THE CHOSEN INTERVIEW: Actress MŌRIAH (Bathsheba) | Hosted by Canaan Coffman

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I don't even know how one begins to create a baby belly jumpsuit but they made one for me but I think the fun the funniest part was when I took that bodysuit back to my trailer you know I've never been pregnant before and so it was a kind of surreal experience to put on this bodysuit and I was um with a friend at the time she was like so do you think when you're pregnant you can like do all the things you do now and I'm like what do you mean she's like I don't know like lunges and like jumping and like play basketball and I was like I don't know let me try so hey Noah Glenn Bennett here founder of against the type media and I come bearing a message our channel is your channel so if you enjoy these videos please subscribe if you haven't already like this video you'd be surprised by how much leaving a simple comment helps boost YouTube's algorithms and puts our channel in front of so many more people I actually made a video like this a while back and apparently it helped a lot the team and I are working harder than ever to create content with the cast and crew of your favorite light inspiring movies and shows and surprise now we're making our own answer anti a story that dares to ask if even the man who could be used as the Antichrist has a chance for Redemption you can learn more about how to support that project at thank you so much on with the show foreign [Music] hey everybody welcome back to another episode of chatting with the chosen my name is Kanan and today I have a very special guest with me I'm very excited about it is Mariah now you'll know Mariah from being yes you'll know Mariah he's a free finale of The Chosen I was there in the theater and like she came on and I was like oh my gosh it's hard it's her I knew you were going to be on there but I I did that anyway because I'm a fan and I have I want to start out with this story before we really begin into the questions back in I think 2021 your husband Joel was on the relate tour and me and one of my best friends we were going to see that in Lexington Kentucky and on the way we were talking about our favorite people and I'm a big you fan and for king and country fan and I was talking about yeah Mariah and Joel they are married sorry not dating married and all this kind of stuff that's amazing and my best friend she literally stopped and she goes what they're married and I said yes and she said you don't understand Mariah is my Taylor Swift I was like oh my gosh yes she's awesome and then we saw you there and you gave us a courtesy wave and so and yeah we saw you walk by to the family seats and we were like oh my gosh Mariah and so I feel like I already know you hi Mariah how are you hey man I'm so good I'm so good and I I I've never heard um I've never seen such a delightful courtesy wave so I'll have to I'll have to pick that up from you when something like you did something like that I'll try and do that next time I feel like my wave is very like I'll try and do it more classy like that next time well of course we're obviously here to talk about your role in The Chosen season three finale I remember seeing that on Instagram and just being like of course that why not that's awesome and so we've got a mix of fan questions and questions that I have done and what I want to know is first of all what was this process like was there an audition process or were you presented with the role there was an audition process yeah yeah I'm I'm actually really thankful that um you asked that question because I I could totally see how it could potentially be seen as like okay special requests come play this role um and I it's probably my pride uh but I don't I don't like handouts so the audition was really uh uh I will never forget I will never forget that audition because I was here in this exact room in my studio at home and um I had one of my colleagues uh read the other part with me she actually has a background in film and she moved here from LA and so I asked her to to read the part with me and it was um it was a really really dramatic role uh it's kind of like a general testing role so it wasn't it wasn't a role that was actually being cast it was just a very dramatic scene that showed a lot of range and um there was one point in the audition where I had to basically like have an emotional breakdown fall on the ground the character I was playing opposite was like screaming at me and and yelling at me and berating me and uh he was like I got paid to do that today what a day at work yeah she did as soon as we you know hit cut uh and I stood up and I'm like wiping my tears uh my essentially employee looked at me and she was like I don't know that I will ever have the opportunity again to scream at you and belittle you in the way that I just did and I don't think I ever want the opportunity to do that again please tell me we don't have to record that audition again and thankfully I I felt like we we had prepped hard enough so that we could we could get it the first time so it was a funny audition in the end um very heavy very emotional but then pretty awkward circumstance of as soon as we hit cut so I'm interested how many rounds of like auditions were there so I auditioned for I want to say two separate roles and each role had several different themes to audition with yeah it was all in all Maybe you know six to eight fiends yeah that's awesome I I I know about you of course but I want to know for our new audience have you always wanted to sing and act or was this endeavor into acting something totally new I know you've done another project before but talk a little about that yeah I uh you know growing up in La it's it's hard to avoid it yeah most most of my friends were either commercial or film actors actresses um I I had a sweet little boyfriend in high school who was on a Nickelodeon show and and um you're just you're in that space you're in that world I think the beauty of that is it never had any Mystique or Allure to me like I I went on sets to go hang out with my friends I I went to you know Disney Studios I went to um you know Teen Choice Awards all the things and so and and not as a as an actress or anything just as like a normal teenager and um I think because of my familiarity with it I've not pursued it in the same way that I've pursued music you know moving to Nashville stepping into this Like Music Hub was uh completely immersive and totally different than anything I had been exposed to Growing Up um but the the sweet part about you know this season is like life kind of goes in circles and in rotations and this is certainly a full circle moment where um I grew up helping friends audition for shows now I'm auditioning for shows you know I I grew up going and visiting friends on set and now I'm I'm on sets myself for as long as I keep encountering the right opportunities you know I want to do everything that comes uh in front of me with absolute Excellence to the best of my abilities um but it is really special that a lot of this has just found me in this season of life and um I'm really really thankful for every acting opportunity I've gotten recently that's so amazing so how long did you have between well okay tell me about getting the part and then how long it took between getting the part to filming and what you had to do to prepare yeah it was it was pretty quick after I after I got the role I think it was just a few months before before shooting I'm starting to learn that that's kind of a part of the deal like you get cast and then like the next week you're on a plane to another another uh country so it was a quick turnaround in the end and so prepping for the role you know because it's such a a a quick feature um you know the the focus was really on the accent and how to really nail that Mid-Atlantic very neutral combination tonality so I think because I'm a musician and I've got that musician's ear I I tend to mimic naturally and so um after a few sessions with a dialect coach I got very familiar with the sound and um yeah I'm I'm pleased with with how it sounded in the end the work in progress is better than no work at all no progress I'm looking forward to it as well but if I may wear the harps liars and flutes and instead of singing and using instruments the text will be spoken accompanied by a low hum from the choir human voice the most beautiful instrument of all a wonderful idea thank you sire may it please the king and the King no him most of all I thought you did great that was it was a really awesome performance um so obviously playing the role of Bathsheba and especially at the state that she and David kind of um it alludes to in the show I'm wondering how did you stay emotionally grounded in the scene and for me I'm an emotional person and so I can it's hard for me to control my emotions and keep them at Bay so how did you keep those under control or grounded um yeah I don't know I think if you're an emotional person you should be an emotional person and um when acting you know I I've had really lovely advice from great friends over the years and one of my favorite pieces of advice um came from my men my friend Milo um who I just shot a film with um earlier this year and he said an actor's job is essentially to to not to respond so so don't be interesting be interested um and so in in my role of mashiva there were moments where I did feel emotional I didn't I didn't try to hide that um I tried to just allow whatever I was feeling to come forward and to show on my face and and to not try and hide it or change it either you know because the scene we were filming was really really beautiful it was a you know this candlelit um Courtyard with the stars above us it was an open space and so we could see into the night sky and um and there was this really gifted actor giving this monologue and reading a song and uh you know you had singers in the background humming when the water saw you oh God when the water saw you they were afraid indeed the Deep trembled the clouds poured out water the skies gave forth Thunder your arrows flashed on every side the crash of your thunder was in the Whirlwind your Lightnings lighted up the world the Earth trembled and shook your way was through the sea your path through the Great Waters yet your footprints were unseen [Music] I think it's ready and so it was just this very poetic very very poetic moment and I know the show really um has made a mark by how real and grounded it is and so for there to be a poetic moment like that I was just honored to be a part of it and I let myself respond exactly how I would have responded if I was out of costume and just you know sitting before a man giving a a gorgeous monologue yeah it was it was a very powerful scene and I remember I was going through some stuff at that time and just like after when it comes back from the Walking On Water scene and goes back to you at the end it was just like the tears I've never been through you know what Simon and Eden were going through which obviously reflects David and Bathsheba but yeah I remember like dealing with the struggle and being angry at the Lord or not feeling satisfied in um where he had me at that moment and so your performance played a role in in me understanding the scene and being impacted and I just want to thank you um absolutely Kanan yeah so what was uh your biggest memory from being on set um probably the uh when we were in wardrobe prep um on set it was the day before filming or a couple days before filming and I needed to go in and have my character fitting so you know we have these trailers where they have the different pieces and you know accessories props whatever prepared for you to try on and make sure everything fits and they've got an incredible wardrobe Department very very gifted men and women in that in that space and so they wanted me to try on this baby belly that they had made handmade from scratch I don't even know how one begins to create a baby belly jumpsuit but they made one for me and um good afternoon project yes yes lots of stuffing involved I'm sure um but I think the funny funniest part was when I took that bodysuit back to my trailer you know I've never been pregnant before and so it was a kind of surreal experience to put on this bodysuit and I was um with a friend at the time and she she uh she was like so do you think when you're pregnant you can like do all the things you do now and I'm like what do you mean she's like I don't know like lunges and like dumping and like play basketball and I was like I don't know let me try so I basically like was doing ridiculous acrobat moves in my uh trailer with a baby belly outfit on just to test it just to get a feel you know what are the limitations you know can you see your toes can you not you know can you bend in certain angles can you not you know for all of those women out there who are as far along as my character was I just want to say congratulations um and well done on bending over because that is an accomplishment yes they they win uh when you got the part or when people found out that you got the part what did your friends and family think all my family was thrilled um my my parents are big fans of the show big supporters of the show um I actually didn't tell my husband that I was auditioning for it foreign unless I actually got the role so once I got it I was I was really happy to tell him and he was very uh very happy for me um he's very much a supporter of all of the crew and cast I did put it out to Dallas so you can hold me accountable here because it's documented about having some kind of cameo in the next couple Seasons so yeah you can't you're a little too uh Roman looking to be a to a Jewish disciple I can be a Roman but you can be a Roman a Roman soldier I think the most surprising response came from some of my friends um you know when you when you live in the Buckle of the Bible Belt like Nashville Tennessee you know you you I think you deal with a lot of um unlearning unwinding uh if you grew up going to church you know you kind of enter into your 20s and 30s going now what do I really believe like do I keep any of this do I throw it all out do I start from scratch do I blow it all up do I burn it all down you know we gotta ask those questions to find what it is that you know we really count as true quite a number of friends but there was one in particular he grew up um with uh his father being a pastor and his dad was actually a pastor for for my husband and I for a while um and he said right this show is so incredible I'm so glad you're a part of it I grew up hearing about the Bible reading scriptures listening to sermons my whole life and it wasn't until watching The Chosen that things really clicked for me and my heart really resonated with the stories that I grew up hearing and so I thought that was really beautiful to hear that kind of response from someone with that kind of story yeah that's that's such an honor um I I know that like you may not know but if you do and if you can disclose do you think that you will be returning for season four or any upcoming seasons for a backstory background kind of thing I mean that's the question that is the question came in and the answer is that's the question you feel so good hmm that is the question all right snipe life what have you got for us that is the question isn't it well it's at least one of the questions of many that we've already answered here on the snipe life and she is actually going to be in season four here's some proof of her in the behind the scenes looks like we might get Solomon as well and some other really interesting things with King David in particular so I'm really excited for what's coming up in season four well thanks so much for that Brandon there you have it continue I have to know okay so when you announce the part I immediately started theorizing of what you were gonna be and I swore up and down left and right every direction I could that you were playing Pilot's Wife I just that's what you were playing partially because you made a reel on set and you pointed to this in one of the trailers a thing of like the Romans um like a bulletin board or something about the Romans like that's it I know who she is I don't know anybody else she could be playing and I would talk to my friends about it but I'm interested to know if you like saw people theorizing and were like you got it you didn't that kind of thing there's a lot of Sherlock and homes out there I mean everyone was uh doing a lot of investigating reading into every every post which was really cool to see um I saw a lot of guesses and a few people got it right which was really impressive to me because you know this this narrative is a Time Hop you know it's it's kind of leaving the characters that you're really living with and it's going uh back in time so for some of the people who put it together I was very very impressed although I did have a friend who guest Jezebel and I was like I don't even know if those time frames line up but you know what I've come to learn if you live in the south if someone says you've got the spirit of Jezebel apparently that's a bad thing I love that you think that I would be Jezebel what about me gives you Jezebel lives I don't know it would have been like first of all rude second of all that's awesome so your friend wasn't just being rude so how difficult was it for you to keep the secret of the scene because obviously it was very secretive or at least looked like it it was it was and and I will say the chosen production crew does a really good job of keeping things under wraps um we had very specific guidelines as to what we were allowed to share and not share um and even social media wise you know we had to get things approved if we were going to post about it so I like that I like that they you know try to maintain the Mystique and um and and the Intrigue uh you know it's it's fun and games in the end it makes things special it makes things like you anticipate them so much more the scene that we are shooting is so special it involves and and here so you know what that means this amazing set I mean isn't that just gorgeous the set just looks so abundantly amazing and what's your name again and you are oh my gosh what is your favorite episode of The Chosen wow this season whatever I don't know if I have a favorite episode I I think I have I think I have a favorite character gosh this is just gonna sound very very cliche but I I really love how Jesus is portrayed in this series because you know a lot of us are exposed to very one-dimensional types of interpretations of of Jesus um you know we all have the same data to go off of we've got scriptures we've got history got historical accounts and and yet there are so few people who are using their imagination to put this character together and so um I'm really thankful that it's a version of Jesus that is kind of sarcastic clever witty empathetic patient kind of aggressive like I I love I love this version it allows us and reminds us that these characters that we read about are just like you and me Kanan they're multifaceted they're um emotional they're uh sensitive and um offensive all of it I like that I know for me when I saw this show for the first time it made me think they finally got my Jesus on screen like the one that I know oh um yeah what did you think when you saw the final like the Final Cut of the episode when did you see it I saw it uh when it premiered I was in Spain uh working on a film and my mom was with me and because of the time change we had to stay up till like midnight I think to watch it and we watched it together and uh just we were so blown away and by the whole by the whole thing especially because the theme that I was in um was originally meant to happen just at the end and it was really cool to see how they wove it into the beginning and then kind of had a full circle completion at the end it was really sweet that was great um like you just mentioned that you were in Spain I know it is public knowledge you're filming a movie in Spain or did what can you tell us about that and how soon will we know more oh so you can learn a whole lot on uh the World Wide Web there have been several press releases about it and it's a nativity musical uh starring my friend Fiona plays Mary uh and then my friend Milo plays Joseph and then um Antonio Banderas plays the role of Herod so it's quite the cast and it was a two-month shoot I moved to Spain for two months like I can't believe I'm saying those words out loud and um I mean absolutely brilliant crew the most professional and kind and passionate crew that I've ever worked with you know gave me an opportunity to practice my Spanish as well the film is in English uh but the crew was mainly local yeah the the experience in itself was one that I think all you know tell tell our children about uh and I just saw the first 20 minutes of the film because I I became really close friends with um Adam and Nikki uh Anders who crafted the script and wrote the music and spent over a decade prepping this story and the script and so we went to their house and we were in LA and launched watched the first 20 minutes and I was like I am not even gonna try and play like on some cool thespian like I'm freaking out it was a great first 20 minutes and I cannot wait to see the rest that is so awesome and just like me I'm a Bible nerd I'm a musical theater nerd just a music person in general and so I am very excited I will definitely be seeing that I can't wait going back to like cameos and the Chosen and things like that speaking of Helios is there a chance that we will see you in the upcoming For King and Country movie unsung hero yeah you know you might have to watch and keep an eye out um I was I was pretty as they as the Aussies would say chocolate block uh each day of filming as one of the co-producers um you know I'll I'll say this if you can find me in unsung hero I will venmo you 25 dollars a solid 25. so obviously we know you from your music as well if you have any new music in the works or any collaborations in the works yeah speaking of Full Circle moments I am collaborating with one of my favorite producers in the world his name is Paul Mabry and he played drums on my very first album so I've known him since I was 17 years old after that record he went on and produced a bunch of grammy award-winning albums and um we reconnected this year and uh started writing together and um we've got some studio dates this summer and we're putting out a record hopefully very soon but um when it's ready that is amazing okay so who are some of your musical influences oh I've got a lot um I mean top of mind would be the artists that I've grown up listening to the longest you know the artist that shaped me as a child um Earth Wind and Fire Shania Twain Edie Gourmet elos Panchos it's a beautiful Spanish singer Selena she sung in Spanish and English I only started listening to this girl a couple years ago when she became a friend Amanda Lindsay Cook and um as a woman I admire her as a songwriter I like worship her ironically she's a worship leader so that's probably very sacrilegious to say but she is wonderful that's that's so awesome and I think that having such broad taste like is very beneficial to music and to your music because of course I think I'm curious what is your most recent addition to your playlist like Spotify Apple music whatever yeah I'm a big big playlist gal like if you go on my Spotify page you will see basically a playlist for like every activity for reading for working for cooking for driving like there's a playlist for everything I'm a fan of Music um so I'm always adding new artists I I think the artist that I've added most recently and I literally earlier today was just playing his best of Records is a trumpet player named Rafael Mendes um my grandfather played trumpet and they would have been contemporaries just timeline wise and he emigrated um to the states and had to stop playing trumpet and uh worked in a car garage and then eventually got more opportunity to play trumpet ended up putting out 300 pieces of music throughout his lifetime um one piece that he made very famous is a beautiful if you have the chance to look it up it's called La virgin is actually a Spanish name and it is probably the most beautiful piece of instrumental music I have ever heard it made me cry so yeah if you need a good tear jerk or listen to that I'm always down for a tear jerker okay I've got about like three questions left what is something I love asking people this um what is something you wish people would ask you that they don't really if you have one I wish people would ask me more about my sister is phenomenal and and one of my favorite humans on Earth and so much cooler so much crass are so much smarter and so much hotter than me that's a great great question um I mean the thing I'm always asking God and the world for is more mentors I feel like mentors are the kind of thing that is a gift like you're given mentors the world gives you mentors you don't necessarily go out and find them like I've tried that before and it typically doesn't end well um but I think it's really important to live with a witton around you you know it's what I call the the women that I call on when I need to make a big decision um or when I just need someone to check me you know what am I missing what are my blind spots having mentors with different backgrounds different religious beliefs different um ethnic backgrounds it's it's really it's really beneficial because you know they'll call out things in you that that you don't always see so yeah I'm always asking for more mentors in my life awesome well we'll be praying for that I don't want to take up any more of your time I know you have things to do I do have one more question this kind of a personal thing um but I think it can benefit the other people out there watching um me my main passion is music I sing I I tour I do that kind of stuff and I want to do it for the Lord so what kind of advice would you give to a young artists whether that's in music or in acting however hmm golly I don't feel qualified to answer that question uh because there are many days myself where I am speaking advice on how to do this very nebulous ethereal work well you know we're we're working with invisible Airwaves um it's not like we're building a fence where you can finish the job and look at what you've done and be done and get paid and move on to the next thing it's a it's a very um it's a very different kind of work and and um and both are very valuable that very tangible work of having built something and stepped away from it having built a song and stepped away from it as well you know that the challenge is you don't actually know what the end result will ever be you don't know if that song you've just poured your heart into is ever going to be heard by the rest of the world you don't know if that audition you've been preparing for for weeks will ever be seen let alone pass the producers let alone whether you'll get the part or not so there there's a lot that we can control as musicians and and artists and creatives and actresses uh as far as diligence studying honing our craft but there's a lot that we can't control with the end result so I think in order to simply not go mad it's important to just enjoy the work and don't see it as a means to an end because you don't know what the end will be so enjoy the knees that is that's a lot of what I needed to hear so I thank you so much for that thank you so much Mariah for joining us for chatting with the chosen I know it was such a pleasure to get to talk to you and I can't wait to see what else you've got coming along the way I can't wait to see this musical and I will talk to y'all hopefully sometime in the future thank you Kane and it was a pleasure to talk with you thank you all right bye [Music] what were you expecting there to be a blooper reel here or something I wonder why you think that wow you're really still here uh most people they just click away as soon as the credits start rolling but I mean hey props to you for sticking till the end [Music] oh I mean I'm probably gonna just put an ad here [Music] because we are monetized YouTube channel [Music] wow you're really still here okay well I mean as long as you are you gonna hit that like button notification Bell comment subscribe all those things help the algorithms go up [Music] yeah it's helpful well anyway I'm probably gonna go to bed or something thanks [Music]
Channel: Against the Tide Media
Views: 17,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 87Of5g1h38k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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