The Christian's One Job, Part 1 (David Gibbs, Jr.)

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out on our knees we were done reading the scriptures and we got down to pray together and she asked me a question that changed our lives she said do you think you as a lawyer could have a ministry for God and I said a lawyer with the ministry she said yeah I'm never good I said honey I don't think God even likes lawyers all that alive I mean there was a total I mean a total disconnect I said would you have in mind she said well if a Christian is ever in trouble for the faith not for doing what's wrong but for doing what the Bible says they should be doing could we tell God we'd defend them and not make a charge I said not make a charge she said yeah I said well who in the world do you know was in trouble for the faith this America 1969 that was unthinkable she said I don't know anybody but she said if that ever does happen could we just tell God were available by the way that's what God wants from you this morning Lord I'm available available now I have to confess I really did it the police her I thought nothing will come of this because I said okay we will that was a Thursday and we prayed and I just kind of put it out of my mind the next Tuesday I was working for a large law firm I got a call from a pastor and he said I think I've been sued for the faith I said oh I'm sure you're wrong I said bring me your papers let me look at it he brought him to me before I read him and I said well you have been sued for the faith he said when I told you I said it's amazing he said I understand you're a Christian and will you defend me I said I will he said well I don't know how I'll pay you I said well it's interesting we have a ministry that does this this is exactly how it happened he said you do he said what's its name I said it don't have a name he's the how long have you had it I said since last Thursday I'll never forget I said listen I said your lawsuit is amazingly serious you understand you lose this they're gonna take the kids simply because you're giving them a bible-based education and I said the ink on my diplomas just not even dry you may want to get a lawyer that's more experienced in a way better than me never forget he said no I I think God brought me to you and he said I want you what he didn't know and I didn't know is that lawsuit that go on for 13 almost 14 years and that was what gave us the right to have Christian schools and Christian education gave moms and dads the right to home-school all of that came out of that well I promise you America right now how many of you seen things in America you never thought you'd see in your lifetime if there was ever a time for God's people to be God's people it's now I want you to read Psalm 1 with me for many many years this was called our nation's Psalm and it was called that because it was George Washington's favorite Psalm if you go to Washington and see Mount Vernon which was his home there in Virginia now Psalm 1 is all over it it's carved in stone it's been carved in the wood there the reason Washington was so favorable to this Psalm was because he said no child of God would want to navigate life without it because in Psalm 1 God says if you and I'll do three things that's this here's my commitment you do these three things and whatever you do will prosper everybody here wants what they do forgot to prosper let's read the psalm blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season his leaf also shall not wither here's the promise and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper first for though has a grave warning it says the ungodly are not so now if you have a marker into your Bible be careful the word ungodly used here is not the word we most commonly used today we use the word ungodly today when we're looking for an adverb to describe something that's so terrible so wretched so vile so awful and we can't think of any other adverb to use we say well that's ungodly that's not the word hear the word undoubtedly used your unmeaning means god's way if something's not God's Way it's ungodly Wow that's the word this is written to believers it says the ungodly are not so that's as you do it my way you do these three things whatever you do will prosper but then God says don't do it my way and what he says next should cause every child of God great concern you said the ungodly are not so but are like the chaff with the wind drive us away that's as you do these three things and what you do will prosper but he said don't do it my way don't do not God's Way then he says you're gonna be hyper unstable you're gonna be like the chaff my family was in the cattle raising and slaughtering business as I grew up and my dad every year would plant an enormous Adana corn at least it seemed like enormous amount to me it was several thousand acres of corn when we'd harvest all that corn be putting it in mills and silos everywhere that corn chaff would be everywhere it's just that fine dust and I could tell you one thing about the chaff it takes next to nothing to stir it the slightest little breeze oh boy here it goes goes up your nose down your throat gets up under your shirt under your cap it's a very unstable well you know what we're watching in America right now a lot of instability among God's people do you understand the heathens doing what the heathens supposed to be doing but the question is are we as God's people gonna do what we're supposed to be that's the question how many of you want whatever you do to prosper hold your hand up well let's look at the three things he says I love the starts verse one blessed is the man aren't you thankful God wants to bless you people every word trying to figure out how do I get the blessing of God and we serve a God that desires to bless us he desires to how many of you have children hold your hand up how many of you love them more than you could ever say how many of you want occasion want to kill them hold your hand every mom and dad knows what I'm talking about exactly right you know what you want to bless that child but that child's that'll be blissful and there's moments every mom and dad's gotta be mom or dad and say uh-uh no way no how where'd you ever get it in your mind that it'd be okay around here well God says I want to bless you but let me give you three conditions to get my blessing blessed is the man number one that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly there's that ungodly again God says I don't want you to let the wrong counsel end now if you're only gonna hear one thing this morning I I pray you'll pull your ears to this every person in this room is a hundred percent in charge of the counsel they let in their lives do you know what the counsel this it's that influence you let in it's what you give your eyes and what you give your ears to it's what you open them to because anybody who wants to have an influence a counsel on you has to capture your eyes and has to capture your ears and whoever you give your eyes and your ears to is in that created you with two council access points eyes and ears and that's why the world says hey hey hey look here look here watch this watch this cuz they won in that's why the world says hey listen to this listen to this because that's how they get in I promise you in this meeting we're doing everything in our power to capture your eyes and your ears because that's how you get in and here's the question last week who'd you give your eyes and who did you give your ears to whoever you gave your eyes and ears to that's who got in in Sunday school we teach the kids a little song many of you I'm sure have heard it be careful little eyes what you see how many of you know that song your father up above is looking down in love careful the Lear's what you hear you say that's a great song for the kids now that's a great Bible song for every child of God because nothing can destroy like where you let your eyes and your ears go to and why would you trade whatever you do will prosper just because you decided to give your eyes and your ears to the not God's Way stuff whoa the first TV I ever saw in my life was in my grandparents living room I'll never forget it it was horrible had white snow all over it you couldn't hardly see anything and I mean everybody said boy this amazing you see what's he doing out can you figure it out Bernard Lisi was only on in the afternoon in the early evening and a bunch of neighbors farmers had all come over to watch this thing and we're watching I'll never forget what happened the guy on TV said these words as a quote Oh what the heck that's what he said my granddad said what'd he say I said he said Oh what the heck grandpa he said nobody's talking like that in this house he said unplug it and put it in the barn I said what he said unplug it and put it in the barn he said were not given our eyes and ears to that whoa I never forgot that that thing never came out of the barn pretty soon it wasn't just covered with dust we were putting saddles and horse bridles and everything else all over it and I can remember I'd look at it and I'd say teach you to say oh what the heck he end up in the bar Wow Wow who's gonna get your eyes who's gonna get your ears it'll change everything look at the second thing you sense nor standeth in the way of sinners that's people are not supposed to live the same way well we've got sweeping America right now is I want to go to heaven but I want to live how I want to live that's not what this says it says do not stand in the way of sinners a pastor helped me with this passage once he said something that changed my life how do I not stand in the way of sinners well there's a very simple help the day you got saved the Bible says you became an ambassador for Jesus Christ every single person here who's a child of God is an ambassador now an ambassador has one job in life and that one job is to make Jesus Christ look good you know what your job is today to make the Son of God look good you know what your job was all last week to make the son of God look good if the Lord tarries you know what your job the remainder of this week is make the son adapt look good that's your job and there is no simpler test than that to keep you from standing in the way of sinners I use this little test dozens and dozens of times a day am i making by the grace of God am I making the Son of God look good whoa I was doing a case in California in my office called me and they said boy whatever you do get to the airport there's been a terrorist alert a plane was forced down and they said the airports are all backed up make sure you get there plenty early I'm kind of famous for showing up at the airport a little tight on time and I said get there so we could get John for sure I said okay I got to the San Diego Airport four hours ahead of my flight and when I got there I was dumbfounded they'd shut down all the electronics they had closed everything they were opening everybody's suitcases and going through them boy they were checking carefully but the airline night was on that got me upset they had two people work on the counter so there were two lines and the lines were huge I take this auditorium from one corner to the other and half again and the minute I saw those lines I got ticked off how many of you understand the word ticked off you say why did you get ticked off because I don't like lines how many of you understand that sentiment right and here's the problem there were two of them and it doesn't matter which one I pick it'll be the wrong line now I got one job at that Airport make the son of God look good that's my job but I forgot it all the devil has to do is to get you to forget your one job and your thought life will go crazy man I'm standing in that line boy the people are upset all my goodness it took two and a half hours to get from the back of the line to the front now when I got to the counter I got one job at that counter make the son of God look good that's my job this is so simple and for the devil to win all these gotta do is get you to forget that lady looked at my thing that she said all mr. Gibbs your flights in an hour and a half I said oh she said you're never gonna make it you should have come sooner now I got upset I said lady if brains was gasoline you couldn't prime a Nance motorcycle she said we don't have to get mad I said I'm not mad I'm just upset I said why don't you tell us this before we spent over two and a half hours in a line and she said well let me tell you what you got ahead of you she said you see that line over there I said yeah she said that's the line through security she said do you see that sign in that line I said yep she said from that sign in is over two hours and to get to that sign is two and a half to three hours so you got five more hours in line how many of y'all have ever said how did I get in this mess how maybe all of that was done that I called my office I said boy get me on another flight they said there's not a flight for a week I said get me a motel room they said there's not a motel room on planet Earth I said get me a rental car they said there's more motel rooms and rental cars there are I said so you're telling me I'm like stuck well I took my boarding pass and I thought I don't know what I'm gonna do now I to get to the line you had to walk out over a man bridge the line is in the parking lot of the airport it's so long and I'm standing outside in that line just stupid upset and out of nowhere I heard somebody call my name for the gebbs for the gebbs and I look up and here comes a preacher I don't know his name I just know his face but he's all bubbly and happy oh brother Gibbs where the Gibbs how are you how are you I said I'm fine how are you [Music] and when he come walk it up I won't say the thought went through my mind I am not in the mood to mess with a preacher right now Lord how many of you know there's moments you do not want to see the preacher right and they're just not in the mood for this this guy is jubilantly joyful oh brother gets where the gift so good to see you I said yeah you do he said I heard you preach just a while back I said oh good he said you remember what you preach town I said no I don't remember he said you preach time this is the day the Lord hath made and what brother I said will you know rejoice and be glad in it right and I'm looking at him I'm thinking your mental elevators aren't hitting any of the upper floors right now this is ridiculous Jeff's ridiculous he said in this great out here in this great and I just kind of I said great it's a nightmare what are you talking about oh you said you haven't figured it huh have you I said I'm figured why not I said brother gets this is the easiest witnessing and so money you've ever done in your life I said what he said everybody in these lines is upset I saw I figured that out and he said they're all talking about should I get on a plane or not because what happened that goes down and they're all talking about what happens if we die I see the I've heard a lot of that he said brother Gibbs you won't believe watch this our lines going this way goes way up and and snakes back so there's a line coming this way and he taps on the shoulder that guy needs to cut talk to you a minute I said sure what he said crazy date again on an airplane didn't before the guy could answer his wife jumped in I'm even men know a woman will answer the phone when it doesn't ring I mean they're just paying and his wife jumped in and she said will you talk to my husband it is crazy neither one of us knows what would happen if we died today there's no way we should be getting on an airplane this is nuts we should go home will you talk some sense into his head and that preacher said well I think you're gonna be okay but he said here's what I want to do he said I want to give you this little simple gospel tract and he said I promise you because one day will be your last day on earth there's a whole world out there that does not know about Jesus Christ they don't know and he said could I just give this to you and he went to hand it and the guy was reaching up to get it and he never got a sheet of it I'm telling you midair God and she said I'll read it to him and she said I'll read it to him twice now what happened next I couldn't imagine four people that way and three people this way said have you got any more of those he said I do he's handed a mountain he turned to me he said in this great out of here he said this the easiest thing he said it's just the basic I said Wow he said now we do have a problem out here brother Gibbs I said what's the problem he said your face I said in my face now won't you hear me kid your face is God's billboard everybody is reading it and should the Bible calls it your countenance your face is talking women have these beautiful countenances but a lady can put a look on her face you can see at 900 yards in the dark how many of you men though that's true holds their head you say I'd raised my hand but she'll put that look on her face and I don't want to I don't want to live with it brother Gibbs and the only people with more powerful looks on their face than women or men guys our face is just broadcast what's in the heart he said the problem out here is your face brother Gibbs he said you look as upset as everybody here he handed me some gospel tracts he had he said here fix your face and go get up the world's watching our faces watching and we got one job and that is to make the Son of God look wow I wonder if someone would say of me boy he made Jesus looked good last week would they say that of you when I was 8 years old my mother contracted polio and it changed our lives forever forever we just had a wonderful family my mom was the church pianist conservatory train there wasn't anything she couldn't play by sight I mean she just an amazing pianist our house was full of this incredible music and one morning I walked down it was about 10:00 to 5:00 in the morning she was making breakfast for everybody never forget she said Davey run get your dad I think I'm real sick and my mom walked out of the kitchen it went into the living room and sat down on the couch and never walked again polio spinal meningitis had come to our house I watched her hands those beautiful fingers that could put just wither up and begin to shake violently I watched her gasping for breath and she said can't breathe I can't breathe immediately nine-one-one was called and I remember when the ambulance came I'm just eight the guys on the ambulance said we'll try to get her to the hospital but I don't think she's gonna survive I said what you say when someone in front of you says I don't think your mom's gonna make it to the hospital I watched him punch a hole in her her neck to try to help her breathe was a hole the size of a quarter she's gasping and shaking so violently I didn't know when they took my mom out into that ambulance I wouldn't see her for two and a half years you're eight years old two and a half years is a long time she did survive fighting for life in an iron lung we just lived for the twice a date phone call the phone call whether she was still alive polio is a devastating disease finally I got upset I could upset with God I said Lord I know people never go to church don't do anything to serve you and I don't have any of this and I mean when the church doors were open we had our own key we were the first to arrive the last to leave and I said God is if this is how you treat your best I don't understand finally my sister and I were gonna get to see our mom at the hospital now it was still so contagious we couldn't be buyer but they arranged for us to be in a building that store that had a glass that looked across into a window in the building she was sent we're gonna look across this little courtyard and we would see her and that a speaker set up so we could hear I know that doesn't sound like much but when you haven't seen your mom for two years you can't imagine how important it is all the way to the hospital my sister she kept saying that David don't say something stupid she said you're always saying stuff without thinking she said if you say something stupid I'll hit you David don't you do it well we arrived there we were there at nine o'clock we're supposed to see her at 10:00 and we waited in ten common when nobody and then 11 then 12 and finally a nurse came up she said are you the Gibbs case and I said yeah we honor she said your mom is having a very bad morning she can't breathe we have to keep resuscitating her she's in a lot of pain but she wants to see ya please wait I didn't know what to say finally they brought my mom up and or she's in this device to help her breathe when they brought her up her head was pointed away from us and we could hear her on the speaker she said which it turns my face I want to see my kids when I went to turn her head she just shrieked in pain and I never thinking God you took her legs she took her hands could have left her neck you could have left that much and I was upset my sister's crying and she reached over and she said don't say anything finally they got her all settled and we could see her face and I'll never forget her first words she didn't say hello how are you she looked at me and she said don't you think that David she read my face I'm if you know moms can read their kids and I did what every kid did I said don't think what mom her next words changed my life she said son he's promised he's doing all things well I said what she said son this isn't what I planned but the dad I serve is doing all things well those words changed me forever your kids are gonna remember your words it was a long time before she could come home when they finally got her home here's my mom now strapped in a wheelchair can't even sit upright can't dress her feed herself but she's home and that was huge in the minute the doctors and all left my dad said what I have devotions we've been having him faithfully without mom now mom's back we're gonna have family devotions and so we did read the scriptures talked about him and then before we prayed we always went around and said have you got a prayer request and we came to my mom and what my mom's prayer request was we'll never leave my mind she said would you pray God would give me something to do for him and I say what I thought man we've been down this road mama look where it got us and she said just pray he goes be something I don't care what that one itself well we prayed and put mom to bed pretty soon our pastor come to see us and it was not a good meeting he came in and everybody was so fearful of polio was so deadly and so contagious and he sat down by us and he said mrs. Gibbs the church has voted we do not want you to come back we're afraid of you when he said that I lost it I've never hit anybody but I was about to hit our pastor I thought how dare you say to my mom the church voted don't come back and my mom very gracious said I understand that's no problem but she said preacher would you pray got it give me something to do I don't care what just something for him our pastor looked at my mom and he said mrs. Gibbs I think you need to understand God's through with you and at that point I got up and was walking across the room I was gonna deck our preacher that's gonna fix it where he had to brush his teeth out the back of his neck really I I just thought you may be right but I tell you don't say that to my mom after everything she's been through and I was I was gonna hit him my mom stopped me she said David you sit down I looked at her real quick I thought I could get one swing in anyway but she said no no son you know I can't booth but you out of it you sit down and I went back and sat down and my mom said pastor the Bible says you're wrong that's got something for every child of God to do every one my mom said I know the music ska and she said it was my life and she said you can't believe how painful that is how I love to serve Him with the music but she said he's got something I just don't know what it is and he looked at my mom he said well if it makes you feel better to think that you just go ahead as he walked out I can remember in my mind saying what a creep how can you do that by the way when someone's down because one day you baby or somebody you love would be don't you do that an evangelist had come to town and put up a tent well it was just a little tiny tent full of holes but he heard about our family and he came to visit us the fella came in and he said I am don't know you folks but I just wanted to tell you everybody's talking about how amazing it is you survived polio you're one in a million with what you had that are still alive he says just come to pray for you and my mom said well that's great my mom so I have a prayer request he said what's that she said would you pray God give me something to do for him he said I will I will you said I don't know what it it'd be he looked at my mom and he said that's not not through with you no no no and the fella got down on his knees and then he got on his face on our carpet he's just praying up a storm and he's saying Lord she wants to serve you and I don't know what she could do it she just not sure but you got something but halfway through his prayer he stopped and he stood back up and he said you know now we're gonna be establishing a church here and he said we need somebody to do the sunday-school I said at the moment we don't have a sunday-school because we don't have a church and we don't have any kids but if we do have kids would you be willing to do them from your wheelchair and my mom said that'd be wonderful now I'm sitting there with them you don't have the church let alone a Sunday school then you already said by faith I can see you with the kids by faith remember faith is the substance of things what's the next word hoped for he left and my mom said this is wonderful that's gonna do something well we went to the church just next to a handful of people they're just starting and when they that Sunday school was just me and my sister I thought this is horrible I'm doomed to go to church with my sister the rest of my life but my mom would prepare did she'd stand up there like there were ten thousand kids there but she'd say boy I have so thrilled to be your teacher today and all week long she prepared like that here pray God please give me breath I've never so much trouble breathing I kinda had breath finally after a couple months she said you know we had to do something to get more kids and I said yeah and she said I have an idea I said what's that mom she said your grandfather used to with the open air trucks for the meat business bring kids to Sunday school in the trucks and every week he would bring in about three to four hundred kids and I called on the truck kids he said I think we ought to do is go get a bus and we'll call him the bus kids but I slice a novel idea but I said where you gonna get a bus she said well we don't have any money and she said our church show don't have anything but she said there's a bus company uptown and I've been praying all night I'm gonna go ask him to give us a bus I said now mom I don't think they give him away I just don't she said I know but she said I serve a God who can do the impossible she said what I want you to do she said tomorrow you're gonna help me get dressed and we're gonna go get a bus and I remember telling my sister mom's gonna be so disappointed but we got already it boy we went up by the bus company when we got there I got a parking spot right up next to the building it I went around to help my mom get out into her wheelchair and strap her all in and while I'm getting her out something terrible happened I dropped my mom I would never hurt her but she just slipped out of my hands we were on a lot of ice and snow and when we fell down she just screamed uncontrollably and we lay on the ground there for 20-30 minutes and I said mom let's go home that's not in this or I wouldn't have dropped you you know I didn't have purpose she said I know but she said you gotta let me lay here a minute I want you to get a hankie I'm dry my face I don't want him to see that I was crying I went to help me get me back up and we're gonna go get that bus finally I got her up and in we went when we got there there was a wonderful little girl that was the receptionist young lady and my mom said we've come to get a bus we need you to give us a bus and we'll girl looked at us and she said you you mean you want to rent one or buy one my mom said no we don't have money we need you to give it to us and she said well I've never seen him do that here before but she said let me call the vice-president she called the vice president she said there's a lady down here wants you to give her a puss and you could hear him saying something she said look she's in a wheelchair you come down here and say that and the guy came down nice enough guy he said lady no sense in me wasting your time are you wasted my time we have never given a bus away we are never gonna give a bus away that's not us so you have a good day and I went to reach for my mom's wheelchair to pull her back if she said Davey don't don't move me yet now I'm looked at this kind she said would you answer one question for me he said sure she said do you own the buses and he said one she said do you own the buses now the little receptionist girl piped up no he acts like he does but he don't there's only one guy here owns the buses and my mom said well no wonder you can't give me the buses they're not yours I gotta talk to the owner as he here that guy said the owners not coming down here and that quick that little girl said let me see and called them and here come the owner the owner came down by us and he said lady I'm what today is straight up I'm not giving you up us but let me tell you where I'm standing when you pulled in you didn't realize this my office is on the second floor and you parked your car right under the window to my office I saw you fall I watched you cry I watched the pain you were through to get back up into that wheelchair he said I have never seen a bus mean that much to anybody now he said I'm not gonna give you one but I don't know what to do with you my mom said can I just tell you this dad's gonna be awfully upset with you [Music] she said there's all these kids that need God and you got the tool to help me please that man looked at my mommy said oh I got a question for you if I gave you a bus who drive it
Channel: Truth Frees
Views: 789
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: countenance, witnessing for Jesus, soul winning, God's billboard, The Son of God, Jesus Christ, David Gibbs, The blessed man, the scornful
Id: HwY4hz40ECo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 10sec (2890 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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