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today we're going to be going to daycare in Roblox are you guys ready to go back to daycare uh yeah they give me free food well guys do you remember last time our daycare went crazy and tried to kill us I hope that doesn't happen again it can't happen again it was really scary So today we're playing part two come on guys everyone let's go into the bus let's go let's go let's go woohoo the wheels on the bus go round and round Daddy no singing no singing on the bus but I like singing on the the bus no singing on the bus daddy fine I won't sing on the stupid bus I'm not singing on the bus go woot woot woot yes guys we made it check it out welcome to the daycare ooh it's fancy I hope they have good snacks here let us in let us in I think the doors are locked still I'm making to run for it where are you going I'm getting out of here I see you you're not going anywhere I literally see you you're going to get hit by the bus no come back be careful there's a lot of traffic a damn and I missed a bus looks like I got go eat some food here guys the doors are opening yeah wait Sarah who is Sarah um she's probably going to take care of us don't say anything weird about Sarah all right Sarah you're hot oh dang it I said it Daddy we know you're single and bored but Sarah doesn't like you okay you're a baby in this game I'm I'm strong enough to be a man Sarah come on please no you're not let's head inside it is cold out here yeah it is kind of co cold oh can you please cuddle me py why I didn't say anything weird you're actually so weird no I'm not ooh guys check this daycare out this place looks awesome there's so many toys wo these toys are amazing look at the rocket ship Legos got a boom box whoa what is this o there's a ball here Daisy play catch me go get the ball guys there's a soccer field out here wait where I'm going to go score no Daddy I'm want to score before you guys I built a sand castle wait no way you actually built this Sand Castle come look I scored hold on I got to score this ball on my daddy no where' It Go no no Daddy come back here yes daddy wrong net Daddy it's a wrong net no I'm going on both sides daddy that's your net you just scored on yourself all right then I'm going to score over here no don't do that's my neet oh yeah uh-huh oh yeah come on go go go you I'm just going wait for it to spawn in then yeah this stinks looks like I'm going to win woo daddy I'm going to go back inside I want to go see what Daisy's been working on well I built in this sand castle over here wait over here yeah wao you built this I'm jumping so high wait I'm building one too oh what's happening oh what's happening who would like to play a game of soccer S I was practicing you're late we just played a game Sarah's so stupid and late I want to play all right fine let's play a for real game of soccer maybe me and uh Sarah can hold hands real quick we can score a goal hey Daddy all right you little kids none of you on my team just me and Sarah you're so weird I'm going to go in the blue team cuz I don't like red what I'm going to go in the red red actually sucks well me and Sarah love red I bet she's going to be on the blue team or she might be the ref well then I want to be a ref with her no Sarah Sarah no this is insane this is insane KY we're on a team we have to win yeah we have to destroy my daddy all right Daddy get ready to go down ah yeah yes no Daddy stop it I got to stop the ball dribbling I'm dribbling no yes I'm dribbling Daddy I'm dribbling no Daisy stop it Daisy stop it stop itop stop it I'm trying we got to break we got to break no no no no no no no don't go out go back this way yes we're going the right way now good job Daisy no no no no no no no grab the ball we need to score come on no no no no no no no no no yes no stopped it I'm the best goalie in the world turning around daddy let me have a breakway come on I'm back here I'm playing defense come on these people are so annoying yes here we go here we go yeah yeah defense defense defense I'm trying daddy you stopped the ball Daddy what is wrong with you in the middle give me across nope you're not getting across daddy well looks like we're going to tie yes yes we're going no no we ran out of time looks like it's a tie well played everyone so did I look hot really Daddy it's getting really dark out she's attracted to me no she's not yeah she wants to talk to me she doesn't like old fat babies I'm not old and fat I'm just chunky especially babies that wear red dumb hats like you there's the one that has little propeller on his head what are you going to do Fly Away guys yeah Daddy I'm a bird it's time for dinner wait really she cooked me food a what a great girlfriend daddy she's not your girlfriend I want chicken and french fries I see the burger I want the burger I want pizza give me the pizza give me the Burger pizza pizza pizza burger burger burger I'm getting pizza I got chicken no pizza's better oh yeah all right guys everyone eat your food ooh it's really delish oh my God there's a love letter in here no there's not it says wow Marty you you are so strong and handsome I would love to hang out with you sometime oh my god daddy no it doesn't it said that it did say that thaty you're actually weird that was probably meant for someone else not you no I think it was meant for me it said I love you Marty oh my goodness psed it to me uh what is that sound what is that sound that's what sound uh-oh wait I'm hearing something in the game it sounds like a an alarm yeah there's an alarm something going on over here what let's go and see what's happening oh my gosh what is on the television some weird alert I just put balloons in the sky why why is it counting down um what is that what is that maybe we're going to get a present I don't think we're going to get a present Daisy oh my gosh 5 Seconds till what what is going on oh no we're getting a prize two one uh-oh um what's happening breaking news breaking news really daddy you have to do that dumb voice what I I thought it was meant to okay sorry what's the breaking news yesterday a daycare has been attacked by a big monster monster I don't believe this stupid the thing we weren't there reports say that the children have managed to escape guys look at that monster that's so scary wait didn't we see that monster before the monster is still on the loose no no no no no be aware as the monster is followed by his loyal minions those are minions I'm just going to kick them in the mouth if you see the monster report it to the police immediately well good thing we haven't seen that monster right guysen seen it no no monster in our daycare oh God oh God Sarah hold me um what's going on the power's out okay isn't that a little weird that we just were watching a TV about monsters and now the power went out it's a little weird very weird oh my God people are seeing they seen the monster everyone calm down where are you guys going I don't know I'm going upstairs ooh look these people are up here a perfect spot to hide from the monster I cannot get up there wait Sarah said that she's going to go turn the power back on thank goodness it's getting super dark hey guys it's probably isn't safe guys do you hear that what hear what I think it's the monsters Daisy it's not a monster you need to relax take a chill pill I'm just scared uh-oh oh my God oh my God D you're right Daisy you're right oh my God it's a monster oh my God oh my God oh my God Sarah attack it Sarah kill it Sarah if you love me you'll save me use your girl Powers kill it uhoh where'd it go where'd it go where'd it go it just disappeared okay maybe left it has gone away maybe he didn't see anyone he just he just left oh my God jump scare what was that oh my God don't move everyone don't move myself oh god daddy daddy spawned on you oh oh my God minions are chasing you Daddy you're going to die no I can't do this why why did you jump on me why it jump on me oh gosh daddy you're actually so dead come back up here come back up here I'm not going to diey if you get me killed it spawned on me no oh on you Daisy it spawned on you that wasn't my fault guys help me me watch out for the minions oh oh I just spawned on these people oh God I'm probably next fell I just fell no he's eting me run I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die daddy you're literally going to die you're literally going to die I'm on one heart stay right there daddy one heart you're safe you're safe no no no no no oh there goes that guy he dead bye guys he's on my butt is he run daddy the monster's right here Daddy oh he's just went invisible where is he oh oh my God he's so fast daddy look at all the minions you want to eat her butt he's going to eat me oh me me me me he's trying to eat me he's trying to eat me you got to run you got to run you got run oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm terrified what happen the light stopped flickering is he gone Sarah can you give me a Band-Aid for my boo boo I have switched the power back on wait Sarah didn't see any of that ddy stopped screaming her name guys we need to tell Sarah that we were being attacked Sarah help us I got touched by a monster monsters she does doesn't seem to be convinced bandaid for my boo boo the monster from the news came in and was trying to kill us Hey listen to Johnny yeah listen to me you kids have some wild imagination really Sarah really you think we're joking if I went to imaginate something it would have been cookies exactly not scary monsters sah I'm a grown man I'm telling you right now there's a monster and to bit me in the butt and I need Band-Aid daddy you're a little baby she's not going to listen to you you think she only hears like go Gaga yeah wait guys how much health do you have in the bottom left corner about half I have 50 eight eight guys I'm a goner oh my gosh daddy you're actually dead I just need to look for food oh no what are we going to do what are we going to do I need to heal daddy the only thing you could heal is to eat pizza you got to eat a lot of it though hold on there's a water gun here do I buy it maybe that'll save me wait daddy there's water I'm drinking water yo drink this water I just got two HP two more HP me too I already drank the water guys it's bedtime we need to go upstairs well SAR going to tuck me in cuz I'm not going daddy you're not getting tucked in because you're a freaking adult what what does that have to do anything wait where's our beds oh I think in here o e there's no way it's Pi I'm leaving I'm leaving Sarah I can't work like this D in here there's blue ones oh thank goodness the blue boy room o I found an apple I found an apple in here I found an apple I need an apple where did you get it in here in here in here and I found a candy bar nice look right here there's an apple and then right here there's a candy bar candy bar got eat got to eat got eat got it replenish thank you there we go I'm checking these drawers too ooh there a stuffed animal in here I but I'm in bed I get us okay okay okay I'm in bed I'm in bed I don't want to die Monster's not going to get me uhuh then next time I see that demon I'm going to smack him smack him up hey Daddy don't do that he's probably just going to eat you alive I'm going to rip his horns off what I'm going to eat it in front of him oh god there he is Daddy do it uh hey Mr Oh no I got I got run I can't do this guys what is he doing I think he's messing with the power what why would he do that why is he so weird yeah why you so weird like that good morning everyone ooh it's morning time already oh I Ain a good nap looking for food daddy we got to look at everything all of these things you could open up H you find any food oh wait go downstairs it's breakfast time daddy we get food that way yes yes yes everyone downstairs I kind of I'm starting to think Sarah doesn't like me why I don't know something's weird about her what would make you guess that Daddy maybe cuz you're a baby and she's not no ooh guys look Sarah made us pancakes seees that's weird why would she make pancakes let's go why daddy you don't like pancakes no wouldn't you think wouldn't make pancakes because there was a demon why would she be so happy she doesn't know about the demon she thinks we're faking Daddy I think she is a demon what I smelled it I smell it on her daddy she's not the demon you're actually crazy let's just eat pancakes all right it's a perfume everyone sit down eat pancakes oh yeah these pancakes so good take my fork in there get some extra syrup I'm getting HP oh my God me too I'm getting plus three I'm going to go ex Sarah if I can get some more pancakes Shar got more pancake no she just said no she just screamed know at me but you love okay she doesn't love me I have finished eating no I haven't give me more more more more I will break that refrigerator give me more Daddy stop screaming at Sarah wait does that mean we could play now since we're done eating I don't want to play I want to survive I want to live I think I have this apple what can I have the Apple no it's for me oh goodness gracious Daddy come on let's search around for food there has to be some more food somewhere here I think we need to look upstairs ooh coffee nope can't have that why not oh I found a coin yeah me too maybe there's food in the ball pit really daddy food in the ball pit oh no don't eat it it's poop what is this an elevator an elevator that's crazy H is there an apple on the tree oh I found another coin maybe there's like a a bagel or something on this playset M I don't think so Daddy nope nope I'm just seeing stupid coins Toy Box there's this guy I just got a sword I just got a sword guys I want a sword everyone come over here pick it off from this guy he has a wood sword on him daddy he I'm a pirate that's going to help us defend ourselves when the big scary monster comes back right true I'm going to check the play set o another coin in the playet yay I'm swinging oh my gosh daddy I'm going so high Daddy help me going do help you actually need help get off there I'm going to jump aw where are we going now guys we need to talk about the monster which attacked us earlier yeah I agree we can't just skip over that I don't want to talk about him why Daisy because he's scary well he's going to come back and try to kill us so do you want that to happen no I say we let Sarah take care of it she's the adult here just let her do it daddy she doesn't believe us Sarah isn't meanie are you kid still talking about that silly monster oh God she is mad she's pissed off yes we think that t what is happening what is happening get your swords get your swords I can't go upstairs there's an elevator we're going to die we're going to die we're going to die we're going to die we're going to die ooh elevator good idea no let me in let me in uhoh uhoh uh uh oh it's the minions the minions are breaking in how do we close this elevator close it close we need to go up we need to go up I'm trying oh no I'm stuck in here I'm stuck in here I'm stuck in here wait that's a good thing we're stuck oh my gosh we're stuck in the elevator I think we're safe I hear footsteps it's starting to shake it's starting to shake are we going to fall that's the monster oh my goodness oh my goodness we need to hide somewhere we're already in the elevator I think we're safe guys I only have 38 HP we're already in the elevator Sarah come on get in here let's go Slowpoke run faster yeah literally waiting for Sarah she's a bad adult yeah I agree oh my gosh guys the monster's here uhoh oh gosh we're going to die we're going to die quick everyone we need to shut this elevator spam the buttons spam the buttons wait what is it doing no what is that what is that what's in his hands I think he's going to set us on fire don't say that Daisy oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh shut the elevator doors come on I'm hitting it I'm hiding elevator's not working we're going to die all right Sarah this is all your fault I hope you died I'm going to get my sword out and protect myself uhoh what is going on there's lightning I don't know what that is ow what is all that some Demon power Oh Daddy you're right he's using demon power W oh no no no no he electric the buttons oh no the door shut no no no no I can't see I can't see we're going down who hands is on my butt mommy oh my gosh daddy hold me Dad Daddy no I'm not here Daddy hold me is everyone okay everyone make a r for it no I'm not okay where the heck are we I have no clue what is this place second guys looks like a spaceship what daddy where's Sarah um I ate her I'm going to be honest I don't even know why is this in her house that is true why is this in Sarah's house I told you I smelled something funny on her where is Sarah oh my goodness oh my goodness you're right Daddy I knew it those pancakes were too freaking good guys I think Sarah might be the demon I hate babysitters daddy don't worry I got my wood sorted out so I'm going to H in the face with it let's go to the end of This creepy hallway we're already there literally nothing's here besides a big brick wall what's that what's that what's that what's happening what's happening why is there's magic going on oh there's fire uhoh what is going on W why did I just fall why did I just fall what happened ow the floor just opened that's weird uh now we're like in some ancient m shaft I don't think floors are supposed to open up like that right daddy uh no no it looks like that was place there for us to fall on purpose we need to get out of here yeah good thinking thanks Alice right now go go go go go everyone run everyone run I'll lead us guys don't worry well you got to kill the monster oh my goodness this is super spooky and scary I don't like it everyone punch it these Boulders are blocking the path no guys look we can't get past cuz all these Boulders well why would I go there I'm just going to go this way Daddy it's not working give me a second we need to find something to break these planks wait what about that pickaxe pickaxe I got it I'm a freaking genius I'm a genius give me a pickaxe oh no Daisy has it all right break it break it break it I'm hitting it but nothing's happening shame ow oh you're welcome ow it just fell on my face I you guys just need my my manly strength okay yeah we all need to be hitting it oh my goodness no way there's a mine cart here it's a roller coaster wa daddy we're about to ride our roller coaster it's going to be so much fun I don't know where this is going to go this is really really scary and dangerous I wish I had a roller coaster in my house oh my gosh we're going we going wo I'm not ready for this I'm not ready for this I'm not ready for this oh my god daddy I'm going to beat you I'm going to beat you guys there's pretty colors wo that actually kind of looks pretty cool wao daddy I'm literally going to beat you I'm going faster than you Daddy no you're not where are you you're behind me wait really yeah oh gosh we made it okay but everyone keep an eye out we don't know where this demon is IE out for what I got to pickaxe now I'm going to hit him in the face I'm going to mine him like iron in Minecraft guys my sword is gone yeah mine too cuz I picked up the pickaxe we should be very close for getting out of here now well hopefully I we just dig out oh that's a good idea let me try not working let's go up this tunnel I see something at the end wait what do they see oh it looks like some Parkour maybe you see that wait guys look at my shirt why does it look white oh maybe the lighting cuz it lights that is so cool I have a white shirt on right now dad this is so cool oh there's lava there's lava and there's rocks and it's hot no I'm going to die Daisy don't die just take every jump step by step uh-oh roxs are falling oh my goodness come on let us do the parkour let us go let us go all right here we go guys oh my gosh we're doing parkour we only have 30 seconds we only have 30 seconds don't slip okay we're doing good good job guys don't slip really scary yes we're almost there the lava's going up oh my gosh the lava's rising the lava's rising it's flooding it's flooding it's flooding wo I think we all made it rocks are falling let us out let us out let us out if we don't get out right now we might die wait I think this is outside so we can go home we're freaking amazing at this game can't wait to go home drink coffee eat some cake cake Daddy really that's what you're thinking of right now I'm celebrating I still got an apple oo where are we going now oh we're outside we did it we did it we won but guys we don't know where we're at we're still stuck in a spooky forest in the middle of nowhere uh let's go look for a car let's look for a road yeah a road yeah we can hitchhike we can put the thumb up put the thumb up yeah when you do that outside you can hitchhike with people that's like a sign I think we should follow the path well yeah to a road all right well let's see where this path leads us come on guys what the heck is that that we have an eagle as a friend don't step in that oh I just wait there's oh my God there's acid rain there's acid rain why am I dying no we to find shelter we need to get find shelter oh my gosh daddy how much health do you have you going to die quick quick quick get inside get inside oh my goodness I just lost 10 Health from that I found healthy beans on the ground Daddy it's probably the monster he made it rain on our faces where' you get the beans beans from I need that um I saw them by the tent daddy don't go out there I grabbed it I grabbed it don't go out there you're going to die oh this the beans oo I found the beans all right I'm going to eat the beans we getting some health yep me too Daddy I'm gaining back all my health I don't think the rain will stop anytime soon well Daddy Why Daisy where are you getting all this stuff I took it from Sarah's office what what you have you have soda you're not going to share I drink it all I need it Daisy I was thirsty my daddy clearly needed the health more than you rain stop wait the rain actually stop I'm going to look intense for food ooh there's a coin oh there's nothing here maybe just sitting in the fire guys why is there a campfire here and there's no one here that makes no sense right maybe they're all eating really dang wait there's bear traps you guys looking at this yeah I saw them before you just stepping one uh no I'm not doing that yeah no one stepp in the bear traps that will not be good guys it's getting late I think we should stay here wait stay here overnight no no yeah we have cute little tints we need to keep moving well I don't want to sleep in the pink one that's for sure I want to sleep over here I'm going to the green one I'll sleep in in the pink one I'm going in the blue one wait there are some axes on the trees we should use them to gather logs and then relight the camp fire all right let's do that that's actually so smart easy let the big boy come in I'm strong daddy you're not strong I'm so much more strong than you no you're not stop lying yourself I'm beating this tree down daddy am I doing good oh I got it I got one log I also got a log chop the trees chop the trees how many logs do we need I think we need five we need five logs ooh that was easy to make it look like a pyramid ooh the Fire Starting guys look what we did we put all the logs in the fireplace let's go oh that's really bright wa doesn't the demon like fire fire he's made of fire wait if we sit around we heal I'm healing I'm healing yeah I'm at 77 HP right now this is crazy I'm at 93 I know oh God I just died I knew it what wait I'm respawning I'm respawning it's 30 robu everyone respawn there no way I just die from a fire what was that how were we supposed to know that we were going to die oh God it's raining again everyone go back inside go back inside I have full HP now oh my God there's thunder and lightning guys I'm alone and I'm scared where are you I'm in the green tent you're fine we're right next to you Daisy we're here we're here don't worry I can't believe we just died from thunder and lightning how stupid it's getting really late let's just sleep here all right good idea let's sleep here good night good night everyone uh-oh guys what is that that's a doggy no it's not it's a demon dog oh my gosh that's not a good doggy that's not a good doggy it's a demon dog yeah demon dog with Daddy's sh let me put this ax in his head really Daddy I'll cut his legs off and eat them e what the heck yeah I knew it attacked the wolf I got the green light Here We Go Daddy hold on guys hold on we shouldn't be doing this oh my gosh oh my God he's almost dead he's almost dead hey we killed the wolf I just ate him let's go stupid wolf guys that monster definitely sent that wolf out here to try to kill us probably what a terrible night that was yeah that was a terrible night first there was thunder and lightning and then a demon wolf and acid rain yep well we need to get out of here wait where do we go follow that guy with the bird okay Daddy I'm running I'm coming we need to find Sarah and get out of this Forest Sarah is the demon I'm telling you but that it what if she's not we can't just assume that she's too pretty looking really that means that she's a demon uh-oh we have an issue no we don't let me jump daddy this bridge is terrifying well I'm going to make it oh my goodness look at that water down there if we fall into that you're probably going to die no we St to swim yeah just swim you can't swim in that water look how fast it's moving I am the best swimmer in the world the water is going to push you so fast and far it's going to push you right into a rock and then you're going to die well then just hang on to the Rock John do you remember that business trip I went on where I wasn't home for a long time yeah well I went to the Olympics for swimming what I'm a swimmer really Daddy I don't believe you yeah throw me down there real quick I'll show you how I swim and won the Olympics and got gold all right well let's just hope that we don't need to actually swim and we could just get past this bridge all right okay we got to do this very quick everyone be careful I'll go first I'll go first wa we're crossing it let's go uh um what is that over there why did our character stop what are we looking at why am I sitting on a bridge like an idiot I don't know oh my gosh what is happening is that a world pool oh my gosh it's a c demon why is that so big he's actually massive oh my God the monster is huge oh it's a demon it's a demon it's a demon it's a demon that's not Sarah he grew like five times as big in the water I'm going to throw my ax in his eyeballs Daddy I wouldn't do that you're going to make him really angry oh my gosh there's us why are we running w we should run this is actually kind of awesome I'm going to ride him like a bull I feel like we're in a movie guys we need to get out of here I I can't move run I'm hit him with my axe Daddy I'm swinging swing your axe swing your axe try to scare him I'm a big scary monster uh uh-oh he didn't like it he didn't like it oh he's screaming at us he's screaming three of us oh my goodness you're alone uhoh no the logs are going away uhoh uh-oh that's not good no guys no I fell I fell I think I'm a swimmer I'm a good swimmer I fell I can't get up Daddy I'm stuck I'm stuck kick me legs Daddy help me no I'm going to the left I'm coming with you I'm coming with you don't worry guys where the heck are we why is there doors here I don't know why are there doors here oh no what the heck are these bombs where are we are we supposed to be here I don't think so guys it's only three of us're the only survivors oh my gosh daddy you're right we're the only survivors from the whole entire daycare I'm going to cry no the electric is going out what the heck is happening why do everything got to go guys it's the monster it's the monster I'm going out get me out of here get me out of here Daddy it's not not working the door's closed why am I here why am I here did you really think you could Escape From Me Oh no I kind of did you know what I'm going to fight him I got to do it come here come here buddy what did you do to Sarah yeah what did you do to Sarah daddy don't miss my Sarah Sarah who what do you mean you killed Sarah how does he not know who Sarah is is this who you're looking for Sarah no oh my gosh guys she's in in a tube she's in a tube there's actually no way you tubed her what have you done to her why the monster tube Sarah come here I'm going to put those horns up your butt Daddy really I have taken her away from you yeah obviously we could see that honestly you can keep her hey no no no we need her if I can go home he can keep her no I can't leave Sarah he's claiming that Sarah's his wait a minute that's maybe what the minions are they're people oh why don't you wait and see for yourself I don't like this Daddy hey dude I just want Sarah back and I want to leave uh-oh what did he do he just pulled something uh what is happening gears are moving buttons are bushed oh stuff is happening what is going on okay what is that ugly stuff what is that what is that is that like poison no no no I don't like this I don't like this is he making her a minion bye Sarah E Daddy I think you're right she's going to turn into a minion yep there it is no we're going to have to kill Sarah no Daddy you're going to have to kill Sarah there's no way daddy the love of your life turned into to a minion I'll save you Sarah oh take that take that hi Sarah daddy you just killed Sarah she wasn't Sarah anymore the monster said that he needs to expand his army and get my revenge on you humans I'm not even a human I just like flowers yeah Daisy's basically a flower I don't want to talk about it they call me stash boy and I'm going to tell you with my stash stash boy really daddy that's a terrible name that's a superhero name guys I think the monster wants to turn a into minions no that's not allowed it's not allowed it's not allowed uhoh oh no no that's me get me out let me out of here why am I at two why am I at two let me out guys this isn't good we're all getting turned into minions did I actually not stand the chance this is embarrassing we didn't even try to fight yeah this is not fair I just killed Sarah like that I could have killed him easy too and we're turning into minions no fair maybe he'll give us cake God guys I'm a minion now can I like have an uprising with the minions and go after the guy guys this is so crazy what the heck at least he's not going to kill us and my axe wait that's the end that's a victory that's that's no Victory we're losers that is a terrible ending we got bad ending great oh we there was different endings we got the baddest ending ever that sucked well guys that sucks we got the worstest ending ever I had to kill Sarah yeah we had to kill Sarah and it was really sad we shouldn't C cross the bridge yeah we should have went the other way how but how are we supposed to know that a big monster was going to come out of the water that was stupid he was like he was like Godzilla but if you guys enjoyed watching this daycare story then everyone right now make sure to leave a like And subscribe bye
Channel: Johnny and Marty
Views: 538,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: puppets, superluigilogan, funny, comedy, roblox, roblox meme, roblox funny moments, roblox obby, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox brookhaven 🏡rp, simulator game, custom hearts, ROBLOX DAYCARE STORY..., roblox daycare story..., daycare story, roblox story, ROBLOX DAYCARE STORY 2..., heres johnny, johnny, minecraft johnny, johnny minecraft, johnny and marty
Id: 3BtKdzv8V5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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