I Survived 100 HOURS On The Hardest DayZ Server...

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this is Daisy's hardest server and when I say hard I mean borderline impossible there's little to no food finding armor and automatic weapons is extremely rare zombies are much stronger they can even open doors and not to mention there's hundreds of new medicines to help deal with all the new injuries and illnesses from simple headaches to having to surgically remove bullet wounds there's even an entire skill tree you have to master just to be able to craft simple things such as a handr kit so like every good Daisy story this starts on the beach so welcome to the hardest server in Day Z what do we start with gu we got one bandage one road flat and one rag inventory is a lot smaller so we have to be careful with what we pick our spawn location for today was so nichy and I wasted no time getting to loot in new hat check weapon check even better hat check void zombie just a about brutally murder the first fresh one we see check you had some food for me life was going well until it wasn't so I respawned to immediately die to a zombie there much stronger than I thought so I respawned again what the [ __ ] take four coat check cool pot check cooler coat check and then jackpot oh there's a farm in here oh this is huge someone's made a farm full of pumpkins a farm a sign of will players were actually going out their way to make it easier for newbies to survive so I stuffed my face with tomatoes and headed into town right I could not catch a break but this was to be expected this was the hardest server in Day Z after all so with just a little hope I spawned in once more I had a feeling that this life was going to be a little different so once again I grabbed a knife a pipe wrench then I even managed to receive cushion and a scrap of this infected I gave the PD a quick loot finding myself a cooking pot a leftover fish and a dead chicken if I could craft a fire this would give me a decent amount of food a must this early on though I had bandic canana food which would keep me going for the time being my bigger issue was finding the correct medication to cure my concussion I had no idea which meds I needed so I headed to the hospital and took everything I came across this did not cure my concussion I then headed back into town where I managed to find a functioning weapon a even discovered a neat little trick for killing infected to stop me getting future concussions eventually my concussion went away and I figured it would be best to head back to that house with a farm that I discovered the other day here I could cook up my chicken and fill up on vegetables before my journey North I heard a gunshot to the north at the summer camp so with a full belly and a pistol for confidence I figured I'd try my look I'd served this fell some Instant Karma and he was well supplied as well so I took everything I could and headed west during the night in the morning I'd arrived in P in terms of loot the town was almost empty however I did find a base and it happened to have a blue dial lock see what's so special about these locks is that they only have 1,000 combinations so it can be brute forced relatively quickly and I decided that's exactly what I was going to do it only took me 18 minutes and 27 seconds to get into the lock and I'd gotten really unlucky I'd already entered 87% of the codes before I got the right one the loot in here was nothing amazing it's basic food medical items and weapons but it did have everything I need to build my very own base however Daisy wasn't done punishing me yet and I soon heard the heavy footsteps of the base owner we were both unconscious but by the state of my hot bar I already knew my fate was sealed I mean I had five bullets on me for God's sake and was practically on zero Health however I awoke first and finished my thirone I was going to fight to survive time felt like it was moving slower managed to bandage myself enough times to even start to see my health rise but I didn't have the tools or skills to remove the bullet wounds my best bet to move all the loot inside and relock the door with my very own code I could then run back as a fresh pwn but the lock almost seemed glitch whatever I tried I just couldn't remove it from the door to reconfigure the code why is it glitching so much and eventually my time went out I was constantly reminded that this was Daisy's hardest server and I was beginning to feel the pain and I was going to have to experience a lot more pain pain before I got anywhere on this server but it's important you really see how hard this server is to really appreciate the success and I promise there will be success we will prevail for the next few days I'd get nowhere killed in the no and melee PVP had a really good start and then was sniped and I'm dead then the exact same thing happened I made a friend hey welcome he was evil very evil but I liked him until he was brutally murdered however I made sure to get my revenge you're [Music] come but eventually I also died at the hospital the next life I was murdered by nak Mion I play to him however I went back with a taser and got my revenge [Music] ho hello my friend you remember me yeah do you speak ran no no no rough you guessed it I was [ __ ] sniped again next life I made it all the way to star Roy before being jumped by two guys I then got brutally murdered tried 31 which was going well until one of them had a [ __ ] [Music] I was brutally murdered in Cami one tapped in barazo then eventually it all came full circle I spawned in so nii once more this time I was going to make it if I wanted a chance at survival I was going to have to become just as evil as everybody else so n very first born in on a server so just like always knife check food check cool coat check and I was even lucky enough to stumble across another Farm I had plenty of food now everything was on a y until I found a murdered Survivor in town although I then found what I could only assume was the murderer and like I said wasn't for playing nice anymore I even managed to pick up another kill before I started my journey West but like all things on This Server actions have consequences my character was beginning to go insane from more the murdering looking for me I'd acquired some pills to cure the insanity and while taking refuge in a house to take set pills I stumbled across aruga 22 arguably the worst gun in the game but I now had a f firearm with ammo which is only going to accelerate this Insanity problem I ruined his best he had a backpack this guy had a decent amount of gear this would go a long way the ball finally rolling I continued the momentum upgrading my mark 22 into a spoter which I immediately put to work and safe to say with the integrated silencer on the mark22 zombies were hardly even a threat anymore I felt Unstoppable even managed to find a cooking pot gas stove and fuel meaning I could cook food at a moment's notice so once again I filled my stomach at a play aade farm and continued my journey managing to acquire a shotgun my first weapon capable of dealing some real damage although my journey was put on pause as I had to sleep and yes this server is so realistic you even have to sleep though after a good night's rest I continued my journey with other morning brought along a new set of problems I was ambushed by a large pack of wolves luckily I managed to escape upper Watch Tower and then take them out giving me an opportunity to level up my Butchery skill as well as some extra food although while over here I couldn't have notice a well fortified base there was nothing I could do for now but I'd make note of this for later and so I continued my journey and how could I forget I was once again attacked by more wolves I figured the best place to head was Novi summer camp this would provide me with additional hunting supplies and medical items little did I know I wasn't the first person to have this idea I was lucky enough to make it out alive and if I wanted to stay alive I was going to have to be a lot more cautious V is dead although I immediately ignored my advice and rushed through an open field to a helicopter crash however it was worth the risk I made it out of an M14 a very capable weapon with this I was confident enough I could take on the northwest Airfield although the Airfield was surprisingly quiet I guess the server was just so hardcore most players just didn't make it this far what I did manage to find was a lot of explosives and a lot of infected in fact I only just managed to escape with my life and while the Airfield was worth it I mean I found armor ammunition a baby AK a Sega and even explosives which I could use for raidin I pretty much had every possible thing wrong with me I was dying from sepsis a deep cut pain and internal bruising the worst part my medical level wasn't even high enough to allow me to understand which medications did what just kind of had to guess which led me to injecting novaj into me now from what I'm gathered I'm pretty sure this was supposed to kill my character if you know anything about novaj Jock It's a deadly nerve agent so added into the server as a joke which all the regulars are in on but I'm no regular so seeing all these people joke about it being a cure of all diseases in the server Discord I was foolish enough to inject myself with it whether to a glitch or look it didn't actually end up killing my character which is probably the only reason you'll seeing this video as I was not ready to make that Journey again eventually I managed to head to the hospital at the ski resort and get the necessary medication and is at this point I really felt Invincible my plan was to take the explosives I found at the Airfield and raid the first base I came across I decided I search the Western area of the map as I figured bases this far out would be pretty well stacked and I often find people like to build in the isolated houses scattered throughout these woods and given that no one had much reason to venture into these Woods the only thing I'd actually have to worry about would be wolves and bears but with my current Weaponry they were little th however every bait I came across had already met its end I assumed everyone else who'd made it to the Airfield had a similar idea to me I made sure to pick up any scraps and deconstruct what I could to spare nails and I searched the entire western side of the map I even stumbled across a few hidden stashes but not once did I find a base to raid but then I remembered the base from the very beginning so with no other plans I made my journey East planted my Claymore and blew the [ __ ] door off although the explosion attracted some unwanted visitors hello mister he didn't really stand the chance but I had some much needed food for me I filled my belly and continued raiding in whoa okay I mean worth it Jesus Christ what a jackp another door unfortunately there was another door and I no longer had enough explosives however the base owners were foolish enough to leave crates with explosives and ammunition behind the first door with this sheer amount of loot outside I had a feeling that the inside was going to be very juicy so I used their very own explosives and ammunition to continue raing into their base this was enough to break the door's panel but not the frame however this then allowed me to see into and access some of their crates allowing me to grab more explosives and more ammunition which I used to finish the raid although I did almost blow myself up I was in and boy was this base loaded it had everything I could possibly ever need to keep in mind this is Daisy's hardest server finding loot is not easy this was probably oneoff or if not the richest base on the server they even had a spare code lock which I could now use to build my very own base just look at all this loot I had no idea what to do with it all what I did know was that it was time to build my very own base but where if I wasn't careful I'd end up every other base I'd ran into raided from what I experienced raiding materials were a lot easier to acquire than building materials if I wanted my base to last I'd have to build far away from where explosives spawned this made the selfies of the map my best bet and where better than an Island located just off the coast of C Sho in a single wood cabin surely no one had any reason to venture here so I grabbed everything I'd need to build my own base from The Raid and headed sou but as if the server hadn't punished me enough someone had already beat me to it I wasn't sure what to do now However the fact this base wasn't raided made me feel a lot more confident about living in this area and call me a nerd but I have over 10,000 hours on chus and I knew just the spot as W shed located just east of Rog Castle it wouldn't be very big but it would do for now no one was finding this and just like the daisy gods were trying to tell me I'd picked the right spot the shed even had a storage container waiting for me so I filled it with my Loot and got to building my new home [Music] my base was done I finally had a secure place to call home admittedly it was lacking storage but with the explosives from last night's raid and the base I found on the island I knew exactly where to get [Music] some loads of slug plate carrier the base had some decent stuff nowhere near was loaded as the first raid but nonetheless some supplies that could go a long way but more importantly a lot of storage I take everything I could carry and head back towards my base drop off my supplies and run straight back to the raid to take the rest however it was on my journey back I noticed a few dead players in C shovo police zombie what to my surprise one of the bodies contained four grenades this was extremely unusual as fresh bores shouldn't be able to obtain these items from Cami showbo Something Fishy was going on I caught another player sneaking around but he didn't have anything I decided it was best to grab what I could from The Raid and quickly head back to base although I was still confused about how that fresh born acquired four grenades until I learned that there were missions on the server which would reward you with high tier supplies were completed I assumed that this is what the player must have done so I put together a work in video video where I could now receive Mission updates and it wasn't long until I was head into VY to complete my first mission fortunately someone had beat me to it but I heard shots in the nearby town of star I was like not here I'm assuming he's going to come out the back side where those shots just killed a guy h is i' won the fight and decided to call it a night when I next logged on the server had switched to Winter it was going to be a lot harder to survive now as plants would no longer grow and the cold could quickly kill you on the brighter side my base was still intact she's still standing and I was finding it easy enough to survive of cooking fish at a nearby pond it was when exploring Camy I accidentally stumbled upon another mission you've entered the mission Zone know what the mission is [ __ ] [ __ ] turn them I'm assuming he's in that house made it to a house in a village near the crash site he's equipped but you think he'll stay in the house over night where he treats up here that was one way to do it dead upon completion of the mission I was rewarded with a suppressed AK I didn't really need the AK but the PSO scope would be a nice addition to my SD I went back to the base I raided on the island to find out someone else had rebuilt here and raided it while I'd been gone this poor guy these guys have have rebuilt got raided again I decided to further explore this area to figure out who actually raided this guy again I didn't want them living so close to me this is where I stumbled upon a base near Mis these guys had even messed up building their base so I could jump in between their doors to raid for even cheaper with what looked like a lot of loot inside and a weakness on the outside I wasted no time getting to raiding well I's say wasted no time oh I have a [ __ ] reason to ra then F finally I'm going to be able to fix my leg that was very stupid although it didn't take me long to get back to my body and now I was more determined than ever to raid these guys we're in these guys were stacked they more guns than I could ever need oh more guns oh a suppressed Remington that's sick so I quickly parried all their loot to my base I was going to stockpile as much as I could for the next few days I just explored the map I had everything I already need and I wasn't really coming across many of the players in fact I tried to do another mission and get swed by so many zombies I only just made it out alive but eventually I died from the wounds obtained afterwards and it was after dying I realized Iz why I wasn't seeing that many other our players it was just so much harder to survive now that winter was here pretty much impossible so after looking back on my first few days on the server I realized I'd become what I hated so I decided I had to do one last thing before I could it quits I set up a stations around coastal towns loaded with food medical items clothing basic tools weapons and that also so important fishing rod a Lifeline in the winter so that's it for today's video surviving Daisy's hardest server if you guys want to give it a go yourselves I'll leave the details down below
Channel: RavPlays
Views: 94,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dayz, dayz standalone, ravplays, dayz new update, dayz gameplay, dayz pvp, dayz ps4, dayz movie, dayz xbox one, dayz console, dayz base building, dayz base, dayz raiding, dayz building hidden base, xclusion, jlk, nezar, dayz tips, dayz offical, dayz 1.23, dayz clan, dayz challenge
Id: 62eRsAKzdls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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