Duke Erisia & The Forge of Sin | Deepwoken Lore

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Duke orisa a sorian man who you might be familiar with has been a puzzle full of missing pieces for very long time the player encounters him first through Whispers of frightened NPCs on the drift land that shall not be named and later through a mission from the Lord Regent to retrieve the forge of sin which the Duke is currently in possession of despite this Quest being in the game since release and being almost essential to an Attunement player's character only recently has light been shed on the Duke the four and their place within lummen spoiler in true deepok and fashion we still don't have the full picture but I'll take what I can get the Duke's Story begins not at the arrival of Arissa to the Atri illuminant as you might expect but a very very long time ago in fact we have to travel all the way back to the Golden Age of the song The cataclysm it was a time when Humanity truly began to make use of the song maybe a little too much for their own good as it ended with the great city of s Tor being sacrificed to the depths dooming the entire world along with it but the greater story of the cataclysm and subsequent drowning is a tale for another day what's important is that among the countless Souls present during that disaster was our very own Duke orysia yeah artist Jin this uh this is your guy I wish you all the best of luck in coming to terms with your new grandfather figure we learned this from the description of the recently released Stone heart which reads as follows a hammer pieced together from the remains of of one of Duke ishon arisia's Golems conjured by the Duke's residence they once patrolled his estate in selor before its fall from the reports of spies hired by rival Nobles in the city he was only able to support a limited number of Golems his acquisition of the forge of sin seems to have extended his capacity by other more Sinister means this description actually has a few interesting points to consider such as the fact that residences were acquired even before the great drowning or a snippet of the politics that were said to have poison the city but what we are interested in is the Duke's involvement and the forge of sin which we'll touch on later the Duke as his title would imply yes Duke is a title of nobility not his name was a sorian noble it's uncertain to whether or not he was actually present during the Great drowning but regardless he managed to survive all the way to the present day where he plots to prevent another catastrophe at any cost while we don't know his overall importance to selor nor how he lived in the Years following its collapse in the current time he attempts to save Humanity by harnessing the profane abilities of the forge of sin because abusing the song and its gifts has never gone poorly for anybody ever as the name implies this artifact of the depths isn't used for typical smithing work but rather can shape the soul itself remnants of the forge of sin that warp and stain what they touch said to hold a fragment of the forge's ability to shape Souls though with unpredictable outcomes the forge of sin has the ability to reshape Souls but what what does this mean it ties back to the Duke's residence or specifically residences in general he has the ability to produce and control large stone golems the Golems aren't complete pushovers being stronger than weaker monsters like sharos or Threshers but are pretty weak in the grand scheme of things and he can only summon a limited number of them these factors aren't just arbitrary limitations for balance's sake they inherent qualities of the resonance itself one unfortunate limitation of deepen being a video game is that we don't get to experience what resonances truly are every individual person's resonance is unique and the specifics of these abilities are based on a few things but one important aspect is their soul this is represented in game by resonance is having a bit of RNG to them but what if you could alter those numbers as you saw fit your triple shot Shard bow is cool and all but what if you could shoot five shots or even a 100 what would happen if the explosion spanned an entire city or if the arrows burned with white Flame the Duke's resonance might seem unimpressive at first but imagine what he could do if he could push the concept of Golem creation to its fullest potential Stone Titans that could build fortresses within days Everlasting centuries to protect your domain for all eternity and an endless Army of Golems to turn the tide against the death of your world I believe that this is the Duke's end goal to use the forge of sin on his own soul and turn his resonance into a driving force against the depths this does raise a few questions the main one being what exactly is he doing now since according to The Stone Heart he's already used the forge on himself I believe that while he has upgraded his resonance it's not complete if we take a look back at the effects of the cers ash sure you can improve your resonance with it but you have no control over the effects and it comes with a downside while you might have a little more say in the outcomes produced by the forge it's likely a very slow and dangerous process also despite the fact that he successfully used the forge on himself he's still using it and refuses to part with it unless the forge has some greater purpose in his plan one can only assume he's using it for what he's been using it for not to mention that we can see his residence improving as he's gained the ability to create stronger Golems but only in small numbers as far as his motivations the Duke was alive during Prime celor which means he bore witness to the loss of his homeland and the end of most of the world it makes sense that as long as his will remained he would do everything in his power to prevent that from happening again which leads to one tiny detail about him the forge of sin is a powerful artifact but every Forge needs fuel this is why the Duke has come to be feared by those who occupy arysia as he uses his Golems to kidnap people and turn them into fuel for the forge this process likely consumes their own soul as it leaves the bodies as nothing but mindless puppets judging from his dialogue he considers this a necessary evil for the good of all mankind and won't stop no matter what stands in his way or how many times he dies in the end the Duke is just another man desperately trying to make a difference within Lumen whether his attempts are in vain is to be seen but considering what most people in deepen are up to he's doing well enough because he saw the fall of selor and automatically assumes you're an agent of the Lord Regent upon meeting it's fair to say that he probably knows what the ministry is and what they're up to whether he's amping himself up to take them on directly or just generally defend against the deaths is anyone's guess and while that's all there is to his story right now there are a few extra things I wanted to mention for one despite being alive for so long he shows no signs of aging he's still physically strong and is an extremely talented Gail breather funny story back before the forge's true purpose had been revealed I'd always assumed its ability was to improve your atunement after all back then the only way to uncap was to defeat the Duke but I think we can attribute his abilities with Gail breath to the fact that he's had a very long time to practice as he ends up being weaker than a player and can even Inspire players to learn a new mantra but something to keep in mind is that after killing the Duke once he says the ruins of that City will never cage me and with what's at stake I can't stop now this kind of implies that he's not even strong enough to be sent to layer 2 which I know in game is based off of drowns but canonically the depths to which your soul SNS is based on your strength which is why I think he's only tuning up his resonance instead of his overall ability because his overall abilities aren't that impressive but what are your thoughts on the Duke and his plans I personally think it would be a better idea to just take the forg of sin over to miners landing and try to fully understand and harness his capabilities but who knows if that's even something you could really control I just hit 3K which means the promised 24-hour stream will be coming sometime soon I'll make another Post in advance when I get that set up and figure it out I already asked on the post but what would you guys want to see on S stream because you're going to have a lot of time to kill and it doesn't just have to be deepwoken I got lethal company risk of rain Etc whatever we end up doing hopefully you can come through and thank you guys for helping me get the 3K
Channel: Makara
Views: 25,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deepwoken, Deepwoken Lore, Deepwoken Duke, Duke Erisia, Makara
Id: xLSd6ywtIkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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