The Downbeat Podcast - Isaac Hale (Knocked Loose)

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what's up you gorgeous somewhat dumb [ __ ] that was a bit rude of me to call you dumb and [ __ ] actually [ __ ] is not unless you're into MILFs not particularly nice thing to say I take it all back actually it's been a while since I did one of these if you're watching this on YouTube you will see I'm in a lovely new location this is the new podcast Studio this is where behind me if you're listening to this on audio this will mean nothing so I'll make it quick behind me if you're listening to this on audio I just lent back and showed people we'll be where the podcast is taking place it's a [ __ ] TV studio basically I built a TV studio I went to NBC I worked I worked at NBC for a week and now I think I'm a TV producer so if you're like a press agent watching this or listening to this and you're like oh I've got some people that are in Glasgow I don't want to do remote I've got people that are in Glasgow I want to talk to them I don't care who they are guess what they don't even have to be drummers as you'll find out in a minute also if you're watching this on YouTube I've got a lovely sweatshirt on us lovely it's quite quite thick warm thing where'd you get that from Craig actually I've got it from www.thedownbe.80 so it smells downbeat bunch of new [ __ ] on there please please pick something up so I can afford this studio what I didn't think of when building this studio inside my house is that there's three [ __ ] animals that just wait until I record something and need it to be quiet and then they sort of start clawing at stuff climbing over [ __ ] making noises having fights so if you hear any of that sorry that's now a feature of the podcast think of it as a little extra bonus my guest this week is Isaac Hale of knock loose he's the guitarist he's I'm sure he's some of the brains as well as just being the guitar brain behind the band uh we caught up in a Chinatown hotel room in New York which if you're watching is on YouTube you will see sort of looks a bit taxi we Jerry rigged something up so we could get the nice video thanks to the people at Road not an ad but kind of an ad for the lav mics I used I think it sounds quite good but the real the real style of the show is Isaac we had a lovely chat about everything from his band becoming massive on Tick Tock with the AF AF we talked about the AEP a tear in the fabric of life and the accompanying animated video which if you haven't seen is [ __ ] amazing go and have a look at that we talked about their tour with suicide boys how that came about we talked about their current tour which they're on right now was bringing the horizon she hadn't begun by that point I think it happened the day afterwards we talked about Ramen and his dream Festival of course that's about it it's Isaac Hale from knock loose on the downbeat podcast [Music] yeah about this bravery yeah what do you mean you're brave well with uh water I'm not actually if it's there's well what happens is someone like I'm really thirsty right and I don't want that sounds wrong especially in this yeah sexy yeah in this room in our mini porn that were Jerry Riggs porn room yeah what happens is I'm thirsty and I want a soda or excuse me not a soda I wanna I wanna fruity beverage something nice okay I can't I can't get it so I want water but someone tells me I probably shouldn't do that you want a fruit you beverage yeah I want a beverage can't get to it wanna water needs something to quench my thirst someone tells me I should probably get a bottle of water because it's not safe but I really can't be bothered to what the country any anywhere besides I mean maybe won't maybe not southeast Asia maybe I'm not drinking southeast Asia Hotel water anywhere else I'm pretty fine but my issue was watching did you see that documentary on Netflix about the girl that climbed into the tank in that hotel the hotel Cecile in on skid row no right okay so that was the venue we just played it with Prada in LA and it's in Skid Row I can't remember what it's called you've definitely played it I have definitely played it don't know this is a hotel I want to say Cecile is up the road and there was a people were starting the water in the hotel room was tasting weird and they were like oh that's weird and then the water in the hotel room kind of tastes like there's a person in my water so there was like a there's a like a slight red tint to it later and then it basically transpires there's a woman's body in the water thing that's on the ceiling that's awesome I mean it is but like that's how people found out and then now when I'm in a hotel and they're just there's no bottles and there's just a glass I'm like is this gonna be body I will say I kind of I try to test my I feel like testing my luck though because I will say that I've never had a water related stomach issue ever have I drank something like drank water and been like oh I got food poisoning drink poisoning from that it's not happening to me weights but that means you must be able to pinpoint every food poisoning ever I haven't had food poisoning very often I have a pretty strong stomach run me through these food poisoning okay Taco Bell like me too I don't take I don't eat anymore like okay no I still [ __ ] love it really but this was like 12 years ago it [ __ ] me and I've forgiven it since and weirdly Taco Bell is still appetizing it [ __ ] me once and it [ __ ] well partly really badly once and now I know it [ __ ] you I'm just out yeah no that's I mean it's I mean there's better stuff for you so you know it was the lettuce from the Crunchwrap Supreme coming back out um was really it's cool that you're able to Define all right yeah when people are like oh I can't drink tequila anymore because oh the way it tastes by the way out there oh [ __ ] yeah that's it I can't do it because it was I must have been like it must have been late at night I probably had a few drinks and I I wasn't chewing I was just swallowing the disease and the lettuce and then it came back up undigested that's a crazy thing to be able to identify coming out of you is lettuce because I just think lettuce is water in solid form or does that mean that because most food poisoning comes from lettuce it comes from the salad I did not know that you didn't know that I did I know badly stored salad because this anything and to think that people growing up your parents are always telling you he's salads you should eat Oreos [ __ ] yeah if you want to be if you want to stay away in oreo go to the gym and eat Oreos [ __ ] absolutely I do one of those things give me another food poisoning and we're gonna find out if it was water or not um it was I think it was after Outback Steakhouse again when I was a child but and again not def not that one's not definable I knew the Taco Bell did it the first time I don't know if it was out back this time a pretty strong stomach what did you have Outback mac and cheese this is there's no way yeah it comes out nuclear yeah so the disease has been the mac and disease has been yeah ow no maybe it was the war probably the water where was the Outback it was in Louisville Kentucky which no which sounds like the war no Louisville actually has this was 2020. it was like 2019 or 2020 was voted the healthiest clearest water in the United States of America that's not a joke isn't it like land blocked no where you go you got water at the I swear it is it's like in the middle of nowhere what's the states around it Indiana West Virginia Tennessee how is everyone how is everyone I know from Louisville like cool and then well because it's the one Haven of cool and that because like there's nothing really else going on like even Louisville in Kentucky like everything in Kentucky sucks but then Louisville's like pretty cool yeah and so Indiana Fort Wayne Indiana specifically is in my top five least enjoyed places you know what I'd rather be this is you know what I'm wrong I was about to say I'd rather be in Fort Wayne than Indianapolis I don't think that's true but Indianapolis is [ __ ] terrible sorry if you're from Indianapolis it's not sorry see Mark geography's band Indianapolis is that in Indiana yes it would make sense yes is Minneapolis no is that in Minnesota yeah you're the way America's name she is yeah so we're so cute yeah it is so cute let's make this about your bands you play in a band called knock loot I do I had a wardrobe malfunction today yes because of your band why um because what happened was I'm just off nine weeks in the states yes I have no clean clothes that suitcase that we have Jerry rigged Jerry rigged as a tripod yes it's filled with unwashed clothes except I've found three t-shirts that's awesome dying which one I'm wearing thankfully but the other two are both knocked loose so I can't do the podcast where I'm what am I the [ __ ] guy from yeah well it's [ __ ] bees yeah right so yeah I've got my dying wish I've got my cred um I tried to wear the purple not glue shirt on Seth Meyers and they didn't want color because the background was blue and it didn't look good well I'm offended I try so hard yeah I love that t-shirt it's a good t-shirt you know what's crazy when you're at metal shows and hardcore shows or whatever people is it's always the black T-shirt yeah that sells usually it's like you do some cool pretty color yeah and you're like oh we worked really hard on this cool color and no one [ __ ] buys it yeah and we just did this rap tour and everyone wanted that purple shirt it was the only shirt that was sold that's [ __ ] cool which is crazy suicide boys yes how did that come about how the [ __ ] was it so normally we just hear about I just assumed that this was something that came after a manager a booking agent or whatever but actually I think it started with Ruby um one of the vocalists one of the guys just like the band and was just like into us and we played with suicide boys uh and not fest last year yeah and he approached us then it was like hey I'm trying to get you on our thing that we got going on and we were like oh [ __ ] yeah we didn't know that that would happen yeah um but yeah we got the offer and we just assumed it was because the Dude dug what we were doing and then we show up first day and yeah it's like everyone's super sick that dude comes up and it's just like thank you for doing this like you y'all are the [ __ ] talks to us for like [ __ ] hour or whatever um so I think that's how we got hooked up with it was just the dudes dope and liked the band uh and it was awesome how big were the Sharks it's the biggest shows almost the biggest shows I've ever seen in my life wow well not not counting fast but I've the my the biggest show I've ever seen in my life was Metallica in my hometown and that was 25 000. yeah and these shows were like it's Albuquerque New Mexico sold out 16k Jesus [ __ ] yeah oh like oh it's a pretty good day 18K pretty good day you know 19k oh today sucks it's only a 9 000 cap room that is insane what's the what was the lineup that toy was finished so that tour is going on and now without us and then we come back for two more shows we're playing Red Rocks for the first time oh I'm sorry two back-to-back [ __ ] it's back-to-back shows um but that's on my bucket list I'm [ __ ] stoked I don't know like obviously it's like mostly a seated venue so it's like kind of sucks for like a metal band but just like being there and being like oh look at the cool ass rock yeah you know it's like that's it I want to be on this thing I've seen the rock it's cool it's funnier um I always wonder what the Acoustics are gonna be like because they're probably terrible a lot of [ __ ] wrong so bad yeah it's right there as well we have that I have this joke that is just like it's just gonna be the worst experience ever it might be um but uh the lineup from uh bottom to top was DJ scheme who's ski masks uh DJ does like a DJ set which is basically just plain popular music cool and he mosh calls over it which is awesome nice uh and then uh maxo cream and then uh us it's not ski mask suicide boys and then Code Orange hopped on like not too long ago we did some shows with them and they were playing um before maxo so they were second okay yeah and then do you find that you're getting new fans from it or is it just like weird no one there knows who we are if there's 16 000 people there there's 10 people that know knocked loose but is that actually translating or are they yes drawing I mean it has to with that yeah we don't we don't yeah because like the way that I view shows like that is like if I get five percent yeah that's so many people that is so many people so we just come up there like we're just really good about going up there and just being like okay like our stage now like you belong to me now nice so it's just like you know and we're screaming at people to do whatever and the thing is that those crowds are usually really responsive because they're just so excited to be at a show like that not only and not only that but rap now is so like edgy yeah so edgy crazy they're just asking for mosh pits and [ __ ] like for people to [ __ ] each other up and Wall of deaths and [ __ ] so it's like we're just asking them to do the same thing except we play breakdowns you know which is inherently easier to [ __ ] people up to yeah exactly coming about exactly so sometimes there's a there's a you know barrier of Entry where it's like oh we have to get them used to a guy on or like oh it's a guitar like that's your brain impression yeah a guy going you know it's like way higher than they're used to but like to be honest like like watching suicide boy sets like those songs are heavy like the suicide boy set is like a heavy set and they're asking for the same pits that we're asking for so it's like it translates not to get like woo-woo yes why do you think there is more heavy music in the mainstream right now because I did a bit of press this morning yeah and this discussion came up people around interesting thoughts I think that it's a I think it's a very like time and place thing I can't really explain why it's happened but I can tell you like there's a lot of like stars aligning right now I think I think that lately just like edgy society's gotten edgier you know people are just wanting edgier stuff because of that and because of that you have people you have rappers right that are going to rock guys to make rock records yeah and then those kids are seeing that and then they're seeing guitars and then they're hearing punk rock what they think is punk rock and then they're like oh mosh pits punk rock that's cool you know you know I mean like we're in a world where it's like okay Machine Gun Kelly is gone pop punk you know and then trippy red has a rock record you know it's like that's the standard now like that's what people are listening to half the time I mean even the like most popular raps rap hip-hop songs are kind of just like emo tracks not even a heavy song but like peep taking the Postal Service except like that just exactly and like stuff like that just means that all of that is in the Limelight and then that combined with the fact that you have a lot of great bands out right now like turn Styles like one of the biggest guitar bands in the world right now literally and that's just such a crazy stars aligning thing where it's like someone that goes to Coachella could listen to any turnstile song and be like oh this is awesome yeah you know oh this is like they [ __ ] make never mind yeah exactly like that's it's literally like new nirama like it's like the craziest [ __ ] ever and like I think there's a lot of that happening you know it's like the mainstream thinking that that's cool now mixed with a bunch of great bands popping off is why it's in the Limelight like it is you know what what we were talking about earlier what I was talking about earlier was like it's really you too turnstile and knock loose are like the two that are actually breaking out of their genre and it's funny and it's interesting and it's [ __ ] cool to me that you're the only two that I can well not the only two but you are two non-laptop bands yeah and you're breaking out and I've got a theory about why like so you YouTube it's so much rawer yeah than what even in the heavy scene than what heavy kids are listening to if you think of a kid who's like 18 yeah so they've only been going to shows for like maybe three years yeah and they only go to mainstream shows in the last three years probably they just saw laptop metalcore yeah there's a lot of them continuously which is you know it has its place or whatever people like it it's cool yeah then the band comes out and it's like they might not even know other like raw music to them might sound as insane as like when we first heard like sample drums yeah like it's completely 180 but they might be a shame like wait what the [ __ ] is this yeah we we noticed that with like Australia obviously when we were on a tour and it's you know I call them laptop bands I'm not slaying them it's just like the bands with a lot of layers to the music that aren't on the stage yeah they're trying to make it sound close to the record and yeah which is you know it has a time and place or whatever but a lot of times we just have people come up to us at merge and be like that was [ __ ] weird yeah and raw and angry and horrible yeah and I forget that there's kids that probably haven't even seen like Brian's [ __ ] vocals yeah there's no one do we I mean there is because of you guys but there's no one like doing that vocal yeah I mean my favorite vocalist is in my band yeah that's [ __ ] awesome and I think that there is an energy there that's not really replicated right now and but I see what you're I see what you're getting now there's probably some point to be made there about like oh like you know like a lot for like knock loose is still incredibly in how we play like relative to other bands we're still so amateur you know like we still we set up all of our own [ __ ] and wow we get up there packing his drums down himself at the end of a festival headline yeah we still get we still just get up there we like that Festival that you're talking about Blue Ridge we got up there started late you know like set up all of our own stuff you know have you know trying to run samples click starts going through the PA just turn off the click and just just go play it yeah you know it was like and that [ __ ] happens all the time it's like we we still [ __ ] up and make stupid mistakes and like I said I'm throwing my [ __ ] guitar around and but the goal is to not make it be a a perfect set the goal is not we're not trying to make it sound like the record yeah we're trying to make it sound heavy you know the live performance is a unique thing you know that we're trying we're trying to give someone that someone's not gonna get from listening to the record you know we want people to be in the moment and I think that you know a band like turns out or even a band like you guys it's like there's a there's supposed to be a different energy there it's like you didn't go to the show to just hear the the samples off the Record you know the uh literally as you just said that I think there's a point to be made there I just thought about it and I was like holy [ __ ] this happened at the end of the 80s when everyone had the Pitch Perfect uh like Motley Crue like that whole yeah that whole sound and people it went on for so long that people got so tired of it and then the biggest band in the world was Nirvana which was so so much rawer yeah you look at [ __ ] Dr Feelgood versus Bleach yeah dike it almost sounds like a [ __ ] caveman compared to it but yeah people were they didn't know it but they were fatigued with that sound I mean like it's like when I was growing up it's like dude I I [ __ ] love System of a Down like the bands just moved out I used to watch System of the Down videos all the time and they sounded terrible so bad and it was awesome like it was so sick you know like or even even Metallica even a band like Metallica is just like I remember watching Metallica videos like earlier and they're like playing the [ __ ] like 40 BPM faster than it actually is or just like and I was just like man there's like an energy there that's so cool so growing up for us it was like we never we never wanted like Perfection out of the set what the most important thing about the sets is the crowd reaction and the vibe of the show you know and we even keep that in mind when we're because we do play to a click now yeah and we don't use the record tempos we just yeah we literally we I get in a room and I set up a computer like this and I record us like voice memo style playing it and then I make the clicks that's pretty what I did yeah although we you know we used to not play to a click and then there was Hellfest main stage you know what that's [ __ ] like yes 40 000 [ __ ] people and I did a bit of press afterwards and the guy goes I noticed you played everything very quite fast and now I was like okay let me watch this back and I was like holy [ __ ] I'm too fast at this point so then I went back to an old live recording we have of the set without a click where it all felt right and then I mapped that yeah dude we play We like yeah I used I I also did that I only went back to Old sets and I was just like huh this was a cool time we played that song it could sound like that but it's like we don't like the record Tempo now like we usually find after playing a lot of these old songs for years we found better tempos for the song where the groove is yeah where it's just like oh this hits way harder at this speed so are they faster or slower for the majority it depends I'd say most of it's faster yeah but because we all know that playing faster is way more fun than playing way more fun and also like when you first get the record speed and then you play it live for that first time it's just it feels so slow it's so hard there is nothing worse to me than like playing to a click or maybe not even playing to a click let's see let's say you just happen to be doing it and it feelings you want to be three BPM yeah I'm just like it makes me it makes me incredibly angry like all like whenever that used to happen when I was like oh if we're [ __ ] playing something slow even if it was correct if it was record Tempo if I wanted it to be that extra five yeah to ten I would be like what the [ __ ] you know I'd look at that you know and he's got the clicking yeah there's just no way that it is um yeah exactly it's like and it also has to do with the energy of the show too it's like oh if the show's lit I want to play faster you know something was a weird [ __ ] thing that I've noticed as well because I I you Pack's the only one with the click in his ears right yeah I'm the only one in the picking the ears on mine the higher a ceiling is the slower a song feels really and it's even true when I'd go into when you next time you go see a band in someone with a super high ceiling who are playing the record speed just tell me if you feel slow like I saw ghost recently and then just play everything you know they might as well be playing to a CD it's [ __ ] sick I love it yeah just felt so I was like I don't notice that now you've ruined with it yeah yeah you've ruined that I used to think they looked super cool and now I'm gonna [ __ ] hate them I walk into a high Scenic venue and I'm like that's gonna be [ __ ] this man's gonna sound great but I'm gonna be playing too slow too yeah yeah you did you leave the this is a different segment of the podcast we're off that no yeah yeah professional [ __ ] that professional um were you booked to do the whole of suicide boys and then this bring me thing came up or were you always doing bring me or okay so there was originally three tours that we were supposed to do dates of all of them back to back yes and what happened was we took I believe what happened was we took all three yeah and then one of them canceled all right so we ended up but the space was still is still there so like I'm now I'm kind of pissed because I wish we could have done more of the suicide boys run there was like a whole like week and a half break that we had where we weren't even on it because we were supposed to be on this other tour what was the other tour uh the other one was a I think it was a lamb of God Tour um but uh but now we just end up we ended up doing these two back to back so we did suicide boys part one quick break suicide Boys Part Two and now we're doing Bring Me The Horizon and we have some we had some like off day mini runs that we did like we just did a mini run with dying fetus and Terror and omerta and then but tomorrow we'd begin to Bring Me The Horizon how did Darwin theaters go down with not loose fans oh good who's Boston it was it was sick like knockless fans are pretty like I know you got you got yeah like knock loose fans we have a pretty wide demographic now but as far as like when you have kids now yeah but I mean as far as it being uh you could definitely notice that there were some like younger kids that had never seen anything like fetus but that's sick because you were introducing them before like they'd hit a mosh part and it was like everyone was like what the [ __ ] like yeah this is crazy because people like they they do their like tapping bits so people would be like oh well this is kind of weird I'm not used to this you know and then go and that's just the sickest thing ever you see that's that's I've never been like a huge fetus fan I like destroy the opposition yeah I like stop at nothing yeah and then I kind of don't care about the rest the muscle rain Supreme I kind of like that one yeah I kind of like the wrong one to fight with as well uh okay so that's now with us now because I felt the same way I've I've felt the same way about people somehow I've listened to fetus for like such a long time but I've never considered myself a fan exactly and then I like looked at all of the tracks and I was just like Oh I'm a fan of yes I was like I'm only these two albums and this one I think what happens is with music like that like you put on a full record but it all kind of Blends together so you're like oh I don't like I don't know if I like like this as much as I think I do but then you like you return to it and you're like oh this is [ __ ] sick and this is yeah I think there's definitely they definitely had like an area of a time when I didn't really [ __ ] with him like a war of attrition like that but I guess more of attrition to yeah uh reign supreme which someone will [ __ ] comment and be like that was one album and I'd be like okay well I'm a huge dying feet [Laughter] um I like that they have a record called wrong one to [ __ ] with now they're kind of like in this mode like as soon as they did that record and they like that then they released that that was the name I was just like oh they're like self-aware of how hard this is I mean how like ridiculous and awesome kill your mother right your dog yeah that's awesome yeah yeah insane like there's not enough people still being theatrical in deaf marijuana I think there's too much like oh we're really serious it's like no you're not you're talking about like decapitating people yeah it's us serious I mean fetus I will say like after I I thought this the first time I saw him which was when I was like 12 years old or some [ __ ] I saw fetus for the first time at a Summer Slaughter a really long time ago and then seeing them now it's just like I mean I can't believe how tight that band is it's like [ __ ] insane yeah Trey's [ __ ] Wild Man I mean he's like one of the best in the genre realistically also three-piece so like insane you you it's a specific type of psychopath that can play that type yeah you know they've been doing it for so long that it's [ __ ] crazy like that tour was just us like a bunch of people just like watching every day just being like Oh my God it's almost like spectator sports at that point yeah the drummer is that good yeah just like exactly because he's running a marathon yeah you know and doing touchdowns which is funny because Terror played right before them and it's the same kind of deal but just in a different style band of just like insane tightness but just like a different energy to it that's such a good lineup yeah it was sick that's done and now it's bringing who else is on bring me I think the first artist is sick brain and then the second artist is grandson and I haven't really listened to much of either of them but I know that it's both like pop kind of stuff I know that's like I think sick brain's a little edgier and then when I listen to a grandson song it kind of just seemed like pop to me it was cool um but yeah definitely a crazy lineup for this do you know or think you were a ticket add-on as in you guys are worth a lot or someone in the band Fox will not lose I don't know I don't know if anyone in the band [ __ ] with us or not we have like mutual friends I know uh JJ who is the session guitarist definitely folks with you guys but I don't think he's got that much of authority either yeah I mean either uh if they do like us that's [ __ ] awesome and if it's a ticket thing then we're glad to be here you know regardless I met a couple other dudes briefly in Spain at Resurrection Fest and those dudes seem cool and like uh I think that's that is it Jordan yeah uh he's hit like Kevin up talking about [ __ ] Jordan is the [ __ ] yeah he he's from where I'm from and we used to like playing bands to get like not together but like we would play [ __ ] [ __ ] punk shows when we were like kids that's it and then he this is my understanding of what happened I did a podcast with them so I can't maybe he proved me wrong but my understanding was he used to have a band in the scene like the reading Newbury area where I grew up and they were called worship and they just sounded I remember hearing about this they just sounded like Radiohead they were [ __ ] incredible I remember because I listened to that episode well yeah I think yeah we talked about it on there and Ollie was like I want to sign you to my label and then about halfway through like setting up a label was just like do you want to just join my band and make my band sound a bit about your land yeah and it [ __ ] paid off yeah it worked a little bit because I don't really like I never I never really [ __ ] with the stuff that was like to bury a dead style stuff you know like the old yeah yeah but then Jordan joined and I was like oh this is well I [ __ ] with them I [ __ ] with the tracks back in the day but I think pretty early on um because the first records like math core adjacent is yes Circle takes the square [ __ ] yeah and I love that stuff so like that's kind of what I was into and then they did a traditional death core record and I [ __ ] love Deathcore so I liked that but then by the time like they started getting into their discography it was less so just me not only being a fan of the music but also just being like wow this this like I'm blanking on the word um but the the transitions that they were doing between records the evolution excuse me yeah the evolution was so interesting to me and to see it paying off yeah I was just like and now I think that they're that Bring Me The Horizon is the definition of like oh if that's how you do that yeah like that's how you do that right you know 100 oh you want to get bigger the in heavy music that way to look no further and then like it's called of them and you guys do the same kind of thing where they'll like them this is where I was going with that question assuming it's not a ticket thing because you guys are worth a lot of tickets it's [ __ ] cool that they have essentially a pop package and for the majority of their fan base like Rock Fans yeah one of the [ __ ] heaviest heaviest big bands at the moment on tour and you guys do the same thing where you do like a [ __ ] house a Blues tour and it's like momentum or like yeah you just bring like yeah exactly finding it or hardcore well that's what's cool about bring me and I don't know if this is what's behind their decision to take us on tour which again if any of you are listening thank you very much the tour hasn't started yet but I'm very excited um is bring me sorry is bring me is like they've they've done this thing over the past couple years while that where they'll play a stadium rock set and then the middle of the set just be like hey listen to this [ __ ] [ __ ] and just play tell us later not to watch it yeah and they'll just play like the scariest stuff and then you know it's like everyone's probably like this is I don't know what this is going on but I always thought that that was so [ __ ] cool I don't know if they're doing that on this tour probably not but um just I if I feel like that's kind of the vibe is just like you know throwing a super heavy band in there because Bring Me The Horizon still has like a heavy energy even in their new music like the last record that they did like has heavy Parts on it you know so yeah [ __ ] like that first try it has a [ __ ] yeah it sounds like there's like a lamb of God riff in it and [ __ ] um so like yeah I'm I'm excited and I'm excited to play for those kids because a lot of it is also just like a young audience is really important to me like we haven't done a bunch of old people tours you know like you know how metal tours have a probably a bit of an election too yeah and it was great for us but yeah yeah like I mean we did Gojira and it was [ __ ] awesome but like it definitely goes over better with a younger audience yeah you know so that's why I'm excited plus you get the [ __ ] long Getty yeah you can get grab someone at 15 dude awesome you got 10 years out of them being the scary band is always the coolest yeah thing ever I mean we did a day to remember a couple years ago and it's just like there were some people that were just yeah you know just like scared you know but that's like a whole other cool thing you know in and of itself yeah yeah it's like I want people the way I get myself hyped up for the stage when I know the show is like that is it's like I would love for a good percentage of these people to be like that was so I don't want like that you know like I want to scare them away because I want them to have that memory of like what because like that's either gonna wow you or terrify you and either is cool and either is cool that was that's that and you get the [ __ ] the people like I remember like when I first got the internet the first thing I did on the internet other than I think charcoal yeah the like second thing I did on the internet right after it was Cannibal Corpse yeah because great posters I like saw quite seeing him on [ __ ] ice Ventura and I was like this is the scariest thing I've ever seen like what is it it's barely [ __ ] music and then obviously like then search for it I mean and then it comes up like oh it's just as scary as I imagine oh I guess I'm into death metal now exactly and like there's two types of people there's that one type of person that's like nope not doing that I'll stick to this and then there's the other person that's like well give me some more of that The Morbid curiosity give me some more of that before I Google images of train wrecks exactly and so like and like nowadays kids are into edgier [ __ ] than ever so like the metal stuff a band like ours is going to appeal like there's never been a better time for us to do a tour like bring me you know so I'm [ __ ] stoked you know and like I said the rooms they booked on this are not [ __ ] around they're [ __ ] massive so um when you guys do a big tour which I guess I'll leave it's always a big now like a headline tour how does that compare to like a smaller show to you like how do you feel about barriers uh we the best knock loose shows that like I said our favorite the our favorite shows are always like a good no barricade show beats out other shows yeah that's kind of just like a given and even if it's like yeah even if it's like a 500 caps yeah exactly it's like yeah it's a given if the barrier if the no barrier show is good it beats out everything else that being said there's it's there are two different types of shows and the goal is to make The Big Show feel like the small show that's the main goal when we go into playing like if we're playing Hellfest main stage yeah it's like okay well we're gonna try to go into this interacting with the crowd to make it feel as intimate as it can be like I don't want it to seem like I we know I don't want there to be a crazy division between the audience and you know I want the energy to feel like it's shared and you know it's it's so easy to feel that way when you're when there is a no barricade show you know when you're that close to people but the goal is to make it feel as intimate as it possible as it possibly can even if it's like a 2000 cap room or whatever what's the smallest shot you reckon you guys would would even be booked to do where's your worst moment we did 500 people we did a 500 cap yesterday in West Virginia middle nowhere yesterday yeah I'd love to see that yeah it was awesome barricade it's awesome no worries yeah it's [ __ ] sick sold out yeah yeah good for you why'd you do an EP the reason why everyone else didn't you think go on no sorry no let's preface it tearing the fabric of Life yes it's a [ __ ] I listen to it every single day at the gym because it's so short that I just pop it on and then I go this is this has been my life for maybe at least six months yeah we'll be I'm at the gym I put your EP on and then I put immutable lime of sugar on that I start a track two and then I skip a few tracks in the middle yeah and then my workout's done why first off [ __ ] record rules thank you why'd you waste it on an EP um so to say well he said waste shut the [ __ ] up make the phone if you don't know if you don't know it's considered a waste to do an EP because labels kind of don't take it seriously press kind of doesn't take it seriously yeah uh touring it's like Tom [ __ ] Bookers don't take it seriously so where we were where we were at was everyone was kind of doing projects like that because of covid yeah because of covid because no one knew when touring was coming back it was everyone in the world's excuse every band in the world's excuse to be like well we're gonna lock ourselves away and do a passion project and you know like everyone in the world did that but actually our idea for the record came way before that um the idea for a spooky EP came when we wrote in the walls off the 2019 record different shade of blue and it was when we wrote that song and it was like a ghost song You Know Brian explained about the ghost yeah if anyone hasn't heard the Brian episode listen to it listen to it yeah they go story um it's ghost as well with a lot of stuff yeah and then we had the idea from that time forward to do a ghost scary like horror themed EP so that had already been in The Ether and then when coven happened it basically gave us an excuse to be like oh let's just do that then yeah you know it was a pretty easy thing like we we already had the idea we were stoked on it and then it was easy to write we just booked one cabin stayed there for two two weeks two and a half weeks wrote it went to putney's a couple months after maybe two months after not long and it was easy you know the hard part of tearing the fabric of her life was um you know all the post stuff just making sure all the imagery was correct making sure the video it was correct a video was a huge part of it yeah and like that went through like five or six iterations like literally like we started it with the same guy yes oh yeah because we knew he was sick you know but you know somebody Brian just had a very specific Vision obviously because he wrote the [ __ ] story so um he's so cool he's so like secretly really clever yeah he's very cool don't tell him that though you'll hear it um at any point did you was it just always just wrapped up with the story or any point where you're like this is sick we should make it longer we knew that it had to be self-contained um that was the whole idea from the beginning and we didn't really feel like we were wasting the material on an EP because we knew from the beginning that that's what it was going to be like it wasn't like a you know we've kind of [ __ ] ourselves now because now we've done that thing where we're like we've done a a self-contained EP that's short and cool and like you know has the look and everything so now we have to put out full and that's good that's good and I won't settle for as good it has to be better yeah you know so we've kind of [ __ ] ourselves now with that but we knew that that's what we wanted to do you know we we knew for we've known for years that we wanted to put that out so when it came out and you know seemed to go as well as it did you know I mean it also is a kind of a little [ __ ] you to like the the tall Bookers and the press and everyone that don't take EP seriously because the tours that you're getting off the back of that yeah are insane yeah I mean we it's it's hard to I I'm super weird about I like I don't really know how to talk about how successful a release is you know because like it's it's hard to know because half the like full disclosure half the time we show up I show up to play a show even a headline show I'm assuming that like half these people just heard counting worms off of tick tock and that's why they're here and I think that that's yes I legitimately think so I noticed that uh Blue Ridge yeah and I I think that that's the case in most places I think that it's literally people heard counting worms off of tick tock or they heard you know the Gary mistakes like fractures mean you know and like that's a good percentage of why people come what's your views on those I don't I mean anything that has I've never seen a knock loose meme like that go off and be viral and been like I wish that didn't happen yeah yeah you know like I think they're [ __ ] awesome yeah I may not think that they're funny like the first time I heard the the SpongeBob knock loose thing I was like okay you know like I lost my office yeah I did not think it was funny at all but at the same time if someone does think it's funny and comes to the show yeah because they think it's funny and then like do people shout Gary before that section no thank God no that wouldn't get any [ __ ] ideas that would be bad but I I if someone if you're listening to this and have just heard my band from a meme and want to come to the show I do not think any less of you and what's cool is that if someone has heard that and is like unfamiliar with most of the music they'll come to the show and they'll see a bunch of other sick bands and they'll [ __ ] well I love you guys okay like that's how that's the entire point of the band like knock loose is literally whole point of the band is do the big tour take the kids they come to the headliner they see the smaller bands more people go to that show they discover hardcore they discover met like whatever like it's the entire Rising Tides it's the whole thing that we're trying to do and it's like always been that way from day one it was like yo if this is gonna happen like if we're getting kids in it's like we're gonna book a badass show and have a show that kids can come to and be like holy [ __ ] I found all these new bands yeah you know so really when it comes down to the memes and tick tocks and stuff if if there's only if someone comes to our headline show and Only Knows two songs I hope they like more afterwards you know it's like that's how I feel about it you know um but it's it's for sure a thing like a good portion of KL fans heard counting worms and were like this is the craziest thing ever you know you know you got lucky and it's not even getting lucky but like you didn't do it again yeah because if you'd have done it again the bark oh my God no I I know yeah exactly but like you know like how the Blair became a thing and now there's there's groups of people out there who don't like a song unless it has one in it yeah that's a mental illness yeah I mean there's lots of people that would love uh accounting worms part two with you know with four dog barks you know like I like yeah yeah yeah yeah they they want us to just keep going with it and like I said there's lots of people that are like into that stuff but it's like we what's funny is that you know that song has like a pretty happy energy I think the funny story about that song is that it has a pretty happy energy now because it's like people will just put the song over you know their dog you know making a mess out of something or like you know it's like it's such a joke you know now people are like oh County women's side I love this song but like back in the day when we started playing counting arms when we wrote it it was the most terrifying part of our set like when we wrote that song as soon as the clicks came in people were beating videos dog [ __ ] out of each other like it was not a safe environment you know like now we kick into people go yeah but back in the dead it was like oh no like they're playing that song I'm gonna die now you know so it's just it's kind of funny yeah I wonder if there is a crossover to like why it became so popular I don't think it became popular because it's the noise of a dog it probably became popular because it was like because after the dark noise it was a mix it's so heavy it's very heavy I think that I think that it popped off originally because it was like oh this song is so scary but then you know young kids are so [ __ ] desensitized to like crazy mosh stuff now that it's just like that have taken it Arf Arf yeah yes so many really so many yeah too many I I too many to name but there's bands that have done this guy too but anyone that's like I mean that one like corn and stuff like I but like a dog bark is pretty much you guys there's there are so many post post KL bands that literally looks off that literally have our art in their music but the thing is is that we weren't the first band to do that there's hella like old hardcore bands that have done yeah you know like that there's old Hardware bands that have Barks in their [ __ ] you know like [ __ ] scar head you know like has [ __ ] in there like they have barks on their music like a bunch of old New York Harper bands have [ __ ] like that and like we put that in there because we were like oh yeah they do that and that's hard so let's do that and then we it turned into this whole [ __ ] shebang but yes there are bands that do that now sarf is a genre that is funny I wonder if they do well if it I wonder if it will become bands that I kind of hate that clickiness I hate the Blair clickiness yeah like I get it it's like people coming at your boys Architects for not having uh well it's even like [ __ ] just stray you know yeah straight and we still there's one on the new record like it's a nice noise to me he's good at it he's good at it but it's like there's people that you know they actively just look for that in the music and then the YouTube comments are like not enough playing and it's got like 4 000 likes I'm like yeah I mean the goal for us is to write something that's so [ __ ] sick and so heavy that people you know don't like when we wrote a tear in the fabric of life you know and put that out people weren't asking for marks on that because it was so disgusting yeah because you didn't do it again that's why yeah exactly like we're not gonna like no we're not doing accounting worms too you know like [ __ ] that um big bigger Gojira influence on that one of the biggest influences we have as a bear so one of the few bands that we all like was the EP written before or after the Gojira tour oh way before way before way before was it hours before it came out on the gojiro Run that's cool as [ __ ] because what was track two God news yeah which is cool because Gojira don't play that part of remembrance life yeah only by the end exactly yeah we I mean go like I said Gojira is a huge influence same Australian people just don't get it people just still say Lucas Gojira is a metal band with insane breakdowns in it yeah still and they're still playing them yeah like they're born for one thing off the new record is [ __ ] crazy breakdown you know so it's like and they're so creative with them that's like how could you not recommend you know what happened and I'll I'll leak this right now uh Mario dm'd me one fortitude came out I know that posted well maybe it was just when the single came out when born for one thing I wanted to say born for two things then because one of the working titles on euthanasia was born for two things because I stole the China pound yeah just for one little bit um but like he post I posted about it and I was like yeah this is [ __ ] sick or whatever and he DM me and was like it's a little bit lighter than usual the next one is going back to full Morbid Angel style yeah and he just like messaged me that and I was like what's gonna happen yeah that's oh that like you just said that to me and I am 10 happier than I was yeah but like even then it's like I'm gonna put it up yeah keep talking yeah even then like like gozier like the fact that Gojira is able to play and like right like born for one thing like the fact that they're able to be like one of the bigger slash biggest metal bands that sound like that and play uh it's it's a breakdown you know like we when that tour that we did with them the whole running thing was us being like are they the biggest new like they're one of the biggest like bands that has like let that have like metal core breakdowns yeah like China breakdowns you know um I just can't believe that it's one of those bands it's kind of like Meshuggah too where you're just like how did a band that sound like this get this [ __ ] big when it's just this insane going for so long as well I first saw him in 2007. yeah bro thank you now we we're going back to the roots on the next album Morbid Angel slams I'm so excited that's insane that's [ __ ] sick yeah what's cool is that we were able to chat with them on that tour and be like what like what do you guys listen to like what are your influences abandon it's like the same [ __ ] it's like they're like oh we like Meshuggah and we like we listen to Meshuggah and converge and Morbid Angel and it's like that's what I rip off when I'm riding my slams so it's the same this is where it comes from someone told me the most insane story and I was like gonna save it to ask Joe if he comes on the podcast but then I think I burnt some bridge at roadrunner and no one's gonna do it so I'll just tell you the story that someone told me was that when they did that metallic at all yeah Lars and Kirk took Mario and Joe out for dinner and like closed off this whole Italian restaurant and when they go it's like a [ __ ] Mafia movie when they turn up and it's like sat down table with the [ __ ] light above it like with the white and red Checker yeah Italian [ __ ] mobster meeting and then they're having dinner and uh one of Metallica is like oh you want to come to the hotel room smoke a joint yeah which old dude smoking joints I'm all about that yes and then I can't remember who [ __ ] told me the story and then they go it wasn't anyone in Gojira so it's someone that's they've told so it might be hearsay but then they go to the hotel room they smoke this joint and apparently Lars and Kirk spend the whole time being super self-deprecating and just asking how to be so good how to practice this Kirk saying stuff like I've been playing these songs for 20 years and they just get worse like just being super humble and just asking them for advice that's [ __ ] cool yeah and that's sick but also like that's and it's funny because it's like Metallica is I'm gonna go ahead and say objectively the best band to ever [ __ ] play music that's my [ __ ] number one easily my favorite band it's not even [ __ ] close so it's like they can play they could play the most dogs first of all I don't think they sound like dog [ __ ] now I do it using that Daytona yeah like it's tight yeah I do not think they sound like dog [ __ ] but even when they do or if they do sound like dog [ __ ] it does not change a [ __ ] thing to me no and it's like Metallica 60 as well yeah yeah first off you're [ __ ] old that's the first thing no event second but you old as [ __ ] yeah you're old as [ __ ] secondly it's like dude I knocked loose compared to gozier sounds like [ __ ] dog [ __ ] you know it's like I hear [ __ ] ups in our music all the time it's like I like we literally are a band that like throws our stuff around still and like you know oh that fret sounded bad or like whatever like it happens all the time so it's like I I'm never concerned about that [ __ ] it's like Gojira will spend you know I'm sure you know this but they watch every set that they play they film every set I didn't know that okay so they film their sets and they will watch them back I don't know if they'll be mad at me for saying this but they film their sets and they watch them back and they review them and they're like they critique it I mean that's where why they are where they are yeah I would do that if I could be bothered if someone else was setting that up I would love it yeah because I notice stuff that I do when I film myself I mean that's the the I'm the I'm the [ __ ] in my band when it comes to like wanting to sound good you know like I'm the president you're the one that wants it just sounds good I'm the I'm the one that like look I'm I'm the Lars and Kirk right in my position I'm always like why can't we sound like them you know like that's that's my point in the band um and uh you know so that type of dedication to live sound is like something that I really really respect you know like they've literally they'll literally like go over a part and be like should this be three BPM faster or not you know and they'll play the part and like they get rid of a click they're like some songs yeah oh I didn't know that it depends depends on the track depends on the day I imagine because I've seen him a couple of times and sometimes there's like a section where it's just like wow that's really [ __ ] slow today yeah in a good way yeah kind of hopefully it's a breakdown I mean it's always it's always double kick off right now yeah I'd love to slow down some dump Coupe um this is going to bring me on to the [ __ ] everyone's new favorite section of the [ __ ] podcast so we need to start right now because otherwise we'll run out of time and Battery uh dream Festival um unless you've got any kind of like [ __ ] thing you want to get off your chest man I plugged your tour I plugged your EP I never do that for people yeah and it was seamless because we had a conversation while we were doing you know what I've had this dream Festival that I've been thinking about yeah yeah no exactly I have thought about this segment before because I knew this was gonna happen yeah so I'm gonna run you through what I need we're going to do it in we're going to do it in order yeah the nice and easy one where is your dream Festival taking place Melbourne nice now right now in like a venue or is it like a [ __ ] unified type deal like an actual Festival no we'll do no we'll do uh I don't have a specific venue in Melbourne that I'm like so we'll do it Festival so we'll do a festival style because those can be cool as long as it's a nice day out I I'm gonna it's my Festival so I can decide what the weather do [ __ ] anything it is so you know it'll be a nice like between they're probably like 70 degrees 65 so you're so it's not it's like a ustralian fall yeah I guess Australian summer not quite like false fall can be chilly it's enough to where you want to spend time outside but you're not cold at all hoodie on at night maybe yeah for the hoodie on at night yeah just so you can I mean I'm like a jacket guy so let's say it's it's the type of weather where you can wear a cool jacket yeah my favorite yeah coming up to that time I was walking around today and I was like straight up yesterday no yes yesterday was the first day it had felt like that yep in [ __ ] forever I had a big bowl of [ __ ] Ramen today that's so because it was cold and I was like everyone else in my band got ramen today it's your own yeah [ __ ] where Times Square yeah I was there when were you there what kind no actually when were you there like 1 30. I swear to Christ I have text evidence that they were there if not at the same time maybe 10 to 20 minutes after you no [ __ ] way yes I promise because it's all booth that we could have just been in there at this time I hope to know God that's what happened because I was like on my own so it's like I can't I could have been [ __ ] seconds away yeah do me a favor and text them and find out what time hold up no I have the like texts where they're like oh we're here oh my God yeah I'm hold on that's so [ __ ] funny because I remember I was there okay no it was after what time it was after it was like an hour after but they were in line while you were there yeah they would have been because the line was [ __ ] [ __ ] huge I wonder why I didn't see him when I left but I don't know I was there for a while because they just said we just sat down to eat and it was 2 41. but they were in line for at least an hour they would have been sat down when I was still eating or I had left because I was there at I can tell you exactly this is exciting podcasting isn't it I'll tell you exactly what time it was when I was there you ready yeah it was exactly four hours ago which was 2 30. [Music] that sounded weirdly like The Itchy ranging you were doing the [ __ ] X-Files in itchy round stuff um the point being I'm [ __ ] pissed if anyone doesn't know what ichiran is it's the best ramen in Japan and they have for some reason three in New York yeah um and Nate has only one recipe you can customize it it's the [ __ ] best yeah it's awesome [ __ ] um Melbourne leads me to the next question yes other than it being lovely whatever jacket wherever cool jacket what cool jacket you got at this Festival um you got a particularly cool jacket that you like lusting over I'm not joking I have so many jackets so I would need to look at all of them and decide which one you must have a favorite jacket I don't because they all go with different outfits okay you've got this outfit on so I've got this outfit on yeah right now so you're listening to the audio one he's got a nice sort of like cream pair of chinos white I can't tell because we're in the creamish creamish uh pair of Vans white socks black T-shirt gold chain that looks great so I think that I would I would wear a black if I'm wearing this outfit kind of I'd turn this inside out and and wear it so that it's actually yeah yeah and I put on a uh my green stone Island corduroy oh gorgeous yeah right what is the accommodation Arrangement a bearing in mind it doesn't have to be specific to Melbourne yeah it can be just ideal are you you're on a bus or you've got you know whatever I mean I think that the uh the ideal situation is a I think the ideal situation is I think we're going to do like a villa like a yeah a band Villa that's like big enough to wear my entire band can be there and our touring party be there comfortably but with also enough space to where people can [ __ ] off if they want to yeah but not so far away that it feels like enough rooms yeah like we're playing hangout area yeah we're kind of all chilling but at the same time it's like if someone wants to go take a nap they can but at the same time like Brian's playing fortnite we're all kind of like I'm there I'm visualizing it a huge like maybe L sofa yeah yeah and we're all just kind of hanging out and so yeah Villa Vibe and then maybe uh we don't even know if we're gonna take advantage of this but like because it gets it'll get a little cooler like maybe 50 degrees 55 degrees we'll we'll get a hot tub oh it's just about out in my mouth because we love those yeah big hot tub guys so we'll just put it there so yeah like Villa and then we're talking this Villa is somehow the most beautiful place I've ever been in the most Serene place I've ever seen but then the festival is somehow like across the street it's a dream yeah so that can happen yeah um who oh what is catering um so it was an obvious [ __ ] answer I mean yeah but what come on but is there an obviously I don't know if we're thinking of the same [ __ ] well bearing in mind what we just spoke about getting led into this [ __ ] okay yeah that's what I was hoping you were going for um but I'm gonna go ahead and say that I'm gonna have two I'm gonna have I've been I'll have two meals there and I'm usually like a one big meal a day guy I don't eat a bunch of meals I usually just eat one like actual I'm like oh I'm gonna pee pee I'll be a piece of [ __ ] for like 30 minutes and that's what it is so I'll have the option of choosing between the two I'll do ichiran as one of them yeah but what I'll actually go for and end up doing is uh is my favorite meal that exists which is this place called uh Eventide Oyster Company in Portland Maine and it's great Seafood in Portland Maine oh yeah and it is a uh it is a I think it's I think Connecticut style is the hot roll it's a hot lobster roll um and then there um their clam chowder which is it's there's like only a couple meals that do this it's almost made me cry before do you know what Mike it is so funny that you should say that yeah because I know that you genuinely mean that yeah the first time I ever had have you ever had a Papa John Cena pie yeah yeah the first time I was like I think I might cry yeah yeah like it's one of those things where so every single time Portland Maine is one of my favorite cities in the world already when I go there I'm usually going there by myself because like everyone else like doesn't want to go or whatever I just sit down I have my own little corner and then the the lobster rolls are like 16 I order at least three minimum free they're not huge they're like this big but yeah but it's you take one bite and it's a lobster slider yeah you're like ah I'm gonna cry you know like that's how you feel so I'm gonna have that there um but if I'm not feeling that for whatever reason you know let's say I'm afraid of seafood or whatever that day I'm doing I'll do Ichiro because that's like that's like as comfortable of a meal there's nothing more comforting oh especially if you're doing like Japan in the winter holy it was literally me today I was like I'm just kind of chilly today I'm doing it oh yeah yeah um okay now we should probably get on to the music yeah so small no let's go let's go this way who's headline Metallica easy obvious answer and then trajectory from that we will go to top five Metallica albums in order I think about this all the time let me guess let me says the best let me guess yours yeah Justice ride puppets black Kill Them All Justice puppets black wow and you're an Aquaman kill em all right why did your least favorite yeah that's because you've heard it all before and the [ __ ] VFW Halls yeah so I think I don't like the production on ride very much um but I can't like I don't like I don't really like Escape really that much whatever is and [Music] but like other than that Black Album back to front for you is good yes I see I've got Skippers on The Black Album I like every Metallica song that's ever been made besides Lulu doesn't count it's completely does not count it's not much yeah Spotlight um cover and some of the covers don't count either because it's not their [ __ ] I got Skippers on backup I love the blackout one I don't think holier than now is one of my favorite Metallica songs it's incredible that's incredible but when it drops down people I get legitimately upset when people think I'm stupid for putting Justice no justice is my number one as well because it's the most [ __ ] up metal record like it's so fake it's terrifying it's political yeah it's big brain but also the moshiest one it's the darkest one by Miles yeah the Productions yeah like one yeah the production's bad and it's still awesome I kind of like it yeah I don't care I wish there was bass but it's not enough to make me not listen to it like the like like the black and dimash part are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah like the turnaround yeah like I don't like yeah if you don't like it you're [ __ ] stupid and that's a fact hard agree yes okay so Metallica headlining metallic headline okay and knock loose while playing obviously yeah um yeah I'll play it who is main support to mataka so you know the sort of band that would be in a main sports slot it's my Festival so I don't know what you keep saying that no one is trying to take this Festival away from you yeah yeah and a corn coronal plane no that's my second favorite animal really yeah what's your favorite corn record that's tough that's really tough uh probably issues probably just for them the bangers on it yeah but it would probably go it would probably go issues and then the self-titled is like close behind it and then Life Speech because those that's just [ __ ] crazy um yeah so Corn's probably I'll do corn interesting I like I like issues I mean I love issues and I love follow the leaders shoes is just so weird I love for the leader but then like coming back to the self-titled has a grown ass man some of it can I can miss some of it yeah um but please come on the podcast uh yeah please but because actually like the newer corn Fox yeah they still they still rule yeah the stuff that was classic so here's my least favorite I'll go off about corn real fast in like 30 seconds there's a lot of metal bands that are around that you see them play still and they're they used to be like super edgy and weird and now with the and now it's a very like put your horns in the sky business as usual porn still weird it's still weird still weird yeah still awesome is far better now he's very good integral he's very very good at the drums very good um okay small band on that you just you would discover and you want other people to discover so like a tiny band this is me doing my bit for the community that I just found no you didn't just find but let's assume you're at the festival and it's like a band that could be on a tiny stage that you would stumble across but it is a band that you in fact like now this is me this one's going to be tough because I listen to so much [ __ ] tiny little small bones yes give me a stage then um you know what I'm just gonna I'm just gonna I'm just gonna be weird right now because I've been listening to them and it's something totally out of genre I want to put liturgy on there do you know who later yeah [ __ ] hell yeah down there um because I would want to see that yeah uh anyone that doesn't know it's this weird-ass symphonic crazy psycho Theologian black metal yeah borderline into [ __ ] stoneries yeah noise crazy [ __ ] and I've just been listening to a lot recently so I'm gonna put that on there but there's so many young so many like younger bands that I would like want to put like God like I literally spend my entire days thinking of like small bands you know my [ __ ] friends bands or bands that I love to see um so that's tough give me some give me give me a little [ __ ] stage okay can't look at my phone you can look at your phone I'm looking at my phone it's fine I need I I need I can't [ __ ] this up and just playing and on small gates To Hell from Louisville's playing gates to hell yeah it's a little hole so that is a a little band super heavy [ __ ] awesome um let's see vomit fourth is playing vomit fourth vomit fourth step no sounds like cryptopsy it's awesome I think I heard the name and never oh that uh sang with Sugar Bar is playing yeah how do I say that sangwa sangua Suga Suga bog bog that man's [ __ ] sick I just don't know so yeah they're [ __ ] sick and I've heard some of the new tracks live and it instead of going like more death metal is going more Meshuggah wow that's cool and the dude that plays in it is like a jazz fusion guy like they can do to writes it all it's like a craziest part it's so good that's why it's so [ __ ] crazy that's a drum King you need to watch yes what's that dude I think I uh is it I hate five six one yeah yeah it's [ __ ] crazy oh yeah uh weird I listen the answer to this is I listen to too many to I mean you just gave me a bunch that's good yeah okay um off the show what are you doing just so I can be for the 1975 is playing oh oh Sugar's playing this is a great Festival yeah so it's the sort of Festival that would happen in Sweden yes you know when they have those crazy mixes pataka's playing corns playing The 1975 playing in the Sugar plane maybe separate day 1975 but not least is there for the whole weekend yeah otherwise there's gonna be beef yeah it's your dream it's your dream I'm sorry yeah and then after after the show um we're going back to the villa and we're hanging out for a good amount of time we're hanging out to like 4 a.m nice because I hate because I'm I'm up late every night last night I was up until four woke up at eight I mean that's kind of me as well any reason for that mine is pure insomnia um and Sami has a lot to do with it but also I just it's important to me not so here's what happens I'm a night owl but it's also important to me not to sleep in late is what it is because like if I sleep in late I'll feel like [ __ ] [ __ ] see how I do the opposite I stay up late and then if I'm in if I'm in a building I'll wake up early but if I'm on a bus I'll go to bed at four or five o'clock and then I'll get up at like two three yeah I can't do that because what happens is I just feel terrible I don't feel good even if I get first off if I get eight plus hours of sleep like if I'm sleeping nine hours I feel bad I did that the other day on a Monday I feel bad like the night before Seth Meyers didn't sleep at all because obviously I'm just [ __ ] freaking out and then the night after slept for nine and a half hours I felt [ __ ] terrible yeah it's worse than what I didn't think I'm a six hours guy I'm a six hours guy seven seven is great six is what it usually is Eight's pushing it Nine's way too long and I feel great about it like my my schedule is like two or three to like nine you know good for you you're just like sick okay 975 my sugar you got anyone else no off the show hanging out hanging out because I I yeah I want everyone to hang out with me and you don't drink no I don't drink ever no I have never drank no clean clay match yes yeah I'm in a straight edge band not what I was about to say [ __ ] pack some drinks more than anyone I know yeah but in a different strategory yeah what's your straight edge man we're called inclination we're putting out a full length soon quick blood sweet plug yeah that's where I was going with that there you go what is it just straight a charcoal uh it sounds like uh Strife one king down that kind of stuff so you know that kind of like late 90s rules yeah that's [ __ ] take great man cool I think that's it that's us yeah we've done a this was awesome yeah we've done a [ __ ] nearly two yeah cut it down a little bit chop a couple of little moments out the camera's still going hopefully we're in Focus how long are you in the United States for now I have been here for nine weeks I am here until Sunday okay and then I go home I have 11 days off and are you excited uh kind of but I'm more like I was excited and then I remembered we're going straight back on tour after 11 days I moved into a new apartment four days before I bought a house right before we left closed the day before we left it happens to me I closed four days before leaving congratulations thank you um four days before leaving and then it sucks doesn't it because you just go away and you're like I've got so much to do yeah yeah I have to make my house look cool that's 100 yeah but I did so this will probably be the last episode of the podcast out other than maybe there's a stray one I've already recorded before I deliberately got an apartment that has such a big [ __ ] all Flex it's an apartment it's my house um but it's a big [ __ ] apartment uh a cool [ __ ] area to do the whole [ __ ] Joe Rogan looking thing yes Mike's constantly set up so great cameras constantly set up none of this Jerry rigging everything's sick LED light exposed brick work like this will be the last one before that yeah congratulations thanks man you too can't wait and then next when you're next in the UK not until next year probably what we'll do we're doing the stick to your guns tour but we're not doing the UK stuff because we did the UK earlier this year with Terror nice okay so when you are sorry when you're back over we'll do it again yeah I'm gonna get everyone in because that's what I was gonna say I I was wondering if you were just gonna go and do everyone in the band separately I mean I will definitely but it's definitely like I think having Brian back is a priority yeah he's the ARF guy he's the guy that creates that's gonna get you the stream boss brother I'm just gonna get a whole broadcast of him going oh yeah um and then like so now I'm thinking like I have enough space and enough microphones and stuff I could just literally get the whole band into one [ __ ] podcast we're pretty cool to interview and when we're when we're do when we do those types of interviews where it's like the homie yeah we're fun I promise you will find anyway this is fun I promise it'll be entertaining [ __ ] it okay let's wrap it up I love you check out [ __ ] not reduces EP check out inclination you got songs out or you just oh yeah oh yeah that's a like band is going strong and then on tour this one this will probably come out when you're still on tour yeah with Bring Me The Horizon you've got anything else at the end of the year you get time off no I gotta write this new narcos record which has to be better than the other one yep good luck to me my [ __ ] guy take care enjoy your tour peace
Channel: Craig Reynolds
Views: 42,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l8ctigQ7jWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 42sec (5202 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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