragon mage up close and personal. The Last Beast had woken up, taking advantage of the chaos of the apocalypse. Simon fled out of fear of this demon. He couldn't take it on. Not without help. One of the ways Nulirane received subjects for experimentation was the kidnapping of prisoners. The military would take prisoners and send them straight to their labs. Two of these prisoners are named Oscar and Axel, and they're friends with Terry Rickster. Terry sends them a letter explaining that The Liberator is coming to Belgium to help with evacuations, and they need to somehow escape and free him. Oscar and Axel do manage to escape, with Oscar eventually being trapped by the Ridders van Licht, or Knights of Light, the last of the Belgian military collecting survivors for evacuation. Axel manages to find his way to the Afzetters cave. But how did Terry even get the note to them in the first place? Well, he has an inside man within Ridders. Two, actually. Ferre, a high up military man, and Lukas, who is in the safe zone working on a boat. The Afzetters have deeper connections than any other group we've seen so far, and that makes them the most dangerous. Meanwhile at the Nulirane Research Facility, the labs are locked down. Any patient caught trying to escape or researcher that refuses to take part in the unethical experiments, is killed. Perhaps it was worth it, in the end, for Julianne managed to find a reliable treatment using the green crystals, and they brought consciousness back to two turned. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, the facility was overrun, and the remaining Nulirane staff, along with the two semi cured patients, retreated to Ridders HQ. It is then that General Wout, leader of the Ridders, sends out a radio transmission saying that they're not accepting anymore refugees. They simply don't have enough supplies. Major Vince has a solution for that: cut down the population. He sends a classified letter to The Afzetters asking them to do just that. With the Afzetters now having not just an inside man, but full on support from Ridders van Licht, who knows what will happen when the Liberator arrives, and who knows how much chaos The Beast will cause before someone finally slays it. To this day, the fate of the Liberator remains unclear... On September 12th of 2017, the Epirus-Thrace Blockade is set up across the entire northern border of Greece. With most northern European nations falling to the infection, the government had no other choice. They deploy the Hellenic Armed Forces to guard this blockade, but tacticians warned that their forces might be stretched too thin. They would soon turn out to be right, but it would still be some months before then... A month later on October 17th, 2017, all the way across the world in Easter Island, an email exchange talks about how Vermillin is expecting some weapons shipment to arrive, but it's late. The thing is, those weapons are onboard the Wendigo vessel. The same one that appeared five months before in May. Honestly, Vermillin more than likely doesn't know what's going on at this point either. Perhaps we'll never know for sure. Another year would pass. The infection reached mainland Chile, and on May 30th, 2018, an infected tourist would appear on Easter Island. It is unknown how the tourist got infected, but it would turn into a water zombie and escape into the ocean, where it proceeded to infect animals and more civilians. Vermillin couldn't focus on them for long, though, as they made a strange discovery within Terevaka. On June 5th, 2018, tablets began to glow with text written in English, explaining the back story of Terevaka and Tukuturi. Perhaps this was a final desperate warning from whatever powers that be. Do something, before Tukuturi unleashes the full potential of it's wrath. This warning would go unheeded. We've been seeing scattered groups and miniature convoys of soldiers seemingly fleeing, but from what? Could that second blockade have fallen? I don't know if I wanna stick around to find out... Back in Greece, around the same time, maybe a month earlier, the Epirus-Thrace Blockade is breached, and a horde begins to swarm the entire northwest section of Greece. The military retreats to Meteora Military Base, but that is overrun, so they retreat further to Trinity Monastery as they are quickly surrounded by an ocean of green with a tint of red. The Greek High Command, which includes General Ares and President Estevao, sends Cerberus vehicles to a mountain nearby and they launch six volleys of experimental Thanatos Missiles, which amount to mini nukes, at the horde. This irradiated the area, and barely did anything to stop the horde's numbers. The horde would continue to pour into Greece, eventually causing the remaining Hellenic Forces to retreat to one last base in the south and accept refugees for protection. On June 9th, 2018, the same month the Hellenic Forces are accepting refugees, Grand Junction, Colorado is nearly overrun by the turned. They send a final message to the Vermillin team in Easter Island: enact Project Paradise. Project Paradise is a contingency plan to start the construction of artificial islands to house survivors. While highers ups were planning on doing this, it would never come to pass, for half of the Terevaka bunker was flooded with lava from the volcano. Tukuturi's wrath struck out at them. If that wasn't bad enough, the moai statues come to life, reawakening to defend the island like they were tasked to a millennia ago, and they are extremely hostile. I can't believe they just opened fire upon us. All we wanted was refuge, safety, like they promised! We had waited, and waited to get inside that base, and just when I thought it was all going to be okay, they sounded their alarm and started firing their machine guns. Such an act is unacceptable, even in the apocalypse, and will not go unpunished. I'll see to it that these “soldiers” get what they have coming to them... I will enact my vengeance without mercy or discrimination, just like them. That's not all that happens in June. In Greece, the Hellenic Forces realize they're taking in too many refugees, so they're forced to refuse entry to anymore survivors. When survivors don't take kindly to that, a battle erupts. It's unknown for sure who exactly the aggressor was, but it doesn't matter at this point. The survivors of the attack that weren't Hellenic Forces left to either form their own camps, which would eventually fall, or created the Omega Squad, a group dedicated to battling the Hellenic Forces. Not only had Greece fallen to the turned, they were now in a civil war, one that might never end. They still fight to this day... Who knows what year it was written, but on top of Terevaka volcano, a note was found: the dying words of a Vermillin employee, despairing that he may be the last man on earth. His final words: keep on living. Perhaps we will keep on living, but if experience has taught us anything, it will be one hell of a struggle to do so. But human beings are nothing if not resilient and stubborn. No matter what else we may discover about the turned, or what other places could be affected by them, or how many other cosmic abortions like Tukuturi exist out there in the greater cosmos, we should find a way to live through it all. If we do not, it will only be our own fault. So, viewer... keep on living.
Channel: The Knight Writer
Views: 272,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SirAdy, SirAddy, Dug, zman, zman1064, trident, games, tridentgames, tridentgaming, trident gaming, trident games, Sir Ady, Sir, Ady, Addy, Sir Addy, p9nda, Unturned, Unturned Lore, lore, SirAdy Lore, dark souls lore, traindude gaming, traindude, gaming, train dude, train, dude, SomebodyOnEarth, SOE, SOE Unturned, Somebody On Earth Unturned, Ruination gaming, Ruination, cucuycharles, zman Unturned, p9nda Unturned, Unturned Gameplay, Unturned 3.0, Unturned II, Unturned 2, Unturned 2.0, Unturned 4.0
Id: 1hhUJHukFQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 42sec (3522 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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