Duke Progression #1 [Animal King] | Deepwoken

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hi it's me baby English and welcome to the Duke progression this is the only Canon progression you see all those other ones now those are those are not real this is the only actual Canon one uh well anyways we're getting we're not kidding around with this build we're gonna be going full-on line of order like 80 will power 1.2 times damage and it's gonna be just really meta build because I didn't go trying to order on my main build and I'm kind of regretting it while me trying to border wasn't even discovered when I was making my main build and uh if you have any sort of knowledge on the game you'll know that uh Duke is like fist and Gail and uh yeah that's what we're going right now I'm not so sure on The Oaf actually though I might just go oathless but uh you know that's kind of a dumb option so if I if I end up using this build a lot I might just put on like maybe don Walker I mean yeah Don Walker is like little radiant kick thing would be pretty similar to like the strong left at Duke has well anyways we're trying to order a thing we're just gonna grind up our willpower all the way to like 80 so we are gonna have to go down to the depths and on caps if you guys want to make this fancy trying to order min max like metamancer type of build I mean it's not really meta but yeah if you wanna if you want the stats for this build I'm probably gonna put them in the description if I remember and if I don't remember then I yell at me and my DMs I'll uh I'll put them there by the way I use this website made by uh this person named Cipher she actually reached out to me and was like hey your channel attracts like a lot of new players to debunking and now she asked me if I wanted to like promote her website to like the new players that he broken so that they can make their own builds so yeah if you want to make a build here it is Duke actually uses Legion Kata so that's gonna be something we're gonna get it that's gonna be something we're getting in this episode all right so I'm just gonna dump all in willpower right now let's see oh blood iron how much HP am I getting on this build willpower really gives like a lot of stuff on neuroplasticity I said just an extra wild card slot and air Edition Duke uses like a legion incestors I mean not Legion Justice and iron says this and I'm not sure if I'm gonna use an iron sisters if I'm gonna be honest with you like that that sounds kind of painful oh my God finally angels will fist still annoying all right and some more willpower oh loot Skipper is back I might as well take it Underdog yeah that's good and then wow that's a that's actually a lot of Whispers I'm just gonna take exhaustion strike that's good if I am looking to get strong love because you know Duke uses strong left sadly we don't have the whatever type of magnet spark he put on there okay scuba drowner uh health pack okay so this these ones kind of suck I'll take Last Resort why not and I'm gonna go four four four on this again and that's Max willpower and this is actually my first shrine of order build so uh I hope I don't screw it up too badly more cards [Music] risky moves actually no I'm I'm gonna go like 65 agility on this build for uh for a tap dancer so I'm not gonna get that uh spinning swordsman why not oh dirty boxing wait no I should have Frozen fast blade [Music] all right and now we're done with trial all right we're out of trial can I ah damn I can't get these chests let me just grab this oh I can't grab it if you guys didn't know there's like a guy at mini right just like above there that was like kind of all black with like a fur coat and whatnot and he gives you extra Aces if you can grab that book for him and by Aces I mean like Burns and freezes somebody asked me about it so yeah I'm gonna go grab that real quick because it's always nice blah blah blah blah blah okay I'm gonna go grab your book now actually I'm gonna fight this thing first wait I have animal King yo hold on all I not noticed this during trial the mud skippers aren't attacking me which means I have animal Kings I did feel like the mobs were like they're taking a little slower to attack me ah whoa that's nice come on let's see what we get polarized glasses no I need I need just like no rims glasses I mean not not no rooms like no lenses what about this chest I mean hey 13 HP boots I'll take those oh and an iron Justice yeah we got that Duke of arisia drip I'll actually have ankle weights yet which I need for agility so I think I'm gonna grab the book finish the aces Quest and then head over to like actress or something for my stuff actually wait I'm a void Walker I can just use the void eye never mind plus extras will take me anyways dude these guys ignore me I'm pretty sure not right yeah uh they used to ignore you if you had animal King oh my dude that was two bars of my HP but yeah they used to ignore you if you have animal King and uh they wouldn't attack you which was nice for uh people who was going in the trial one here you go what do you mean I haven't found her oh wait there's like a little Roblox thing right where if you pull it out it actually attaches to your character and moves out of your backpack so even though it seems like it's still in your backpack it's actually in a different like location in the files and uh it wouldn't detect it that way there it is Ace is increased nice all right I'm avoid eye back get my training equipment oh yeah also don't mind why Duke is a void Walker I just I just fought uh it was it would just be kind of boring if I just form that song seeker and mini for like an hour so yeah Boyd Walker is so nice because uh I get to just have like a little base in my pocket I'm gonna sell all this stuff real quick now I can buy uh ankle weights and training vest all right let's check our cards [Music] Swift rebound observation I'm gonna take observation and take Swift rebound later oh Speed Demon actually I need that first Whispers oh Dash I'm gonna take that that's that's useful especially when I'm gonna be chasing people I'm gonna be like whoa come back all right see how much agility point to stop left I just need to get a 65 and stop all right that's about it hello fix my armor please and they fix Origins is giving you like crappy armor on start oh wait since I have animal King I can actually just go down to the devs and get my willpower Unbound like right now and I don't have to worry about like dying hopefully we can Shrine of order in this episode and not the next episode I've been grinding Chimes recently on my uh main slot and it's been going decently well I think I've gotten way better at PVP my main issue was the most people out like most people I was fighting in the Overworld and the like the people I was getting my practice on didn't actually really Perry all that much uh like the best strategy would just to be like throw out moves and just hope they hit which doesn't really work if your opponent can actually Parry all right let's get this power level uh yeah I'm just gonna get Swift rebound let's see uh kick off I mean not kick off fast blade I'll take fast blade kickoff is nice but it's just like a quality of life thing maybe I'll get it from Roll two I don't know dying Slayer [Music] Arden nerves personally I don't really notice posture that much but maybe it matters I don't know now I just need to level up my agility like six more times yeah let's see all right time for a professional freshly gripping time oh too far again [Music] [Music] five minutes later all right you know what after uh trying to find a bounty for so long I decide you know I'm just gonna go uncap my willpower and get my stuff first you know usually I would never uncap willpower but now layer 2 dropped and like it seems like I'm I'm uncapping willpower and talking to Akira every episode I talked to akiran the like Clarice finale so I definitely know where he is am I supposed to get over there do I have to wrap all the way around I'm gonna have to rap all the way around oh hey it's a lionfish oh that is that [Music] yo that exploiters is logged he was like flying around and he just instantly logged okay I mean hey that's that's free loot for me okay and also since I have animal King you know all right let's see if I can put on anything good that I got from him seven percent versus monsters yeah that's good another Power 10 requirement okay uh wait no these are just better that's like nine percent versus monster and 10 HP all right well I gotta get to the other side of deaths so I can actually talk to Akira I'm gonna put on this provenance code it has like six percent physical armor I don't know man if you're gonna exploit into devs and just immediately law you might wanna you might want to make sure you're out of Danger first I'm not sure if like exploits have like a instant proximity log something like that but uh I think I triggered his and there's the Akira event oh yep 65 agility the ignition Union will not be intimidated by some out-of-touch scholar boom okay all right we've seen that before wait I'm not with them blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and now I gotta go to Castle life hello Akira [Music] there we go willpower unbounded now I can get the final bits of my willpower there we go 80 willpower while I'm down here I might as well like uh go down to layer 2 and grab Heretics Ultra if some guy would be so nice to send me down there [Music] all right thank you Nakato for sending me down to the depths you know I'll put up on this channel in the description [Music] oh here we go okay so now all I need to do is uh just go grab Heretics Ultra I doubt I'll be able to beat like Chaser at level nine on this account because you know the whole like Duke I mean not Duke uh Chaser update kind of made it impossible to do it on low levels unless you're like unless you want to waste like 30 minutes just fighting him let me in [Music] I'm pretty sure it's just right over there if I drop down so I'm gonna try that okay this wind is a bit annoying please go away I'm trying to I'm trying to get insane here as soon as I say that my willpower has potential uh hopefully this is not the void is that the void I almost fell in the void Where'd I go I guess I'll beat up this thing [Music] damn these guys are tanky I would put like an M1 counter on like the side of the screen but I'ma be honest I'm not counting all that so where is this like Heretics Ultra thing [Music] there's something down here there is oh yep I think I remember this place yeah here he is the voices and you're in them uh [Music] why can't I get it do I oh I think I need more insanity well that's kind of dumb how am I supposed to get insanity if I don't have the thing that gives me insanity am I gonna have to sit in the depths oh my God oh well I mean I needed to wait in the depths for Insanity anyways [Music] all right here we go again hopefully I have enough insanity this time okay also I'm two points off from like uh leveling up my fortitude and getting up some cards so that's that's good grab that go go go if only there was a quest to just able to win this permanently because like I know it's the whole gimmick and all but it just gets annoying after a while uh this is safe hopefully okay uh I'm pretty sure I went down here last time yeah let's go over here run past the carbuncles hopefully have enough insanity hey there we go Heretics Ultra now I can just light hook out but uh let me get my a42 increase [Music] give me my fortitude [Music] there we go bye-bye [Music] all right let's check my cards uh return to Dark Ages No Return To Dark Ages is like really good for a two minute stuff because like it just forces them to play on your territory oh tap dancer yo what is bro doing hold on there's some insane level of blacksmithing right here uh evasive expert nice and also I can put this on now that that looks kind of kind of goofy but whatever I have to get my fortitude up to 40 and then I can try and Order but first I gotta get out of the depths so yeah what no hello I'm just bugging out okay what yo I forgot to I forgot to take me this is one of the ways to die in my 50 Ways to Die video bro I'm about I'm about to snooze just listening to this dialogue for like what is it uh 72nd time just a regular Sharko I can take care of that okay the conditions have been fulfilled they are to leave unscathed oh okay we're back in the Overworld oh yeah I still haven't gotten those uh like lensless glasses I should probably go back to minions grab those real quick sell all this stuff because I don't need it all right I'll hit the mini and uh you know try my best to get some glasses I never knew it would be this hard to get eyeglasses [Music] oh yeah uh wow this is a bit awkward yeah I think I think I'm gonna have to find a bounty somewhere around here oh whatever he's over there there he is he doesn't forces ax sneak you a little bit sneaky hey get over here foreign [Music] bats here oh okay he's dead my bad I got I gotta get the bounties hopefully his friend doesn't get over here I kind of just cleaned him up I feel kind of bad but uh now at least I get to stay over here oh wait was that eyeglasses let's go and also is that was that his friend I think that was his friend uh those both of those guys are my bounties hey man oh geez [Music] yeah what oh okay he he just logged the mech just hopped on here there we go cheap shot nice wow none of these are good I I will take graceful Landing actually that's not bad blood frenzy wait when did I get time to go oh wait piercing world it's not even it's not even the debate me just toggle visibility on this it's kind of like hurting my eyes just to look at it oh yeah also I can put on that helmet now hey man [Music] get him [Music] I'm sorry man but uh I gotta get you for a void Walker thing [Music] oh okay no oh that guy just logs dude I I want to fight like uh I want to fight like a fight where like I can actually block Perry and Dodge it like I want to get some people who aren't just dying for mobs yo Duke is ruizio high as hell right now okay so what I think I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna head over to the Eastern illuminant so I can go to Hive and grab some and grab like the legion Kata fighting style all right we're in the atrium I mean Airtel C and uh East Luminate yep now all we got to do is uh get all the way over to Hive do a couple of those like Legion Events and then we can get Legion Kata but before I do that I'm gonna go pick up uh Chimes the conflict right over here and also set my void eye oh wait there he is [Music] I'm gonna let him finish his fighting with the song Seekers he's done fighting the song Seekers I'm gonna let him just grip him and then I'll fight him because yeah coming here [Music] did that punch punch punch punch punch punch I'll be putting this back down I can't Parry during like a middle of the aerial which kind of sucks that hit him I don't think that hit him [Music] oh I told this guy have come back [Music] between fish users are so awkward [Music] Dash and there we go foreign let's go did I just hear like a oh what the hell yo that's a full-on enchanted fellow bro I'm guessing this guy is a friend of that of that guy you mind if you take care of that song Seeker [Music] I'll be much more willing to fight you if you took care of that song Seeker there you go [Music] let's fight over where there isn't much stuff to fight [ __ ] isn't much land [Music] oh ow oh come on okay I don't think taking this fight is my best interest [Music] okay oh he's in there run away but I'll dupe this guy hi it's me editor verb English and I would just like to say how the hell did this guy hit this shot bruh like you see this is coming from like all the way across the temple into hitting me from over here like this guy was probably at like the guy that gives you the China conflicts thing and then he somehow just threw it at a trajectory that just somehow manages to hit me all the way over by the cliff like like this guy either must have Insane luck or he just has ESP or some crap like how the hell did he hit that oh you'll never catch me [Music] okay all right I got jump scared I think I'm in the depths now because of the Void Zone though [Music] all right back in the depths you'll love to see it I mean at least here I can get some easy levels but I do want to get Legion Cod of this episode so I'm gonna try my best to get back up all right two freshers oh hey I would not want to fight that thing what is that too corrupted mamas actually I think that's just one corrupted mama and another regular one I would not like to fight Daft this is why having animal King is so nice I don't have to I don't actually have to fight those two things hello Sharko and trailer one it always goes for the two swipes first and I just parried on like muscle memory there we go POV Duke after someone needs spell again okay we're back up on the surface this time instead of going for bounties and then getting hunted down by high level friends I think I'm just gonna go to uh okay I'm just gonna go get my Legion Kata although I prefer way of Navi I guess Legion Kata isn't too bad plus I just needed for uh you know the cosplay man the ocean is so empty in this game they need more like small Islands sprinkled around here we are Fort Merritt I'm not sure if the 40 like starts off already hating voidwalkers or not so uh I'm just gonna go check my bounties just to be safe let's see do they hit me no they don't that's nice well anyways now what I need to do is go find a 40 versus Legion event so I can help the legion and uh get some recommendations oh Reds I love Reds if there's red juice can they make pomar juice never actually tried it I should just have juice of every fruit to be honest I should have made a glider before coming here it's like very treacherous oh I fell I hear some fighting going on here that that is nowhere near what I need wait oh wait I'll hold on that guy's one of my bounties I need to kill that guy oh wait until you finish his dad fresher though all right man come here I missed I missed all my m1s come back I should I you really gotta be more precise with my initial m1s bro nah I should I should just be like hey hey come come here come here and I smack him in the face and I start fighting them that that's what I should do do a little bit of deception you know well I mean it's not really deception I'm not lying to them I'm just going I'm just telling them come over here well uh I guess I'll just keep looking for this event now that I think about it I should have gotten Union hook while I was down there in Layer Two oh I mean I would have had the solo bone keeper with an iron testist oh just I do need a scarf I have not I have not gotten like a good scarf yet that's not bad oh I hear I hear ice I hear ice wait that means uh there's an event there's an event where is he I heard it I heard it somewhere around here [Music] yeah I still hear it [Music] oh yep there it is yeah I get him get him bro yeah fight back fight back oh my bad five minutes later what is that already oh finally what the hey no come back what the hell is going on that's another that's just like another void Walker and and the legion guys is soloing the spider well a good thing these uh these void Walkers are not on to me because I'm also a void Walker hey guys help me out here guys why is there a model pressure behind me what the hell it's like it's like an episode of Pacific Rim it's like a Pacific Rim movie over there okay well uh while they deal with that I'm just gonna go like wash my face so I can get into Hive but what the uh no I do not know who baby Hermie is sorry uh it's pretty cool okay it's just not gonna lie I had a 50 chance of getting ganked there that guy's decided not to what the hell oh man I cannot catch a damn break in this game not one bro I'll take words respect yeah pistol fortitude but man I gotta get out the devs again that's crazy okay uh Boulder climbed that's kind of mid hidden blade wait ah damn I should have burnt that well how many times was this three times in the depths in one episode I mean I guess the Duke does get sent to the depths a lot oh it's a it's a charcoal again for the first time okay all right let me out I'm getting the genuine Duke experience bro [Music] okay looks like uh looks like we're going back to the depths I mean not the depths going back to Hive we're driving all the way back there [Music] there we go now we can try to border endurance Runner oh exoskeleton I'll freeze that though exoskeleton uh endurance Runner [Music] aggressive posture yeah I'll take that now I can go back to song seeker and uh actually do the thing that I need to do which is Shrine of ordering I'm not exactly an expert on this whole Shrine of order thing I'm just gonna have to guess where it is or search up editorial way through the song Seeker Minds with 10 null oh okay so it's uh by the bombs like mudskippers it's uh somewhere around here no oh there he is Ryan of order I wish to engage in the deal I agree uh let's see what what does it look like on my build maker yeah that looks about right yes balanced check it out the map looks to be a little bit off it's like one or two points off for some of them but I don't think that should be too big of an issue but now I actually have some light weapon points check it out uh never mind it hasn't updated I think I should start investing into like more Gale breath so that I can actually get the good Gale breath talents that's what I'm gonna do okay so it's uh actually the next day now so they dropped the Monday update right which uh just happened to Nerf trying to order right after I Shrine of order so yeah my build is kind of impossible to make now well I'm gonna continue my task of uh actually finishing up getting Legion Kata and uh we're gonna hit the hive right now all right before I actually uh go find that final event I'm gonna go uh get some drip real quick because I I don't really like the look of the Void Walker outfit and also most of the time it just kind of gets me uh hunted by players so ah there's no green option that's lame I'll take the blue one though that's nice I hear ice wait wait where is it okay so I hear ice and Heavenly winds being casted so uh this is definitely the event I'm not oh there it is wait what are they underneath the water [Music] this is a very inconvenient place to fight I can't hit the legion guy or else he's gonna get mad at me and I can't actually talk to him they're acting as if the water isn't even here bro no no no no wait hold on dash what am I worrying about oh he's dead he's dead let's go please be enough what no it didn't count wait come on [Music] dude I need to do another one of these events power increase okay [Music] uh chronostasis bear trap precise swing uh air trap is actually really good so I'm gonna freeze that and get chronostasis so it doesn't show up again oh spine cutter but also breathing impact wait where'd my other furries go they just took my other freeze am I willing to gamble this hmm yeah whatever oh Gail punch that's actually one of the things on my list yeah okay that's good oh is that the meat Lord let me get uh some mcgreggers actually that would be pretty useful I can't seem to find another one of those ice events [Music] oh wait Legion sustus oh I'm just gonna put this on for now even if it's not you know all that accurate [Music] ah damn I I heard ice and I thought it was like the event but no it's just the stupid Hive Mech one oh hey someone died here oh I've drawn I could actually make that [Music] okay craft that real quick boom now we actually have some good armor it has been 15 long years since I started this adventure for the legion guy the event I even equipped it a pair of Legion sisters to see if it helps it did not it oh finally bro that took so long oh my bad all right now I just wait for him to get up and I'll grip him no come back what are you doing bro oh my God he's going he's gonna go fire fresher oh my god that actually bro I'm actually pissed I spent like a whole hour looking for that event alright so after searching like another hour or two for like the stupid event I've decided that you know what this is gonna be a problem for uh me in the next episode so uh yeah there's gonna be the end of the first episode of the Duke progression so if you want to see me get the legion called The Next Episode then uh yeah subscribe and it'll notify you I think hopefully if YouTube doesn't bug out okay bye-bye oh yeah I also don't mind why I have uh the hive tactician armor uh I crafted it while I was trying to look for the event and I forgot to record it so uh yeah we we're not gonna talk about that
Channel: Birbingish
Views: 258,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepwoken, roblox, deepwoken roblox, deepwoken primadon, deepwoken pvp, deepwoken arena, arena, 1v1, enchant, weapon enchant, curved blade of wind, deepwoken depths, depths, depths grinding, ganking, videogame, sword, deepwoken stereotypes, gaming, heavy, bells, deepwoken heavy, galebreathe, enchants, deepwoken enchant, deepwoken layer 2, heavy weapons, heavy main, solo progression, prog, solo prog, progression, build, deepwoken solo progression, layer 2, verse 2, contractor, contractor build
Id: Fx9PYCxaBho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 21sec (2001 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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