The Class of Defects | Classroom of The Elite

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if there's something classroom of the elite has showed me it's the realism of necessary evil there's a saying that if you gaze into the abyss the abyss will gaze back and in some regard that's how you could view someone like ayanokoji and the extension of all the other monsters in class d to succeed and make it to the top you have to make tough choices you need to be resilient strong in will in mind and sometimes you're born lucky and you can do everything without even trying and i think in many ways that applies to koenji koenji undoubtedly is the most free person in classroom of the elite he marches by the beat of his own drum he doesn't consider anyone but himself has no attachments to anyone doesn't even think of those in his class as friends and by all stretches of the imagination he's a free market capitalist money talks so he only talks to money the most essential concept composing the entire system within classroom of the elite is points private points and class points under koenji's belief system everything is about points there's no affinity to friendship he only plays ball if he can get something out of it and in some regard he's right points are the highest priority by getting the most class points you can ascend to class a with an excessive amount of private points you can do practically anything it's like free money it's inextricably linked to the entire evaluation system in classroom of the elite it's a tough pill to swallow but you can't save everyone and in order to succeed you have to sacrifice those in the process now when it comes to practically everything koenji sits on top of this hierarchy he's rich good looking tall strong smart he has everything going for him and it's because of these assets that he can do what he wants he's a wild card but he's also the ace up class d sleeve he can either do nothing or everything he's a calculated thinker who maintains his freedom at all cost and no matter how many times aina koji tries to deconstruct koenji even he can't get a read on him he's the closest to his equal as anyone else will ever be because he's arrogant and he knows it no one can talk to him and that's where someone like kushida comes to play because she can communicate with anyone she can gain everyone's trust and she's extremely deceitful kushida goes above and beyond to get as much information as possible now sure for the majority of classroom of the elite everything she did was for the purposes of sabotaging horikita and aina koji but that doesn't negate her abilities if anything it bolsters them she knows how to balance her good side and dark side she knows how to manipulate the trust of others and gather information and information is a very powerful weapon you could call it unethical but she's just doing what others refuse to do and if these assets are used in their right hands she will be an indispensable weapon that will help everyone reach class a kushida doesn't care about others she only cares about herself she will only do things to benefit herself and if class a is within her list of goals she will do the unthinkable in order to ascend higher she can rally everyone together just like she can destroy them we then have the balancer between these acts hirata and he's a very interesting character because he's guided by his moral compass he treats everyone fairly he treats everyone equally everything he does is for the benefit of the class in tandem with his warm and charming personality that every girl is attached to he's also well liked by his seniors and juniors he's athletic academically capable and has great communication skills his only flaw is that when the pressure hits it's hard for him to deal with in the past his failures brought the detriment to one of his closest friends and continues to haunt him but he's trying to grow past that and become more capable and it shows with that same token he wanders into the moral grain it was a hard route to walk but he came to understand that he can't save everyone sacrifices must be made people must be lost there's a reason why everyone looks up to him as one of the leaders of the class and horakita is right next to him horakita is by far the most capable person in the class and she's also the one that's grown the most horakita has always excelled within academics and physical capabilities she's willing to make those tough decisions sacrifices and she leads with an iron head she's headstrong and strong-willed and refuses to crack under the pressure however her communication skills needed a lot of work entering the class she isolated herself from everyone she justified her actions thinking that everyone was beneath her but in order to be a leader you have to understand that there's things you can't do all on your own it took a long time for her to understand that however when she came to terms with her own weaknesses she was able to see the assets within others horikita has become more confident that's made her a better leader and much more dangerous for the other classes everyone here is a genius in their own right but they all pale in comparison to i'm a koji and that's because aina koji through his tragic upbringing has learned to detach himself from his circumstances ayanokoji was the demon who stood at the top of the white room he was labeled the perfect human a monster within monsters for him everything is like a game of chess after you make your first move aina koji is already a checkmate he's a perfect counter to everyone in classroom of the elite everyone is his foil aina koji is the true embodiment of necessary evil people call him a monster but that's just because he's the only one willing to make the evil choices many times concepts of good and evil are all a matter of perspective and when it all hits the fan it's only aina koji who has the ability to cut down his classmates even cut down those he calls friends he doesn't see anyone as his allies just his puppets and perhaps it's all just a tragedy from his experiences in the white room where the emotional attachments he made simply pained him in the process he stood at the top alone in many situations akin to the survival of the fittest because aina kochi had to cut down more people than he cares to count and it's those circumstances that made him a cold-hearted monster he views the world through this lens of realistic nihilism and that simply made him numb to everything and the opening and ending of classroom of the elite season 2 there's a butterfly that floats around aina koji is that butterfly someone people can only catch a glimpse of but never revealing everything he has to offer and it's because of that fact that he's the demon king and a class full of monsters
Channel: Doron’s World
Views: 13,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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