Attack On Titan In a Nutshell (Seasons 1-3)

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so attack on titan season four is just around the corner it's been a while since I've watched the show and I was looking for a quick reminder of what this series is about but what if you can't be bothered to watch long in-depth videos of each individual season well just don't even worry about it because I've got you covered here's the incredibly complex story of attack on Titan seasons 1 2 3 in just about as quick as humanly possible let's begin attack on Titan is set in a world where humanity has been forced behind walls thanks to the appearance of large horrible grotesque giant man children called Titans Titans are really hot have magical healing powers don't need to eat can't talk and can only be killed via a strong strike to the nape of the neck very strange I know but just bear with me there are three major walls that defend humanity from the Titans wall Sina wall Rose and wall Mario our story begins in a small outlier district on the outer wall named chigan China we're introduced to three children Eren Jaeger who's extremely obnoxious and shouts all the time mikasa ackerman who's incredible at fighting dead inside and absolutely rapid an Armin who's a massive wet wipe the civilization of attack on Titan is essentially run by the military which is split into three branches the garrison Regiment who keep order within the walls the military police who serve as personal guards for the king and the Scout regiment who explore outside the walls it becomes immediately clear that Aaron is obsessed with what lies beyond the walls therefore he expresses a desire to join the Scout regimen this gets him into an argument with his family as the Scout regimen is kind of dangerous because pretty much every time they go on a mission loads of people get eaten by Titans Aaron does a bit more shouting and his dad leaves on a work trip but not before giving him a key and promising to one day show Aaron his creepy work baseman everyone runs away from home in a fit of rage and ends up talking to Armin who mentions that the walls haven't been breached for over a hundred years the walls are then breached by a Titan dubbed the colossal Titan as it is a monumental 60 metres tall it's also made completely out of muscles it's accompanied by a smaller Titan known as the armored Titan thanks to its hard outer plating the colossal Titan breaks down the wall allowing a load of smaller Titans inside to lay waste to chigan chin a district during this attack Aaron's mother is trapped underneath the rubble and then eaten by a Titan the children are then saved by a friendly soldier Aaron goes mental vouching to kill every single Titan in existence however the damage has been done and the whole of humanity has to fall back behind wall rose this moment is accented by an internal monologue from Aaron in which he says home was a pen humanity cow an analogy which will continue to use for the entire series flash-forward two years and Eren Mikasa and Armin assigning themselves up for the military in a district called trust a town on the outskirts of wall rows it's here that we meet a whole new array of characters there's Jean who kind of serves as Aaron's rival challenging him on his extreme and annoying views this dynamic works pretty well as it shows two different reactions to this apocalyptic scenario up until this point I'm not gonna lie I was kind of getting sick of Aaron's rants there's also Sasha better known as potato girl whose entire character revolves around food and the acquisition of food there's krysta who's also a massive wet wipe Amir who's a psychopath and Connie who's bald there's also Reiner who's really hench Berthold who seems like a pretty nice guy and then there's Annie who's also a complete psychopath the guys do some training for a little bit like about like two years or so this involves learning to use some sort of gas propelled winch system allowing them to soar through the air and they're then faced with the choice of which regiment to apply for Aaron give some sort of emotional speech and most of the boys aside from a few decide to sign up for the scouts everything seems to be going swimmingly until the colossal Titan turns up again as smashes down another wall this time in trust whether all training Aaron goes a bit gung-ho and tries to take him on but the colossal Titan uses some sort of steam attack to defend himself and then disappears because there's now a hole in the wall an evacuation begins and Aaron and the other soldiers are sent to hold off Titans while it occurs this goes really well so well in fact that loads of people die and Aaron ends up doing a forwards roll across multiple houses Arman is about to be eaten but Aaron saves him by feeding himself to the Titan instead meanwhile the rest of the boys are running out of gas for their grappling hooks and the people who are supposed to bring them gas can't get the gas because there are Titans guarding the gas all hope has gone until a weird-looking titan dubbed an abnormal appears and starts beating up all of the other Titans allowing the boys to group her and attempt to reclaim the gas and comes up with the genius idea to shoot the Titans and then kill the Titans which works and the day is saved once back outside the abnormal seems to be a bit worse for wear and after being up a couple more Titans collapses on the ground the nape of the Titans neck opens up and aaron appears from inside suggesting he possesses the ability to morph into a titan it turns out that while aaron was just chilling in the Titans stomach he went a bit sicko mode and accidentally transformed himself into one understandably everyone's a bit freaked out by this so when Aaron returns with Myka so an Armin he's held at gunpoint they question him but he can't remember anything so they decide they have no choice but to shoot all three of them with cannons cannons are a bit of a running theme throughout attack on Titan but pretty much every time they use they do absolutely nothing they're honestly the most useless weapons in the series anyway just as Aaron is about to be shot like cannons he looks down at the key his dad gave him all those years ago which triggers his memories of his dad injecting a mysterious liquid into him also mentioning something about needing to find his creepy basement Aaron then bites himself which turns him partially into a Titan saving himself and his friends from all the cannon fire Armin gives an emotional speech and presents a plan to utilize eren's Titan form to plug the hole in the wall this bald guy who's the leader of the garrison regimen is pretty happy with this plan and they decide to carry it out the idea being the army will draw Titans away from the hole in the wall then Aaron will sneak around the side with a small team of bodyguards transform into a Titan pick up this huge boulder and plug the hole they put the plan into action but when Aaron next transforms into a Titan he for some reason throws a punch at me cursor me cursor tries to talk some sense into him but then he just punches himself instead Armin rocks up and gives another one of his emotional speeches snapping Eren out of his trance and the mission is successful so successful that Aaron is put in jail and put on trial for a death sentence way whoa this is where we're introduced properly to Commander Erwin and Captain Levi in short commander owynn is a big brain and captain Levi is an extremely overpowered character so overpowered in fact that while in the courtroom he manages to be Eren to an absolute pulp let's ignore the fact that Aaron is tied to a pole this proves to the higher-ups that Levi can keep Aaron under control and it's agreed Aaron will be monitored by the Scout regiment from now on training to be able to use his Titan powers for Humanity's say he's immediately put to use and goes on a mission with Levi's special ops squads here were also introduced to the mad scientist of the Scout regiment hanji the guys then roll out on their expedition led by commander Erwin Owen likes to use this thing called the wide formation several times throughout the series where they all travel in small groups and communicate using signal flares trust me something always goes horribly wrong when they're in the wide formation and this time is no different as another abnormal Titan appears but this one is a Gugu girl unlike any Titan they've seen before the female Titan seems to be intelligent and she proceeds to own everyone Armin being an absolute mastermind concludes that there's a human inside the female Titan controlling it just like Aaron is able to do with his Titan form nobody really knows what's going on here particularly the vice squad the female Titan seems to be tracking Eren and after arriving in a forest the female Titan in the special ops team have a bit of a duel her win suddenly turns up with a special attack and the female Titan is trapped however there's no way to find out who's behind the female Titan as she's a metapod and knows the move harder she then starts shouting which draws in a load of other Titans that proceed to eat are alive it's presumed whoever was inside the female Titan is dead and they begin to retreat back to the wall however the female Titan almost immediately returns and pretty much completely wipes out Levi's squad apart from Aaron and Levi himself Aaron goes sicker mode again turns into a Titan and throws a few haymakers before being easily beaten and kidnapped me cursor and Levi chase the female Titan Levi reveals how overpowered ears and Aaron is saved once back in civilization the Scout regiment loses custody of Aaron and he's handed over to the military police Armin seeks out Annie the psychopath girl from their training for help as he thinks aaron is going to be executed as it turns out Armin was actually doing some Sherlock Holmes detective work and he loves Annie into a trap where she reveals her identity as the female Titan Eren and Annie have a rematch for this time Aaron wins forcing Annie to freeze herself in a cryostasis like an from Avatar also the wall is made of titans end of season 1 yes you heard me right the wall is made of frozen Titans specifically out of their hardening power the leader of a cult turns up and lets Commander hanji know if the Titans are let into sunlight it's possible they could reanimate I'm sure this blanket will do the job don't worry guys we then jump back twelve hours in time to see the main cast of characters at the Scout regiment headquarters some Titans appear so every single side character sets off on horseback to warn surrounding villages during this we learned that bold guys village has been destroyed and potato girl used to live in a forest then we come into contact with the creepiest Titan yet the beast Titan who as it turns out is actually able to talk the team hatched a plan which involves Eren learning the hardening technique to plug up the hole in wall Mario there also seems to be something suspect about Amir and Krista who have been growing close to each other up to this point Amira's eating a tin of tuna but the writing on the tuna can is in a different language the Beast Titan turns up at their headquarters and begins to attack Reiner and Berthold fight off some of the Titans before Reiner is bitten and his arm is broken things aren't going well and the boys are overwhelmed until in a shock turn of events Amir takes it upon herself to transform into the weirdest goblin looking Titan ever we then get a flashback where we find out that one Amir is a Titan which we already knew seeing as she transformed into a Titan more importantly though that Krista is actually the daughter of a noble family named the rice family with her real name being historia rice back in the present Amir starts racking up the kills but the Titans are too many and she can't hold them off for long luckily hanji arrives with backup and although critically injured Amir survives thanks to her Titan healing powers back at the wall everyone takes the opportunity to regroup during a series of conversations Reiner pulls Aaron aside and drops the biggest bombshell of the entire series in the most casual way that's correct Reiner is the armored Titan and battle is the colossal Reiner explains that their initial goal was to wipe out all of humanity but if Erin agrees to come with them that won't be necessary Erin goes a bit small brain here and doesn't believe them refusing to go with them run a response to this by healing his bit and arm me Kassar then swoops in to take them out but before she can do that Reiner transforms into the armored Titan and Berthold becomes large in 3d some fighting breaks out and it looks like Aaron has the upper hand over Reiner that is until Berthold decides to engage ragdoll mode and flop onto both of them this allows them to kidnap Aaron and Amir taking them to the same forest that the with the female Titan happened in earlier now that the four have some time to talk Reiner alludes to being part of a larger group of Titans which Amir is unaware of we don't learn much else though as Reiner has lost touch with reality having posed as a normal soldier for so long however during Amir's backstory we do learn that she was transformed into a Titan against her will along with a bunch of other people Amir decides to join Reiner and battles Titan club on the promise they'll protect krysta from harm so they kidnap christa and resumed their escape but rut ro it's the entire cast of side characters and they're here to rescue Eren commander Erwin then comes riding out the distance followed by a huge pack of Titans which stops Reiner in his tracks the boys managed to recover both Aaron and krysta but before they can piece the scene of Reiner throws a Titan at them knocking them off their horses Eren and Mikasa find themselves in a spot of bother but luckily Eren learns a new move which allows him to control nearby Titans this power is known as the coordinator and it's the reason Reiner and Berthold tried to kidnap him in the first place Oh in order to retreat back to wall rows whereas the Titan Club managed to escape to wall Marya season 2 ends on the conclusion that all Titans are assumed to be inhabited by people season three begins with the boys being indoctrinated is the new levi squad the cult leader from the previous series is about to spill the beans on historia and her relation to the rice family but then he dies levi hypothesizes that the killer could be a mass murderer by the name of kenny the ripper also known as Kenny Ackerman also known as Levi's uncle Kenny the Ripper then turns up with this gang of hoodlums and kidnaps aaron in historia levi an hanji do some investigating surrounding the rice family finding that they are in fact the true royal family within the walls and the current king is merely a puppet the real king is a man named rod rice who as it turns out is not only behind historian Aaron's kidnapping but is in fact his story his father rod rice tries to reconcile with historia and she's conflicted about whether to trust him thanks to a long history of neglect from her parents this neglect comes from the fact that her mother was rod Rice's mistress rather than his actual wife rod tells his story oh that she is the one who will save humanity which coincides with Han Jie discovering that when a Titan eats someone with titan powers they revert back to human form and obtain those powers for themselves Levi and the boys then set off to save historian Aaron as edwin plans away to overthrow the puppet King this involves him purposely being put on trial where he baits the higher-ups into saying some pre messed up stuff persuading the leader of the military police and the bald guy from earlier to join him in overthrowing the king as this is going on Aaron wakes up in a room made out of crystals looking weirdly kinky historian rod give him a back massage which triggers the same memories of his father injecting him with a strange liquid from earlier only this time we see that the strange liquid is what originally turned him into a Titan he then ate his dad inheriting his dad's Titan powers powers his dad originally inherited from eating historians half-sister let me try and explain this in a different way cuz this is where it gets really confusing way way way back in time there was a slave named Amir Fritz living in a kingdom called el dia one day she accidentally came into contact with the devil and became the first person to ever inherit titan powers hence she is known as the founding titan the king of el dia used him here for his own gain and their descendants were given titan powers too however 13 years after going titan mode Emir died her titan powers were split into nine different variations which somehow distributed across a number of noble families however the powers of the founding titan stayed within the frits royal family powers which involved the ability to wipe people's memories and the ability to control all normal titans these powers are passed down by a ritual involving the eldest descendant transforming into a normal titan and then eating their predecessor every 13 years because el dia now had nine powerful super titans at their disposal they waged war on their neighboring kingdoms particularly one called molly but after a new king named kyle Fritz came into power he felt really guilty about all the war and destruction so he rounded up most of the LD UNS pieced the scene with them to a nearby island called paradise where he built three big walls erased everyone's memory and changed his family name to rice he then made up some sort story about how the Titans appeared out of thin air one day and that's the whole reason they live behind walls meanwhile the people of Mali took back their homeland inheriting a few of the nine titan powers along the way culprits made sure that each of his descendants would inherit the founding Titans powers along with his memories to prevent anyone finding out about the outside world rod rice is karl fritz Ranson and the recent he's got Erin chained up is because thanks to Aaron's dad Erin now possesses the power of the founding Titan therefore rod rice plans to have historia turned into a normal Titan eat Eren and inherit the founding titan back into the royal family allowing cole Fritz's memory to sustain control over the walls Kenny Ackerman and his team are brought in to help body guard the ritual Levi and the boys break into the crystal caverns and go toe-to-toe with Kenny and the others but midway through Kenny over his that the royal bloodline are the only ones who can truly harness the power of the founding titan causing him to rage out because he was planning to steal it for himself he then goes to release Aaron but Aaron has given up his will to fight historian remains to be assessed away nobody before her has used the founding Titans powers to save humanity rod rice has no proper answer to this so historian oozes trust and breaks the injection needle unfortunately rod rice laps up the serum off the ground and begins to transform into the biggest and most disgusting looking Titan so far the coven begins to collapse as rod rice becomes larger and larger luckily Aaron drinks a random bottle of fluid he finds on the ground giving him amplified hardening powers allowing him to keep the cabin secure everyone escapes and they head back to wall Cena to discuss what to do about rod rice in his human caterpillar form they fire a load of cannons ax in which doesn't work because cannons are useless so instead they throw some bombs inside him and blow him up from the inside historian finds Rob's body in midair and chops him in two to prevent him from regenerating she lands and immediately proclaims herself the new queen levi then finds Kenny on the brink of death who hands him a box containing a Titan serum before he dies a couple of months then pass and she develops a way of killing Titans by dropping massive logs on their heads and Erwin rallies of the troops to go and reclaim wall Marya they specifically target chigan china district as that will also allow Eren to find his father's creepy weird basement from all that time ago all seems to be going well as Aaron begins to harden the outer wall however Reiner appears and transforms into the armored Titan before the Beast Titan appears and surrounds the others the beast Titan begins to play Wii Sports baseball by crushing up large boulders and bowling them towards a win in his fleet meanwhile Aaron battles it out with Reiner and thanks to help from hanji and Mika sir he's victorious that is until battle appears in a flying barrel and transforms into the colossal Titan the colossal and beast Titan attacker wins troops from both sides Erwin takes his troops on a suicide charge providing a distraction while Levi's flanks around the side Erwin is mortally wounded but Levi reaches the beasts iron and absolutely owns him I mean he destroys the guy unfortunately the Beast ein is able to escape thanks to oh what is that what is that meanwhile on the other side of the wall me Kaserne hanji managed to take out Reiner again while Armin goes big brain and devises a plan to SAP Berthold strength by forcing him into using his steam ability sadly this does involve Armin becoming a human lump of coal although it does provide time for Aaron to seal out the wall for good and sneak up behind Berthold to apply the lethal blow once everyone is regrouped Levi appears with the serum Kenny gave him and Aaron bakes him to inject Armin which were given Titan healing powers and stop him from dying this decision is made incredibly difficult as a surviving Scout returns with Commander Irwin's body who does Levi save Armin who has a huge brain or Owen who has a huge brain how will he ever decide ribéry is the answer Eren and Mika so kind of force Levi's hand and he chooses to save Arman Arman eats bear tole and gains the power of the colossal Titan the remaining survivors then head to Aaron's ruined house and open up his dad's basement within the basement they find three books which inform the main characters of life outside the walls explaining the situation with Lda and molly that I alluded to earlier as it turns out Aaron's father grew up in one of the few LD and families to remain on the mainland after Carl Fritz fled to paradise after strict persecution from the people of Mali and the death of his sister Aaron's dad Grisha joined an underground organization called the LD and restoration movement here he finds out that Molly plans to invade paradise thanks to its abundance of natural resources he also falls in love with a woman named Dina Fritz a direct heir of the royal family and they have a son named seek Grisha hatches a plan to send his own son Zeke within the walls to steal the founding Titans powers from the rice family but Zeke notes out of this plan and instead turns his parents in along with the rest of the LD and restoration movement they're then taken to paradise and turned into Titans one by one which presumably is where all the Titans of coming from all these years justice Grisha is about to be turned he's saved by an undercover LDN named Kruger posing as a Malian officer Kruger reveals himself to be a variation known as the attack Titan passing down his powers to Grisha who vouchers to infiltrate the walls and steal the founding Titans powers himself this explains how Eren ended up in the whole situation with rod ricin historia as he inherited the attack Titan and founding Titan when he ate his dad historian decides to release all of this newfound information to the public and over the course of the next six months or so they cleared the land of Titans using handy slog technique season 3 ends with the Scout regiment discovering the docs used to create Titans in grisha's backstory for the first time they set their eyes on the sea as they contemplate what to do about the impending threat of a Malian invasion end of story so far I suppose all that's left to ask is but what do you guys think will happen in season 4 just let me know in the comments below I started writing the script for this video we're expecting to be able to summarise the story pretty quickly but as it turns out it's much more complex than I remember I'm obviously pretty excited to see what's gonna happen it's a great series what can I say please subscribe or I'll use my Titan powers on you thanks as ever for watching and good bye [Music]
Channel: BogBoy
Views: 1,109,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bog, boy, bogboy, jude, wedgwood, attack, on, titan, season, 1-3, season 4, four, armin, eren, mikasa, levi, beast, founding, ymir, fritz, rod, reiss, female, annie, christa, historia, serum, kenny, walls, eldia, marley, grisha, story, summary, review, sasha
Id: -CyYsA9tc7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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