The COMPLETE History of Deepwoken

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hi it's me burbankish and do you have memory loss well if you do then luckily today we're going to be going over the complete history of deboken all the way from its release to current day I thought you said anti-karian so I was just zoning him on that wait what oh I'm gonna be covering all the major events like the discovery of Bells all that whatnot that shaped the game and its players what we know it as today yeah November 15 2019 Arctic deep woken was announced on Twitter by ragazzler and archimage as a new game they were developing that was to be released in 2020. pretty optimistic goal wasn't it as the game progressed with developing and whatnot the devs released more and more sneak peeks and information and for some reason they referred to the game occasionally as the drowned gauze which I'm not sure what that's all about and on October 3rd 2020 Eleanor I mean the first deep woken direct was released by and for nasu which gave people a first look at the gameplay it showcased combat stealth this guy named Dem storms getting Bodied foreign oh yeah and of course open it I got it [Music] [Music] bro the direct brought some attention to the game and had eager fans waiting but it wasn't until December 20th 2021 that deboken was officially released to the public you know a little shy of the initial 2020 release date but who's counting the release was fairly successful with like a peak of 35 000 players playing especially when you considered the fact that it was 400 Robux paid access or for non-robloxians five dollars and so deep woken was off to a great start the players were happy and the devs were happy which is rare [Music] deep woken on release look very different to what it is today for one uh when gun looked like this you know that that's bro thinks he's fire gun but uh that quickly changed the single shot version which is what you're probably familiar with today oh yeah also you could spam it but the most intriguing part of deep woking when it first released wasn't the fact that wind gun just one-shotted Freshies or how bloodthirsty had a 500 damage boost and did like a bar of your health permiss it was the fact that the players were actually working together a very stark contrast to today's deboken players would actually team up with each other have passing conversations and were generally pretty friendly I say generally because during this you know release of the game players actually hunt down felonors and this was uh because of a shared disdain of I think or according to google humanoid characters that possess animal-like features which is kind of dumb considering every race in the broken except for like adren is based off an animal s even though the movement was mostly satirical the phelanoid genocide of two dollars I mean not 2 000 1272 became one of the first examples of a massive extermination in deboken a week after the release of the game players began discovering the now retired luck mechanic luck was the system that rewarded like skillful or aggressive gameplay by giving you better cards and like well just better cars and you would gain luck through killing bosses finding a white luck ore from any dead NPC or killing players which you know this system sounded pretty good on paper right while the system didn't really work as intended since farming bosses for luck was relatively difficult as players just didn't even know how to find them never mind killed them and luck orbs were just crazy rare which allows players with only one option kill luck turned friendly strangers into just luck packs in people's eyes and made finding friendly players next to Impossible because they're probably hiding somewhere even if somebody seemed nice initially they might just be looking for a chance to Ambush you and get a little bit of luck for themselves although the luck mechanic made the game considerably more toxic and dangerous this led to anti-felonor Sentiments dying down as people became more distracted with keeping themselves alive and stayed away from others oh yeah and also quick side note at this point in time people didn't even know how to get Bells yet but they were this rumor that spread across Discord is that some people didn't even believe at the time the best Fury people had for getting a bell was that you had to stay in the depths for 10 hours but this was likely just a result of depths farming for that long approximately a month after the release of the game combat became a much more integral part of the game as people finished exploring all the islands fighting all the mobs which basically made PVE kind of just a progression option since voidwalker didn't exist at the time people just went back to Edris arizia and other populated areas for the sole purpose of ganking other players this practice of freshly gripping actually created a bit of a loop that accelerated the growth of PVP and made players a lot more likely to play the game and I'm not saying that uh freshly gripping is good but I'm not saying that fresh equipment is bad either well anyways here are the steps step one a player gets ganked step two they spend time on the game to make a better build so that they can you know kill the people who killed them like revenge and whatnot step 3 they fight those players step four wipe step 5 they make a new build in order to fight even better and step six the player starts testing the Builds on other players and they cause this cycle to go you know all over again this cycle of wiping creating new builds and then bringing more people to do the same thing caused better and better builds to be made over time which created the foundations of a meta that consisted of azure flame Shadow katanas and forces axes and curve blade of wind builds now for some reason only wore a royal Pathfinders but then and it's also interesting to note that during this era running a two minute list was actually quite uncommon and somewhat respected since not having a tumor just sounded like a disadvantage at face value at this point in time people actually figured out how to get bells and since most bells are combat orientated this helped to grow PVP even more or months after the release of the game everything kind of just calmed down a majority of the players moved away from optimizing and making new builds since wiping became less and less common and people started focusing on improving their pre-existing builds which mean that people would farm for high HP gear enchants and because of this the training economy grew significantly also it's important to note that a lapolis and enchant Stones were just didn't even exist in this era since most people were finished with their builds and had nothing else to do ganking was also at an all-time high in debuggan if you joined an etra server you would see a minimum of three people fighting at all times and because of this number boss rating also became common practice and for people unfamiliar with the term it basically just means to fight an outnumbered conflict like a 1v4 or like a 2v5 and because of this this brought shadow cast into the meta because of its large AOE moves and its compatibility with bloodless gems which was very important since you only had one health bar and uh you know the five other people they each have their own and this made shadowcast one of the most popular picks for Boss rating either that or people wanted to be edgy this era is also considered the golden age because the average skill of the player base was at just the right sweet spot where players weren't too good but not too bad either where combat was fluid players in this era could very adequately but not well enough to where it would drag on the fight and if you combine this with most players feeling accomplished and satisfied with their builds this became a pretty enjoyable time to be playing nibokin actually oh yeah and also layer 2 was announced seven months after the release of the game people started running out of things to do layer 2 was uh supposedly releasing well last month and more and more players left to do other things new players were also hard to come by because of the Void Walker update which basically guaranteed that all Freshies were constantly being harassed around this time they also added a LaPlace which changed the training economy forever since enchants were basically just really easy to get now this did make wealthy players complain how the devs practically pulled a post-world war one Germany and just crippled all value they had but this move did Inspire players who weren't lucky enough to get enchants in the past to come back to the game to try out the enchants which overall improved the player count despite many Traders leaving when asked by a Trader whether he regrets crippling the entire deep open economy and angering a bunch of people archmage called him a nerd don't fact check that last part I didn't make it up around 10 months after the release the game rumors of layer 2 actually releasing began to flare up again this was because the weekly updates became more and more plentiful which people took as a sign that a major update was coming up big events like Hollow tide the bogan's Halloween update and an official YouTuber tournament took place which brought more players back to the game and you know everything just seemed to point at the fact that layer 2 was about to release and players began preparing for the eventual update [Music] layer 2 was finally here with how long layer 2 took the release the hype for this update was through the roof this update added well of course Layer Two a bunch of new ovs new quests new islands and like 40 different new weapons and armors oh yeah and also they added the best race in the game there's just way too much stuff that was added for me the list here but all you have to know is that the player count spiked harder than the quality of water at night and the game hit an all-time high of 43 000 concurrent players this update effectively resetted the game back to how it was at release that isn't like the game regressed as in the players were back to the exploring making new builds and they were somewhat friendly today debokens in a bit of an interesting State the layer 2 hype worn off which left the game averaging a healthy 10 000 concurrent players but recently some people fear that the game is going into another Dark Age they say the reason that Depot can manage to survive the first Dark Age was because the anticipation of layer 2 and I gave like a bunch of Hope to players and kept them going but since there's no you know new update that was to be expected you don't really have anything else to look forward to the release of a new Attunement iron Singh was expected to bring the game into another Golden Age with like new builds and stuff being made but how quickly the two man was released roughly like a week after an official announcement hype for the update was uh pretty limited some players also criticized the two minutes for feeling rushed and unfinished and the update was overall received with pretty mixed feedback so what do you guys think do you guys think the game is going to go into another Dark Age maybe stay the same or maybe even gain more players but that is gonna be it for the history of debulking uh I mean I'm gonna have to wait for more history to exist until I can make another one of these so if you enjoyed Please Subscribe and bye-bye
Channel: Birbingish
Views: 65,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, roblox, deepwoken roblox, deepwoken primadon, deepwoken pvp, deepwoken arena, arena, 1v1, enchant, weapon enchant, curved blade of wind, deepwoken depths, depths, depths grinding, ganking, videogame, sword, deepwoken stereotypes, gaming, heavy, bells, galebreathe, enchants, deepwoken enchant, deepwoken layer 2, solo progression, prog, solo prog, progression, build, deepwoken solo progression, layer 2, verse 2, contractor, jetstriker, voidwalker, pvp, bossraid, flareblood kamas
Id: I7a5TT25FVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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