Ayanokoji Vs. Ryuen: The Nature of FEAR

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from an early age ryun came to the understanding that fear is a part of human nature psychologically if he breaks someone down bring them into a corner their true nature will shine and that's why ryuin was abnormal because not once in his life did he ever feel fear when he was in elementary school he came across a large snake on a class trip and he wasn't afraid of being bitten some of his classmates watched with great interest but from a safe distance some were scared and others couldn't care less but there was one notion that was pervasive through every student they wanted the snake to die the adults panicked they cried for help but ryun simply grabbed a rock and bashed the snake's head he was not afraid his classmate screamed his teachers were in a frenzy but ryun didn't care he wanted to destroy the snake that everyone feared and so ray ewan learned something about himself that day the moments that his enemies accums to fear he feels a rush of adrenaline fear and pleasure are two sides of the same coin violence rules the world and the way you go about defeating your enemies defines your accomplishments the snake's death was his first inextinguishable victory since that day he's had many foes but not once did he ever feel fear they all bowed down to him and that's because ryu and believed that those who possess an unparalleled capacity for violence are truly elite but a problem arose as he grew up that same pleasure he felt from his opponent's fear disappeared he became complacent bored with nothing to motivate him he was unsatisfied because his greatest wish would never be given and that was to be overthrown ryun wanted to feel fear now with aina koji he doesn't understand emotion in the slightest it just isn't within his capacity he's never felt anything no anger happiness sadness frustration guilt nothing he's an empty void swallowing everything in his path and to satisfy his own objectives he plays games like he's the joker since his first confrontation with ryun back when sudo was on the verge of being expelled aina koji started laying the groundwork he carried these thoughts into the uninhabited island exam where he set the stages to expose ryuwen and make clasty turn the tables on him and class c would get last place on the cruise ship another opportunity arose with k and the girls from class c while pulling the strings he could make k his pawn while simultaneously getting ryun's attention it was brilliant and since he set up jorakita as the mastermind of class d he understood that ryun would seek her out and when the sports festival arrived he already predicted that reuen would use many underhanded tactics from his estimations he expected that kushido was the traitor and was working in cahoots with ryun and by blackmailing the girls from class c who tormented k he could flip the script on ryuwen and kushida during the time of the paper shuffle exam aina koji anonymously contacted ryun he knew it wasn't horikita and someone was pulling her strings at this point in time ryun had suspicions of who the true mastermind of class d was but his answer was not definitive and while inikoji messed around with him he made friends and used them as his mask he simply blended into the background and downplayed himself to hell finally we have the stage set everything is ready for the rooftop aina koji knowingly set up k to be ryun's target he forced her into a position to be psychologically tormented now this served two purposes the first was to get rid ewan and his cohorts into the right setting the second was to test the resolve of k if aina koji plans to use her as his pawn he needs to see for himself how far she's willing to go just how tight are the bonds of her loyalty and through her ewing's psychological and physical torment she did not crack under the pressure and so everything was put into place anekoji goes up to the rooftop and exposes himself to everyone there and they almost didn't believe him because it's inikoji he just portrays himself like he's no one special but quickly they begin to realize the true gap in their power eine koji easily takes down ishizaki albert and ibuki and finally it's him versus ryun now while ainikoji is a martial arts expert ryun has his own brand of combat something he learned by himself ryun is a fighter by nature he will continue to seek out his opponent until he defeats them until he is the last conqueror but to say this fight was one-sided is an understatement rig ewwin who rarely understood pain felt pain ryuwen who was lost in his complacency felt exhilarated and reunion who always saw emotion in his enemies the fear the sadness the joy and everything in between when he looked at aina koji he saw nothing his eyes were dead his face was deadpan and expressionless as it always was and for the first time in his life ryun felt fear in contrast to his childhood he was the snake getting crushed by the rock ryun wanted to toy with aina koji's emotions but there was no heart for him to manipulate and so i nakoji obliterated him until he lost consciousness like icarus when you get too close to the sun you get burned ryun who was a god amongst men was reminded of his humanity and because of aina koji his wish was granted he was defeated
Channel: Doron’s World
Views: 8,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g8UgODhYItw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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