New Glock 17! First Glock (reaction)

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all right what's going on guys I just wanted to do a quick video about my new purchase uh today I actually went by a pawn shop that I had never been to and I was looking at their pistols and the pawn shops in my town are actually uh let's see clear pawn shops in my town are actually pretty terribly priced for the most part go ahead and just show you clearing all these clear and clear so the pawn shops in my town are actually pretty terribly priced uh the last time I went to a pawn shop I was looking at some pistols they had and they had a P320 very standard all black no Optics cut or anything like that no no special sights no threaded barrel nothing and they wanted it was used it had actually some wear marks on the slide as well where it had one through the coating um or maybe not worn through the coating but uh where somebody had obviously carried it a lot and taken it in and out of a pistol or a holster they wanted 6.25 for it and right off the bat I was kind of like yeah that seems high you know for your standard P320 and I kind of did a quick look and I think I found one on PSA for almost a hundred dollars less for a brand new P320 so given you're gonna have to pay shipping and FFL fees for that but um even then I don't think that's going to add up to more than the pawn shop was wanting for the used pistol so I had low expectations going into this pawn shop I'd never been into it I didn't even know they did any like real ponding it was lending there which some of you may have heard of I guess there's more than one location but I uh it was just Title Pawn and I figured okay this is just uh kind of specialty I'm not super familiar with pawn shops so I just kind of figured you know this is they don't have guns or whatever and then I drove by one day after a buddy of mine mentioned that he had gone there and looked at a firearm and saw that on the window they had guns so I was like okay cool so I guess they do do regular um you know pawning and stuff of uh you know normal [ __ ] so I went and checked it out today I'm kind of on a whim uh not planning to buy anything and uh like I said you know I had very low expectations considering all the other pawn shops I've been to in the area pretty terribly priced on their Pond or used Goods but they had a Glock 17 they're a third gen Glock 17 and I picked it up man it was 3.99 and um you know I took a look at it before I grabbed it or before I bought it I asked the lady if I could remove the slide she said yes so I went ahead and removed the slide and I'll just do that right now for you guys went ahead and removed the slide just kind of took a look at the internals and I don't know if you guys can tell but this doesn't look like it's been fired very often to me or whoever whoever fired it uh cleaned it really well which I mean is equally good because I mean it's well taken care of you know but uh you know and if anybody sees anything in here out of like spec or anything you know leave that in the comments I'm not super familiar with Glocks yet but anyway it looked like to be in really good shape like I said it was 3.99 so I picked it up she said that it was a pandemic pistol so somebody got worried went ahead and bought themselves a pistol once everything settled down uh they pawned they went ahead and pawned it off or that's what I assume anyway um and it's a believable Story the uh the mag slide release has some wear on it but um you know like I said I'm not super familiar with Glocks but just watching videos and stuff and seeing friends clocks uh seems like one of the first places uh the coating wears off is is that slide lock release right there so but I'm super happy with it man it's my first real Glock um and you know I wanted a 19 just because of Mag compatibility but I really like a full-size pistol and I was kind of I kind of wanted a Glock um after I had the Stagger for a little bit because I really like the Stagger I really like the way it shoots but you know it's not got the pedigree that uh you know standard Glock has and I really wanted a good [ __ ] hit the fan pistol um you know given I don't really prep super hard for that scenario but I like the idea of having a bulletproof pistol that is uh tested and you know it's gonna be reliable regardless in any kind of situation you have I gave up Mac compatibility for a full-size frame which you know that's that's fine for me if I you know if I'm looking at this in a [ __ ] hit the fan scenario pistol away and uh this is my only pistol I'm carrying if I'm worried about mad compatibility all that takes is a chop off the grip you know that's that's all that's gonna need is to make it you know Glock 19 size and be able to take the Glock 19 magazine so I'd rather if I can keep the full-size grip I have magazines for this as well you know already so I have I have the met the 19x mags I got for my dagger and then I also have which wow I just realized that how different this 19x mag is from this standard 17 or is it is it just the way it was sitting on the table okay yeah I guess it was no they're exactly the same it was kind of an optical illusion there setting them like that it looks like it's got less thing on the anyway I had to address um so I'm [ __ ] really happy with it man I think 399 is a great deal it's a gen 3 like I said it looks like it's never been fired or if it has been fired it doesn't look like it's never been fired but it's been fired very little maybe just test firing maybe carrying it a little bit but um you know I'll let you guys be the deciding factor on whether or not I got it I got a good deal I think I did for 3.99 um so anyway I'm super happy with it I can't wait to get out and shoot it you know I've heard a lot of things about Glock I haven't shot one really that much um you know a lot of stuff about grip angle not being ideal for a lot of Shooters and as well as the uh the sights you know I do plan on upgrading these sites but for now I mean you know just kind of looking through in my kitchen I don't mind that you know squared off u-shape with the dot in the middle uh that doesn't bother me too bad so you know I'll shoot it and I'll run it for a while and I do plan on getting it cut for an optic I'm just going to do a direct mail RMR and call it a day and I plan on getting a Surefire X300 for this like I said I want this to be my fan pistol so I want the [ __ ] badass American-made optic and I want the badass American-made Surefire on here and uh you know that might actually kind of quench my thirst for a lot of other a lot of other Pistols that I've been wanting because I feel like I you know I have a full-blown addiction I'm here to admit that you know I I don't have any uh I don't I don't think you know I'm not in denial I'm not denial I have an addiction uh I think I mentioned them in last video Bobby Dynamite I think we think a lot of a lot the same you know um I need to get back to the basics and you know quit [ __ ] around with all this other [ __ ] um and go ahead and get my [ __ ] hit the fan pistol with my [ __ ] hit the fan Dot and my [ __ ] hit the fan light my [ __ ] hit the fan irons um you know all that stuff get that hooked up and uh I think that'll that'll like I said quench my thirst for a lot of different things I uh I kind of want surrounding Firearms another thing I wanted to show in this video is compatibility because I [ __ ] up when I got home with this thing I immediately came home and pulled out my dagger because I wanted to see compatibility it's a third gen Glock 17 this is based off a third gen Glock 19. um you know there's there's modularity and there's compatibility between some of these Glocks and man I just kind of overestimated it and I was under the impression that man this is third gen third gen compact essentially full size I should be able to fit this full-size slide on this compact frame right that's that was my way of thinking and maybe you know I can chalk that up to the p365 kind of giving me an unrealistic standard for compatibility between Firearms but man so I'll just let you know now it's not gonna [ __ ] work I took my my brand new Glock 17 new to me slide off and I put it on my dagger 19 frame and promptly got that [ __ ] stuck as [ __ ] on the 19 frame or my dagger frame um you know I did a little research and I actually found a YouTube video of a guy kind of he just did the same thing it was will the 17 slide fit on the 19 frame third chin he takes his slide off his 17 puts it on his 19 and the same exact thing happens he gets it stuck and if you've ever done this before I'll kind of give you uh kind of show you what happens it'll rack like about that far and it just binds up after that and uh the trigger won't pull you can't pull the trigger to get it off these do nothing um you know the barrel will kind of Wiggle around and you can kind of try and get it off that way but overall it's not going to [ __ ] work and what I ended up doing is I finagled it enough to get that 17 slide back like this and I was able to get this back plate off take the plunger out take the shot I just took the whole slide apart and it finally started to slide off and it still took me pulling it off there was some resistance hopefully I didn't [ __ ] anything up too bad I don't think I did both function just the same um you know I haven't had a chance to go shoot them like I said I haven't had a chance to take this out and shoot it at all yet but it seems like it's fine um so save yourself the trouble don't try to do that don't be an idiot like me and try and do it without looking into it first that was you know a mistake I immediately started sweating when I had that slide stuck on there because I was like oh no I just [ __ ] up my gun I'm gonna I was two seconds away from going to a local shop where they've got a great gunsmith those people are awesome I'll just shout them out real quick Coastal Armory um there in Brunswick Georgia uh they're they're great though man and I love those guys a lot and uh so I was I was definitely ready to you know give them a nice little project for them to uh laugh at me for but anyway you know I didn't have to do that I got the slide off and everything's hunky-dory you know uh as far as I know um another gun I got sitting out here right now is my glock 44 actually not my glock 44 my girlfriend's Glock 44 because this was a pistol I bought bought her for Christmas um you know I got this thing for for thinking this will be a great introduction to pistols you know it's a 22. I've heard things some bad things about the reliability on these things but this was a buddy's pistol he sold it to me for a super good price and I shot it before I was able to or before I purchased it and uh sorry about the shadow here I got to get a different light set up but I was able to try it before I bought it and it never it never jammed it 100 uh reliability that is with CCI ammo I've heard I think gear Runner did a review with this thing and he said that's all his would run but then he actually did another video where um or maybe it was the original video of his g44 video but he ran it and it ran all the ammo he had just fine through whatever Max he had just fine um and so you know I've I've been real lucky with this thing I don't I don't have any gripes um about it I do plan on selling it though because I got it for my girlfriend and she was kind of like oh this is awesome you know she was super excited she mentioned getting a gun for her before and uh but uh she had he she'd shot plenty of stuff I had no idea I mean I knew she grew up you know we both grew up in the South I knew she had shotguns before but I didn't know she had shot what she had shot I kind of just figured it was you know small stuff but she actually shot my cig after I bought that for maybe it was before no it was after I bought that and man she did so good with this thing man she she handled it like a champ so I'm actually in the market to sell this Glock which is kind of easier said than done because like I said it's kind of got a weird reputation and uh you know I got it for such a cheap price I can get my money back out of it I can probably make money off of it but I really don't care I just like to get my money back out of this so I can go ahead and pick her up something closer to more like a p365 kind of maybe Smith Wesson m p because uh man I'll just let you guys know now I've kind of fallen out of love with this gun I really love the way it looks this is just a spray paint job I did um there's some little oil there that's all that is it's not part of the paint job but man I just had rust issues and I know the Sig fan boys out there will tell me oh you sweated all that oil and [ __ ] oh well I [ __ ] do I oil it a lot and I sweat on it a lot but I owe it a lot my mag is so covered in oil in fact that it has not a specket for us the parts that have rust are right here on my irons where you know the oil will get rubbed off pretty quick and you know I oiled it up and wiped the rust off no problem and then down here on my mag release and you can't even see it but I mean it's uh it's definitely had some Rust in there that I've had to clean out before on top of that you know what is that now it's just the oil damn I thought I had a big old scratch on there on top of that man I just I don't know uh this was my first like Striker fire pistol that I bought for myself I've I've inherited some pistols before but nothing very modern the closest thing to this I shot before I bought this was a Kel-Tec pf9 and I actually I know a lot of people hate on that guy and a lot of people hate on Kel-Tec I never had a reliability issue with that gun um other than limp pressing it because if you ever held one you know how small and snappy that pistol can be but man I let that thing sit in a pretty humid environment without oiling it for a long time because it was before I was legally able to carry and I actually got some rust on top of the barrel right here and uh you know I just man I essentially just Scotch brided that off shot some oil on it and I mean it never it never jammed that pf9 really was a great gun and I ended up selling it for real cheap letting it go just to kind of make money um to get some money back to uh make up for that purchase but I kind of regret selling it it was uh it was like I said an inherited gun and even though it wasn't like one of the special ones it was still a reliable pistol that out of carry I'd have bet my life on it 100 it shot great for me um anyway she's got to get something a little bigger than this but uh I mean man this is kind of wanted this to kind of be a Glock video here I'll do the the classic Bobby Dynamite hold where he holds all his pistols up and they look all gorgeous because they're all [ __ ] blacked out and it's sick um you know I aspire to have more solid black pistols but as far as the Glock platform goes man I really enjoy it and I'm really really excited to have a full-size Glock 17 third chin man bulletproof great [ __ ] hit the fan pistol um you know a great do all pistol and I say do all I include carrying because I don't find it very uncomfortable or hard to conceal a full-size pistol at all when you have a great holster like my tier one concealed I carry my CZ p09 every day and it's more comfortable than my p365 and a better holster I'm just being straight up I mean maybe it's because of this leather pad I've got on here that I mean that adds so much comfortability that I mean I'm gonna have to put one on this eventually I put one on there already but I think I said in my one of my last videos that didn't hold out good but anyway you know I like I said I'd rather just get the full size and if I need a [ __ ] worst case uh apocalypse scenario find a bunch of Glock 19 mags and not Glock 17 mags I can just cut the [ __ ] grip off and I can put my 19 mags in my 17. but anyway um I mean that's pretty much it for the video I just kind of wanted to show off my new buys see what y'all thought about the deal I got on it and uh you know give you an idea about dagger and Glock compatibility and don't [ __ ] up like I did and put your 17 block slide on your dagger frame because it's not going to work it's not going to work like I said don't be an idiot like me uh anyway thanks for watching guys leave a comment like subscribe I'm going to try and do more of these like just kind of [ __ ] talking videos I might do a uh if I start getting enough comments you know I'm gonna go over actually you know what I'll just go over any comments that I get in my videos on the next subsequent video just because you know it'll be easy without a lot of comments on there uh you know I don't I don't get many comments but if I do I'd like to you know if you got any questions just let me know I'll answer whatever I can and if I can't answer it I'll let you know that as well but uh yeah thanks for watching guys I'll see you in the next one
Channel: J.F. Review
Views: 13,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dGEUr8UpOvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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