The Entire Lore of Buak and How it Connects to Unturned (Story)

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the unturned map the walk came out just one day ago but through the power of the unturned map editor and the countless amount of players who have spent their day grinding out the map we already have access to the map's full story lore and ending and today I'm going to try and explain the story of Bullock is a map set on an island a cut off of Canada probably not representing a real place like Pei but a setting nonetheless when a player spawns in they immediately face the danger of zombies animals and strange skinwalker-like creatures upon traveling further into the island the player can find a group of survivors set up in a camp stating that they came over on boats in the past once acquainted with these survivors the player is tasked with completing various missions eventually leading the players down a seldom visited basement once entering this basement the player is sent to a nightmare-like world full of lighthouses with dark glowing eyes and the full story begins you see the red eyes in these lighthouses are anything new nine years ago the unturned update 2.2.2 came out and quickly a strange video appeared showing a lighthouse in an unturned server suddenly gaining glowing red eyes and the player spoke about a lighthouse ghost with red eyes supposedly coming to kill them it seems if this ghost is back in buak and is back to haunt the player or even worse the island itself the player is able to reach a large black Lighthouse taller than the rest at the end of a pier and upon climbing to the top can look at a moon with soul crystal design on it the same design seen in Russia and then they are teleported to a room with a girl in all blank naming herself antagrim anti-grib explains she's dead and for a long time has been trapped inside of a soul crystal the Same Soul crystals that can be seen in Russia and is unable to move she asks the player to track down other corrupted souls to feed to the soul crystal in order to free her she gives the player a key to the lighthouse on the real buak Island and after reminding the player to keep their sanity allows the player to be on their way it is important to note that the player can see ante turn into anomaly 7 monster for short durations of time throughout their interaction upon leaving the soul crystal the player is back in the cellar and can be on their way to the lighthouse upon reaching the lighthouse they go through a portal leading into the nightmare realm from before and enter a large room with this soul crystal in the middle presumably the one that traps in aren't they additionally there are four doors in the room each with their own key lock upon entering the first door the player enters a boss fight with a mega zombie titled the little lad and upon defeating this boss the players sent to another room this room is in the past and my theory is that it is a memory in the eyes of ante Grimm being one of the first test subjects of Scorpion 7. here Zachary zackerson states that he is the manager of the Bullock scorpion 7 and that the location is testing on bringing people back from the dead he says that there may be some side effects or Consequences but doesn't consider them to be much of a problem he also states that the location is working on robotic arms to do work for reaching up to high boxes and other tasks after the memory of the old scorpion 7 lab players brought back to the soul crystal with anthe where she thinks the player for defeating the first boss and tells the player to go and defeat the bosses behind the last three doors upon defeating the second boss the player is once again brought to the Scorpion 7 lab but this time almost as a spectator with other scientists in the lab and noticing them it is seen that this is also a memory though as upon attempting to interact with the first scientist they are turned into a schizophrenic and teleport away shortly after an announcement comes on the speaker system in the lab stating that the mechanical arms mentioned previously have been sold and are now being used to build tanks and missiles this is referencing how to at zavad on the Russia map similar looking mechanical arms can be seen giving this map its third tie to Russia as the Russian government seems to have funded this scorpion 7 branch the announcement also states that rat poison has killed many test subjects making it clear that The Cure from Death still hasn't been worked out deeper in the lab the player can run into a sad looking aren't they sitting on a bench and further along the player can walk past doors labeled anomaly one through six each containing different mutated players all likely results of human testing of the Death Cure upon reaching the anomaly one door the player enters an observation room where they can see a giant skeleton the same scene in the underground segment of the present scorpion 7 lab and most likely the scariest of the anomalies throughout the lab the player could also have read or listened to voice recordings and clipboards each containing information of Scorpion 7 workers and their concerns on the reanimation project Upon returning to ante she expresses her dismay for the people working at scorpion VII as they let the test subject suffer she also explains that the soul crystal was a prison made by the people at scorpion 7 lastly explaining the origin of the Soul crystals seen in Russia after defeating the third boss the player can enter the Scorpion 7 laboratory at night time walk through it and leave as if in the eyes of ante or perhaps a scientist upon reaching the car the players brought back to the soul crystal where chains of spines can be seen circling the room and a large Beating Heart can be seen at the center anthe reveals her understanding of the world of unturned overrun by zombies and monologues in how scorpion 7 engineered them through the reanimation project to make them incredibly strong she says that at the turned the subjects and her shouldn't be the only ones that suffer so while revealing her anomaly form with Scorpion Arms and all she tells the player to kill the last one revealing the location of the last key after this the player is sent to spectate ante's encounter with the skeleton anomaly seen before anomaly one where it teleports behind her for a short period of time making her flicker into her scorpion anomaly 4. afterwards anthe passes out I believe this skeleton has been on the island of huwak for a very long time possibly back to when the aliens first visited planet Earth as seen in previous unturned lore videos by names such as the Knight Rider in the organization of Scorpion 7 attempted to use the skeleton to harness the power of eternal life only for it to be a dangerous anomaly the players then able to spectate an interaction between ante and a scientist where she is told that the anomaly 7 incident the day before shows that ante is extremely powerful and the Scorpion 7 wishes to test on her the player is then sent to a spectate an announcement that Zachary gives to the scientists of buak Scorpion 7 that the facilities running out of money he says that the officials are attempting to start more projects in other locations for the reanimation project and that some scientists will be relocated to Pei on the Pei map through analysis of the lore it can be seen that a scorpion 7 location used to be located on south of the map I was then relocated to Washington due to an event this show always had a reanimation project spread throughout most of the world and how the turn ended up everywhere that they are as originally buang was a secluded Island after Zachary's announcement a worker runs in explaining that on the had broken out of containment and was killing scientists the player is then sent to spectate aren't they Zachary and a scientist in the woods with ante on the ground after being shot by Zachary Zachary expresses his dismay due to ante's attempt to stop Zachary in his attempt to cure death aren't they starting to get angry and for a moment turns into our scorpion form but is then shot dead by Zachary Zachary tells the scientists to leave ante's body in the woods and then get back to work this is possibly the last moment that Anthony was on Earth before being trapped in the soul crystal at the end of this the player returns to the soul crystal with ante where she states that she now remembers how she died and that it's time for the soul crystal to do its thing as the player has killed all four of the bosses little lad Paul Woodman kylan Anderson and Zachary zackerson the soul crystal activate showing the colors of the Soul crystals that can be seen in Russia Bean yellow and purple and then a large laser beam like the one that makes up the shadow stalker Mark II can be seen extending from the soul crystal knocking latte back and then disappearing aren't they believing that her escape from the soul crystal has failed begins to express her feelings on how some are left to suffer when a great light illuminates the room of the soul crystal in her and the player are teleported to the factory where the Survivor of Camp is set up concluding the story in it what seems to be a happy ending where the player is instructed by the reborn ante to visit the Lighthouse for the map's credits now that we have the story out of the way let's discuss how this connects to the rest of unturned lore and also what happened we know that this all happened before the unturned outbreak as it is the scientific events that led to the zombie virus or rather the zombie mutation as we now know it that had taken over the world we know for sure that Russia sponsored the reanimation project of Scorpion 7 through the purchasing of mechanical arms for use in zavad to elaborate here's a timeline the first event is that scorpion 7 is made and the reanimation project begins at the buak branch the second is that ante's life goes by and her soul is sealed away in the soul crystal built by scorpion 7. so quite possibly maybe they didn't leave her body in the woods like Zachary had initially said then the zombie mutant outbreak starts this is most likely the events that occurred in Washington and Pei as well as other Maps where we can see that scorpion 7 containers have been breached next the players of unturned spot the red eyes in the lighthouse in update 2.2.2 this of course happened after the outbreak as it is in the game unturned and whether it is a myth for the game or not it is now considered canonical then the player enters the island of buak and completes the story with ante freeing her from the soul crystal at scorpion 7 built essentially resurrecting her while also spreading the three colored Soul crystals and possibly some of the power from the shadow stalker Mark II or possibly the power that made the shadow stalker Mark II regardless it is all stuff that is later seen in Russia and then with that the soul crystal sign is spotted under Saint Petersburg and Russia and using the phrase Anastasia opens it up and with this Anastasia means rebirth or Resurrection so it could can be assumed that the story of ante's rebirth has been brought through Russia through some sort of word of mouth or possibly the power of the Soul crystals and so now the spirit of the Soul crystals have entered Russia bringing Russia's lore to what is the Russian map now it is possible that the soul crew that The Souls of the boss zombies trapped inside of the Soul crystals are now trying to escape or maybe something to do with the pirate zombie on Russia it is also important to note that the elemental boss zombie scene in buwak are also seen in Russia so it is very possible that there's a strong connection between these two maps uh possibly being that a lot of the lower from buak eventually migrated over to Russia to wrap things up I believe that the soul crystals are the only way of true Resurrection in the unturned storyline officially since they took the bones of the pirate zombie in Russia and resurrected him into a fightable boss additionally they resurrected anthe and worked in the storyline of Russia's secret scorpion seven Labs tele-honing the player to and from it's pretty ironic that Zachary hated and ignored the only person that tried to warm him about his own experiments and was the only person who created possibly control the soul crystals that could actually resurrect people after recording this original script I went to the unturned bunker Wiki and looked for the anomaly seen in the lighthouse in version 2.2.2 and it is confirmable that this is known as anomaly 7 meaning that it could have some connection with scorpion 7. and it could also have a connection with ante because ante is known as anomaly 7 in the buang storyline so this could reinforce the fact that anthe is those glowing red eyes seen in the lighthouse and she is haunted over multiple unturned Maps after being sealed inside of the soul crystal and that perhaps buak is the only time that she's been able to communicate with players and be able to free herself additionally story from players of unturned about some sort of Lighthouse ghost seem to match up the description of the schizophrenics or just anomalies that can be seen down in the buak mines so perhaps this also has some sort of connection anyway this is all the lore that I've been able to find and organize for the new bug map if there's anything that I missed comment it down below and uh anyway I'm gonna go to sleep now
Channel: Geploop
Views: 23,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unturned, unturned pvp, base, base raid, base raiding, unturned base raiding, vanilla, unturned gameplay, gaming, bases, polaris, polaris pvp, vanilla base raid, raiding, vanilla raid, survival, f2p survival, manoman, unturned vanilla base raid, unturned polaris, polaris beret guide, polaris quest guide, unturned polaris guide, unturned rags to riches, r2r, bigboom, p9, russia, unturned russia, liamdoesgames, ldg, liam unturned, zman, Buak, buak achievement, buak lore, buak unturned, bauk
Id: kiK5hWbI8qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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