The Burning Question | Mark 4:35-41 | Rev. Dr. Eric Peters

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here so [Music] [Applause] do [Music] hey there is today your first time here or maybe your first time in a while if so maybe you're wondering exactly who we are and what this church is all about well we'd like you to know that we're a group of ordinary people who are on an amazing journey together following christ our guide is the bible because it's the divinely inspired word of god and it will never take us in the wrong direction along the way we hope you'll see that we are welcoming and spiritually passionate and that getting to know you is a big deal to us we know that the road is rough sometimes but we'll work really hard to bring you practical and relevant messages to equip and encourage you through life's ups and downs we want you to know that we care about this community and we believe that it's our job to make it a better place so no matter who you are or where you've been we're glad you're here with us today and we hope that you'll join us on our journey following christ and living out his plan for us so welcome to church [Music] [Music] and the wind is high and it has already taken one life it has strung down one structure and yours is next what do you do god says to us today he has provided christ as a refuge a hiding place welcome to our voice to the nations broadcast join us for our service already in progress good morning each and every one of you this is the day that the lord has made and we certainly are going to rejoice and be glad in it it is pouring the blood assembly again with our voice in the nation's broadcast as we come to you this bright sunday morning to give god some praise to acknowledge him to bless his name i don't know what your week has been like i don't know what your situation is like but we are here today to speak faith to you we are here today to discuss a burning question but before all of this we're going to worship god we're going to bless his name we're going to praise him because he is great and greatly to be praised we're here to say to you that you're not alone in this life that regardless of what you are going through god is there with you he knows he sees he hears every cry of your heart so today just worship with us call someone let them know that we are no one ask them to log on to cbc tva facebook or youtube where we can worship with you where you can hear the word from god that we that's going to challenge you where the worship is going to bring your heart close to god where all what that we do here will glorify god and invite him into your circumstance so this morning let's just pray before we begin let's ask god's presence to envelope we envelope you where you are ask god to be right where you are locate you right now so in the name of jesus today we come to you lord we come to you as your people first we ask you to forgive us cleanse us from all unrighteousness purify our hearts oh god as we come before you father today we declare that this day will be blessed because we are worshiping you in it because you have made this day we declare today that this session of worship this this time that we're going to spend in your presence will be blessed bless this time of praise today honor this moment of worship father heal someone today deliver someone bring an answer to someone save a life today bring someone to you father today may your word go forth with power but your worship bring us close to your heart father and we pray in the name of jesus that you will be glorified exalted and praised in jesus name we pray amen and amen i want to encourage you right now just to lift your hands where you are just begin to worship god we have with us this morning our worship minister paula hines and she's going to come and bless our hearts with songs so you just open your hearts and allow god to move where you are invite holy spirit to do what he's going to do in your life don't resist him allow him to do what he will do god bless you [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] salvation [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah of my salvation [Music] hallelujah he's an awesome [Music] there is [Music] god there is no [Music] we rise [Music] is [Music] our heart oh jesus [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] when serve [Music] [Music] i is [Music] is [Music] if our god is he is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is afraid because our god he is a triumph in god so i shall not be afraid i'm diseased [Music] because who can stand against my god who can stand against [Music] can stand against hallelujah he knows my name [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] me [Music] believe this he knows hallelujah [Music] he knows your god knows your name he knows [Music] [Music] i'm reminding you that you have a father [Music] you're not a bastard he calls you his own [Music] he'll never leave you wherever [Music] he knows is [Music] this everybody god [Music] hallelujah [Music] god knows my name [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are not forgotten [Music] i don't care where you you are not forgotten i don't care how far you've trump you are not forgotten i don't care how sick you are you are not forgotten [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] he knows my name [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] bless god [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] i am not forgotten [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah i am not forgotten god knows my name i wanted to call someone right now there's someone that you know that needs to hear this this morning that they're not forgotten regardless of how deep they may be regardless of how lonely they may feel regardless of how pressured and overwhelmed they may feel right now they're not forgotten god knows their name he knows your name he knows mine he knows my every thought he sees each tear that falls and he hears us when we call this morning i want us to call to him i want us to call to him call to your god this morning open your mouth and call to god he knows your name he's waiting on a call simply he's just simply waiting on a call he's waiting on your invitation today that he can intervene in your situation hallelujah and this time i just want you to welcome with us as we listen to an instrument played anointed right where you are i need you lord right now i need you today how many of us can say that we need god today hallelujah i need you today i i can't wait for you to come tomorrow i can't wait for you to come in the next hour or two lord i need you right now i need you today let's welcome brother romero graves as he comes to bless us with this rendition [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] fun [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] hey i need you lord i need you lord right now not next week not next month not tomorrow but right now i don't know if you feel that sense of urgency in your spirit i don't know if what you are going through right now you you need god right now there is a call that we can make we just need to call him lord come lord come i remember that old song that says if you don't come to my rescue i'll be lost how many of us are feeling that way today feeling overwhelmed i want to share with us from the word of god for the next few moments for mark's gospel chapter 4 verse 35 to verse 41 and i would ask the those that would have ministered both brother romero and sister paula at the end to come back and just let just together let them minister to us because i believe the the theme for today is very strong i believe the spirit of god is saying something to us he knows our names we need to cement that in our spirits today you may be going through a tough time a tough season in your life things are rough i know what it means to be going through a deep deep deep deep dark situation but god is there he knows your name you're not alone you're not alone in mark's gospel chapter 4 verse 35 to 41 we read on the same day when the evil was come he saith unto them let us pass over to onto the other side and when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship and they were also with him other little ships and there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full and he was in the hinder part of the ship asleep on a pillow and they awake him and say unto him master carest down not that we perish and he arose and rebuked the wind and this and said unto the sea peace be still and the wind cysts and there was a great calm and he said unto them why are ye so fearful how is it that he have no faith and they feared exceedingly and said one on to another what manner of man is this that even the wind and the sea obey him may god add his richest blessing to the reading of his word i want to speak to us today briefly on the topic the burning question the burning question there's a question here that is asked by the disciples and it's a very important question this week as i thought of my own situations that i've been going through over the last couple weeks in my homeland the individuals have been dying in space of three weeks the death toll for covet 19 has moved from one or two deaths to now 50. just yesterday 351 persons were tested positive new cases growing by the day in our own nation of barbados we are trying to to deal with the upsurge in cases and there's a burning question that we ask ourselves and i don't care who you are today whether you are reverent bishop cardinal whatever you are if you know god and the situations today is as what it is there are some questions that we are asking when you think of the circumstance that the disciples found themselves in and where we find ourselves today i see us asking the very same question it's a burning question you may not articulate it but deep in our hearts we ask god curse thou not that we perish lord are you seeing what is happening do you understand my situation these individuals are facing a storm they're facing a storm and they're having a problem with it because it is like no other storm in life these men were fishermen they were used to to facing storms from time to time but somehow this storm was different how many of us today are facing some storms that we've never faced before this pandemic that we are facing right now none of us in our lifetimes have ever experienced anything like it we've faced a few storms yes we've we've gone through some things and we've we've navigated some things and we've we've got a few knocks here and there and we might have had circumstances and situations lasting for a few days and at best a few months but here it is that we are facing a situation and it is lasting for a year plus and it's going it is a storm that we are not accustomed to and so we are right to ask this question we look at our health infrastructure and we look at our leadership and we look at our medical system and we we look at everything and we recognize that everything is burdened and unpressured by this storm everything is tested everything is tested everything that that we thought was was resilient everything that we thought could hold up now is stressed our educational system our children we are concerned what what stage will they be at when this is over storms of life and that very storm that we are going through right now has its own collateral or connecting storms because it now has spilled over and because of that you have financial challenges and and you have family issues and you have all of these challenges that we are dealing with fear anxiety panics psychological challenges it's a storm and i know many times we've read that portion of scripture and i myself have had to look at it this week and say lord i repent because in hindsight we can look at them and judge these individuals and say but they were so weak jesus was there with them and we we read about them with scorn and somehow we trivialize their concern because we are reading of it afterward we're not the ones in the storm and i'm certain a future generation is going to come and look at us paula and say well what was it worried about but they were not going through the situation people can look at you right now and look at you maybe losing weight and look at you crying and and being so concerned that and there can be a well what are you worried about or what why are you worried because they're not in it who feels it knows it and so many times we can be guilty even as christians trying to tell people well you know just just get over it god god's going to come through no before god comes through i am dealing with this there's a question on my heart cares thou not that we perish lord aren't you seeing you are the god that cares i i came to you because it was marketed to me the gospel says that you care what do you do when you're going through a situation and you don't feel like god cares i want to propose to us that that genu that question was a genuine one it was a heartfelt question when everything that you thought was going to hold you safe is now being compromised when the circumstances that was causing your ship to rock now come inside of it it's one thing to be there and you hold on to the boat and and it's rocking and doing all of its thing but it's another thing when the boat begins to be filled up with the water it's another thing what do you do what do you do you see in times of christ just we question the care of god because we assess the situation that boat is now filling with water anything more we will have to swim the water is rough the wind is blowing it is lord you brought us here you're the one that told me let's go to the other side lord today i'm having marital challenges but you told me that this is my mate lord today i'm having some problems with a boy or a girl and you told me that they were my promised child you told me this lord i'm in ministry and i'm now feeling discouraged because there there are no offerings and there there are no church services and the bills are there and and i have to pay a mortgage for the ministry lord you told me to start this ministry where are you it's a real question so we can't trivialize the situation anymore we are knowing one ourselves the question here let me say this to us does not diminish the power of god no it doesn't the question is about us because there are times if we are honest that there is a feeling of what i call divine indifference where jesus is there you know he is there you can see him there you can feel him but somehow your situation isn't changing there are three points quickly i want to raise with us this morning it's okay to ask that question because you're asking that question first out of human concern you know who you are you know your limitations you know that anything more any more water in this boat is going to sink lord with all of the stresses that i have i can't take one more problem lord with all of the issues of the economy and all of that with this covey 19 pandemic father help us we can't take one more we can't it's a human concern because we're all designed with a survival instinct so lord how will we survive this the outlook is not a good one we can speak about faith because i said we are looking at it post but they are in the middle of it lord will we survive how long have we been battling this thing lord will we survive the outlook is not good where is jesus is he seeing this does he understand that the consequences if this thing continues if this thing continues the way it is going we are all going to die including him he's in the boat you see the the response in this circumstance is not what we are used to because god is always running to our rescue we are custom every time we call upon him like a good father he runs in and so he's there and somehow we look at him and we recognize that he's sleeping how can you be asleep under these conditions don't you care about us but yes he cares he does so ask him the question wake him up ask him the question cares though not that we perish you see it's okay to ask that question because it reveals not just the human concern but it reveals the human challenge you see the human challenge here is one the fact is we've not experienced this before this is new territory this is a first time thing i've never never never been through something like that imagine our prime ministers i i know we complain about our politicians our leaders but just as you are going through this for the first time they're going through this for the first time no crisis that we have ever experienced in our lifetimes has ever drawn on for this long we're tired we're weary lord we have been fighting we're not used to this what can we do to survive we need a divine strategy the human challenge is that we're out of solutions we've tried everything haven't you recognized that all our leaders can do now is just simply lockdown curfew one strategy we have run out of strategies in your own life in your own situation you've tried everything that you know to try these men would have used their oars that would have turned the sale i would have done everything they know to do lord these are not working i need something new the human challenge we don't know what to do all our acquired knowledge and gained expertise is now exhausted it's all rendered useless the oars that we used the sails that we used to take us from one point to the other they're just not working anymore what do we do lord are we just going to sit here and just let the wind and the wave do what it wants to us until it kills us curious though not that we perish interestingly we the human challenge also is that we do everything first and then when all else feels we look for jesus after we've done everything we have tried our best we have used all our skill and nothing is working you've tried doctor after doctor you've tried specialists after specialists you've tried expert after expert and nothing is working we remember jesus is on board you see herein lies the human challenge we can be so caught up in the mechanics of life that we forget who called us and we forget who has committed themselves to take care of us we've been so used to figuring things out on our own we've been so used to working things out and having it all figured out that we forget that this is a new storm and jesus is on board you better check him early he's just simply there not sleeping he's waiting but what i love about jesus is that he brings with with the challenge and the concerns he brings human comfort you see he doesn't just give a word his presence makes the difference when we acknowledge his presence with all that was happening they did not yet acknowledge his presence but when they acknowledged his presence everything changed all we need to do as a nation grenada jamaica saint lucia barbados all we need to do as people of god acknowledge that god is here acknowledge that jesus is there that's all we need to do that's the first step to a change if the prime minister is listening this morning mama i know you're very intelligent but i want to encourage you right now the same option over and over it's not working it's about time that as a nation as a nation we acknowledge that god is here because throughout this nation throughout the caribbean throughout the world the question of the human mind lord do you care that we perish he cares but he's waiting for an acknowledgement see this text tells us here that he was asleep but in psalms 121 and verse 3 and 4 he says he will not suffer your foot to be moved he that keepeth israel will not slumber behold he that keeps israel will not slumber nor sleep he's not asleep he's waiting he's waiting when you acknowledge him then he steps forth it comes as a rebuke but he simply gets your mind in order he changes your perspective and he begins to work he will challenge us to believe he's going to address it i guarantee us that as a church as a people as a nation as an individual if only we can acknowledge god he's going to address it he's waiting for that see today we ask the same question maybe not in so many words but you're asking the question you can hear some people asking where is god where is god with all that is going on somehow the atheists believe today that they have a leg up on us because with all that is happening people are still suffering whereas the god you're talking about the god i'm talking about is just simply waiting for us to acknowledge his presence with his presence comes everything that he brings with his presence comes peace he says peace be still with his presence comes a change of circumstance with his presence comes an inner peace that you and i need not fear that storm anymore you may ask the question why are we going through this for so long because we're taking too long to acknowledge that god is there but today if you're going through that challenge when i read psalms 1 21 the lord gave me a declaration for us i want to ask our two ministers to come now because after i've done that declaration i want us to worship god with this song he knows my name he knows my name he knows my every thought he sees each tear that falls and he hears me when i call the burning question cares though not that we perish yes he cares he has put everything in place for your safety and mine the reason why we're not gone down yet is because he's there the reason why we can still ask that question because we're still in the boat is because he is there it is not human wisdom it is not human intelligence that has us floating today it is the power of almighty god trust me if the situation that we are in had its way you and i will not be alive but i thank god that because of his power by his might he is keeping us alive right where you are i want you to make this declaration with me it is a declaration i believe that's going to change your life it's going to change your perspective it is going to cause a resurgence of faith it's going to cause us to see god again can we do that i declare that my spiritual eyes will be opened to see my god for who he is i declare that i will trust in him without question i declare that i will trust that my god is actively involved in my situation regardless of what it looks like i declare that the same god that kept israel is keeping me i declare that the manifest presence of god at my right is at my right hand and all around me i declare covering from the elements that are raging around me i declare protection from all the evil seeking occasion against me i declare that my soul is preserved in genuine relationship with my god i declare that all my movements are guarded by heavenly forces from today and always i declare a war on fear and a resurgence of faith and confidence in my god cares though not that we perish it comes from a deep place it comes from a place of concern it comes from a challenge but the answer today god is saying to us yes i care just acknowledge me you may feel that no one knows what you're going through why do i invite our ministers to come are they going to lead us in this song he knows my name he knows my every thought you may think no one knows your address maybe the prime minister doesn't know your address the prime minister doesn't know your address the governor general doesn't know who you are some big person doesn't know who you are but it's enough that god knows who i am it's enough that god knows me it's enough that he knows where i am now he knows my address he knows my heart he knows what i'm going through so just come right here hallelujah [Music] my [Music] is [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] he knows my [Music] me [Music] thank you [Music] i sense in my spirit that there's someone right now you might have been contemplating suicide you might have contemplating divorce you might have been contemplating many things you're just about to give up on life i'm speaking to someone right now you're a child of god and maybe you've given up already or just about to this word this morning is an encouragement to you don't give up don't give up god is there jesus christ is there with you maybe you've never given your life to christ this is an opportunity to say yes lord come into my heart i've left you out of my boat for a long time come in come and come in lord i need you come on help me father help me lord call upon him today call upon your god declare over your life that you will not give up declare over your life that i am going to acknowledge god lord i'm inviting you in i'm asking you to intervene in my situation i've tried everything and it has not been working so please help me hallelujah [Music] hallelujah just go right on and take us up me [Music] reform is [Music] you know [Music] i'm [Music] my program manager and tell me nothing greetings to you family and friends we certainly appreciate you and your support we appreciate you viewing with us every week and every program that we have today we want to encourage you to continue trusting god but we want to encourage you to join our e-community we have an e-community for individuals who are remotely connected to us through our various platforms that you can worship with us you can be a part of what god is doing here we also want to encourage you that if you have been blessed by this program if this program the preaching of the gospel has touched your life we want you to take another step i want to encourage you to come down come visit us here at our services 7 a.m or 9 15 a.m on sundays and we trust that when you come here you can introduce yourself to us and that we can we can help to walk with you we are a family of believers you are part of a family and we want to walk this walk with you so we want to encourage you please to serve god we want to encourage you to make jesus christ the lord of your life the power that we need for life is all found in christ he is the only sure foundation so i want to encourage you to follow the lord and join us as we guide you through that process as we walk with you through that process and we know we know beyond the shadow of a doubt that god will do great and mighty things in your life so we thank you again and god bless you god bless you god bless you do you need a miracle do you want to receive jesus do you need us to pray with you then join us via telephone numbers area code 246-243-7950 or 842 73 or 837-9724 where one of our leaders will be waiting to connect with you at any time please make use of this opportunity to get your breakthrough [Music] you
Channel: Power In The Blood Church
Views: 349
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Church, Christ, Deliverance, Victorious Living, In Christ, Spirit, Eyes on God, Trust in God, Time, Faith, Pray, Prayer, Spirit of God, The Word of God, Truth, Spirit of Truth, Sacrifice, Jesus, Overcome, Seek God, Stand on the Word of God, Gospel, Jesus Christ, Pain, Trust God, Speak to God, Crisis, Attitude, Focus, Presence, Acknowledge, God, Question, He knows
Id: jBC4gguIAoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 32sec (3992 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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