The Champion That Made Riot Games Give Up

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old League of Legends had plenty of overpowered things and it also had some very underpowered things this Champion was actually both of those and was the most broken Champion design in League of Legends history Riot felt that her design was not fixable and they nerfed her into an unplayable State according to Riot it was the biggest Nerf they had ever released she ended up so weak that it was possible to get banned just for picking her this is the same champion whose ultimate would reset whenever any enemy champion died anywhere on the map the champion who had a reputation for melting you alive and you couldn't even see her this video is going to cover the complete history of League of Legends invisible microwave herself Evelyn the Widowmaker before jumping into it let me introduce you to this video sponsor per fessor per fessor is a popular companion app and in-game overlay for League of Legends that will provide you with a ton of information ingame using their over lay or out of game in their client no more worrying about builds runes or stats in general all are provided through poo fesser the in-game overlay in particular is very useful for comparing your stats to other players letting you know how well you're doing compared to others at your rank another useful part of porofessor is the in-game stats it lets you see how all the players in the game have been doing lately this lets you know if your teammates are first timing in your ranked game or if someone does particularly well on a certain Champion our professor is free to download and very easy to set up click the link below to download it and get an advantage in your games thanks again to poofessor for sponsoring this video and let's jump back into it the funny thing about Evelyn and league in general is that when I say Evelyn you could be thinking of three very different Champions and not only that depending on when you played you could be thinking of either one of the most broken champions in league history or one of the worst champions in League even weirder is that both of these titles could belong to the same version of Evelyn to start with let's look at the original iconic version I never hear players mention her old passive which is probably going to surprise you her passive made it so that minions and turrets dealt only 50% damage to Evelyn surely that is balanced right her Q was pretty basic spammable and dealt damage to the closest unit Evelyn's W was absurd and it really is the reason why she became such a menace after a small delay she would go into stealth being completely invisible until she attacked or was revealed by a vision Ward or Oracle Elixir it lasted for 20 seconds at rank one scaling up to 60 seconds that's not all though her first attack or ability out of stealth would stun the target for 1 second scaling up to 2 seconds this ability would really be the cause of everything overpowered and underpowered about Evelyn at one point it even stunned Towers Stealth at the time did not work like it does currently with a range where you can see stealth ch Champions instead stealth worked just as invisibility does this meant that from level one you were always at risk of getting stunned by Evelyn at any time we'll be talking a lot more about her stun soon her e was very simple it dealt AP damage at melee range and reduced their resistances for 5 seconds weirdly enough originally the resistance reducing effect would only occur if she hit the enemy from behind it was eventually changed to have no specific positioning requirement there's not too much to say about her e but it did have a 100% AP ratio so it could be a strong nuke if building full AP her R was pretty bizarre and they tried a lot of different things with it when activated it gave her a large amount of attack speed and movement speed this had a 20 second duration and was slowly brought down to 10 seconds over time the amount of attack speed might surprise you it scaled up to 100% originally for reference Master E's ultimate currently gives 45% at Max rank in Alpha when she killed a champion she would heal for 50% of their maximum health when the game was released this was changed to 25% another weird part of the Alpha version is that the ability would automatically activate when she got a kill This was later changed to give her a charge of the ultimate that she could use at any time until she died again shortly after release they would make another change to this making the health a base amount instead of a percentage most importantly though a new very strong effect was added her ultimate would be reset whenever an enemy champion died and that is literally how it worked whenever an enemy died anywhere on the map whether Evelyn was involved or not her ultimate would reset it was very similar to a Master yield except it reset whenever anyone died and she could also use it without breaking stealth after looking at her kit especially the stealth duration the stun and the ult it is very obvious why she caused so many problems back in the day I also really have to mention her old lore was hilarious it basically said nothing she was a mystery no one knew anything about her maybe she was cursed maybe she was a vampire that was pretty much it the next thing that has to be discussed is the counterplay that existed to Evelyn at the time and the vision meta as it existed early in League's history Vision WS were still in the game and they would reveal stealth similar to the control WS we have now what a lot of people don't remember remember about Vision Wards is that until November of 2013 they were invisible and you could carry up to five of them at once plus you could have as many Wards on the map as you wanted fun fact early on in League's history you could use Wards to stop some enemy spells if Ramis was power balling toward you you could interrupt him just by dropping a ward on him the vision and warding meta in early League was very different it was basically expected that the support would spend almost all of their gold on Wards and orac or Les Elixir oracles Elixir was in the game from release until November of 2013 when Riot made huge changes to their design philosophy around Warden it was a consumable item that cost 400 gold on release this item gave you vision of invisible units around you and Wards until death this item was absolutely metad defining for a very long time essentially whichever team had a lead would get oracle's elixir and completely dominate the map this made it really hard to play from behind cuz if you put out Wards they would simply be removed if you tried to get back map control while losing you were risking a lot of gold it was entirely possible that you'd invest gold into buying Oracle Elixir and then die before being able to clear out any Wards losing 400 gold and then giving even more gold to the enemy on top of that it often made the most sense to put oracles on the tankiest person usually not the support but in Solo Q most players didn't want to spend their gold on an item that didn't give them more damage so in most cases the support was forced to do it eventually oracle's Elixir would be changed to last for five minutes or until death then nerfed to 4 minutes before eventually being removed completely another fun fact during the in-game lunar Rebel event oracle's Elixir was replaced by oracle's Lantern it was exactly the same thing but with a different name in picture Riot used to do all sorts of small changes like this for events that was honestly pretty cool it's a shame they don't do it anymore but hey they are a small Indie company after all since you could have as many Vision Wards as you wanted on the map and also could see Evelyn by using oracal Elixir she was surely not actually op right well while her life could be made much more difficult by using those things you have to keep in mind that League was very new at the time and players were just much worse than they are now even in current day 14 years later people often don't use words properly especially in lower ranks the problem was even worse back then nowadays everyone knows the value of control WS but at that point it wasn't really common knowledge for the average casual player even just the idea of not pushing out to avoid getting ganked was a novel concept so good luck trying to get people to play around an invisible Champion with a two-c stun while it is true that very good players could play around Evelyn the average player's experience was very different and you can find endless posts from around this time of people complaining about how op they felt Evelyn was the next thing to talk about and probably what you think of when you see old Evelyn the invisible microwave build for those who don't know Sunfire cap back in the day would deal constant AOE magic damage 40 per second on release and you could stack them you could build six Sunfire capes or more commonly five capes and boots to deal up to 240 AOE magic damage per second this damage did not break stealth meaning that Evelyn could do this while invisible you can still find tons of videos of people playing Evelyn and literally just standing on top of people and burning them to death while invisible whenever old league is mentioned people talk about this build it's probably one of the most iconic of all time you can see comments on almost any post or any video talking about it it is very memorable other Champions could also do it Garen being a very common one for obvious reasons Sho was able to really have fun with this build his clone copied the effect of each Sunfire Cape so if SHO used clone and followed you you would take damage from up to 12 Sunfire capes for a total of 480 AOE damage per second it was a popular enough build that I could find post of players looking for other players to queue up and stack Sunfire capes with it's cool to see these old posts of people just looking to try a fun build back when most people were playing League just for the fun of it do you choose to celebrate Sunfire Sunday so with all that said was Sunfire Cape Evelyn actually as strong as people remember well this is a video from 14 years ago as you can probably tell it's of two people stacking Sunfire capes on Evin and twitch the description says we know this doesn't work in real games but it's still fun oracle's Elixir or a pink Ward would simply allow you to reveal Evelyn and then kill her if she was trying to stand on your team and just burn you to death here's a gamefx post from 2010 talking about how it's easily countered as well as people talking about how it's hard to afford those Sunfire CAD Apes on a jungler's income Evelyn usually jungled and notoriously jungle was a lower income role somewhat similar to support with that said there is no doubt that Sunfire Cape stacking did actually stomp games on the screen is gameplay of Hot Shot GG playing Evelyn stacking Sunfire capes with Thorn mail with that said it was probably never really optimal Evelyn was just a champion where you could build whatever you wanted and still do good even if she built no damage the utility she brought by just being in stealth having a stun and being tanky was more than enough players just struggled against Evelyn no matter what for example in this clip the players literally cannot tell what is killing them they're just walking around and dying a pink Ward would allow them to see Evelyn or they could just walk under their turret for safety it's really not an exaggeration to say that players just didn't know what was happening in hindsight it would have been easy to play around but at the time it gave many players a ton of trouble this vgar for example is just running away Through the Jungle instead of to their turret League was still gaining popularity and honestly most people didn't even know what each Champion could do and to be fair if Evelyn had enough gold to stack Sunfire capes she was probably going to win that game no matter what items she chose to build with that said seeing someone die to this or killing someone doing this was very memorable and it's no wonder that it's such an iconic part of old League especially when for most players and most Gam games it really did work well the biggest part of why Sunfire Evelyn was so strong is that Evelyn herself was just that strong and she was even better versus newer players don't get it twisted though even versus the best players Evelyn was still very good the player sakab bot reached rank one on the EU ladder playing almost exclusively Evelyn jungle with 111 wins and 52 losses they had a 76% win rate on Evelyn for those confused by the screenshot until season 2 of League the highest rank you could achieve was Platinum the game used the ELO rating system and an ELO of 1900 or higher was Platinum rank this might seem very low but only 0.2% of players who played actually reached plat this is roughly the equivalent to Mid Diamond currently and this player managed to go all the way to rank one luckily on the old League forums a summary was posted of sakab bot's room page masteries and play style if you're not familiar with the state of jungling back in the day you're in for a surprise they started with cloth armor and five Health pots which was pretty standard the camps hit really hard and you genuinely needed it to survive for Summoner spells they took Smite and revive revive was a Summoner spell you could use while dead to skip the death timer and respawn in your fountain it also provided you with a huge movement speed boost while leaving your base after Reviving similar to the homeg guard effect taking Revive on Evelyn is probably still not making sense but it will soon there was a mastery you could take in the defense tree called preservation for one point it reduced revives cool down by 30 seconds and also granted you 400 bonus health for 2 minutes after Reviving definitely very weird and obviously free stats are always very strong there are a few factors that made this work so well on Evelyn when you look at their jungle path it starts to make sense they would start at Golems then do wraiths and wolves then they would be so low Health that they would intentionally die to blue or red buff they would instantly revive with 400 extra Health very early in the game then finish their Buffs and start ganking this was very efficient because they basically skipped the recall Channel and were also on the map basically with full health red buff and ready to gank something else to understand is that Evelyn would get very very low in the jungle the camps hit hard and Evelyn had no sustain built in meaning she was very vulnerable to being invaded if you invaded Evelyn it was a free kill saraka strategy avoided this completely you could not invade Evelyn because she was intentionally dead by the time you got there if you tried to invade her after she revived you were at a huge disadvantage Not only was she full health from base she also had an additional 400 health over you from preservation this strategy turned a big weakness of Evelyn into a strength she went from being very easily invaded to being very difficult to invade the post also said that it would take Evelyn about 4 minutes to clear her Jungle which is obviously way more than players are used to today they used a full ad build going Madrid's razors boots of Mobility Trinity forest and then finishing Madrid's blood razor or building Guardian Angel Madrid's razors was a cheap item that cost 1,000 gold it had a passive where you had a 15% chance when attacking a minion to deal 500 damage this effect could actually be stacked meaning you could build multiple copies of it to basically power Farm your jungle or do dragon or Baron very quickly before official release this proc dealt 1,500 damage instead of 500 and could also stack needless to say this was nerfed before release a little later it was nerfed to no longer be stackable sakab bot's revive Smite Build and reaching so high on the lad made Evelyn even more popular so whether it was through burning people using Sunfire capes or playing full ad at literally rank one on the ladder Evelyn was obviously very strong she was clearly not just good against new players yes she had counters but people weren't using them properly even if you did put down Wards one small mistake and you were stunned for 2 seconds and then dead Evelyn had a very unique use as well while she was usually an easy target for invades she was also a very good counter jungler she could walk into the enemy jungle while invisible to look for the enemy and when she found them just Smite the enemy camp at the last second or she could try to kill them outright people typically think about Evelyn as an assassin and would build her as a bursty glass Cannon champ unless stacking Sunfire capes of course but Evelyn could also be built like a tanky supportive Champion she could play to annoy and harass the enemy jungler stealing their camps and then leaving junglers were usually behind the laners in XP and gold Often by a large margin this meant that Evelyn could choose to focus on putting the enemy jungler more behind than she was even if she fell behind she could still be very useful because of our insane ganking potential it doesn't matter if you have zero kills or if you have 20 kills a 2C stun out of stealth is always going to be good here is some gameplay of exactly this Evelyn counter jungling while being four levels below both midlaners it's an extreme example but it was a real way to play her in situations like this she would often build tanky and also gold generating items like Heart of Gold eventually Evelyn's reputation as being frustrating to play against unfair and just generally unfun led to her getting some Nerfs in January of 2011 here's a patch preview from when Riot would film them and then post them on the official League of Legends YouTube channel so the first big change that we're going to see a lot of discussion about is Evelyn yes definitely we are nerfing Evelyn and please just tell us about that we really wanted to hit uh her early game presence because uh right now she's making it so there's a lot of passivity in the game uh when Evelyn's powerful her combination of stealth and stun is encouraging players to hug their towers in the laning phase we really want to start mitigating that a lot so what we did is we really hit her basee stats to make it so her jungling capabilities were a lot lower so you can kind of see when Evelyn's missing and react appropriately her stealth was reduced by 10 seconds at all ranks meaning at rank one her stealth went from 20 seconds to 10 she had all of her base stats nerfed her Mana cost increased and 5 Seconds off her alteration these are obviously very big Nerfs and they didn't matter at all after the Nerfs her win rate would still be as high as 58% % on some sites yes that's her win rate after they nerfed her entire kit she was also the most banned champion in the game at certain points with over a 65% ban rate Riot's goal was to Nerf her out of the Jungle and into a lane this way people could identify when she was roaming and play safe only when needed instead of all of the time no matter how weak they made her jungling or how difficult they made her clear Evelyn was still way too frustrated to play against even if she didn't really jungle and she just focus on applying pressure she was still too much for most players to deal with Evelyn existed in this state for six more months until June of 2011 a post was created on the forums of The League website by Riot they announced that Evelyn was going to be massively nerfed it was decided that she was simply not a healthy addition to the game and that she basically forced everyone to play Passive in any game that she was in she would still exist in the game but would be in a very weak State this was an intentional choice by Riot rather than trying to adjust her stun or make changes to balance out her kit they removed her stun completely and replaced it with a 30% slow for 3 seconds that scaled up to 50% at Max rank this alone effectively removed her from The Meta completely and she instantly became a joke Champion to most of the player base often considered a troll pick if you removed CC from any Champions kit they would be massively nerfed just imagine if Annie no longer had a son and in said had a slow the same patch that took away her stun also lowered the heal she received from takedowns by over 50% at all ranks it used to be 350 at rank one and was dropped to 150 at Max rank it went from a 650 heal all the way down to 300 on top of that the bonus attack speed from her ult was reduced massively by half at rank one down to 25% even if only her stun was removed she still would have been very weak the extra Nerfs were really just to make sure the job was done just to be clear these changes were not an attempt to balance her it was to put her in as close to an unplayable State as possible Mel would later clarify in another post Eve is purposefully nerfed to being as poor as she is her damage to how badly she was kicking new players out of the game in frustration was unacceptable not optimal in any means but the right decision overall our plan was not to take forever which was the failing point this is the only thing we've ever nerfed this hard on purpose Evelyn's Nerf was considered by Riot themselves to be the hardest Nerf they had ever released keep in mind by this point they had to deal with plenty of very overpowered things for example Twisted Fates Global basic ability teleport Riot had plans for a complete rework of the stealth system and the intent was that she would remain in this state until they reworked her as part of those changes and that is exactly what happened the stealth rework and the absolute absolutely ridiculous development time it ended up needing could be a video all on its own there was a lot going on with riot at the time the project would end up having multiple different lead designers working on it as employees moved around or left eventually the stealth rework was considered no longer a priority with the focus being on season 2 and a rework of Summoner spells this is a post from Melo on the official League forums discussing exactly this he said quote this is not on the immediate Horizon still so for all the delays this was about 6 months after the removal of her stun and also about 7 months before the stealth rework would actually be released at the time stealth really only impacted two Champions Evelyn and twitch both Champions were still in very weak States League was gaining popularity incredibly fast and Riot was trying to keep up with that momentum meaning they just didn't put the resources needed into the stealth rework it didn't affect many champions and Riot was focusing on bigger changes one of the of these changes was Project shiny a complete graphical overhaul of League of Legends and there's no doubt that this was higher priority considering that the game was exploding in popularity and even for the time did not have good graphics another project at the time was magma chamber which was to be a new 5v5 map this combination of factors meant that Evelyn would remain in this unplayable state for over one year I'm not even exaggerating if you check the patch notes she received literally no balance changes whatsoever for context she dropped to around a 34% win rate and stayed there for this entire time this was Riot's way of effectively removing her from the game and they were clear about that when they announced it this is a post from Riot Ginsu on the league Forum saying I personally have nothing against Eve but others at Riot have determined that we want to keep her over nerfed until the Remake is complete this was in response to players complaining about her unplayable State I often hear people talk about orig HX or Yori as the first Champions that were removed from League this is simply not true that title actually belongs to Evelyn and not only that she was the first and one of the only Champions that Riot admitted they could not fix they knew that ultimately they could not make her work with her current design she was even removed from the free champion rotation during this time period to discourage new players from even trying her during the period between Riot's execution of Evelyn and the eventual still three work Evelyn gained a new reputation she was no longer one of the best champions in the game and was seen as hands down the worst Champion you could possibly pick her win rate stayed around 35% this was not a champion that people were still learning there was no adjusting to this Nerf that is just how weak Riot felt she needed to be I want to take a minute here to really put this into perspective League officially released an October 2009 and Evelyn's Nerf was in June of 2011 this means that for about a year and a half she was very good but for a lot of this time League was very new most players were only playing casually at this point there were also other overpowered things that sometimes overshadowed her death fire grasp existed LeBlanc had a silence the list goes on so she had a year and a half of being very strong followed by a year and 1 month of being intentionally terrible Lee gained a lot more popularity During the period where Evelyn was extremely weak so most players perception of her was of a terrible troll pick this is why when you hear people talk about old Evelyn they are usually talking about her being very weak people often ignore why she was so weak she was so weak because she was absolutely one of the strongest champions in the game for a very long time the player base often called her the walking Ward champion and she was genuinely seen as unplayable by many people a popular YouTuber who created jungle guides at the time Stonewall 00 age made a video for Evelyn this was it one thing that seems to be widely known is that you could get banned for playing Evelyn at this point there were reports of people saying that they had been suspended because their team reported them just for locking in Evelyn you can find Forum posts articles and videos about this this may not have been 100% true but it was likely at least partially true at the time League still had the tribunal reporting system when a player was reported details of the game and the chat logs were avail ailable within the tribunal this was a community-based reporting system any player could access the tribunal review reports and vote for a player should be punished or not if a player received enough votes to be punished then the system could automatically assign penalties in the case of permanent bans though they all had to be reviewed by a riot employee first there are plenty of cases you can find back in the day of people being wrongfully banned by the tribunal System including Forum posts from Riot employees confirming that they would revert these B b as needed so yes you could literally be banned for playing Evelyn not necessarily by Riot but by the community itself even if Riot would be willing to reverse the decision though a ban is a ban the myth was genuinely true I do have to mention I could not find one single confirmed case of someone actually being banned for playing Evelyn but it was definitely a possibility due to the automated nature of the tribunal this combined with Riot having to unban people for similar situations is enough to confirm confirm that it is something that could actually happen Riot's Banning philosophy was a bit blurry at this point this is an example of a case where a player was banned for quote refusing to listen and cooperate with their team in ranked games as well as choosing champions unsuited for their role you were almost guaranteed to get reported for locking and ebelyn assuming that no one dodged the game because Riot had made her so weak the community knew that she was a troll pick and felt that you were assisting the enemy team just by locking her in if someone was Rie in the tribunal and saw that you had locked in Evelyn they would just assume that you were griefing and you could get suspended this does beg the question though if Riot intentionally made Evelyn way too weak should she have even been available in ranked games most people were just using Evelyn as a way a whole Champion Select hostage at this point some people were seriously playing her but if Riot did not want her to be worth playing why even have the option available is it the player's fault for playing a champion that is very weak or is it Riot's fault for intentionally over nerfing her but allowing her to be played in ranked games as Evelyn's rework approached different Roots would share info on her over time and honestly every time they mentioned her the changes were very different even the changes that they shared ended up being very different than what was actually in her rework for example they said that she would still have a stun she did not you might be surprised to see the date in the above post yes one month after the Nerf Riot had shared the Prototype version of Evelyn's rework and yes it would be a full year before the rework actually went live there was nothing from this initial prototype in her actual rework as Riot Shelia stated in this post everything was subject to change and they were trying to be transparent about their plans for the champion riot in general was much more interactive with the community back then For Better or For Worse Riot would publicly debate with people contesting their bands for example in some cases even copy and pasting their chat logs onto the public forums developers would even often give insight into upcoming changes or their thoughts on current champion design there would be dozens of posts every day on the forums from Riot employees the two most interesting things about the Prototype rework was her e and her ult Evelyn had a point-and-click dash and stun as her e her ultimate made her enter her true form where she gained attack speed and movement speed when used she would gain a shield for a period of time and it would refresh when she got a kill this was basically her old ultimate except with a shield instead of a heal since it's pretty deep in the the video I wanted to take a moment to thank you for supporting the channel and listening to me ramble if you like this longer form very in-depth kind of content please let me know down below it's a lot of fun to make but it does take a lot of time thanks again for supporting the channel and listening to me mispronounce things in July of 2012 the stealth rework would finally be released and with it the rework of Evelyn and twitch the stealth rework was basically just an introduction of the stealth system where if a stealth Champion moved within a certain range of another champion they would become visible both twitch and Evelyn used stealth as a mechanic whereas a champion like Sho was considered to be invisible these two gameplay updates and specifically Evelyn's update were by far the biggest the game had ever seen it was a full rework up her kit not just changing some abilities slightly Evelyn's new passive provided her with stealth while out of combat and allowed her to regenerate Mana while in stealth her new Q fired a line of spikes through a nearby Champion dealing magic damage to all champions hit her W had a passive which granted her a stacking movement speed buff every time she landed an ability the active broke all slows on her and gave her a large movement speed increase for a short duration her e attacked the targeted enemy twice dealing magic damage and giving her an attack speed boost and finally her new alt which was a very big deal she would deal AOE damage in a targeted area which deal magic damage based on the enemy's maximum health and slowed all enemies hit Evelyn then also gained a shield B based on the number of enemies hit by her ult her ult also had more range than her stealth did basically she could ult you from outside of vision upon release she was seen as rather weak and for the next few patches would receive many different Buffs to different abilities this version of Evelyn ended up being quite strong even seeing professional play Evelyn's permanent stealth from level one made it even more important to buy pink words on top of that her ult allowed her to act as an engager in team fights this is not really what Riot was aiming in for when designing an assassin Champion she could create a lot of pressure she could engage from out of vision range with her ultimate and she was too tanky after engaging to burst down because of her Shield without her two second stun she wasn't quite as much of a nightmare in solo queue but she was still very good a few months later at Worlds Evelyn would be banned in almost 50% of the games played she was picked twice by Alex it in the mid lane they won both games so she had a 100% win rate for the tournament so you guys made some interesting choices in Champion picks we just speak Broken Heroes the very next patch immediately following worlds Evelyn would have her ultimate AP ratio reduced by half the fly in her design was becoming apparent she was an assassin champion who had one of the best team fight engaging abilities in the entire game that ability also doubled as protection for her after engaging as mentioned before she could also use it from outside a vision range so the engage came from out of nowhere even after this change she was considered still too strong and received another wave of Nerfs a few months later during the preseason patch these Nerfs lowered the base damage of all of her abilities and also made it so that her Al dealt current health damage rather than maximum health damage they added 30 seconds to the cool down at all ranks and also removed 150 from the cast range meaning she could no longer use it from out of vision evelyns had a bit of a tumultuous balance history I've heard that this week she's back on the balance board what are we doing to her this patch yeah has always been a tricky Champion to balance because her role in League of Legends is so unique right now I actually feel her core gameplay is pretty good uh the one thing that's kind of out of line and causing her to snowball to control is really her ultimate it's a really strong initiation tool you know gives her that durability she needs and a lot of you know opening damage in a team fight and we actually like that a lot there's two problems with it right now the first problem is the cast rate is really really long it's far outside of her self detection radius so therefore she can basically snipe people with it we're not super happy with that so we're bringing down the cast range to better match her stealth range the other change we're doing is you're changing it from percent maximum health to percent current health uh right now it's too often being used as an execute when it really should be used as an opening move for a full year Evelyn existed in this state but she wasn't terrible she was banned in 177% of games at Worlds in season 3 this time as a jungler and was picked by diamond procs and Dy she won 203 games that she appeared in for the next few years Evelyn would stay pretty good her win rate never got any were near as high as her old version and even after receiving heavy Nerfs she settled at around 50% win rate at different points the way to play her would change At first she was being built full AP even being picked midlane once her ultimate had been nerfed she was usually built as a Bruiser or in some cases very tanky the reason for this is simple the design of her ultimate made it so that she really was a diver not an assassin it was her job to engage team fights dealing AOE damage and sustaining with her Shield pretty much the opposite of what you would would expect an assassin to do many players complained because they felt that her stealth was simply too good people who made the old Evelyn complained because they felt that their Champion had simply been removed from the game and they were right this version of Evelyn really lacked an identity her win rate was decent she wasn't bad but she was definitely not designed as an assassin like Riot originally intended in 2017 Riot would announce another Evelyn rework they cited three major problems with Evelyn they wanted her to be an assassin rather than the diver she had become they wanted her abilities to be more satisfying to use and they wanted to increase her game Health specifically they wanted her Matt presence to be less oppressive early game they felt that Perma stealth was simply too strong for players to have to deal with that sounds familiar this new nerfed version of stealth was still too frustrating for most players I do find it funny that they reworked a champion just for the new version to have one of the same problems as the original version I can only imagine how busted players would feel Evelyn was if she still had her stun too Evelyn's second rework would be the version of Evelyn that is still in the game today her passive provided her with healing when she was out of combat for a few seconds and starting at level six she would unlock stealth like she had from level one in her previous version her queue was changed to no longer fire a line of spikes and instead to be a skill shot that then could be used to fire spikes at an enemy Evelyn's W put a curse on the Target and if they were hit while cursed they were were slowed if you waited for the curse to fully charge you would charm the target instead and lower their magic resistance Evelyn's e was a point and click ability that dealt damage based on the target's maximum health and granted movement speed if used after going into stealth it would pull Evelyn to the enemy and deal the damage in an AOE instead and finally her ultimate when used she would become untargetable dealing damage in a cone in front of her with bonus damage to low Health enemies she would then warp backwards acting as a way to get out of the fight and reposition one of the interesting things about this rework is that they finally gave up on the idea of her having Perma stealth in the early game since it was seen as too strong even when she had no stun Riot just removed it completely until level six they also made her more difficult to play with her Q acting as a skill shot her charm on her W is reminiscent of her stun that she used to have but with a lot more counterplay rather than her CC being out of nowhere you have some time to react and try to outplay the gank unless she's strong enough to just kill you anyway this version of Evelyn was generally well received especially since they fleshed out her lore and gave her a complete graphical overhaul This Modern version of Evelyn is still notoriously good for stomping games being one of the go-to champions for people who are boosting accounts from the jungle there have been numerous players who have climbed a High ELO without losing a single game there are also certain Duo strategies such as Evelyn and Yumi or zillian which are very obnoxious to deal with with that said when talking about Evelyn and her three different versions that have existed one thing does become clear these are three different Champions entirely sure they share the same name and they kind of look similar but in terms of actual gameplay these three characters are nothing alike Evelyn's original version was an assassin whose biggest strength was the early game she created a ton of pressure and forced everyone to play safe her weakest Point overall was her team fighting and she was best played as a champion who looked for small skirmishes Evelyn's first rework was very different her ultimate made it so that her biggest strength was that she was such a strong team fighter her engage was very strong she did a lot of damage and she was best played with the intent to team fight this is not at all what her original version was she did still have the potential for strong early pressure but nowhere near the levels that the original Evelyn had and this is probably for the best that doesn't change the fact that when Evelyn was first reworked she was basically removed entirely and replaced with a different Champion with a new identity this would be similar to REM removing an enchanter support and then replacing them with a tanky support the third version of Evelyn was definitely an assassin however she was designed to be very weak early game and finally come online at level six she had to scale into the game even this is very different from original Evelyn she was built around early pressure and relied on snowballing rather than scaling into the game and this is kind of the issue with reworks functionally Evelyn has been three different Champions with three different fundamental identities all that appeal to very different players there are plenty of players who love to play the original Evelyn and that champion no longer exists in any form there's a champion with the same name but on a gameplay level they aren't similar at all the same can be said for the first rework that champion no longer exists if you liked the diver gameplay that this Evelyn had well it's just gone now and because that wasn't the original vision for the champion it's never coming back the latest version of Evelyn is seen as a success but because she is once again an assassin and is not oppressive early game this problem is only made more obvious when you consider that the first version was intentionally removed for being too strong Riot did not want that gameplay in the game anymore because they felt it was not possible to balance but the first rework of Evelyn was only removed because they had missed the mark on her overall design the champion itself was not so overpowered that it had to be removed the game play just wasn't what they intended that champion you like to play no longer exists and Riot has no intent of ever bringing it back it isn't even unrealistic to say that rework one of Evelyn and rework 2 both could have existed in the game at the same time the way they play is overall so different with one being a diver and one being an assassin that they could have just introduced current Evelyn as a different Champion altogether this is the same problem seen with many reworks they are often used as an excuse to remove a champion from the game entirely and replace them with a new Champion atrox is an Infamous example of of this I really think it's a shame that Riot doesn't keep old versions of Champions around in some form even if they were just available for temporary in-game events or in a League of Legends classic type of client a lot of the community would really appreciate that how cool would it be to be able to use old versions of Champions or even items in custom games or in a different client completely it's also a bit disheartening when you think about how as the game gets older more and more Champions will get reworked and eventually your favorite Champion could be removed from the game altogether like original Evelyn and rework one what do you think of the different versions of Evelyn and what are your thoughts on reworks in general I think that there are definitely champions who need changes undeniably Riot could not make the original version of Evelyn work but at the same time sometimes Champions are reworked unnecessarily and what the updated version is is nothing close to how the original played effectively these are new Champion releases with the same name and similar aesthetic as the champion that was removed do you think that Riot should be putting resources into a way to experience old versions of Champions or league in general or would you prefer that they simply keep pushing forward leaving old game versions in the past let me know what you think down below and also let me know what you think of this type of video the initial version was close to an hour and 15 minutes long I really like doing this longer form in-depth content and if you'd like more please let me know in the comments thanks again for watching [Laughter]
Channel: Myth - League of Legends
Views: 196,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, jungle fundamentals, lol jungle guide, lol jungle, how to climb in league of legends, league of legends ranked, virkayu, korean server, esports, league of legends esports, lol esports, documentary, league of legends documentary, league coach myth, jungle tier list, evelynn, eve lol, evelynn league of legends, op champs, league of legends tier list, lol tier list, evelynn documentary, the story of evelynn, old league of legends, league of legends nostalgia
Id: DvrQKQ0rw5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 57sec (2517 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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