Do You Remember The Champion So Broken Riot Tried To Hide It? | A League Of Legends Movie
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Channel: Exil
Views: 2,634,712
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Keywords: league of legends pro guides, league of legends, wukong top, lol montage, legends of runeterra, patch 10.7, proguides, league of legends montage, league of legends history, league of legends documentary, stream highlights, league of legends 10.8, patch 10.7 lol, lol moments, lol, lec, challenger tips, fiddlesticks rework, fiddlesticks, lcs, wukong guide, wukong build, riven montage 2020, high elo, league of legends tier list, proguides lol, proguides tier list, lol 10.8
Id: Q30EzTOYCx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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this was so good, made me angry again about the 8.7 nerf.
I’ve been waiting. I am not disappointed. Also that UOL game was one of the most hype games I’ve ever watched.
Yeah, it's good.
Nice job man.
I know old yorick's kit was a mess but I still miss him.
I remember being a yorick main back in the day and every single patch that came out I would look for any Yorick news. And nearly every single time I looked I would be disappointed. It now makes sense why we didn’t see any skins for so long. Rito was intentionally suppressing our boy because their bumble fuck 200 years of experience shit the balance bed.
I think ur missing a huge point here. I started league back in 2017. And i experienced the exact same thing but with Yasuo when I was Bronze. Back there Yasuo was broken in low Elo but ok in High Elo. But the problem was that Yassuo was just not simply OP he was legit breaking the game down in low Elo. U had to pick or ban him. Having a yas on ur team was almost guaranteed win. And Riot was forced to nerf him, even though it was doing fine in high Elo. Even Moe (aka yassuo), said on stream he didn't understand the nerf. Although ur right that riot should not nerf/ buff based on low elo stats. They need at least to make sure the game is playable for them. Low elo represent the big majority of the player base, u can't simply forget them. and 2017 yas is the perfect example of a champ that broke the game, making it not fun to even play the game. I understand that player need to learn, but when u get fcked repeatedly without even having a chance of winning, ur going to lose all interest in the game and of becoming good bc players going to be way to mad. Riot at least recently always balanced the game around plat+. But u can't forget most of the player base.
Now u mentioned CS:GO. But here u forgot two famous guns. The AUG (cod gun), and the Kreig ( SG 552). These two guns were buffed to allow less skilled player to compete with the AK and M4. Breaking the competitive scene, pro were losing to players with worse aim, simply because these guns were buffed and are easier for less skilled players to use . So yes, Vavle did give these less skilled players better chance of winning even if their aim was bad. But CS is not the only example. Fortnite nerf building to stop good player of destroying new and casual players, so they could win at least some games, OW even Starcraft 2 helped casual players , even Valorant said they would support more casual player IF NEEDED.
It's important in competitive games to keep a separation between the skilled and less skilled players, and u should always balance around the skilled players. But like any game, u need to assure that nothing breaks the game, destroying the player experience, and in low elo that go through nerfing picks that are just too strong or giving better option for players that try to learn the game.Moins
My boy
The "nerf because low elo people are bad" thing is so old. Of course they nerf champions that stomp low elo because it's like 95% of the game's population. Also having a champion that can just destroy lower skill players encourages smurfing.