Building My Cosy Solo Hidden Base - DayZ

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today you're joining me as I take on the harsh lands of chinaris as solo my aim was to build in a hidden location away from all the big groups and clans so we'll start from the beginning where I spawned in at Cherno and headed Inland straight away playing solo would mean I have no one else to help me or protect me so finding a weapon early on was going to be very important or unlock oh yes oh that's huge I searched the land of ghost for a backpack but only found items I would need to build a base so I went to the military and hoped to finding one there bag let's need a gun where's the animation look at how my arm is bugged zombie with the bag yes finally I finished looting the town before deciding where to go next Green Mountain seemed like the perfect stop what's on Earth holy moly oh that is literally what we are after nice [Music] I think I just saw a dead chicken on the floor [Music] my journey so far it felt like I was following someone they never close enough to find them so I went towards Miss Kino tents in hopes of finding someone there that looks [ __ ] tonight [Music] oh hold on like it so we have metal wire Hatchet nails farming hoe we have everything we need for a base I believe pliers we have pliers and a saw one sharpening stone we just need a lock oh my goodness me it's close I might build my head base in here one day it's a little chicken coop maybe I do do actually just like my little solo base I'm in the forest I'm in the middle of nowhere get a little door plenty of room for storage get a sleeping bag you know what if we get a lock I think we'll build there with my plan now established all I needed was a code lock to finish off the items I would need for a base and so I continued my journey North stopping off at tricrester military on the way this has been picked clean oh nothing there so we continue on with our journey do I have to do for a code block find another base apparently [Music] right where do I go all right we're going to Center stock cinestock is the answer okay so I said I was going to cinestock I've ended up in a completely different pound could be this how has the answers I said shed after shed in vavalovo with no luck so decided I would head towards cinestock for real this time but before I got there something would catch my attention oh that's much better well nice Berry or stash [Music] wait what is that was that a wolf there's only one wolf wait that might mean someone's killed the others he's the last one running away there might be someone here [Music] yeah I see a player in the tree [Music] I need to move I think we saw each other at the same time which is annoying [Music] after losing that player in the woods I carried on with my main goal of finding the code log I decided that carrying all the items on me was not worth the risk of losing them so I checked the nearby industrial before I turned around and went South when I was going to hear something rather enticing I think we stash the bag and go for that could be quite good I think we might be the first here I haven't shots and we've come pretty fast I stashed my bag so that all the loot was safe before I made my way to the heli let's see how this goes it's not Newton okay okay Mac nice you can use that ammo box take that bag complete the AK okay don't just stay here any longer after a fairly successful heli crash I made my way back to the slash Loot and as it was getting late I decided to call it for the night which brings us to day two [Music] is our stash still there yes with the smash safe I was about to start my search for a code lock again until I was interrupted by some more good luck oh do that oh another ammo box it's gonna be good for storage oh my God bro because stupid what do I do with all these guns okay just need a code lock that's all we need what we're gonna get search the nearby industrial areas before I made my way to locatino please one of these I just don't know where to find the code lock I think it's gonna have to be through PVP [Music] [Music] [Music] noises coming out my body okay I need to get to that stash and we need to get out of here into the mountains somewhere up there is where we're going through when no one can find us I decided against the chicken coop we saw earlier in the video as it was right next to a crashed heli location and I didn't want to be discovered however I think I found somewhere even better but first we have to get there there's two players straight in front of me God hide in this tree line yeah they're running away it's good carry on you do your thing after sneaking away from those players it seemed we were in the clear so I made my way to the hidden location hoping no one was there literally the corner of the map build a door here doesn't need to be big it's just me it's hidden like edge of the map if we have enough time eventually we could possibly move in there if we got the loop [Music] we don't want to knock the trees down we don't want anyone knowing not that there is many people knowing that we're building here I got to work on the base and whilst I do that if you do enjoy these videos why not leave a like and consider subscribing it really helps the channel out little host holders [Music] build up a frame [Music] oh yeah and then yes nice they will never get in now build outer upper First Banks what does that because that's just planks covering this up so it's no longer to see through hell yeah build inner upper planks build lower final outer what are these words oh oh okay so it's two gates in one type thing so you've got the outer and then there's gonna be like a double layer yeah because that would make it harder to get through [Music] did it the chicken coop base is done all right cool so what I might do is just go off and look for more Nails then because if I die it's not really too bad the chicken coopaces started over the next hour or so I traveled around the north of the map looking for either PVP or nails and as I arrived in Navaya I bumped into some Nails which forced me to make a decision a little bit of a problem there's only 50 nails in one box and it's 45 to build some storage without leaving me with five and I have I think 15 in the base okay let's go do it let's go build some storage Let's Go Crazy that looks sick oh my God bloody massive there we go nice if we organize this and I might run off to those gunshots I can hear I figured it was time for some PVP as I had spent all my time Base building I went off in the direction of some nearby gunshots I went as far as what I was about to discover my neighbors no way this is a base oh I never saw it oh [ __ ] well if they come online at least find my base they are going to read me let's go to that why are their walls coming for me now must have been fighting the wolves [Music] oh my goodness [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh lots of people here want that body there you know there's another but I don't know why he's gone we saw him run away into the castle [Music] it could be anywhere by now I don't know what to do I might go back for that other body [Music] don't get greedy don't get greedy I'll lose one body [Music] ah I'm down to Redwater it's annoying okay I think what I'm gonna do let's go back across there there's a handy that crashed I'm gonna go for that it might have some storage in it for the base which would be good I wonder if the players that are still up there yeah yeah they're up there let me take the small victories I went to the heli crash in hopes of some storage however my luck came up short so I dropped a loot off from the body I had just looted and then made my way south to mishkino Industrial in hopes of some more Nails let's go get some more nails oh once I kindly dropped that loot here after finding their nails I thought I would do a quick stop to the military tents but this decision was going to change our story completely that zombie are good on a player yes two players I decided my best option here was to either wait them out or try and Ambush them as I'm not an experience solo so I didn't want to make any fatal errors one number where would I go if my friend was shot when we don't know where from the only way they can see the body would be from over there but there were in line with me probably should have waited to see where they went to other learning curve I gave it a couple of minutes before moving on but that was going to come at a brutal cost oh I'm uncon oh he found me yeah should have moved that's so funny I was just about to say it's time to move oh well that was fun now that I've been killed it was back to the coast so over the next hour or so I made my way back to the base finding the nails I needed for storage then I was going to make a big discovery on our neighbors wait Ace building Nails I bet the readers oh no okay oh oh oh oh my wait These Guys these are the guys that killed me you might as well take all this back and hide it and I can make more storage [Music] nice we can transfer all of this I grabbed the loot from what I now think was just an inactive base I took it all home then used the nails to upgrade the doors for more protection built some more storage for some high tier weapons I found at heli crashes then I eventually got ambushed by another Duo no way and that brings us to our final life where I spawned at berazino I've actually really enjoyed playing solo it's got such a cool Dynamic um I don't want to know how many of you guys play solo or would you rather the protection of a teammate because to me it's given me such a learning curve on how to approach on how to approach fights in just certain ways to play yeah let me know anyway marazzino's a pretty good spawn uh so I think I'm gonna head to the pde for some armor the weapon and we'll uh we'll go from there foreign the entire map from one side to the other here we go I stopped off at some hunting cabins for some better clothing before I started my journey across the map the first time I made my way to was Gorka as I hoped I'd get a vest there after no luck on the coast okay nice it's really good oh people have been through here then I guess a lot of loops hello I keep changing their guns I don't think they're gonna try and talk you want to talk this out they just spawned in that zombie there that wasn't me how the hell did they go oh there they are they dude can you hear me were you the person I just heard in the police station okay there's be careful there's someone here with a gun okay what would you see something all this was on the floor when I got here all that and then someone changed their guns twice let's clear up here through uh my friend I'm gonna I'm gonna head off all right you take care all the best oh there they are we need to get out of here for all I know that could be his friend he shot my gun I think I just need to post up for a second and see if I can heal the white might be time to move all came from that Hill oh can't see anything and if they're still over there they're just going to be sitting in the bush the more I think about it Jack and they were talking in Discord something got a mic huh Maybe not maybe just a coincidence but foreign throughout the night I continued my journey West then once morning had arrived I stopped off in a house to dry my clothes and make my next plan of action oh that seemed like bait to me or someone shot out of the trucks you think okay we are we're just over halfway and uh we've been shot at once not too bad [Music] [Music] hey can you hear me yeah me yeah you scared me are you in here no no I'm across the road from you you're good I'm just bandaging sorry no no you're fine I'm across the road I'll leave you be um where are you headed I just logged in and I heard a shot somewhere over here so this is where I came okay the shots were the other side of Starry okay okay is this your crate no um there's a truck here uh okay there's a there's a truck there in the field crashed a truck there crashed um I just found it I was just kind of running through so just be careful for like people watching it take care my friend all right buddy Oh my days once my heart rate had calmed down I pushed onto the base eventually making it back then after I returned I thought I would add some external defenses now I knew I would lose part of the Hidden Factor but I figured it would be worth it if people decided to raid me foreign defenses this way two walls for guns we got around little external defenses I'm well happy with that by this time I'd been on for quite a while so now that I've made it back to the base I figured it was a good time to call it there and this brings us to our final day I think we'll start today with looking in PvP we'll head off to some military zones or something um I don't really know what else to do like the only thing I've wanted now is PVP the base is pretty full we did get lucky with our neighbors uh we're getting raided but I think we've still done pretty well I figured if I wanted PVP then I would need to head somewhere with high tier loot to see military seemed like the best option foreign stock right oh I see them [Music] one and that bush there no way I saw him last second ah BG's [Music] what I think they killed me get the [ __ ] out oh my God oh after somehow coming out on top I continued with my original plan of reaching tissy once I was here I would search for ammo for my new rifle oh yes perfect that's what we were after I searched the remaining buildings and tents at tissy but didn't find anything or anyone by surprise there wasn't anyone here actually onto Nevada now I think oh my goodness me how many nails man how am I not finding anyone I don't get it they've been left there by someone oh interesting it had been two hours of roaming since I killed that last player after not spotting any players I decided I would take what luto had drop it back to the base before trying again last time before we make it back to base these guys are active [Music] oh nothing oh I'm gonna die no stamina foreign two and a half hours outside the base nothing it was a typical Daisy death and instead of trying again I thought three lives was a good number to end on I set myself a challenge to see what I could achieve as a solo and I think I did a good job the base never got found we had acquired a lot of weapons with help from our neighbors but I had a great time doing so thank you so much for watching especially if you made it this far and if you did leave a like and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ar-K
Views: 263,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dayz, dayz standalone, dayz modded, dayz vanilla, dayz pvp, dayz pc, dayz xbox, dayz xbox one, dayz gameplay, dayz beginner guide 2022, base building dayz, base dayz, dayz base, building my cosy hidden solo base dayz, cosy dayz base, how to build a base, building a base, dayz raid, building a base in dayz, survival guide, dayz solo, dayz adventure, ar-k dayz, ar-k, dayz base building guide, dayz tips, dayz 1.21 update, dayz new update, dayz base locations, dayz 1.21
Id: 9I48-7esfKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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