Human Hamburgers? The Very Disturbed Joe Metheny - Mystery & Makeup GRWM | Bailey Sarian

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- I only show up here looking a mess, and you shouldn't expect less. Did that just rhyme? Hi, guys. How are you today? My name is Bailey Sarian, and today is Monday, which means it's Murder, Mystery and Makeup Monday. (vocalizing) So, if you are new here, hi, welcome. My name is Bailey. Every Monday, I sit down, I talk about a true crime story that's been heavy on my noggin, and I do my makeup at the same time. So, for the month of October, I've been doing Halloween makeup. Nothing really crazy, let's be real here. It's really hard to talk and do your makeup at the same time, let me tell you. So, I've been keeping it pretty simple with these Halloween looks. And I just wanna let you guys know that it's over, baby. It's done. The month of October is coming to an end. It's been fun. After today, we'll just go back to normal. Normal background, and just normal makeup looks. It's been fun, though. I had a lot of fun this month. It's a crazy month. This isn't a life update, Bailey. They don't care. If you're interested in true crime and you like makeup, I would highly suggest you hit that subscribe button. I'm here for you every Monday, and I also upload on Saturdays as well. Also doing Instagram lives on Wednesday, I decided. I'll go live at five p.m. Pacific time. We could sit and we could talk about the story that we chat about here on Monday. For this week, I wanted to hop back into true crime, 'cause the last couple of episodes were paranormal stuff, which they're, I don't know. They're kinda not my favorite to do, because it's more of like a big opinion. Was it ghosts or was it not, you know? There's no like, fact. Unless you experienced it, it's hard sometimes to believe. So, this week, I decided to do a true crime story instead. I just need to add a disclaimer, a warning, because today's episodes is. Warning, the following presentation is intended for mature audiences. It contains graphic descriptions of crime scenes, adult dialogue, and strong language. Viewer discretion is advised. Spoiler, this week, we have some killing happening, and some like, a cannibal eating people. I would say exit out of this if it's too much for you. It's okay. (snapping) And if you're ready, then buckle in, kitty cats, 'cause it's a story. So, this week, we are going to chat about Joe Metheny, who I had never heard of. Boy, is he effed up. Joe was born March 2nd, 1953 in Maryland, and he was one of six children. According to Joe, his life was one of hardships. He claimed his father was an alcoholic, and his mother was neglectful of him and his five siblings. Joe said he spent his childhood bouncing from house to house living with foster families. I'm using quotations, because they didn't go through the system. It was just like, Joe's mom was paying people to take care of the kids for long periods of time. So, the kids, the poor kids are just kind of like, going back and forth, and jumping from home to home. They don't really have a stable home at all. Now, when Joe was six years old, his father passed away in a car accident. So, it was up to his mother to step up, and take care of her six kids alone, which I couldn't imagine that. She worked two jobs, and she was rarely home. She said that they were poor, but they had a roof over their heads, that they were just getting by. But Joe's mom says that they were never jumping around from different homes, that this whole hard upbringing was just a big fat lie, and she said that she was working two jobs, so yeah, she wasn't around. She was trying to take care of all these kids, but she disagrees with what Joe had said his upbringing was like. So, it's like, who do you believe? I don't know. So, when Joe was 18, he joined the military, and he claimed that he had served in Vietnam. While it was confirmed that he did indeed serve in the military, there was no records having been stationed in Vietnam. Regardless of where Joe was stationed, it was during this time that he became hooked on heroin, and cocaine as well. So, when Joe came back home from serving, he kept no contact with his mother or family, and just got really consumed with drugs. He had nowhere to live at the time, so he would live on the streets with the little community that he had found who were homeless, and they did drugs, unfortunately. By the early 90s, Joe was well known among the homeless population of South Baltimore where he was living. His drug abuse and temper were known among the community which he lived, but professionally, he was considered dependable, intelligent and well mannered. That's usually how it always goes, right? He was able to hold a job as a truck driver, and also, what was the other job? So, he has this job, and then Joe meets this lady, she's also sadly an addict. I couldn't find her name anywhere, which is fine. He ends up meeting this lady, and they fall in love, I guess, and they get married, and they end up having a child together. Now, at this point, because Joe was working, he was able to pay for a home. It was like a smaller trailer, but hey, it's a roof over his head. Like, that's great. So, now he has his wife, and they had a child together. They at least have a roof over their head, but sadly, they were both addicts. One night in 1994, Joe came home from work, and it was late, it was late at night. He goes inside, like he always did. (laughing) It's his house, Bailey. He went inside his house. It was late at night. So, he opens up the door, and he turns on the lights, and he notices that everything was gone. The furniture, pretty much the whole house was gone. He's looking around the house, he doesn't see any sign of his wife, and he just knew instantly that she took their kid, and she left. She moved out, and she took all the stuff. At that time, their son was 6 years old, so this was extremely upsetting to Joe. I mean, it would be to any of us, but you know. It ticked him off, okay? So, what do you do when you're ticked off? You seek revenge. Well, some people do. Joe just continues on with his day to day. He has no idea where his wife went, where they are, or how'd he even get in contact with anybody. Six months goes by, no sign of anyone. Honestly, I'm not even sure, was Joe looking for her? What was he doing in that six month period? I'm not sure. This is a side note. With some stories, it's like, there's so much information, you could put the whole storyline together, timeline and everything, and then with other stories like this one, there's only so much information. It's kind of hard to figure everything out. So, I tried my best. Anyways, so six months goes by. Still no sign of his wife and child. Now, Joe is still actively participating in drugs. He's still doing drugs. The community in which he, Joe, goes and buys drugs from, he's familiar with all of them. They kind of like all know each other. Of course, there's constantly people coming and going, but for the most part, they do all know each other. So, when he goes and buys drugs, he finds out from a fellow, from like, the drug dealer, he finds out that his wife moved to the other side of town with another guy. She was working as a sex worker spending all of her money on drugs, and that their son had been taken from her for child neglect and child abuse. So, that's what this person was telling Joe. So, when Joe finds this out, he's like, oh, hell no, and Joe decided to take it upon himself to get his son back. Joe hears from others that his wife, or his ex wife, she was currently living under a bridge with a group of homeless people, and that's where she was getting high, and she was working as a sex worker, and yeah. Joe goes around in the area looking for his ex wife. Why he doesn't go to authorities or something, he said he didn't wanna go to authorities and get them involved, because he was also doing drugs. So, I guess that makes sense to some degree. So, one night, Joe goes down to this bridge where he knew that all of the homeless community had lived. That's where they all hung out, and they got drugs, they got high, stuff like that. So, he goes to this bridge, and that's where the person claimed his wife was. He sees these two homeless men. He asks them, hey, have you seen my wife? She took my kid, I'm looking for her, blah, blah, blah. These two homeless men, they say like, no, I haven't seen her. With Joe, heroin made him very, very angry. Like, he was always on edge, and he asked these men, do you know where my wife is at, and they say no, Joe just did not wanna accept that. He truly believed that these two guys knew where his wife was, and he believed that they sold her drugs, and that they had sexual relations with her. I mean, he's making up this whole story in his head, so this just pisses him off. He's not getting the answer he wants, so he's like, fine, and he walks away. What he really does is he grabs an ax. Joe ends up murdering both of these two homeless men, and I won't go into too much of graphic detail, because it's pretty graphic. Like, he chops them up. I guess I did it anyways. Sorry about that. He chops them up. Now, according to Joe, this is the first time he's killed somebody, which I don't know if I believe that, Joe, because I don't know. How do you just go from zero to chopping someone up? Well, actually, hell. That's what we talk about here every Monday. It's mind blowing every single time. So, he sees that there's a sex worker in the area. Joe then offers her some drugs and like, lures her over under the bridge where he just killed the other two guys. He asked her if he knew his wife, if she knew where they were, his child, a whole spiel. She said no, so. Joe was not satisfied with this answer. He was not satisfied with nos. He decided to beat and murder her as well. Sadly, there weren't a lot of names, which is awful. I'm sorry I'm just referring to these people as homeless men and a sex worker. They were more than that. They were more than that. So, he beats and he murders her. He sexually assaults her as well, so what a piece of shit. Again, this is like, in the same night. This is like maybe an hour or two apart from one another. So, he's just like, seeing red, Joe. Then, he hears somebody coming. He kinda panics, Joe, so he quickly gathers her poor body, puts her in a bush, and it's another sex worker coming down. He kills them. So, then, Joe notices a fisherman who was nearby. Joe wasn't sure if this fisherman saw anything or not, but he was like, you know what? I should kill this guy, because he could have witnessed something. I'm not sure if he did, but he could have. Joe was like, I gotta get rid of him. It's unclear if this fisherman saw what was going on at all, but the poor guy. So, he took a steel pipe, and he hit the fisherman in the head, killing him instantly. Joe in a confession said quote, "It was a very busy night. "Five murders within about seven hours." End quote. Yeah, I mean, that is a lot, Joe. That's a lot. Joe ends up leaving one of the homeless men out on the mattress, but he chops off their head and buries it. What is with people doing that? What is that? I gotta look into that. This is a side note, because I've noticed people who do this chopping up thing, which is disgusting. Edmund Kemper, he did the same thing where he would chop off the victim's head, and like, bury it, or take it or whatever. Joe did the same thing. He would chop off their head, but then bury it. Like, what is that about? I'll have to deep dive into that one day, and try and figure that one out. Chops one up, buries the head, leaves the body, he tries to wrap cement, like a cement brick around two of the other ones, and drown them in the lake. The fisherman and one of the sex workers, and then another one, he left in the bush. He tried his best to clean up the crime scene, but he heard more people coming, and he thought it'd be best if he just left at that point. Thank God, I guess. I don't know. So, about two and a half weeks go by, and then, Joe was linked to these murders that he did, and he was arrested and charged with the murders of the two men he first killed. Police at that time had no idea that there were more people that were killed around that same area. The bad guy's locked up. Great, awesome. The end. If only. So, Joe ends up spending a year and a half in jail while he was awaiting trial. Finally, it's his turn to go up for his trial, and guess what? Joe ended up being acquitted due to lack of evidence. They really had no evidence on him that he did it. It was more of like word of mouth, but they didn't have any physical evidence. In almost all of these stories, it's like, yay, we got the bad guy! Aw, we fucked it up. So, of course, time served awaiting trial taught Joe absolutely nothing. You'd think during this time, he would get sober, he would maybe have some sense of clarity, right? Maybe feel some remorse? Nothing. Joe even said in an interview the prior murders were like, crimes of passion, but as time was going on, Joe realized that he kind of actually enjoyed the act of murder. That's not what time in jail should be teaching you. Joe gets out of jail. So, Joe developed a pattern of befriending sex workers. He would attract them to his home, and tell these workers that he had drugs. He would offer it to them, lure them back to his trailer. He would end up strangling and dismembering them. Now, again, I am not trying to sound insensitive towards these victims at all. When looking up the story, none of them are giving their names. Maybe that's kind of a good thing, I guess, because if I gave you their name, then we would associate them as just being a sex worker who went back to his house, and she got dismembered. So, maybe it's kind of a good thing. I don't know how I feel about it. Let me know your thoughts on that. Anyway, so he would lure sex workers back to his house, saying that he had drugs and whatnot. He wouldn't give them drugs. As soon as they came into the house, he would instantly just start strangling them. Sometimes, he would beat them in the head until they knocked out, but usually, he would strange them because this guy was big. This guy was over 400 and something pounds. I forgot to mention that, duh. He was 6'1, and he was 450 pounds. How are you gonna fight that off of you? I mean, he's got a major advantage there. He's a big boy. He's a big boy. I thought cocaine was supposed to make you lose weight, though, Joe? I'm not body shaming. I just have questions. So, once Joe's victims passed out or died from strangulation, Joe would then dismember them. He would cut them up. Oh, my god. You see, he would cut the meat from their body. So, he was going through and cutting any fatty pieces, any muscle out of their body. He then would put the meaty parts in some Tupperware bowls, and then he would put them in the freezer. What is with killers doing this? Then, the parts that he didn't wanna keep, he would bury them in shallow graves. This went on for quite some time, and we're not really sure how many victims there were. Joe said roughly about 10. So, this is the really messed up part, and this might ruin things for you for a little bit, okay? Joe's doing this, right, and he's working as a truck driver, a local trick driver, but he wanted to earn a little extra money. So, Joe was like, you know what? I'm gonna open up a little roadside open pit roast beef sandwich stand. Roast beef stand. Do you see where we're going with this? Roast beef stand. He had real roast beef and pork sandwiches. It was like on a main road that a lot of truck drivers were coming through. So, he would kinda just park it out there, have his open pit bullshit. He had a little sign. Real roast beef and pork sandwiches. So, people would stop and they would these sandwiches. Joe was like, yeah, people just loved it. He was making some nice extra money, and nobody ever complained about the sandwiches, or the food being bad. Everybody just really liked them. What Joe would do is, his roast beef and pork sandwiches, they needed some flavor, they needed some zest. They needed a little touch of something special. Joe goes to the freezer, and he gets that Tupperware, the meat from the victims, and he well, he mixed that meat in with the roast beef and the pork. He mixed the victim's meat in with the roast beef and the pork. Joe tried it before actually selling it, and he said, hey, this meat tastes exactly like pork, and you can't even tell a difference. For weeks, Joe had this stand going. It was going strong and people were loving it. Unfortunately, we don't know how many people came and went there. Just people driving by, the truckers, townies. They were all consuming bits of human flesh, and essentially, they were becoming living hiding spots for the bodies of Joe's victim's. So, at some point, he runs out of this special meat. So, one night, Joe lures another poor sex worker back to his trailer. Once they got back into his trailer, he shuts the door. Then, he attempts to knock her out by just knocking her in the head. She, the victim, falls to the ground, and Joe thinks she's knocked out, she's passed out, something. He said he just turned around for a split second, the victim was able to get up and run out of the door. At first, Joe was thinking, oh, shit, she got out. But there was also an eight foot chain link fence with barbed wire on top of it around the front of his yard. So, he's thinking like, yeah, she got out, but there's no way she's gonna get away. But luckily for her, there was a stack of wooden pallets which was next to the fence. So, she was able to hop onto that, and then hop over. Luckily for her, she got over, and she made a run for it, and she just ran to the main road. She flagged down a truck driver. She tells the truck driver the whole story. This guy just tried to kill me, and they both go to a nearby gas station. That's where they called the police. Joe knew as soon as she got over that fence, he knew the game was over. He said in an interview he just waited outside for the police to come, 'cause he knew that they were coming. He was right. Pretty quickly after she got out, police arrived and they arrested Joe. This was in 1996. They take him down to jail. He gives a pretty lengthy confession where he confesses to all of the murders, and tells them that he was responsible for the two homeless men who died at the bridge originally, and he killed three more, and he took them to the area, but they didn't find any remains or anything. So, this is why they can't get an exact number of how many people he killed, because is he bullshitting? Did he really not even kill these people? Did he kill these people? Did he kill more people, and he's just not telling us where he buried them? It's just unclear. Anyways, eventually, he was found guilty, and was sentenced to death, but it was overturned in 2000. It was instead changed to two life sentences. So, I would like to know how you guys feel about that. Would you rather somebody get the death sentence or spend life in prison? I don't like the death sentence, only because they're getting an easy escape. Yeah, they're dying, but they're getting an easy way out. And for some odd reason, it costs more money in taxes to kill somebody versus keeping them in prison. I personally am all for letting people just rot in prison, especially people like this. I want you to sit there, and I want you to be miserable for the rest of your life, which is awful to say, but I think that's better than peacing out. That's just my thought, though. So, he got two life sentences which meant that he was never going to see the light of day again, which is great. At his sentencing, he requested to be put to death, and said quote, "The words I'm sorry will never come out "for they would be a lie. "I am more than willing to give up my life "for what I have done to have God judge me, "and send me to hell for eternity." From my understanding, he was never convicted for tampering with food, which is a felony, because there was no actual proof of it. He told people that he did it. In his confession, he said that he did it, but there was no proof that he did it, and people ate the evidence. So, it could be untrue. Joe told police officers quote, "The only thing I feel bad about in any of this "is I didn't get to murder the two motherfuckers "I was really after, and that's my ex lady "and the bastard she hooked up with." End quote. He also then went on to say quote, "So, the next time you're riding down the road, "and you happen to see an open pit beef stand "that you've never seen before, "make sure you think about this story "before you take a bite of that sandwich." End quote. You know what? Maybe he is bullshitting. He did that just to mess with anybody, as like another way of control, 'cause no he's creating this fear. In August of 2017, Joe was found unresponsive, aka dead in his prison cell. He was 62 years old at the time. In an article I read, it said currently, they are conducting an investigation into his death because it's a little unclear how he died. They think, you know, somebody might have been up to it. Let me put on the rest of my costume, 'cause right now, I look like this. Some of you might be a little too young to know what this costume is, but you know, I wanted to be it. Hey, it's me, Sally Jessy Raphael. Today, we're going to be talking about sandwiches, cannibalism, and a serial killer's mind. You know what? This is a side note. These videos are not about the makeup. It's about the topic, the true crime story we're talking about, and I mean no disrespect. Completely off topic, I wanted to be Sally Jessy Raphael, but I'm giving more Sharon Osbourne or even Ricky Lake vibes, right? It's this wig. So, I could be Sally Jessy Raphael, Sharon Osbourne or Ricky Lake. Hello there. If you're young out there, Sally Jessy Raphael was an iconic talk show host. To close out today's story, what can we learn from this? Closing statements, Bailey. Think of something. What is it? I would love to be a forensics psychiatrist. Dream job. Understanding the thought process, and how do you get to a point where you chop somebody up, and you put them in a sandwich. Like, what is that? Are there people out there, which there probably are, it's a big world, but are there people out there right now doing this same exact shit and we have no idea? Anyways, let me know your thoughts down below. I just wanna say a big thank you to all of you guys out there for watching my videos, and for hanging out with me every Monday to have this little group discussion that we have. I appreciate you guys so much for watching, subscribing, liking, disliking. It still all means so much to me. I'm about to hit 500 thousand subscribers, which is absolutely insane to me. It's crazy. I never would have thought in a million years. Anyways, what I'm getting at is thank you. Thank you for being a friend. ♪ Thank you for being a friend ♪ I hope you have a wonderful day, you make good choices. If you're celebrating Halloween, I hope you have a good Halloween. Please be safe out there. Be aware of your surroundings when you're out, and if you're walking anywhere alone kind of like this a lot. You can hate on it all you want, saying these damn kids, but the reality is this is the reality right here, this scrolling thing. So, if you're out, and you're walking alone, put the phone down, be aware of your surroundings. That is my one tip. Be safe, make good choices, and I'll be seeing you guys later. Bye!
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 3,114,492
Rating: 4.9660826 out of 5
Keywords: bailey sarian, mystery and makeup, mystery makeup, true crime story, true crime documentary, true crime, story time, get ready with me, makeup look, easy makeup look, halloween costume, sally jesse, halloween costume 2019, halloween ideas, last minute halloween costume, makeup looks for halloween
Id: urjvZ02NtEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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