KINGDOM HEARTS 3 ReMIND All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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[Music] may your heart be your guiding key picture this a black goat stashes away a letter then orders a white goat to search for it what could his intentions possibly be [Music] great a riddle just what I need there are many possibilities perhaps he forgot where it's hidden or he's playing a prank or the letter has truly gone missing I can think of several reasons offhand guessing is simply useless well then just follow your orders plain and simple yes that's what I've always done I follow the orders from above without question however I sometimes can't help but read into my opponent's strategy to learn on the job if the contents of the box are so unknown why is it of such critical importance to the organization furthermore was it Zeya notes or xemnas who gave the order well it's tricky all Zainul cares about is the clash between the seven lights and thirteen darknesses it's unlikely he would hold such an interest in this mysterious box which means the order was issued by xemnas or the one who informed me of my task you as if it must have been xemnas my inquiries suggested otherwise oh man you asked him what are your intentions look I don't know what's inside the box but it's been protected by Keyblade wielders since way back when aren't you curious iron it contains information that's vital to all Keyblade wielders secrets and where did you hear this hmm I don't remember I keep my eyes and ears wide open but I've travelled so many different places it's hard to keep everything straight you know [Music] if this box is truly as important as you say why now I believe you discovered that others also seek it and you need to find it before anyone else does in order to keep your connection to the box a secret from those around you zip ah who are you really no matter it doesn't make a difference to me it's all the same I'm content to feign ignorance the question is who are you Luke surd it's finally over No we'll find Kyrie let's head back to master yen SID we can figure it out no I know what to do Sora my whole journey began the day I lost her and every time I find her she slips away again I thought we'd finally be together but she's out there alone not for one more second yeah that's right Thank You Donald goofy but this time I have to go it alone Sora listen the power of waking isn't a go chase hearts around even if you do locate Kyrie that you might never come home to us again I will and we'll both be back before you know it please let him go Mickey Riku his heart and his mind are made up now believe in him yeah safe journey Sora thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah it Ward's off darkness it's useful toldja so how'd it go the tour [Music] I learned the reason for my existence Oh dilemma all around the world people live seemingly peaceful lives they believe themselves to be moral and virtuous but it's all an act [Music] darkness lurks in the pit of everyone's heart their light is a total farce [Music] sounds like your trip around the world opened your eyes but you got a little bit more than you anticipated you must have seen a lot of darkness those who are weak and who desire greater power simply strip the strong of their power and convinced themselves they've earned it that's how people become tainted by darkness they believe what they want to believe using hollow reasons as justification they repeat this cycle and their darkness grows so you're saying the weak feel the need to justify their actions to maintain a sense of self can't let that slide no it's better they be ruled by darkness people carry delusions of having power but it's a lie they are but sheep pretending to be wolves though I admit I can understand why oh never heard that one before a keyblade wielder willing to side with the darkness why not just let them be until the darkness consumes them because left alone the world would fall to chaos there needs to be order you sure about that why not just sit back and watch it play out understanding hearts is difficult more so the emotions within I simply realized that it's easy to dismiss what you don't comprehend all right all right the world needs you grant you that one I don't know what I can do but I will act what comes next is too important I suppose letting false light dictate the future might be a pretty lousy move so you can make a change you have that power what do you want for the world power hey who knows my trainings coming to an end and the exams not far off maybe I can gain some clarity then you're letting the exam decide listen to me the results don't matter you believe the world needs you sounds like you already know where you're headed it's funny somehow I can sense where I'm supposed to go and what I'm supposed to do yes even this coat there's something familiar about it as if I meant to wear this no you'll ditch it soon what do you mean I mean that one day you're going to outgrow it how so if you truly possess great power the darkness can't control you you won't need a silly old coat to stay safe in fact you'll be the one controlling the darkness instead me on the other hand I'm too much of a scaredy can't ever take mine off who are you really some kind of fortune-teller well I could lie tell you that's what I am when I'm actually a brilliant artist or even a scholar I could tell you that a dream of world peace when I'm actually planning for its destruction the truth is what you see with your eyes not what you hear so your name Oh what did I just never mind I guess there's no harm my name is [Music] I'm a lost master lost master may your heart be your guiding key you [Music] but so funny old man mind sharing with us [Music] I stand here today because of a fated encounter very many years ago when I was still a young lad I never learned who he was perhaps I never will but I see now the truth he spoke of yeah we don't have time for bedtime stories without the kid we're still down a thirteenth vessel and as for the other 12 only three of us are here right now are you absolutely sure the others made their way back to their respective times [Music] malucia and lark scene are both here in this time attempting to locate the new seven hearts Luke surd is also somewhere about in this age but after our last meeting he went in search of something per your order isn't that so huh oh that right well let's just say that what he's doing will benefit us in the long run but it's really of no importance right the second go on playing your cards close as usual all right the hearts of Ansem resembles Vanitas Riku replica and Jung's a inert returned to where they came from and reassembled once more each of them is seeking a guardian of light so the ones who turn human and then back again into nobodies er me you Luke surd militia and Larsen that's five the ones from the past transferred into replicas are Anson xemnas Vanitas Riku replicas and the old man's younger self then we add the old man in the total comes up to eleven I think we're still missing too now we must discuss why we have assemble here today Mayan carnations from past times vessels into which I transferred my heart my assets were destroyed thus I was restored to what you see now for one completely disappear their heart and body must be restored to their original form that is one reason why I distributed my heart into several vessels and summons Hemnes originated from terror or other his young form and it too was restored however my heart has returned to me or his is yet lost I decided to fill this hollow vessel with my heart indeed very same heart had previously resided with him young Terra so that makes twelve then who do we get to replace the kid twenty replicas were created by Vexen the first twelve were nothing more than puppets barely human the prototype model was the riku replica and then number i was made that leaves us with six and some xemnas Vanitas Riku replica and young Zayin or tarts five vessels one left Vexen endemics are candidates but backups at best the plan for the last replica is to give it a heart that is connected to Sora's connected Ozora anyone in mind the second prototype that was created number hi though erased from memory it remained in vex ins records its existence is greatly linked to Sora's memories and thus should prove to be more than adequate for our needs number I an imaginary number of fitting while young Zayin art is occupied with transferring hearts I must go fulfill my duty I will go and retrieve Vexin reliable as always it sounds to me like you've got everything dependably under control well I'm off to do my part the plan as we agreed upon [Music] mayor heart be a guiding key huh this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gerrae the-- back so soon what's wrong well even with the power of waking you can't just bring someone back but Kyra's heart hasn't been lost yet she's still with us right maybe but this time I'm afraid the situation is a lot worse hey I've already restored six hearts what's one more but that's not how it's supposed to work at all the power of waking is meant to be used to wake and restore sleeping hearts not to restore them after they've completely faded away from existence you've done that six times before and as a result you've managed to greatly alter the course of history itself you've broken a nature taboo nature a forbidden act break a taboo of nature and you'll end up paying an extraordinary price I've heard that before so what's the price you'll lose your powers you won't be able to use the power of waking that's all no problem but that's not all you yourself will vanish from this world and without your powers you can't return to the world you came from I don't care what there's a lot I don't understand but I know that this is all I can do right now I have to do everything I can to get Tyree back that's the whole reason behind my journey hmm I can't stop you can I nope I have to follow my heart hmm well then this really is goodbye so listen carefully to me hmm you'll return to the Past again but you won't be able to rewrite it this time no matter what happens you have to accept it and move on is everybody okay the heart you have now it already existed during that time it went back into that past earlier nothing can change that fact the place where you'll return is the tear in the fabric of time that was created when you changed your destiny then changed it once again in order to not stray too far from the true power of waking you'll enter and pass through the hearts of the Guardians until you reach Kyra's heart every emotion that each of the Guardians felt anxiety you're not him fear kindness everything they saw and everything that they felt then you'll clear away through it Traverse across their hearts and dive ever deeper inside I can't be sure what's waiting for you at the end or what you'll actually be able to do but by following the connection of hearts what you'll come to discover a greater truth thirteen one that's sure helpful of you will be torn heart from body but in this flow of time in the past you'll only have up until the moment you left for this place so you'll have to find and restore kairi's heart before then that's all the advice I can give you beyond that I can only say be your guiding key yeah this is vents heart then fine Oh what who are you darkness Vanitas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it yo ah then is this aquas heart ven's heart was so peaceful but this this is fear this can't be real huh Oh Oh pull it together Sora we haven't lost them they still have their hearts but we have to protect them right we stand together Mickey Kairi goofy watch the others no we should all get to safety while we still can it's too late for that Oh it can't be no so this is the fear and despair that aqua feels and now I feel it too [Music] Oh [Music] aqua Terra then Terra we found you Terra please say you're in there what gives aqua I know that you're not him now let our friends oh did I did I pass through the tear Sora nominee what are you doing here have you lost yourself like I did well it's a long story but tell me why haven't you returned to Kyra's heart yet he is their 13th today is the day you all lose what before you even face the 13 every last one of you will be torn heart from body but fear not the Keyblade will still be forged because I'm still not able to but I'm calling out to Terra's heart and I brought him here Terra no Terra's heart is too steeped in darkness instead I've brought out Terra's most personal and powerful thoughts this is terras sadness anger lament Terra's thoughts we're not gonna lose to you [Music] who are you got you the same Terra this is impossible how I've waited for this moment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Richard's spirit as long as master Z naught resides within you you're a threat to aqua and ven you would give your life for theirs you must be removed from existence at all costs [Music] [Music] nominee can you call out to Tara no his rage is too strong he won't respond to me no matter who gets hurt it's bad for Tara either way you have to leave go to the world of ocean and sky and you I got this [Music] this [Music] begone [Music] [Applause] yeah how can you be here hey I can travel to different times too you know did you think you were the only one with that power you dare [Music] [Music] there [Applause] gerrae [Music] [Applause] seeing that you have also taken the forbidden path you too must be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice Oh Baby Talk a job the whistle [Music] darkness Oh words you Rico [Music] Oh [Music] wait yeah and some where are you going [Music] Riku hey let's speed it up keep the line moving thank this ah you might yield six guys you're done oh you're not real I'm the real one aren't you my past self from when Anson possessed me oh no you beat Ansem and you're still here this guy is me Oh I knew it it's a replica a soon-to-be empty vessel I've been waiting for a chance like this Hey what are you doing take the vessel no the world already has you there's someone else who needs the replica more you know who I mean [Music] nominate your saving her [Music] good luck [Music] let's make it interesting hey this one special watching yeah yeah figures if I had a keyblade it'd be different like you're actually worthy to use one oh I am worthy what do you mean the old coot promised to bequeath me his why else do you think I would ever put up with all his nonsense it'd be wasted on you [Music] as if [Music] Oh Oh is that a replica for nĂ³mine yeah wish we could help her now but first I know I'm going after Ansem okay I'll go help the others hmm I'll be back after all of this is over Hey huh I thought you'd be gone by now you're the organization whoa chill out I'm not here to fight I promise listen names demux it's a long story but I'm sorta on your side oh right here see all the cool kids have one right Zack's uh-uh yawns Oh got me this enough proof for you why are you here I'm a top-secret mission apparently they're looking to find themselves another replica I heard a rumor that I could maybe find one here from Zechs uh yen's oh so I've just been killing time yeah yeah you sure you know what you're doing don't worry about it not to brag but I've done this before that's not just an empty vessel it's filled with important memories promise me you'll be careful with it deliver it safely okay demux time your majesty yes settle down Zenoss exactly what i need it Oh [Music] [Music] hmm no hmm Zhora one final game the rules are simple all you have to do to win is find me among these cards and strike me down [Music] don't worry I'll get you out [Music] it's over the game continues you were born for these sorts of games what's this a wild card you've earned it hang on to it could turn the tables play against some day when we're just guys I should like that very much Sora [Music] hey thanks me oh so now it all comes back to me [Music] hey is that a real F yes my heart is remembering how to feel really that's good and now I am on the cusp of reclaiming my identity my purpose for being thanks to you Sora it's time to eat so that was close [Music] are you kidding you're gonna be recomputed I didn't ask you for your garbage opinion yes I lost to a bunch of losers like you but could be worse become that geezers heart tank no thanks then why help him I was really just along for the ride with my secret Sahra I'll go after xemnas while you go find the others [Music] Tara look closely that's not Tara maybe not but I'm still going to keep calling his name we have to light his way home then hey guys feeling a little left out here venetus you're coming home too huh but my home is in you you know what'll happen right I'll just disappear inside of you forever don't you have any love it all for your own brother we're not brothers we're the same huh you believe that then you really are naive huh this may shock you but we're not the same like you think I was just hidden deep inside of you for a really long time all Zayin or did was tear me right out of you then go back to where you came from hmm make me if it's darkness you're looking for Aventis then I have more than enough to go around stop quit using our friend for your games a keyblade master wielding your key in anger shameful we have unfinished business I fell into darkness and for ten years I wandered through the dark realm now I'm finally here and I want only one thing with all my heart Xion or i'm casting you out of Terra forever [Music] Oh hey many when you are that's it [Music] aqua van [Music] whoa nope break it up join the shadow race No let's go dodge the you are nothing yes ready when you are [Music] yes [Music] the rest of me [Music] [Music] your face I'm the piece of ventas that was taken away and you're the piece ventas needed to be whole again so why shouldn't you and I look exactly the same you define me Sora the same way that Ventus does we are brothers who together make a greater Hall then why won't you stand by our side instead of with darkness because I am darkness and I do stand by your side I'm the shadow that you cast how much closer could I be what I didn't but I didn't ask for this to be sifted apart nice and neat we should be free to choose not just light not just darkness we decide what we are [Music] but Ventus I did decide who I am you see and what you are is darkness [Music] what I am is darkness okay how is that okay Benitez [Music] aqua better Tara please come back yeah [Music] Gero your friends are here you have to fight the darkness you'll never be able to break these chains there our bonds you have no power over me stop please stop it farewell No hmm Tara I kept my promise [Music] Oh [Music] you fill to the top one day hi well said this bright one day I will sever this right I will return to this land and protect my friends [Music] what happened to me I left out of Terris thoughts and we fought sayin work together darkness are words you [Music] that's it this is Tara's heart he must have protected me Tara is it you yeah you never stop lighting my way back [Music] you're here I heard you two then you found me just like you promised thank you [Music] aqua and Ventus need rest Terra look after them no Sora I'm going to oh that's what he wants for us to make a mistake put ourselves in danger sir go we'll catch up with you hmm right I got this [Music] [Music] well I guess this was inevitable who's the plus-one inevitable indeed and this guest of ours has an old score to settle with you you are a traitor of darkness as it is of light well guess I can live with that it is a being of whom we have no memories a true nobody hailing from the edge of oblivion the being before you was recreated from the records that were left by Vexin and the many experiments performed by Jung's a inert it was erased from all memories and it harbors absolutely no knowledge of who it really is even I had forgotten its existence but like the others I could not recall why truly the perfect pawn created for this very battle so who is it you called on one of the new seven hearts you must be desperate if I'm a traitor then I guess Kairi here is the trump card what so it's not desperation I see in you it's foolishness and lunacy huh without the battle between the seven lights and thirteen darknesses kingdom hearts requires the seven hearts that is why we seek to destroy the guardians are you truly foolish enough to believe you can defeat us what do you think I think you'll lose back so Yeah right Axl even if you possess the strength this being cannot be defeated by your hands even if memories are lost from you both oh let's find out wait that Keyblade it's just like Soros are you is that you Roxas Roxas [Music] no it's not Roxas axle hmm folks this axle a girl you with me yep Kairi Axl saara nice to see ya [Music] chair I call on the moon's pale light stop it item [Music] youngness there was a time when i trusted you to deal with traitors and now your betrayal outstrips them all what final words do you have for your superior well let me think about it how about you were never my superior ever the rogue pond not from the board early in the game utterly useless and forgotten are you kidding do you know how popular I am I got loads of people rootin for me sorry boss no one acts as Axl got it memorized is this supposed to be a keyblade or is it some sort of joke our plans have been dashed by you far more times than I care to count cloud Enza I will purge that light in you where darkness changing sides again we need him alive you know that we only need his heart in order to forge the key we do not need his soul oh but that's right you were friends then you take his life oh are you [Music] don't do this it's alright you can stop now it's alright she own [Music] [Music] the memories are returning [Music] [Applause] [Music] pocket your Keyblade is no more and still you think you can play at being a guardian of light well you can wait your turn also-ran [Music] this is Brok sis's heart [Music] why surah Roxas I need your help [Music] got it I have an idea wait for my signal [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hands off my friends [Music] it cannot be [Music] roxas my turn access this is impossible well did you get a vessel same as you saying all most of the organization's members they traveled here from the past as hearts you had replicas ready and waiting one for each of them who told you I owe my return too many some of them people you knew Ansem the wise zexion and others too it seems you're not as good at winning over people's hearts as you think oh I see there was one last thing I needed in order for me to be whole again a connection Sora helped me find my way back here to my friends Roxas [Music] I need your help there's something me and my friends have to reclaim something that connected our hearts that's what's binding me to this world the last key I need your help to get it back got it I have an idea wait for my signal Roxas No ha you know yeah now watch as your friends slowly vanish into nothing [Music] these useless pawns must be cleared from the board [Music] yeah [Music] that's it all right ready to get wild let's go can't wait going somewhere either time to wake up Roxas G oh yeah [Music] yeah yeah what's ours ah is this is this decision yeah that's the mark xemnas gave us it's what connected us from the start it's the foundation of the bond we share [Music] [Music] the mark will disappear along with xemnas and that's fine I just wanted to reclaim it for myself it's how our bond came to be yes this is the connection we need that's why I needed Sora's help so that we could end this battle once and for all [Applause] [Music] I don't need arts I will scatter them all to the wings [Music] Kairi what difference does one little light make you have others just as we have more darkness --is to replenish our ranks oh yes [Music] rest axle roxas will fight in your place and I'll fight for Kyrie yeah when it comes to keyblades you're the old hands [Music] get away move haven't achieved our goal why so sad you let them reduce you to this I thought you outgrew the marks and your eyes oh so you look like you need them stop it the whole act I thought this was all for her at first I sacrificed everything to try and track her down you're the one who went off and made other friends left her and me both in the dust it infuriated me how you just exited our lives I lost all sense of purpose I didn't forget you yes I know you wouldn't do that but I was jealous you admit it well if I make it back you won't get it out of me a second time they'll all see you eisah CEO Lee you go help Kyrie right got a run good luck hmm all right what now [Music] [Music] and guess I should have brought some ice cream then Aqua Terra roxas and me that's a total of five Guardians I just need to follow the hearts of two more then I'll reach Kyrie the question is when [Music] Riku your majesty uh-huh sir about time sorry feminists where's Kyrie wait is she in trouble yeah then this took her settle down boy it's Sora the 30 darkness is since satellites have clashed nine times yielding these nine feet Keith we are four short but those forties will be produced here and now yeah sure and what makes you think there'd ever be any way we'd help you with that you forget I plan for every eventuality Kyrie if you do some in kingdom hearts we will defeat you and we will close it again perhaps that is if you survive that long brief new king Mickey [Music] now it's good sort of o'clock you ready right what's so funny I told you there's a high price to pay for all of this and what price would that be I'll go back to my time and live out my life but Sora you're done now your journey ends here what goodbye Sora your time in this world [Music] this Ansem what a journey you and I have had you know it's strange I think I'm gonna miss you your strength is vaster than darkness I knew I never stood a chance part of me wanted to defy my fate but when the others betrayed us I found I did not care and then nothing else seemed to matter anymore Ansem what it is time to move on boy there is more to seek so go forth now and seek it ready vested yet again I know that you have a heart what do you feel was it worth it I feel the emptiness were my companions once stood I took them for granted and now I have nothing my first surge of emotion in years for as long as I can remember and its loneliness do you see our heart is just pain pain is being human zammis really it must take incredible strength [Music] [Music] twelve keys we have now just oops [Music] now surah dr. Semites file [Music] [Music] Clary you require observation [Music] [Music] pyrene why her [Music] why say in the heart your majesty Riku now the Keyblade war will finally reach its conclusion [Music] [Music] ah the Keyblade is complete Kingdom Hearts I call upon your true form open now and show me the world to poke [Music] [Music] [Music] grandpa lamp we thought you might be able to use a couple more half points those tears your majesty Esther's Leonor it hits me I'm glad my voice is reaching you he controls kingdom hearts now hmm your majesty Kairos you worry I know but we can still save her guys what's happening he took so long master xehanort's got a lot of tricks up his sleeve needed iron how he is one of the seven hearts which is why he crystallized her so he can use her as insurance until Kingdom Arts is opened she's his last resort now then how do we get her back we've still got one hope your majesty Riku are you okay oh we're fine yeah what hope it's Zayin or during the mark of mastery exam we learned that he can transcend space and time he's a portal and we can use that to trap him hmm but it won't be easy aqua Riku I'll need both your health if we're gonna push say in art out of this world understood wait I'll do it what Kingdom Hearts is a much bigger threat let me handle sayin art while you guys keep it shut [Music] [Music] right okay saara I got this [Music] [Applause] [Music] glass without keyblades it's not like we'll be much help here hey three half pints together again let's move the darkness is spreading Sora huh oh hey Kairi we'll be all right I can feel it [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do it and so the final battle ended but Kyrie didn't return even if I continued the search with my past self I won't find her what should I do Kairi where are you [Music] [Music] masters saying works portal [Music] that's it [Music] you [Music] where am I did it work the other Me's not here yet gotta look for Kyrie while I can Oh [Music] Kairi [Music] [Music] one of them looks different from the others [Music] what's this I can feel Kyra's heart [Music] Kairi [Music] what is this thing [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] an empty fountain with no water [Music] so that's how it works [Music] [Music] [Music] I gotta smash this to get to Kyra's heart [Music] it looks like I can climb this wall [Music] [Music] take this [Music] that's Kai resort [Music] yeah good [Music] [Music] that's five how many more there are two more huh Oh [Laughter] why are you here I am the one who hid the fragments of Kyrie that you seek of course I am here no matter did you come alone yeah are you prepared to pay the ultimate price enough it's only two I'm saving Kyrie unfortunately you're a little too late huh oh no it appears you have failed to retrieve tyre e of the time to come so here you are once again in times already passed however now that the other you has arrived you're doomed to repeat the same fate what can I do hahahahahaha what indeed you are nearly out of time ready [Music] huh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah of all the places to be sent master Zayin Orton they hold this town once the seat of power for Keyblade wielders it is an axis from which all worlds breathe [Music] Here I am i other cells can be button United it's da [Music] [Music] whoops giving yeah you guys okay down I managed to come back but now what at this rate I'll run out of time to get Kyrie back just two more two more fragments wait what if what if I can trace the hearts of two more Guardians but how everyone always told me to just follow my heart but follow my heart hearts are all connected trace the connection that's it yes [Music] [Music] everybody's wrong so if we can't stop him what happens I don't know but there's no question in my mind that that's the true Kingdom Hearts I can't imagine what will happen if he succeeds if we hold it back it might vanish no only the Keyblade has the power to stop it but we all need to trust Sora that's right look huh [Music] it's all over say it work [Music] [Music] [Music] do you see that [Music] get ready [Music] whoa whoa this is some serious trouble thanks Roxas we're trapped come on we all have to work together trust our bond Rico are you ready yeah we can do this let's go [Music] well yeah [Music] so thanks to you nice it's up to us we gotta protect everybody yes let's work together [Music] yeah yeah not bad for an on the Black Sea Hey [Music] [Music] you're pretty good all right we're fine I know yes that makes six [Music] [Music] ooh [Music] No [Music] [Music] no I can't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah well what are you doing here really I traced the connection for me to Riku then Riku to you that's seven all the lights I needed including yours I'll handle the rest [Music] you [Music] where am i that light it's the King's life [Music] Oh [Music] that's it I'll just connect this light gotta aim it just right [Music] [Music] here we go [Music] [Music] [Music] Sora [Music] good hi rape [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kairi [Music] [Music] Kairi are you ready for this huh yes [Music] [Music] darkness right [Music] like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] my friends are my power [Music] [Music] ah [Music] where are Sora and Kyrie they were here they were but as long as they're together they'll be all right now let's go follow Sora's heart [Music] [Music] ah it's so pretty Kairi come on everyone's waiting hmm Oh what's wrong well my friend should be here but hey Chira the-- whoa hey why didn't you say something I was just trying to give you some privacy it's nice to meet you Oh likewise I'm glad you're okay Gareth II we're heading home you should come with us what take it from me it's not enough to wait for someone you care about it's true that hearts are connected wherever you are if it's impossible to be together then all you can do is wait but if it is possible to be together then that's how it should be Sora you know this really is a beautiful place but you'd enjoy it so much more with someone you care about before when I was looking around with Kyrie I remembered how important it is to share moments with friends that's why you're coming with us I'm taking you to see your friends your ethey okay let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] finally back where it belongs [Music] did you summon us back yeah [Music] is that you Lucia look different haven't heard that name in the wall [Music] these days they call me xigbar hey whatever suits you is it really you yeah but some time ago I had to cast my old farm away been through plenty more semblances since but it's still me beneath it all what happened why are we here you'll tell me I had a role to play and after all these years it's done what rule [Music] hmm the cassava didn't make it after all meaning what I told her Thursday what it is I had to do and is that why you decided to exclude her as if I've had her own mission and she carried it out I've heard enough Lucia what was your role I hope you like long stories [Music] hmm oh right what's this I heard about this new game hmm seven black pieces and just watch [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] well look at you Thanks I finally fulfilled my promise to you you did now there's nothing left for me to teach you you're a true Keyblade master not to mention a great leader to those around you you've even found the strength to save your friends it's not enough [Music] the very fact that you were able to make your way here proves just how strong you are that is why I called for you well that's the reason you expected more yes [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hey you two what's so funny it's a secret oh come on tell me are you sure about this yes but don't worry I'm not alone this time [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] good luck [Music] you [Music] but if we still remember him then he must still be with us yes that would stand a reason but we've been searching everywhere for Sora and we haven't found a single clue if he's really out there don't you think we would have found something by now Sid's been looking into the data for a year now aren't the people at the castle doing the same thing no one's found anything yet well it's outside their field of expertise come on Sid can you throw us a bone here please I'm trying I'm this close to something I know it Sid you are a million times worse than a broken record by the way how are the others well Mickey Donald and Goofy are searching for clues in every past world that Sora's been to Terra ven and aqua will mark Ness and the twilight town gang are studying Roxas and she owns memories and what about Kyrie Kairi she believes her heart might hold a clue about Sora for a year she's been sound asleep while they search her heart so there's been no progress what in the world is this what is it this computer the one in Twilight town and the one in the castle are all connected to the same network they sent me all of their data and I merged it with the stuff I already had and lookie here Sora Sora's inside the computer no no that's just the data constructed based on Sora and his fighting abilities so you gave us a heart attack for nothing no that group Sora was fighting you know Italian something well I recreated their data to the real organization thirteen maybe their data will lead us to where Sora is well it crossed my mind but I must be better at this than I thought does their data it's so powerful I can't access any of it can you use Sora's data to gain access oh good idea worth a shot yeah let's try [Music] no sign of the boy what a bummer fairy godmother oh I hope I didn't startle you not at all what brings you here well dear I was asked to come by Merlin and master yen SID now Barry is Oh Riku yes Riku is his name here I'm Riku why it's nice to meet you now I'd like you to tell me about the dreams that you've been having dear huh my dreams there's one it was dark and I was surrounded by tall buildings I was looking around for Sora when I felt someone watching me from way up high and and that's all I remember but what happens next I know huh why Riku stream oh because master yen sid was worried you weren't having any luck finding Sora and because Riku had been in Sora's dreams before he thought perhaps Riku just maybe the key that's why he and Merlin asked me to come here and look into his dreams since of course dreams of my specialty so Riku streams might hold the key yes dear I'm sure there's something there that leads to Sora in my dreams and the other two [Music] this place [Music] at least I'm all here [Music] hey is anyone out there hello hey hey who's that where are you over here I see you [Music] hey aren't you you know me yeah your use aura right how do you know that who are you I'm Sora and actually there's something I have to ask you Sora yeah you're Sora uh-huh You Know Who I am sure I've heard of you if you're here then this can't be the real world can it but wait that girl she told me about you maybe you are real after all are you done no this isn't the real world and I am here but this isn't what I really look like how would you recognize me as yours aura huh why are you using Sora's name because I am Sora if you are who you say and it was fate that brought us here then my path is clear well what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey wait I accidentally wandered into this place and went through some trials then I was told to save Sora huh then what's with the weapon time to end this [Music] now you're done you're done your power is mine there let's go back at you [Music] come on we'll do it [Music] I guess that my powers on needed yet what do you mean never mind [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] commander commander [Music] impressive is it not [Music] I've been I've been having these weird thoughts lately like is any of this for real or not none of this makes sense to me [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 636,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yic17, yic17 studio, yic17studio, jrpg, kingdom hearts 3 movie, kingdom hearts 3 game movie, kingdom hearts 3 remind, kingdom hearts 3 all cutscenes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 36sec (11016 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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