The BRYAN GARRIS (Knocked Loose) Interview

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welcome everybody I hope you're doing well today we're joined with none other than the man himself Brian Garrison oo dude how you doing today good I'm good we are uh we are in Nashville doing rehearsals for the tour that we have coming up next week dude yeah I know thank you for taking time I know I know you're busy we've been planning for a minute so I'm like dude I wanted to try to catch you before you go on tour because I know y'all are busy and uh I want to we we just have to talk about so much fun and regatron breakdowns poppies pissed call out breakdowns the whole spel but let's start with the the brand new new um first of all what made it so you had guys had to have the idea to get Poppy on a track because the it's the best Dynamic of like like little bro and little CIS I've ever seen screaming pissed off as much as possible yeah I um so to be honest the idea was her idea really and yeah and but we were immediately down because like I'm a I'm a big fan of her music and just like the art that she puts out in general and uh I know Isaac is a fan of her as well and uh Nico are other guitar players so she actually messaged me and she was like yo we should do a song together and and our album was done like that song wasn't on it it wasn't written and when she reached out me and Isaac were like yo we we got to write another song like we got to make this work so we we got together the next day I think and um we wrote it at his computer which we don't normally do but we were just kind of like studio time was booked so we were like we got to squeeze one more in and um we wrote it and sent it to the band and we were like yo do you do you guys like this and everybody was down and she was down she loved the song and and I was like if we're going to have her on a song it has to be like one of the heaviest songs on the record right just because I don't think PE a lot of people didn't expect that like she does heavy stuff and like we played with her once and and we watched her and like I I saw how good she was at screaming live like it's it's very like real and and very similar to the same style as me so I was like yeah it's got to be insane but it also kind of like she her music is all over the place so we were like let's kind of let's do some some stuff we wouldn't normally do like there's that like dance beat in the middle the off time high hat and then there's like the obviously the reg breakdown yeah the the the regatron is not something I think anyone expected with that it's it's something that I think every like you don't expect like a pissed off hardcore metal core like breakdown that has a regatron beat nowadays yeah it it's an idea that we've had it's like a joke that we've had for a long time I feel like a lot of KN BL best ideas start as jokes yes and um I think we were talking about I like that kind of music um I don't I can't speak for anyone else I know Isaac mentioned that it like wasn't his favorite but I've always kind of liked that music and always appreciated it and I've also always appreciated the fact that every single song has that drum beat like everybody gets into the studio and they're like all right well we have and we'll just build from there right so I was like that's the secret to a hit like you look at those artists and they're massive I was like that's the secret and we like okay let's just do a breakdown like we were all like laughing about it but then when it came time to do this song it was like yo that's stupid enough to put in this song that's stupid well I love because I I saw you you tweet you're like laughing because you people were like oh it's the poppy song so it's the Chill song and I again when I see knock loose and I'm like okay the boys are going to it's it's knock loose like what can you it's going to be insane like there's no like it doesn't matter if you guys featured I feel like Demi levado you would guys would have a dumb like heavy as [ __ ] song and then the guest adds value instead of you guys making like a song for them or their like particular style which I love so I love that you know people probably did expect it to be like this more like laidback chill weird hyper poop thing and it's just poppy going nuts on it yeah dude I think that I honestly feel like there's been so many moments in us being a band where people are just waiting for us to make a drastic change right and I don't expect that because I've never we've never like I mean I don't understand that because we've never hinted at that even being an option like yeah it's there's no like I don't know when we signed a Pure Noise there were a lot of comments like here comes the singing and like same same [ __ ] when we like toured with the day to remember and when we um when we did Coachella like and it's fun because we've never considered like never considered adding singing right can can you sing as a side note I don't can you actually no I can't I can't I wish I could so bad uh but I'm like to the point where like if I'm in my car alone and I'm singing even by myself I'm like damn this [Laughter] sucks that's not a f because you got to sing you got to sing the regatron Beats now you know with the full Bo you got to sing in uh in Spanish man and just go for it yeah yeah just commit to it now but it's funny cuz every time we see those comments I feel like in the back of our head we're like okay we got to go crazier if this is what people think like yeah the then I think that started with a tearing the fabric of life that was like let's just write songs that are just like extreme versions of Knocked loose right and once we saw that like people liked that and we could get away with it that's been like an underlying every time we write it's like what the what's like the most abrasive version of this song or this riff and and it's fun it's funner that way in my opinion yeah I and I I think a lot of musicians just or well like fans of bands assume that when the band gets a little bigger that okay now here comes the singing and the radio play because it does H it happens all the time which is weird and it is you know it's not necessarily A Bad Thing a band does this or that or you know be gets a little safer um but it can get boring quite quickly obviously and sometimes bands want to do that cuz they're creatively want to but then it's also sometimes the pressure of like the label you need to you know reach a bigger audience and all that but nowadays it seems like heavy music is is King like it's more popular I think than it's been in a long time and you guys being the king of just being extremely [ __ ] pissed is amazing and there's not many bands that like you can see and believe when when they're throwing that down not only in the studio but also live that you're like okay that's they're in like that is 100% them and going what's going on now yeah well thank you I appreciate that I think that for a lot of bands it does work that I'm fans of a lot of bands that made the switch Yeah uh and got softer but for us it's just um one not an option and to just like it's fun to see of now like where how far we can stretch like being extreme and getting these like more mainstream opportunities like Coachella it's like I want to I don't want to be I don't want to be big and like bad enough to start singing I want to see how big we can get being the extreme band that's not supposed to be big you know what I mean right right I mean you guys especially now with where we're at like now with where we're at touring like getting to open up for bands like motionless and white and goira and stuff like we were never supposed to do that you know what I mean dude I saw I saw you guys on the motionless tour and like I've been to a good amount of shows in my life and straight up I haven't ever seen a heavy show as good as your guys set in in like [ __ ] years cuz it's it is brutal it's raw it's aggressive it sounds insane and it's funny because you were touring with motionless so like the fan base of theirs is also you know like they have people that like the heavier stuff but definitely some people that are there for like the more just singing and like chill stuff and you can see the terror in some of their faces when you guys are [ __ ] throwing down and like do breakdowns and everything in front of them and it's like damn man that's that's quite the dynamic of different fan bases coming together to see a show right there yeah people would uh there were a couple people that had to tap out during the most tour like I would see people at the barricade in the front row just like too overwhelmed and just have to have like security take them out and like we always gez I always feel bad when I see stuff like that but at the same time there's a little part of me that's like damn like something me and my friends did is evoking that extreme of a reaction right pretty crazy yeah not that I want that obviously like I I want everybody to be safe I love a chaotic show um and played everything from basements to Arenas so like but um yeah that that was that was new for for us having people straight up tap out yeah some of those fans that are like I can't wait to go up and like sing another life with motionless you know and like eternally yours and then like they're like who's this ban knocked loose and then you I love how you guys just start with your dun dun dun it's like I see that I know I've I've seen the videos about Beware of the knock loose pits where it's it's safe but it's like yo people are throwing the [ __ ] down if you're here and knocked loose and it's so funny just seeing the dynamic of the fan bases from go like oh okay this is um yeah you don't want to be in the front during during this unless you're ready to be kind of in the front seeing seeing the [ __ ] chaos but I love that you guys just commit to basically authenticity you guys I'm sure also just listen to heavy crazy [ __ ] as well as I'm sure a variety of different things but it seems like y'all are just like let's be the [ __ ] craziest heaviest band that you guys can be for even just you guys I'm sure to even listen to like when you're at the gym or walking or wherever yeah yeah definitely I think that we're all very different as individuals and I think every now and then that kind of shines through and you kind of hear feel like that's kind of what what's always kept us on that like fine line between metal core and hardcore just because we all love everything so we kind of bring influences in from everything and the only reason that I would say that we've kind of like changed over the years because I think something that we do a lot is like draw influence from our peers yeah so like the more that we get to tour and the bigger we get to tour we're meeting these bands and we're becoming influenced by them and it kind of just like opens up the bubble of what knock loose is and like widens the umbrella that we live under like touring with goira right we learned so much from them and do touring with motionless like motionless is a very very inspiring band and and I was very very inspired by the fact that they were straight up doing an arena sized show in the biggest clubs that you could do like the production and their attention to detail and like creating an experience more than just like a group of was like very inspiring they go all out with the dancers too like they have the choreography and and the the the Pyro I think it's it's it's it's a show it's all yeah it's it's awesome and it was we just keep trying to learn you know like I I always say that if I ever stop being like a fan of a fan first I'm a fan first and if I ever stop then I don't I have no business doing this anymore like I I do this to to see bands that I like and play music with bands that I like right would you guys ever have a dance crew with y'all that would be something of a show right there I don't know we made the joke a lot when we were on tour with motionless like what does that look like but like I don't know if it uh if we have the parts for it I think that we just leave leave the dancing to the people in the crowd leave the dancing to the people well dude yeah speaking of obviously motionless you guys did slaughter house with them on their record right which how did how did that come about because that is such a crazy collab that I love that they made one of their most pissed songs when they when it was like okay we got you know Brian on here like we have to kind of come in and go a bit harder like how did that kind of all come about yeah I so I'm a huge tionalist fan I I have been for since high school when they sounded like bleeding through yeah and and I've stuck with them as they've like grown musically and like changed musically and I even love the new stuff so I was very very excited when I got hit up to do that and um I I arguably have done two many guest vocals in my like short time being around so I'm I'm like really trying to pull back and save it for like special occasions right and when that came up I was like this is a no-brainer and and then they sent me the song and not only did I love the song but I'm on so much of it yeah which I thought was so interesting because a lot of the times I'll get sent apart and it's like oh I get the bridge before the breakdown and that's it um but this was like I get in the chorus I'm in the I get a whole verse I get the bridge right and um so I was very excited about that and we did it and I I hadn't really met them yet I think I had met them in passing and I think Chris and I followed each other and I think Vinnie and I followed each other but I I wasn't friends with them yet but so I did it and then they were super stoked with how it turned out and the song obviously got like very very big and then we just when we were writing our album I was just I just had the joke but we were talking about features right and we always have like a list of people that we would like to shoot for just because we love the idea of collab ations and um so I was like yeah I literally said it just as a joke off the top of my head I was like yeah we'll just have Chris on it we'll do slaughterhouse part two right and um every like always everybody laugh and then like somebody's always like but maybe but maybe yeah well I guess with that because I remember seeing the track list and I was I was stoked with all the features cuz again I I've known Poppy's heavier stuff too so I'm like okay Poppy's going to throw down on her track and everyone featured is going to do their thing and then I saw Chris too and what I love about that too is I'm sure a lot of people see that and they maybe don't know old like motionless and white as well and they're like oh he's going they're going to do like a chiller more like Breaking Benjamin type track but on a level of Breaking Benjamin to hilariously dummy how hard does does Chris go on that track if you had to give that scale I've been very like uh careful with with like what I give away when it comes to this song got but I will say and and I haven't said this before I'm a pretty like monotone person I'm not very like uh reactive right I will say that the first time I got slaughterous 2 sent to me with his vocals I was driving and I was screaming out loud punching the seat next to me like I was going I'm okay yeah it's uh I'm very very excited for for people to hear that one obviously it's um there's a lot of really cool cool stuff about it and Chris was like super cool super down and and it's also funny because like for the people that aren't super familiar with like older emotionless yeah he's still like even now when he screams his screams are so good yeah like he sent me like I'm a fan so I keep up and I I know like the hits are like another life eternally yours voices like and I and I love those songs but then he sent me slaughter house with and my voice is like this like I don't have gotcha D I don't have highs and lows like I just yell as as mad as I can mad as I can and he sent me slaughterhouse one and he went crazy on that he did and I was like bro like I he he definitely brought it and I was like damn man I'm just like over here trying my hardest well yo bro don't call yourself short cuz yo you got that little pig squeal in uh in in in in that in that new track where you guys do the triple the triple breakdown call out that is hard as [ __ ] that's what what were your guys faces in the studio just hearing that for the first time because that's one of that has to be one of those moments you were like [ __ ] that was a moment that was like written for the vocal part which is not it isn't normal for us but um I don't like I'm not great at doing that style so I've never really implemented it into a record but like we were doing we've been touring so much and like sometimes when my voice is really on and and I'm like really enjoying the show I'll find places to kind of like throw it in live only so like people have kind of been like yo when is this gonna come when is this gonna come and then um writing this record Isaac was just like I think this is the one like this record needs it right and and he was like you know like people have waited long enough to where if you do it they're going to freak out yeah and I was like okay like I'll consider it so we started kind of like conceptualizing the part and it was Isaac that was like dude if if it was all three of us and it was like Nico me you like mid low lower he was like dude and I was like yeah you're right like that that's sick and we wrote it and I still was just like I don't know like I even had versions of that breakdown that were that didn't have that in it right it was just straight up Nico Isaac my normal voice and then Isaac was like so mad he's like dude you have to do it and I'm glad I'm glad I did it though I am glad that I did it yeah well because it just creates those just those fun unique moments which I love how you guys keep describing as like you're writing parts and you laugh at first and then you're like wait this is wait a second like you know entertain us for a minute because like that's like one of the best first responses when you're listening to something extreme is to laugh because it sounds so wild that there's no other emotion that can even describe you just laugh cuz you're like what is this and that's dude yeah it's the funnest to make like and and we kind of kept that into recording as well like a tear in the fabric of life is the first KN loose record ever where like in the studio we really did a lot of um experimenting with like different sounds like laugh tracks in a different shade of blue is supposed to sound like five dudes in a room jamming like there's not a lot of vocal layers if there is layers it's Isaac so that we could do it live right and then there's not a lot of like the guitars aren't stacked crazy but then when we did a different shade of blue I mean tearing the fabric of life it was like let's go crazy and we've kind of kept that so like this record it was like what's crazier like let's have vocal parts where we just layer like tin of me and then like yeah let's have vocal Parts where like we sneak our drummer's vocals in there like he doesn't even do vocals but we're like if if you've got four layered screams it doesn't even matter what the fort sounds like it just sounds like a a wall of noise you know what I mean so it it was the same with guitar it's like I think the guitars for like all of the breakdowns on the record there's a layer of guitar that like doesn't even sound like guitar D it sounds like explosions like literally sounds like impact explosions which I know you guys you did you were working with Will puny before and all the new stuff has been Drew Fulk I believe right um yeah which yeah this was like I'm actually gonna have to sneak in town and grab a phone charger so I don't die on you oh no worries so excuse me if it gets loud no it's all good man it's all good yeah cuz like it's so fun seeing that just listening and even with the new track hearing it and it's just every chug sounds so massively disgusting where it you're it's it it doesn't even almost sound like a guitar you're right it sounds like a wall of noise but together in the mix with all of you and especially again myself seeing you guys live like it you guys are able to emulate that sound so pure and RAW live in such an insane way because it seems like it's so heavily smashed but you guys can get those tones you guys can get those vocals live where it just translates it just sounds like the studio anyway so like I love that you guys are able to kind of almost play with like no rules and the freedom but then you just deliver it you guys just figure out how to deliver it live which is insane man yeah thank you yeah I appreciate it I think that yeah I I can't speak too much on the guitar stuff because I'm just like not a guitar player at all I just thought that it was hilarious that like the f layer of all the breakdowns they just called it the hell tone because it just s it like just doesn't sound like guitar it's doesn't it's it's insane and it's it's great that it just it has that effect because I feel like nowadays the mixing and production even as minimal as production might be in terms of you guys like you guys aren't using like crazy syns and stuff right like you guys are using more simplistic like it's still a band jamming and there's like impacts and whatnot but how much that attributes to to a sound of a band nowadays that is just so heavy where the mix has a huge element of making things sound super heavy as well as the production and obviously the tightness of the players and I love that we're at that point too so you guys can have music that's just so [ __ ] pissed and it translates to this huge other level and like I said you guys are able to deliver it live in a way a band I've never seen do that so authentically and so sonically heavy ever [ __ ] yeah we we're doing a lot especially right now we're at this like rehearsal facility we're doing a lot to kind of like upgrade the live rig to make it even crazier so that we it allows us because on the new record we tried so many new things and so many new sounds and layers and uh we wanted to be able to do it live um so we're we're like taking a lot of steps right now to make it even crazier in the future yeah and um it it should really pay off the show that we've got cooking up for this tour coming up is like definitely the craziest show we've ever ever put on and never like even like dreamed of putting on like it's it's psycho oh so you got the dancers then no no dancers but but definitely like a lot of surprises [ __ ] okay okay I'm I'm I'm I'm stoked are you guys well you guys are going you guys stopping by Orlando on that tour we played Tampa last day okay I'll say what's up on Tampa I'll drive yeah come out I'll drive down to see I'll [ __ ] do your thing that's [ __ ] sick man but um dude yeah um with all of that like is you you guys have been such a unique band too because you've been around for a minute like is it 10 10 years 20 2014 right yeah 2014 was the demo 2013 was the first show okay so 11 years now and I've even heard like you guys kind of the hell like at the beginning it's a little tougher because you know the metal scene always wants to categorize like you're a hardcore band or you're a metalore band like what the [ __ ] is this kind of in between thing like and having to deal with both sides and it seemed like over the years even though I don't think you guys had like a crazy amount of haters or anything but it seems like now unanimously the entire metal scene is just like holy [ __ ] new knock loose this bangs and that's it there's no there's no this or this there's no the mixer it's just new knock loose on happy and like did you guys see that kind of shift because like it seems like for like most bands especially that have to deal with that like earlier on like that doesn't happen for those bands usually they have to just deal with [ __ ] forever and I'm sure you guys have to deal with your fair share of whatever but like it seems like unanimously almost the entire metal scene's like I am happy KN loose exists and I need to see them every day live yeah it's been it's been strange like the the back and forth between like the different um like subg genres I guess we got it a lot I feel like early on we got it a lot from the hardcore side of things and then moving forward we got it a lot from like the metal side of things it never really slowed us down and the reason honestly why I think that it started to fade was because we just like never really changed as people like we're just like ourselves and we're not playing some character we're not doing some bit where like we get up on stage and dressed how we dress off stage you if you see us in the street and you talk to us like we're not [ __ ] weirdos or mean like we're we're just like normal and I think that a lot of people saw that like that it was um it was accessible and it was approachable and relatable and I think that it kind of helped people come back around to it and then the biggest thing honestly in the metal Community the big BG thing for no lus has always been my voice that's always kind of like had people like hard to win people over um and still like I'm even like every now and then I'm not like a guy that'll read every comment or anything but every now and then I'll still see comments like people love the band hate the voice and and I get it it's definitely like um it's it's definitely like the one thing about the band that's super um that sticks out a lot um but I think I really do think that one for me it's the best way to get my point across it sounds the most genuine to to my personality and I think that having that much personality behind my voice kind of allows us to sound different because I think that if I KN Lo started touring heavily around the time that there were a lot of bands like in the same world as us doing the same thing but I think that all of them had the same exact singer yes they did 100% so I think that if we if I was like just doing lows and [ __ ] I think that we would kind of get lost in the crowd you know right well dude you're your voice is so genuinely pissed and that's something I think even myself like it it took a year to probably appreciate and be like oh [ __ ] like this music is so aggressive and like even though like and you do are you are pretty Dynamic with your voice because you are going for that scream and especially live like you're actually a pretty Dynamic vocalist even if it's not a lot of like different tones your tone that you go for right is quite dynamic because it's very you and it's very aggressive and it's very like I don't want to use the word emotional but it it has that essence of like you're listening to you and you're like that motherfucker's angry like like it's very believable and it's very intense and in such an intense medium of Music especially cuz the instrumentals are so like wall of noise like heaviness of what's Happening your voice actually with your tone I think can sore in like you said such a unique way that stands out versus I think if if you were just doing like death core vocals let's say during the whole [ __ ] thing it would get completely lost like it it it would it would just everything would kind of just jumble together where like your tone fits so beautifully and it's so angry and how you Ace it man I got to give you mad credit for that because it is very unique and it's hard because a lot of oist will be like I just want to sound like the death core guy like that's that's it thank you I really appreciate that I definitely like over the years like I did bands when I was a kid where I tried to do like lows and highs and like and I just never really got good at it and then when I was like later on in High School just trying to start straight up hardcour bands right I was just yelling like I wasn't screaming it was the it's the voice that I use uh as like mosh calls the voice that everybody says sounds like Mickey Mouse is Spong dude you see in this the SpongeBob is always fun the SpongeBob call outs are so so I was just doing that as like my primary vocal in just local bands and and then I think when knocked loose started to kind of like jam I found a way to add that Distortion to it and I had never done that and I didn't know how to do it I was just pushing as hard as I could and then over the last 10 years I've kind of like realized how to do it and realized what I was doing and that has allowed me to add more Dynamics to it more like inflictions on my voice it's it's allowed me to be a lot better at like pronunciation and um I think that it's given my voice a lot of a lot more personality but it's funny because it's also made my voice get higher and I don't know how cuz you have a that's you have a lower talking voice I realize that like that's yeah I I don't know how and it just happens and if you listen to like laugh tracks versus any of the new songs my voice is obviously way higher I'm not doing anything different it just happened that's [ __ ] I didn't think of that that's has you and and what I'm sure you've been able to make it to where it's like a healthy scream where you're not like after every you know few sets like [ __ ] like you know like kind of out which is also trippy for a lot of vocalist that like as you you're pushing and you can hear it and um you being able to just yourself I don't know if you worked with like vocal coaches or like Melissa Cross like everyone does or like something like that but like to be able to make it so you can do that healthily for so many years is not [ __ ] easy most vocalists are done they blow their voice out like after a few few years it's it's over yeah I that's another thing that I see a lot about my my voice is like people hear it and they're and they're just like this is too shrill and forced and he's gonna [ __ ] his stuff up and it's like um I'm definitely doing it comfortably you know like I do this I I've toured fulltime since 2014 like um and and we used to have a very strict no days off polic oh [ __ ] and now I'm now I'm 30 so I really appreciate a day off right right but like back when we were we did a tour with Beartooth in 2018 it was 65 days long because it was a day off every three days and KN loose played off day shows and in 65 days I think we played 62 shows Jesus dude oh my God and it was just like no days off like let's keep going but so like I can do it for 60 days in a row and but the thing that I that sucks with me is when I'm home I'm home like I clock out and I'm not screaming I'm not practicing I'm not doing anything and I'm I'm starting now to get better about that because if we're home for two months right I'm not I'm not screaming at all and then I'm jumping into a month of to and that first week is rough and and it's usually like day one I sound great day two I'm dust go and then I'm I'm building from there and then like a week into it I kind of snap into place so now I'm kind of just trying to to keep keep that muscle working out while I'm at home um which which is definitely like helping me a lot um but yeah it's a a lot of people are always like like he's not going to be able to do this forever blah blah blah and it's like Ian you been going for 10 11 years I think you're fine and it and it's not as like it's not as panicked as it sounds on recording or live it is very controlled you know I love how you guys describe your talking like Panic you Des describe the new music as anxiety inducing I have never heard music described like that in my life and when I heard that I'm like okay this ev Everything every single song makes sense now you know yeah and I'm I'm sure you've probably had music that do that to you just never thought about it in that context and I think for me not to keep referencing an old record but I tearing the fabric of life when we did um when we recorded God knows right um the ending breakdown is I'm screaming a lyric the whole time time yeah Isaac is layered on every first word and then in the background I was like I just want you to record me literally just screaming bloody murder so there's like I think there's like six vocal tracks going at once right and I have videos on my phone I I I always say that I'm gonna post them but literally I just put the camera up and I'm just in the studio going like that's amazing and um but remember when when the first time I ever listened back to God knows we when it was done it ends so abrasively with that very last God knows yeah and I I like it ended and I took a deep breath and I was like damn I feel like I've been holding my breath for three minutes like and and I realized that it was like the anxiety of the song so that's kind of going into this record it was like let's let's do that again let's like let's make people feel feel like they're going crazy without a like another thing when we started we were writing breakdowns for people to beat ass right to and to beat ass I didn't expect that ter yeah to beat I got you I got you and we played like I mean back then we were playing house shows and they were terrifying and there were days when we would be playing and I would get my ass kicked just because I was too close close to the crowd and like oh [ __ ] um so obviously where we're at now the shows aren't like that the shows are crazy and violent for different reasons but people aren't like beating ass no so so now when we approach a breakdown it's like we're gonna play in front of 2,000 people they're not going to beat us so let's just make them scared and feel like they're trapped I love that shift in like philos that should be your guys Mission stat when you guys come in the office like we don't need them to beat ass we need to make them feel anxious and trapped that's the new motto yeah that's that's I can I it's it's seeing you guys for for a minute now like I got you you guys more during like shades of blue um but like the the evolution even since then like hearing it go to that more anxiety inducing route man is like [ __ ] it's insane it it's it's it's you guys are one of the few bands which like you come out with a track and like okay like you have to get prepared mentally almost for what's about to kind of come and you know it's going to deliver and I got to give you guys mad props for I haven't heard the album yet but all the singles that have come out because it's so [ __ ] consistent and it's so rare to find a band that is consistent not just like here's the first track that's all we got all right thanks you know and then the other singles are just here like every song does have its own identity it does have its own you know unique Vibe and it's all heavy and very knocked loose like I I remember seeing one of the comments this is the most knock loose song I've ever seen you know like from you guys and like seeing stuff like that like that's very rare bands don't get that kind of stuff nowadays like to have created such a unique identity and image in the scene where like you guys are your you've carved it out you're knocked loose you're heavy you're pissed and you do whatever the [ __ ] you want and I got to give you guys mad props for that because that does not happen very often thank you yeah I I really appreciate that thank you and and yeah and I definitely see like I see um the reactions that you do and I see like the how supportive like your chat is and I do like while I'm here wanted to definitely say that I appreciate that as well I appreciate all the support it's um it's very like validating to to be a band this long and and work as hard as we did on this album and for it to be getting the response that it's already getting before it's even out I can say that this was like definitely the all jokes aside like definitely the hardest thing that we've ever made you know um the most challenging thing that I've ever done artistically um definitely push myself so to see it like already get so much support has been like very very rewarding and and and reassuring if anything so thank you and thank you to like all of your viewers and bro any any thank you for making bangers that's all that's it you guys make [ __ ] uh what you just not ask Fe anxiety inducing bangers and I'm here for it you know what I mean and I think seeing that authenticity in a band like I said nowadays it's it's hard to find and as much as you know I love the metal scene it's something where like it's always the struggle with a lot of bands I see trying to figure out their own identity because maybe you know they got a lot of fans following some Trend or doing this or doing this and they want to try new things and it's as a metal fan first like it's so hard to find that consistency of just here's a band when I know that pops in my feed I'm about to be happy you know just like with video games like you know when you love a game and they introduce the next game the next series you're like oh my God I can't wait for this to come out cuz it's going to be Banger what I want bill more have unique surprising twist and that's something you guys deliver all the time and a lot of bands can't do that man so like props to y'all for doing that and continuing to grow and I remember even like hearing God knows that's when I think I started to be like okay well what the [ __ ] knock loose cooking like this is this is different type of like pissed EV angry heaviness but then especially when you guys drop deep in the Willow and everything is quiet now first of all take me through that because those two singles are not on on the record right those are Standalone yeah we so we were like deep in writing mode for the album right and those songs did not exist at all none of those riffs and then we got offered Coachella and we were like man we need something to promote at Coachella but the album isn't ready and we don't know like none of these songs are good enough to give away yet so we literally oh also we were toying with the idea of potentially working with Drew folk right for the first time um but we were scared to do a full album with him because we had only worked with Will Putney so right we were like okay let's just do a single a standalone song and let's write it from scratch with Drew folk there to produce it and we'll see what his Vibe is and we'll see if we like him enough to to go back when the album's ready so we booked those dates and then I had the idea like it's like I hate the the Standalone single like I would as a fan I would want more I was like so artistically I started to kind of get the idea of like let's do one long video for both songs and and make it two and um so we just we wrote those songs in one session recorded them put them out and it was just kind of like a side quest while we were writing the album that was your guy's side quest what the [ __ ] and there was a lot that came with that like going back to what I said about like writing breakdowns for different reasons now like a breakdown for us is very much like a consistent climax in our songs but now we're writing them trying to give different feelings and different Vibes to a breakdown and everything is quiet now is a good example of that because it's a sad breakdown it's a sad down bro yeah and and I love those like goira does those a lot um that band uh V jarta does those dude um and masuga like it so that was kind of like the first time we were like letting that influence in and writing a breakdown that was like it's a it's a hype breakdown but then we we add that like sad lead into it and it just changes the atmosphere completely yeah D I remember seeing you guys live and you end with that and it's it's so [ __ ] hard just the line itself everything is quiet now and then you guys are done it plays it it fades out you don't say anything after you just go I love that it's just like yeah it's it's a finisher go ahead yeah that's a that's a really fun one to close on and then obviously the the knocked loose [ __ ] was like a a bigger bigger than I thought it would be like I there's a lot of bands in the past that have done that that I love like there's a band called allout war that does it with um they say their band name and the song name in a row like the song is called Redemption for the innocent and like when the breakdown hits he just says allout War Redemption for the innocent and it's like it's so hard that came out in like the 90s maybe maybe yeah early 990s I think and just definitely a big influence on knock loose and then there's a lot of hardcore bands that have done it um so it's always been like a vibe that I thought was so cool saying your own band name but the the like more dark and artsy we got the less I felt like it made sense so when we were like let's just do two songs I was like hey this doesn't have to fit the vibe of an album yeah this isn't some like concept D like I can throw it out here and I brought it up like hey I've always wanted to do this but it didn't make sense and everybody was just like yep we're doing that I mean you you guys somehow managed and I think it it it did make it bigger than this you guys did the rarf and you then did the knock loose [ __ ] and I think at this point the knock loose [ __ ] is a bigger Callo than the legendary rfrf which that's hard to beat considering you guys have to beat yourselves yeah definitely I I think that something that's crazy is like I didn't expect there's a lot of like big moments that that we have that I never we never thought about it like the first one ever is the song All My Friends the ending of that song has always been a giant crowd yeah all my friends are dead and I remember the first time that happened everybody in the band was like damn I didn't even think about that like that's yeah that's perfect like so these like big vocal moments have always kind of been on accident and the bark was like literally just something that I thought sounded hard and then something in the beginning we played that song for a long time before we released laugh tracks it was kind of just always like an interlude live right and back in the day I don't know what I don't know what it was about that song but that was the scary moment of our set it became like this unspoken rule that like when you heard the the chirping everything was crazy the triping on the guitar I love that and I remember we toured with uh Orthodox okay in 2015 20 2014 2015 or 14 and and they used to mosh like freaking [ __ ] back in the day and we we would be playing and the whole tour would be on the side of the stage and then the second we hit the chirps you would see everybody on the side stage take their shirt off and fly off stage and just start smoking everybody and that was just like that was what counting worms was so we were like damn let's let's put it on laugh tracks and then it just switched to a meme and became it's been the biggest song in our set since then and it it's like people always ask me if I'm annoyed by it and I'm like dude why how could I be annoyed by the biggest moment andet so definitely not annoyed but did but didn't think it would turn into like a [ __ ] viral meme right I I think that's what some bands yeah like they think oh because it is been memd it is now a joke instead of people are meming it because it's awesome like it because it's it's special and fun right like fun and so many bands are scared to have those moments and they're like this this song doesn't exist anymore now you know they're like it's it's gone cuz we don't want people to to we want to pretend the internet doesn't know this exists but those are the fun moments that I love you guys aren't scared to do even though you're a serious authentic band you still have those fun moments you just [ __ ] go for them yeah yeah I've never I've never understood that like it as long as it gets a reaction it will be a part of our set and that that kind of goes for every song that we have like our set lists are completely built around crowd participation and like what we know Works live and then when deep in the willow dropped the knock loose [ __ ] just took off and that was another one where I was just like I mean yeah I guess on paper it makes sense but I just didn't think about it being so big and it's been it's been sick and something that I will say is like we just did a headliner in uh Europe a month or two ago right and it was our first time headlining since those songs have been out and they were like crazy like people were like everything is quiet now was a giant crowd moment right knocked loose [ __ ] was a giant crowd moment it has me very very excited to headline in America because we still like do much better here so I'm excited to kind of give those songs a try here on a headliner now that they've been out for a year so people can like fully react to them right as well as the new songs would you guys ever throw down in a in a Denny's or like an IHOP or is that like too dangerous for the employees at that point I mean I would play Anywhere But I'm trying to think of like if we've played anywhere crazy like that we we've played in a we played the first time we ever went to Texas we played in a taco place sick that was like maybe the size of this room that I'm in okay okay that's not big enough no that's not and um I'm trying to think of like we've played a bunch of like really random we played in in a morg once what the whoa really yeah there was like a there was a morg that had closed down and then I guess whoever was owning it just started throwing hardcore shows out of it and they they did a lot of a lot of really like it was in Milwaukee they did a lot of really legendary hardcore shows for Milwaukee inside of that place and there was no more dead dead people there right at that point they were okay but it was like it it held like maybe 200 people tops and that's where they did the final King maker show okay and and and we got to to open up for them on on that show and dude it was like maybe 400 people in this like 200 cap morg just like fully trapped I mean there's there's there's an escape it's just through the chimney probably there yeah there you go that's a little [ __ ] up Joe but there you go Jesus man that's I mean and I and I I have to ask you I guess you know the Coachella gig I mean I know you've talked about it you know here I watched your interview with Craig too and it's sick that you guys just did your thing went and there was no barricade right when you guys did Co no no so [ __ ] man that's insane I love that how did you did you see after all the other people that were also like watching like I don't know if like was Billy ish actually there watching you guys in the back I didn't know that until after like the whole Moment Like was so crazy and we were so like surprised by the reaction that I really think that all of us just kind of blacked out like I really think that we we it could have been bad and nobody would have been surprised you know like if we played and nobody showed up to the tent maybe 30 maybe a couple hundred people whatever we would have been like yeah like it's Coachella I understand um for us it was a victory just being a part of the lineup and being able to be at be there and and see everything else right but then when we walked on stage and there was that many people there we were just like holy hell like it it just felt like it was like this weird moment that was like this isn't supposed to happen but it did right and and I fully blacked out and then I get off stage and people are like Billy ish was there and Ethel Kane was there and who some they said I think Travis Parker watched or there there were like a bunch of people side stage and I guess they were all like uh straight up famous people or something but yeah I didn't see any of them I I wish I did I did get to meet Ethel Kane that weekend which was huge for me but didn't get to meet Billy ish d That's so next time you feature Billy ish did you surprise them like people were surprised with poppy maybe she throws down dude I bet she can she posted um like a couple months after Coachella she posted it dies today on her Instagram story oh I saw that yeah it does and I was like maybe maybe she knows how to screen Maybe she dude yeah a lot of the big celebrities like it's it's cool seeing them be more like sharing like there's Demi lado shares a lot of like the hardcore piss bands like I think Drake shared entheos at one [ __ ] point which that was the most random one I think I've ever seen I was like that's cool like did not expect that in my Instagram feed but like yeah I guess we're in the bizar world but dude yeah I I I I know you're Bussy and I wanted to say first of all congratulations on all the crazy [ __ ] y'all have been through Coachella um [ __ ] new songs and of course on the new record which chat go pre-order it you won't go before you're supposed to comes out I think it's May 10th I should know this is the host May 10th there we go yes May 10th pre-order at show the homies live I'm I'm I never do album I'm going definitely review that [ __ ] I am very stoked to hear what you guys do man so um dude yeah just thank you so much for coming on the show shooting the [ __ ] talking about some fun stories and uh last question question what is the hardest track on the record o interesting um ignorant hard like just it's it's stupid at that point I I will say I think all of them have I really do think every song on the record checks a different box right I will say for me personally there's a two song Run on the record Moss covers all and to take me home okay is like a very cool moment for for us whereas first of all Moss covers all is the shortest song that we've ever written it's like 46 seconds long I love that and it's and it's really stupid um there we go that that's a really good one and then it kind of like rolls straight in to take me home th those are like two of my favorites the poppy song ended up being one of my favorites on the record has people are like she needs to be in the band I cuz like your guys Dynamic is insane I don't think anyone expected that when the video at the end when it very ends and it cuts to all of us standing together like a band promo I was like damn we kind of just look like a dope band yeah it's it's cuz her she sounds like your younger sister it is [ __ ] crazy yeah how you guys compliment each other with your screams we are uh the band will get mad at me if I give anything away but we are both playing sick New World this weekend Yo chat shut the [ __ ] up they won't snitch they won't snitch right chat what happened nothing happened right now right oh they always so I have to ask every person this before do you throw block I have to ask every single human hold on somebody's alarm is going off oh good oh good yeah do I what do you throw block since I had clown from slipon on the show and he talked about Minecraft for an hour and a half I now ask every guest if they throw block no I'm a I have two younger brothers so I play fortnite that's fair everyone Brian Garris of knock loose check out the brand new [ __ ] record I'm stoked to see it you know we're going to be checking it out on here and all that and go see them on tour holy [ __ ] go see them on tour literally one of the best [ __ ] shows I've seen in my life Brian thank you so much bro for coming to shoot the [ __ ] with us for an hour man I hope you have a lovely day beautiful tour and dude I'll see you guys hopefully in in we'll catch up for a minute thank you bro yeah thank you I'll talk to you soon awesome have a good one dude thank you so much all right bye peace
Channel: Nik Nocturnal Podcast
Views: 63,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal musician, metal music interview, metal podcaast, nik nocturnal podcast, heavy metal, youtuber interview, rock podcast, metal music, bryan garris, knocked loose, bryan garris interview, knocked loose live, knocked loose new album, knocked loose new song, knocked loose interview
Id: CFqysuIu8HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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