The Brown Rice Saga Episode:1 Complete Grain Prep, And Agar Transfers .::. Beginners Guide on How To

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[Music] yo what's going on shroomies and shets it's your guy with the fungi easy blue thumb and we are back with another one and in today's video we have our brown rice Saga I will be taking you from start to finish we leave no grain unturned let's get it let's [Music] go okay okay to start off we have three 2 lb bags of whole grain brown rice and we are going to prep dry jar and pressure cook our rice and prepare it for whatever inoculation we choose so we're going to bring our water to a boil oil and I do not do anything with the rice beforehand it is straight out of the bag and into the pot we do not rinse we do not wet nothing straight from the pot into the boiling water and we're going to set our timer for 8 minutes and as you can see after adding the second portion of my rice we have a bit too much water inside of our pot so I'm going to go ahead and extract that water lower the temperature on our stove and bring our pot to a rolling boil and we're just going to continue to stir throughout the 8 minutes we don't want our rice to stick to the bottom or stick to itself and there you go after eight minutes this is what we have beautifully prepared rice we uh separated some and put them on plates to dry soak up all that extra moisture whatever is on the grains and this is how you would want your rice to look after we are done as you can see the rice is not sticking to each other and it's barely sticking to the spoon you know once we get all that extra moisture we will be good to go and we can jar it up so I'm going to continue to stir this and we're going to let it sit for about 30 35 minutes and then we will jar it up all right all right so we have our jars pretty much filled to the top just enough space to leave for a breaking shake and this is not the full 3 lb of rice for 3 lb of rice we do get nine quart jars and I will be filling this with nine quart jars just needed to go and get two more jars and I also have one unmodified lid in there just to test and show you that you do not need a modified lid when you prepare your grains all right now that we have our Lids covered with our aluminum foil we're going to go ahead and pour our water and about little less than halfway up the jars now I'm using a 22q Barton pressure cooker if you're wondering and this is how I set it up for my seven jars and we're just going to go ahead and make sure the lids are not fully sealed about a quarter turn loose so that way the pressure doesn't build up and we have glass all in the inside of our pressure cooker all right so we already built up pressure in our cooker for about 15 minutes we're going to go ahead and add our weight and build up our pressure now to 15 psi and once it reaches the 15 psi we will then start our 90minut timer now I just want to be clear I'm not giving you instructions on how to use your pressure cooker I'm giving you the formula that I used for my pressure cooker please read your manual before you start messing with any type of pressure make sure your gasket seal is oiled and not dry but I'm not telling you how to use your pressure cooker figure that stuff out before attempting to use a pressure cooker all right so now once your weight gets to wobbling like this we now set our 90minut timer and we kick back and wait and wait and wait and wait some more once our 90 minutes is up we then depressurize our pressure cooker and honestly I did not really let this sit for too much longer we want to go ahead and Shake our rice right away so that way it's not clumped together so mindful this is very hot I don't know why I'm doing this bare hands we're just going to go ahead and Tien our Lids before we start shaking them up now for the lid with the x that is our unmodified lid just give these a nice Shake make sure we redistribute any moisture that's in there and make sure our grains are not all clumped together we're just going to loosen our lid back up on our unmodified and we are going to keep the aluminum foil on top of that lid as well to prevent any contaminants from uh creeping up in that thing you know so for our first pressure cook run we sterilize seven jars and for the next run I have two more jars that need to be sterilized so all in all we used three 2B bags of whole grain brown rice and nine quart jars yes sir your boy done went and copped himself a fresh flowy and we are good to go baby so I still prepared my work space the same way AC off for about 30 minutes and after that I let the flo Hood run for about 30 minutes while my jars cooled down I went and showered put on some fresh clothes and we are good to go I'll be lying if I tell you I wasn't nervous right now I don't know why but first time using the flo Hood Jitters I guess so while we have our scalpel cooling just going to go ahead and pop the lid on our jar and we're going to pop the lid on our AAR cup as well now though my hand is blocking um I'm cutting this into small triangles you'll see once I'm lifted out I'm using triangles instead of square just to eliminate that one extra cut just like cutting the pizza and I'm going to add about three to four chunks of AAR to each of our court jars that we have now if you notice I did not flame sterilize my scalpel in between the transfers and I'm doing that because I feel like my scalpel sterilized the agar dish is sterilized or the environment that the egar is in is sterile and my rice should be sterile so not too worri worried about the flame sterilization but when I move on to a new AAR dish of course we're going to sterilize and then proceed to be honest if I wasn't working in front of the flo Hood I would more than likely sterilize my scalpel after every two cuts that I make just because I wouldn't have that extra security of working in the sterile environment yeah I'm I'm hyped that I got out of that still air box and with our jars being almost full to the top they mix pretty well I found out if you just kind of give it like a nice little vibrating shake that the AAR just falls down to the bottom so there we have it we have one jar down and three two [Music] go just want to show you guys what it looks like when the AAR actually has some color so you can see it and that little bit of uh vibrating Shake definitely worked out for me and a little bit of a razzled Dazzle at the end make sure everything is distributed evenly now you got to be careful the AAR loves to stick to the glass and once it's stuck to the glass it's kind of stuck to the glass so you want to kind of just move Swift with that shake last but not least we have our unmodified jar I'm going to go ahead and wipe that down now the jar is fully sealed right now so we'll pop the top just as normal and we're going to make our normal pizza slice cut and our AAR and this one had a little mushroom growing out of it I'mma Be honest with you working in front of the flo hood is so relieving a beautiful feeling the still airbox is cramped it takes way more time to do what you need to do believe it or not even though you can just think hey it's a still airbox you pack and go no this is beautiful I feel free I'm able to do more with the time and I was able to create more content which is beautiful it looks appealing man the flow Flo hood is winning right now so hopefully it does its job and we're able to see some nice mycelium growth within the next few days give this the last shake and we'll set these babies in the incubation box and check on it in a few days days and see what we have hopefully the rice is good which I think it would be we we took the necessary steps we did our thing we should be good no worries man we're going to go ahead and clean our jar with our 70% ISO and we are placing the foil cap back on our lid to prevent any contami from getting inside our jar we're going to crack the lid with a little bit of a quarter turn just so we have that fresh air exchange and we're going to set these bad boys in our incubation box and check on them in a few days hopefully we have some beautiful mycelial growth which I think we will I have faith and confidence yes yes let's go baby we are 9 for nine let's go that's crazy I wouldn't think that eight days in we would have this much myelo growth out of this brown rice but it's doing very very well it's definitely a dope feeling knowing that you can provide yourself with all that you need for your atome ecology CU this is a big thing for those that work on a budget if you can get your hands on a pressure cooker and some brown rice or popcorn corn or whatever grain you choose and you follow the techniques uh that others set out or whatever you find from your research and you can provide yourself with everything that you need that's dope so this is a good feeling and if you got this far you should definitely be proud of yourself so pat yourself on the back and even if your results are not the same as this just go at it again and just keep trying so I'm going to let these bad boys rock out for another day or two and then I'll do my breaking Shake I appreciate y'all for vibing with your boy y'all be easy peace easy is up and running we have T-shirts hoodies slides go cop your granny and mug while you at it I appreciate the love and support go check it out easy let's [Music] go
Channel: EazyBlueThumb
Views: 9,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mycology, mushroom, educational, cultivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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