Fake Freshie Progression #1 | Deepwoken

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is me burpingish and you may be wondering why does this say create new character instead of continue and that's because since this is the fake freshly progression I can't have people looking at my username and be like burbankish deep Wilkins literally his job and yeah that's the reason I made this new alt account so I can be a little bit uh inconspicuous all right I'm hoping for Terran here on why am why am I looking what the yo new Depot can dropped is it bugged or something or is it like always like this for first time joiners oh wow I just flipped around okay five minutes later all right since I'm a bit of a gambling addict I've gotten myself One race reroll hopefully I can get myself uh to ran or like something cool not a big fan of Khan to be honest foreign [Music] whatever is it's better can I get the blue version though that's no yeah this one looks nice all right since I don't have trial of one spawn I'm gonna have to sail all the way over there myself so see you guys in a bit and we're here well anyways the whole gist of this build is I'm gonna try and bait people into thinking I'm a freshie and then attack me and then I'll beat him up it's as simple as that oh wow they got young shoulders chilling over there since I'm going Jessica Rita but I can't get the uh Jessica Rita armor I am going to be doing like no M1 damage which means I'm gonna have to rely on flame charm to actually you know do the killing if I could transmog Rags onto like uh until I get just Korea just the car armor that would be actually so useful it would solve both my M1 damage and my tankiness being like super low oh blood iron Swift rebound since I'm gonna need a lot of HP I'm just gonna go all in on Vitality I'm basically gonna be taking 30 more damage than the average player [Music] what what well that was great dude I keep lag spiking for no reason I'm I'm actually gonna lose Carla one why did I bring a stiletto bro I'm kind of dumb all right guys if I die I blame my internet [Music] okay I'm gonna have the perfect this one yeah that that's not happening well down to the depths [Music] hopefully Roblox servers doesn't screw me over this time wow it is it really just took all my stuff all right oh okay well anyways let me put on the fit oh now I'm really looking like a freshie wait uh does this look more I'm gonna put this one on all right after this I should unlock the trial of one spawn so if I get like skill issued or pink Spike to Oblivion I won't have to sail all the way back here oh all these are really good uh I will take I will take scuba drowner though right now since I'm an actual freshie I can just keep the basic sword on but it's gonna take a while for me to get just karita since it's 40 light and I don't have it pre-unlocked on this account I'm gonna focus on flame charm first because that that thing just says this is the tomb it has a bunch of talents there we go 50 fortitude a two to finish I'll take that since I'm not a void Walker most of the PVP in this uh progression is probably just from random other void Walkers that just like grasp onto me and uh you know some of you guys have been complaining for pinkish please do oh what the biggest please do one non-void Walker progression please so uh yeah I don't have a void Walker unlock so here it is oh breathing exercise uh uh evasive expert there we go hey I got myself a control of one oh wait hold up blur out that name I can't have you guys finding out about my uh secret alt account all right I'm pretty sure I should be safe from void walkers for now since my account was like brand new and they have like a bunch of freshly protector thingies five minutes later all right destroyed man please guide me I'm such a new player and also please don't crash my computer this time since I got a bunch of stuff from that random bag before travel one I'm gonna just get all my training equipment a stiletto all that stuff and in true freshy fashion I'm gonna go get some XP at uh arisia I hope you guys like this drawer man because he's gonna be here for at least half the episode and there it is the sacred fishy lands all right there we go and I just like yeah I can just sit him on fire so the idea with just Karina flame is that I'm just gonna have so many explosions and like particles that they're not even gonna be able to see my uh see my animations personally I think it's a genius idea but we'll have to see myself some strength real quick oh come on one point oh an event wait what yo this guy has a provenance foreign like mace I thought they completely removed like enchants from NPCs I forget like I didn't know they just made them rare but let me just there we go oh wow I uh wait there's a lot of stuff I need to get I'll take I'll freeze that since that's five HP say ghost Warriors respite I'm like 50 sure that just karida needs train first for me to actually get it so I'm gonna look for a little hostage around here oh yeah wait I don't have any of the echo talents I might as well do this first all right gotta go kill a Sharko now if I remember correctly that should be the engage Talent right what yo what does Sharko doing I'm just fighting the legendary t-post Sharko every like half a second he just t-poses yeah I don't know what's going on like my animations are even showing up why is deep looking so buggy okay it's oh they updated the no way I think it's always been this model never mind I think I might want to swap servers I don't know half my m1s don't even have animations here like look at this you see the flash but you don't actually see the animation it's just like this makes me look like I'm using like uh no end lag exploit what what is going on I have no idea what the hour requirement is for void Walkers to attack me but hopefully by the time I reach that threshold I would have like at least level 15. well I mean not level 15 level 10. but on the kite shield now I truly look like a new player well anyways time for my next Echo Talent oh yeah and also I should probably accept the the lighter yeah there we go I'll head another freshie hey okay just ignore me like that all right I'm actually hoping void Walkers grasp on to me since uh this has been one lonely progression alright destroy man avert your eyes I think it's a little too late to say that since I already like murdered three other sharkos but it's the thought that counts there we go get myself the purple flame [Music] oh oh what's this one has provenance did they buff the race or something like why is there so many like specifically provenance foreigns as well why is there so many NPCs with it now there we go you know if you would drop that enchant that would be really useful if they made like the enchanted mob super rare but like actually dropped a weapon they're holding that would be a pretty cool mechanic I'm just saying it's not like any chance have any value anymore yeah no what everybody just says enchants now it's either that or I just haven't played the game in such a long time and this has been like this yes me a campfire and a burning corpse [Music] you know burning servants really is op for if you're like a new player because I just like I click one button everybody dies I'll take you I'll take old habits concussion way did they did they merge concussion and bulldozer already opulated take a reinforce I know they did merge like the reinforced talents which kind of sucks since I lose out on 5 HP but at least I get one extra rare slot oh no I sure do hope no void Walker shows up and pick on uh this little little freshy that would be just such a shame which one makes me look more new the Iron Mask or the orange headband I'ma put on the headband since like the iron masks look a little menacing now I'm back in Layer Two I fight too much like a layer one player I never really use like the uppercut feature and all that stuff so I just did a little bit of research apparently once I'm level 10 I'm gonna be eligible to be void walked on oh no no I didn't actually get to save him real freshly R.I.P deadliest shroud he died so young is that him is he back that's him on name the way I thought unnamed disbanded like years ago for those of you who joined after layer two unnamed was a really big Guild right that just let anybody in so they would have like a few really good players and then they have 90 just completely new players and since like the actually good players just carried all of the bad players they never actually learned how to play the game so they were just notorious for being max level both the skill level freshy uh you know what since I'm getting a little lonely within this progression I'm gonna go over the song Seeker I'm sure there's always people there oh wow we got Leaderboard Players here I'ma just hope the Leaderboard Players have like this self-respect not to grip Freshies just go grip like max levels huh why why are they all here that flamer potion just like dramatically turned them towards me like was that like an intimidation tactic it's like hey guys next freshie that walks over here we're just gonna like immediately turn to stare at him okay time for a song Seeker 1v2 good thing burning servants is just so Opie [Music] I'm fighting with a stiletto so hopefully burning servants can carry me the entire way there we go oh I always hate fighting Flame song Seekers wait what oh Phoenix Flames I forgot yeah uh Pro tip never try and burn Flame song Seekers they just get back up there we go all right after this last investment point I'm gonna have like a little Target put on my head for like all the void walkers boom and now we wait Grand support nice lame star Kindred with a curious glaive grab myself chime of conflicts for no reason oh wait I just realized this is like an ALT account I'll have my main accounts ELO alright guys it's time to do a bit of deep woking smurfing 800 ELO alright honestly I don't think I'm gonna be able to get a match because who plays like China conflicts at level 10. well that didn't work out too well I couldn't get a match but you know once at max level we can get some deep woken smurfing gameplay oh no I gotta really concentrate here you don't know how many times I died from this stupid Duo you know I I was getting a little too lucky past three progressions I have not died to a flame song Seeker I knew the game had to get me some way hey guys I assure you last level absolutely nothing happened hey wait a minute this isn't a California server why am I giving like 120 ping all I want for Christmas is for deep book and have stable servers because this is this is not it okay I found myself in actual California server why is all the why are all the mud skippers out here let me see if I can hit a collateral on him oh and I was not up oh what there's like an entire like 10 more in there who had the free time just to just lead all of these mud skippers out here all right I'm Gonna Leave song Seeker for now since there's not really much to do there maybe go to Hive or like uh Miner's Landing uh we call this the flame charm XP farm Lane Palm oh yeah now that I have produced spark I can see what my HP is [Music] 376. that's actually not all that bad for a level 11. sometimes like the new Elemental mobs get kind of annoying since I just cannot see their animations for the large amount of particles they have all right let me just fight this guy normally then there we go gotta get my light weapon up so I can go get Jessica Rita later okay so I can either get eruption or agitating Spark all right hopefully not picking a lava serpent will give me positive Karma to the point where I don't encounter other lava serpent users in Malaysian y'all take that lava serpent isn't too tough to deal with if you know what you're doing it's just that it's kind of annoying it's basically like provenance Thorns before mantras I I just turned off some of the visibility for my armor so I would seem a little more like a freshie which means I can actually put on good armor now I'm missing like the whole point of the build right now I should probably go up to people and be like hey how do I play the game it's my first time playing deep bulk and where do I go and just seeing like the interactions that come out from that because what's the point of like a freshly disguise if there's no one around to see it so I'm gonna go approach some people and see if I can test their morals a little bit if you guys think this is boring I'm just saying some of you guys asked for this whoa Gale fresher please don't tell me there's an hour requirement on getting jumped by void Walkers it is so lonely this is like isolation torture oh Pyromania or explosive finish I'm gonna take explosive finish hopefully I can get Pyromania later hello any deep Wilkins or oh that's a Mama fresher I'm not dealing with that one fighting a mama fresh over stiletto and maybe what I'm level 20. guys I think I'm getting passive Insanity in real life right now I have not seen a single soul man the last time I was this lonely it was when I went to the Hopeless Meetup yes me a day one fresh you just beat a legion Captain the power scaling is crazy while I mean to be fair in lore I am like the trial of one's chosen one but I can be also set for like 90 of the other players in the server well anyways it's time for the last Echo Talent I have to go kill a king fresher I know I just said that I wasn't gonna go kill a kingfisher over stiletto but uh looks like I kind of have to you know in open world RPGs like the best enjoyment that you're gonna get out of the game is when you still think the world is just infinite like when I first started deep woking when I found song Seeker Isles I thought I was just in like a whole different part like an entire different continent and I was like what they still have like 20 more Islands after I explored all the islands the game kind of lost a bit of immersion for me oh 17 HP boots I'll take it I think I'm gonna have to start hiding my boots now since this is too too high level for refresher to have well I mean I'm in like a place that's too high level for freshies anyway so I should probably like I don't think my disguise is working much turn that off oh I'm really looking like a fishy now oh Felix Flames okay now I just need to wait for a player to get too cocky a flame player to get too cocky and then try and like rip like somebody that just thinks he's him puts me on fire and is like easily done five bars and I get back up and I beat the hell out of him while I mean preferably I wouldn't die in the first place but like you know if I do die it will be pretty useful and something happened already I know people complain about void Walkers and such but I have not seen one in like five years I have a quick question for you guys do you guys think I should sacrifice a bit of the editing and like uh quality assurance of the video for a bit more upload speed because right now I'm kind of working on like 75 quality assurance and 25 upload speed but my upload schedule isn't exactly uh isn't exactly the best so I think I might want to move to more of a 50 50 compromise but that depends on what you guys want do you guys want more like videos that take longer to come out but like has a bit more uh for put into them or just like put together whatever whatever Shenanigans I got and I was like all right got it don't worry it'll still have a certain level of Quality Tool I'm not gonna upload a 10 minute of black screen but yeah that's what I've been thinking since other YouTubers like uh super or Inu they definitely have way faster uploads than me so tell me what you guys think yo they should make it so that like the requirements to be able to be grasped is a trial of one completion because you know the traveler one is already designed to be attest to skill so why don't we just use it to determine whether someone's an experienced player or not so like the trade-off is you get faster progression but void Walkers can grasp onto you seems like a fair trade to me in my opinion and also will make this progression much less lonelier because I already uh I already did travel one all right we have 75 flame charm not sure if I should go fight Duke with a stiletto right now though blue headband oh I got the blue setup looking yo I think I should get the talents as naked so that when I'm in like Rags it gives me more movement speed and like a 10 damage resistance since I'm not changing out of this outfit for the foreseeable future but I got a min max my entire refresh you build I think destroy man is just a product of my isolation well better than no one hey destroy man what do you have to say I should buy a boat true destroy man I should buy a boat never mind I'm broke actually after I sell all this stuff I can actually buy a boat uh you know what since this progression has been uh a little bit boring just to say the least I'mma let destroy man decide what I should do all right destroy man what's your next piece of wisdom I'm the Mario of this duel here the Luigi oh clearly he wants some Mario music right now all right destroyed man I'm gonna buy a boat boom there we go before I leave somewhere else I do want to borrow their little Mantra modifying stand for a second so if you didn't know if you just keep refreshing like a ritual cast Mantra on this modifying table you can eventually get yourself one that's just one letter and it becomes really easy to cast alright come on this one is it this one's gonna be it nope six times the charm okay that's two letters but I need all three oh yeah and also I might as well just put an eternal log Stone on there for now five signs all right never mind I don't think I want to do that have you guys ever taken like probability in math you know you guys know that uh getting the same letter five times is much tougher than three times XXV alright that's actually a pretty easy pattern to do I'll just keep it for now I want to spend the entire episode just sitting there hey what the get out of here oh yo lionfish cheese method hello finally another person after five long years hi where do I go where do I go where should I go the level let's ask this guy for advice okay let's see what device this guy has I think he's taking me to Upper song seeker and that's not bad advice personally I might have taken the freshly to Hive but like uh they might have died in the process so this guy probably has better advice than me okay I think I think I need to uh play a little more play a little more like a dummy because that's that seemed a little suspicious thank you do you have any umbral sorry nah man I wish I could give this guy some Umbro he's a he's a nice player I hold on based lightborne I'm gonna go get this guy his well-deserved umbral ah that sucks he left the server last time I was on this account I was farming Primadonna so you know I have a little bit of umbrella despair Elliot Tetra if you ever need umbrella obsidian I got you I should do like a deep woking social experiments with his account I've always wanted to keep like a slot with just Rags on Just for social experiments I just never gotten around to doing it so I guess I'm doing it now even if we don't get any voidwalkers this episode hopefully by the time on the I'm on the second episode I'll have enough play time to be eligible oh what's the void Walker [Music] like it's fine though okay okay let's go finally PVP oh hold on let me let me process this real quick [Music] I don't really like how high level this guy is with like secret Hammer enchants everything but I guess I'll just have to play my best [Music] flame grab [Music] wait that didn't hit dude that sucks XXV what just happened flame Palm [Music] hit him with the after hit what that didn't cancel oh that's so that's so stupid I should have had a sword for this stiletto really does zero damage XXV [Music] okay [Music] flame leap bro what you mean bro XXV [Music] oh crap it might be it for me [Music] this guy's builds kind of min max so it's kind of tough faint okay oh XXV [Music] oh I can't even see my own animations [Music] had him on blood as well dude his clothes was Bloody as well bro I was so close damn honestly I did better than I expected with a stiletto against uh you know a Max Level Emperor flame actually freeze Mirage clone take emperor of blame alright once I get Jessica Rita I know for a fact I can beat that guy lame charm daring today aren't we oh he actually reads my belt that's crazy all right bro this is gonna be the beginning of my freshly training Arc also buff stiletto give it like 12 damage at least back good news is is that I'm definitely eligible to be a void Walker Bounty now [Music] yo and yeah okay 15 HP helmet with ferocity that's actually really good I'm just gonna put this on for now oh but like does this look like I'm a freshy though it's kind of it's kind of hard to see I'm gonna just keep it on hopefully nobody pays too close attention to my head next time a void Walker tries to attack me I'm gonna try a bit of diplomacy first before I actually go full on fighting mode see if I can convince him of the sparing out or a little freshy you know because right now I'm on like one life and if I get jumped by a min max slice final tall herbalist hat combo I don't think I'm gonna win with a stiletto I'm just saying whoa blazing canorfei okay I'm getting so lucky with Ben chance what the I mean sure I could use it since I am light weapon but I'm still going what the [ __ ] but I'm still going just Korea just so you know I look like a fresh Eve I have an enchant that's not very uh that's not very freshy like is it where did that song Seeker even come from there we go we're here to protect you cut it what you I grow on to me immediately as soon as I do anything you are not here to protect me you're not fooling me with your two innate stack Christmas dip Birds aren't real oh no you know what destroy man for that you're gonna go away for the rest of this episode goodbye destroy man I don't know maybe he'll come back next episode it depends on how much you guys like him we're gonna have like a little poll in the comments keep destroy man yes or no anyways the reason I'm at echris right now is because I have one investment Point left and I want to see if I can get myself the armorless talents all right so I need to get lightweight which is a miscellaneous talent and then I need the natural armor set oh wow I don't even have enough notes for that hold on so I want the natural armor one ah natural armor there we go let's see if I got anything oh padded armor oh come on spine cutter you're making me pick between spine cutter and padded armor I'll freeze that and I'll take spine cutter Mirage clone can come later since it's really not that necessary oh all right I'll just ignorage clone ashlam all right I really have like absolutely no sloths right now this is actually a really tough choice I'm gonna have to get rid of uh flame grab this does bring up the question what oaf am I gonna get since I have to get an oaf that doesn't show on my body that doesn't have any like visual effects if I want to play it safe I'll probably just get hopeless well anyways we have 4T light weapon now is there anything you can teach me just kurita there we go and he gave us a 5 HP ring that is actually not that bad thank you bolus but the main thing is I no longer have to use the stupid stiletto let's go 17.1 damage and 20 pen that is a significant upgrade all right I'm gonna head over to song Seeker Isles to upgrade my flame mantras and hopefully I can baby myself a void Walker and I can try out my Jessica Rita by the way do you any of you guys know like what that one uh what that one modifier is on burning servants that make it super fast I'm pretty sure it's like a drift Shard or something but like I'm gonna put a bunch of those on there and hopefully immolation can just fix my ether issues immolations like the one that makes it so that it takes 70 less ether by the way when you're on fire stop ganging up on me with like 20 song Seekers all right come on get out of here no stop go away okay get out of here hey what the okay I did not notice the minimic particles random red charcoal event I wonder if I'll get a first light out of this no first light sadly let me upgrade my flame Palm my ash slam and Flame wisp now that we got our mantras leveled up all that's missing is the random void Walker oh hey would you look at that it's a random void Walker okay hold on I just logged on after I uh was doing a little something so I'm gonna have to get myself a little more attuned to here [Music] Perry oh this guy's this guy's decent what the they got three boy walkers this is not a great situation to be in hit him with that yeah I know there's three white walkers right now [Music] okay all right just gripped him right here what power one okay I'll be honest that was a really messy fight bruh fumbled way too many parries and I should have alright hopefully now that I warmed up the next void Walker fight will be a lot more clean five minutes later [Music] oh no ran through the ruska going after this power one like arizia guy he doesn't even have a guild yet holy crap what is this why is there so many mud skippers oh what is going on hey okay this guy wants me dead all right let's go go on a fight let's fight whoops now what I do do I just like follow him down Derek there he is he's back you have absolutely no help whatsoever bro I'm sorry but you like you took way too much damage from this falling you're gonna kind of die bro I'm sorry come here the lag oh yeah The Season's changing oh guys I just Flawless to Grand sudaruska five bars easily done we disregard the fact that he fell like from five miles up all right hopefully the next episode of this series should come out pretty quickly since I'm focusing on this quicker style but yeah this is going to be the end of this first episode I hope you guys enjoyed and you know if you want to be notified for the next one and yeah bye-bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Birbingish
Views: 381,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, roblox, deepwoken roblox, deepwoken primadon, deepwoken pvp, deepwoken arena, arena, 1v1, enchant, weapon enchant, curved blade of wind, deepwoken depths, depths, depths grinding, ganking, videogame, sword, gaming, heavy, bells, galebreathe, enchants, deepwoken enchant, deepwoken layer 2, solo progression, prog, solo prog, progression, build, deepwoken solo progression, layer 2, verse 2, contractor, jetstriker, voidwalker, pvp, bossraid, flareblood kamas
Id: 1gr57k7sJhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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