The COMPLETE GUIDE to WERECREATURES in the Elder Scrolls - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] the blood still runs true among some on soulstone as it has for centuries we have chosen to embrace Lord her scenes blessing you know it well the speed and strength of the Beast the thrill of the hunt the triumph of the kill this is our purpose our way of life so it was for my father and his father before him and I welcome any who walk that path disease curse blessing lycanthropy and Tamriel comes with many connotations depending on who you ask for some the Daedric born disease is a reward enhancing the most devoted of her scenes followers for others it's a cruel affliction that pushes those who bear the disease into their most animalistic form but what is lycanthropy how does it work in the Elder Scrolls universe and what the hell is aware shark what is up guys my name is Scott from fudge Muppet and today we are going to be looking deep into the hidden world of lycanthropes and we're creatures in the Elder Scrolls universe half-man half-beast - these creatures have become the stuff of legend often striking fear into the hearts of those who finds themselves wandering the unbeaten trails through the woods on a cold moonlit night as with many things that offer great power at great cost to the Daedra are wrapped up in the creation of this supernatural condition the great Lord of the hunt hircine himself created the disease in order to reward his most devoted and skilled hunters allowing his followers to spread the affliction throughout Tamriel we do not know when the first lycanthrope was created but in the retelling of famous hammers exploits during the maratha era where creatures both exist and were hunted by the Nords ice hammer paid dearly for his actions eternally enraged after being wounded by hircine spear then entombed alive lest he destroy crag wallow and its inhabitants despite lycanthropy referring specifically to werewolves it's become the accepted term for all we're creatures in the universe as varn art caress and writes in on lycanthropy because the werewolf is the most abit kutis of the lycanthropes the term lycanthropy has been used since ancient days to describe the disease that transforms men into half beasts although lycanthrope only strictly should two men who change into werewolves contracting lycanthropy is scarily easy in Tamriel simply being in close proximity of someone afflicted with the highly contagious disease Saiyan is loopiness which if left untreated will cause you to become a lycanthrope the disease is also transmitted by wounds from we're creatures but as dangerous as they are survival of the initial attack is much less likely this can be easily cured as this method is often accidental or unwanted but there are much faster ways to become the Beast for those seeking it out the initial disease can also be easily cured but fully developed lycanthropy is where the process becomes a much more difficult fix if one desires to take on the curse willingly a rapid initial transformation can be granted by drinking the blood of a lycanthrope with the drinker initially changing to their beastly form soon after this excruciating process is the point of no return committing the soul to her scenes hunting grounds for all eternity in some cases the Lark Anthropy virus can be passed on hereditarily even remaining dormant for generations before manifesting for the majority of we're creatures the change can happen monthly weekly or even nightly contrary to popular belief the moons do not always directly influence the beastly transformation the reality for we're creatures is vastly less structured some types of we're creatures are more reliant on the moons than others like the we're bores while others can disregard the influence entirely when changing lycanthropes exhibit exaggerated characteristics of the beastly strain they succumbed to fur increased height lengthened arms and shoulders alongside enhanced speed and strength are the most common characteristics their striking resemblances to wolves bears or boars paired with an intense bloodlust and reduced willpower makes the fierce reputation conjured by uttering their names easy to understand in the worst cases this bloodlust can lead to losing control entirely becoming far more beast than man but sometimes even a mild willpower can manage to stop an affected person from going too far feeding upon anything they hunt be it man or mer or beast of the forest where creatures will devour the flesh of their kills to satisfy their carnal hunger outside they're basically forms where creatures show a few signs of difference from normal members of their race prayer small patches of fur the occasional smell of wet dog and immunity to disease poor sleep and an underlying desire to hunt are common symptoms of lack anthropic condition interestingly enough though despite the bloodlust and fearsome physique somewhere creatures have been known to resist such bloodlust and attempt to make a peaceful living in nature the enhanced senses of the creatures while transforms mean that finding food without killing is entirely possible as told by herbalist Primus in his account of coming to terms with his own affliction thereafter I lived upon nuts fruits buds roots and animals freshly dead and to this I could easily do for when the change was upon me my senses were so acute that I could always detect food of all sorts but what do you do once you've become a lycanthrope perhaps you survive a battle with one or seek the curse out yourself keeping a low profile as least around transformation is advised outside of Daedric cults and other where creature pacts the condition is at best a disliked or shunned and at worst will mark you for immediate execution by the imperial guard in civilized country where creatures are rarely treated with kindness due to their undeniable link with the Daedra making a normal life inadvisable the Bosmans green pact also makes lycanthropy a frowned upon condition while it's not technically a manifestation of the Wild Hunt altering one's form in any way as a pact adhering Bosma is unlikely to go down positively within their culture those who've chosen to embrace this lycanthropic affliction often roam the world as lone wolves or up to join a pack of other lycanthropes choosing to band together in a pack secluded in a remote location means that they can survive as a group away from the day-to-day threats hanging over their kind in the cities packs like the frost moon pack on the northern island of souls time affords them greater protection from those who has sworn to hunt and kill their kind such as the Silver Hand there's kinship to be found in these communities for wandering we're creatures with some pack leaders even receiving enhanced abilities from hircine himself but let's put that aside for now we have we're creatures to talk about after all it wouldn't be much of a complete guide if I didn't talk about each and every type of ghastly man beast that can tear your face off with a swipe of its claws now perhaps you're wandering the wilds of Riel you take a turn off the beaten path after hearing a distant cry for help hoping for some coin for your trouble but instead of coin what you find is a far more grisly scene a small camp ravaged blood and limbs spread across the tents and bed rolls once occupied by travelling hunters standing admits to the carnage is Tamriel's most common wear creature the werewolf speedy and strong once transformed wear will stand taller than even Nords and orcs and wider in stature their claws act as their deadliest weapons slicing through their prey and those who would fight them unprepared with equal ease not only do werewolves have an immunity to diseases and paralysis effects but they also have a natural kinship with predators of the wilds meaning they're less likely to be attacked by wild wolves and bears it would not be wise to tangle with one of these beastly creatures without silver weapons at your disposal which inflicts greater damage upon them Wolfsbane and belladonna are also useful herbs in an encounter they're poison to these lycanthropes and they're also both used in the curing of the disease senesce loopiness these where creatures are the most well-documented and common species in the land of Tamriel found all over and not in specific territories like many of the other strains of the disease it's easy to forget that while in description these creatures are monstrous beasts they can still retain their humanity majority of the time groups of werewolves have grown to hold significant sway in parts of the continent by keeping their ailment a secret such as the circle of your Vaska a leadership group within the Companions faction all of whom are werewolves will speak more about a prominent member of the circle cod Lac white mane later on in regards to curing lycanthropy but the group as a whole gained significant influence due to their strength and leadership within the companions but now for a little more bulk if you found yourself venturing through salt zoom during the fourth era in search of werewolves you are instead more likely to find a strain who've managed to become the dominant predator in the area where bears they have been said to inhabit the wilds of Skyrim but we in the fourth era have only seen them on the island similar in stature to the werewolves save for the head and of a grizzly bear these where creatures boasts an impressive silhouette dwarfing regular bears of the realm interestingly the where bears seem to have a bit of a rivalry with the werewolves of soul slime even going as far as killing packs that call the area home perhaps these where bears are more suited to the Nords harsh climate or simply stronger when it comes to battle but either way these fearsome we're creatures provide quite the challenge to even the mightiest of Tamriel's fighters reportedly unique to Hammerfell and High Rock where boars are the we're creatures most attune with the lunar cycle forced to transform each full moon reminiscent of the classic werewolf shape the heads of the transformed feature protruding tusks walking on hoofed furry legs these where creatures must kill to quench their bloodlust or suffer serious damage to themselves in Daggerfall this damage manifests as a reduction in their hit points but other lycanthropes don't seem to deal with the same drawbacks if you were to wander through Black Marsh cyrodiil or the wetter parts of elsewhere in your search for the lycanthropes of Tamriel you may happen upon the way lion little is known of this particular type of lycanthrope but from what we know about where boars where bears and werewolves we'd assume their forms would be fairly similar likely atop the exaggerated but vaguely humanoid forms sits a lion's face maned and regal with great arms stretching to fearsome paws that it could take down any prey perhaps these creatures would roar fearsomely once again armed with claws to swipe and tear despite never being seen in an Elder Scrolls game so far on lycanthropy by vinod caressing merely describes them as vile conjuring up quite the unnerving image of these creatures should you happen upon them in the wild sharing a similar habitat to where lions where crocodiles inhabit the isolated swamps of Black Marsh and southern morrowind these where creatures I imagine would have a similar appearance to the data that roam Tamriel scaled and standing tall with the iconic long snout of a crocodile pointing forward ready to snap down on an attacking limb their tracks have been described as almost indistinguishable to that of a standard crocodile which would suggest once again the more reptilian form similar to the data of one interesting point here is that despite the accepted research suggesting that the type of where creature you become is determined by the you got the affliction from the where crocodile strain is said to be more common amongst the argonians this could be very likely due to the wear crocodile finding comfort in the swampy habitats of the argonians but who knows but now we look to the skies native to Velen wood where vultures only reside in the Bosma homeland perhaps these creatures when transformed take on a more sleek and unique form than their beastly counterparts we would assume that as with other wings creatures that those afflicted with this strain may be able to take to the air using their bird talons and beak as weapons against their prey alternatively they may be more grounded in share similarities with the hag raven gaining beaks and feathers but losing out on the ability to fly as mentioned earlier the Bosma are unlikely to take on this affliction willingly due to the green packed conditions which may explain their scarcity both in Velen wood and Tamriel as a whole anyone unlucky enough to end up with this strain would likely seek treatment or solitude lest they be condemned by the populace from the land they call home where bats hail from Valen wood alongside the where vultures but play a more notable role in the province many of these where creatures who stand tall arms changed into giant bat wings have come to serve the vampire families of Valen wood as Guardians ideal for scouting and intimidation these where creatures are able to fly completing the classic vampire iconography their large ears muscular frame and sharp teeth make them quite the intimidating form when transformed perfect for keeping unwanted guests away from the vampire houses whether this actually is a rare creature or simply just named as such do their appearance is hotly contested they are marked as undead which other lycanthropes are not and in the service of other undead the vampires some theories even go as far to suggest that they may be vampiric themselves but the lack of damage by the Sun could suggest the opposite we've never seen one of them transform back into humanoid form and it's entirely possible that they are still lycanthropes as well as their name would suggest ultimately it's not clear enough which camp they fall in but it's interesting to speculate and still worth inclusion in this video and lastly if you believe the tales of miok the lair where sharks are said to roam the Seas the skirt Tamriel as with other we're creatures we presume that once again this creature would have a humanoid form complete with legs and getting more and more shark the higher you go perhaps they would have limbs with fins protruding from the forearms maybe even webbed fingers while relying on that iconic great white shark head of teeth to decimate their foes I personally picture them like the street sharks cartoon but I'm sure if you met one in game they'd be a tad more fearsome despite the beasts part of this transformation being an aquatic creature according to my eek some live quite the ironic life he says I have only met one but he was afraid of the water while never seen since there is one extra type of lycanthrope we know about in the old scrolls sheogorath the mad Prince met with her seen on the peaks above Skyrim he he challenged her scene to a battle pitting their strongest beasts against one another in preparation for this challenge her seemed prepared in secret an abomination an ancient data of his summoned and imbued it with the foul curse of lycanthropy of pitch heart and jagged Fang the unspeakable horror had no peer even among the great hunters of her scene sphere on the day of the battle her scenes where data off champion was greeted by a small colorful bird the champion of share gorath despite the speed fury and strength of the where data off the bird perched on the snout of the beast pecking at it until the where data Roth was blinded and destroyed itself attempting to remove the bird defeated her scene burned the abomination returning to his realm but with so many varieties of we're creatures out in the world ends their Daedric origins it's no surprise that factions and individuals have risen up to oppose those who are afflicted intentionally or not the a fur mansions silver hand are one of the most notable of these groups rising in direct opposition to the circle into the companions these werewolf hunters managed to slay Caudill a quite mean but their disorganization and extreme methods lead to less success than they intended in the region of Skyrim the Vigilant of stand are established after the Oblivion crisis shared similar goals as the Silver Hand seeking up the destruction of Daedric influence like we're creatures vampires and Daedric worshippers however our experience with them is short-lived as their main base of operations is destroyed by the vampires during events of the Dawnguard storyline so let's just say you were aware creature living your best life in the wilderness but one day you are unlucky enough to fall in battle to one of these hunter groups well what happens then what happens to your soul well some certain lycanthropes may actually be quite pleased with the outcome those afflicted by lycanthropy at the time of their death are bound to spend an eternity in her scenes hunting ground sharing in his hunt for evermore depending on your view of lycanthropy as a whole this could see you robbed of your true afterlife or offered a far better one the hunting grounds of her scene his plane of oblivion is the ideal place to be a hunter but terrifying for the hunted lush forests contrast with vast open plains while rivers and tributaries flow with crimson spirits of small creatures roam these environments doomed to be hunted forever while more monstrous creatures like bears wolves and Diedre inhabit endless mazes any mortal who finds themselves in the realm of hircine are quickly hunted down with where bears stalking the lands in the day and where wolves hunting alongside her scene each night if living as a ware creature hunting down mortals and creatures for all of time doesn't sound like your ideal afterlife there are a few known ways to cure lycanthropy none of which are easy but for the truly dedicated there is some hope to return to normalcy after the disease truly takes hold there is a way to cure lycanthropy and drop her scene of his own soul one of which was discovered during the Companions quest line in Skyrim the circle were practicing lycanthropes however their affliction was passed on to them in a cruel trick provided to them as payment by her scene on behalf of a pact with the Glen Morel coven lycanthropy was not explained to them as a permanent condition nor was their servitude in the afterlife for COD lack white mean the gift offered quickly soured upon their realization and despite the power it allowed he came to see the Daedric princes payment as a curse to cure the taint of the beast on carlac soul after death the Dragonborn is able to invoke the magic from the head of a Glenmore a witch to summon code lacks in a beast as a spirit destroying that spirit exercises the inner beast allowing code lack soul to escape servitude in her scenes hunting grounds and many other cures are tied to the mysterious magic of the Glen Morel coven as they both hold the knowledge to create potions that are cure fully developed lycanthropy but also can summon the inner beast spirits to exorcise the disease for we're creatures looking to keep their affliction but avoid hunting the people of Tamriel isolation is often the safest path perhaps this is why many packs find solace in the wilds hunting wild animals living a life in tune with the primal state of untouched nature this course of action also lessens the fear of discovery lest they find themselves hunted by those who wish to purge lycanthropy from the land for those who wish to control their power and live amongst civilization there is one ring you'll want to get your hands on bestowed by hircine himself to those who please him or his most skilled and devoted lycanthropes the ring of hircine allows users to control their transformations at will once actually cursed with the opposite effect but since purged the ring means that where is no longer face forced to transformations and are able to call upon the power of the Beast whenever they desire in Blood Moon the ring has even allowed wearers who are not lycanthropes the power to transform themselves into werewolves but doing such a thing is rarely heard of speaking of rings if you play as a werewolf imagining of the frost moon pack will also sell you rings which enhance your capabilities as a lycanthrope the ring of bloodlust offers you extra damage at the cost of taking more yourself the ring of instinct gives you more time to survey the world upon transformation slowing time for a brief period the ring of the hunt allows endurance on long hunts for generating your health while transforms while the ring of the Moon makes your howls last longer striking fear into your foes whether or not these are gifts from her scene or enchanted by someone like a Glenn Morel which perhaps we do not know however we do know there are also three relics of her scene dating back to the origins of lycanthropy itself they flow with the power of the Daedric Prince allowing the holder new and enhanced powers the first a carved skull of the wolf itself used by ancient shamans in the blood ceremonies that created their lineage it is said to grant a great presence to those who prostrate themselves before it such that those who witness their forms cower in a terror unknown except to those who have glimpsed the face of her seen himself in Skyrim this manifests as your werewolf howl causing fear on those who causing them to flee in combat the second day thighbone carved as the skull but from some animal unknown used to some form of medicinal wand in the more ancient brotherhood it was said to grant a kind of heightened awareness both in sight and smell such that the prey could never flee too far from their senses enhancing your senses this totem allows a greater sense of detect life to be used giving the hold of the tools they need to hunt the biggest and smallest prey of the wilds in Tamriel the third a simple drum it's mundane appearance meaning it's most likely lost to the mists of long ago time as their fathers would beat time to summon their brethren from the fields so too would their forebears in the blood to call their allies to them with its pounding this allows the werewolf holder to summon forth - ghostly wolf's familiars eager to fight alongside the Summoner the strength of the pack means that we're creatures who are able to call on her scenes blessing are truly never alone in battle fighting with the spirits of the hunt / scenes connection to where creatures provides the most devoted and skilled followers with ample means to enhance their lycanthropic powers embracing the affliction to the fullest of its potential despite this many who become afflicted with this disease understandably find it terrifying to lose control faced with insatiable bloodlust and uncontrollable beastly transformations blessing or curse it's one of the more fascinating aspects of the Elder Scrolls bestiary but that is all ladies and gentlemen the complete guide to where creatures the lycanthrope ik man beasts that roam the land hunting and devouring or hiding and living a peaceful primal life from the common werewolves to the rarest where sharks you should now know all about them thanks so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed this video and before I leave you I want to ask you a question if you are infected with lycanthropy which we're creature would you want to be and would you seek a cure or embrace her Singh's curse thanks again so much for watching my name is Scott from fudge Muppet and I will no doubt with you in the next one
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 276,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, fudgemuppet, werewolves, werebears, wereboars, lycanthropy, skyrim werewolf, skyrim werebear, complete guide to werecreatures, were creatures, skyrim complete guide
Id: xjsJWz4m0d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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