The Complete DayZ back-story! A DayZ lore documentary

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day z the game in which you wake up on the coast with no more than the clothes on your back a chem light a half used bandage and some random fruit there's no map markers daily quests or scoreboards to help you create your story there is only generous 230 square kilometers of post-soviet country that was struck by an unknown virus which turned a majority of its population into raging infected your task to survive the collapse of civilization for as long as possible and that is all the developers initially give us it is clear that they want us to create our own story seek out our own challenges and follow our own desires but what if you desire to explore this vast country to dig deeper into its history and try to discover what caused this unknown virus well you've came to the right place because today i'm going to take a shot at explaining the backstory behind dayz and the law that makes up our beloved journalists we're going to try to figure out the history behind generous the events that led to its demise how it fits into the real world the cause and spread of the infection and how the rest of the world is coping now to clarify the official developer's law goes little further than that of the arma 2 game so we're going to have to use any clues and evidence we can find to make up our own theories and assumptions of the law this means that while some of the theories will be taken from official sources not everything i mentioned has been officially confirmed by the developers and rather interpreted from deliberate features that the devs have added to the game so if i get anything wrong or you do disagree with me please let me know your interpretation down in the comments i'm very much interested on everyone else's theories and where the developers will take this so let's start with setting the scene where exactly are we well the developers put it themselves in the nine survival tips for new daisy players blog post as they put it we are stranded in a foreign eastern european country that struck with a terrifying epidemic the created infected tried to kill you and you don't know who to trust and you are dying of first and hunger now this single sentence actually gives us a lot of crucial information we are in fact in eastern europe their disease is classified as an epidemic the infected are supposedly created and these lands are foreign to us suggesting that we ourselves are not china russian but to begin let's focus on the eastern european bit it's a bit of a big place where exactly in europe are we well the terrain and buildings closely resemble with the north of the czech republic this seems to be an ease of development choice as bohemia interactive the company behind armour and daisy and the creators of generous are located in the czech republic this allows them to easily reference the surrounding area when developing terrain and i'll actually leave a link to an interactive map which geo references generous so that you can use a slider to compare the in-game and real-life location to one another some really interesting stuff however we know that china rest is located much further east as evident on a map found in the schools showing journalists sharing a northern border with russia separated by the black mountains you can actually see the black mountains from the sky box and there's a crude method to find north in day z this is also the most plausible reason for how chinerus gains its name a literal translation meaning black russia similar to that of the real country belarus which translates to white russia in this map we can see that the fictional country of china is much bigger than the playable area which is labelled as self zigoria in addition to border and russia to the north it also borders takistan to the west another fictional country within the armor burst anyone familiar with takistan from the original games and its drastic different climate degeneres but its desert landscape might be confused and this is the first example of some of the flawed logic we can begin to see in the armor burst now i'm no geography expert but the only conclusion i could come up with was that takistan being quite a mountainous country may include large mountain ranges that have created a microclimate a geographical effect which can cause one area's climate to vary differently to the greater area the eastern and southern sides of china are just as complicated and are situated on what is labeled as the green sea the location of the green sea is unknown however for now we can assume it's a name for the caspian sea as this is in the area in which a satellite zooms into when located in south securia in an armored to launch trailer this begins to make some sort of sense geographically this region has landscapes which resemble that both of china and pakistan these countries could easily be slaughtered into this region so that they border russia however this fearing is flawed and that is because of the lhd-9 amphibious assault ship utilized by the u.s marines in the first mission of arma 2 to invade generous this ship is situated just south of utas a generous owned island in the green sea region with the caspian sea being a closed sea it is inaccessible from the rest of the world's oceans making it impossible for the u.s to move ships into it without access to the don and volga rivers as well as the canals that connect them which all happen to be situated in russian territory and unlikely feat considering russia and u.s are fighting a proxy war over generous the more plausible option is that generous is located in the black sea this would allow the lhd-9 access to the region through the bosphorus strait a territory controlled by nato this is still within the region showcased in the armor 2 intro and as the video gets blurry before zooming in any further still allows some room for this scenario to be considered as previously discussed the name generous means black russia it's not too far-fetched to consider black russia and the black mountains to the north to be located by the black sea for additional evidence i turned to the skies the night skies in particular and attempted to use the north star to calculate the latitude of chernarus although i'm no astronomer and with my makeshift sextant i calculated 57 degrees this puts chineres way too north so i decided to use the latitude and longitude values found in the armature generous config files instead this showed generous having a latitude of 45 and a longitude of 30 placing it just off the coast of romania and it's not too hard to imagine that the black mountains aren't just an extension of the carpavian mountains everything seems to add up with this theory apart from the fact that chinese literally can't border russia from here i originally thought that perhaps ukraine just didn't exist in this alternate world we know that the soviet union did fall in the arma verse as china is officially described as a post-soviet country and other former soviet countries such as lithuania and belarus are marked as their own independent nations on the map regarding livonia however through all the sources of law i searched i eventually discovered a brief mentioning of ukraine on an aan news webpage a real-life website created by bohemia to post world news stories that happened in the armored verse i felt utterly lost at this point every time there was a new piece of evidence to suggest chinerasa's location there was an equal piece of evidence to the bunker however we can be certain that it is somewhere within this intro region the best solution i found was created by sumo s for use by the daisy rp server and places generous with its surrounded armor burst nations in its own peninsula jolting off russia into the black sea creating two seas either side both the black sea and the green sea while the intro video shows no such peninsula as similar what they can only describe as a shape can be seen on both the aan website and aan newspaper stand located in armor free this gives some sort of weight to sumo s's theory and while you could argue that it may just be a cloud there's little else to debunk this being a logical chinese location everything else seems to make sense but like nearly everything regarding the law there's always one piece of the puzzle that just doesn't quite fit and that being a sign pointing to moscow located by lopertino which marks moscow as 2172 kilometers away this is way too far for journalists to be located in any of our suggested locations however i'm going to put this down as a developer's mistake as this distance is absurdly far in fact amsterdam and venice and istanbul are all closer to moscow than this as previously mentioned a audi h9 was used by the us forces in an invasion of the country but why well after the collapse of the soviet union in 1991 the republic of journalists was formed and the china western defense force was established taking control of all military installations during this the country remained at peace for 18 years until 2009 where it suffered a civil war it was during this war that the country seeked help from the united nations referred to as the ally nations in daisy which explains the a.n on the blue helmets as well as additional help from the u.s forces this civil war was primarily caused by a communist socialist faction that went by the name journalist movement of the red star however were also known by the name of the the shidaki managed to take control of nearly all of south sigouria as well as the island of utas kicking off all cdf forces stationed there in addition to capturing and executing the prime minister of journalist alexander baranov with the help of the us the cdf were able to retake control of uterus and the coastal cities wilshere then became involved in a conflict after the shidaki has staged a bombing in the red square in moscow this killed dozens and fooled the russian government into thinking it was orchestrated by another guerilla faction in journalists called napa the national party this party had links to the china-russian government and resulted in the russian government sending troops to the very north of south segura as well as supplying the shidaki with weapons as a result the u.s troops quickly withdrew and russian peacekeepers were sent in eventually the cdf were able to capture the shidaki leader and disprove the claims of nafa being involved in a moscow bombing resulted in the russian troops being forced to withdraw and the cdf regaining control of south sigouria it's this civil war which explains the influx of american russian and allied nation equipment in general as well as the majority of ruined buildings and destroyed military vehicles now if you've watched my 20 secret locations video you'll be aware of to commissar statue and that it somehow ended up in the woods now as the plaque reads which can be seen on the same statue at disney military base it's actually the soviet general alexei vasily guba commonly known as general goober from the operation flashpoint series while it's unknown how and when the general end up in the woods it can probably be contributed to napa during the civil war who despised the previous soviet era and held a strong idea of nationality and it's the aftermath of the civil war which left china as unable and ill-prepared for the zombie outbreak and i use the word zombie loosely as the devs are very keen to emphasize that the infected are not zombies in their own words the hostile humanoid ai in the daisy universe are not zombies the angry screaming filthy ai you encounter scattered throughout the children's countryside are human beings infected with a highly communicable virus that drives them into a blood-thirsty rage followed up with these people are very much alive unlike the traditional zombie and thus can be killed with shots to the body rather than just headshots the player characters in daisy are immune to the virus and therefore do not turn into infected when attacked when exactly this virus started is unknown the presence of the fnx 45 pistol dates a virus after 2012 as this is when a weapon was first produced and with the game being released in 2013 makes a lot of sense however this is totally disproved by who at the time was a daisy's creative director brian hicks stating in a tweet that daisy was set in 2009 in addition to this the in-game cereal boxes are labeled with an expiry date of 2017 and with cereal only lasting six to eight months it's unlikely this cereal would have been produced before 2016 setting our now virus sometime after 2016. this seems to kind of make sense as when you load into daisy offline mode the only available in-game times are that of the year 2017. the only thing disproving this theory is that of the haikim trail maps which are clearly labeled 2019 now as the maps are made in english these may have been produced in advance ready for the next tourist season so we may be a little bit earlier than 2019 we really don't know so i'm going to forget about brian hicks comment of 2009 as this was before the fnx pistol and set dayz sometime between 2017 and 2019. if the outbreak happened during this period how long after is the world that daisy is set in we have little debaces on apart from mother nature itself fresh fruits and vegetables are still very much present in generous and with a shelf life of only one to two weeks we must be within a few weeks of the initial outbreak but at this point the cities and towns of china seem fairly well upkep take the real-life example of chernobyl and we see that nature is quick to retake cities however an alternative piece of evidence i see many people argue is that the majority of cars are rusted suggesting that they've been dormant for a long period of time however a quick look around street view of countries within the black sea region and we can see that this isn't such an uncommon sight actually i'm pretty sure this car is just straight out of dayz now it's important to mention the game's name day z the z officially confirmed in a tweet by the devs stands for zero when first loading in on the daisy mod it would mention your location and day and on your first spawn this would always be day zero however i interpret this as it being your personal day zero as again in the mod it would count up with the days survived once resetting if you die we can deduce that we are not on the first date of the outbreak as it is apparent that the government has attempted some sort of defense and cleanup operation evidence of this are the numerous amounts of roadblocks makeshift military bases and mass graves it's unlikely that these are relics of the civil war because as previously discussed we dated the current setting as somewhere between 2017 and 2019 and with the war ended in 2009 would make these installments around 10 years old it's obvious that these roadblocks are extremely basic and have seemed to be established in a rush with nothing more than a few barricades and camonettes at some in addition both civilian airports of kratos staff and bologna have been converted for use in the outbreak with bolota acting as an additional military airfield and very interestingly krasnod seems to have a makeshift field hospital which we will investigate further later to add to this theory there is also a piece of concept art which shows armed guards and people wearing hazmat suits disposing of bodies in a mass grave at tissy arguably the strongest military installation which also benefited from an emergency extension during the outbreak with the introduction of tents to the southwest so we know that the china as we explore can't be more than a few weeks after the outbreak due to the presence of fresh fruits and the lack of overgrowth however must be after the first few days of the outbreak due to the makeshift military bases and checkpoints set up to deal with the outbreak the majority of these bases appear to have been overrun by infected or at least the infection as apart from a few examples involving smaller checkpoints these bases are overrun with infected sporting military uniforms whether this was due to an actual infected attack the infected being passed on from civilians or from these bags of toxic waste is unknown what is certain is that these bags have something to do with the infection they are seen to be present at nearly every military-based hospital and very common at the kraserstab airfield quarantine zone the cdf forces were deliberately disposing of hazardous material during a cleanup attempt what's interesting about this is it gives us an indication of the purpose of each base their checkpoints and medical base contain significantly more of this waste at bases such as moschino and northwest this can be expected as checkpoints and medical bases came into contact with a lot more of the civilian population but they're actually disposing of is unclear but other medical equipment covered in blood can be seen in the same pile and that's really one of the last questions of our puzzle what is this infection how does it spread and where does it come from well as the devs are certain for you to understand the infected are very much alive and due to the infection are in a state of blood thirsty rage however this means they'll eventually die of starvation is a mystery but if so gives more weight to our idea that daisy is set at the very beginning of the outbreak there is also a mention that the player character are immune to the virus and therefore do not turn into infected to one attack suggesting that the infected is spread by close contact with an infected and as all infected models contain some form of injury such as scratches or covered in blood we can assume that the disease is contracted by a bodily fluids so kids make sure you wrap up another piece of evidence is an original intro found in an early version of the daisy mod which reads on the 12th of march 2013 a primary disease spreads among the world's population triggering a global pandemic this disease causes proteins in the brain to be replaced with prions seizing regular function most people progress to dementia and then death as the brain is replaced by an ineffective sludge eighty-six percent of the world's population dies some survive with the disease in a chronic state lacking regular brain function they are scarily human they are unable to communicate driven by a desire for violence and attracted to the scent of those uninfected society crumbles as a pandemic spreads rapidly you are one of the two percent who are not infected yet this is your story now keep in mind this was an intro found in the early version of the mod and was not included in later versions however gives us a good insight into dean hall the creator of daisy's original idea for the game and the infected as previously discussed the date of 2013 no longer works for the law of the game however there's nothing to suggest the infection is any different to that of the mod with 98 of people becoming infected and 86 percent of these straight up dying from the infection with the remaining 12 percent becoming what we now know as infected really doesn't make sense as mentioned in the first arma 2 mission the population of journalists is around 3.8 million although it is unclear how many of these live in a south segura area however it is obvious that there are far less infected in this area than available housing suggesting that this initial 86 did just indeed die which would also explain the several mass graves around the map this is some of the best and only information on how the infection worked it was even discussed by matt lonfoot an early developer of daisy on the daisy podcast and i'll leave a link to that in the description what i would like to mention is that in the intro it clearly labels the infection as a global pandemic whereas on the official daisy website in the nine survival tips article it describes the outbreak as a terrible epidemic the difference between an epidemic and pandemic being that an epidemic is large but generally contained whereas a pandemic is international and out of control the official daisy website holds more weight than an old and now removed intro which moves me on to the next part of the theory that generous and by extension livonia are the only few areas affected by this outbreak and are indeed contained the roadblocks while eventually overrun and abandoned were an obvious attempt to contain the civilian populace within a south segura region and if you examine the traffic most vehicles appear to attempt to head west and in some cases north at every checkpoint there are very few vehicles attempting to enter back into south segura and even at checkpoints away from the border they seem to all be venturing away from some central point the northeast corner of the map and what exactly resides here the riffy shipwreck and in this theory the starting point of the entire infection the shipwreck has clearly ran aground with containers just left on the beach and many remaining locked unclaimed and untampered with suggesting that the wreckage happened fairly recently what's extremely interesting is while appearing like a commercial ship it does in fact contain a mix of military containers and equipment which has always spawned on the ship long before the introduction of gas as well as unmarked containers suggesting that this boat was attempting to hide the true contents of the cargo aboard to further this idea someone or some organization is purposely making it difficult to access this area with the presence of the toxic gas as if to hide in some kind of secret now you could argue that this gas was on the ship and a result of the crash however the same gas can be found at pavlova military base as well as the same gas using the artillery strikes of towns this gas is obviously being directed by someone in an attempt to kill the infected but what someone the russian federation the ship is heading north towards russia given the fact it's a disguised military shipment they are probably very much aware of its confidential contents and as a result have fired harmful gas also known as pox on this location to keep infected and survivors alike away as for the seemingly random artillery strikes these are also a result of the russian government an attempt to defeat the infected and preserve the infrastructure of journalists you could also argue that the west of journalists may still be intact as to cdf forces instead however this does not explain why the same gas is being used on livonia russia is the only country which could fire on both these countries china generous from the mainland and livonia from kalingrad the presence of helicopters and the fact that you can hear them crashing bothers the theories that these outside nations are still functioning both russian and american aircraft routinely crash in livonia and generous with helicopters only crashing in the west side of journalists which further suggests that the western portion of journalists may still exist as these helicopters have to come from somewhere so due to the routine artillery strikes and helicopter patrols there's obviously both america and russian forces are still active given the higher concentration of crashes on the western side of the map rather than the north we can assume that these operations are taking place from within western generous which as seen by the cdf's attempt to prevent the infection heading west could have been successful these types of helicopters used by the american forces only have a range of 240 kilometers so they must be operated somewhere nearby although once again they could be operating off an aircraft carrier the russian mi8 helis have a much higher range of 600 kilometers so it could easily be operated from within deep russian territory the only thing that goes unanswered in this theory is why there is both pox vials and prx antidotes present in chinerus and much like riffey there's only one of a location in china s with permanent gas pavlovo military base which contains one unique feature to every other military base in south segura that it contains both a hospital and an office building because pavlovo was not just a military base but a military research base and with an alarming amount of gas pipes it's not too hard to imagine pox was created in this institute explaining the presence of gas either via a leak or the deliberate bombing to keep survivors away from this top secret location now if the outbreak in general is somewhat contained how did livonia become infected and that can simply be answered by the airport the only areas that are permanently gassed in livonia are the airport and radonin a containment camp livonia itself contains fewer makeshift military camps and roadblocks suggesting it was overrun a lot quicker and as a last-ditch effort the airport the place which the infection entered the country and were done in the place of the highest concentration of infected were bombed i'm well aware that some of the information in this video conflicts each other and i've tried my best to fully research everything to choose the best option however i fully understand that i may be wrong and i highly encourage any of you guys to correct me suggest changes and put forward your own theories in the comments but let's finally wrap up and conclude my theory the outbreak starts sometime between 2017 and 2019 in chernarus a post-soviet country located between the black and fictional green sea still recovering from the recent civil war only 10 years prior azakova military ship runs aground in the northeast corner of the country releasing the contents of his confidential cargo onto these shores it is uncertain whether this was accidental or intentional however it's the contents of this wreckage which releases a virus a virus which causes the proteins in the brain to be replaced by prior ons season at regular function 86 percent of people succumb to the virus and die the better option of the two with the remaining 14 of the infected humans surviving in a chronic state lacking regular brain functions with an uncontrollable rage for blood as people attempt to fled west the virus quickly spreads infecting 28 percent of the south sigurian population few are immune during this time the chinese defense force are mobilized and attempt to contain the disease taking over the civilian airport of cranstab and establishing an emergency containment zone not too far from riffy the origins of the virus and presumably the area with the highest concentration of infected in addition roadblocks are established across the province in attempt to stop anyone traveling further west and affecting the rest of the country new military bases made out of tents and basic defenses are quickly established as well as existing military bases receiving extensions to accommodate the influx of soldiers moving into the province from the rest of the country in an attempt to tackle the infection this proves futile and the bases along with the rest of the province are quickly overrun when infected the might of both the russian and u.s military are able to fend off the infection and begin to conduct military operations in the area evident by the frequent helicopters in the western portion of the province it is unclear if this is in collaboration with any of the surviving china-russian territories what is certain is that some military force presumably russia is bombarding south zegoria with a chemical gas designed to kill the infected focusing the majority of their strikes on riffey the shipwreck and pablobo military base in an attempt to keep survivors away sometime during the early stages of the outbreak the infection found itself onto an aircraft landing in livonia and spreading the infection the same gas was used in an attempt to hold the spread and that's pretty much it for my take on the daisy backstory law i encourage you to discuss your theories in the comments or on my discord this video took weeks of research and a script of the video sits over 5 000 words so any support on this video is very much appreciated and i'd like to quickly mention that i found the daisy wiki very useful when researching the subject and the fact they referenced nearly everything was very useful when it came to fact checking so a big thanks to all the guys behind that you
Channel: RavPlays
Views: 302,496
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Keywords: dayz, rav, ravplays, dayz back story, dayz lore, lore, back story, the story of dayz, the back story to dayz, the lore of dayz, dayz documentary, ravplays dayz lore, dayz back story reveal, dayz hidden locations, dayz easter eggs, dayz series, dayz outbreak, dayz infection, dayz zombie, dayz gameplay, dayz standalone, what is the dayz backstory, dayz history, dayz chernarus lore, what caused the dayz outbreak, dayz xbox, dayz ps5, DayZ guide, DayZ tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2022
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