Testimony: Rev. Terry K Anderson, Chief Shepherd at NBC USA, INC, Preaches Late Night Service

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word of God from the man of God [Music] I'm in my dressing room I'm getting ready to start for home got my ticket it's in my hand I'm gonna ride man on a train you see me coming don't close your door oh I'm just a motherless child got no place to go church I'll be so late [Music] when a conductor says All Aboard [Music] I've been converting [Music] oh and this time I'm not ashamed you can wake me in the midnight I'm well [Music] just what I mean oh I know the Holy Ghost is my witness oh I know things [Music] [Music] oh I see the tree yes in the yard oh just getting ready huh to make a stop I got my kick in kissing my hand I'm Gonna Ride Along [Music] so I'm gonna be lame oh Jesus name cause I'll be so glad [Applause] she's all aboard can I say that one more time oh I see the train catches in the yard oh it's getting ready to make a stop I got my kick head Lord It's in my hands not even but long it's rain oh oh [Music] I'm gonna be lame I'll be running y'all get my Jesus name because I'll be so glad when the conductor cares I'll be so glad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh all about [Music] [Music] it I'm the president of this convention and to Chairman Mitchell and to the Reverend clergy all of you my brothers and sisters in the Lord I'm so sleepy I don't know what to do it [Applause] I am grateful for the privilege to come and share with you my feeble preaching but my strong convictions about our Lord and his Christ Dennis Jones and I as Pastor Glenn has mentioned we have been friends now over 40 years we were friends for over 40 years but I want to thank him for that rich rich word thank you so much for that I don't have time to introduce anybody and to welcome anybody and all of that it's 11 what time is it now 11. but my wife is here and I always preach well when my wife is present stand with you Mrs Anderson praise the Lord for your presence dear and some members of Lily Grove have peppered the audience and my wife and I have been married five years and she's younger than I am so I need to get home [Applause] have I got a witness first Peter first Peter at chapter five first Peter at chapter five mm-hmm verses 1 through verse number four now as an elder myself and a witness of the sufferings of Christ as well as one who shares in the glory to be revealed I exhort the elders among you to tend the flock of God that is in your charge exercising the oversight not under compulsion but willingly as God would have you do it not for sordid gain but eagerly do not Lord it over those in your charge but be examples to the flock and when the chief Shepherd appears you will win the crown of Glory that never Fades away thank you you may be seated freeze up here grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk about between the finished work and the coming prophecy [Music] between the finished work and the coming prophecy we live in the parentheses of the finished work and the coming prophecy Peter who is the author of this text is writing to pastors to under Shepherds and he is exhorting them all right all right he's not making any demands he's not giving any orders he's not bossing anybody around because time has humbled him years have humbled him the experience at a fish fry with Jesus has humbled him Peter the only time Peter is taking his foot out of his mouth is when he's putting his other foot in his mouth he's impetuous he's boisterous he is the loudest most vocal of Jesus disciples he's a fighter he's a cusser he he's he's a take charge kind of person but time has humbled him and Jesus before he leaves meets with Peter and asks him three times to correspond to his three denials do you love me feed my sheep do you love me he said Lord you know I love you he said feed my sheep then he asked him a third time do you love me Peter said Lord you know I love you he says feed my Lambs he he humbles him he he he tempers Peter's impetuosity calms him down so much so that Peter is now almost begging [Music] exhorted because you cannot ask of another person what's not in you already if if you want to exhort then you have to be a prison under exaltation yeah the the greatest teaching is a life that is already the lesson that you're trying to teach Peter exhorts those of us who preach the gospel those of us who Shepherd the Lord's people I need to take a moment here tonight I know it's late but I need to take a moment here to say to those of us who preach that you've got to watch The Devil because if you don't watch The Devil he will urge you to preach a gospel that is reasonable but not powerful a gospel that's exciting but it's not authoritative a gospel that flatters but does not confront a gospel that does not turn people upside down so it can't turn them right side up those of us who preach the gospel Peter exhorts us as a witness of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ I think I need to say something about suffering before I move into my text um there's a difference watching regular television and watching television in HD there's a difference in turning up the volume on the television and listening to television in surround sound the picture is more Vivid the sound is more precise because there's a difference in watching regular television and watching television in HD there's a difference in turning up the volume and surround sound most of our preaching has become watching regular television and we turn up the volume but if you want your preaching in HD and Surround Sound you've got to suffer because preaching that is worth listening to is preaching that is born out of suffering because you can't preach from what you haven't been through unless I be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease While others fought to win the prize and sail through bloody Seas you can't preach from what you haven't been through and if your preaching is not tempered by suffering God can't get any Glory out of your life I was I was some police preaching I don't remember where now but it was four or five young preachers who were there who for some reason escaping me even tonight admired my preaching and they came to hear me preach and I was in the pastor study walking out to go into the pulpit to preach and they said to me uh all four of them five of them at the same time said pastor we are so delighted to meet you we want your anointing he said pastor we want to shut that thing down like you shut it down we want to be able to choke that like you choked that's that's preacher talk you know we we want to be able to get after it like you get after and I said all right I put my Bible down I said let's hold a hand I said bow your head Brothers I'm gonna pray that you get my anointing I said God these young men want my anointing let their deacons get ready to put them out of their Church because they are trying to do ministry let their car be repossessed because they don't have the money to pay the note and their so-called friends are laughing behind their back and they took their hands out of my hand they said Reverend we don't want that we want your anointing I said never pray for another man's blessings until you've walked a mile in Another Man's Shoes you don't know what I've been through to get to where I am tonight you don't know what storms I've had to go under what burdens I've had to Bear well tears I've had to shed what you don't know what God has brought me through if you want my anointing you got to go through my suffering good father man I'm a witness Peter says of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ he says I exhort the elders among you too first of all the flock feed the flock it's the flock of God it's not your people it's God's people yeah and God has called you if you've been called to feed the flock feed them the scripture says we're with knowledge and understanding feed them the sincere meat and milk of the word of God not your opinions not your theology yeah but feed them with the word of God because the world is hungry for the living bread people need to hear the gospel we hear enough about Trump we hear enough about the Democrats we hear enough about the conservatives we hear enough on television on MSNBC and CNN we hear enough on HGTV we hear enough nonsense and foolishness and noise people need to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ somebody is on their way to hell and they would not turn around until they heard the gospel [Music] I still hear my old pastor the late Reverend John Wilkerson my old pastor had a shock of white hair and a voice like a silver bell when Reverend Wilkerson preached his voice sounded like an aeolian harp when fanned by Zephyr breezes Reverend Wilkerson didn't go to Seminary he didn't know anything about Boot Barn or Bruno no he didn't know anything about Harvey Cox or James Coleman he didn't know anything about exegeting a passage of scripture he knew nothing about five minutes for the introduction or 10 minutes for the body of the sermon and a poem at the end for the conclusion he just started preaching when he stood up and quit when he sat down but before he got through he said he he and then he said didn't he die and Ms Devine Roper would run all the way from the front of the church to the back of the church and his antichraus wig would fall off because he'd be shouting about the goodness of Jesus he died and when somebody heard that they couldn't sit still because he did die [Applause] I hope he's not listening tonight I hope I hope he's not listening tonight but a preacher was was at his church and he was making fun of how black preachers preach and close their sermons he was making fun of how black preachers preach and close their sermons and he started tuning up and talking about he died yeah and the guy on the organ started started pumping him up and the people in the audience were laughing because he was making fun of how black preachers preach and then when the people realized what he was saying said he died and they were laughing because he was making fun he was tuning and making fun of the black preaching idiom but when the black people in that church realized what he was saying they stopped laughing and started shouting and and and he was so far into it he couldn't get out of it Creflo Dollar I'm talking about he was so far into it and and it was sounding so good and the people were shouting so much because they realized he died and I thought to myself you can't play talking about Jesus and people don't start shouting because when you feed people the gospel and they hear the word of God somebody's got to move when they hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ feed them you are gods chef preparing meals every Sunday morning all of us who are serious about preaching know of the late Dr Gardner Taylor's words that there is a sweet torture yeah yeah about Sunday morning there's something sweet and torturous at the same time about Sunday morning because our words are the difference between life and death and so I kid I joke I play a whole lot but when it comes to preaching and feeding the flock of God I'm careful when I stand in the Pulpit because this is not my people these are God's people and as God's people he has called me to feed the flock it's right here in the text not only are we to feed the flock but we ought to lead the flock I I might not get invited back to National Baptist USA Incorporated but but but it's in my mind it's in my in my notes so I might as well put it out there again those of us who preach top the scripture says we don't Lord it over those who are in our church and we don't tend to flock of God uh like like we're under compulsion and and we don't turn ourselves into celebrities and somebody got to carry your Bible and and somebody got to go get gas for your car somebody got your handkerchief and and somebody got your your coat yeah I I go to some Churches to preach pastor and I drive up to the to the church and they swarm my car like bees Pastor can I help you with that help me with the condo [Applause] since you want to help me with something [Applause] Reverend can I help you with that and and and and and and and and listen I guess that's all right but after a while you stop thinking you deserve that and then you start to think that you are the person in whose place you've been called to Proclaim [Music] we are not celebrities we are servants I wish I had somebody to help me preach tonight the greatest preacher other than Jesus was the Apostle Paul a Jew by birth a Roman by citizenship a Tent Maker by trade and a lawyer by profession a Pharisee by religious training and a Christian because of what happened on the Damascus Road spoke 13 languages seven of them fluently a Hebrew of the Hebrews circumcised on the eighth day of the tribe of Benjamin wrote over half of the New Testament and he never even calls himself Reverend Paul he says Ah oh a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ because when it's all over he's not going to call me Bishop he's not going to call me doctor he's not going to call me Reverend he's not gonna call me Pastor servant well done we are not celebrities [Music] lording it over people we are servants check your ego at the door put your supposed importance back in your briefcase the only Superstar here is Jesus Christ the only one worthy of honor and praise the only one we ought to bow down to is Jesus Christ we don't we don't Lord it over them we we feed them and we lead them I want to encourage you as I hurried Pastor that um people that you've been good to yeah people that you've given your life to you've gone out of your way to be kind to you you'll go to another church and see those people who used to be at your church when they were broke singing in the choir at somebody else's Church they they leave you and go to another level yeah after you paid their bills after you've helped their children go to college after you visited them in the hospital all of a sudden your preaching is not good enough for them they they got to go to another level I've had several members say that to me Pastor Thurston Pastor I love you thank you for what you've done for me but I'm going to another level then I asked him what church they're going to and they tell me the church that they're going to I say oh yeah I understand you're going to the church where the pastor records my preaching [Applause] yeah you you you you go into another level you you're going here to Pastor who comes to hear me preach I understand I wish you had gone to another level before we paid your rent but here's the point I'm trying to make because I'm almost cussed when I just started talking about that here's the point I'm trying to make listen to me brother Patrick I only Pastor people who let me Pastor them I only lead people who let me leave them if I can't lead you I wasn't your pastor in the first place all the people that God wants me to lead or the people jealous of anybody else's Pastor it I'm not trying to be nobody but Terry Anderson I thank God that he made me who I am he gave me what he gave me I don't have what anybody else has and I don't have to have it if I put my trust in God and feed God's people and Lead God's people God Will Make A Way [Applause] be encouraged tonight Reverend it's not always the folk you've been good to we're going to stay with you it's not always the folk that you've given your life to that's going to be good to you yeah I was thinking about it on my way here tonight pastor that there are names of preachers in Houston Pastor Glenn who used to sing and ring in the city of Houston yeah yeah and that's not even a street sign there's not even a plaque that's not even a day to honor their work yeah yeah preachers like Leo Daniels mm Malone [Applause] preachers like East Stanley branch and ml price Sam Gilbert and Hayward weakens their names used to sing in Houston and now in the words of the late Evie Hill all we can hope for is that they keep our body long enough for our family to make it to the funeral because if when you give I wish I had a witness here the best of your service telling the world that the Savior has come be not dismayed if men don't believe you he'll understand and say Well done just just feed the flock ribbon get up on Sunday morning and feed the flock and then lead the folk who let you lead them and God will do the rest I wish I had time to stay right there but you ought to feed the flock you ought to lead the flock he's right here in this text you ought to love the flock brother pastor I had I had to come to this realization I had to come to this understanding and it made my pastorate it made my Ministry so much easier I had to realize this and the minute I settled this in my mind it made my Ministry so much richer yeah God did not send me to Lilly Grove for them to love me [Music] God sent me to Lily Grove for me to love them and whether they love me or not that's not between me and them that's between them and God sent me there to love them and loving them is sometimes a burden it's sometimes painful it's sometimes aggravating but I can't stop loving them because God has given them to me to take charge and as one who watches for their soul and you can't watch for their soul and not speak to them you can't watch for their souls and be angry with them you can't watch for their souls and be mad with them yeah be mad with nobody on Sunday morning [Music] I'm not gonna let you mess up Amazing Grace for me [Music] Sunday morning is about Amazing Grace now we can cuss each other out on Monday morning but Sunday morning I love everybody because God did not give me that flock of people for me to use the church as a revenue stream God did not give us the pastorate for us to have something to do in our spare time God did not call us to Ministry to make us celebrities and superstars but God has called us to the suffering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that lost men and women who are dying in the Pulpit are dying in the Pew because he a dying man in the pulpit [Music] is suffering is sacrifice is giving of yourself is self-denial is cross bearing is prayer when you don't feel like praying it's preaching when you don't have any strength left is loving folk who don't even Shake Your Hand is giving God the glory with all your energy is depleted is standing up Sunday in and Sunday out muffin and muff out year in and year out asking God to bless these people even though they don't love me feed the people feed them lead the folk who let you lead them and then love the people I'm through now I'm going I'm not gonna be like Dennis and say I'm through six times I'm through right now I know but but let me say I'm not I'm really through now when I say this after all feeding the people Leading the People loving the people they still may not appreciate it but when the chief Shepherds come look in there I said when the chief Shepherd [Applause] he's got a crown that phase not away you're gonna help me close this won't you gonna give you an anniversary but that's gonna run out they might celebrate you and buy your house average man but it's gonna break down yeah they might love you so much that they will go out of their way to raise your salary on a yearly basis but pretty soon you will reach the level of your own sense of falling down because folk will love you when you're up and don't appreciate you when you're down they will be nice to you they'll be kind to you and thank God for those who are kind and thank God for those who will go out of their way to be loving but some of those people will die off the scene and their children will not be as nice as the parents were right talk back to me if you can yeah and then you will find out that all that you do will come to nothing because after a while they're gonna pass in front of Lily Grove Missionary Baptist Church and say Terry who [Music] because soon the places that know us will know us no more all that Holland all that hoop and all of that singing you do they love it while it's going on but you're going to get old one of these days and you won't be able to choke that thing like you used to you won't be able to pull it like you used to you won't be as good looking as you used to be now the women won't be able to be praising you like they once did and the men won't be behind you like they once were because we will all reach the level of our own coming down but when the chief Shepherd comes that's what I'm waiting on I'm not waiting on an anniversary I'm grateful for it I thank God for it but that's not what I'm waiting on I'm waiting for the chief Shepherd to come God's people have been good to me at nearly Grove I'm grateful for everything God is doing with me through me and for me at that church but I'm waiting on the chief Shepherd praise God for appreciation days praise God for times when people are lording you and patting you on the back I give God the glory for all of that but one day the chief Shepherd is coming ever got a witness here I'm grateful to God for all that the people do and all of you who are here in this Auditorium tonight praise God for your presence but I'm waiting on the chief Shepherd I'm glad you're in here tonight saying amen and waving your hands praise God for you but you're not why I came tonight I came because I'm on assignment I came because somebody called me I didn't do this work on my own Jesus called me been called to preach the gospel people will hate you but God will bless you people will criticize you but God will bless your life people will shake your hand and talk about you behind your back but you waiting on the chief Shepherd you know who the chief Shepherd is don't you I wish I had somebody to help me call him you know who the chief Shepherd is don't you you don't mind if I talk about him a minute I'm waiting on the chief Shepherd I'm glad to see all of you in here tonight God bless you Frank for your presence but I'm waiting on the chief Shepherd God bless you tell us for your presence God bless you Mitch for inviting me to preach God bless you Marvin Sapp for sitting back there waiting on me but I'm not here for you I'm waiting on the chief Shepherd you don't mind if I talk about him do you you don't mind if I call the name of the chief Shepherd I know you already know who he is but I just feel like talking about him a minute since I stayed up this late this is way past my bedtime I might as well go on and talk about the chief Shepherd you don't mind if I talk about him do you Adam's Redeemer it's Abel's Vindicator he's Abraham's sacrifice he's Noah's Ark he's Moses Bush on fire y'all don't mind if I talk about him do you he's a rock and a weary land he's a shelter in a time of storm he's a friend when your friend listens friend when you're hungry water when you're thirsty y'all know him don't you he's distinctive and Supernatural capacity he's superlative in Sovereign Majesty he's exclusive in spiritual Beauty he's a radiant and eternal Splendor you bachelors in superno deity he's a god of Gods he's a prince of Princess he's a pharise of ten thousand right in the Morning Star he's the Ancient of Days he's the day spring of Israel he's the Lady of the Valley is the rose of Sharon y'all know him don't you when he comes when the chief Shepherd shall appear the skies will break wide open and the warrior king Christ will leave his seat at the right hand of power and wave his hand and swear the time that has been shall be no more the reason why I preached so hard the reason why I pray so hard the reason why I sing so hard the reason why I feed the Lord's people the reason why I try to lead the Lord's people the reason why I try to give God the glory the reason why I go out of my way to let people know who Jesus is I got my own testimony I got a story to tell of what God has done for me you don't mind if I tell it do you it was about 12 years ago I was in MD Anderson Hospital and the doctors told my family he's only going to live two hours whatever you have to say to him go in there and say it right now because he'll be dead in two hours that was 12 years ago here I am tonight in the ballroom at Hilton Americas testified right I can't know about it Do Me Like Jesus and then the doctor said if he lives you're gonna have to put him in a nursing home he's going to be a vegetable for the rest of his life tonight in the rain they have ball roof at Hilton America's Hotel testifying if you suffer for the cause of Christ when the chief Shepherd comes you shall receive your reward is there anybody here waiting on the chief's Shepherd is there anybody here [Music] loving the flock as you're waiting on the chief Shepherd if you're waiting on it and you're not ashamed to testify if he kept you and you don't mind being a witness why don't you help me tell him thank you why don't you give him glory right now Ellen thank you for all you've done for me thank you for the many prayers you've answered thank you for the minute doors you open thank you for the many tears you've tried thank you thank you Jesus why don't you look at somebody tell them you don't know [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] early in the morning with John late in the Midnight Hour this job that I have the world didn't give us the world can't take it away have you exploded won't he fix it for you tell him thank you won't he turn it around won't he make it brand new thank you Jesus thank you for my mother thank you for my father thank you for my pastor thank you for my friends thank you for my upbringing thank you that one Friday on a Hill Called Calvary I died didn't he died but brother Sunday morning he got up from the grave with all power I know [Music] [Music] then where you are than where you are Pastor Brian has been to will give us our closing prayer Lord how we thank you and bless you this night [Music] what our eyes have said in our ears have heard and as we go down from this place Lord [Music] we go down mindful that one of these days the Good Shepherd will appear and he shall give us a Crown of Life thank you for Dennis Jones and Terry Anderson Lord thank you and give us sweet rest tonight is your will to get us up in the morning we'll get up and declare this is a day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it thank you Lord and we give you thanks and praise this night in Jesus name amen [Music]
Channel: R.E Enterprises
Views: 142,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: m00WdXeHoGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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