The Complete Attack On Titan Timeline!

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[Music] foreign is an animated show and manga series that pushes the limit it makes us question Good Guys bad guys and even the very concept of black and white storytelling while also managing to tell an action-packed surprisingly dark and engaging story that shows us that sometimes those who have power are the most powerless in this world unless you're Aaron Jaeger in which case you have all the power of the Titans friendship and gray skull on your side and all Reiner can do is cry about it in a hole somewhere to celebrate this wonderful series and the third part of the final season which will drop March 4th of this year we're going to go over everything there is to know about the history of Attack on Titan welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos also we just released some brand new merch if you'd like to show your support for the channel even further while at the same time rapping styles clothing be sure to to know as well the store is linked below YouTube has been unsubscribing users from channels lately so if you're a fan of us please do us a favor and double check to see if you're still subscribed it only takes a second and it helps us a ton here at amagi and with that out of the way let's get into the video before we start out it needs to be explained that attack on Titan has its own calendar that they use which can be seen in the first chapter and episode of the series in which case it's noted to be the year 845 what this calendar is actually measuring from is unknown to us but we do have a calendar however many events actually happen long before this with at least one important event being noted to have happened 2 000 years in the past from the series first episode so for those events that transpire before the calendar we're going to add the letters BSC which stands for before standard calendar with this cleared up let's begin unknown point in time to 1003 BSC the LDN Empire begins to come to power in a small village somewhere in modern day really a young girl named Amir gathers water in her pail as she watches the horseback riders coming in with the heads of The Village's warriors on Pikes the king takes command of the village and enslaves all who live within removing the tongues of many of them during this time Emir is stationed as a feeder of the pigs in which she accidentally opens the gate and allows one to escape the pig is later found dead and the King demands to know who it was that did it threatening to remove an eye from everyone there if they refuse to tell they all pin it on a mirror as punishment he frees her from being a slave and instead turns her into prey for a mock Fox Hunt they give her a head start and begin to chase her down firing arrows into her in attempts to kill her wounded and bloody she makes her way into a massive hollowed-out tree where she accidentally falls into an underground aquifer where she comes into contact with a strange hallucigenia that merges with her spine in exchange for becoming host to it it grants her full control over her form which she instinctively uses to take the form of a massive creature of and don't quote me on this about 250 meters this thing is witnessed by the hunters Emir with this new power instead of being free decides to go back to the ldns and offer her powers to the king in exchange for becoming his personal servant he accepts 995 BSC Emir continues to help the king of eldia and begins to destroy his enemies and expand his Empire she helps in the creation of roads and infrastructure as well which earns her favor with the king who takes her to be his wife granting her the surname Fritz and allows her to bear his children these children he named Cena Rose and Maria 990 BSC King Fritz sits upon his throne looking over his soldiers when one recruited from a Fallen Kingdom stands and throws his spear at the king without a moment's hesitation Emir throws herself in front of the king and takes the shot for him the king commands her to get up and heal stating that she knows she can regenerate however the tired Emir instead chooses to succumb to her injuries as a result the king unwilling to lose the power of the Titans has her body butchered and force-fed to his three daughters who each inherit Titan Powers giving birth to the additional eight Titans besides the founding Titan Amir also at this time begins existing in the extra dimensional plane known as the paths where she Witnesses a tree of light Sprout three branches signifying that three more Titans are born from here she works tirelessly to build them bodies upon command remaining a slave to King Fritz even in death a known point in time the daughters of the king bequeath their Titans to their own heirs 13 years after inheriting them due to the curse their mother put on the Titans that indicate that anyone bearing her powers will die 13 years after inheriting them the same number of years she lived before dying saving the king the fritz family would maintain control of the founder and would later bequeath the remaining eight to noble families bearing amir's blood at some point in time the families each begin to wage war trying to take the Titans from the other noble families creating an all-out Battle Royale within the government which the fritz family really manages to stop due to the power of the founding Titans the Ackerman Clan are later born to become the sword and shield of the fritz family and are specifically altered to be unable to be affected by the founding Titans Powers 370 BSC the supposed events the fall of Lago the devastation of manta and the ravaging of Vala are claimed to have happened by the marlian historians however this set of events is disputed to be false current ERA year 240 a pandemic washes over the world which devastates the population in response to this the king of eldia uses the power of the founding Titan to alter the biology of every LDN to give them immunity to the new disease this allows the subject of Emir to grow even more plenteous as not a single LD and dies of this new sickness while the world is ravaged year 700 to 780. the nation of huzuru allies with eldia however Carl Fritz soon inherits the founding Titan disgusted by the bloody history on which Elvia was built he denounces his nation and its usage of the Titans and conspires with the Tiber family to begin a war with which the founding Titan will appear to be overthrown they concoct the story of the marlian hilos and wage war in which the founding Titan and many of his loyal subjects flee across the sea to an island which he names his new Paradise a place he hopes to enjoy until the world's Justice catches up with the LD and sins and destroys them he invites many of hisaru's Shogun clan to join them forming the Asian Clan with which Mikasa is born many of the eldians outside of the loop decide to stay in eldia where they wage war with the founding Titan gone infighting begins to occur in the eldian government which the Marlins take as an opportunity to free themselves as the Eight houses fight each other Marley unites under the banner of the Tiber family's Warhammer Titan and begins to take down the other houses and slowly Grant the powers to the marlians who take up the power of the Titans to further defeat eldia they managed to take all eight Titans and bring an official end to the Aldean Empire sweeping over the continent returning the glory of Marley elsewhere in Paradise the king Carl Fritz decides to form a massive Fortress where all aldians will live and thus take some of the eldians and turns them into Colossus Titans that He commands to harden into the walls Maria Rose and Cena he further creates pure Titans outside of the walls to stand as Sentinels against any invading forces he issues a decree to the world to lie in weight with any attempts to destroy the peace he's built he will unleash his wall Titans on the world in a massive rumbling and Destroy everyone this of course is an empty threat meant to buy time hizuru would then take a hit in status due to El Dia going Belly Up King Carl Fritz then renounces all war and binds the power of the founding Titan by his oath to which no future inheritors may use it for war ever again only the fritz family in Marley and the Tiber family know of his secret oath after this Carl Fritz uses the power of the founder to wipe the memories of all eldians on Paradise and puts forward a false history that the world beyond the walls was killed by the Titans the only groups within Paradise not affected are the Royal bloodline who inherit the memories of the founder the Ackerman Clan who were augmented by the founder to be immune to its influence and the Asian Clan who were not of LD and blood at all Carl Fritz grants Noble status to the Ackerman Clan and the Asian clan in exchange for their silence but it doesn't take and the royal family has both Clans hunted down and exterminated to keep this secret the Marlins begin to study Titan biology and come to learn that the founding Titan connects all Titans via the paths that are invisible to the naked eye and that these paths converge on the founding Titan thus the Marlins code name the founder as coordinate year 780 to 785. ldans within Marley found a cult dedicated to yamir Fritz and try to bring about more members by claiming that a little Homeless girl is the Incarnation of Emir herself this brings many members and the little girl now named Amir is treated like royalty by the eldians until the group is busted up by the marlian government five years later and all included including Amir are sent to paradise and transformed into pure Titans to wander the land between the Sea and the walls for eternity year 806 to 835. karisha Jaeger is born in an LDN internment camp and is soon followed by his little sister named Faye together they wander out of the internment Zone to witness an airship's return and are found by two marlian officers one of which is Aaron Krueger Krueger's partner volunteers to take Fey home while Krueger decides to deal with krisha personally asking whether he would rather work in the mines to pay off his debt to society or just get a brutal beating instead Grisha chooses the beating and receives what he asks for Kruger then tells him to wait and watch the Airship since he traveled so far and got beat so hard just to see him garisha does but returning home he's horrified to hear that Faye was killed mauled to death by Marley and guard dogs garisha's parents blame him for the incident Krueger would then go on to inherit the attack Titan and become known as the LDN restorationist the owl Grisha Jaeger disillusioned with marlian Society since the murder of his sister joins the LD and restorationists during this time he meets Dina Fritz the last surviving pure-blooded Royal in eldia and the two Mary and bear a son that they name Ezekiel alright the name might be headcanon but Zeke is generally short for Ezekiel and I like that name on Paradise Irwin Smith's father becomes a school teacher to which his son attends the school Smith's father puts forward a theory in secret to his son that the history of the world doesn't make sense and may be fabricated by the government to hide the truth Erwin naively tells his friends who tell their parents word gets around and the government takes away Smith's father Erwin never sees his father again in this same time span Frida Reese is born and Tom cyber inherits the Beast Titan the same year that Tom inherits the Beast Titan 829 to be exact URI rice inherits the founding Titan from his father Kenny ackermann one of the few surviving Ackerman clansmen learns of the persecution of his clan in and sets out to assassinate the king that he discovers to be URI Reese Kenny fails and Rod begs his brother to kill Kenny but instead URI forgives his assailant apologizes for the crimes committed against his clan and invites him to join the first interior Squad during this time Kenny joins a group of followers who worship the founding Titan and Kenny becomes jealous of the peace that URI possesses and begins to covet the founding Titan's Powers Marley then begins to covet the resources under Paradise Island and prepares to train LD and children to become inheritors of seven of the eight Titans that it has promising full citizenship to the Aldean and their family upon completion of their training after learning of this from Kruger Grisha forces Zeke to try out but Zeke is not strong enough and begins to fail causing disappointment in his father he questions the LD and restorationists but Grisha in an attempt to disindoctrinate his son of the Marlin propaganda begins to force Aldi and Dogma onto his son which puts him into a tougher spot hearing of the Marley and public security agency's advances in finding the Melody and restorationists Zeke attempts to get his parents to quit but they refuse terrified Zeke confides in Tom cassarver who recommends telling the authorities to save his own skin and the skin of his grandparents Zeke makes the hard choice of turning his parents in which earns him the trust of the marlian government who name him the next heir to the Beast Titan Grisha and Dina are taken to Paradise where their comrades are all turned into pure Titans last of all Dina is turned into a pure Titan and Grisha is forced to watch however before Grisha can be turned Krueger turns into the attack Titan and routes the Marley and forces there and transfers the mission to reclaim the founder as well as ownership of the attack Titan to Grisha who takes it with him to wall Maria choosing to live in the shiganchana district during this time Keith shattis is named the 12th commander of the survey corps his reputation begins to enter free fall with each failure he refuses to listen to Erwin Smith who clearly knows what he's doing an epidemic hits shaganchana and Grisha is credited with being the one to solve the situation treating Carla a woman who would later become his wife Aaron Jaeger is soon born year 837-844 Grisha Jaeger comes to learn that the fritz family is the false royal family recognizing the Rhys family as the true royal family as well as the location of the Rhys family's Chapel he does not enter though as he has second thoughts after the birth of his second son Aaron Frida Reese inherits the founder from her uncle and Zeke inherits the Beast Titan from Tom cassava taking up the latter's glasses as a Sentimental Memento of his father figure with whom he shared the dream of castrating all eldians to ease them into a peaceful genocide he sees more like euthanization five additional Warriors are chosen for their Titans Reiner Braun who inherits the Armored Titan bear told Hoover who inherits the Colossal Titan Annie leonhardt who inherits the female Titan Marcel galliard who inherits the jaw Titan and Piet finger who inherits the cart Titan they earned their stripes on the battlefield eradicating the enemy with great efficiency Levi is convinced to join the survey corps and Mikasa ackerman's family is slaughtered by human traffickers Erin Yeager rescues her and kills the traffickers himself which spawns obsessive affection from Mikasa she's then adopted by the Jaeger family Zeke then commands a hundred Pier Titans and captures the enemy's capital in a legendary feat that cements him as one of if not the greatest user of the Beast Titan in history his unique abilities are considered similar to the founding Titan and this is secretly owed to his blood as a pure LD and Royal year 845-850 Erwin Smith takes the role of the 13th regiment leader of the survey corps the Warriors land on Paradise Island Marcel has eaten when yamir finds out Reiner takes command and continues the operation in the face of everyone wanting to quit Aaron picks firewood with Mikasa and dreams of becoming a scout they protect Armin from bullies who shows them a book about the outside world Bertolt transforms into the Colossal Titan and kicks the walls in letting Titans in to eat the citizens of shiganchana including Carla Yeager this Spurs Aaron to make an oath to kill all Titans Reiner uses the Armored Titan to punch a hole in wall Maria compromising the whole wall Grisha finally confronts the Rhys family however he cannot bring himself to kill them however future Aaron Spurs him on and forces him to slaughter everyone except for Rod Reese Grisha claims the founding Titan he then returns to wall Rose and Ventures the refugee camp and takes Aaron to the side gives him the key to the basement and then transfers the attack Titan over to him Rod Reese would then find Alma the mother of his illegitimate daughter Historia and kills her in an attempt to reclaim his daughter and further his bloodline she ends up taking the name Christina lens and joining the Cadet Corps she would meet Amir who would become her closest friend a year after the fall of shaganchana the government sends the excess refugees to recapture while Maria a suicide mission in which armin's grandfather is killed Aaron Mikasa and Armin joined the 104th Cadet Corps and begin training Zeke discovers that he can create Titans by injecting them with his spinal fluid year 850 the Cadet Corps graduate and are stationed in trust suddenly the Colossal Titan appears the Cadet Corps attempts to regroup and strike back but many are eaten including Aaron as he tried to save Armin inside the Titan's stomach something clicks and Aaron suddenly transforms into the attack Titan he proceeds to make use of his Newfound abilities to free the Supply Depot that allows the cadets to make it over the wall Aaron is soon detained out of fear but the commander of the Garrison regiment.pixis steps in and stops them from killing him and listens to armin's plot to seal up the wall as they begin in operation it goes terribly at first as Aaron loses control however he regains it later after Armin helps him and they manage to seal the wall Levi's Squad then returns with the Scout regiment and helps eradicate the remaining Titans in trust marking the first victory of humanity within the walls against the Titans Aaron is then brought before a Military Tribunal to face trial to see whether he is a help to humanity or a threat Levi Ackerman convinced them to let him live and forces Aaron to join his Squad Aaron begins to train to use his powers but finds their unreliable if he doesn't know exactly what he wants to do with them Annie Reiner and Berthold have Titans Sonny and being killed the scouts begin to prepare for the 57th Expedition outside of the walls Erwin Smith suspects the other Titan Shifters besides Aaron exist and that their enemies he tries to lure them out using Aaron as bait and the female Titan takes the bait they lead her into the forest of giant trees and she's captured however she screams calling other Titans to eat her Annie Escapes in the chaos and transforms again and attempts to capture Aaron she murders Levi's Squad and defeats Aaron in battle Mikasa chases after and with Levi's help retakes him the squad then returns to the walls defeated Armin manages to uncover the enemy's identity and they lure Annie into a trap in the stohest district of walsina she attempts to find Aaron and Escape but Aaron after much dear ass manages to transform and fights her he overpowers her and defeats her and he places herself in suspended animation using Titan Crystal however the battle reveals that the walls are made up of Colossus Titans Pastor Nick of the Church of the walls commands that it be covered in hanji Zoe interrogates him to no avail the military police then has him assassinated the Beast Titan then turns ragako Village into pure Titans and leads them through wall Rose the scouts that were detained for their part in the stoes Fiasco are then called back to duty to deal with this emerging threat they attempt to find the hole in wall rows but fail to find any breach no matter how much they check they end up holding castle utgaard for the night and are startled when Titans led by the Beast Titan begin to attack during the night some of the Titans don't do as the castle Falls Emir displays her Secret by transforming into a Titan and defending the castle until reinforcements can't arrive the Titans are repelled by the forces of the scouts and Amir is left in a bad state yet still alive returning to the wall they believe they're safe a remorseful Reiner approaches Aaron and reveals that he and Berthold are the armored and colossal Titans respectively and ask him to come back with them to Marley so they can spare Paradise but he refuses and Mikasa attacks them a battle erupts on the wall between berthold's colossal and the scouts below Aaron's attack Titan battles Reiner's armored Titan Aaron gains the advantage through joint locks that shatter his armor but in the end Aaron loses when bertholdt falls down on top of them the scouts are forced to wait for their horses as Reiner and Bertolt escape with Aaron and Emir they hide in the forest of giant trees but the scouts quickly catch up Reiner continues running and is caught up to by the scouts but can't do much to stop them the scouts try to convince Reiner and Bertolt to stop kindly but when that doesn't work Armin begins to threaten Annie in the end Erwin leads a group of pure Titans to them which stops Reiner even though it costs Irwin his arm they free Aaron but are surrounded by Titans after making contact with Dina Fritz's Titan the founders powers are activated and Aaron's Roar commands the pure Titans to kill Dina and then kill Reiner which forces Reiner to escape as these Scouts also Escape in shiganshana Zeke awaits their report Aaron then wakes up in safety and vows to use his powers for the good of humanity the scouts then realized the travesty and ragako Village and discover that the Titans are actually humans transformed against their will which adds an extra layer of questionable morality to the Spectrum as they question how right it is to kill these things as they're technically people now Aaron Mikasa and Armin then join the new Levi Squad and continued training and experimenting with Aaron's Titan they're raided by the military police and the scouts flee they head for trust and discovered demo Reeves is in cahoots with the military police Erwin Smith and Dot Pixis begin their conspiracy to bring down the government and replace it with a real Monarch Historia is that Monarch and Levi makes sure of it in the stohest district Kenny Ackerman and his group of interior police capture Aaron in Astoria and take them to Rod Reese the scouts fight to survive as they plot to bring the truth to light they trick some military police officers to confess to a mass of people and they print the story in the newspaper clearing the Scouts of any wrongdoings dot Pixis arrests the novels and commander-in-chief Zachary torches them until they give away the location where the Rhys family is Aaron is chained up in the Reese Chapel where he's planned to be fed to Historia but she refuses and her father decides to do it instead he transforms into a massive Titan to bring the cave down on the surviving Kenny Ackerman and his Squad killing most and fatally burning Kenny Rod's Titan begins to move away from Aaron towards orwood District Aaron consumes a vial of armor serum to gain the ability to create Titan hardening which is how he and the Scout survive they then race to airwin who comes up with a plan to kill the king of the walls Titan they gather gunpowder when it stands and reveals its faceless face Aaron throws the gunpowder in and blows it up with these Scouts targeting the falling chunks Astoria uses her special connection with their father to find and kill him she then declares herself as the new Queen of the walls and is crowned during a coronation ceremony the scouts prepare for their expedition to shigonjana where they eat a fantastic meal and Sasha gets way too excited they travel by night to avoid Titans and make it to shaganchana by Daybreak where they discover a recently abandoned Camp they search for the warrior unit and find Reiner inside the walls he transforms into the Armored Titan and searches for Aaron as Aaron begins to plug the walls it's revealed to be a trap as the Beast Titan and cart Titan reveal their presence along with countless other pure Titans they attempt to kill the horses to trap them there Erwin commands a suicide charge is covered for Levi to kill the Beast Titan most of the scouts are killed save for flock who is unharmed and Erwin Smith who is more wounded Berthold then begins destroying the area within the walls but is stopped when Armin discovers that he can't move when generating heat and uses up his Titan's muscle mass as fuel for the burn Armin is fatally burned but Aaron manages to defeat Bertolt by cutting him out of his Titan and Reiner is defeated when Mikasa forces him to swallow a missile piak escapes with Zeke and Reiner but bear hole is captured and Levi must choose between Armin and Erwin he chooses Armin and Armin takes the Colossal Titan after a brief time in the brig for disobeying orders Armin Aaron and Mikasa are let out and awarded medals for their Valor upon Kissing astoria's Hand Aaron sees a vision of the future that scares him white sometime after this is revealed that Amir was eaten and Porco galliard inherited her jaw Titan the time frame of this remains vague year 851-854 anti-marlian soldiers board ships to paradise and Aaron changes visibly to his friends becoming darker the anti-marlians bring technology and knowledge to the island and help update infrastructure Historia gets pregnant at some point they also convinced the the leadership to meet with the azamobitos of hisuru who offered to Aid them in exchange for resources Aaron and the scouts board a ship headed for Marley while there they encounter refugees from the Mideast war and have a grand time as Aaron struggles with his decisions that he has to make after attending a meeting in which Marley plans to declare war on Paradise Aaron steals his resolve he disappears and ends up infiltrating Marley once more as a wounded veteran from a war named Krueger during the Mideast War The Warriors acknowledge their failure on Paradise and state that if it hadn't been for that the Mideast War would not have happened Reiner drops into Fort Slava to make way for Zeke to sink the Mideast alliance's Fleet which he successfully does marking the end of the war the Tiber family then invites the world to the liberio internment camp where Willy Tiber reveals the truth of the great Titan war and Carl Fritz's vow to the world he villainizes Aaron by saying that Aaron can circumvent the vow Aaron meanwhile is watching this and secretly meets with Reiner who begs for Mercy but receives none Aaron destroys much of Liberia as Armin destroys Marley's fleets at the Wharf Aaron manages to eat the Warhammer and capture Zeke Sasha browse sadly dies and Falco and Gabby are captured Aaron is captured as is Zeke but the anti-marlian group known as the jaegarists take over paradise and Make Way for Aaron and Zeke to make contact and complete the play in genocide the warrior unit appears in shiganchana where Aaron and Reiner are primed for their rematch Zeke shows up and begins to Aid him but fakes his death when his Titan is killed Erin mortally wounds Porco who is then eaten by Falco rice Aaron runs for Zeke but has his head blown off by Gabby and in the upset of the century Zeke catches that baseball like a true champ in that moment both are transported to the paths where Zeke attempts to convince Aaron who has shown his true colors to rejoin him Aaron doesn't and takes command bringing out the founding Titan and beginning the rumbling the Scouts can do nothing and flock then takes command offering Jean a place in the Island's leadership but genre helps the Warriors Escape alongside the other Scouts who have decided to fight Aaron they reach the port and free the azimobitos and take their plane out to find Aaron after failing to convince him to stop they decide to take him down by any means necessary they drop in on him and are faced by a horde of the previous generation of Titans including Tom cassava Grisha Jaeger Aaron Krueger and Bertolt Hoover Armin ends up swallowed by a Titan and then goes to the paths where he can bend Zeke to rebel against Aaron in response Zeke allows Levi to cut off his head and Armin uses his Colossal Titan to destroy the Founder's body however Aaron turns into a colossal Titan himself and begins to fight Armin Armin punches a hole in Aaron's teeth and Mikasa proceeds to enter the mouth finding the real Aaron's head and kills him ending the founding Titan and the threat of the Titans Forever by finally freeing Amir from her millennia-long slavery with obsessive love the battle ends and over 80 percent of the world's population is killed by Aaron Historia has her baby Marley and the world begin to seek peace with eldia but the jaegarists are still in power Mikasa buries Aaron's head by their favorite tree where they had been sleeping during the first episode and chapter year 857 the warrior unit and the Scout stick together and become ambassadors to Marley and Paradise and struggle with their impossible task of amending relations between paradise and the rest of the world unknown point in the future Mikasa gets married presumably to Jon and bears a child of her own after a Time skip of an unspecified amount of time paradise is caught in another War and the tree where Aaron's head was buried has now become a colossal tree exactly like the one where Emir found the hallucigenia over 2 000 years ago a child and his dog flee the war to the tree presumably to start the endless cycle of hatred and War again Anew and that my friends is the entirety of the attack on Titan timeline wrapped up in a nice little bow I hope you all enjoyed it I tried to remember everything I could if my numbers are a little off or I forgot any important events please be sure to note them in the comments below along with recommendations for future videos did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from the umagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos foreign
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 465,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eren, Yeager, Jaeger, Grisha, Carla, Mikasa, Zeke, Attack Titan, Founding, Titan, War Hammer, Levi Ackermann, Attack On Titan, AoT, Scout Regiment, Kuchel, Bertholdt, Armin, Erwin Smith, Annie Leonhart, Ymir, Historia, Season 4, Wall Maria, Colossal, Zeke Jaeger, death, anime, manga, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, dad, kids, childhood, cartoon, 2009, 2003, sequel, after, moment, analysis, fight, reaction, arc, part 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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