The CHOSEN Season 3 Premiere - My Reaction/Review

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ladies and gentlemen we are live no intro we are going right into it type one in the chat if you can see me and you can hear me live no interest there we go we should be live type one in the chat let's see can I get this to work again this is gonna be amazing I'm excited we already have 500 of you in here let me just share it on my page let me know in the comments where you're watching from welcome from India type one type one look at the ones flying through the chat season three season three of The Chosen we've been waiting for this if you don't know I did season one and two watched both of them live on stream and now we're officially premiering season three shout out to Dallas Jenkins he gave me permission to do this I'm praying that we don't get a copyright takedown through an automatic system but we should be good we already have a thousand people in here we're gonna get started in one minute you only have one minute to like to share to get your popcorn get your drink whatever and one thing we're not doing tonight is do not spam your negative comments okay if you have negative things to say about the show then just click off and don't watch it okay nobody cares what you have to say about how this Show's bad and this is that just leave your negative comments because you will get muted we don't care we don't want to hear them I already made multiple videos on the Chosen and some of you that are mad are the same people lining up to go watch the the what is that one that just came out the Mr strange or whatever it's called you go watch all these Marvel movies and then a Christian movie comes out show comes out and you cry about it so keep the tears to yourself if you don't like it go watch something else come back tomorrow night we're teaching through the Book of John so tonight we're watching The Chosen do not not kill the joy do not be a party pooper and ruin it go watch something else if you don't want to watch it but here we are we're going to get started just launched so we're gonna get started let me turn off all my music my chat let me go small version there I am little Isaiah down there okay I'm gonna try not to talk much even though some of you said it's okay to talk and make comments we are doing subtitles because the poll 80 of you wanted subtitles there's a number up there on how many people are watching we're at a thousand right now so you want to see how many people are watching together this is the biggest watch party right now on the internet so we're gonna all come together watch this thing live it's gonna be a good time praying we don't get it taken down by copyright we shouldn't we shouldn't and we will make sure that we have subtitles on and all that good stuff also be looking at the comments as I watch it well I cry I don't know this episode is one hour and then next week's an hour and a half but let's do this see how it goes man I'm so excited I'm so excited here we go here we go I'll try not to talk a lot I promise I'll try to be quiet let's do this wait type one in oh wait that's the wrong video hold on [Music] he's in three [Music] point if it sounds okay everything's good sounds coming through I'll face by your own yes we're 20 days past your deadline for this quarter's tribute your collector has transferred your case to the Roman office are you able to pay your tribute penalty now I filed an extension in the month Victor doesn't know by the Korea point is Honorable creator of caperna Michael remind you into custody I'm very sorry I didn't realize it's been around sir I didn't realize may I request an extension of just five days oh who is this everything's finally shaver please thank you actually and then I have it's not here I can set to this Lucius there's actually been a mistake what do you mean you told me I'm aware but I realized the timelines were miscalculated I will clear it up thank you you miscalculated I received inaccurate information and I it's been corrected right now I will handle this it would be best if you went to our next house and I will meet you at the booth in one hour are you it is important to discuss this right now Abba we don't have first the shame of your choice and now you're actually my collector what are you doing here your son is our problems not you know he sent a soldier to your home I'm sorry I didn't want you to know I didn't choose this this to choose this job the Romans never forced you into it you chose to apply you chose to betray chose a secure future you are called to trust and Adonai with all your heart and not lean on your own I have trusted standing can you name one thing Adonai has done for our people in a hundred years 500 you betrayed and a blasphemer well you owe your government two months of tribute I will bring in a payment by the end of the week you've missed two payments I was hoping Lucius could convince you but I will no longer protect you I don't want your protection and you have 24 hours don't call me Abba Kelly cover the windows put on your Veil we will sit Shiva for seven days I have no son oh [Music] you have heard that it was said to those of all you shall not murder and whomever murders will be liable to judgment but I say to you everyone who is angry with his brother would be liable to judgment so if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your gift there before the altar and go first be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift [Music] therefore I tell you do not be anxious about your life what you will eat or what you will drink not about your body what you will put on is not life more than food and the body more than clothing look at the birds of the air they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feeds them are you not of more value than they and which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to expand life therefore do not be anxious saying what shall we eat what shall we drink or what shall we wear for the Gentiles seek all these things and your heavenly father knows you need them all but Secrest the kingdom of God and his righteousness all these things will be added to you [Music] so whatever you wish that others would do to you do also to them for this is the law and the prophets judge not that you'll be not judged is he doing or with the Judgment you will be judged they were to the same is written but he's saying yes let's go chosen season three episode one oh man that's a good opening scene sometimes I cried hey I feel it man I feel it I got my earphones in I got a glass dig in my ears getting a full effect foreign [Music] shout out to Dallas Jenkins you have heard that it was said an eye for an eye and a tooth for the tooth but I say to you do not resist the one who is evil and if anyone should slap you on your right cheek turn and give him the other one also anyone would sue you take your tunic I can have your cloak as well you have heard that it was said You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy what I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of your father who is in heaven why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eyes but do not notice the laws in your owner your father knows what you mean before you ask yeah craving like this Our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name and if anyone should force you to go one mile go with him two miles your kingdom come he all will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread [Music] as we also have forgiven our debtors lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil do not lay up for yourselves Treasures on Earth or more thus destroy and thieves break in and steer but lay up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven for neither moth nor rust destroys and your thieves do not break immensely for where your treasure is there your heart will be also everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat against that house [Music] will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain fell and the floods came and the wings blew and beat on that house [Applause] did not fall because it had been founded on the rock let's go make sure you guys share we're almost at 2 000 people right now watching Authority his own let's consider the lilies he said nor spin but I tell you even Solomon was not like one of these foreign did you find those guys I stood with his followers could you see the look on people's faces I've never seen a crowd so moved they've turned the other cheek and lay up your Treasures to Heaven business was a little naive but this man has talent oh I've never seen anything like it look at you imagine if he sold for us I died why didn't they take up a collection they could be living like kings I'm going with them what I'm leaving I quit I'm going with his followers where I don't know it's the ends of the Earth everywhere this message needs to be heard I sue you I announce my shares then I'll sue him there is nothing you could take from him that'd be of any value to you what does he have to give you then good luck at that foreign my thoughts exactly I love how perplexed everything in the morning I'll report to quintus we are not taking off the subtitles please stop asking everybody wanted that voted for them and there's a lot of people they don't speak English as their first language in the chat so if you don't want to see what subtitles go watch it on the chosen app it's free right now I was able to write down many of the new things you said but not all of them it's fine we'll say them again we can discuss them then I recognize some of them from my studies of the teachings of Rabbi Hillel it's very good Matthew when you said to be reconciled to your brother can you elaborate with you perhaps we can talk about this some other time very hungry and I would love to chat with our new friend about a few things oh I'm sorry I could come back no no no no it's okay I'm gathering everyone together shortly I would love to speak with you Matthew can you help James and John gather the others right now um Matthew thank you for helping me yes living okay everyone yes this is my first time watching season three I'm Jewish of carry out shalom's with us Shalom I saw you before I stepped out to talk to the people and then I noticed you listening very intently during my sermon that's wonderful thank you and then Nathaniel briefly told me how you gave us help him how you might be interested in joining us he's not easy to impress ah I attended Batman rash but my father passed away before I could pursue a rabbi so I stayed home to work I would like to follow you you would very much I may not be a soldier in battle but I have business and financial skills that I would like to use to spread this ministry far and more as fast as possible I did attend the bet with rash and I I heard you the first time I do not require that of my followers you would actually be one of the few I only require what other rabbis do you seek to be like me of course but that will be much more difficult with me than with other rabbis I can assure you are you ready to do hard things I believe you are going to change the world and I want to be a part of that I'm willing to make sacrifices and I have I am accustomed to loss so yes yes I'm ready to do hard things I want to see so the meaning of your name God be praised yes with your hands will you praise God every day [Music] well in that case Judas [Music] follow me thank you everybody everyone is here rabbi that's that's good that's enough well I just want to thank you all for a wonderful day today come on in uh did you approve of the sermon a little long but effective it was wonderful well you all did your part in spreading the word which is vital to our ministry and let's especially thank Nathaniel Thad and little James for their part in getting us the land and setting this up so quickly and I know you'll all have them clean up before you go and I also have a quick announcement to make few of you met him earlier but for those who haven't this is Judas of kariot Judas has just asked me to be his Rabbi and to contribute some of his talents to our ministry a request I was happy to Grant so let's please welcome Judas to the group well it's been quite a journey these last several weeks a lot of good work has been done and there's quite a lot more to do in the future but for now let's all get some rest especially your Simon you need to get home after the joy of having you gone wore off Eden has actually started to miss you so you two take a break come in come come come now you'll all be able to uh figure out amongst yourselves how to stay in touch so we can get together again soon for now let me pray over you the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord turn his face to you and give you peace [Music] I will see you all again soon thank you [Music] [Music] we just broke 2 000 viewers we have 2100 right now awesome this is so good season three I already love it so much better than one and two so good excuse me you are followers of the teacher yes yes shalom yes may I speak with him he's about to leave we a lot it's been a very long day I want to give you this I I don't uh thank you uh what's for what is an offering there was no collection taken he didn't ask for that this isn't a way to get to speak to yourself from Nepal and you're donating this to his ministry yes and there will be more and who are you my name is Joanna I bring greetings for Jesus from from someone so if I could only just have a moment I'm from macaris spoken with John baptizer Andrew come over here she says she's spoken to John and nikaris when how you you've seen yes my husband works in herod's court so I've I've had the opportunity to speak with John since he's been well since he's been brought in I I was intrigued by his words what what did he say Andrew yes yes he mentioned you you were a follower yes is he is he hurt no well yes I it's not a great place for him to be he's upset some important people but he wanted you especially Andrew to know that he is in good spirits can I see him this is Jesus yes of course I saw your teaching I know Joanna so you've spoken to my cousin yes yes John has been telling me that I need to see your teachings when wordreach Machias of this Gathering they didn't think much of it but John thought it would be a good opportunity Rabbi I'd like to visit John just that's all you report back to him that I want to support your ministry this has been this has been a healing day for me as John said it would be thank you glad to hear it and John wanted me to tell you that he is eager for you to come to Herod at some point he believes that that there is uncertainty in the court about him and he also says that they are not taking you seriously yet he thinks that that a strong visit from you soon could resolve both issues but he also wanted to make it clear that he is trusting your timing on soon of course thank you for sharing that now so my student here does not grind his teeth into dust is John even able to receive visitors at the moment are you coming to my cars no I won't be taking some time alone but if you were able to somehow arrange for Andrew here to safely visit John I don't I don't know if that's possible I suppose that I could make some arrangements my men are taking it back to macaris in my Carriage shortly you can join me thank you Rabbi you need to rest and to trust enter but perhaps after spending some time with John you'll be able to do both Shalom be safe what's going on everything good we'll leave in a few moments huh where is she oh my God see John that she's she's from my caddles I already said it was all right she she works in heaven don't worry about me you have to go home I can't let you go alone I'm going to be Andrew listen I'm going to be fine but why for watching out for me for everyone always have you're a great leader and I don't say it enough so thank you say shalom to John from me really I mean it started all this introducing me to Jesus and you introduced me to him I thank John and I thank you I love him I love you shalom [Music] if it's freezing for you just refresh it's not freezing it must be your internet because right now it shows that we're going smooth here also if you're leaving you can just say you don't need to let everybody know that while you're leaving thank you so uh did you did you talk to John yes I'll be taken care of and you're all set with medic yes good I'll stop by tomorrow to check in steward is after a second meal a good time I'll have to see what my plans are oh then I can come later Thomas I'm joking [Music] yes of course well [Music] shalom yes Thomas yes um yes maybe come by after the first meal of course I just didn't want to bother you it's been quite a lot of time together hopefully I know [Music] I just I hope this time away doesn't become too much time away good on [Music] well everyone's such a good actor in this show there's no cheesy acting it's all good crazy super Construction [Music] hello hello are you who are you I'm Titus nice to meet you I'm Yousef is Nev here nivus transfer I'm the new synagogue administrator I had no idea that he was leaving that I'm so unimportant no one would mention it I would not travel myself rather Yousef take it from someone who transferred many times over the goodbyes are hardest it seems Nev kept his information to himself to avoid having to say that you've been around then Kadesh Choppa Hebron and now Galilee welcome Jairus do you have family a wife and daughter and that and I willing another child on the way oh congratulations thank you Rabbi and what about your family I hope to meet them soon my family is in Jerusalem ah that must be art I'm sorry I was uncertain how long I would remain in Capernaum moving around so much is difficult as well your daughter how old is she 12. it is difficult for her making friends my wife too but being isolated brings us closer and I assure you it will not prevent me from doing my duty of course not Jairus I need ink you and everyone we're out dry I'm afraid I put in a request with the elders until then you may want to try with some of your less prolific Brethren if I did I'd have to explain what I'm writing I'll use my personal stores thank you enjoy your challenge that will serve you well here give myself one of the reasons I've been moved around I have a propensity for bringing order amidst chaos perhaps I'm being dramatic upheaval unusual events were the spread of unusual things happening in Capernaum that's an apt description are you perhaps writing of unusual things the most yesterday I saw a sermon by a rogue preacher I haven't slept since he was brilliant intriguing [Music] is it to be a historical record a letter are you filing churches no I I don't know what I'm writing yet or who I will send it to I am certain I must document what I am seeing number Yusuf I have a safe that I use I call it the seller it's where documents go cool off you can't imagine how many times our brothers write something they wish they had not sent in the morning other documents remain for months it's locked and [Music] really confidential does this sound like a place you might want to store your document I bet the goodbyes were very hard for those who served with Jairus thank you [Applause] [Music] it's good to be home even better to be here we got kids watching dude kids watching to live with my brothers yeah I know most of the time when I had the thought of you here alone all day and night In This Moment [Music] hi oh hello what are you doing here Nathaniel Simon you're looking at me like you want to smash my face with a stone I'm sorry I know you probably want to be alone but uh just not from here and I heard you might have space who told you that of course we do Nathaniel Andrew has a flat in the East quarter I can tell you directions if you thought about that it's just uh it's a one bedroom Philippine Judas are staying there in a plastic thing on top of each other it'll work out would you be opposed to sleeping on the roof if I well I heard you had a spare room that your mom used to stay in he's telling you these things I'm starving thank you yes seriously though don't even mind me I look like I'm not even here no maybe I will go up to the roof yeah it's easy to get him there's a ladder right outside come on I'm not oblivious I put the pillow over my ears Nathaniel you can say whatever you want when we're on the road but in my house try having a thought you don't say or you'll be sleeping in a fish hold [Music] sorry foreign yes what good this is the place nice oh poor guy that's hilarious slow down what you're not eager to get home yes but you're not the one carrying the ax and the tent poles and the hammer and these balls shut up let's switch yes this will be on replay Joiner on the channel dead that's your ass anyway come on you don't know what John I wake up every morning and after every nap having dreamed about just one thing you're going to tell me what I'll bet in my cinnamon cakes sounds about right and you don't well there are the teachings and the sermon we just heard have you not seen the Miracles he's been performing paralytics getting up and walking I know it makes me so hungry you're sick come on we're so close you guys going to eat Thomas everybody's hungry glad to see you found the place your directions are what's the word bad no there was a plan well I figured the guy from The Plains of Sharon a stranger from a strange Place could do worse than a bus what he can sleep in the room when Emma dries the hers that's fine glad to have you Thomas didn't I tell you I guess my mind's been on all this history making but he's been thinking about cakes what kind of cakes forget it three Disciples of Jesus imagery a simple blessing and Thomas and I talk to him come on thank you of all the fathers in caperna I must be the most envied hello Abba hello I'd introduce you to Thomas but it seems you already met Thomas Thomas oh about that sermon I have some questions I have some questions I thought you would attend to overthink things where is Emma Market realize that the last minute she was out of Cinema I've got something very important I want to talk to you all about I think I know what it is I definitely think I know come on let's talk more I don't know what you're talking about [Music] nothing in the cupboards I didn't know when I'd get back so I gave everything to my friend rivka foreign yeah I know what it's tiny oh no no no no no no uh you you'll sleep here yes and uh I I will sleep along that wall and then tomorrow it looks like that it's intimate okay so stay warm yes it will be warm Eddie I'm having some light in here please okay well we spent our last chicken let's hope this goes a long way there we go is this it Gary forgot she's been delivered she has it all dark in there oh hello I'm not sure who to or where to um go you have a Bowman one of the most beautiful neighbors I gave it the way to whom my parents do you stopped by that house my father will not allow it but you're his son he says I'm not I'm sorry thank you for listening I think perhaps I'll make Camp I know how to do it now are you okay Matthew I feel confused thank you for asking Mama you're doing really good Matthew everything's new it's okay to make a mistake thank you Maddie have a good night [Music] I think he's one of my favorite characters in the show he's a good man there's only one episode available to watch the next episode comes out next week so I can only watch this episode tonight yes yes we should not have taken it she got two but she was presumptuous sometimes rich people can be like that believe me I know I used to work in the wedding business who do you think she was remember how she struggled with her words I don't think she wanted anyone to know she was there that's what I got from her yes she was deceptive but curious I think she was being cautious with genuine she had on silver earrings or it was all talk and we'll never see her again which is fine with me that's the most expensive textile in the world I was trying to help us Rhema why don't we just eat them I can't say that I blame you for coming back we don't get interesting ones down here often every day it is something new with him either demanding we pass a message to Herod or preaching about a new kingdom his insults are very creative people be embarrassing to me if you tell anyone about my visit or my friend being with me but to you and your family it will be devastating do you understand you're never here John Johnny are you all right what are you doing here who allowed this no one I'll be fine they give it this way I've never got to sleep in the palace before but what are you doing here so worried praying for you every day you've got a new Rabbi now the rabbi focus on him and hopefully I'll be able to as well soon enough she came to me in distress after Harold arrested me that's for my sake she was angry I didn't call it her husband's adultery when I accused she is proving an apt pupil did you talk to him yes told him everything you told me thank you but that's not as important what do you think of him I don't know how to describe it like you are grateful for food and didn't realize you'd been starving wow that's heavy anything new so much tell me what he said nothing that made sense everything backwards um the the poor The Grieving the meek all elevated blessed yeah and other things reversed love your enemies you can what else the bizarre imagery thing something about uh Pearls Before pigs and logs in eyes salt murder rain God feeding the birds houses he's almost as strange as you John oh I wish I was so strange how many people were there thousands thousands wonderful wonderful what else John what can we do for you how help help you're helping me by what you're sharing you know what I mean come here don't be afraid the Prophecies of Isaiah he has been sent to Proclaim Liberty to the captives and what the opening of the prison to those who are bound this prison is nothing now that he is here do you believe that trying Andrew in all that he said to those thousands of people there was something just for you through what you are going through there always is what was it [Music] something that stuck with you don't be anxious can you add a single hour to your life by being anxious it sounds like him what else but seek for it seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness even more like him [Music] so if you want to help me Andrew if you want to help me listen to him [Music] go home and do what he says that's what I want got it [Music] I'll let you wanna get you out of here so you don't join me [Music] wow that was Heavy oh so good foreign don't be stealing money Judas it's too early for all that it seems like such a nice guy too I mean I'm sure he was foreign watching me watch this and she said Grandma are those daddy's friends she thinks that these people in the show why do I have a bad feeling about this that's what you said when I joined the mining company and now you're leaving it my life can't just be about money it's never not about money with you look I know you think you would have spent the others inheritance better than I have I would have that house you invested in has not gone up in value that's why I'm here I need you to hold something for me well uh two things actually it's the deed to my house what I don't know when I'll be back or if I'll be back everyone's been talking about your Rabbi you know what are they saying too many things to be true I heard hundreds of people gathered thousands I didn't know it at the time but the day before I helped his disciples secure the site God worked through me devorah that's never happened before how will you make money it's the only work you've ever known I will help with what little they do have help find benefactors supporters most Ministries and rabbis are inefficient and this is the most important Ministry of our people's history to spread his message to build something to match the Romans they'll need my skills Judas this is dangerous yes Rome does not like popular creatures with big followings they put them away I think he's the Messiah I am almost sure of it many have claimed to be the Messiah you know what happens to them always the worst case scenario with you you know their followers aren't always killed if he is the anointed one sister then he will not be killed he will defeat the Romans and set us all free I don't want to lose you to this you're all I have left in this world your husband your beautiful daughters oh I mean you know what I mean you're the last of our name if something was to happen to you the line of us get it will be broken and our family name will be forgot whatever happens I know that I don't know you set me apart for a reason I do not yet know how about an email loved you so much make us proud I will I was hoping I wouldn't like Judas in this show I like him no why do they pick such a likable guy and uh will you keep him as a mint plant alive for me please yes it requires a gentler touch which I do not possess I get that appeared go follow your rabbi I really hope you write about this I am you'll see you know bearing a sun would have been a lot easier than upending your whole life to go on this dangerous Journey shalom shalom [Music] foreign you wish to play Something in the cellar to cool off it's worth a try very well you and I are the only Souls who will ever know about this [Music] bye-bye it is unsealed yes it is Jairus [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] salon I won't take much time it's fine do you need anything I just have I have to um I I want to say something um in in Rabbi Solomon he's he said to to reconcile with someone first before worshiping and and I I I need to apologize to you you don't always yes I do I said awful things to you because I was scared which have I also talked about talked about many things I have a lot to work on me too actually but I said awful things to you because I was scared and you didn't deserve it and I'm I am I'm I'm very sorry so that that's all I'm sorry I'm not sure what to say I think this is the first time anyone has ever said sorry to me you don't deserve that either [Music] things are better now huh yes a lot [Music] thank you for this shalom [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] wait it's over [Music] no I wanted to keep going why is it over why is it over oh man that was so good what did you guys think why is it over no okay guys so that was episode one The Next Episode Two releases next Sunday at four o'clock Pacific time there's almost 3 000 of you in the chat which is really really cool we will be watching it every Sunday unless I'm traveling then we'll move it to a Friday but yes we will be watching this every single Sunday while it's airing while it's live and all that good stuff and we're praying it doesn't get taken down we would we did not get taken down tonight which is great again Dallas Jenkins gave me personal permission in my video last video to do this so we should be good to go what did you guys think let me know in the comments also there's almost 3 000 of you tomorrow we'll be live at six o'clock starting the Book of John my favorite book of the Bible verse by verse and then Tuesday we have Jonathan conon to talk about Return of the Gods I'm telling you right now just everybody don't leave listen to what I'm about to say I'm telling you right now you do not want to miss Tuesday night I'm just letting you know don't sit here and say oh I missed it I should have been there I didn't get to watch the Jonathan Khan live I had to watch the replay don't watch the replay on this watch it live so tomorrow night 6 p.m Pacific Tuesday night 6 p.m Pacific Thursday night Partners call Friday Night Live stream Sunday Night Live stream Monday Night Live stream Tuesday night live stream it's gonna be good it ended so fast but I really liked it it's the first episode so you know they're they're getting everything all the foundation laid out I think the next episode's an hour and a half if I'm not mistaken but yeah so so good so enjoy this so good you can re-watch it too it'll stay up I'm gonna I'm gonna end here soon but the replay will stay up so you can go back and re-watch it fast hour yes that was really fast oh man it was so good no I didn't cry but that was some really good point really good parts I expected episode one to be you know pretty slow and then obviously it'll ramp up as the foundation's laid someone said I've never seen you so quiet well listen I don't want to be like that annoying cousin watching the movie trying to give it away I'm watching it for the first time too and um it's a watch party y'all we're watching it together so it's not I'm not gonna react and pause it and all that it's just a watch party to me watching it so I thought it was really really good next week next Sunday at four o'clock will be the next episode episode two they release them every Sunday for the next two months maybe next episode you will cry I can't watch the next episode last time I did season one and two you guys always pressured me into watching another episode but you cannot watch the next episode the next episode is let me how do I go back here let me see if I can go out of full screen here the next episode let me see if it's up nope December 18th at four o'clock episode two so no I cannot watch it you guys can't pressure me into watching it great show next episode is going to make you cry awesome just stumble on this how do I find you again you could just follow the page on Facebook I'm live Cecilia if you're new I know a lot of you are I'm live every Monday night Tuesday night and Friday night at six six o'clock Pacific right here on Facebook or right here on YouTube I highly advise you to go over to YouTube Facebook's kind of like eh but yeah we have right now 2600 we have 2 000 on I don't know how many we have on Facebook we have over 2000 on YouTube make sure you like the video make sure you share the video if you want to give you can give down below I'm not doing like reading donations all that uh Jolene Susan both of you thank you I'm not putting none of that on screen make sure you also give them to the chosen app Pay It Forward because all their content is free so basically their content's free and people pay it forward so do that too I encourage you to do that and then we will have Dallas Jenkins on the podcast at some point soon probably early next year I'll invite him on and so he can answer all your questions for all you that are drinking haterade tonight while watching it here's what makes no sense to me and I'm gonna get off here in a minute I'm not going two hours tonight it makes no sense how you guys will line up to watch Marvel movies and all these demonic movies in theater but then you come over here and you're complaining in the chat well this isn't this and this isn't exactly accurate and this isn't this and like there's part Mormon funding uh let me just give you a reality check every movie you watch that's not Christian has secular ungodly people funding it so for those of you that are like oh no there's a Mormon that's a part of the staff or the crew just go back and watch your Marvel movies okay we're gonna watch this you can keep going watch Marvel so as Christians we need to stop being so such haters especially of Our Own Kind like we're the only ones that celebrate Friendly Fire like we love Friendly Fire I don't understand it why are we why are we shooting at each other we're all on the same team and I think they've done an amazing job accurately presenting Jesus and the gospels and even the actors of course not every single word is in the Bible but it doesn't claim to be word for word line by line but there is integrity there and Dallas Jenkins is a Evangelical Christian who made it so and he's already said a million times 100 of the creative power and creative directing is done by him so he's literally the only person that gives creative input to the show and he's an Evangelical Christian so for those of you that are like oh it's the Mormons are the ones that are putting input no they're not he said it and we take him out his word because he's a Christian and we're brothers and sisters in Christ so just all you have to do is not watch it it's no big deal you don't like something you just don't watch it no one's forcing you but I I love it I think it's a great show I think we need more Christian content so it was really really good everyone keeps saying who would you be in the show I don't know I think I could probably relate most to maybe Simon even though not because that one scene all right everyone relaxed not because of the scene where he was trying to get the people onto the roof but I just maybe his personality I I don't really know but I like it Google straight lies and says it's Mormon it's not a Mormon show you already made a video on it Dallas already did a video a bunch of times I'll bring him on the podcast and he can say it to you guys directly but yes it's not a Mormon show haters gonna hate potatoes gonna potato exactly relis all right we're gonna be on here for like two three more minutes and then we are going to sign off we'll be live tomorrow at six o'clock Pacific and Tuesday at six o'clock so the 2 500 of your 2400 of you that are in here I would love to see you back tomorrow it's Monday night listen get your new King James Version Bible get your family together tomorrow night everyone open up their Bible and go with me verse by verse through the Book of John my favorite book in the Bible I'm trying right now to preach every single verse out of the New Testament on YouTube on live stream that is my long-term goal that and reaching a million subscribers but we're gonna reach a million subscribers way before we finish the New Testament so yes we are working to finish the New Testament we've done the book of Acts The Book of Revelation The Book of Romans we've done Colossians we've done Ephesians we've done what did we just do did we do Philippians Philippians and now we're gonna work on the Book of John the First Gospel we're going to do is John and it will take a few months it will take a few months and we'll mix it up with some other teachings and different things and videos and all that good stuff but that's going to be tomorrow at six o'clock how many know without the Bible there will be no Revival how's this Mormon I don't know that's just because there's people that work with the show that are Mormon people say it's a Mormon show I love the Book of John John is my favorite book in the Bible so I'm excited to do that I'll be there be square good I'm glad you will be yes episode two is not out yet for those of you that are asking me to please watch it tonight it's not out yet what did Alyssa say that everyone's laughing at I can't see the comment I'm going to look for it right now I'm searching I got my flashlight out I'm looking for her comment I don't see it is it too high up I don't know she said something she'll probably tell me after the show or after I'm done yeah well my my mom's here and my family and everyone's here watching the watching this in the front room while I'm live and my daughter said are those daddy's friends because I was talking and she saw them on screen so that was funny Harvest is so funny she wants to be an actor oh yeah she texted me said she wants to be a background actor I love the opening scene of Jesus teaching that was so good are you able to put the old chosen videos back up no okay so what happened to my old chosen video season one and two whenever you're chosen one on the peacock they blocked all my videos in every region because it was on peacock so it was like a copyright issue and like I said Dallas was trying to fix it he didn't know what was going on and I panicked and got scared because I saw every video blocked and I thought I don't want them to try to copyright the videos and get my channel taken down because three copyright strikes you get your channel deleted so I panicked and deleted every single chosen video from my page but we're gonna have season three on so it's all good you can go watch it on Angel studio app it's on like everywhere now the chosen's free pretty much everywhere now but you can watch on the chosen app or why is John your favorite book of the Bible just curious I'm not sure but John is my favorite I just like the way he looks at the whole story of Jesus in a revelatory sense and I love John 1 and I also love the Book of Revelation The Book of John and the Book of Revelation two favorite books in the Bible both written by John so is 408z really your cousin yes he's my cousin yeah sadly all my reactions are gone I think I have one reaction left but the rest are all deleted Netflix has it I'm hoping that because it's on like Netflix and all these things they don't take this video down because of like copyright a lot of this company they work together for copyright and all that so I'm hoping praying that it doesn't get taken down and if it does I'm gonna try to reach out to Dallas through a mutual friend and I don't think it will he said I can do it so I think we should be good all right so good times guys we'll be doing this Sunday night we still have our Monday night teaching and our Tuesday night as well I don't know if we'll do like Friday every Friday or what we're gonna do but we still plan to do a lot of new content a lot of new stuff also pray because we did hopefully be praying get a studio locked in or a house that we're building a new studio so we're ordering all new cameras new lights new sets new everything to have a sit-down podcast studio so a lot of new content coming next year a lot of stuff that's very exciting I can't wait to share with you guys and uh we're just working on all of it so thank you guys for your giving all that we're not doing like a fundraiser you guys give enough and you guys are constantly giving every stream you guys give monthly so it just doesn't feel right to try to do a fundraiser for like all the new equipment when uh you guys are already constantly giving and stuff so God Will Make A Way God provides and it's all going to be good to go but no for those who keep asking if we're gonna do a fundraiser or anything like that no we're just gonna keep streaming and pray that God keeps speaking you guys and you guys keep giving and so we appreciate you guys but no there'll be no fundraiser stream no Studio stream uh donation website none of that stuff we're just gonna do it and it's gonna be good and I'm excited be excited next year is going to be a good year thank you all you monthly partners that are in the chat I'll rewatch yeah you can re-watch this I'm about to end right now I'm about to end uh the reason why I don't have Super Chat Vanessa is they take 30 of the super chats so you can give on PayPal my website and that there's no fee so they won't take 30 so yeah I don't have Super Chat because it is a 30 gone right away so that's that that's why I don't have that all right guys I'll be live tomorrow I'll hang out for like 30 minutes to 40 minutes tomorrow answer questions I don't want to do these two three hour lives I just want to jump on here watch it together and then jump off so that you know I could get back with my family and it's not just another night where I'm live all night so again Monday night and Tuesday night six o'clock you do not want to miss tomorrow night or Tuesday night I'm telling you right now there's 2 000 of you in here you need to be here Tuesday night this is a message you do not want to miss by Jonathan Khan it's going to be absolutely incredible and tomorrow is going to be incredible as we start the Book of John start with us don't jump in in part five jump in in part one make it a fun thing order pizza make it a fun night for your kids on Monday night they all get off of school everybody get home get your homework done get your Bibles together six o'clock Pacific Isaiah's going Live Verse by verse get the highlighters get the pens make it a thing make it a Bible study night I'm really working hard to bring you guys these verse by verse I spend more time on these verse by verse than any other content so I know they get the lower views but we we really need to be teaching the Bible and getting people solid and strong and our community me I don't care what anyone says is so strong in the word we're so strong in the Bible we go through it meticulously and so I'm excited to keep doing that and I'm responsible for this platform so I want to make sure that I'm bringing you guys the word and bringing you guys what God has given me so I love you guys I appreciate you guys I will see you tomorrow night at six o'clock all right see you guys love you bye bye where's my stream ending screen now you can't find it good night guys good night everybody we love you guys and appreciate you guys see you Monday and Tuesday next event is going to be New Year's I forgot to announce it but we'll announce it tomorrow there's the bird for the kids the kids love the bird [Music] don't let the bird eat the word [Music] yeah I'm excited to watch this with you guys for the first time on release night [Music] foreign [Music] good night oh hey didn't see you I was just chilling down there listening if this if you've enjoyed this video go ahead and hit the like button super easy super free helps a lot all right so right now stop what you're doing hit like okay I'm going back down here bye [Music] foreign [Music] it's not just free it's super free there's a big difference [Music]
Channel: IsaiahSaldivar
Views: 395,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Jtpm-qvyK4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 25sec (4405 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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