The COMPLETE Guide to CUSTOM Transitions and Effects for DaVinci Resolve!

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in this video I'm going to tell you everything you need to know to make your first pack of dragon drop presets for Da Vinci resolve we're going to make a title we're going to make a transition we're going to make an effect and we're going to make a generator and if you don't know what a generator is don't worry about it we will definitely get to it now two things right up front number one this video is going to be very long I know that number two this video is still just an introduction I've been making presets and plug and templates for differen resolve for over 3 years now and there uh is a lot to it as much stuff as is in D Vinci resolve and is in the fusion page you can put into presets and plugins and templates but I'm hoping I can cover um enough of what you need to know so that you can make something uh that is cool that is exciting that inspires you to uh dive deeper into fusion and to make your own cool stuff other important stuff up front uh everything I'm going to show you you can do in the free version of denture resolve that's pretty cool and while I am going to functionally walk you through step by step uh when we are in the fusion page building effects this will also not serve as a general introduction to the fusion page if you want to build your own effects in the fusion page to make drag and drop presets on the edit page you will just need to dedicate a lot more time to just learn Fusion on its own but there's a whole lot I want to cover uh in this video uh including some really exciting stuff about how to package up your final bundle effects so they're super easy to share or even sell uh stick around for all of that uh but I think now we can you know get started now even before we jump into resolve there is a little bit of essential groundwork we have to cover because what we are dealing with in this video is macros D Vinci resolve is a big program it's very complex there are lots of different ways to bring in outside resources or effects and use them in your videos now as you might have noticed when I've talked about uh presets plugins and templates I usually bundle all of those together um because when I make something I use those kind of interchangeably depending on the specific product but whatever I have created I have made inside the fusion page natively in resolve and I do that with the macro system what is a macro a macro is a bundle of nodes from the fusion page that resolve can read and just sort of run that Fusion composition without the end user needing to build the whole thing themselves and if you've spent any time in resolve you've probably um already been using this feature I'm here in resolve in a new project in a blank timeline and if I go to uh any of these folders in my toolbox my effects toolbox here you know transitions titles generators or effect I have titles and then I have Fusion titles I have generators and then I have Fusion generators I have effects and then Fusion effects and a great example is entitles um and this trips up a lot of new users we have text and then text plus if I drag text on my uh timeline boom it's a text tool you can change settings if I drag it Text Plus on the timeline it seems like kind of the same thing but you might notice in Text Plus has this little icon here and the standard text tool does not if I click that icon it will open the fusion page and you'll see the only nodes we have here are a media out node which sends whatever you do in the fusion page back to the edit page and this template node and this template node uh if you click on it in the inspector you have all the same tools you just had on the edit page and that is because this template is a copy of the standard Text Plus tool in the fusion page I'm clicking between them but you see this one already has custom title this one doesn't and it's all these controls that you have from the standard text tool that they've just moved to the edit page now it's very easy to start stepping this up um one of my favorite things to show off is over in generators I'm going to scroll down to this Contours fusion generator I drag this on my timeline and boom we've got a pretty cool little wavy effect but lots of cool stuff is happening in the inspector you have some controls but also at the top you have these versions and if I click through these versions We have drastically different looks these all look pretty different I really like this third one if you select that and scroll uh down Pull up movement a little bit you get this really cool sort of warping topography map like effect now here's a really exciting thing kind of like the text plus had that but to open in the fusion page this Contours effect does as well now think about this complicated effect that can give you all of these different looks if I click this button it will open it in the fusion page and we have that Contours node but if you zoom in you see it's actually a group of nodes and if I double click to expand that you'll see this entire effect is just four different nodes in the fusion page you can select any of these and press one or two to pull them up on your viewer we have some fast noise that we pipe into into a background we have a Shadows effect then we have a duplicate effect and if we click back to that main Contours group and click through these versions you can relook at all those different effects and see how they are built layered on top of each other but you also might notice that each of these nodes have all of their own tools in the inspector so these nodes have controls but also the whole group has controls and this is what a macro does when you go through the process to create a macro you select nodes you want to group together and then you select which controls you want to uh pull or sort of duplicate from each individual node pull up to this master control group level so the end user only sees what you want them to have access to it keeps things simple it keeps things pretty smooth and in a lot of macros you also retain this ability to hop in the fusion page if you need even more controller customization this version functionality um is pretty cool uh we might cover this later we'll see how things go um if I don't remind me I'm pretty sure I've already made a video about it before but remind me and I might make another video I might say that a few times in this video as well and I think the last bit of introductory housekeeping um has to do um with these folders themselves so you have transitions titles generators and effects and there's some interplay when you're creating any of these effects because um the type of effect you're making will dictate some of the necessary structure while you're building it how many inputs you have to leave open if any that sort of stuff but also resolve will handle your presets differently depending on what folder you drop them into for instance a title and Generator you can drop right on the timeline and it will sort of create a clip uh but if I pull in some footage here and go to E effects something simple like an RGB split effect that doesn't live on its own on the timeline that has to be applied directly to footage but then I can do that pull up the distance and we hey have a little RGB split likewise a transition you know needs to be at a transition point with plenty of footage from both Clips to you know fade or however you want to transition in between the two okay okay um we will Circle back to most of this as we get into how to uh preview or install your effects as we build them but for now let's build something I'm going to come to effects uh scroll all the way up to just a fusion composition and open that up in the fusion page and boom we are in Fusion the only thing we have is this media out which uh I said before anything we do in the fusion page will get piped in there back to the edit page so the first thing we're going to make is a drag and drop title that's pretty cool we are going to keep this pretty basic um because we're going to we're going to we're going to build on stuff I'm going to click this third icon here to pull in uh that text tool we were looking at before I will connect that up and in the text I can just start to Ty type something like boom Patrick Sterling then right out of the spots uh I'm going to pull this horizontal anchor that will shift the text over but really uh what that is doing is you know changing that Anchor Point so now as I type it will just move off to the side instead of expanding from the middle and I want a little uh box behind this text so I'm going to come over to the shading elements tab come to shading element two turn that on by default is this little red line but I want to make that a solid box under appearance I'm changing the level from character to text and boom we've got one box for all of that I'll probably make that something dark maybe just like a dark gray maybe a little darker gray and wow we've got a title now we're going to animate uh this entra screen in two different ways we're going to have the box slide onto our screen and then the text fade on so if I come to uh this first text tab I'm going to right click inside this window and I'm going to make a follower that's applied as a modifier I will click that and this is your main text animation engine uh so I'm going to change this delay to between the first and last character pull up the delay to something like 12 I've usually found that's pretty solid for most like 24 or 30 frames per second stuff and then I'm going to come back to the shading element tab I'll come to something like 10 frames and I'm going to set a key frame on this opacity now this can be a little complicated I mean this the Text Plus tool and then the follower modifier on top of it can be like I could do a many many hour long video just on those but we're just doing this so I'm going to set a key frame for opacity and what this sort of does is override um this parameter from the main tool so I have set that key frame at an opacity of one at 10 frames if I come up to 20 set another key frame and if I go back pull that all the way down as I play you'll notice that it's coming in one letter at a time so that finishes you know uh 30 35 frames something like that and I'll do something kind of similar at the end I'll come to what like 120 125 I'll do 120 set a key frame come forward 10 frames pull that down again so then now it will fade back out this is timed pretty well so that it fades all the way out but we're also going to slide this remember so we have that text animating but then we can animate um this background which remember they're tied together so if I go back to the tools I can hop over to layout and I have Point controls here um it looks like I am just sliding the box but this is on the general text tool so now as that text slides in or phase in it is still inside the box so I can sort of position this down in the corner and there are some tools that again we'll cover later but we're just going to bake in some of this animation now so I'll go to key frame zero key frame come all the way up to 10 and set another key frame then back slide this off and then my last 10 frames do the same thing 10 frames slide that back off so now it's off it slides on animates on holds animates off slides off now some of the Savvy among you might realize that those key frames are completely linear um if I select that tool pull up the spline viewer and then select that displacement uh I'm going to click this little button to zoom to our animation you see a visual representation of what we've just key framed it's a little tricky because this is a displacement on a path and that's because this is point data it's storing both X and Y so you see it moves on holds and then even though it's moving back to that same position um that displacement of the path is going uh up to that uh final value this entire move is happening between 1 and zero but for for some real simple easing I can just click in this window and click F and it will ease each of those a little bit if you want to go more you can select your key frames and click T and pull up the ease in and ease out but I think we're going to stick with that solid sort of easy ease 30 for now and now it's a little smoother Fades on you know what I'm actually going to pull it up just a little bit so that move takes a little bit longer sort of as that fade is happening too yep and then slides and Fades out and boom you've got a title now what do you do you might think it's time to package this up for the Ed page but there is one very important thing we have to think about beforehand and that is timing we have hard baked in key frames here we're on a 30 frames per second timeline uh the default length for that Fusion clip is 5 seconds so if we were to package this up as is then we could drop it on a timeline and we could even extend that Fusion clip out but this animation would still play over those same 5 Seconds what we need is a way to actually change or delay these key frames um and have them React to what happens on the edit page and we have a pretty cool tool for that it's called the key frame stretcher now luckily this is a pretty simple effect and even though we didn't add any other uh nodes for this title even though we could have I'm select this text I'm going to press shift space to pull up this search bar for tools and if I start typing in a key frame stretcher it's the first thing that comes up I'll click ENT that will be added if you didn't have that text plus node selected uh and you just searched for it it probably made it out here floating but you can select a node hold shift drag it over this connection line You'll see those colors pop up and boom it will drop it right in there now this key frame stretcher deals with uh a source and stretch timing controls the source uh sets your overall animation uh this animation takes this entire 5 seconds so I want this start to be at zero and I want this source to be at 150 now the stretch start and stretch end you need to pull those in so that this is only selecting the period where no motion is happening in your title or your effect so when we have that animation in and out we don't want to stretch that at all we want it to come across exactly like we animated but as soon as that animation is in we want to stretch the time between the key frames so I need to figure out when my animation is done I said what like 30 35 um you can a little you know generous with these I'll set 35 and we started animating at like what what 120 I'll just go to 119 boom and we can actually sort of preview this if I go back to my edit page timeline stretch this out if I start scrubbing even though we are past 5 Seconds this title is holding and at the very end it finally animates out I have snapping on so that wasn't super smooth and because we use this key frame stretcher node you can see this even in the future fusion page I will pull up my dual viewers here I'll preview the text on uh viewer one the key frame stretcher on viewer 2 and here in this viewer what's happening I'm previewing the text here but I am not seeing it but I'm seeing it over here and that's because uh the text animates on it holds and you will see the text animate off in my first viewer but it's holding on the second viewer because the key frame stretcher is doing its job and then it finally animates out now we can make our macro I'm going to select both of these tools right click and go to macro create macro now this window is very important it can get complicated very quick but uh like I said the process of creating a macro uh there comes a point where you bundle the nodes and then you choose what controls from the uh actual Source noes you are pulling to that top layer which is the only thing uh you can see from the edit page and this is a process where that happens for a lot of these effects so I have this text one node and every possible control is uh is visible here I am going to close up some of the stuff I'm not going to use like these image settings but under text we have styled text that's that main field we entered but ooh haha I don't want this because I added that follower modifier okay here's the thing I think I am going to use this here but if I close text you will see that follower modifier also shows up modifiers exist here um outside of the nodes they are stored on and if I open up follower in text I also have this text option and you know uh let me just close I will navigate that uh inside Fusion you can see on that text effect itself if I come to text this is that styled text field and if I go to the modifiers text this is that field the follower uh exists on this style text field and as you can see there's only one uh difference the key frame button for the styled text is enabled cuz that's where the modifier is sort of living but on the modifier itself we have a second field for that text entry which doesn't have a key frame so if you wanted to key frame this for some reason um which is flexibility I usually leave in my presets um you would need to select this text option on the follower not uh the normal styled text tool on the text node itself but we're running with an assumption we aren't going to be doing any key framing on the text itself so if I hop back into that macro create macro tool I want styled text and hey I'll grab font uh style these color options and up to size now I'm already going to make a note for like Edge use cases if I scroll down to this shading tab here remember we made that background on the shading Tab and say I wanted to have control to change that uh background color or maybe uh the height and width of that I might be good in this example because we're only modifying things on that one shading element tab but if you start diving into this you're going to run into issues um because the individual controls for each of those shading element tabs only one set of those are visible at a time depending on what shading tab is selected we're going to keep things simple with just the text controls but if this is a system you Circle back to you want to have lots of different shading element tabs um you might have to rig things up a little differently again specifically ask about that if you would like that in a video there are a number of workarounds including really cool stuff like instance nodes which I don't think I'm going to talk about in this video but they are crazy cool but I'll scroll up we'll just have those text options and I'm going to name this to something like demo title I'm going to come up to file and we need to pause for a quick second not pause but I need to tell you important stuff you could just save then you would have to do some hunting to figure out where it save this um you could save as useful cuz you could choose where you save it to but we're going to click this save as group option you remember that really cool feature I showed off uh where I brought in the Contours effect and you can double click open it see all the nodes that is what saving as group lets you do if you don't uh save as group if you just save as then your entire macro will only be visible as a single Group which you cannot click to expand so saving as group is just a way of uh maximizing that uh option to come back into Fusion I'm going to click save as group navigate to my desktop make a new folder here just called demo and then I'll double click in that and save it and if I navigate to that folder on my desktop boom we've got demo and we have that demo title. setting and just because I didn't show it off earlier if I open uh if I double click this setting open it in my text editor it's just plain text and I can actually uh select all of this text copy the text itself and paste it in fusion and it will will bring in that effect which and you see we already have those same controls I can change this to something like Patrick me if if you were uh and because we did their shading element as long as we type this out to be the background would stay in place cool but we don't want to deal with just uh plain text inside Fusion we want this on the edit page what do we do we have options at the very end of this video I'm going to talk about the really cool drfx system which is a great way to bundle multiple presets and even uh stuff like included uh like media like included extra Graphics stuff like that it's super easy to send super easy to install but if you are just making your own or making only one at a time you have a few different options number one being digging through your actual like file folder structure to find where all these things are located I don't recommend that but if we go back to the fusion page this is necessary you can't do this on on the edit page open up our effects library and navigate to titles edit if I click that edit uh sometimes especially in this window Fusion needs to think for a second you will see all of the effects transitions titles venters in one long list this is a title so I could click title and if we had a subfolder we wanted to drag this into or if we would just wanted it in there as a a fusion effect um most of the time there's I'm going to show you multiple ways to do this cuz uh like on fresh install sometimes this is a little wonky sometimes uh like one works over the other I could drag and drop this title uh right into this window um if I had a folder I could do and I mean I can do that if I let go it will think about that uh and then boom that scroll oh it's thinking result's thinking now I have this long list but if I now search for demo we have demo title and I can drag that into fusion and boom we've got that effect um but alternatively uh say we did want to put this in a special subfolder what we could have done is Select this titles folder or edit but I'm going in titles I'm going to click these three dots here and I'm going to click show folder um this is something that might not work on a fresh install this these folder structures get a little funky if this doesn't work for you uh try clicking back to edit uh and then those three dots show the f folder and then uh if you don't have a titles folder you should be able to create one and click it open and you can see I do have a test folder here it didn't show up CU it was empty but now if I drag that demo title right into the test folder click back to resolve it'll also think for a second then now if I open up edit uh titles we have that test subfolder and boom demo is the only thing in it now I'm going to save this project real quick I'm going to navigate back to the edit page and this can be close to a 50/50 swing um whether the edit page recognizes it right away or you have to restart resolve let's see if I go to edit uh I'm going to scroll down my timeline a little bit I'm going to come to titles I have that test folder boom I have demo title I can drop it right on my timeline I have those controls here my name comes up I can scale it up I can change the font I can do all kinds of other stuff boom even change the color of my font yay and it will animate uh I could put uh this under uh over some footage and it would work boom you've got a drag and drop Title Here on the at page and like I said you can always hop back into Fusion open up that demo Title Group you got your two nodes uh if you want to change that shading element if you want to add shading elements ooh what can we do we can add some uh really interesting stuff pull it to the front so you've got this oh gross gross don't do this don't do this keep it simple you got a really slick title that you made boom you've got it on the edit page drag and drop cool cool end of part one so what are we going to look at for part two uh we're going to build o I'm excited for how we're going to build on things in part two we're making a transition now I could um just like I did for the title make a blank Fusion composition hop into the fusion page and I could have that be my starting point for any of the stuff I'm about to make um you can make something to serve as a transition or a title or an effect anytime you're in Fusion but sometimes it helps to uh have your starting point be a lot uh closer to uh the your endpoint I want to show off something cool okay I've got some uh Clips here and if I just drag different ones on I'm going to uh cut them cut them cut them get rid of the audio pull them together boom so we' got two videos they just cut from one to the other and I could come to video Transitions and cross on a cross dissolve and then they would cross dissolve between each other but a specific to this default cross dissolve is a really cool functionality um that is super useful in this exact use case um of when you want to make your own transition I can right click on that cross dissolve and click to convert to Fusion cross dissolve I will click that and uh you'll see the inspector changes a little bit and importantly adds that little wand icon so now I can click that the fusion page opens but remember where previously we just had uh the text title going into uh the media out now we have two media in nodes and they go into this little cross disolve node which if you open it up is is just a dissolve node because Fusion you know has a dissolve node you can see that media one is that first whole clip media 2 is that second whole clip and this is possible um because both of these clips um exist um to the other side of the uh dissolve transition if that makes sense this first uh clip actually exists all the way to the end of the transition the second clip actually begins at the start of the transition so we are dealing with just this window of time but inside Fusion we have both of those clips for the entire duration and all we have to do is uh do whatever we want in Fusion so that we start with this clip and we end with this clip now we created this from a fusion cross dissolve so we have a little dissolve node I'm going to get rid of that and here we can build on whatever we want again for this uh we're going to Cube things a little basic but still very cool I'm going to connect the two uh box uh the gray box outputs of these to create just a standard merge node and if I preview this merge node you see oh it is just taken and pasted on that second clip over so now it will just go from this first clip and as soon as it reaches that transition it will just boom paste to the second like a cut but a little earlier that's not great but now we are at least combining these two clips together and uh we can add animation or more tools or lots of stuff um to affect how this second clip is actually brought on you can see this merge node does have transform options but sometimes it's nicer um if you want to work more with nodes be a little more visual to keep those a little separate so uh coming out of this media in node I'm just going to add a transform effect and this lets us do all this stuff you know like slide it move it around that sort of stuff and uh before that I'm actually going to add a uh color corrector node we'll get to that a little later that'll just be another like a little bit of sauce cuz I want to show off something cool something else cool it's all cool right okay on this transform node what we want to do is animate this in um there are a number of pre-built um effects for like slide Transitions and kind of that what we are going to do is rebuild just a simple slide transition uh but with the option to choose what angle it slides from oo so on this transition I'm going to right click on Center and go to modify with Vector result uh this is stored as a modifier but it's pretty cool you can see if I push up this distance it slides to the right right it just sliding to the right but if I slide that up a little bit and then changes angle it starts orbiting around that Center position but really what I'm doing is changing the angle that it is pushing it that distance so if I just push it up towards this corner if I start sliding this up you see if I get to a value of one it is completely off of that edge so I want this animation to slide from a a value of one to a value of zero over my duration now um I could maybe rig that up with a key frame stretcher but we have another better option I'm going to come uh make sure I'm on modifiers I have this distance I know I want to go from one down to zero so I'm going to right click on distance and go to modify with anom curves now I've got modifiers on modifiers uh but we're this is still basic ANM curve super useful I have another whole video diving into this a lot more um but hey we're making a transition right so uh if this source is set to transition that's great we have uh some built-in easing options sure I'll do something basic I think sign is my basic like easy ease curve yeah okay so what to know about anom curve super basic when the source is set to transition it will play back this animation over the entire length of the transition so remember I want to go from a value of 1 to zero right now this offset is it starting starting point and the scale is where it goes to uh at least in this setting again complicated but we're keeping it simple I want this to start at a value of one and go down to zero so the scale needs to be Nega 1 so at the beginning it's off and then it animates on comes to a rest and then just for fun this time scale if I pulled that up to two uh it would do that in half the time but I want this to take the whole time so I'm keeping that up at one time offset uh like pushes it in time you know I could do stuff like pull this time scale up to two and if this time offset uh was 0.5 that would be halfway through the transition so it would only start halfway through the transition but because it's going twice as fast it still ends by the end but again we don't want that but that is how that works so that's pretty solid uh but hey let's also do it on this color corrector just so it's a little different right let's just have this being a uh plain uh saturation from zero to one so on that I can go to modify with anom curve we are keeping that transition we are keeping that as easing with this sign curve we do want this to go from zero to one so I'll keep this offset and scale exactly the same but hey this is actually good uh a place to use this time scale and time offset because as this animation is starting it's mostly offc screen right so let's save that black and white to color fade for the last half of this effect that's pretty neat so I'm changing this time scale to two the offset to 05 so now it stays black and white until it's halfway on and then in the second half finally comes to full color and then it's out of rest if we hop back to the fusion edit page to check boom we've got Halo the division neat and because we used andom curve if I pull up the length that's cross dissolve it will do that same move just SL more slowly over that time now this is something interesting as you might have noticed uh in this whoops I got to click that disolve click this little open uh the icon to open it in the fusion page uh as you might have spotted on this modifier on this Vector this distance goes up to a value of one which if we change this to come in from the side perfectly has it just off screen but if we have this at a value of like 90 to come from above it actually starts way off screen and so it takes like over half the duration to even get to to coming on screen so uh maybe that's something where like in anom curves uh I I publish these scaling offsets that's just something to be aware of that's something to be aware of uh if you publish these scal and offsets especially if you are using your end result you can uh uh dial in that animation on the edit page it's pretty cool uh we're probably not going to do that just something to be aware of of of how the effect will look best coming from the sides um but if we have it coming from the corners then that'll be pretty good too but hey we've got this effect and now we need to talk about packaging this up and I don't know if there are different schools of thought um but Fusion allows a certain amount of redundancy right this media in one and media in 2 if we include those in our transition uh they will work work but in the final transition uh if you were to open it up in Fusion you would see these nodes duplicated because the uh transition itself is sort of expecting two open inputs on our effect so if I grab this merge up through to this color corrector and actually just group those you'll see here we have this group but it still has uh that background and foreground the background expects media in one the foreground expects media in two this is like how they I believe how they want you to do it so let's do it that way I'm just going to select those nodes up through right click macro create macro I'll call this demo transition and close out because there's one more thing I want to show you right on this transform we probably don't want to change any of these options uh but we might want to for whatever reason uh just do a normal slide don't do this saturation uh effect along the way now if I click on this color character node come over to settings we have this blend option uh which is sort of like the you can think of it like the master opacity slide just for the effect if I pull this all the way down the footage will be full color from the first moment you see it on the color corrector this blend mode um is sort of how effective it is so if it's up uh it is uh allowing this node to process if you pull it all the way down the node is effectively not doing nothing anything so we could publish this blend control and have them decide how strong it is or this is a little Advanced but very cool I'm going to right click I could either right click up here on the title of color character node or on the Node itself I'm going to go to edit controls now this is a complicated window if you thought the macro thing was complicated this is also complicated we're going to do one very basic thing I'm going to click this ID drop down and we are looking for blend it's the second option and in this input control we're going to scroll down to where we see checkbox control I'm going to click okay it will create a new user folder here in our inspector if I click that now that blend option instead of a slider is a button and if I turn it on you see that footage goes black and white and then it it does the whole effect it fades on at the end if I uncheck it it's color the entire time I now have a real cool checkbox toggle on or off for for this extra saturation effect and uh that's helpful because I'm pretty sure that's going to be uh the only control I published for this transition so I will select those notes right click macro create macro I need to find this color corrector I need to uh close these down till we have the user window blend I will check that and then now another really cool feature of this macro tool is you can see like this is the tool and then it has this text box so I can rename this of uh on its its later control from blend to something like uh desaturate cool I am calling this demo [Music] transition file save as group I am saving to my desktop in that demo folder save we're going to do that same process we did before we're opening up templates edit transitions I'm going to show that folder we have an empty test folder I can pull up this demo folder now we also have demo transition if I drop it in there click back to Fusion it'll think for a second I might try I might try hopping right over to the edit page to see if it's there and then I'm actually going to copy this footage paste it down there uh and get rid of this transition to apply it all over again if we come to video transitions test demo transition boom you can drop it right on there and uh we have that little desaturate option you see if I if I give it extra space here it's sliding in do we want it desaturated or not boom you can do that right on the edit page uh transitions normally look pretty good shorter so boom you've just made a transition and got it back on the edit page so it's drag and drop you're doing so great now I specifically showed uh uh this title In transition first because in the title remember we showed off that key frame stretcher node or tool and uh in this transition we showed off uh the anim curves modifier and next we're going to put them together to do even more cool Time stuff time cool Time stuff cuz next we're making an effect and we're actually going to make a super cool effect so part three is an effect so to get to a starting point for building our preset so far we've had a fusion composition that we opened up to start our title uh we converted a normal cross disolve into a fusion cross disolve that we then opened up to get our two media ends next we're building an effect um so yeah you've got multiple different ways you can do it as always but uh you know let's just drop footage on the timeline and then uh with our playhead over that footage let's just open the fusion page boom you got a media in and you got a media out and you got our little clip let's start building an effect oh I just remembered earlier I talked about how we might not talk about instance nodes we are going to talk about instance nodes building this effect cool uh we are going to build a little uh Zoom isolation effect deal say you wanted to zoom into a part of screen and circle it and that's what we're doing I'm going to build it and then you'll see what we're doing and we're also going to touch on just some like cool Fusion fundamentals along the way okay uh we've got our media in media in two uh in that little window I'm going to add a transform node and I'm going to kind kind of like build an effect before we animate it together this transition is going to zoom in but we want to limit that Zoom so I'm going to make an ellipse mask and uh mask it to that transform so if I preview the transform and then start pulling it up you'll see it is only zooming inside that Circle that is cool but you might notice uh especially on subtler subtler zooms it can be hard sort of notice that outline so we want to uh take that uh same Circle mask and apply it in a little different way uh to a solid outline so I'm going to click this first background layer option I'm going to make this white instead so I'm going to click this ellipse crl C click out here contrl shift v i paste uh what is called an instanced node an instance node is like a linked copy if I preview that instance node you see all these controls have this little green outline so if I preview ellipse one on viewer one ellipse 2 on viewer two they look the same if I change anything it changes them both but if I right click on any of these controls like border width and I go to D instance now if I pull up that border width it's affecting the second one but not the first one I also want to D instance solid so if I uncheck that and pull down this border width we just have a little border and that is what is going to mask this uh solid and if I merge that over the transform boom we've got a zoom with an outline whoa whoa whoa and all the other controls still stay linked so if I pull down this width you know it it does it for both of those at the same time so we built something we can start animating it soon but uh there is one thing we need to handle uh first we're going to publish from this ellipse this Center uh for the user to be able to move this around and you can either change that in the inspector or just drag in the viewer here but you might notice say I want to zoom in uh right to this corner to this little gold value down here if I change the circle especially if I am zoomed in a whole lot if I just move the circle as is down to that corner the gold value isn't there it's scaled up so far that it has uh pushed that corner of the image way off screen but what I can do uh on this ellipse I'm going to right click on Center and go to publish and that sort of adds just that control as a standalone modifier but what that lets us do is come to transform I'm going to rightclick on pivot connect to that ellipse Center and boom the gold value comes right back ding ding ding where's the gold oh gold right in the corner so you can go right up to the edge and see everything right up to the edge it sort of zooms like you would think a magnifying glass would um that is essential for this kind of effects you just got to uh link the pivot or the sort of like offset for that Zoom to the center of this ellipse but now we can animate and in this kind of effect uh like yeah the transform we could also uh over time zoom in but all we really need to do is just animate the size of the circle cuz when it is scaled down completely it will be completely gone and then as the circle comes up uh it will reveal the zoom in area and this is going to combine so much of what we've talked about already it's going to be cool check it out okay on this ellipse here I'm going to right click on width and modify with anom curves and before I do anything thing I'm going to right click on height and connect to anim curves value uh as soon as you add a modifier or as soon as you even key frame any value you are able to uh connect to that control from any other control using that connect menu so powerful oof again I could talk just about that but uh you can see now uh that anom curves which we haven't dialed in at all is now driving both that height and width and remember uh that starting point Point uh that offset starts at zero now uh this width by default the scale is set to one this uh the defaults will change based on what uh kind of control you drop it on so overtime this goes from zero all the way up to two which hey way too big but I'll give us some room here so just to set that size you know you could come to the end and you know pull this down to whatever size you might want it but we don't want this motion to take the entire time right uh we want this to be in effect so we want this to you know scale up and stay there until the effect is done that's where we're going to change this Source from transition to uh custom cool this is cool this is cool so uh the other options both duration and transition uh over the course of your clip or your transition they will generate uh a number from zero up to one at the end it gives you a value of one but when you set this to custom you can uh set that zero and one at whatever timing you want and also push it past one in which case uh this scale uh is multiplicative so if I have you know it scaling up to a value of one like we set this here but if I key frame this up to a value of two hey it'll be twice as big but I want that uh well I'm not key framing yet so at frame zero we want this at a value of zero we'll just come forward well let's say say 20 frames up to a value of one uh we will go ahead I think no we don't we want to set this curve to linear um cuz cuz we're going to do this stuff a little different right because at the very end of this clip you know this is a long clip right so uh what were we at uh 5 Seconds was 150 frames right let me just come up to 150 counter here let me go back one uh just to be safe I'm going to set that key frame and then come back to 130 or 129 then key frame back down so this will look a little interesting right but it will scale up hold for 5 seconds and then scale back down now a few things we need to track down uh number one we aren't using uh this curve here uh because it gets a little funky remember this input is going up and then down and if we add added EAS in it would ease like on the whole animation and not each individual move but if I open up my spline viewer we can see uh it's duplicated here but these are you know linked if I click this to scale we see that move uh we can preview those key frames we made on the input of the anom Curves in this spine viewer super useful I will click and just do our super simple nah we'll do more uh we have the super simple ease but I will select that first curve press T pull this ease in up to like 70 that first ease out up to like 50 and then uh reverse that on the out so it eases out 70 in 50 cool so now it's like pretty that that's how you know it's good as the sound effects okay so we have an effect but we wanted this effect to last as long as whatever clip we drop it on right and uh ANM curves this way we've done we've purposefully limited our effect to the sort of f minute window but this is when we can layer on key frame stretcher again but but but oh actually actually maybe not oh this is actually interesting okay so um I'm going to show off something that sometimes is essential in this case maybe not the most essential it would have been essential if we also key framed in this Zoom uh but since we're not doing that uh if I come to the very last merge and I tried to add in that key frame stretcher it is actually looking at this whole video and stretching that so our animation was only 5 Seconds but if we set this key frame stretcher like we did before it would stretch the 5 Seconds of the video over the whole length of the video which we don't want we only want to stretch the effect so we could always place this uh key frame stretcher uh here uh you get some like funky masking stuff uh the point being we're not doing that we are going to do something a little different where we are using key frame stretcher as a modifier key frame stretcher can be a node but if I go back to this andom curves uh we have these uh key frames of our Circle scaling up under this uh custom source I'm going to right click on this input and go to insert key frame stretcher and boom now we've got another modifier on a modifier and these controls are exactly the same so this uh source is 150 and what we did 20 frames each so our stretch start as we'll just about 21 for a safe window and we started this at what what 129 we'll go to 128 boom now check it check it nothing else new no new new no new node appeared but if I preview that actual media out then that Circle will scale up and it will hold the entire length of our clip and then it will scale out very cool now there are some points I want to make about usage of an effect like this on the edit page um but those points are really kind of problems um that I'm going to solve uh by uh a spoiler alert sort of using this effect uh also as the generator we're going to make it's going to be pretty cool but that means it's time to package this up uh as a macro and this will by far be our most complicated macro let's take a second to talk about what controls we want to have access to right we have this Zoom we want this Zoom size on this ellipse we want both the center and uh on the instance ellipse we need the Border width and on this background we need the color if I was just doing options to have options I would probably come to this merge and do that same checkbox control from before on the overall blend you could say hey do you want an outline do you not but let's assume you want an outline cuz outlines are great and hey you could also always bring the Border WID down down to zero if you really don't want it but let's select all these nodes we are leaving this media in uh one out to leave an open input so that when you drop this node uh right on an effect that it will recognize that open input and pipe in whatever footage it is uh dropped on into the effect so with those selected I will go to macro create macro I will call this demo effect and on the ellipse we want the what did we say controls yes we want the center we'll just call this like Zoom Center on ooh the anom curves right uh on the anom curves scale this is dictating the circle size I forgot we were doing this one uh I don't want any of these other anom curves uh key frame stretcher no instance uh we wanted border width so uh instead of Border width I will just call this outline width on this background we want this color uh which here the way this color works is kind of funky uh you need to select all these different options because color controls are actually kind of wait top no not that one just all these top left uh red green blue Alpha that's what makes the color so close that up and shoot what did I say oh transform size is zoom amount that's the stuff we want yeah yeah it is tricky to add this stuff back in after the fact so it's worth taking uh your time here a lot of times I will pull up just a a plain uh note document and like type this all out beforehand but now if I go to file uh save group save that to my little desktop demo Option demo effect save close effects templates edit uh effects like before I already have that demo or uh that uh test folder uh but because it's empty it's not showing up so I will go to show folder test folder demo effect drop it in there let resolve think hey and I'll risk it by going right back to the edit page where I can try to open up effects test boom demo effect and you know for this uh let me grab a a little bit of a longer clip this could be a much longer clip okay so here's the thing about effects right and if I have this whole long clip on here I drag on the effect come to the beginning it will starting from the very beginning animate in hold through your your however long clip and then the very very end animate out uh it is visible on this last frame because you know by the next frame the whole clip's gone so it's kind of it all wraps up as the same time as the clip but uh there is one interesting uh maybe an issue it's it's kind of an issue let's say you wanted that Zoom to happen at a specific time right I haven't built in a way to adjust timing in the effect itself so if I got rid of that and say I just wanted you know a zoom to happen at this uh scoreboard section whether I trim the entire clip or you know just cut the clip to that short section and then uh drop the effect on spoiler alert it's going to be broken it's going to boom snap right up uh and then snap right off uh because uh you'll see what happens if I select this clip and open it in the fusion page the fusion page knows that this is a section of the much longer clip and the way this has been built that key frame stretcher is still looking at frame zero and it's looking at frame zero of the entire clip a quick workr here you know would be to uh uh just uh make a compound clip and then you could drag it on this sort of like resets the timing there hi there Patrick from the future here uh because sometimes when you're making a really long really cool personally important video you lose footage and then you deal with it so I will be able to occasionally intercut with you know previous Patrick and you know he'll he'll handle wrapping up the whole video uh but we have some stuff to handle so like you just saw to uh wrap up the uh effects portion of the video If you create an effect that you want to have very deliberate timing um that has a few extra hurdles you have to jump through a lot of time uh making a simple compound clip can help you out there but again that's something you need to know but a lot of the included Fusion effects or Fusion effects um that lots of people I think even myself have made are either just static or ongoing effects that you drop on a clip and then uh you either come up with a way to transition in and out of them or you know you just you just cut away you do you do anything up to you timing wise lots of edge cases around this topic um if you want any more information on this I'm probably going to direct you over to my ANM curves video the entire video All About anim curves cuz that touches a bit more on timing and some options you have there but we are going to move on to uh generators and the past Patrick can handle uh the start of that okay we've been floating around a generator for a little bit uh what is it why are we using it here we aren't just using it uh to fix this like little timing issue it will help with that um but there are also just some like benefits to making effects as a generator um but one important thing to know first like I've mentioned uh resolve treats your preset differently whether you put it in the effects or the titles folder just for those two examples effects it wants to drop directly on a clip a title is sort of Standalone a generator is like a title in that regard and like a title in every other regard anything you would build as a standalone title you could put in a generator largely I just break it down into like is it is it you know text forward text the most important thing it's probably a title is it some sort of graphic on screen uh it's probably a generator but in this case we're also sort of using an effect as a generator and it's going to be pretty cool um and to do this we're going to hop into that same comp where we just built our effect and we're going to keep it exactly as is for now except we're going to get rid of that media in node and do something a little funky um are we wait I'm going to go back I'm going to duplicate this clip uh drag it up and then deselect so we're only looking at this bottom copy and I'm going to right click and reset Fusion composition boom I'm going to delete that effect it's just this game playay if I toggle on the second one the effect is still there but I'm going to open that back up now and get rid of the media in uh everything else goes away because this transform now no longer has an input so we could preview like these ellipses by themselves but we can't preview the transform because it's only like being masked nothing is being plugged into it but I can create a New Media in node and if I preview that by itself um because we are inside in effect this is working so so you know what I'll do I will just copy these nodes boom get rid of it drag in a new Fusion composition hey we built this to be 5 Seconds anyway I'll open that Fusion composition there's nothing there we'll paste in the nodes connect them up and then if I make a new media in node there'll be nothing it's not connected to anything this is a blank Fusion composition until inside that media in node we come to Media source and change it to background boom this is so cool this this popped into Fusion a few versions ago and it's pretty much like a fusion page adjustment clip all right we're back already uh we were showing off this really cool option in the media in that this media source to background and boom it shows off whatever is underneath that on the edit page so you have the same copy of this effect that if you actually you know move this around it still all works great except it's sort of Standalone now on the edit page and one big benefit of this is timing um you know where we had to uh create that compound clip for that start and end now if I just pull this end on the edit page it recognizes those and uh that key frame stretcher will stretch to the bounds of this Fusion composition but it's not hard to see other valuable things about doing it this way for some people it will just be nice to have this effect you know visible on the edit page taking up a space on a timeline you can see exactly when it begins exactly when it ends and there's something to be said for how it's not actually uh interacting or affecting the clip itself it's just sort of referencing it um for this generator additionally this is also nice because it does sort of function uh like that adjustment clip where you could have multiple different clips you know scaled and rearrange and toss this on top of all of them and it will apply that effect to like an adjustment clip everything beneath it on the edit page without you having to you know uh pre-compose any Clips or add them together in a fusion clip or you know build your entire thing over in Fusion now from here the last step would be to select all of this and go through that process again to uh group those into a macro very important to note is that uh with this generator you would have to include that media in um because you know that generator Standalone it's not an effect that is looking for an input um that actual action is H happening um inside the media in with this background media source so you just select all of that then right click macro and go through that same process that we've shown off a few times now again you select your controls you save out that setting um you can drag it right back into the fusion page if you got a folder set up or go to that um find in folder option drag the setting over there but what if you don't like any of that what if you want a different way to install your custom uh presets and plugins and templates for resolve then we might look at our last section covering drfx it's it's one thing if you're just like building and prototyping um and you want to drag something real quick to test it on the edit uh page but if you have a preset or Plug-In or you know a whole Suite of titles whatever that you've built um by far the best option um really to install all those at once but also to you know share or sell them or you know just keep things organized is drfx almost all of my plugins and presets use this drfx system it's so great if you've downlo downloed you know any of my free presets even um it gets you this drfx you just double click it um and whatever the creator of that drfx has you know bundled together it's instantly sorted all those subfolders are created um it has a number of side features that are really really cool so let's walk through how to put one together so we've got this demo folder right where we toss things I didn't uh remake the uh generator setting so we just have these three but we can still show off stuff fine with this right so to start creating a drfx uh we need a new folder and we're just going to name that edit with a capital e um capitals are important and we're going to drag all those three the effect title and transition into there then open it up um because we're going to end up dragging these a few different folders in and what we're actually doing here if I check this out open up my effects Library uh in the fusion page open up templates we have this edit folder and we're recreating the folder structure from here on out so if I open that up you see we have effects generators titles and transitions so back in this demo folder I'm going to recreate those folders for uh every one of those categories we have here so effect title and transition so I will just make effects titles and Transitions and I'll just drag in transition into that title into that effect into that um one last thing um just so these aren't floating around like we did manually inside these drfs you can also create uh further sub folders if I go to new folder in here and then here I will just make demo I'm also going to uh copy this folder before anything is inside of it to easily recreate on the other ones but then I'll drag that one layer deeper in titles I will paste and drop that in and in effects I will paste and drop that in great I go all the way back we have this one edit folder I'm just going to right click uh I have seven zip for creating zip folders in compressing files you can also do this uh natively in Windows but I'm going to go to uh add to archive or you know create zip folder I'll just do those default options which is what would happen if you created this without this file and you end up with just a zip folder right the standard whatever compressed files but uh if I rename this I can now recall and name this to like something like demo and change it from zip to drfx and if I click off I'll get a warning being like hey you're messing with stuff but I know what I'm messing with and will actually change that logo and if I double click to install that we will get a popup in resolve saying hey do you want to install demo we do I will click install resolve will go through that normal thinging process when you're adding new effects we had the window open so now if I go back to the edit page open up titles we have that uh demo folder oh and we have the title and transition oh at some point I messed that up so I would clean up that drfx but if we go to transitions that we just have transition and what was the last one o effects demo we have o effect and transition oh I think when I was copying the folder I doubled up some stuff whoops take care of your drfx but all of those folders uh you know created all those subfolders we installed three presets in a matter of seconds you can you know put tons of stuff in a DFX in all these different folders they also super valuable and amazing resource for drfx if you come up to this help drop down go to documentation developer it will open this folder you open up Fusion templates read me and boom we've got a notepad document with tons of really interesting info it talks about drfx down here but uh important to note if you scroll up a little bit uh template icons you can do this if you're manual installing them but it's also super helpful in drfx if you have a uh small PNG file um if I hop over to um effects and just come to some of my own you see a lot of mine have a custom thumbnail next to the effect and if you have that small PNG uh the resolution noted is in that Dock and it's just the same name as your do setting file but instead of do setting it's PNG uh it will link that together yourf is also great uh for including um like still media like images that you would want to be part of an effect I have some lower third templates and some other things stuff like logo designs or if you're creating a lot of customized lower thirds you can have your headshot as part of the effect or you know any headshot or like a temporary head shot if you want the user to swap swap that out you can include that media uh bundle it in a drfx and you're still only sending one file to someone else they're installing it with one click and that necessary media stays linked up correctly inside fusion um if it's like referenced in that drfx it's super cool but even that core level functionality of just bundling lots of effects together and then easily sharing and installing them drfs is is pretty great I know talking drfx is like one step out from you know creating these things themselves but especially if you dive into it um building like a a small functional drfx is is super helpful for you know sharing your work with the world cool cool for some of you in the know you might know that this is also what my presentation at last year's resolve con walked through as well um I also did run out of time in that presentation um but I also wanted it in this format as well so thanks for sticking around um like I mentioned several times there are there are a l uh several more things I would love to talk about at like one one step up of that one thing we did of making a checkbox like that is an entire workflow that I've shown up that off a bit more recently um but like super powerful for this kind of stuff we haven't even gotten you can make like drop down labels to store certain amounts of presets that would probably be something I would also talk about in a follow-up if you want to follow up uh let me know but for now I hey if you actually watch this video I'll I can see like analytics and stuff but if you watch this video to the end it'd be pretty cool if you let me know um you all don't need to comment but if you see someone else commenting about watching all the way through comment on that one and then and then maybe we'll get them callif or you can just comment on your own especially if you thought the video was cool hey here's the thing I didn't talk about those drfx you can also just sell those that's what I do I've made dozens of of presets that are all these drfx built just like this I'm a little tired thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Patrick Stirling
Views: 6,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H3peQGR2uyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 12sec (4152 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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