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and I've got some great news the chosen season 3 has finally arrived Erica and I went to see episodes one and two in theaters and I can't tell you what a great experience that was for us it was exciting for us to be a part of something that was happening worldwide and in my opinion gonna be one of the best things to ever happen to Christian storytelling the music is beautiful the cinematography is beautiful the acting is Stellar be sure to check out the new episodes on the angel Studios app with the angel Studios app you'll be able to enjoy all seasons of The Chosen including the new episodes on your phone and on every major streaming device one thing that I love about it is that you can watch it for free and if you love it you can support future seasons and you can make it free for the next family to watch by paying it forward in addition to the chosen Angel Studios has so many other shows that you and your family can enjoy including testament which is a movie that is going to be turned into a series The Wing feather Saga they also have dry bar comedy the largest library of family friendly comedy on the internet the total twins show and so much more another great feature of the Angel Studios app is that you get to decide what gets created next making you the gatekeeper of great future content that amplifies light click the link to get the angel Studios app and don't miss the new episodes of The Chosen that's right Familia welcome and welcome every single one of you I'm excited for today if you're excited to finish this season with with us let us know in the live chat let us know how excited you are about this I know that some of you I I've been watching the comments and I noticed that some of you are saying hey I hardly ever catch uh these lives but that you're excited to be here so if this is your first time let us know um let us know so we can give you a proper greeting we want to give you La Familia greeting which is a greeting of love and acceptance and just want to welcome you as part of our of our Global online Familia um I'm wearing my angel Studio shirt today is this is the last episode of this season and I'm excited I've heard a lot of great things about it not specifics just dude you're gonna love it a lot of you said I should have watched this in theaters I missed it in theaters I've been super busy wasn't going to be able to do it so shout out to um um the people who are new here like this person here come on man we know you're already here of it that I know here you're a veteran man come on let's see glad to see you this with you welcome Marjorie I'm just going to give a quick shout out to everyone here winged heart musings hello welcome back we've got uh Erica Ayala in the house literally in this house in the other room uh showing some love and support with uh helping out with the live chat you already know you guys are well behaved but remember if somebody comes in here with a different opinion than yours or is misled in some way please be kind show them La Familia love be kind you know remind them what we're here for um you know show them show them our our love we got Patty Chapman in the house we have Jennifer 1976 in the house lady Marie welcome back hello welcome Matthew Newman welcome back watch Once on enjoy uh I I always mispronounce your name please forgive me um so antonian I'm gonna call you senorita antonian forgive forgive me I'm I'm English is my second language I'm gonna use that as an excuse Didi in the house welcome Jackie in the house welcome I know it's really late for you so thank you for being here with us uh Janice if you're if if it's past midnight for you thank you for being here thank you or if it's close to midnight also thank you for being here if it's daytime welcome thank you for being here thank everybody for being here there you go Renee Lane in the house truth Seeker in the house we've got Matt McLaren in the house welcome 2B 16p sounds like a robot in in uh in Star Wars or something uh Sherry Ann in the house excellent beautiful beautiful people in the house Kathy Hutchins we've got Esther in the house Henry Garden Us in the house we got X-Wing in the house oh man I'm so excited greetings from Canada greetings from Southern California we're so happy to have you here so happy to to have you in La Familia Miss Norris thank you so much for being here again rich in the house hi excellent all right Familia I'm excited about today's episode um I hope you are excited as well we are going to make the screen bigger as soon as you hear that sound just give me a thumbs up to let me know that you can hear the sound from the from Angel Studios from the angel Studios app okay can you all hear that [Music] excellent glad you can hear okay here we go we're going right into it our Lord most high is Anointed King David and his Queen right right please ASAP how is the piece coming along I think we're close your majesty I'll hit a work in progress any day the work in progress is better than no work at all no progress I'm looking forward to it as well but if I may wear the harps liars and flutes that's well we were trying something new go on this is a Psalm of asaph he wrote the lyrics I composed the music and instead of singing and using instruments the text will be spoken accompanied by a Lo hum from the choir human voice the most beautiful instrument of all shout out to a wonderful idea thank you sire my prayer for this Psalm is that like your own songs it could be a comfort to God's people for generations to come this is my prayer also may it please the king and the King and most of all [Music] I cry aloud to God allowed to God and he will hear me in the day of my trouble I seek the Lord in the night my hand is stretched out without waiting my soul refuses to be comforted when I remember God I moan when I meditate my spirit faints you hold my eyelids open I am so troubled that I cannot speak I consider the days of old it's beautiful the years long ago I said let me remember my song in the night let me meditate in my heart I will appeal to this to the years of the right hand of the of the most high I will remember the Deeds of the Lord yes I will remember your wonders of old oh okay that was beautiful Familia you already know what to do right those of you who have not been here in previous episodes just watch what everybody else does and join in there we go Gary you got it looks here dancing and your fish emojis here show us that you're in Wanna Give You My My fanciest moves here we got somebody else in the house [Music] we are 33 weeks and three days today 33 weeks and three days today Familia [Music] beautiful thank you all for joining us in this in this dance and not leaving me to dance by myself let's go people of the children if your own followers can't figure out how best to share or live your teachings then why should anyone else [Music] sit down that's your answer I don't mean you I mean my students sit with me now yes please hello Simon it's interesting because sitting down is not a threat we didn't come here to cause trouble a threatening would appear that trouble has found us so then we should address it and how do you propose to do that big James listen to them my friends sit with me you cannot go any further until we agree on something oh please we cannot go any further until we agree on something message I'm a rabbi and as these Jewish Brothers will tell you we like to teach by asking questions who would like to solve problems by talking begins with a disagreement even better so feel free to listen and if you'd like to argue a bit that's fine too rabbi we look we can defenseless exactly on the way to jairus's house in Capernaum what happened when the woman Veronica touched me power went out from you no I mean what happened to her she was healed how I'm touching The Fringe of your garment no my friends you forget so quickly you appeared to me come on your memories are short you said daughter go in peace your faith has made you well your what Faith her faith many of you are afraid right now instead of choosing to have faith in me but rabbi you must see what's happening all around us of course he does that's the point rabbi increase our faith Judas if you had Faith the size of a grain of mustard seed you could say to a mulberry tree be uprooted and planted in the sea and it would obey you can a mulberry tree go in the sea he's making a point truly if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed you could say to a mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible to you oh how do we get there actually this said you increase our faith it's not about size Philip it's about who your faith is in oh if your faith is secure in God trusting his promises choosing his will for your life instead of your own decided faith is enough these people we are ministering to they are like bees hovering among the flowers waiting for them to open up so they can sip the nectar and spread it to others but they must see a faith in you that is secure big or small looks like you have your work cut out for you you're right teacher well I do have short memories excuse me what are you doing step back we're listening to our teacher so am I you know him this moment is about us and Jesus what is that smell Rancid it is an infection okay my leg is broken and it got infected mind your own business you need to get that checked out it's really bad oh boy right unclean silence look I didn't ask to get a broken leg and we didn't ask for him to come into this region and make things worse I'll talk to you in a moment I'm here to test what he said about the faith of the bleeding woman I already know brother I know you like that you can hear the wind right in that moment [Music] ah [Music] a under normal circumstances I would strictly charge to tell no one in some regions and with some people it's just not my time to be revealed and to escalate tension too soon but it looks like we're past that it's been a long time since I've read [Music] [Laughter] he's like well thank you thank you imagine he would have broken the other leg [Music] oh they believed it okay I'm Glad You Came Simon it's going to be a long day that was interesting so right right from the beginning of that I pointed out that like he instructed them to sit down and sitting down is like you're you're most vulnerable this is why people kneel in front of a king because it's it's a vulnerable position to be you can't you can't attack someone from a kneeling position so they have you kneel right or that's what they used to do is have you kneel he had them all sit down and one of them I forgot who mentioned but you know we look vulnerable and weak yeah that's kind of the point he wanted to disarm them and not make them feel threatened by him by sitting down and in fact they were looking down on him right but then very quickly he brought them down to to to their level beautiful beautiful work body language it's good to see you what's a surprise is everything all right have a word inside [Music] of course what can I get you to drink please Eden we're fine let's sit down foreign this morning I ran into Simon at Matthew's old house he was in a better way oh well that's his way he's all mine I've known him since he was born this wasn't Simon being Simon Ethan we love you like the daughter we never had ever since the day you married Simon a lot has changed in all our lives these past two years Especially Yours and I sense when we sense Tata some part of Simon's distractedness has something to do with your marriage we're not saying it is we just want you to know that you can talk to us can you imagine how she feels no matter what's happening Lord knows we are not perfect but we have been married for a long time if there's anything we can do to help what do you think she's feeling in this moment Eden I myself am not too pleased with Simon at the moment but I know he's a good man I fished with his father Jonah for 20 years that never really knew the man he was so difficult and distant but Simon has tried to be better than that and now he's learning a completely different way of living that would be bewildering for any person let alone Simon it's not just him I mean it's both of us but if I'm honest it started started oh man are you hurt no way it's Zeb give us a moment alone that intuition I tell you body reading body reading the body language reading her hesitation men are a little slower but eventually maybe you'll figure it out like ah okay I understand what's going on now foreign [Music] I don't know and neither the Simon which is our problem Eden I haven't known you for very long and I don't know anything about marriage actually not that I think about that probably should no please you may not be married but you have suffered you have lost oh beautiful listen to that listen to that she said first of all Mary is sitting there feeling like she has no place to say anything because well she's not married but listen to what what's a zeb's wife's name I'm sorry again I'm really sorry I'm I'm bad with names um she said no no you're you you're not you may not have been married but you suffered and this is not about Simone thank you this is not about the marriage this conversation is about is this or Simone Salome this this conversation isn't about marriage it's about suffering and so maybe she does have something important to say because well I think out of the three Mary has probably suffered the most I think it's safe to say right so that that was that was something else I love I I love the show more and more every single time we watch problem Eden I haven't known you for very long and I don't know anything about marriage actually not that I think about that probably should know please you may not be married you have suffered you have lost family still I am new to all of this so just love suffering and loss you say you have completed your ritual purification requirements because of the broken cistern but in the sea yes and I isolated for seven days which wasn't hard since Simon was gone and being cleansed didn't help at all no it made it worse because it didn't bring my baby back and it didn't help with my marriage that woman Veronica who Jesus healed when she couldn't see she had so much joy she had just been healed of formality her anguish was over and you were only at the beginning of your grief Child R um have you talked to a rabbi the one I want to talk to is not here and neither is my husband I don't know what it's like to go through what you have but I have been through enough to know that you need to grieve trying to stop the grieving process is so hard right because you're only prolonging the grief oh boy at least her husband and her she agree on something [Music] wow it is important to allow yourself that it's like we mentioned last time it's about accepting that something happened and then letting that flush out she is I didn't ask her ethnicity wow understand exactly has happened your students preached the navi about the kingdom that entranced many from this region visiting the city including the agaravilla who stopped performing his ceremony on Civic duties Upon returning to the capitalist work came to a standstill construction was halted Merchants could not get permits and Wells went undug so you're telling me that the region was paralyzed by the absence of one man what Fatiha did not say is that the merchants who could not get permits hijacked a carve out of exports from my Sera Phoenician brother he had a deal in place that you reneged all right what is your name add in this I'm a bronze Caster who appeared to be in good health and strength you're well dressed in Athenian blue Athenian rice tell me Hermes what is your plight I bought a plot of land in the north I needed the reading of the auspices to determine the God's favorability regarding construction of a new casting facility hmm sounds so simple but because of what those Jews said you know I associate these people with our order you stood by as reports of their teaching poisoned the mind you don't know what we have and haven't done fatia wow we strenuously disavow all of their teachings we have been punished for crimes we did not commit Andrew Philip did you direct your teaching to Jewish citizens yes as you instructed the auger from Abella overheard and was moved Aramis what were the auger's reading I've told you whether they were good or bad almonds doesn't that sound absurd you would call us absurd Jew your laws about food and Purity are laughable what sit down Brothers the last thing these people need is thunder yeah you see I was gonna say easy Thunder listen to this conversation how can I build a business without knowing where the gods want me to build Nazarene if you are any sort of self-respecting Rabbi you will not dignify that question with an answer your people's condescension is unending oh and there's never been a lot of condescension in your voice Katya let's stay on topic so here we have Aramis Paralyzed by fear that his business Ambitions might not be sanctioned by the gods of his religion how could this lead to violence the ogres flagrant Rebellion undermined Greek Authority and yet the Jewish Community was targeted in a brutal wave of attacks my people overheard is hit for not having paperwork with Rome and you turn to Crime out of desperation that is why I brought Andrew and Philip back to clarify their message they told the story about Hospitality but for some reason Jews and Arabs came to blows over it the people originally invited to the bank within your story had perfectly legitimate reasons for not coming which is another way of saying some people think the old way of doing things is better hmm look to the ancient roads where the good way is and walk in it you know your prophets of course I do what about Isaiah forget the former things do not dwell on them do not pit prophets against each other especially on this issue the people on the highways and hedges surely you're not referring to the Gentiles you sound like you don't want us to come to the banquet the meaning of the story is that God wants his house full and everyone who believes in me is invited plain and simple heresy you know you sound just like the people at the beginning of the story who declined to come to the bank I wouldn't be caught dead at a banquet with you I couldn't stand before God if I was now do you see so you're telling me that prior to Andrew and Philip's visit the decapolis was a veritable Paradise of peace and unity at least groups kept to themselves stop a town of Abella has been on edge for decades ah we always knew the Jews were fractious and divided but quietly inside their synagogue at least we go to Jerusalem to make our sacrifices not like you Greeks who leave your offerings on public altars to rot and stink ever wonder why Zeus never seems to come down to eat of your offerings maybe it's because the wine is sour and spoiled maybe it's because there is no Zeus the others Apprentice secretly removes the vote of offerings on the cover of a night when the stench is unbearable so basically your religion is a sham again that can tempt you a spirit are you proud to belong to this denigrating race Aramis please now he made it about race Jesus your Fame is well known we've heard how you work wonders and change lives and preached a sermon on the chorus in Plateau that some are saying may become the most significant speech the world has ever known I wasn't doing it to become famous well too bad because you are and specifically looks like you've arrived at your first failure Jesus of Nazareth if you are who you say you are why do you inspire and transform some people but threaten and disgust others let me tell you a story I know I know I love this I absolutely before he gets to this story because I love stories and I think that Jesus is probably one of the greatest storytellers ever because he doesn't just give you a story he he gives you something that's going to teach you something something you can extract that is going to serve you right but I want to point something out here you see how they're all like this man just told spoke about his beliefs the one with the Athenian blue he spoke about his beliefs right you don't have to believe in that right Jesus doesn't have to believe with it but notice that the first thing that the Jewish community did okay and I'm only dividing I'm only separating lines because that's how it's that's how it's Illustrated here the Jewish uh gentleman immediately jumped to ridicule him further dividing him right instead of doing what Gaius and Simon have been doing right instead of doing with guys and Matthew we're doing right um there's this this division but but look look to Jesus look to what Jesus said what did he do did he say let me stop you there there's only one true God and that's my dad and that's it or I am that it and that's it he's listening he's actively listening to what people are believing before he look I don't even know I'm an amateur in the Bible so maybe I'm just I'm gonna make maybe I sound like a fool because I don't know how much of this is actually in scripture and how much is the the the uh chosen team adding adding another story or another layer to this to kind of give us a a glimpse as to into what Jesus would be like or how he would have responded right because he did flip tables we know that but but I think it's important I think geez honestly this is the Jesus that I I follow this is the Jesus that I follow because at no point have I ever come across another human being who was pointing their finger at me and I was compelled by Jesus to to point my finger back or to push him back or to you know to to behave and to behave un on christ-like to just to put it that way right but everyone is like they're all in their little groups and so yeah but everybody's stuck everybody there was peace right but only because every group kept to themselves but that's not what Jesus wants right that's not what our father wants our father wants us all to be in the same house not to be in the same not just be in the same house but but to be mingling together right and to to listen to one another to live in harmony not live harmoniously separated not one person in this wall and the other group of people on the other wall and then other the dancers are in the middle and some people are like inviting some of the other ones and they're like no we don't dance anyway I'm going too far into into this but I love this I love this if I if I had it my way the chosen would probably be just these scenes I would follow probably just following Jesus the entire time forget what's happening over there with Eden I'm not wait never mind that sounded very insensitive I'm saying I would I would follow just to be hear him speak hear him like interact with other people sorry that sounded really insensitive I didn't mean it that way um but you know what I mean right like I would just I would just want to be just listen I wouldn't even want to ask him any questions maybe I wouldn't want to bother him I just want to see how he interacts with other people I want to see how he uh um how he de-escalates hard situations if he told me to sit all right I'm sitting I trust him fully with my safety like completely and if something were to happen I'll say hey I'll see you on the other side right if someone were to threaten me but this is this is beautiful this is beautiful work all right now let's get to the story I love this I love stories let's do this but before let's get this is a reaction Channel and we're going to go back and catch their reactions to let me tell you a story looks like you've arrived at your first failure Jesus of Nazareth if you are who you say you are if you are who you say you are why do you inspire and transform some people but threaten and disgust others why do you transform some and threaten to discuss others I know that some of you have already seen this but how would you answer that how would you answer that why does why does Jesus see I think the question is why do you appear to do that right I think that's the question right but we're we're weird in the way that we talk about things as though they were fact the fact is you transform some and you threaten others that's a fact but the real question is why why does it appear to be this way because an all-loving God wouldn't do that I mean I'm only human and my my understanding is limited but I think it's it's a fair assumption to to make right anyway let's go let me tell you a story I know I know get comfortable this is another thing we Jews do and come to think of it so do the Greeks so everyone just listen up A sower went out to sow and as he saw some seeds fell along the path I love this ah or listening I'm going to move back so we can welcome as many as possible students please spread out and organize the people and help pass my words on to those far away you want to send us out into one we can trust him John there you go see big James stand here for protection see the people are like like soil wanting to have a seed planted please tell me we're gonna hear it we're going to hear it right they're not gonna leave us hanging like The Sermon on the Mount wow look at that [Music] you come from perea the decapolis that explains it explains what Fair tassels you aren't sweating any yes they are not in style in the Hellenist cities brings you to Judea an important errand in Jerusalem you might consider stopping in Jericho on your way you aren't sweating any in the holy spirit thank you but I have way to your matters on the mind and fashion [Laughter] 30. there certainly is I don't think they were talking about the same storm what do you think [Music] this man Leander asked how can it be that I Inspire and transform some people but seemed to threaten and repulse others and so as I said I'd like to respond with a story A sower went out to sow and as he sowed some seeds fell along the path and the birds came and devoured them other seeds fell on Rocky ground where they did not have much soil other seeds fell on Rocky ground where they did not have much soil they sprang up for there was no depth and immediately they sprang up but there was no depth of soil but when the sun rose they were scorched and since they had no root they withered away and since they had no root they withered away the Thorns blew up and choked them other seeds fell among thorns and the Thorns grew up in Shelton and the Thorns grew up and choked them there we go from a hundredfold some 60. some 30. so I'm not 100 fold some sixty some thirties he who has ears to hear Let Him hear he who has ears to hear let him hear it something more you seeing this Simon This Crowd we are completely surrounded there must be thousands poor Simon isn't it isn't it he's beautiful thing see what what some people aren't realizing here is that in that group of people those people are the different types of soil that he's talking about there are the different types of soil he's talking about to some some people Jesus's words will land and then the sun will dry out there's that seed that was planted and since it got no root it's going to die right others it might grow a tiny little bit the birds the birds the birds of the Mind come sweeping Sweeping in and kill that plant or eat this whatever the whatever the parable is these people on here are r r the soil heat the very soil he's talking about um I'm going to briefly before we continue I want to please please please 0 1 first if you could please do me a favor and please let's not talk about that okay let's not talk about that I don't want to I don't I don't want to talk about I don't want to have that discussion on the live chat I respect your opinion whatever whatever it is that you believe but this is this is not the place please this is not the place no um I was going to say something but I'm not going to um but please can we just not not have that I really I really appreciate you being here you can watch the show we're watching the show but please don't don't talk about that okay with uh without due respect I'm not trying to I'm not trying to shut it down I'm not trying to to to tell you what to do what you can say or can I say but just for for the sake of this live chat if you can just please leave that topic for another for another for another time if you care you can you can leave a comment you can leave talk about it in the comment section and if it and if anybody else wants to have the conversation you can have the conversation in the comment section but for the sake of the live chat because we are watching something that is um about about the Life of Christ I just really just want to focus on that if we may please thank you so much you're still welcome to stay by the way please and please stay I would I would love it if you stayed I just want to keep the live chat in conversation with what's happening on on the on on the show itself okay thank you so much I appreciate that all right here we go so that that's all I wanted to say is that the people don't really know that they are that that there are those the soil and that many of them won't pick up on God's word or God's spirit or deceive that God plants and some will and the ones that do or are few unfortunately so here we go I'm coming sorry to disturb you Rabbi but it's urgent so I'm sorry never mind I was gonna ask questions it is a great honor forgive the late hour my name is okay you've written a great distance did your tassels fall off along the way oh my goodness yes they must have my apologies please I heard the great shamai has issued an edict regarding false prophecy to be on guard and alert for anything amiss yes yes I have just encountered what is that vest oh this was a gift from my wife damask so named for Damascus where it is made a silk killer in Helen's cities at once excuse me take it off I according to the law of Moses you shall not wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material oh I thought that was just an old an old what finish that sentence thing about not imitating Canaanite culture cultural prohibition for its time I didn't think anyone actually is timeless I understand again my apologies I did not intend to sin it is as I expected in the decapolis Greek influence has polluted your faith but apparently not so much that you did not heed shemais edict I encountered a Jewish rabbi consorting with Gentiles multitudes he even healed a gentile deaf new tell me about the preacher um three weeks ago a pair of students from Capernaum were teaching in a way to a group they didn't realize was both Jew and Gentile repeating the teachings of their Rabbi whose name they said was Jesus of what do you mean Jesus from where a small town called Nazareth if you can believe I require no further information from you but some of the temple Guardian I'll gather shamaya's Representatives oh goodness okay it's about to it's about to get real here [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] Macedonian Bridal leather Ciro Phoenician Hammer finished steel shoes and you left her untethered untended I was in such a hurry here for your pains I'm terribly grateful no it's all right my pleasure really but tell me what could be so important that you would leave such a rare Beauty vulnerable to theft or uh wandering off I had important business with rabbis well I am fascinated to know more you must be very important yourself um what I'm about to say is for Jews as much as Gentiles um so many cities are missing the need for repentance and righteousness I've already preached and done miracles in multiple cities as have my followers and yet they still fall short so many of you are here listening to me eager to be drawn closer to God eager to find peace in your souls and in doing so you have more wisdom than most of the religious leaders who refuse to be humble I thank you Father Lord of Heaven and Earth that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and reveal them to little children yes Father for such was your gracious will all things have been handed over to me by my father and no one knows the sun except the father and no one knows the father except the son and anyone to whom the son chooses to reveal him and I am revealing the father to you now Jew and Gentiles what is stirring in your hearts in the middle of such Division and unrest is Father God being revealed to you come to me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy my burden light speaking of rest we all need it now including me so wherever you want to lay your head let's sleep and I will continue in the morning shalom shalom foreign every time I hear that I every time I I hear those words because I've heard them multiple times I become I become empty I'm emptied out yeah kind of kind of like uh like if I were a couple of dirty water and just suddenly clean water pores and pores and pores and pores until eventually all that Gunk is out and it just keeps pouring and then suddenly it's just clean water just clear water and then suddenly it stops I'm emptied like you know what I mean by that he's pointing to something he's pointing to someone he's pointing to someone and maybe I don't know I don't mean things happen in the way that they happened with the with with what happened earlier in the live chat here maybe maybe these things happen for a reason because there's a strong message embedded in this Familia Jesus points to one person Jesus points not not to himself he only points to himself with regards to his mission but he points to one person and one person only where our eyes should all turn to he said look at me and if you believe in me then you believe in him and he's pointing he's pointing and I don't I I again I'm not I'm an amateur when it comes to the Bible but I know for a fact that even he himself says it's not about me it's not it's not about me it's about him I'm here for him I know him no one knows him no one in this world knows him I know him and he gave me everything that belonged to him you he gave me you and anyone who chooses to believe that I am who he says who that I that anyone who believes that I am who I say I am will know the father will know him then Jesus pray for all of us to have eternal life and he says an eternal life is to know you eternal life means to know you he's pointing to him no religious leader no political leader if if any of them is pointing to anything other than Jesus who points To God Be careful with that be very careful with that be extremely careful with that when you see when you see someone on TV say oh um I follow him the big guy and then does this with their body language he's doing something he's saying something with the body language he's saying that guy I want you to see that guy in me or me as that guy you got to be very careful with with body language and what people are saying when a pastor or preacher is saying that they were sent by God to do XYZ ABC I I'm very careful when I tell people that God told me this because I'm never going to say God told me this message for you God speaks to people and yes I believe that he can speak through people but you got to be very careful when someone says that they have a message for you specifically from God what you should do is go home and pray about that is pray about that let those words that that person sent you and let let God speak in you sometimes sometimes God is trying to reach you and we're so distracted by the things of this world that we're likely to believe someone else's message from God to us than we are to then we are to believe it ourselves so you're like some if somebody does ever tell if some I'm going to tell you what I don't want to tell you what to do but I'll tell you what I would do if somebody stopped me in my tracks and said hey God has a message for me and it shook me because the message really felt real I'm gonna be careful of two things one I'm gonna be careful not to to take this person as a as as God or something sacred I'm not going to take the message wholeheartedly but what I am going to do is I'm gonna go home and and pray about that and say hey I'm sorry that I've been super distracted or I've been distracted by my own Thinking by my own emotions or I've been I've been trying to force my will on this but you're it's about you it's about your will it's about what you want this life to be and I'm here and I'm and I'm and I'm open and I'm having this conversation with you is this message truly from you and pray on that I could truly pray on that beat please be very careful with people who say that they are sent from God or that they are God or that publicly will will make a show out of it especially people who aren't who who have not been in the church until they got cameras on them be very careful with that anyways I love this this this the sermon I love that little time that prayer that he did was fantastic I love it I sound like Nacho Libre fantastic here we go oh I knew that was gonna happen oh look at Matthew's face do you have the count yes there's at least one thousand to the South there were still people arriving after the sun went down Andrew and philipak no but before it got dark both points of the compass looked roughly equal in population so 2 000 and Counting I said roughly but yes we should keep going we have a situation one situation your gentiles they are the food I don't think anyone expected to teach him to last all day well no one is forcing to stay Simon they're hungry for his work and now they're hungry for food it's not our problem and they go back to their Villages they would driven out by violence it's night time they they have to sleep in these fields he doesn't get it he doesn't get how bad things were when we first came whatever happened it wouldn't change the facts of the situation well I can see things are going just as well here is out there what do you mean some of these people were driven from their home more than a week ago wow they're hungry and tired don't trouble Simon with your news his mind is anywhere but he Andrew be gracious with your brother grenacious he just said the people's hunger it's not their problem and we should send them away did you really say that Simon it doesn't matter now what matters is that we need to solve this without Simon's we can't he's not the Messiah John Jesus's argument's there but Jesus that the success of this trip depends on Simon oh that's right you did say that so I stayed behind Jesus insisted that I stay back wait for Simon and bring him did he say how no if it all depends on you the plan nothing what Jesus is capable of doing whatever he wants in the end that's what I'll do brother your peace Jesus wants to provide a solution for these hungry people that's what's going to happen I'm sure of it you don't seem very happy to be sure of it because he's not he's hurting he says I'm fine yo yeah I'm fine but he's not he's broken right Matt how's him wake up they're slovering on me how much foreign left an ungodly one there's no such thing as an ungodly hour tell that to my wife we were supposed to take the children to see their grandparents in Gaza today instead of God first then our family Son of God by serving our families and you don't have one so Don't Preach with me preaching I've heard lately is you repeating shamai's referend that Fidelity to God's law to the letters the only thing that matters and yet here you are complaining about actually having to act upon that conviction wow when I filed the reports to shamai about the healings sorry that reminds me of some of you probably won't understand this but that reminds me of that Meme where Spidermans are pointing at each other everybody's just pointing at one another what in the what man it's just like we're like and then another smack it's like a nevermind all right let's go and Jesus commending his followers to eat heads of grain on Shabbat your very own shamai said to me that we would wait to take action until we knew it was God's story wisdom I wish you would have heeded you forget your rank and stature cognizant of my ranking stature I asked him how we would know it was God's time his answer when evidence was abundant nashon said the crowds passing him on the road could only be described as multitudes of Gentiles that's the other thing about all this gentiles why are we meddling in the decapolis it's the holy city that matters so a sin is only a sin if it happens in or near Jerusalem no no no it's a matter of allocating resources there's more syncretism and Hellenist influences desecrating our people's practice in the decapolis than we could ever hope to address in any meaningful way the hassle of hunting down a single Jew who may be leading some people astray is myopic unappealing I'm sorry that false teaching is such a burden to you such important to you that's enough about masters of sarcasm the one thing that we can't all agree on is that if we find that performing any magic tricks or sorcery we will have to take action it's been a long time since I've prosecuted the Witchcraft case they can be unwieldy which is why I let them come to me good thing they're not biased or anything there's any way to go faster figure out how to summoned the carriage in the middle of tonight did you expect Caiaphas to hand pick your steeds ah just relax oh tell me what you think of this a falcon a man had two sons and he went to the first and said Son go and work in the vineyard today and he answered I will not but afterward he changed his mind and he went and he went to the other son and said the same and he answered I will go sir but did not go which of the two sons did the will of the father [Applause] many of you are from cities such as tire and sidon cities that have rejected God where did you find that at the bottom of my bag I forgot it was in there a little stale but it will look you can have here for days and you just you just discovered it I'm I'm following some men who told me we were coming to watch a fight a fight everyone was just in such a hurry is anyone have any food food your name is Andrew yes yes I wanted to say thank you again for everything I'm not the one heal your father but I and suddenly pass that along you've been asking about food yes I want to show what I have zombies can feed one family when I did what I could uh the Kingdom of Heaven message like a treasure hidden in the field which a man found and covered up then in his Joy he goes and says all that he has and buys that fear what do you mean by that what do you mean by that say it another way it's like a merchant in search of fine one pearl of great value went and sold all that he had and bought it listen carefully because this is accessible to all of you regardless of race or cream it's the last thing we need the kingdom is so valuable that once you have glimpsed it it's worth parting with everything you have in order to gain it even though to others you might look like a fool throwing away your life savings to buy what would look to others an unremarkable field but you know of the hidden treasure that makes it worth everything oh boy have you come closer to here better [Laughter] he said have you come closer to hear better my friends if you'll excuse me I must speak with my students a moment they're impatient it looks crowd some have been without food for days others have traveled a great distance so give them something to eat without the food they're after food is it time to send them home but at this point they're so hungry and tired if we send them home they're faint along the way you knew they were hungry yes truth I can see them while I'm talking [Laughter] hmm well this is a tough one can we buy some bread for all these people we only came with a little over 200 Denari Rabbi that's not even enough to get a little bit for everyone I wouldn't even know how to calculate that Matthew and I can calculate that maybe if we go into the cities we can unload something on credit yes yes that could work negotiate with whom the closest city is a villa and its entire population is here it's nine miles away and even if we raided every house in town we'd have to find a way to bring it back here and it would still only feed a fraction of the masses can you bring me anything surely there's some food from someone even a small amount five loaves of bread and two fish but what is this for so many barley loves two fish and five barley loves thank you for he did ask a question John it will take care of it if he wants to you look scared what are you afraid of afraid I'll choose them it's just wonderful bread de la Marquez I know it's not enough oh it's enough for me I can do a lot with this thank you listen listen first of all this kid is kind of coming in at the right time right he's coming in right when he's explaining that if you see something that of value sell sell everything right because you know the treasure you know what the kingdom is even though it might be disguised as a unappealing field right with nothing like it there's no crop there's no there's no there are no animals on the field there's no gold right on the field or anything like that so why would somebody sell other things just to to buy that right but that's all they're looking at they're only looking at at the field there's something hidden inside of it right and this kid is saying hey I'm going to give what I have he gave everything because he sees value in what they're doing right and then the kid goes I know that it's not enough or it may not be a lot he says it may not be a lot and Jesus says this is this is enough for me I can do a lot with this so isn't that isn't that christ-like like isn't that just like Christ where you you give to him something that you feel is nothing to you right this is what this is exactly why I love the only Christmas song that I will listen to probably on repeat all day every day is The Little Drummer Boy The Little Drummer Boy here's this person who's seen Kings okay he's seen Kings bring gold and and myrrh and frankincense and whatever other things that are that are are of value either socially or you know quite literally gold is valuable and well frankincense and myrrh is probably something that you would give to someone in high class right de la hi like we say in Spanish the people is nice um but then you have this little kid who shows up with his drum who's probably beat up drum right he has he says it says in the song I have I have nothing to give but he plays his best I played my best for him and that's that's it that's all he wants is for for you to give him your best I just like not just take like the best shoes you have and give him not just to take the best suit that you have and give it or you know the the most money that you have or the best gold or the best but to give them your best your best some of you are sitting there with talents that you're not using to to to to worship him to praise him to give to be grateful to give thanks to him right no instead We complain that we don't have enough that that he didn't give us enough how's God going to give you more if you don't if you're not grateful for what little he has given you and you don't give it back to him and by giving back to him I mean give it to the people his people some of you will play in church and some of you just means picking up a Guitar going to a party and singing your best for the people and making giving them a small moment to remember it but that was nice right he came in or she came and she played her guitar that was that was something else that was something special right you gave you give your best and then what does Jesus do with that what does Jesus do with your best he multiplies that he takes it and he multiplies it right that's that's so that's so beautiful that song makes me cry by the way I I'm I'm I have a homework for you all I have this very this this version of The Little Drummer Boy that I heard probably about 10 or 12 years ago it's a male singer and it's the most softest like not super exaggerated but it's the most simplest voice ever but it was my favorite version of that song and I have not found it so if anybody has links and you want to links to to different versions and you want to copy them and paste them in the comment section down below I'd appreciate it and the one who who uh finds it um we'll get we'll get a prize we'll get a price let's just say that let's go all right Jesus show us what you can do no I thought of God King universe who brings forth breadth from the Earth but to find some bread foreign if they've got bread be ready we'll probably be first feed them what has changed are we organize the people into groups of 50 and 100 gather up 12 baskets to distribute the Loaves and fish foreign like no you're unrealistic that's that's familiar Maybe let's go yeah Thomas he knows what's up see he trusts he's like I've seen this before feed them yes the Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that the man took and sold in his field this is the smallest of all seeds but when it has grown because larger than all the dogs becomes a tree so that the birds of the air can come and make their nests in its branches why 12 baskets beautiful yeah all right [Music] because 12 disciples gotcha [Music] [Music] is your basket imagine being that kids you see all this oh [Music] he's trying to do the math I love it [Music] oh poor Simon [Music] I've kept you here all this time giving you spiritual food but you clearly need actual photo so let's eat [Applause] [Music] but I was gonna say that's so rock and roll yeah and then they bring in the distorted guitar foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] watch this [Music] oh switching it up [Music] come on air jump with me Familia oh no ending okay that was awesome there are two women here to see it's Rabbi Josiah's visiting hours is he unable to assist I'm in the middle of something very important one of the women says to tell you she is the wife of Simon son of Jonah oh Jesus is yes please send them in you have my deepest condolences Torah has very little to say on this specific matter I'm afraid but sorrow is sorrow especially since your husband is gone perhaps but I was going to say distracted there is much going on with Jesus and in many ways the world is upending with Simon in the middle of it I'm making sense of it myself maybe I've been too distracted it's easy to forget there are still matters of great importance to tend to in the home are you angry with him yes I understand you mentioned you did your purification in the sea now that some time has passed what about a new cleansing but in the mikfei with a prayerful State of Mind maybe this could be part of A New Path forward but this is there we received word this morning it will be operational by sundown actually I believe Simon held in the Speedy repair and perhaps when she is ready we were hoping today for a reading from Torah of course did you have anything in mind perhaps something uplifting and joyful rabbi I'm not sure that would be truthful um there are many Psalms of Anguish and even anger and they are all just as important as the others in fact some of the desperate Psalms draws closest to God one of David's appointed Chief musicians ASAP was inclined to write in this depth as In this passage in the day of my trouble I seek the Lord in the night my hand stretches out without worrying this song is desperate even angry do you know who else is undoubtedly desperate and angry Simon oh she just exhale and I'm sure he's actually very angry and making that known to others perhaps you can pray this with him and for him oh man that's tough my soul refuses to be comforted when I remember God I'm moan when I meditate my spirit faints you hold my eyelids open I am so troubled that I cannot speak will the Lords burn forever and never again be favorable as his steadfast love forever ceased or his promises at an end for all time has God forgotten to be gracious has he in his anger shut up his compassion but that's not the whole song is it she knows it then I said I will appeal to this to the ears of the right hand of the most high I will remember the Deeds of the Lord yes I will remember your wonders of old I will ponder all your work and meditate on your Mighty Deeds your way oh God is holy what God is great like our God you are the god that works wonders you have made your might known among the peoples you with your arm redeemed your people children of Jacob and Joseph and James what happened your basket looks heavier than before but Nathan was satisfied they didn't want anymore they were full he gave us even more than we needed you will get used to this kind of math I'm in thank you rabbi can't believe we have about it well I was the one to cause their hunger should be the one to satisfy it no I am no longer surprised you're a new Matthew oh sorry but I meant it it's always this way I don't know why I'm surprised it's um it's just like Simon said it would be um she's angry because he didn't mean it that way but it worked out anyway oh goodness man come on John foreign it's so challenging see Salome insisted that that Yusuf um read something joyful and uplifting and Yusuf in his wisdom said that would be untrue wouldn't it and she's like yeah sometimes sometimes people don't want to hear Sometimes some people don't want to be uplifted sometimes people want to be left in their in their pain I recently was breaking down really quickly just wanted to share this with you but I recently broke down a song and uh and the song says it's it's a song in Spanish and it says no it says they can message to Uranus which means like if you see me cry just leave me be me which which means I'm not looking for consolation I want to be alone with my pain it's about this person who is finding Comfort being by himself and and makes loneliness or makes his pain or his sadness is his friend for now His companion and that's just somehow some people want to be some people want to stay in that pain um we'll want to be in that pain for a little bit they don't want to be pushed out of it right into Joy right even though we know that that's what what where they should be they should be they should be happy but she can't see where that comes from she's blaming God for for it and I can imagine that that Simon when he's when when he was looking at all the people and the miracle that just happened he he was so angry he didn't even he didn't even he wasn't even surprised about the miracle he was probably thinking to himself oh God gives them food but he took my baby he's giving them what they want what about what I want to took took my child made my wife unhappy and is causing tension in my marriage but we're very quick to blame something outside of ourselves right and the miscommunication between um Eden and and Simon is obvious right they both fail to communicate what they were actually going through and um it's just uh it's just interesting and then Simon well it's hard to tell with Simon we know that he's upset and we know we know that he's going through some stuff and then and he doesn't know how lucky he is to have people who are actually uh we'll understand that we may not understand exactly what he's going through but they know that he's going through something and they're with him but he doesn't want anything to do with that oh goodness man that's such a trip um let's continue to exaggerated this is more than I ever thought that's something we're in a sea of gentiles driver stop we are in a sea of Gentiles he says what is this what has been happening from Nazareth how long have you been out here listening to the teacher two days but we are several miles from any City how did you eat you multiply Loaves and fish to feed us thousands of us what do you mean they're just kept being more and more by his hand a miracle we need the evidence be careful that won't be difficult did he and his followers also partake of course he breaks bread with gentiles I tell them God performed the miracle and they say but he ate with the wrong people it reminds me of that thing that says some people probably saw Jesus walk on water and they were like he probably can't even swim people he walks on water because he probably can't even swim oh goodness man goodness goodness goodness let's go we already knew an Ethiopian woman travels with him and his students a freaking bread that's worse than I thought again we need Witnesses Pharisees from Judea if you're a little late you missed the show name the teacher Jesus of Nazareth the name I will never forget what did he preach did any of it one contrary to Torah he preached about the Kingdom of Heaven which is what everything a mustard seed a pearl of great price treasure hidden in a field but the best part he said that in the Kingdom of Heaven many would come from east and west with Abraham Isaac and Jacob that's all of us Jew and Gentile together at one table we need a third one of Nazareth may be the first due to break bread with Gentiles but he won't be the last and it will be with your Patriarchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob less for me you hurt our people we've hurt each other that he is healing us [Music] my goodness man they're so angry [Music] wow [Music] okay about ten thousand training a table with pictures what did the teacher say what did the teacher say about him reclining the table with Petra what did the teacher said okay okay it will do it's not amazing what it will do no no no no no no fish nothing I just want the boat I want you always waiting inside when I come back listen how much you want because I'm in a rush it's waiting for you okay what do we do now in the dark but everything we had to do today carrying the baskets and distributing food I'll do my best we won't leave you behind James we're not walking is this a story that inspired the song Oceans we're growing it's only eight miles across I got a boat and we can roll faster than we can walk come on Big James you know we're good at this excellent strategy Simon Simon is right everyone get into the boat and roll back across to Capernaum what about you it's been a long three days three days I'm alone to pray that there are storm clouds in the Horizon let me stay with you rabbi I'll keep watch be fine all of you go hurry follow Simon you all did so well today shalom shalom foreign I stayed behind so you could get us a boat I won't be in your way for long have faith Simon Faith isn't my problem I think I was a mistake oh even God makes them right bro come on man go you heard him let's go [Music] everybody's saying grab some tissues but I have a shirt now how many of us haven't felt this before like you're not good enough at any degree or like God made a mistake with you come on man [Music] do me a favor please get out of here man get out of here well come on man [Music] you look familiar [Laughter] ity and I mean no offense you look troubled I am I'm going up this hill to pray do you care to join me you don't have to talk about anything if you don't want I know sometimes people who are in trouble just need someone to sit with them in silence oh boy like job is it that bad not quite more like David how long must I take counsel in my soul and have sorrow in my heart all the day how shall my enemy be exalted over me oh man no losing something I know what that's like what are you losing time coming join me in prayer for a little while will you speak with me after I will if you still want to question me after we pray it's going to be some prayer then huh if it might even not want him to question him okay all right so good we're not getting anywhere the winds are too strong we should turn back we can get there just keep rolling Simon it's the fourth watch of the night that we've been stuck in the same place pepper off wet cold on Landing drowning dead out here [Music] [Music] what are you doing did anybody just see that come on over there I don't see anything what are we looking for I oh [Music] we have to get up here what I said everybody stop stop stop stop okay stop that's not a ghost how are you crazy [Music] foreign [Music] how is this the second most incredible thing I've seen today this surprises you learn nothing from today it is you command me to come to you on the water type A no are you out of your mind if you are who you say you are read me to step out of this boat you have the faith to walk on this water absolutely you can do whatever you command and if you command the world to hold me I will walk on it if I call you to me he would step out in faith yes then why are you upset why are you chasing after Gentiles when your old people have problems right here when your own person has problems I've been right here in front of you believing in you but you're breaking up poison into the confidence then come to me you weary and heavy laden I will give you rest [Music] thank you no other people decided Simon Simon [Music] [Music] [Music] do you still have faith faith hasn't been my problem I gave up everything to follow you but your healing thought of changes [Music] King of the universe [Music] why do you think I allow trials I don't know they prove the genuineness of your faith they strengthen you this is strengthening you and Eden keep your eyes on me in our grief [Music] they're all still [Music] I don't see because [Music] the mind starts to sit es do we take refuge all right wow please I regret not seeing this in Peters [Applause] [Music] wow I'm like I'm like leaning in down here we go don't let me go all right [Music] I have much plan for your assignments including hard things just keep your eyes on me I promise come on help me [Music] I'm sorry he's he's still there we go I'm here I'm always here I let people go hungry but I hate him please let me go don't let him go oh man don't let him go oh my God [Music] I will appeal to this to the years of the right hand of the most high um hang on before we get to this part hey that was that was something else man um you you you sit in church and you hear the story and maybe the pastor might try his best to use inflection in his voice to really help you picture it but there's nothing there's nothing like a little CGI to put you right into that story and make it so that you feel the power of that story Familia God walks on the things that drowns you God walks on top of the thing that is drowning you it doesn't matter what it is your marriage is failing financial problems problems at work the bills stacked up this high sickness in your family few hours of sleep because you have multiple jobs violence abuse drugs alcohol anger okay not just external things that drown you but the things that drown you from within anger resentment hatred division racism all of the things that drown you God walks on top of it doesn't drown him a lot of us have that kind of Faith where we follow but then we quickly are we quickly turn our eyes away from him to look at how our bills are are stacking up and you look this way and then your kids health is declining so that is stacking up on you and you start thinking and he's saying look at me keep your eyes on me reaching his hand another thing that he said right there after he said Simon was crying to him don't let me go and the power of having other people also praying that same prayer that you're praying don't let me go to have your partner say don't let him go and that that prayer being Amplified which is what I love about this channel is that we don't just pray for ourselves or for our family you have a whole family around the world everywhere around the world who if you are brave enough to say family I'm going through this and this is hard time for me please pray for my husband please pray for my child please pray for my boss please pray for my work please pray for my finances please pray for this pray for that and you have a global family that will join you in that prayer amplify that that that's important but what's important is what Jesus said afterwards he said I'm here I'm always here I am always here the problem is you're not focused on me you look right past me because you're seeing the danger not realizing that I can calm that danger down if with with one command if you trust me if you have faith in me I will do what's impossible to you it's not impossible to me when you don't see any way that those bills are going to go away you're not looking at the way which I am I'm speaking from Jesus perspective okay not me not me specifically not Leo Leo's nobody is nothing he's saying keep your eyes on me on the thing that feeds you I yeah I allow you to go hungry but I feed you I allow the bills to get to get to stack up but I pay them I allow the sickness to take over but I heal you I allow uh Discord disagreements anger violence but I will give you peace that's that's what we have that's what we have Familia we have that but you're looking at you're looking at the wave not realizing that he could say stop right there and it'll stop you're looking at the lightning and the Thunder and worried that it's going to strike you and he could say stop and it stops so many beautiful things to to take from this episode right everything from the sewer to the treasure in the field to to him going up to the hill to pray and then Simon walking on the water foreign so many things to pull from that if you're if you're willing to to be present and to to receive that message some of you are just hearing the message you reinterpreted in your head and you think you got it and you walk away from the message and then a wave comes and you forget the message really like look back on this look back at this episode and pay close attention to to what Jesus is saying between the lines between the lines and what and what Dallas and his team has very carefully very meticulously taking the time to to to direct and block and and script so that that this other message can come through so that so that it just not that doesn't only speak to your conscious mind but to your subconscious mind that you hear this the the words that you see the images and that that all of it penetrates this ego that penetrates this this self that believes itself to know everything but that it penetrates that and it sticks to the spirit that it sticks to your being not just in the mind they took the time please take the time to watch this over again and then just like take the time to watch this again and listen like truly listen truly listen because there's so so much wisdom in this one episode alone that is going to to bring peace it's going to bring peace we're already starting to see the division the groups and say hey you have a neighbor you haven't spoken to I'm not saying go and strike a conversation but when you see him just this just that see how easy that is do that with me right now ready one two three that's it that's all it takes you're at the store you see someone watch this that's it I sight with someone lock eyes with them and go like this that's it that's literally all it takes for one person who might be having a crappy day excuse the word to go huh somebody recognized me today someone saw me today I felt invisible today because I'm sinking and drowning in debt drowning in in my my troubles in my burdens I feel invisible and someone random stranger just looked at me and acknowledged me and gave me the nod that told me I'm here and I matter and I exist that's all it takes you don't know who is considering not being here anymore because they feel unseen and a simple hey nice shoes or hey how you doing good a simple smile will make them feel like they belong here and they should stay here as I said it's all it takes hmm and and look some of you need that right now I'm looking at you right now I'm telling you keep your eyes on him keep your eyes on him he's here he's always here he sees what you're going through he knows exactly what you're going through he's watching you seeing your struggle he knows your pain he knows what you need and he's ready to give it to you do you trust him do you trust him when when that Parable says like sell everything and give up everything it's everything inside as well that anger Give It Up that resentment toss it that pain that story you tell yourself about why you are the way that you are that story that you repeat to yourself that tells you you're not good enough that you're not worthy of love that you're not worthy of anyone's time that you shouldn't be here that you're a mistake foreign give that up I almost I almost said it more decorative Give It Up it's useless it's not part of his plan that's that's outside of the Kingdom stuff there's no place in the Kingdom for that you belong here you deserve to be here you're loved your scene you're welcomed you're accepted I want to say just the way you are and you are accepted Just the Way You Are but walk with him for a little bit because even though he does accept you just the way that you are there are some things that could change that could make things easier for you there are some habits that should be let go not because you're it doesn't make you a bad person it just it doesn't it doesn't fit in the Kingdom there's no place for that in the Kingdom some habits some decisions some actions just look there's no place in the Kingdom for that you are welcome you are loved no judgment but we but we do want to talk about that that habit that habit that doesn't make you shine you know what it is I don't know what it is I'm not going to sit here and claim to know what you're going through and claim to know your personal business but there are some things that you know that you should let go that you don't things that are holding you back you know what they are you don't need some someone to to shame you for that or or guilt trip you about that you know exactly what that is and you know that it doesn't serve you or serve him those are the things that you should sacrifice and sell and give away and throw in the trash because there's the treasures there are far more valuable than your than what you think your pride is worth let's go foreign I will remember the Deeds of the Lord yes I will remember your wonders I will ponder all your work and meditate on your Mighty Deeds you're away your God is Holy hmm [Music] man God is great like our God you are The God Who works wonders you have made known your might among the peoples you with your arm redeemed your people the children of Jacob and Joseph hi this music [Music] oh man I'm not laughing at at the situation I just I know that foreign when the water saw you they were afraid indeed the Deep trembled the clouds poured out water the skies gave forth Thunder your arrows flashed on every side the crash of your thunder was in the Whirlwind your Lightnings lighted up the world the Earth trembled and shook your way was through the sea your path through the Great Waters yet your Footprints were unseen wow I think it's ready [Music] very similar brother is Simo I think someone said that there's uh bloopers we'll check that out but okay we'll check it out [Music] I like that it said it's just like look I'm sitting here in my anger and then I remember your ways right you I think kind of good all this other stuff about the waters thing I need to break down a little bit more to fully understand that but it's um [Music] it's beautiful [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it's all about passing let me go back here we go [Music] all right let's go let's see this honored who of course of course the second word besides my father is not here to believe her and so Jesus said sorry you know you can just swim are you what did you um you know you can just come in one more time you're going to ask my father [Laughter] yeah why didn't you just come in you can you know you can do is available oh yeah one more time I'll take that as a no by decree of quintus he does something here but sometimes in the memory I forget my line after the joy of having you gone wore off Ethan has actually started to miss you so you two uh to get out of here huh I don't remember the real line I was close you're together please respect his privacy Lord thank God wrong prayer no food no shelter no clothes go out into Strange Land he said not to be afraid fear is not a thing you just stop Andrew no defenses no defenses [Laughter] back to um [Music] I'm going back to bed what what no problem not mine thank you Maddie have a good night [Music] [Laughter] thank you Maddie this is enough but stop laughing thank you [Laughter] Judas hey Dad I lost you and I was running like kind of crazy man oh I suppose that I could make some arrangements bug flew in my mouth oh no spit it out it's good protein yes I'm leaving I quit everybody hold and I also poisoned your bread what it was really hard you poisoned I had to like soak it for you rip was that got it I was ready to go again yeah let's go in please stay here sorry Deanda from Navi let me try that again Scabbard flippity dip it's just not yep I I forgot that it's okay for me to mess that up the door was also unlocked so you could have just right sorry not the time are you on his whose side are you on I just woke up there was a lot that happened I had to grab a knife I didn't time is it do you need some water come in does anyone have a sundial there's too much chest for them it's too much just for me it's too much chest for all of us you look pretty oh there's more where that came from four four here we play wing and a prayer on it I wasn't even looking you say that all the time we were kids that's not that doesn't stick you're really going to okay that's it that's how you win the game the complete sheet sorry Aaron not my strength clearly Baby James how does that wine skin feel um Baby James [Laughter] come on come on baby Steve not very flexible are you [Music] [Applause] see everything yay that's how I get my robe down hahaha and then you do the hokey pokey almost there just fall in the door ah welcome back oh oh bye it's a quick visit making food for the homeless and actually whoa jackal he's doing great I I haven't started yet again keep it short like that was perfect even can can you put put it so that the pickles are right in front of me the cucumbers are right no okay thanks [Laughter] [Applause] Emma there are sheep I love the banquet I was going to use that just the 12 of us [Laughter] oh every single time every single okay that's great wonderful Panavision film nice oh goodness okay well um next episode what's the next episode there's no next episode oh Lily and something [Music] let's go back over here to this screen I'm still getting used to this Familia oh what a great season I feel like it's beginning to take off and really starting to like get momentum right familiar with some of the stories I'm really glad that I'm not familiar with some of the stories as well because it's like fresh and what's new to me but I um I I'm just really pleased with this with this season I've learned so much there's so many wonderful little messages and I got I got to hear um the sermons in a new way right because the visuals help a lot and um it is something I'm really excited I'm really excited about season four hopefully um hopefully we can make uh we can make all that happen with season four and if you'd like to to contribute to the making of season four you can always go to the angel Studios app and then there's a pay it forward button and you can just click on and then and then just make it free for for the next for for more people sorry I'm like a little distracted here but um let's see let's hear this message here it says hey man um I would love to see you watch a biblically based documentary called unseen realm it's based off a book by a Biblical scholar Michael hazer even if you don't watch it for the public just want to help spread the amazing Insight on scripture um first of all thank you so much for the for the Super Chat appreciate appreciate the help um I would love to watch it I would like I would love to watch it if it's okay um send me an email to I think let me see I think I have where's my email oh no that's Instagram I don't know oh yeah here's the email send me an email here please and we're linked with a link where I can watch it we'll have a conversation and we'll see how we can um we can watch it if you're okay with us watching it together on here that'd be that'd be that'd be great I'd like to watch it um if not um I'll watch it separately and then I'll give you my my my thoughts on it appreciate that very much thank you um Familia I've learned so much I hope that you've learned a lot more I hope that you enjoy watching these episodes with me with me um I know that some people aren't too happy about the pausing and the conversation but that's what this is about not just me watching it you don't want to just watch my face just watching it but you want a bit of a reaction I'm I'm hoping that you want to have a conversation as well and and um and share not just my thoughts but share your thoughts I've learned a lot from you all from watching these I love that I can stop it and ask questions if I have to because if something's confusing to me or if something doesn't make sense you all are very quick to tell me uh wait Leo they're gonna explain that later or ah this person is this character and they played a part in this I love I love having those conversations with you all um I want to thank you all so much for for taking the time to to watch with with us on this channel even though a lot of you have already seen it um thank you for dedicating your time thank you for hitting the like button and for sharing it I don't know I don't know that these videos are being shared but I appreciate it appreciate it that you shared this with other people some of these some of the things that were said are very unique to this episode um or to this video and so they're gonna be people who missed out on on having this interaction this conversation with us and hopefully for season four we can we get to watch it again on the channel and hopefully we get to have more people on here they have more just more just more to discuss um uh thank you a special thank you for to Angel Studios for for uh sponsoring these videos uh for sending these cool shirts and uh sponsoring the Channel with these with these videos um I've had a I've had a blast and I've enjoyed that and I hope that there were enough people that downloaded the app and and um and started watching more um more shows the other shows on the channel but most importantly um well before I get to the most important uh gratitude I want to thank the people at the chosen for dedicating all the time that you do to to making sure that the lighting is perfect that that the the the set is designed in a way that is not too distracting that the actors thank you to the actors who are doing a phenomenal job with with your acting that I forget that it's acting even though I comment about lighting and I comment about your your outfits and I comment about you know the body language and all and and blocking and all that like I I do take bring attention to that but I'm really glad that you're doing it in a way that really makes me forget that I'm seeing actors um on there and I'm really starting to feel like man I'm not just seeing an actor playing Matthew I'm seeing Matthew even though I don't know Matthew um um good night Jackie thank you so much for being here um so and thank you to to Dallas for your direction your excellent Direction and your attention to detail um thank you to the people who work on sound the sound is amazing sometimes I hear conversations like when when there's when there's two characters talking I hear something and I and I almost feel like someone's calling me in the other room and it's not it's just it's just the background noise and it's not too distracting it just trips me out because I'm I'm aware of all that so definitely um yes Patty thank you a prayer for the for the chosen team who's doing a phenomenal job but also in the team most importantly thank you to the Riders to the writers who are making sure that they write that all of the the script is is uh the way that it should be and uh for taking the time to double check and make sure that everything's going to be scriptural and um and for taking the time to explain that not that there are some things that are added and for adding them in a way that's not taking away from the main message right and from from the main message of Jesus so um appreciate you all so much God bless all of you and may continue to bless you and guide your hand and guide your your attention guide your vision uh to creating uh to creating more beautiful work like this I can't wait for all the other seasons season four in late March oh they're supposed to start filming um hopefully we can work with with the chosen ones again and um I'd make all that um spread get spread the message make all that happen but most importantly um we want to thank we want to thank Our Father for putting us all together and bringing us closer together to learn more about him uh father we thank you for bringing us together and learning more about you for reminding us that you are here that you are always here with us that you walk on top of the things that drown us that that the lines that we've created that divide us racially and socially are invisible lines and that we should be slowly using your son as an eraser of those lines of those invisible lines that we should see people who we see as different from us people that we see outside of our Circle as part of our Circle and that we see that they too were invited to the same to the same banquet to the same party and that we learn to mingle with them in peace Father please remind us that every single time that we see someone who's uh homeless who's in need that it is you who is in need and that we we worship you and we show our gratitude for the things that you give us by giving to them and treating them the way that you have treated us when we were in need father even though some of us are have our homes we are in need and you provide you provide for for us and let us let us remember that there are people who do not have homes who are out living in the cold who are are forgotten who the world steps over and ignores um and let us remember to to give to them like you give to us which is give give to them freely and without asking for anything in return father we ask that you that you heal that your healing spirit moves to those who need healing that we ask that you see the needs of others and that you provide them with exactly what they need and more if it is your will we think we're grateful for your wisdom we're grateful for your wisdom because you know what we need and sometimes what we think that we need isn't what we need and you are very patient in humbliness and and reminding us that the things that we want sometimes may hinder us so you don't give the give us those things and we trust your wisdom over our own father thank you for for answering the prayers of all those that are requesting prayers from you now for the people who are learning to let go of their addictions learning to let go of the things that do not make them shine father please help them soften their grip on this world and help them to let go of it and to hold your hand and to walk with you and to move with your peace and to move with your kindness and to move with your love and Let Your Love Shine in them and through them teach them remind them let your peace and your patience shine in them so that when they're confronted with the world they can release your peace and release your love and release your your compassion most importantly father please show them to look for you in all places and in all people may they not use their own wisdom but your wisdom to know when a message is coming from you and when it's coming from The Dark One wants to keep them in this world so you can continue to harm them and keep them in their whole reach your hand down and pull them from their whole from that hole that they find themselves in reach your hand and pull them from under from underneath the water let them walk with you and never let them go father and your precious son's name we pray amen Familia please remember to use the use Jesus as the great eraser to erase those lines that we've created to divide other people to erase Concepts and ideas that are harmful to one another that do not show his love that do not show that you come from him there are ideas and beliefs that you hold now that are not serving him learn to learn to be learn to get rid of them and if you don't know if you don't trust yourself trust him he'll tell you all right um Edgar the knowledge keeper thank you so much I'll check the email shortly I'm going to get some food in my stomach um we want to thank you and Eric and I would like to thank you and monitori if you're still on here I want to say thank you so much for yes for the gifts we received we received your gifts it's more than we could have ever hoped for so thank you for sending the gifts um we will put them to use and you will see pictures of baby baby Ezekiel in the pouch I'm pretty I'm pretty sure I'm not going to let him let him uh out of my sight no uh it's really adorable I don't know how to like I don't know how to put it on but Leonardo will figure it out yeah and a shout out also and I think a special thank you to mama bear who also sent us these beautiful little gifts she send us this little rattle and a little like a spit up cloth um that was really cute it's it's so beautiful um he's gonna be here quicker than we know yeah fast quick and in a hurry yeah he's almost he's almost here yeah as as you can tell looks over I'm ready to pop look at that just a few more weeks I know it's crazy from like think like when you did the first episode like my stomach was like well yeah it's grown obviously but yeah yeah yeah he was moving a lot he said oh you should see him oh yeah you should see him um he loves uh Leon bridges that song that we covered on here we play it and he's just like he's he just loves Soul music I think you know he's he's got good taste oh and I and I play Flamenco music in the car for him and I'm and I'm sitting there like yeah and he's just in there like dancing I don't know he's probably like and they're like yeah it's on this side so it like rolls or he does like a little like there's like this little cake and I'm like man my son is over there like just enjoying great music yeah so thank you um Eric Harris we will definitely be praying for Juan Grace yes all right everyone please take care of yourselves be kind and loving and patient with yourself and with others and we'll see you on our next adventure peace bye-bye bye-bye
Channel: Leonardo Torres
Views: 53,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen live stream, the chosen season 3, The Chosen Season 3 episode 8, Episode 8 the chosen, non-christian reacts to the chosen, former non-christian, former non-christian reacts, former non christian reaction, leonardo torres, leonardo torres reacts, leonardo torres reacts to the chosen
Id: _mX0zbLapvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 25sec (8725 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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