The burden of Love | Part 1| By Bishop Dag Heward-Mills|

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lift your hands father thank you for today thank you for the blessing of your holy word and your presence here in this service we are grateful for all that you have done for us and how far you've brought us guide us by your mighty holy spirit help us to do your will to serve you to the very end we are grateful lord in jesus name amen you may be seated [Applause] well it's a blessing to be here today we thank the lord amen [Music] you may be seated [Music] can you let my screen work all right guys i hope it's working now it's a blessing to be here i've been away i decided to take a break so um but it's a blessing to be back [Music] and i believe that you have been well fed and blessed amen so i was wondering whether there was any need for me to come back [Music] yeah what a blessing so we thank the lord and we thank god for the global healing jesus campaign that we are doing today so um the global healing jesus campaign is about the effort we are making to reach out and to go further but i think it's all contained in the short message that i have for you today so let me just give you my message today is entitled the burden of love the burden of love the burden of love all right john 3 16. it says for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for god sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved amen now these words god so loved the world have placed a great burden on those who have received the love when somebody says i love you and somebody loves you it creates a burden on the person who is loved which many people don't realize that a burden has been placed on you because of the love that has been offered to you or shown to you i love you and not as simple words as you might think so i love you i love you i love you everywhere you go you'll be sharing i love you i love you i love you it's a burden that is being shed and once that love is shown to you you must realize that a great burden has been passed on to you it's not said that i love you plus i'm giving you a burden but i love you has an implication and it's not spoken but very real that a great burden has been passed on to you now when god was saving the world he didn't just save us out of what was right or what he just wanted to do but he saved us out of his great love for us what great love god has shown towards us in that while we were yes and as christ died for us so all of us watching all over the world uh every denomination and wherever you are i am sharing with you is a short message with a couple of points about the fact that there is a burden placed on us because we've been loved by god so those words god so loved the world it's not it's good news but it's good news with the burden as empire is it not good news all right so today i am sharing with you about this burden this great burden that has come to you now if a man walks up to you and says i love you oh wow it's so nice and then i want to marry you because i love you oh wow it's so exciting and you go i take you home i marry you and then they have a nice wedding for you and dresses and the pictures and all the things that the girls love but most of the girls are not aware that a great burden is being bestowed upon them [Music] it's not spoken but it is true a burden of cooking a burden of days a burden of cleaning a burden off there is a burden of so many burdens now when you read the model marriage and you see the duties of the wife you even start to feel sorry for them because you realize that the burden that has been placed on this person just because of i love you you can't even imagine the extent of the burden yes you know that is why there are certain people when they become widows they are even more beautiful than some people who have not married before [Applause] but when you offer them would you like to marry so it's enough it's enough and if somebody comes and says i love you this oh it's okay it's enough what i've seen it is enough yes because if you really really know the burden that is being placed on you sometimes when people get older and he says i love you is transmitting to you the burden of private nursing it's unemployment before i realize you are a nurse yes doing your private nursing so many nurses are private nurses these days so before you realize you are a nurse you are this you are that you are many things in one all those burdens came on you not because you went to nursing school ntc but because of i love you that you received and believed and swallowed hook line and sinker all right so i love you i want to share with you the burdens that are coming on you for god to say that i saved you out of love and not out of just feeling sorry for you but it was love for you that made me save you god so loved the world has placed a great building on the church and on all of us number one the burden of love is a burden of thanksgiving you have received the burden to say thank you like sometimes when somebody does something for you you realize that you have to say thank you to the person and it almost becomes like a problem like i have to see the person and say thank you properly because sometimes when you don't say thank you properly it it looks like you've taken it for granted or you are rude so there's a no it's almost like you have i have to make a call or i have to say thank you i have to send the letter i have to do so i have to go and see the person so you see that a burden has come to you because of what has been done for you so the burden of thanksgiving and the bible says in first thessalonians 5 and verse 18 in everything give thanks for this is the will of god it is the will of god to say thank you this is the will of god in christ jesus concerning you saying thank you is the will of god so the church there is a great burden on us to say thank you to god for what he has done for us yes and i tell you no matter the problems you have when somebody does something for you the burden of saying thank you is upon you you have to accept it and you have to say thank you and what god has done for us has placed a great you see the brother who gave his testimony i need him when i call you now then you come where is he i'll be preaching with you the whole day get your microphone and come [Applause] stand right there you said you had how many friends two main friends two main friends with whom you are doing what girls girls smoking weed drinking drinking rubbery robbery yeah fighting fighting that's what he was doing one of them is where now he's in prison one is in prison for how many years 20 years he started when two or three months ago two months ago he started 20 years imprisonment which means he's coming out and we are in 2021 so it means it's coming out in 2041 2041 he's gone to prison until 2041 that maybe they give two thirds of it but the sentence is he's supposed to go to prison through 2041 and that would have been you too and the other one is what his funeral yeah was on friday his funeral was on friday this last friday now you you are standing here you know there is a burden on you yes there is a burden on you and there is a burden to say thank you to god for saving you it is the will of god for you to say thank you i'm serious it's the will of god for you to say thank you yes it's the will of god for you to say thank you and that burden has fallen straight on you for the love that has been shown to you the great love that god has bestowed on you you can only say you can only say thanks that's why i had a camp meeting that was entitled how can i say thanks how can i say thanks how can i say god show me how to say thanks thank you siddha i'll call on you when i need you number two the burden of sacrificial love is also the burden to sacrifice yourself when god has shown you sacrificial love he has official love he's made a sacrifice for you there is a bearing on you to also make a sacrifice for him this is what couples quarrel about all the time this for you i i do this i saw the mouse i go do everything i bring this i do that i do that and you don't do this and you don't do that and you don't do that because that is where the quarrel comes yes that's why the aquarium goes i do this i do this i do this i do this and you don't do this you don't do this you don't do this you don't do this romans chapter 12 verse 1 it says i beseech you brethren by the mercies of god or because of the mercies of god or because of the love of god you see by the mercies is also because of the messes or in view of the mercies and in view of the love that you present your bodies a living sacrifice jesus christ has sacrificed so we have to sacrifice and go to the ends of the world and preach the gospel all of us we must witness we must preach we must travel we must risk our lives we must send missionaries we must witness to the lost we must move from room to room house to house it is your reasonable service so depends on the understanding at home i don't want to bother to get into that but for some people it's like i love you i married you i go to work i end this i provide for the house i do this i expected that maybe you would clean or wash or cook or bring up the children or teach the children or wake up you know wake up early or wait do something reasonable just reasonable i expect that there will be food in the house it's reasonable i've given you my name my ring my photograph i've done a wedding i engage you i've done this what is reasonable i've committed my whole life to you it's reasonable so but again then you have people say but he doesn't even do this he doesn't even do it so me too i also don't do this and i also don't have energy and i also don't do this and i'm also not like that wow so that's it sorry for the discussion but what i'm saying is that that's where the quarrels come because there is a burden on you because you've been loved yes you see once there is love there is a burden one lady said to her sister who was having a lot of marital problems she said me i don't have all the problems you have i don't have every day you are complaining there is issue he said me i don't have all the problems you have because me i didn't marry out of love yes i didn't marry out of love yes you married out of love i love you i love you and that is why every day there is a problem me i didn't marry out of he was married he has her one wife i became the second wife i was the third wife or whatever i don't i didn't marry him out of love i mean a real person speaking to another real person you are always unhappy there's always some problem you are crying there's something because you married out of me i didn't marry out of love there's no bedding you were never hurt by somebody you you didn't laugh it's only when you love somebody that it disturbs you yes if there was no love because when you hear oh and many of you [Music] when you hear afghanistan the taliban it doesn't bother you because you don't know anybody there i personally i don't like that news because one of our pastors was killed over there i don't like that so when i look at some taliban something like this it's okay but most of you don't know the day that i saw the news and i saw that if this one concerns because normally it doesn't consent god don't have any shares there but most of you have been watching they said taliban something taliban taliban but where it concerns you when you have an interest you see that it is different so sacrificial love expects sacrificial life back yeah so that's that is where we have all these problems in marriages i thought you even get up i thought you even wake up i read it in the book a virtuous woman will get up early you don't wake up early don't wake up every day this this and that i read the bible this do this this and that [Applause] and this one will refer to duties of the other duties of the wife then they'll be discussing oh what are all these number three the burden of love is the burden of reciprocation reciprocation means you must do something that matches what i've done for you you must do something that matches what i have done for you you do something that matches what i did not something that is completely different and when you see strong love i mean extreme sometimes i ask myself so why why did jesus die what are all these when he went to great lengths he could have come to this world when we had invented the electric chair or the lethal injection and just received an injection and died but look at the thing that he went through in first samuel chapter 25 and verse two we read first samuel chapter 25 there was a man in mount whose possessions were in camel the man was very great he had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats and he was sharing his ship in carmel now the name of that man was nabal and the name of his wife abigail she was a woman of good understanding of a beautiful countenance but the man was chellish which means hash and evil in his doings and he was of the house of caleb now david had in the wilderness that nabal did share his ship and david sent out ten young men okay and david said to the young man go to camel and greet him in my name and this is what you shall say in verse 6 to him that liveth in prosperity [Music] today most of the christian churches are living in prosperity in a certain way we are living in prosperity compared to what before a charismatic church doesn't have cars packed outside it's true so this is what you shall say to him that liveth in prosperity now i have heard that thou has share us and your shepherds which were with us we had them not we didn't hate them neither was there ought missing unto them all the while they were in camel like nothing got missing while they were in camel ask the young men and they will show thee we were like security i'm talking about reciprocation the burden of reciprocation the burden of doing something reciprocal now therefore let the young man find favor in thy eyes for we come in a good day i pray thee whatever comes to your hand not i'm not asking for a percentage or even any fixed amount but i'm asking that anything at all that comes to your hand to your servants and to your son david and when david's young men came they spoke to nabal according to these words in the name of david another answer david severance and said who is david that is not reciprocation that is that is giving the question who is david who is david who is that who is the son of jesse there are many servants nowadays that break away every man from his master so he called them rebels shall i then take my bread and my water and my flesh that i've killed for my sheriff and give it to men i don't know whom i know not when's they be so that is not reciprocation because these guys were securing your ship for years for all this period so david's young men turned their way and went again and told him all these things and david said unto his men guard thee every man on his sword and they gathered every man on his sword four hundred men four hundred and by one of the young men in verse 14 told abigail nabal's wife say david has sent messengers and he railed on them real on them means insulted them okay but the men were very good to us and we were not hurt neither missed with anything as long as we were conversant with them when we were in the fields they were a wall and to us by night and day all the while we were with them keeping the sheep now therefore know and consider what that will do for evil is determined against our master and against all his household for he is such a son of belial that a man cannot speak to him when you have somebody you cannot speak to no matter what you say you try to talk to the person you cannot speak to him he says son of belia then abigail made haste and took 200 loaves two bottles of wine five sheep already dressed patched corn raisins cakes figs and laid them on asses and said to her servants go before me and but she did not tell her husband it was so that she wrote on the ass she came down and behold david and his men came down against and she met them now david has said surely in vain have i kept all that this fellow had in the wilderness so it was it was useless for me to look after this man in the wilderness so that nothing was missing of all that pertaining unto him and he has requited me evil for good so also god to the due to the enemies of david if i live of all that pertain to him by the morning light they need that preset against the wall that is a dog you know the dogs will be against the wall so he said that if i live within a dog you see by this evening and abigail saw david and she hasted and lighted off and fell before david and bowed herself to the ground and fell at his feet and said oh lord upon me let this iniquity be let me speak and hear the words of your handmaid let not my lord regard this man of belial she was really negotiating nicely even about for us his name is so is he nabal is his name and foley is with him but either in hand man saw not the young men of my lord whom that i didn't see them when they came i had been dead this wouldn't have happened now therefore my lord as the lord liveth and as i so liveth see the lord has withholding thee from coming to shed blood all right now this blessing with that handmaid has brought unto my lord let it be given to the young men that follow my lord just five sheep that was all that she wanted five sheep so brothers and sisters this is a story of a man who failed to do the reciprocation and david said to her david's response is in verse 33 he said blessed be thy advice and blessed be thou which has kept me this day from coming to shed blood and from avenging myself with my own hand all right now ladies and gentlemen what god is saying is that when good has been done for you you see many times you don't realize what has been done sometimes when people leave the church they don't even say goodbye you know somebody ask yourself that as you were here you may not know what has been done for you and that is the whole point many people don't realize what is being done for them when you are in a church you don't realize what is being done till the church is taken away like we had in the pandemic no church then you realize there's a need for church and many things that are done for you by god by the church you don't know where is a young man come your mother did your mother used to advise you your mother used to advise you she was talking to you to change and were you changing what his mother couldn't do reverend steve you said this is called steve yes steve steve what toku steve poku in leeds steve poco in leeds reverend steve he's a lay pastor he's a doctor and a gynecologist but it was a pastor that god made this boy meet he said he's a lay pastor he has never been paid even five pounds before by the church huh and his wife lp edith now your mother couldn't change you so you see the church may not advertise that what your mother couldn't do the church has done it unspoken sit down now police did the police advise you apart from arresting you did they advise you yes please who advised you do you remember was it a constable a corporal at what um many i think when you're young as well they give you youth offending officers youth offending officers were the youth offending officer able to change you at all youth offending officers could not change but you see that church may not advertise and say what the youth offending officers could not do the church has been able to do all god's power has been able to do now you said that they tied your leg to something yeah what is that i had a tug around my attack so they put something on him and monitor his movement so when he crosses certain places not the elect so it's like you know how the wild animals they put what do you call it on a lion they put a color not geo wild you watch it so they did it to him because it was like he was like a wild animal and time as well and they put what you only you can only go out at certain times out of your house yeah at certain times so if you go out of the house at a certain time it rings in the police station and the animal is moving so then let's catch the guy then they go and catch him was it able to change you never never you still continue doing bad things yes even with the attack on yes how were you able to escape oh um sometimes i'd be squinting when i knew it was close to seven o'clock i'd be a girl's house and then i'd say okay i need i need one of my friends to come and pick me up so that i can get home by seven before the police come police come wow police could not change him electronics could not change him but jesus could change him amen now jesus doesn't advertise so much and say what i've done for you what i've done for you what i've done for you what i've done for you whatever you are supposed to know that something has been done for you and all of us right must be supportive of healing jesus campaign must be supportive of missionary work must be supportive of sending missionaries to the world recently i met a german man he told me i worked with bunkie for 40 years and a german man he wanted me to do something to help in a crusade that they were going to have he's an old man but i met him in canada he asked for an appointment and i sat with him and he said to me i said but how do you know about i said oh we know you he said everywhere we go in africa we see the effect of your work and he said apart from the crusades you've been holding the churches that you've planted in the different countries we even see we see all those things he said he said to me i've worked for bunker and with monkey for 40 years i'm now retired and monkey was also old at that time as we sent missionaries if you are part of this church and you don't even believe in sending anybody to anywhere shut your mouth and leave the church then sit here and criticize what you don't understand nobody would be saved nobody would be saved in ghana if missionaries had not come in 1847 to ghana to come and live here and give their lives there will be no christ there will be no church there will be nothing that's however you don't know how a church comes about it's like food one time i went to the kitchen and i saw blood some meat blood i said what is this horrible this is the food you are going to eat so i said i didn't know that it's like this i said that is how it is before later it is cooked and it comes to you so maybe you don't know how it is before a church comes into existence you don't know how it is before somebody is safe somebody's life is changed how it is you have to preach you have to hold me you have to train people you have to send them into the world support them do missions you don't know how churches come about that is what your problem is you don't know how it comes up for people to be saved like this and for him to get his life and say i want to also give my life to help to preach the word of god whilst i also have a chance because what he has to do i cannot do represent i don't know he never told me about this young man you know but i know him and [Music] he has preached to this one and his wife has also preached to him that they are sitting there in elite and wherever talking to the young people the whole city is full of young people everybody's gone astray only jesus can save and i tell you god is saying that there is abandon on you because of the love that has been shown to you and just ask thank you my friend just as david was speak preaching this guy nabal there was a burden on him because even though david had not said i'm your security officer just as the church doesn't boast and tell you i've done this for you i've done this for you i've done this for you i've i've comforted you i prayed for you i've anointed you i've i've given you a sane mind ever give you something to stabilize you you in your life your children in the church so many people's children in the church stabilized changed what parents could not do jesus does over the years years and years are going by you have a burden to respond to god his love for you there is a burden on us those words i love you i love you don't just receive them say hey where's that i love you say hey take your time what burden is coming up on me don't be careful before you love me too much before i realize i'm a nurse or i'm something i have not planned to be yeah there is a burden on all of us there is a burden on lighthouse chapel there is a burden on this church there is a bearing on all the denominations to get up and do something you see pastors giving testimonies i saw one pastor giving a testimony about books that he had read i'm sure some of you may have seen that video it's like wow you realize that there is a betting on us to take the books to as far as they will go there is a burden and i know that god knew that i would do it that's why he gave me the revelations that he's given me and he's given me experiences that i've experienced so that i write because all my writings are based on experience their practical realities experiences that i've had and that's what god told john the things you have seen right then if you've not seen it don't write it that's why there are some things we don't write but what you have seen it before write it write it write what you've seen the burden of reciprocation [Music] the burden of reciprocation are you still there that is number three number four the burden of love is the burden of having to repay good with good the pattern of love is the bearing of having to repay good with good proverbs 13 verse 21 it says evil pursuers sinners but to the righteous good shall be repaid good must be repaid good is something that must be repaid if somebody does good to you it must be repaid maybe you don't you are not aware that good must be repaid many times i see some of my pastors children or their bishops children or their or some church members children people that have been in church for years and so on when i see the child because many times you cannot repay good to someone who has done good to you but sometimes you can repay his child it's true sometimes you can't you can't repay someone because maybe you may not have the chance but you have sometimes a child to somewhere somehow repay good for good things that have been done for you i mean to me my pastors are my family so many times when i see their children and so on i feel a debt to repay some good for these people that have been faithful to me all these years especially when you see unfaithful people you you you even value faithful people more repaint of good remember when something good is done to you put it in your heart i will repay i will repay this thing what you have done for me i will repay you god will give me a chance to one day say thank you and repay a good that has been done to me have it in your mind and in your heart the bible says that for the righteous man good shall be repaid god has done so much good for us look at you sitting here decent come to church with nice whatever [Music] we sit as if there is nothing to do huh you see it as if there's nothing to do we must spend our life repaying the good that has been done to save us to save our lives and to save our souls you see when you see this young man come back my question is why him i i don't know do you know can you tell us why you your friend's funeral he had two best friends one funeral was on friday and one started 20 years imprisonment in the uk last month so my question is to you what is special about you can you tell us any differences i was i was even worse than you were worse than them he was west he was worse and why is he saying so it's like you don't even understand that's why the other scripture that i quoted by the mercies of god or because of the mercies of god message is the love offer a living sacrifice you must repay and have in mind you see what reverend steve have done for you and reverend and his wife and the pastors do you see praying with you when you were in court the jury was about to say whatever fasting fasting so one day you may not see reverence t to repay him but you may be somewhere and you see a child or a young person and say i want to what how i was saved i want to do something to help this person to repay the good that was done to me to save me if i can show goodness to somebody's child i i don't know maybe you may not see him or even his child but you see that is what god expects from you because the bible says to the righteous good shall be repaid it is the will of god for you to say thank you put your hands together for this now when you don't take up the burden of love to repay good with good you end up repaying amen evil for good when good is done for you and you don't actively pay you know when the church doesn't get involved in reaching out we get stagnated and start quarrelling fighting doing bad things it's because we have energy energy and time that's why i say that anybody who is always on social media you are not spiritual it is unspiritual people who are always on these things yeah and it is changing your personality your personality is changing changing because on the ground there is nothing now the bible says that don't pay evil with evil even evil is not supposed to be repaid with evil how much more good you don't get what i'm saying first thessalonians 5 says nobody should repay evil with evil 5 15 see that no one repays evil with evil so if you are not supposed to repay evil with evil how much more when good has been done to you and you repay it with evil is it not worse are things not getting worse be careful there is a burden of love on you and when somebody has been good to you like your father or your mother you must remember the person is special to you even if you think your father has not done anything good for you or your mother has not done anything your mother could have dropped you anyway baby and almost everything that a parent has done for you you don't know really because it's when you grow up then you you start to even appreciate certain things you wonder hey so what were they doing you can't even imagine your mother in love because she doesn't look so loving now she looks different from how maybe she was be careful when this burden of love you see when someone has loved you you are in danger of repaying the person with evil yes why do you think there are so many cases in the world it's because people are repaying good with evil so when somebody has repay has done something good for you you have to be careful i think that perhaps that is why years ago the holy spirit told me go and honor bishop duncan williams he told me i was a student honor him i i didn't really understand it but just that i was i went to church there whenever i went to church just for whatever i didn't go much i know that is not the point but it's like be careful because it was almost like god has now given me an instruction that saved me from becoming one of the many people who criticize him many people criticize him many people say negative things about him but because the holy spirit told me do something good then it sort of cut me out of whatever bad things came up it was like a media god has told me that i should honor him and that was it it saved me be careful many parents if you are not having in your mind i owe my parents you'll be surprised how you behave towards your parents if you don't have it in your mind i owe my mother and i owe my father i owe my mother is a burden for the love they have shown me that my mother has loved me my daughter has loved me and cared for me and taken me to school burden to repay good with good and if i don't have that in my mind before you realize you are repaying good with evil many children fall into that case and many scriptures are against you psalm 7 verse 3 oh lord my god if i have done this if there be iniquity in my hands if i have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me yeah i have delivered him that without cause it's my enemy without cause let the enemy persecute my soul and take it and yet let him tread down my life upon the earth and lay my honor in the dust seller that is if in case i will rise up to repay good with evil instead of the church languishing in its prosperity and forgetting about soul winning a lot of evil has increased in ghana today almost every day you hear of murder murder like it's something that has not been in ghana and it's a sign of the presence of the bible says satan was a murderer from the beginning all our preaching has not changed much in ghana because the population is also increasing there is more evil in ghana from than when our church started all the preaching all the branches we've done and all the crusades we've done i believe that it has done some good but it looks like compared to the growth of the evil it's almost nothing we have a debt we have a debt we have a burden we have a burden because his love does god so love the world don't joke with that verse again he said god said hey i received your life no it's a serious thing when a man comes to you i say i love you look at him up and down can i do this work can i do this work amen the burden of love in luke chapter 13 the burden of love is the burden to be real and not a hypocrite when somebody loves you you owe the person abandoned to be genuine when someone loves you and finds out that you have been pretending all these years is the greatest slap in the face of the person who loved you when a person finds out that as you've been saying i love you i love you not knowing that i didn't love the person at all there's nothing more wicked in luke 13 there was a woman who had an issue of a spirit of infirmity and when jesus saw her he called and said woman that was loosed and he laid his hands and the ruler of the synagogue said how could you heal her on the sabbath day and the lord answered in verse 15 luke 13 15 you hypocrite huh does not each of you on the server lose his ox and ass from the stone and lead him to watering huh you see hypocrisy you do this for animals but when it comes for doing for god or what is right you now come up with technicalities you come up with reasons and excuses which are so so fake you see people traveling all over the world going to live in other countries to do courses going to stay in other places sacrificing for everything but when it comes to preaching when it comes to preaching when it comes to giving when it comes to supporting the work you see people traveling with their families for funerals six tickets four tickets one ticket there's no ticket that's less than a thousand dollars you see them coming when you have to get thousand dollars or to give something oh it's not whatever technicalities jesus stood and look at the people say look at them now they are look at what they are saying they say that is saturday so they can destroy the right time they should have waited for about eight hours more before you heal and you come up with technicalities and reasons why not you say that pandemic is whatever but during the pandemic you see people traveling somebody told me the other day she was at doha airport qatar air was full up united airlines full up delta full every airline food they are traveling as though i mean there's nothing like a pandemic but when it comes to god oh it's saturday saturday oh it's not the right time or there's some you know when somebody loves you be real stop your pretense people who are intelligent they see through fakeness they see through life they seek to pretend they see through excuses you see somebody making you just look at the person after that you pity the person let's stop pretending look at us young people you say you can't work for god at this time you just came to church what do you do what do you spend your time doing your father sent you to school look at the things you do outside school some don't go to school they don't go for lectures for the whole time just the last two weeks they sit down and they learn to pass exams stop pretending that you can't do things for god you can't work for the church you can't work for god stop the pretense and the fakeness you can't give to healing jesus you can't travel you can't do this you can't do this what are all these fake things why do you behave fakely and pretend full of pretend towards someone who loves you or who even likes you why why are we so full of pretense it's always saturday so we can hear why what is it what is it when i met one of our little children we go to kumasi for a student something don't know anybody there go and do everything that can be done two days and come back meanwhile you i still your mother knows you are in school in akram you've done everything that can be done no you owe to the one who loves you to be real genuine without take off all this mask take off all the acting when you marry in real life there's no acting the head will go off that this will go up this will go that face is washed whatever all these things that are painful painful shoes will be off everything will be off adjust the you face to face i said well face to face john chapter 21. the burden of love is the burden to preach and the burden to teach [Music] and jesus in john 21 when he had finished breakfast jesus said to peter simon simon do you love me it's about love do you love me you love me is that love is there a life anywhere simon said yes aha then he said feet preach teach the burden of love is the burden that has fallen on us to get up and to speak the word and to get up and to preach the word to get up and to hold our breakfast meeting it's a burden it's a problem that has come to us to respond to the love that has been shown to us that's the burden that's the burden of love paul said to falum and i don't want to tell you how you owe me your life to me the burden of love is a burden of your whole life so he said to follow me i do not say how you hold me even your life your very life also you owe me your very life amen jesus said do you love me do you love me do you love me philemon 117 do you love me yes parliament 1 and verse 19 i have written and i do not say to thee how thou always unto me even thy own self besides so brothers and sisters today my short message to all of us worldwide is very simple we have a debt yes that's what you remember paul said i'm a debtor to the greek and i'm a debtor to the jew i owe them i owe there's a burden from today be careful of those words i love you it has a lot of implications for you what are you going to do because of the great love that has been shown to you and so to all of us who are watching who are part of it we all our lives we owe our children we owe our money we owe our energy and if at all we owe our support with our mouths and our hearts that's all you can give when monkey you know they had an accident in lumumba we've been for crusade and come by the grace of god for years god has protected us one day monkey went for a crusade and there was an accident in lumumbashi how people insulted him and it was christians he wrote he said it was the christians who insulted and took him on when the people died i said look at this what the game do you want what again do you want why why you do why do you go to all this place there's no need there's a need there's a need we have a burden he loved us he loved us with all his heart and he gave himself for us somebody said what does this affect our personal lives there is no church like this which is always doing sharpening if you read what is happening we've written how to care for people and we are doing shaping and caring for your lives all the time but this focus must beat our focus and must be the central theme in our heads and in our minds and our hearts the work of the ministry which has been put on us as a great burden in response to his love for us stand to your feet [Applause] i want us all to lift our hands and speak to god for a moment about the burden of love the burden of his love for you and for me my cassandra chandler [Music] lift up your hand just receive the burden that has been placed on you for the love that has been shown to you a great love has been shown to you in the name of jesus christ father we accept humbly the burden of your love the burden of your life god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son [Music] father we respond to this love right now and we thank you that as we respond to your great love [Music] [Music] bless us and help us lord help us to respond to the burden of life love showed to us we thank you and we give you praise in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth thank you for what you've done thank you for all that you've done for us in the past present and you will do for us in the future we say yes lord to your plenteous love you said to us if you love me preach if you love me do you love me do you love me do you love me do you love me and our answer lord is yes yes we love you and we thank you for that burden you place on us the burden to preach the burden to teach the burden of your love on us thank you thank you we will respond we will repay we will respond properly to your great love that you've shown to us we thank you in jesus name amen now before we end first john 3 and verse 14 says something i want everybody to take note of this it says we know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren you see when he says he that loveth not his brother abideth in death now when we follow the love of god and respond to the love of god we'll be walking in his love now notice he says that we have passed from where to where death to life because what we love now let's reverse it when we don't laugh when we don't laugh we'll pass from life to death you see the church moves from life being alive to being dead when we don't laugh because he says that we know we've passed from death to life because we love so that means when you reverse it you pass from life you go straight to the dead you are no more alive the child dies because there's no more love for god for his work for his brethren for souls for people for the brethren lift your hand and ask god for his love to feel so that you will not pass from life into death ever in your life father we thank you we give you praise we thank you palombe ma ma ma mandola [Music] oh yes we thank you father in jesus name we pray amen as every head is bad and every eye closed if you are if you want to give your life to jesus christ wherever you are i want you to lift your hands maybe somebody invited you to church but you want to give your life to god today i want to say pastor pray with me i want to give my life to jesus just lift up your right hand like this wherever you are god bless you god bless you pastor pray with me i want jesus to save me i don't want to go to hell if you are here like that just lift your hand like this like our brother said his mother couldn't change him police couldn't change him but jesus change his life wherever you are you want to give your heart to god your right hand must be up and god bless you if you've lifted your hand come to me in the front here come from where you are standing he sees where jesus is come quickly i want to pray with you his grace it will provide your healing come running to that mercy seat come on [Music] all right all of you in front lift your hands and say this prayer with me say lord jesus please forgive me for my sins now pray from your heart say lord jesus i open my heart and i receive jesus christ as my savior my master and my lord please write my name in the book of life from today wash me with the blood of jesus wash me wash me with the blood of jesus i receive jesus christ as my savior from today in jesus name i pray amen amen and amen god bless you god bless you
Channel: QFC Brampton
Views: 582
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Lighthouse Chapel Int, Bishop, Dag Heward-Mills, LCI, Teaching Ministry
Id: YMXtqXBHsl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 52sec (4072 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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