Special Christmas Episode: The Messengers

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign oh my God foreign [Music] foreign but it's been so long I don't know if he's living in the same home I hope so you've said so much about him we will see we won't have any time to look for him if he's not of course let's see are we out not even a drop um Joseph yes can you stop please I'd like to up for a bit no Mary why would you want to uh English I'm getting a bit uncomfortable Elizabeth actually told me it's good to walk and move when I feel laptop we won't have any water until I get you to town you need your rest I let me get you more comfortable huh so if you don't have to be the only one walking plus we're far enough away from Nazareth don't have to hide my condition anymore this blanket is stuck there is no way that you are comfortable Joseph I'd like to walk with you please I am responsible for you Mary for you and you protect us yes I know I know I'll let you help me down all right you can walk for a few minutes huh but please not too far you need to save your strength I actually do need you to help me down ah yeah oh yes sorry oh slowly slowly watch the baby okay okay it's okay this feels better thank you thank you for protecting me I don't know that I've said that yet we have a little ways to go yet let's see how tonight goes and we're talking about that and I'm talking about before I've been meaning to say something this whole journey and I just I didn't and I should have I should have months ago you don't have to yes yes yes I do could have gotten all of the bright price back from my father it it was never about the money I know it wasn't and I know it's not polite to talk about but no one would have blamed you but what you're divorcing me publicly Mary hey you could be betrothed to someone that you don't have to hide and people wouldn't be gossiping about you could go be registered without having to drag me on this donkey for five minutes Joseph you are a brave man and you are Godly and I should have said thank you God told me to hang on he did you have the choice I don't believe that I did but I'm glad either way I wouldn't change a single thing that has happened since that dream where would I oh this all seems impossible huh yes [Music] yes possible with God My Messenger didn't say that that would have been nice oh are you feeling better habit yes okay we need to move quicker you need water and I plan to get settled for the part where your messenger and my messenger said the same thing she will give birth to a son and you shall call his name Jesus yes that part come on [Music] hold late night for delivery it was a long journey what have you got sorry oh agriculture grain fruit what am I gonna find if I look in here the best figs in the region thank you didn't mention the fine Goods I'll take a look at your papers now everything all right you look a little pale here they are fail season I don't know how to skip my turn right I believe that Samuel's house is through here I'm not sure how he will respond to Europe condition but he will have water and it would be nice to see him I don't know if this is it it looks so different maybe because there are so many people I I think if we um yes we don't have time to look for Samuel with your rest maybe I can find the wells you can drink and I'll take you straight to the end thank you [Music] so many people foreign no longer for I have found the way [Music] [Music] teachers Lazarus it's an honor your famous spread among so many of us you are very kind Paul says you are brave and righteous it's a pleasure to serve there is someone very eager for your arrival may I tell her all is safe and sound yes come in quickly okay today so this this is bull dropping here I don't like this okay you're lying to me thank you oh God you are my God earnestly I Seek You my soul thirst for you my soul thirsts for you My Flesh faints for you as in a try and worry land where there is no one ready yeah you won't believe it so that they are completely full the sensors hold down is overrun I think it's because I think it's because he knows that we aren't exactly that I can't just give him more money like the others can he insisted that they were full I was Furious but I kept my calm like I promised of course told them about our situation that didn't make a difference either just said that there was nothing finally his wife said that if we wanted we could try camping in a stable they promised us water and blankets to help even Lamb's clothes for the baby and they promised that they would be clean but I can go look for Samuel if he is living in the same home that he would have room I'm sorry I saw this town I should have stayed on God he's not beautiful if the bank started I'm sorry he said there was nothing all right all right we will make it work yes it will make it work woman yes Lazarus I'm sorry to wake you but I was just resting my eyes are you feeling well enough to see her what are you waiting for eign do you need anything else we're in z now Persia Lebanon Armenia all over the place I will just leave you to it then let me know if you need anything thank you just a favorite I'll be fine to share with you but first don't want let's just talk about what you brought me here for you want to know Mary for them every day preaching everywhere and the church is growing in the deaths of big James and Nathaniel seem to have only emboldened everyone especially Peter of course that's just getting more difficult it's clear they want us all dead you can pray especially for Andrew and Grace they say you will be arrested at any moment do you know where Luke is yes he's in Rome with Paul can you reach him if necessary of course why he's been Gathering his record of the stories and we spoke but I didn't tell him everything there is enough food here uh I can put something together for you there's no time they're coming if it's faster now all right we can do this uh try to see if you can find a spot to sit on this blanket and uh I'll put something together for you and clean up huh he needs a place to lie down you make my bed I'm a kiss all right dear Mother huh all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices and God my savior for he has looked upon the humblestate of his servant what is that what what are you saying oh not is it the song of David we could use one right about now no sorry it's just something to myself a poem you created yes but friend several months ago I would love to hear it Mary ah ah are you seeing this ready ready it's time oh yeah I've come I've got you come sit did we call for help you've never done this before maybe the wife could come and help no there isn't any time we've got this oh oh ready look at me no no I can't wait I just go get something don't look over there Manny look at me we are not alone remember what your messenger said the first thing your messenger said it was the same thing my messenger said to me remember thank you for taking care of me God gave it to me she has been out of hell and in the shadow of his wings we will sing for Joy a song of David oh can I hear yours now oh I know I know I know this time yes yes this time [Music] I told Luke about the journey to Bethlehem and about how we couldn't get a room at the end but I didn't tell him about my son you're so I went to see my cousin Elizabeth pregnant with John she cried out when she saw me I told Luke about this how she was overwhelmed for the both of us he called me the mother of her Lord and we were laughing and crying together and it was all too much and words of Praise just burst out of me tell me I'm about to hear them you're going to write them down and deliver them to look the materials over here I trust you to get them right safe and to get it to look I've kept it all to myself as you know I like to treasure things in my heart I was shy and it felt personal between God and Me but I wish I would have shared it with Joseph people must know this felt like God's words as much as my own I can't explain it but they did and people must know I'm ready [Music] my soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior for behold from now on Generations will call me blessed to his mighty has done great things for me and holy is his name and his Mercy is for those who fear Him generation to generation he has shown strength with his arms he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts he has brought down the mighty from their throne and exalted those of humble estate he has failed the Hungry with good things tears sent away empty he has helped his servant Israel in remembrance of his Mercy [Music] as he spoke to our fathers to Abraham and to his offspring forever goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] it's like the song of Hannah but even more beautiful [Music] are you better he is this comfortable yes thank you are you still in pain yes but the blanket underneath is helping [Laughter] oh I don't know how you did that I feel like my heart is going to explode don't make me laugh it hurts to laugh smaller than I expected I don't know what I expected but it wasn't any of this no from the beginning of it all so your messenger said that he would be called holy the Son of God the prophecy mentions Emmanuel are we going to stick with Jesus hmm I think we shot probably best huh you both do put him in the manger it's a better bed than the one I made for you foreign [Music] there's something else I want you to tell Luke I want you to tell him about the swaddling cloths you want them to write about it it's now I want to honor the help we received from The Innkeeper but I also think it's lovely that we use the same class they used to wrap newborn lamps I wonder if God gave us that as a sign it's lovely and there's something else go get that box over there by the window foreign what's inside is yours they meant so much to me I just couldn't leave them and now they're yours mother there's a rip here from where we gave a piece to one of the Shepherds to dress his wound you tell Luke about the Shepherds I love that part I I can't I can't this is too you can and you will let us be a reminder of where all this began and how he was one of us for a Time thank you I have loved you like a daughter since I met you at the wedding and you have done God's words and it seems like you would get to see him before I do times this is not the end I will get this to Luke right away [Applause] before anything happens to me look at this wait the Lord bless you and the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you the Lord turn his face toward you bring your peace and also unto you shalom [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you've been recording an account of Jesus's birth yes oh yes I have begun collecting historical accounts I've just been to see Mother Mary in a secure location yes I have completed my writing of her account did you have something to add [Music]
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 560,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, GetUsedtoDifferent, Faith-based, Bible show, Bible study, Christianity, church, Jesus show, what to watch, tv show, filmmaking
Id: J8_z_s4Y7hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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