Ayanokoji Was Always Alone

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last room of the elite volume zero probably the most important piece of information in order to understand how inikoshi became the person he is today now this will be a bit different from my usual scripted videos i'll just be speaking off the top and we'll see where it goes there's a lot of gaps and information but i think slowly as we see aina koji take these steps to help class d ascent to class a we can learn a bit more what's going on in his head i think the strongest indication is actually within the first episode when he has his first internal monologue of what is equality aina koji clearly outlines that equality is a false god and most of us go through life denying the fact that we live in this meritocracy and that's why at the end of volume one when he confronts chabashira sensei he says is japanese society inherently fair which the obvious answer is that it's not no society is fair there will always be systemic inequalities that a lot of people will never be able to break from that's life if you nurture yourself and discipline yourself you have the opportunity to ascend to greater heights all humans are born premature you know we have to take the steps to crawl then walk but that also implies that there is this quality for limitless potential we all have that capacity society may in fact be a meritocracy but if you go through the steps you can ascend and what's interesting about inakoji is that he's already made it to the top he's already tapped into his potential and yet he purposely represses it it's a sort of mental trauma that he's been carrying with him since his experience in the white room inikoji was a demon an ironically perfect human who stood at the top at the expense of others he experienced horrors most of us can't even fathom watching those he grew up with die or fall by the wayside while he continued to ascend in a sense we can understand why his eyes are dead his face is deadpan and he's constantly complacent never wanting to show people or reveal his true nature and that's because every time he succeeded it was at the detriment of others when you stand at the top all you get is loneliness that's why many people seek out a quote-unquote normal life and that's why the tokyo advanced nurturing high school was the perfect place for inikoji he could be free and freedom for inekogi is normalcy but it's not that easy moving on from your past life and that's why anakoji is constantly pulling the strings in reality it's all he knows and in the sports festival we see that the clearest when aina koji goes out of his way to contradict himself he garners attention he erases the president and people start noticing him but it's almost like a joke ryun is trying to snuff out the mastermind of class d and to him aina koji seems almost too obvious he's always there he's always in the background and it seems like he does nothing he just seems like a background character and that's why most people disregard him so we have to question what really is anikoji's true motivation what greater purpose is he trying to garner well it all goes back to the white room as we know it was his father's institution he was the one who set up these conditions that forced many children to die at the wayside it broke aina koji to the point that he doesn't know how to express emotion he's more machine than man and all he understands is information and data aina koji proposes to horakita what is the strongest weapon that humanity has to offer the most commonplace answer would be violence and there's some truth in that but when you do the steps you realize that violence is just a reaction to the initial action the strongest weapon humanity has to offer is information and that's why aina koji rarely acts because he understands that if he can soak up as much information as possible then he can defeat his enemies coincidentally kushida is the perfect example of this circumstance and what happened to her middle school class exemplifies the power of information kushida is someone who can easily gain the trust of others and because of that she can learn their secrets and she can use those secrets to turn people against one another if she sees fit and that's why communication became the major difference when it came to warfare those who are able to relate information the fastest usually won the war if it's one thing eine coach he has come to understand is to remember to keep a clear head during the difficult times if you maintain your composure you always make the right decision and one thing aina koji is is composed to abandon his humanity and be a monster so he can make massive changes and i think that's what aina koshi desires most of all to be a harbinger of change because he can do things others cannot he's someone who went out of his way to sacrifice his art and he accepted the burdens of doing the unspeakable he became a demon and that's because to rise above monsters you have to abandon your humanity to defeat monsters like ryun or his father aina koji became a monster he only views people as tools to success of his greater goal the only ally he considers is k and even then she's just another object and that's because aina koji understands at his core that if you can't let it go then it was never worth holding on to he's a god amongst men a demon who stood at the top and that will never change he will and always be a puppet master pulling the strings that's how aina koji will garner change that's how he will bring class d to class a and finally defeat his father
Channel: Doron’s World
Views: 11,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LJTKnt885ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 15 2022
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