The Caretaker changed our vision in Minecraft.. (THIS IS WEIRD)

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what just happened in my vision what is this well the moon looks bright and beautiful on this creepy Minecraft night welcome back to the caretaker series well it's turning into a series and what we are trying to do is get down to the bottom of the caretaker and well in the last episode if you haven't seen it guys go back and watch it this instant I'll wait welcome back how are you doing you're doing good you're doing great okay cool you guys go watch shows because we actually seen the caretaker I can I'm so happy to be filming this video right now for many reasons okay I am so happy to be filming this video because I've been wanting to talk to you guys so much I've been reading all your comments I've been going to us as where I've been sitting in my chair like oh my god guys I know I don't want no one oh we're back if you do to the channel dude don't hesitate hit the subscribe button it before certification if I bring you the Bell make it go ding if you know someone that's not a subscriber you know someone that's not a subscriber and they need to be smacked into subscribing go ask him if they're good tell me to go subscribe to the channel and yeah that's that's that dude but either way I got a lot I want to talk about and I know you guys know I've been bullying inside just the talk about this okay so I'm here today Wyman Hugo old to do the villager is still stuck in the freakin well D okay help itself he simply so would help me up to drowning dude get clearly floating what are you talking about but anyways um this is a run okay this exact position right here is where we saw the caretaker for the first time ever ever and as far as I know this is the first time he's ever been seen in all the Minecraft even on YouTube this is a big deal this is a incredibly big deal Mojang what are you doing we saw for a split of the second the caretaker appeared right in front of our face out of nowhere this sent chills down my spine because I wasn't looking at the screen if you guys recall I was reading comments I look back up I thought I saw something when I edited that video chills like I've never had before occurred as for what I saw was real it was there the caretaker who did up here am i terrified that he may appear yet again yes I am actually but what are we doing in this video we're doing what wouldn't you guys said in the comment section below we are going to get the black wool and the white wool and we're gonna put it all over the village now this is said to perhaps trigger the caretaker or make him more dominant and uh well as you guys know he might get a bit more angry so that is what we're doing in today's video starting now yes it's kind of nighttime I don't care I'm going in with this I'm doing it right away I think if we're gonna get down to the bottom of this we need to see what the caretaker is capable of just completely trigger him you know get them all soggy get his soggy pants on and see what we could do so I don't know if this is validated but I figured you know what we're gonna try it we're gonna see what's going on with this and I saw that zombie spawn I saw the white shirt I was like you know I'm on edge guys like as I should be you know hopefully the villagers don't mind all this wool wool just kind of sitting around because like it's for the greater of good it truly is we we need this wool right now because this could aid well it's not gonna eat us actually it's probably a herbicide thought I already something weird there guys and what if the caretaker has noises or something ooh that would be creepy they'll be really creepy actually if he makes like a noise or can talk dude I probably like quit playing my grow dude the caretaker is scary man like III don't know why like it's just scary alright so everything seems to be cool we scattered a lot through the village this world is creeping me out every single day that I put what just happened to my vision what just happened to my vision what is this guys what is going on why is my screen like this I hope God no no please tell me this is not a real play I'm closing my eyes and closing my eyes I'm closing my eyes I'm closing my eyes I'm closing my eyes please tell me have some Braille it's not there no no no no no no no it's there what is this guys what is this villager do you know what's going on right now oh no we should have placed the wall around guys we should have placed the wall we made a fatal mistake why are we why is our vision like guys look at it look how it looks right now this is not normal this is this is just like the caretaker does if you the carrot like is it gonna go away what is this guys what why is my vision like this why is my vision like this dude where's Abed where's Abed where's Abed I need a bed right now do I hear a spider that's creepy did I see something move over here dude I'm freaking out right now do why is it I can't get my vision to go away are you guys let me just go get a bed oh oh my god the whole screen is just like this it's not just my vision and game is the whole screen I'm going to sleep guys it's back oh my god dude I have never in all my time playing Minecraft encountered anything like that I have never encountered anything like that guys what was that and the weird thing about it guys he was almost like okay hey guys I gotta compose my I just gotta compose myself right now oh my god I'm gonna get a drink of water dude hold up guys okay this is nuts no I don't know what happened there but I place the wall around the village got something creative by the way this what's weird that it's even affecting me and creative but I place the wall around the village and then shortly after followed up my vision changed now this seemed like it was an effect of a potion or something now did it not but I noticed a lot of weird things about this that I want to dive into very shortly and briefly and I want to know what you guys think about this as well what your input on this is I've never had my screen turn like that I don't know if it's a glitch and Aaron maybe what's going on I don't know but if you noticed it did that right but it was almost like it was an effect like like you would drink a potion or something usually whenever that happens I didn't even think to drink milk by the way but usually when something like that happens which it was weird it was like I was still playing but it just looked it was like a like a blood I don't know either way it's definitely the doing of the caretaker that's what I'm siding with guys we saw the caretaker flash that just happened after we placed these blocks of wool some very very weird stuff is encountering and guys I'm getting another sip of water because like I've like freak it out too much that is hitting this why anyways there was something that I notice about that when I went to sleep when I woke up it was gone so it was like the effects of it got depleted when I slept now I don't know what that means if there's any correlations with sleeping in this weird effect and I don't know if we're gonna get that again but I will say this it doesn't put you at too much of a disadvantage it's just more scary than anything I mean guys the vision was kind of you know nonchalant it wasn't - you know like I mean it was just more scary than anything dude I've never had my vision change like that in Minecraft and knowing that the fact that does not normal that is not something that happens and that's all something that's supposed to happen unless it's by the likes of the caretaker now what I want to do and I don't know why our vision change like that if you guys have any explanation if this has happened to you on this world as well because okay first off a lot of you people have been telling me about your run-ins with the caretaker as well in the comments section below a lot of people have also been playing in this world a lot of other people have been playing this world don't think I don't see you guys I can see what you guys have been saying and if that has happened to any of you let me know in the comment section below and if any of you have encountered the caretaker to any larger of a degree also let me know in the comment section below because I'm trying to get the caretaker to come out again it appears he flashed right in front of us once before but I'm trying to get him to something right before our eyes so we can see I wonder what the caretaker has on this world he definitely has something going on and I don't know what but with that aside I do want to come to the concluding factor of this video we are limited on time as always if you guys want to see the series continue in this investigation continue I need some likes guys I need to see as many likes possible in this video or else the series is gonna kind of fade to the dust because I'm gonna be like well people don't want to see this so let me know what you guys think leave a like below all they get stuff like I said guys I'm always trying so hard to give you guys like non-stop content I'm out here doing the most that I can for you guys probably like I don't know I don't even sleep sometimes but it's kind of bad but I'm trying to do as much as I can for all you guys and just know I love you guys so much and I'm gonna - you making videos for as long as I flippin can dude I mean I'm open I'm here for a wall for you guys because I'm gonna give you guys as many videos as a can of my life so we got a side I will see you all in the next one
Channel: O1G
Views: 107,922
Rating: 4.9212642 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Console, Bedrock, Edition, The Caretaker, Caretaker, Minecraft The Caretaker, Minecraft The Caretaker O1G, The Caretaker Minecraft, Scary, Scary Videos, Scary Minecraft Videos, Creepy, Creepypasta, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Id: 3I34dG100dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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