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how do you become la kayana koji kiyotaka what do you have to do what do you have to study how do you think like him is it even possible in the first place welcome to the power analysis where i break down your favorite characters from anime tv and films i am aware that you guys want me to cover different characters which i will definitely do in the future so stick around for that before we continue into how you can become like owner koji i only ask that you guys subscribe to my channel and like the video so it can get recognized by the youtube algorithm that is all i ask of you thank you step one understand neuroplasticity and how it works i'm not going to say that you can become the actual ionokogi because you simply can't he's a fictional character however you can possess personality traits and habits that is definitely possible there's something in the brain called neuroplasticity neuroplasticity allows us to alter our habits behaviors and beliefs by doing something repeatedly over a long period of time for example if you start using your left hand rather than your right hand to do certain tasks you will inevitably improve your left hand function if you play chess every day for one month you'll improve your chess ability am i wrong but okay okay you just gave examples of physical improvement so it doesn't work for mental improvement right wrong neuroplasticity works the same for everything the more you do something the more you think something the more that certain thing gets strengthened if you feel unmotivated or you're procrastinating or binge drinking binge eating binge watching binge smoking understand this is your doing at the end of the day you're the one calling the shots not some demon on your shoulder so why do you need to know this to understand that if you want to become la kainakoji you need to do these next steps that i give you repeatedly you need to adopt these new habits and drop your unpleasant ones an interesting thing about neuroplasticity is that if you stop doing a certain action or think a certain thought the connections to the negative habit will weaken which is absolutely fascinating because you decide how you want to shape your life step 2 appearance this step is rather simple just look clean you don't have to wear fancy clothes expensive shoes or even have iona koji's haircut you don't need any of that just stay clean make sure you get a haircut every two weeks shower every day maybe get skin care routine and eat healthy ionokogi is pretty lean so exercising and eating healthy would get you to that position if you want to gain muscle search up how to bulk and if you want to lose fat search up caloric deficit after the video of course step three demeanor okay so here come the steps that have some juice to them as we all know ayana koji's demeanor is i am bland i do not show emotions i am nothing important and i have no idea what's going on sounds spot on right so this is basically portraying mysteriousness how does iona koji use mysteriousness and how can you apply it pokerface is the first thing you need to use basically all poker players use it and why do they use it to not give away their hand by showing your emotions to people you basically open the door to your thoughts but how do you close the door by closing your emotions do not repress them simply close them off whilst in contact with others another thing would be to always say less than necessary this is killing two birds with one stone because it prevents other people from knowing your intentions and gives off a mysterious aura i'll give you an example if someone asked you hey what are you doing after school you wouldn't reply with i'm going to make a tick tock video for my business and then watch youtube videos on how to make money you would respond with working on my business you see how in the second response it was a lot more vague you gave them a half answer without raising suspicion with the first response you were too detailed you were basically showing your hand and your mysteriousness would be thrown out the window step four become bland or the shining star this is completely up to you you don't have to do everything that ayanokoji does do what's best in your interest if you want to be the shining star you can freely show others your progress get recognition and praise this is the job of the shining star do not hold back in doing so you could give off the impression that you've stopped improving never look back at your past and always strive to succeed aim to become the star on the other hand if you want to be bland like iona koji give the impression that you're average just like the 99 of people in this world work secretly at your craft become the best at something but do not show it to the people around you until you're ready this will absolutely surprise everyone you will be talked about your hard work will pay off and you would have reached your goal to get your opponents off guard and slaughter them in their sleep step 5 combat you need to learn how to fight do not try to learn every single martial art like iona koji because this will take you years upon years instead practice one and become skilled at it how can you become ionokogi if you don't know how to protect yourself step six think i will not be mentioning what to study because i've already made a video on that however here is a habit that you should implement sit in your room music off tv off it should be silent think of a question that you want to be answered this question can be about anything life why this event happened in your life how to make more money etc and then ponder on the question do not search it up don't go on google or youtube to find an answer simply think for yourself this process can take up to minutes or hours the main practice here is to start relying on yourself ayanokoji thinks right does he take out google whenever he needs an answer as soon as possible no he thinks fast he's quick on his feet always questioning everything if you do this exercise daily it is inevitable that you'll improve your reasoning and thinking skills and there you have it i hope you guys like the stranger things theme i hope you guys enjoyed if you did i hope you'd be kind enough to hit that like button and if you want to support a small channel such as myself please don't hesitate to hit that subscribe button this is the power analysis and you have watched how to be like owner koji kiyotaka [Music]
Channel: The Power Analysis
Views: 397,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To BE Like AYANOKOJI KIYOTAKA, be like ayanokoji kiyotaka, how to be like ayanokoji, how to be like kiyotaka ayanokoji, ayanokoji kiyotaka step by step guide, ayanokoji kiyotaka classsroom of the elite, ayanokoji kiyotaka, ayanokouji kiyotaka, classroom of the elite, ayanokoji kiyotaka classroom of the elite, classroom of the elite ayanokoji kiyotaka, how to be like ayanokoji kiyotaka, cote ayanokoji, ayanokoji cote, ayanokoji kiyotaka character analysis, The Power Analysis
Id: H91lNeuf0W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2022
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