He Finished League of Legends

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Challenger Top Lane Challenger jungle my friend Daisy Challenger mid Challenger bot welcome to the league of Draven Challenger support Challenger in North America Challenger in E an alleged chess Prodigy CEO of a thriving pool service and repair company a scientific anomaly the likes of which has never been seen before these are the many titles of one person the man who is truly just built different one Tyler started his League career when he was still in University and was famously banned for his solo que Behavior I was banned from League of Legends permanently forever no coming back uh you know how do I feel about that me I saw it coming dude I saw it coming I'm not going to lie I saw coming if if you guys knew everything I did they were they were nice to me on that uh post let me tell you the people demanded his freedom and his freedom was granted I'm sure everybody here has heard the news yeah T1 has been unbanned from League of Legends I'm sure I'm sure you guys have probably probably heard the new by now after 613 days I can finally finally play League of Legends without getting my accounts banned now you guys are probably wondering Tyler dude it has been three months what Riot actually begged me to come back it was kind of sad I I actually felt bad for them in 2018 he would hit Challenger for the first time playing ad carry let's go there it is baby give me that [ __ ] boy give me that plus 21 that's 392 [ __ ] that is Challenger tier that right there is Challenger what's up guys hey come here come here hey boys you you watching a challenger streamer how's it feel how did you do it so you're asking me how I climbed from zero P Diamond 5 4 46% win rate in 15 days to Challenger is that what you're asking me I'm a [ __ ] God that's how I did it he didn't know it at the time but this would be the first of many like I said I'm not one of those degenerates who's like oh yes Challenger account let's make a new account oh five Challenger accounts oo cool no okay you get one Challenger account who cares if you can do it again in 2019 Tyler started a challenge and his message was very clear so we are doing doing an unranked to Challenger jungle only the role is easy and I am here to prove it period in a discussion dude jungle is the best role with the worst players period in a discussion it is what it is you are [Music] delusional Del okay so you're literally saying I will not get diamond you realize how easy diamond is having never seriously played the role before Tyler started jungling and did he ever Jungle watch some videos or something watch this watch this watch this let me show you how [ __ ] broken this rooll is watch this no skill watch this no skill I'm going to do red buff and go straight top watch this he dies how absolutely this roll is hello flash ignite all right I gotta play for myself all right it's doomed never mind I I'll just do it myself never mind [ __ ] it Tyler one hit Diamond after 192 games 71% win rate on Le in and 62% win rate on Kindred Tyler introduced Olaf into his champion pool and achieved master rank after 419 games W let's go let's go where's it at what I say I said it's the easiest [ __ ] rule 3 weeks ago why I [ __ ] say what I say I'll show you how easy Your Role is I will show you and in what three week about three weeks of play time four weeks of play I get mastered tier I get mastered tier put the money mouth your roll is easy I I I made it to Masters I still don't kite camps I do not kite camps and I the master I sit there like a [ __ ] brute and [ __ ] hit him it's that easy I don't know matchups it's the best roll in the goddamn game period and it's not even close boasting a 66% win rate on Olaf nothing could stand in his way Challenger was surely close right Tyler began to struggle playing jungle on stream with thousands of people watching is a recipe for stream sniping whatever dude what ever did I'm being ghosted so [ __ ] hard eventually Tyler would decide to stop streaming until he reached jungle Challenger due to the amount of ghosting and sniping in his games just over a month later with a grand total of 1, 187 games he did the unthinkable and collected the second infinity stone I did in fact I mean I'm not trying to I am not trying to brag I am a T1 is a humble man I would never ever in my life brag about anything I'm down to earth however gentlemen Lads ladies gals you are looking at right now a challenger Challenger jungle thank you he was finally able to achieve this by swapping his play style you guys want to hear how me him came to be it was insane it's motivational listen so very last stream I played Ivor and I was like wow this dude's really chill I don't chill he [ __ ] he [ __ ] dude he [ __ ] big di walks around look at that just like that I don't give a [ __ ] walks around the [ __ ] jungle you know what let's play him he chose to fill a supportive role within his team often playing with low CS numbers he focused on protecting his laners getting them a lead and sacrificing his own strength to back up his team on Iver gold doesn't mean as much because he's more of a utility based champion no listen every single I YouTube video I watched I read IV's lore read it like a book it's actually pretty interesting he he used to be a like cruel Soldier I'll we'll talk about that in a second I lose nine iron games in a row D2 zero LP did I give up no I [ __ ] wak through another one lost 13 of 14 we keep playing it we keep playing it boom we're one game away from Challenger who the [ __ ] do we lock in ior I love him I love him dude he rescued Daisy you should re up on the L it actually immerses you Tyler was ready to set his sights on a new goal Challenger Top Lane we are starting Top Lane today yes yeah yep I rank the Challenger Top Lane starts today after only 117 wins and 83 losses Tyler hit Diamond 4 in Top Lane it took him only eight games more than his jungle climb that's it T1 does it again let me see it let me see it let's [ __ ] go The Climb would continue with Tyler making his way toward Masters it was not going fast with him playing hundreds and hundreds of games never actually hitting Masters fast forward to the last day of the Season Tyler did not have enough time to hit challenger but that didn't stop him from trying to hit Masters before the season reset 22 and three the hardest time to play ranked of the Season look at this look at this look at this choke Gap in the [ __ ] Top Lane right with that Tyler had hit Masters he still had a very long way to go to hit Challenger Top Lane he continued to grind throughout the preseason and well into the next season the grind was not easy Tyler would play a grand total of 3,800 games across two seasons and one preseason leading up to a stream where he had 880,000 people watching him as he would cross the Challenger cut off done it's done it's done that's it's done yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yeah yes [ __ ] it's [ __ ] done that's a promotion that's Challenger dude just picture in your head [ __ ] sweet sweet victory yeah I'm a problem I'm a problem I'm a problem period I'm a [ __ ] problem the full climb took over 9 months yes almost a year for this one challenge one of the most notable things about this part of the challenge is that Tyler fully embraced his title as the best weakside top laner I'll play weak side till the day I die some other ridiculous stats from the top challenge include that on three separate days he played 25 games in a single day he also lost 18 games of those 25 in one single day the man is genuinely built different with three roles now a Challenger he quickly set his sights on the next goal all right so we're doing Challenger bro I'm not going to lie CH by the time we're there challer is going to be 800 LP and we have I believe three four months I'm going be honest uh it's going to be pretty hard to get it before this year I'm a [ __ ] freak for sure so it is possible there's no way I get Challenger three rolls and you doubt the fourth roll this what are my Champs let's start from the top is Ari aalii maybe anivia no like Annie's viable that's pretty Pock champ it only took him 291 games to hit Masters in midlane way faster than his 419 games in Jungle or his 824 in Top Lane Master tier already by the way already see what I'm doing speed running it bro I don't even care anymore I still got to finish dude I'm going to finish mid and honest to God I'm going to finish [ __ ] support challenge as well this season by the way this season The Climb to Challenger mid lane was a short one with just under 700 games Tyler had conquered yet another another role this game's over it's done bro hey it's done M's done M's done bro it's a wrap it's a rat it's over it's done it's finished you want me to yell a bit bro you want some Screaming mid it's the mammoth man and it was easy as [ __ ] by the way these guys are gone I'm at 775 oh I'm chilling I got it comfortably comfortably comfortably Challenger comfortably that was easy I mean what bro what up dude like what you me like Get Hype and get excited bro it feels like I just started I don't know this was so easy with a 64% win rate on Annie and a 73% win rate on aelia Tyler had a lot to say to the mid lane community I'm expressing how I feel right now it was easy as hell little underwhelming how easy mid lane is compared to everything else bro mid lane is so Mickey Mouse cupcake compared to Top Lane it's crazy it's so crazy there's no wave management if there if nobody ever manages waves or freeze waves compared to top and if they do all you do is clear vision walk bot gank bot gank top I will say this though I will say this I will say this support is [ __ ] dis we learned from this that support is [ __ ] disgustingly broken I was more worried about support during this challenge then enemy jungle his play St in mid revolved heavily around Roman specifically playing around his jungler he often had lower CS numbers but instead had a large impact on the map overall there was only one role left and Tyler had a point to prove some people thought that the support climb would be the easiest he had ever done others seemed to think that it would be the most difficult dude let me say this I've been told t for I've been told for since I started this damn challenge Tyler Tayler you're going to get stuck in silver Taylor silver 8 carries are so bad you don't understand bro it's not my fault I can't climb no dude I support my 80 car was so bad kids you're trash at the game support is easily the most broken role ever it's been for years I might two we this challenge I'm not going to lie call me call me T12 we with only one stone left to complete the set Tyler started the support speedrun uh I mean challenge now that's over with apologies Casey missa we are starting support to Challenger today hey let me make let me I'm gonna say this first of all we are one roll away from five roll Challenger I'm at the top of the food chain of everything I do and I'm going to prove it after I get this my prediction this challenge is going to be easy as hell now there's not much to say about low low games because there weren't many of them ass over here and that's First Blood oh support is so hard this is so easy this is so stupid sup sup yeah after 58 games only 3 days into the support challenge Tyler hit diamond playing a very wide range of Champs a week and a half into the challenge he had already achieved Masters playing mostly Nautilus Karma raan and Pike there it is there it is Cookie Monster one two three Master tier week and a half speed running the support challenge easy bro it's so easy I've been autop piloting I Tred once but dude this is kind of boring we're already mastered here mastered Che and what 130 games yeah new role I'm not even [ __ ] playing like dude I'm playing everything enchanters [ __ ] Frontline raon Karma Orana it's dud it's so easy it's so easy a few days later Grandmaster in 200 games support it guys I swear to God support is so hard it's really the hardest rule in the game I swear bro I mean I've been guys I'm trust me I'm 5,000 oh wait a minute I'm two weeks in wait a minute I'm like 200 games in playing with new champs I've never played before the easiest Champs in the game on pure autopilot Tyler's gameplay involved a lot of roaming especially if his ad was behind or losing Lane on Nautilus he would look to dominate Lane by making a catch and going all in whereas on Karma he would suffocate the Enemy by forcing priority and poking them down at 443 games he finally complet Ed his challenge un Focus up Focus up Focus up Focus [Music] up I think they're open I think they're open it is [Music] done that's it it's done there it is officially [Music] I'm too good bro oh well well look at us look at us it's done it's over I am a officially have gotten Challenger on every single [ __ ] roll we started with jungle it took us 2,000 [ __ ] games 3,000 almost top L about the same mid 900 support what is this officially what is this 4 43 games and I've been 80 carry Cher my entire goddamn [ __ ] life bro and it's done officially done I am a [ __ ] problem oh five Challenger accounts o cool no okay you get one Challenger account who cares if you can do it again Tyler had a lot to say about the people who doubted him and some very strong opinions on the balancing of the different roles in the game we started jungle they laughed at us dude they laughed look at him you can't do it H the the [ __ ] kids that laughed at us bro have quit [Laughter] League none of them even play anymore bro they couldn't take it they couldn't take it bro I've played 50,000 games since then we're not the same all the rules out here here here's how I'd rank them support is the easiest rule dude I brain off autopilot almost all of supp like I'm not even kidding almost all of support and it took me 500 games my brain was off before I played support I said all support players suck the ones that just suck a little less climb it's true top jungle probably the hard Top's the hardest if you do not play meta Top Lane it sucks mid Lane's easy to be honest um ad carry I think 8 K can be frustrating to play if you get sub Gap so yeah I don't know I put jungles up jungle hard learned because it's different but it also relies on your teammate compared to top and jungle dude mid mid support we're just like oh it's over oh it's done already okay true I I I almost forgot officially a five roll Challenger player Tyler one would cement himself as the face of League of Legends itself to congratulate him Riot updated their official account to have his face on it and also sent him a package to open on stream here's what what I'm assuming is inside bro a check for5 billion a contract to run Riot games a statue um showing my just sheer size and Swagger look it's like uh five Challenger icons I kind of like it I kind of like it dude I like it it's special it's Unique you know what I'll say thank you Riot that's the D you better Riot games you better [ __ ] clip this you better save it because I will not say it again ever in my life I appreciate it thank you guys but I am the goddamn greatest of all time so again hey I mean I deserve this to be honest for this challenge Tyler played over 7,300 games in a three-year period not only that he actually reached top 50 on the na leaderboard after finishing his support climb the total amount of games for each challenge were 3,800 games for top challenge 1, 187 games for Jungle 700 games for Mid 694 games for 80 carry and 443 games for support with his point proven he could finally sto playing league right he would announce that conquering na was not enough and he was heading to Europe I everybody know that when I'm in their game we're speaking [ __ ] Freedom baby us of a [ __ ] who's with me who's [ __ ] with me baby and now the [ __ ] show begins this cloud cloud region by the way bro God damn I'm not even kidding when I say this EU 300 LP is N8 D1 Max maximum bro absolute garbage man I'm not kidding man easy Masters what is this day five Masters this is a [ __ ] speedrun baby let's just say after one month he decided to extend his trip Tyler once again would decide to stop streaming and continue his solo Q grind offline anyway in case you missed it we went 9 and 16 yesterday yeah was a really good day as you can tell that guy can SN me 10 do that [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] play play Style 10 times and not get banned I shouldn't have to beg that guy for that guy to get Bann report etc etc Tyler had a flight book to leave Europe and was grinding right up until the deadline he achieved Challenger on the day his flight was booked to leave after 820 games played in the last 5 days there he went from Masters to Challenger but it does do we is are be back at it but H yet H again su su su up back in the greatest goddamn [ __ ] country on the planet in case you missed it we did get Challenger on E so I had my flight booked on the like 27th or something so I literally got Challenger and as as I was promoting I was on the flight home this happens in every challenge too bro every time I'm about to get Challenger people oh always play to try and kick me out anyway so this so we were like [ __ ] 500 LP for I think three weeks of the challenge and then we were like GM to Challenger in like three days with a 70% win rate so easy actually all these games are so easy Bro e is so e you just don't die they will start running it down every single game so if if you're not the person that runs it down somebody else will these guys cannot play from behind so it's pretty much like four easy steps to climb don't tight Ward Raptors level one do dragons don't die easy climb no matter what easy climb the account sharing the boosting I really didn't run into any of that bro no I'm it's true man it's true they like it's so crazy how bad na solo Q is just because of all that it's crazy man it's crazy it's crazy bro that's what I'm saying like these guys think they got it bad in the US you don't got it bad at all oh my God come play on an a with with what with what what's going on over here on this server like you guys understand how hard I was sweating get this get this so I was doing like pregame rituals every single day bro I drank blood rush out of the same cup for like 12 days straight guys get this seriously I was like doing I was like doing rituals guys I took one shower in two weeks no I'm not even kidding I'm not even kidding I'm not even kidding I was full about it same clothes two weeks yes I had the same outfit on every single day I'm not even lying on the car right I was explain what happened I was like yeah I got it bro then then I was like you know what I'm going to [ __ ] I'm going to grief these sons of I'm gonna ultimate bravery every game on 200 ping from an A and tank the [ __ ] account he was like Tyler should you really do that that's kind of spiteful I said spiteful spiteful you're goddamn right it's [ __ ] spiteful grief every game I'm on oh that's fine because now I have 1, 25 LP worth of games to ruin like I said we'll be sending that account I'm just saying it is what it is is might want to ban it preemptively guys you might think that having played every single role to Challenger and also reaching Challenger on multiple servers would be enough for someone to move on and finally quit League well to this day Tyler spends his time terrorizing the rift For Better or For Worse Tyler also recently announced his next challenge fatherhood me and Michaela are having a baby woo and then finally boom yes we are having a baby a little baby girl I'm a young 28 but it's time we're so excited so excited yes dude my my children will not know anything League of Legends related by the way stop it this game they're not going to know anything about this game she is GNA be a bit of a problem that's all I got to say she's gonna be a big a bit of a problem please do not be like your mother F no offense to Kayla love Kayla to death but please bro I cannot take two Kayla running around the house seriously seriously please please bro I can't do it oh that's all I've been thinking about oh my God imagine Caleb but two thanks for watching and let me know what you would consider finishing League to mean down below like I said I'm not one of those degenerates who's like oh yes Challenger account let's make a new account oh five Challenger accounts o cool no okay you get one Challenger account who cares if you can do it again
Channel: Myth - League of Legends
Views: 601,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends solo queue, how to climb in league of legends, korean server, esports, league of legends esports, lol esports, documentary, esports documentary, league of legends documentary, league coach myth, coach myth, league of legends doc, tyler1, tyler1 documentary, loltyler1, tyler1 draven, best league of legends player, challenger league of legends, tyler steinkamp, tyler1 lol, tyler1 climb, tyler1 challenge, riot games, challenger mid, lol guide
Id: tvFTAhcJ5vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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